Golf Players

I Gained 30 Yards with Driver From This Lesson

Hitting your clubs further, especially with driver, can be a massive benefit when chasing lower scores. If you can increase your average drive from 200 to 230, or 250 to 280, you’ll be able to hit a shorter club into the green and have a better shot at making pars, birdies or even eagles.

But many players mess up their swing mechanics by trying to add power, and don’t end up actually swinging the clubhead any faster. Or if they do swing faster, they are out of sequence. In this video, coach Ed teaches Patrick an easy drill to be sure you’re getting swing speed at the right point in your swing, and it helps him gain 20-30 yards on his longer clubs instantly!

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so one of the things I’ve been working on in my game is trying to get a little more distance I’ve been playing with a lot of people on the weekends who are driving further than me and I I hit it pretty straight but when you don’t have much distance to get it out there you’re hitting maybe a seven wood into a green instead of like a you know seven iron or something it just gets a lot tougher to be consistent so I got a lot of questions about how to get faster swing speed without messing up my sequencing and everything so Ed’s going to give us some tips on how we can think about getting faster yep and one thing I’ll say though is that he’s probably shot some of the best scores he’s shot in a long time here the last couple weeks absolutely so I don’t want to sacrifice that and trying to get longer but I do think your next step as a player is to have more Club head speed and to have more distance especially with drivers yeah yeah I agree might be happy was good yeah happy with these shots you know honestly it’s as good as I’ve seen you hit it I I really feel like my game’s the best I’ve ever been right now it’s just all the all it’s like the putting chipping sand like approach it’s like all the little pieces have been really coming together the point where I really feel like I If if all of it comes together one day I really think I could break 80 which I’ve never done uhuh good and what have you been thinking about um you told me that was very simple thoughts right I’ve really been trying to simplify as much as possible I just I worry about ball position in terms of where it is in my stance how far I am I really try to get consistent with that I’ve been trying to work on making sure my feet are aligned and I I kind of flare my left just a little to help me clear my hips okay shoulders as Square as I can get it which to me feels closed sometimes CU my natural is to feel open so I I kind of two or 3 degrees to the right just to make it square according to the mirror okay and then I just try to using the mirror I just try to have a good back swing where I have my nice little takeaway get to this position and then after that I just try to swing through and not think too much good and and those aren’t too many thoughts we don’t want a lot of thoughts I mean I think that’s where most a lot of people might have great thoughts but they just have too many of them I mean absolutely and so um and I recommend that you keep track of your swing thoughts like maybe in a jour or something yeah um just what works you know man all I’m thinking about is my shoulder square and my takeaway well write that down and you know who knows 6 months from now you might need to come back to that yes and if you’re not playing very good you can look back and say you know when I was playing pretty good that’s all I was thinking about well the other thing that help me you you taught me on video actually um when we did that Parallax thing I think or some one of the maybe the alignment ones is this is my thinking box uh once I get here I’m done swing thought wise I’m just trying to get set up correctly and have a good takeaway and and and be visualizing also that that line of um things like we talked about in The Parallax one so it’s I can see where I’m the ball should be going that’s you know just try to visualize that good so yeah I I think most really great players do have swing thoughts but they usually just have one maybe two and that’s it and so um you know there’s a a lot have been written sports psychologist wise where they try to get people only to think about the Target and stuff like that and I think there’s some great players that just do that too um but I would tell you most of them have a swing thought yeah and but it’s usually just one maybe two when they’re practicing they can have more than that it’s a when you’re hitting a ball after ball after ball it it lets you focus on different things that’s how you kind of learn what your swing thought should be and by experimen with different ones see which which ones kind of help so I like that and what I’ve leaned towards more um historically most really good golf instruction is focused on setup and takeaway but at some point you know the the forward swing is equally important so I like people that are struggling you know maybe their setup’s good their takeaways good and they’re still struggling maybe they got to think about after the ball