MIND BLOWING Results In Just ONE Golf Lesson!

This is probably one of the best lessons we have done on YouTube and the results were absolutely mind-blowing! We took Keith through a 3 step process, the first 2 steps built the foundations to help the golf swing succeed…the 3rd step changed everything!

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0:00 – Intro.
00:18 – Keith’s golf swing
01:24 – Step one
04:44 – Step two
11:21 – Step three

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Keith just gained 37 yards with his irons and before the lesson he was struggling with consistency and distance and all we did was work on three simple things that change the whole game and before we get to the lesson if you’re not yet a subscriber we release videos every week to help your game so make sure you hit the Subscribe down below let’s get to the lesson Keith let’s let’s fire away let’s hit a couple of shots and let’s just watch what’s going on you guys are going to see how good this golf swing is for 18 months Keith has been playing 18 months just bear that in mind when you see this golf swing very nice nice little draw okay hit me one more and there you go and there’s a beautiful straight what keeps me coming back golf golf explained in one minute there you go it is it is okay so a couple of things then before we get into it consistency is the important thing we know that there’s a bit of a mixture of things going on some tow strikes your average carries around 116 yards MH now you thought you thought that might be a little longer than that yeah these are what a lot of these shots are saying to us two goals today consistently striking it better at the middle so so we can see the direction improve but I want to I want to increase the distance considerably really okay we’re going to figure out how we do that we’re going to do one thing in the golf swing which is really important and we’re just going to change one part of the setup which is really how you’re holding the golf club okay so the first thing we’re going to change is the grip if you take your take hold of the golf CL for is perfect as if you’re going to hit a shot mhm okay okay now take your right hand off for me perfect and then just come around the side Pierce I want to show show this is really important because Kei don’t been playing 18 months I want you to be having a solid grip because this is going to influence so many things okay now if you open the hand up for me now for me good so we can see can we see how the the grip is very much in the palm of your hand MH now this is where we want to see it okay so if I just place it oh in a different place there how does that feel awkward award yeah so notice now it’s on more in the fingers and we’ve got the heel of the pad on top of the the club your left hand now is in a very neutral place this has a tremendous impact on what the club face does but also how we use the wrist to create some power but notice how different that is yeah totally huge yeah so this is going to be the this is going to be so crucial for the for your future game let’s go with the right hand now and see how see where this one goes what if you open the hand up for me good so notice now if I just sort of close a hand at how does that feel to you it definitely feels like I’m going to lose the club so it feels very almost loose and weak so now what we’ve got if you open the hand up there again it’s more in the more in the base of these fingers okay as opposed to the Palm so yours was a little bit more here we want it a little bit more in the fingers so it just fits nicely on like that okay so now what we’ve got keep hold of the club now what we’ve got is a really this is now let’s say a a really neutral textbook grip feels very strange to you it does but it has a huge impact on what club face does and how we use the hands from here so this V here between thumb and for finger points up the sort of right arm area really but this this one is the key one really in in those fingers which feels really strange okay if you hold the you take it down now to rest the ball what does that feel like yeah it feels really loose really loose yeah the right hand especially will feel loose yeah but now we’ve got a good grip okay let go you you don’t want to let go you’re like I don’t want I think what we might do today let’s get the let’s get the glove on for you so we got the the true group glove here this has got some markings on so we can understand where this goes so if you just put place that on the left and we’ll we’ll sort of get you just consistently using this today okay and then build in the grip so you can see here look we’re going to place it across the channel and then we’re going to close your hand on top of the club okay so if you there you go so when we’ve got a hold of the club notice your thumb is ever so slightly down the right hand side that’s perfect notice you can see the two of the knuckles on the back of that hand okay so we now have a really good grip but the key thing is the fleshy part of the hand is on top of the clo it’s not in the Palm feels like it’s in the fingers you almost feel it’s in the the base of the little finger there yeah yeah all the first few shots we’re going to hit before we even look at the golf swing we’re just going to build we’ll build the grip get a shot we’ll let go