How To Compress The Golf Ball With One Easy Tip

This tip is simple and will help you hit crisp, compressed iron shots immediately. Johnny Miller calls this his number 1 tip for improving your golf swing. It is gold.
Johnny Miller won 25 times on the PGA tour and won the US Open and the British Open. He is a golf hall of famer but almost as important is he was an announcer the saw 1000’s of great golf swings. Johnny knows a few things about the golf swing, so when he talks about the golf swing you should listen.
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you need to do is now get that left Shore which is way behind the ball if I leave it in this position like this I’m in big trouble I Johnny Miller was one of the greats on the PGA tour and as an announcer saw thousands of great golf swings I’ve struggled with hitting the ball slightly fat at times and not compressed this tip has solved that problem well here it is I try to do on my irons U that everybody should do is um is try to make sure that my left shoulder gets back to where it starts or if anything a little ahead of where it starts because that ensures that you eliminate the left side of the golf course and it ensures that you get the ball first and the divot second um like when I won my last 18t I was on that 18 to Pebble of course all the trouble is left on all three shots and I just made sure when I got over the ball and when I came down I actually moved into this knife blade IM imaginary knife blade even ahead of where I started and then then hit it and it eliminates the left side no way it could go in the ocean let me show you how to work this left shoulder so it gets you the ball then the divot and makes you hit the ball flush and trap it on the face okay what I try to do when I’m over the ball is imagine I try to really think where that shoulder is right there so once in my mind once I turn away from it I just want to return right back to where I started if I do that I’m going to probably make a pretty good shot I can’t tell you how common of a mistake uh this move is in the game of golf the momentum of the back swing pulls you off the ball which is okay as long as you get back but you what you need to do is now get that left shoulder which is way behind the ball if I leave it in this position like this I’m big trouble I got to get that left shoulder back to where I started and that allows me to get the ball in the divot if you leave the shoulder back so of Sway and stay I call it you’re in big trouble when golf it works a little bit with a driver because you want to hit it on the upswing but for irons you have got to feel where that shoulder is here move it back here and then your first moov down is get it back to on where it started and then hit the ball if you do that you get good solid contact and trap the ball right on the face


  1. I just started playing last October and I’m 62 trips around the sun. One of so many difficulties I’m having is ball compression and hitting the ball before turf. Great lesson!!!!!

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