things you know and we’ve done that before in the past where I’ve held my hand here on your heel line and I told you after the ball the club’s got to go to here yep and so for many people this after uh follow through thought is really y it really important to understand and experiment with it but I but I like where you’re at now so um frankly most of this games getting the ball in the right place Y and so setup’s important being square is important and you know from there um if you’re set up correctly you have to make a good golf swing to make it go to your Target and if you’re set up incorrectly you have to make a bad golf swing makes a lot harder right to to get it to go to your target well I noticed that I play with a lot of guys who are my uncle has a notorious slicer and so for him to get to the middle of the Fairway he’s got to aim at these trees 100 yards to the left and then he’ll hit a big old slice in it it’s just you know it’s it’s tougher to do that consistently absolutely and to make contact yeah absolutely I mean it’s one thing you might slice it consistently when you hit it halfway solid but you probably can’t hit it halfway solid very often either so so that happens couple more here and then um these are definitely the most solid in the middle of the club faces yeah I’ve seen you all year really last two years these are some pretty good hits yeah they are it’s really good I think it’s cuz I spent that week with you in doozi yeah it could have been like your magic rubbed off on me for two days huh see that’s just awesome yeah now the only thing we’ve discussed off cameras is that you know that you would like to hit it farther than you’re hitting it yeah I’m getting out driven by 70 year olds and I’m 37 so I’d like to at least be able to compete with with them on speed and uh frankly I think you know technique wise it’s getting pretty good um I think you’re only hitting it as far as you’re swinging at it I mean the club hits speed you’re swinging at right now um you’re you’re probably pretty close to maxing out MH so the only way we’re going to hit it farther is to have more Club head speed sure and one of the ways I simply like to do it go ahead and hold on to this stick let me have your club and just swing real easy where it doesn’t make very much noise at first good and then just try to make it as loud as you can make it wish it loud so so what went faster my arms for I I feel like my body’s not moving much faster but my arms are swinging faster and then that’s my opinion is correct it’s your arms and your hand speed that that develop this so so we’ve been talking a little bit about you know what do we do to get better you know to get more Club head speed if I’m a player y um a lot of the top guys uh biomechanics wise think grip strength probably is the biggest indicator of Club head speed the higher the higher a player grip strength is the stronger they are the faster they swing the club and if it’s grip strength that’s the determining measurement on what somebody’s capable of swinging a club head how fast well then that means it’s your arms and hands that are probably responsible for the most part M and developing speed yeah does does using the ground better and what you see now online where people are jumping off the ground and having pressure points on different parts of their feet at different times does that help it does but for most people they’re not ready to experiment with that yet do the best players in the world get on Force SP plates and try to get better at at and increasing their Club head speed yes they do do they get faster yes they do but they’ve already maxed out their arms and their hand speed they’re maxed out and so they’re no different than you are they’re trying to get better but so if they’re maxed out in one area they have to go to another area is it more hip speed is it using the ground more and can that help yeah it can help but for most I don’t think you need to worry about the ground until you’re over 110 miles an hour a club head speed for driver for driver yes cuz until then you can get there yeah with just your arms probably yes and getting stronger and better technique with your arms and hands y and and that is the way to try to hit it farther for most players in my opinion that’s just my opinion but I would tell you just from experience watching I I think you’re talking about Elite athletes that are learning this footwork and if you’re not an elite athlete definitely not I don’t mean you in particular I just mean in general if someone’s not an elite athlete there they’re going to have an awful hard time coordinating yes yeah this ground interaction does that make sense well especially if yeah you’ve got other things to fix first probably absolutely and so that’s my advice keep it simple but learn to swing things faster okay so I mean that’s the whole theory behind speed sticks and all those all these training speed training things is they swing light stuff yep and there’s not much lighter than an alignment no that’s just so I actually like that or I like turning your driver upside down and just swinging the handle faster and so you can spend money on these training AIDS but you