we’ll build it we’ll get some feedback okay and then we’ll go from there that’s good you made contact you you were probably doubting that at some point I was doubting it definitely good there you go nice that was good it just gets easier it just gets easier let’s go into into the golf swing of what we what we’re going to focus on so when the lead arm gets parallel to the ground we’d like to see that we’ve got somewhat close to maybe a 90° Angle now with your golf swing what happens is we get we actually fold the RO arm quite early which when we fold the right arm quite early it creates a lot of set in the wrists stops the Torso from working so by the time my lead arm gets parallel to the ground we’ve got a lot of angle and when we get a lot of angle we really have to slow down what the body does then we can’t really you mentioned it we can’t really drive onto the left side because we have to undo the angles that we create in order to square up the shot so our goal now is is a couple of things to get you wider on the way back this means more body and less arms so you look at the triangle that I create with my arms and the body here I want to move this triangle look at the right arm it stays a little straighter for a little longer okay but it but it means we get this more width which synchronizes the arms and body together in the back swing so let’s go through so take your setup again as if you hit going to hit the ball and I’m going to work this and you’ll you guys will see from face on here when I when I’m coaching I like to I like to go from here because this really is the sort of driver of the Swing so I’m going to go from here and all I want you to do with me is allow your body to turn now if we allow the body to turn early naturally this stays a little straighter yep without you trying to lock it out straight we’ve really got everything doing the work now by the time we’ve got here naturally we’re going to set the wrists here but now what we’ve got would you say there’s more rotation of the body oh yes more rotation of the body and the arms haven’t traveled that far so what we doing here and we see this so often amongst golfers is that it’s such it’s a common fault that’s overlooked the arm swing is Out Racing the body swing so I can do this the arms have done a lot but the body hasn’t done much what would be more advantageous for the majority of amateur golfers if we have the body doing a little bit more and the arms doing a little bit less instead of yep yep instead of this and you mentioned about the left arm you were trying to almost keep it straighter it’s easy to keep the left arm or the arms straighter if we rotate y watch this if I try and just keep my left arm straight with not really turning it’s really hard because there’s nowhere for it to go right as soon as I actually move I always think of Xander yes Zander Chau his first move is he’s really wide with the arms These Arms sort of stay pretty straight in this move away and it’s governed by the Torso moving it away really sort of solid move away this is what we’re going to get with you to do so all I want to do first of all if you can get started that’s a little bit more like this arms and shoulders working together right arms a little straighter but not locked out okay we’re going to see that everything else is going to syn up a lot better so I don’t mind you having a rehearsal where you go good and then then you hit a shot and just focus on the initial from here to almost here take away okay grip looks really solid now that every time bit slower in the first I want you to really be conscious of that move there you go I really want you to feel that it’s this triangle moving to the right there you go you got it okay yeah really intentional that is the slower you do it the better at the moment good and now go back and through for me beautiful really really nice we’ll do little rehearsal do a full swing and then we’ll hit the shot good oo felt great okay look surprised then look where that being then Keith where was that just do that every time please but now the now the intentionality needs to be there so it’s so temp you want to go straight to hitting the ball I want you to go rehearsal let’s ingrain the feeling let’s let’s get this motion where we go this is what I want to feel soft hands good there you are yeah perfect lovely that’s amazing good that’s amazing that’s what I like to hear good nice what will start to see now is that the word that you mentioned the golden word um consisten consistency your bad shots now will not be anywhere near as bad oh so good thank you very much so much so good thank you very much that was so much better lovely interaction with the turf do you know what what I love about this again we haded chat pre pre this doesn’t need to be as complex as most people make it thought you were over the top I’ve got to shift my weight I’ve got to get the left arm up in the air we haven’t done any of that because the key ingredients for you are grip and let’s sequence this back swing and it’s it’s often the case for you guys at home where you’re thinking all the wrong things but if we can create a good back swing that’s going to help us we’re like back swing coaches most golfers are working at the wrong things it’s it’s such a key part is it isn’t this interesting though because just going a quick