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Wesley and George Bryan excited for Myrtle Beach Classic | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Wesley and George Bryan, who have an increasingly popular YouTube channel, join Golf Channel to discuss what it means to them to compete in the Myrtle Beach Classic. #GolfChannel #PGATour #GolfCentral
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Wesley and George Bryan excited for Myrtle Beach Classic | Golf Central | Golf Channel

golf Central on YouTube is brought to you by the new Chrome tour golf ball from Callaway hi I’m Whit Watson this is your golf Central update the PGA Tour has a double header this week the inaugural Myrtle Beach Classic starts on Thursday a lot at stake for guys playing there including a 2-year PGA Tour exemption for the winner the field includes the Brian Brothers Wesley and George and they caught up with Damon hack and Aon Lynch on golf today Wesley and George who you might know from their play at the game’s highest level or you might know them from their rapidly growing YouTube channel with over 350,000 subscribers they are sons of South Carolina how great to have them with us on this Wednesday back home live from Myrtle Beach Wesley I want to start with you because you nearly got into the Wells Fargo via the Aon swing five you finished seven so now you’re with your your big brother but is that kind of a win this week that you get to play with your brother again on the PGA tour yeah I was honestly right after the Dominican I was wondering if there were scenarios in which I could turn down the Wells Fargo invite and come play Myrtle Beach because we kind of had this one marked on the calendar for a while and I almost played good enough to play my way out of it which I guess would have been a good thing but uh would have been disappointing for sure George you almost made it into the field directly through can an influencer playoff event that why do you think that was a kind of a a smart move for the tournament to try to draw more attention given how difficult it is to find oxygen for for professional golf events when they’re up against the best players in the world somewhere else down the street man the heavy hitting questions early I like it um no like when I finished out on 18 um of the of the queue and chipped in the water and made a mess lost my spot I mean I was heartbroken legitimately stung and I was like man I lost my chance of playing in a PJ Tour event in my home state and got a call a couple weeks later and really flipped the script and um it’s an honor and a privilege to be able to represent my home state um use our platform to tell the story of Myrtle Beach the myt Myrtle Beach Classic um because again as as kids we grew up coming here and playing golf from probably age five to to who knows how old um and so the fact that we can use our platform what we got what we have going on YouTube what Wesley has going on on on the golf course uh to part of the story is something that I probably won’t be able to put in words how much it means to me um and as a family so it’s it’s it’s an honor to be here and we’re just excited Wesley we talked to the good good guys in Phoenix and I brought up the Brian Bros and they kind of were were bowing like you two are like Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi when it comes to this space via YouTube and trick shots how much do you feel like an OG Wesley you kind of launched this entire franchise as it were Wesley not uh no it was George George launched it um I just was the one that hit the ball out of midair but it definitely was was George’s deal getting the whole thing started up um and yeah just I I also feel like one of the ogs out here on the PGA tour now because I feel like there’s very few guys out here that are older than me um luckily one of them yeah is sitting to my right here but at that group yeah that is a good-look group right there I’ll tell you what that right there I know you asked a question I’m gonna Micah CAD for me in the Open qualifier this past year and that was one of the more heartbreaking losses I’ve ever experienced to not make it in that US Open but um back to the original question uh yes the the I guess at the time it was Garrett Clark who was posting stuff on Instagram and um we started he was probably the first one that started doing the trick shot stuff and then you had Josh Kelly and uh coach Rusty and we started to quickly realize that our talents as as trickshotters was just not that of of the guys coming into the space and conveniently at the time I got on the corn fairy tour which kind of convenient for you it was very convenient for me George do you think the golf industry is starting to catch up and realize just the the scale of reach that YouTube golf actually has for an audience that maybe isn’t attracted to network golf yeah I think it’s it’s people are starting to see the reach and the um that YouTube golf has but I don’t think the people people within the Golf Community really understand the the how big the reach actually is um it’s cool to be a part of it and um I’ve said it a lot of times like yes we want to to build our platform brand whatever but we want to represent YouTube golf as a whole well and see it when and see it grow because we believe in the power of it we know how awesome it is a for golf in the next generation of golfers and we know that they’re consuming it in mass quantities but like we can be a positive light not just on the PJ tour not just in Tradition setting for we can make YouTube videos are fun um that people relate to that they they watch and consume and we can you know have an impact on lives in that way and it’s it’s really cool um and something that we’re just excited to be a part of and to be fair it’s it’s more fun for us uh as participants in the content than it than it is for people consuming it so uh being able to do what we love hang out uh travel around the world and play golf with your best friend and your brother um it makes it pretty special for us as well Wesley I’ll never forget walking into the Golf Channel offices back in 2016 you won for the first time on the corn fairy tour would win three times that year but after that first win our Ace researcher Kevin Ryan told me that you’d won the golf tournament and I said the trickshot guy like that was my first reaction it wasn’t your golf Bon of fees it was the fact that you were a trickshot dude are you comfortable that some people will always look at you as a trick shot guy and not even a PJ tour that maybe the first line on the on the resume is trick shots I mean I feel like you would have uh referenced me as the almost All-American from the University of South Carolina um or or a standout Junior player but yes I guess sometimes I’m I’m referred to as the trickshot or sometimes uh even taking it back to the Big Break days uh or um I still get a lot um of comments about being roony Tomo from one of my original Dude Perfect debut so um yeah it’s it’s fine it’s all good fun um and we we enjoy at least being able to be recognized for something other than the mustache the mustache is a little brutal but had to bring it back no it’s it’s you have a good it’s a terrible I think guys will be able to tell you A Part whenever you have played in tournaments together previously are you going to pay any attention to where the other guy stands on the leaderboard as you’re working your way through your own round or is that just figure that out over dinner nobody else matters in this field I literally do not care about the other 130 other people in the field or I think it’s will there be I w’t I won’t be on my phone personally I will say that off to check leaderboards but I’ll be on my phone there will be like well we’re playing back toback so I’ll kind of know where he is but no we it’s a very whole by whole thing hey how’s Wesley playing what’s he at and in Bermuda when I was dominating him in the first round I was like I almost felt sorry for him I was like what he’s that he’s doing that and I was like and then they started chanting let’s catch West yeah then it changed but it’s one of those things that’s always um kind of motivated us when we play playing tournaments together is like the tournament is almost secondary but the but the primary thing is to beat one another and like if we’re playing bad we always want to like catch the other and so it’s been we’ve had a lot of good battles now not as many as as late Wesley’s been playing a little little better I mean they saw it just this week on YouTube it’s fun it’s it’s what’s Driven us I think it’s what’s helped us get us to where we are um especially where Wesley has um right now well Wesley this is the first event this event at Myrtle Beach Classic this is Golf Country to have a PGA Tour event you two sons of South Carolina I mean it wouldn’t be the same without you two but how meaningful is this connection this part of the world in golf having the PGA tour in Myrtle Beach yeah I feel like as impactful as the state of South Carolina has been in the game of golf really from the existence of the game here in the states um to actually get another PGA Tour event is huge because you’ve seen it uh host r cups and major championships and to finally get another uh regular PGA Tour event is really special and here being in the golf capital of the world it makes way too much sense I honestly can’t believe it took so long to get one here George Wesley it’s great to see you both the Brian Bros my kids going to be watching you this week hoping you guys make a lot of birdies bring home a trophy but most importantly have a lot of fun and thanks for joining us thanks guys [Music]