can really do it with an alignment stick and you can do it by turning the club head over and just swinging the handle Y and um you can do a one armed and two armed but what you’ll find is it’s hand speed and how fast those hands are going that’s really going to improve you the most well we were talking about this uh before we started filming and that’s when I do one hand I can really get some action and even my my left hand I can get some speed I was maybe faster but when I combine them it’s like it feels like something’s putting the brakes on a little it’s hard it’s hard to I and I and only you can feel that yeah um and so my advice would be to swing this stick a lot one handed each hand and then two and try to duplicate it with two I mean you have to get to that point and go golf is hard cuz we’re using both arms y they have to swing together yeah uh one of my favorite drills this is this is one of the greatest drills ever I might have shown it one time early but I like you can start this way if you like you can turn them over with the handle but I like holding the shavs 6 or 8 in apart yep see that mhm and as I swing I’m going to hinge and I’m going to keep them six and 8 in apart back and through if I can do that I’m swinging both arms together and so you know then you can switch and make it heavier with the club head but you can see that I do a pretty good job of swinging those back and through most people they’re either this way or they’re that way or they’re this way on the way down does that make sense and so a pretty good drill um is to learn to hinge both hands and swing both clubs together I like that a lot you could do that with two alignment sticks and um then try to whoo it fast that sense and so that’ be a great drill for anybody that’s looking to uh um um skilled improve their technique too but also and get some speed too yeah and we’re really trying to keep those together see mhm and so where most people mess up um is they try to swing their body too hard uh but the club head’s got a long way to go so our body’s only got a few inches to go and so most people when they start trying to swing harder and harder they just keep slicing it more and more because their shoulders end up getting open um at impact and then the club’s behind them and it’s going to be a slice so you actively are thinking swing your arms fast and and because I noticed that too when I’m doing a good job with this my my body when I try to swing this as fast as I can my body doesn’t feel like it does almost anything really it’s just the well it doesn’t when you swing those sticks one arm yeah that’s does your body do anything I mean it really it feels like it’s almost all basically my bicep down to my wrist is all where all that action is coming from so and I mean that’s pretty I don’t know what how fast is but it sounds fast yeah no kidding faster than you swing much faster yeah I know yeah and so but yes I and it is so um some of it’s god-given ability I mean uh I mentioned to you off camera you know that I I played baseball as a kid and you know I played a lot of baseball if you took a video of me throwing a ball there would probably be no better technique yeah you couldn’t be better yeah but I couldn’t throw it but 80 M an hour mhm and there’s some guys that can throw at a 100 Y and those guys make a lot of money they do and so but uh and it’s you know what what causes a guy to be able to throw a baseball 100 miles an hour and another guy only 80 um I don’t know I mean um um but it’s definitely they have more arm speed MH and so um and so I think arm speed is important and I think that’s what most players Focus should be on if they’re trying to hit it farther as arm speed and um you know I I’ve talked before I I learned a lot from a guy named Manuel deori and he was telling people it with arm speed you know back in the 70s you know and so um but uh but I think he was right for the most part and do I think all those other things that you see the top players doing to try to hit it farther does it work yeah obviously it does but I think for most people um you just have to um understand what your limitations are and and I would go about the ground reaction last I’d go around hip and body and big muscles next to last and I’d go with arm and hand speed first it’s what I would tell you if you’re trying to hit it forther yeah yeah that makes sense and so and and learn to swing light things learn to feel what it feels like to go fast that’s the whole theory behind all these training AIDs that are swing speed training a absolutely just training your subconscious brain to be comfortable so and I I’m recovering from an injury a couple years I think I think that’s a lot of it is whether it’s conscious or subconscious I think you’ve got a little governor in there absolutely keeping you from swinging too hard because you’re afraid to hurt your side again y y and so but I think the more you swing a light alignment stick and the more you realize that’s not hurting that area then I think the the more likely that is is that you won’t have as many inhibitions about going faster I think you’re right y so that would be my hope cool but uh but that’s what I would tell