one on this one because there’s so much information online now which is causing it’s great to have all of this information but how do we know whether it’s truly what Keith needs to do and this is the thing this is the problem I think we’re going to find that there so much information that you can try this and try that and try that and you keep going around in circles and never really get to the true root of the cause the only way you’re going to get to the true Ro of the cause is by having a golf lesson with somebody or doing something like maybe what we’re doing with pure your irons which you’ve just started where we know in pure your step one and step four is exactly what we’re doing here for you it’s directed at you now so you know know and instantly the changes can happen literally four shots four shots and and the the four shots have been similar yeah yeah let’s keep going I don’t want you to break too much now I want you to keep the rehearsals going and then we got one more thing to do okay lovely Beautiful Noise such a better hit yeah yeah yeah completely shocked completely shocked what are you shocked around actually that’s a it’s a good question what what’s the shock that it wasn’t it wasn’t anything big it wasn’t any any major thing that it had to change and I had no idea it was in the back swing you you wait till what he’s about to tell you because I know what he’s going to tell you in a moment and you wait till we put that into the mix and you go really that’s simple okay best one best one yet watch let’s watch the wind has gone up more and it’s by far the longest carry you’ve had you can tell the best one the strike was good longest carry you’ve had 125 yeah and it’s into the wind War now straight away the strike now is that that’s the best shot you hit by far jumped up to 125 longest carry that you’ve hit so far here’s the key thing I want to just go on that speed your Club speed then how fast the club head is swinging is 71.1 mph I want to get you longer yes we can do it with strike which we’re doing currently M but I want to change the intent now what percentage speed are you swinging at the moment 100 is as fast as you can possibly go 60 60 okay I want you to ramp it up to 80 maybe even 90 cuz what’s going to get us what’s going to get us from 125 to 140 is Club head speed cuz you can’t can’t hit it any better than that last one so you are based on that speed you are maxed out there so the way we gain you an extra 15 to 20 yards is by increasing the top right number there which is Club head speed so I mean that’s a hard lesson I’m going to give you a challenge I’m going to give you a challenge here 71.1 yeah okay I personally think you’ve got 10 mph in you oh my goodness not speed on the way back we want quality on the way back but the intention of going I’m going to hit this hard okay I think we’ve got 10 mph and if we have we we’re going to see some difference in yardage when we get it you watch Keith’s face when we get exactly what we know he’s capable of you watch his face okay good all good 77 77 we’re going to get we I want to see it in the I want to see it start with an eight because I know that’s there but you’ll get to it all we all we now doing is just conditioning Keith’s mind to go I don’t have to control the swing I can actually just free things up and let it go okay that was better that was better 77.5 yeah let’s look at the carry 130 carry okay beautiful that’s the best that’s the longest one you’ve hit today could the height as well in and this just like 133 we’re starting to move up now yeah still 777 maxed out are you come on come on ke what do we need to do to him to get him ramped up SL him in the face I think that’s right Keith you’ve got two and a half I’m going to push sh I want I want some more speed yeah a little left but great strike great strike again we’ve got what by the way we’ve had ball speed oh look at the carry yeah 141 yeah so bear in mind your average carry was 116 that means we’ve jumped you up 25 25 yards you’re hitting it just as good going fast right than you were doing actually better going fast than you were going better yeah okay beautiful beautiful strike a much better strike 79.5 look at the yardage yeah it’s crazy 153 it’s crazy 37 yards extra so far oh what a strike that one’s better that could be high let’s have a look yes okay 81.4 151 yards carry that’s the one that I was sort of waiting for really the the one that we did get to 80 and we made Solid contact 35 y extra right okay guys hope you enjoyed that and if you did you will absolutely love this video right here and don’t forget to check out me and or download the me and my golf app for all our best content thanks again and we’ll see you soon


  1. Interesting … my coach this week had me change my grip from relatively strong to neutral. Made SUCH a big difference in my face control and overall ball striking 👍🏻🏌🏻‍♂️

  2. Its all simple but the key is can you do it again and again and again? The brain and body has ingrained tendencies that everyone must overcome.

  3. You can't beat these 1 to 1 lesson videos.
    They're different class to just watching a pro hitting balls and saying "this is how it's done". Brilliant!
    And if Aaron's short irons tighten up a bit, his turn is just around the corner 😄

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