  1. Love these boys. The fact that they weren't paired together is a crime but still excited to see them catch a dub!

  2. I wish they live streamed the Myrtle Beach Classic on Youtube..out here in South Africa(golf mad country😎) can only watch the wells fargo. It is very disappointing, that we can't watch the Bryan Bros live the weekend😢

  3. Golf Channel going to get a surplus of views from Youtube Golf Nation showing their support for our darling Bryan Bros!

  4. Jerge, Wedgeley, you know that we all are pulling for you! Loved the pictures of the "big six" with Grant, Micah, Mason and Cole!!! LET'S GO!!!!

  5. The PGA tour is selling the best golfers competing to win. YouTube is selling as stories. Both are entertaining from diff aspects. And if someone can put them together that would be great. Netflix, The Turn, and on course ear bud interviews are a good start…

  6. George is definitely Yoda! Way to latch onto the train TGC! These guys, Taco and Good Good are setting youtube golf on fire!

  7. My buddy shot 62 at Mon Qualifier for a Korn Ferry event. He missed the cut by 6. The guys playing Korn Ferry are amazing.

  8. Came to the tournament this weekend to see the Bryan Bros. Their genuineness through their content makes them more relatable than the regular PGA guys. Good luck in round 2 👏🥃

  9. Neither made the cut Friday in an event with no well known players. I only recognized 4 names, all of which I never see mentioned anymore. Tough weekend for the brothers.

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