you uh I like those swinging just sticks a lot turning the club over swinging the handle in especially like with a graphite shaft a driver is really good the louder you can whoosh that end the the more Club head speed you’re going to generate yeah and um I think if you focus on so grip strength exercises I mean if you don’t want to go to the gym um but you simply keep a racket ball in your car and you just squeeze it as you’re going down the road going to work or going to the golf course or going home and uh anything you can do to work on grip strength yeah I just filled I learned this online but I filled a big bucket with rice and I’ve been going through and trying to kind of knead through it and apparently that’s a really good way to build up it is yeah I remember the baseball players back in the 80s I used to do that so so so yep that’s exactly yeah see if it adds any swing speed for me yep I think it will yeah you’re definitely hitting it solid yeah and so um I think um you know keep hitting it that solid and then just gradually working on Club speed and you still have to match up your body and your arms swing together to hit good shots yes but I think you will y okay well that’s one of the big things for me improving My overall game I think is that I’m really hitting it pretty well lately but it just if I hit my driver 200 I got a long way into a par 4 versus if you hit it 250 it’s like you’re picking quite a different Club to get there absolutely yeah so so I think it’s important to work on getting more distance for you I think we’re at that step so we’ll keep you posted here next few weeks how he does but um but that’s what I would tell you if you got access to a launch monitor I think it’s great to monitor your Club head speed there’s some pretty inexpensive ones that only measure Club head speed seen that and um and um I recommend them I you know and they also don’t you don’t need to hit a ball for them to work you can swing and see how fast they go I know that super speed golf yeah um training Aid sell one of those and it’s not it’s less than $100 for for just swing speed and but you know even in the backyard if somebody get that you know swing speed monitor and you know just try to increase a couple M an hour each week yep you’d be surprised in three or four weeks or a couple months how much faster you’re swing absolutely but it helps to be able to measure it yeah and to see if and that’s the other thing you can by have access to a launch monitor or one of those things it’s important to measure it cuz you know you could swing as hard as you want but you may not really be generating Club head speed yes and so you’ll find out um you’ll find out um how much effort is wasted you know and is it worth it you know can you generate more some people literally can’t and then the harder they try all they’re moving is their shoulders faster and that usually makes them slice it more yep and so so it’s important to measure to see are you as is this effort am I really swing in the club head fast well I see that with a lot of my playing Partners well they’ll they swing at it with a lot of effort but what ends up happen is their shoulders get open and then they get that Big Slice on their drives absolutely yeah I see that every day so I bet so but yes and so it’s important to measure and to see you know most of the tour players over the years if you ask them would tell you they feel like they swing at 80% you know yeah and I that’s a pretty good figure probably because at at what feels like 80% to them is where they have maximum Club head speed yep yeah and any more effort probably wouldn’t really go much further it doesn’t it doesn’t get so that’s not worth it so then they they don’t try to they don’t try to exert that much effort Y and that’s why you see Fred Couples and and Ernie L’s and guys that look effortless swinging they figured that out yeah okay makes sense and so and then the other thing that just to finish there was speed at learning um to the correct mechanics of how much your hand should hand so you’ll see almost every player on tour with their lead arm in the shaft forms a 90° angle and when that 90° angle is let go of at impact is where really the speed comes from in your arms and hands and so um that’s why it’s a killer in my opinion if you’re not hinged enough or if the first thing you do on the way down is lose that hinge Y and I know we’ve talked about a lot of different things on this channel um I like leaving the hinge I don’t like feeling I’m pulling but I like holding on to that angle and then I think the release feels more like this on the way down but see I’m still maintaining that angle so I’m a lot of people misinterpret of what we talk about releasing the club earlier um you’re still maintaining that angle later um but the rotation is that way and so that’s where you get Club head speed is forearm rotation and losing this angle at the right time and so we’re swinging fastest at the ball yep the the guys that cast or lose this angle early they actually might have a lot of Club head speed back there by the time it get the ball it slowed down by 10 or 15% yeah and so I see that a lot too yeah and so U but that’s what I would focus on if I was you I’d swing these sticks a lot I like that two Club drill that’s really good one too you showed me that a couple years ago it’s one of my favorite drills I do that one a lot and it just helps with sequencing it does you know one of the things for me me sometimes I feel like my my right side doesn’t come through all the way it gets kind of lazy and when I do that drill I really can feel both both sides of my body have to come through at the same time together that’s where that sequencing comes in yeah and learning to swing both arms together yep and so great drill one of my favorites absolutely I like it too so I would highly recommend it cool all right yeah yeah sounds good let me hit I’m going to um do a couple just fast ones with this I’ll try to progress going with the um alignment stick and then I’ll swing the back of the club and then the club and just see if I can feel any faster Swinging with just arms like that oh faster now go faster even faster that’s not loud enough there we go that’s so I can get there I know well it’s easy it’s light yeah I feel like my wrists when I try to go for more speed I get more of that wrist action going okay so well that’s what I mean by its hands and wrists so I agree with that yeah arms wrist hands yeah do it again a little thin but yeah a little thin but feel like maybe I had a little more on that one I do feel like my my I feel more that wrist throw at the bottom when I do that good that’s definitely farther I’m H at probably what 10 or 10 least further yeah yeah that’s probably 10 I think that’s one of the things I’m missing is just that freedom to let my my is a freedom thing you got to you got to let it go yep I couldn’t agree more I thought it was fascinating they just played in New Orleans in the team event yeah I I follow that Michael Kim on Twitter you know I he’s great he posted it today you know how he likes playing in that format cuz he’s like Freez him up he’s not scared to hit a bad shot and he realizes that that’s what he has to do as an individual player but he it’s easier said than done I I thought it was a great great I did too I read that same tweet I thought that was pretty interesting great I guess we still call them tweets we Callet post it was a post something like that I don’t want Elon to get mad at it I think it’s a post see that’s better hey that was good uhhuh you can see it gets up in the air and that one flew I haven’t hit a seven iron that far in a long time that was great yeah that was great I I think you’re right I think I just need to have that freedom to swing at it more but you’re right don’t try to rip my body through it just focus on getting that and they talk about you know it’s a throwing type motion right and it’s like but you’re just trying to feel that at at the right time down there yep I agree and you can see it goes higher in the air too absolutely the harder you hit it the more it’s going to bounce off the loft yeah so that’s a lot better yeah these are great I hit one more see that’s great yeah I think I gained 20 yards compared to my warmup shots on that so awesome thank you you’re welcome Bud good beautiful that’s right where you’re aiming that Height’s definitely better you can see so that’s fine 225 that’s I mean that’s literally 30 yards further I I I could show the data on my uh when I was doing top Tracer yesterday my furthest Drive was 2011 total and this is I mean I carried that probably to that’s 205 good job I just gained 30 yards that’s just swinging faster yeah with your arms which I think it’s just I just got to get comfortable doing that you know so that’s good all right cool awesome thank you


  1. Just got back from 18 at an executive course …and i had some great shots , mostly by using course management…hitting to a distance on the par 4s instead of trying to hit driver… but id still have some erratic shots ,some multiple in a row ..which saw my score still almost as bad as in the recent past … cant remember do you guys have a lesson video on improving making g consistent contact drills ? Got my chipping on the right path ,improving greatly from yoU guys (and another guy for simplifying setup with club etc) so id like to try anything youve got on contact … its the only thing left that frustrates me lol …i dont feel im changing anythiNg yet one swing will be flushed perfectly and straighT…the next i setup the same swing and its a top or chunk it ,maybe 3 of those in a row , then a perfect hit on the next 5 shots ….and im not even talking g about bad lies (ball above or below Etc) im talking about g a normal fairway or low rough shot

  2. Enjoyed the lesson. Curious, is it possible for Ed to elaborate on how to hold that wrist angle? Thanks

  3. Great lesson and drills. Thanks! Curious about “grip strength”… that is t the same a grip pressure, right? I feel like I can swing faster and do a better job releasing the club through impact with a fairly light grip on the club. Where does grip strength differ from that?

  4. Where is that tee shot from @ :04
    Doesn't look like Old Hickory – but its been 7-8 years since I played there.

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