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OVE: Did Ohio State Football and Ryan Day Make a Major MISTAKE?

There are some rumors circulating out there that isn’t painting the new Ohio State football offensive coordinator in the best light. Chip Kelly is being attacked by former players DeSean Jackson and LeSean McCoy dating back to his days as the coach for the Philadelphia Eagles. Did Ohio State and Ryan Day make a mistake by hiring Kelly, who is said to not have had a good relationship with some of his former black players? Will this negatively impact the Buckeyes recruiting going forward? Let’s discuss.

01:07 Today’s Poll Question
04:45 Shohei Ohtani Updates
25:15 Would you Welcome LeBron Back to the Cavs?
29:45 Chip Kelly Under Fire
52:30 WWE Segment

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Ohio has a vibrant sports culture with a strong presence in both college and professional sports. In terms of college sports, Ohio is home to several renowned universities that have successful athletic programs. The Ohio State University Buckeyes, in particular, are widely recognized for their football team, which consistently ranks among the top contenders in the NCAA. Additionally, the University of Cincinnati Bearcats and the Xavier University Musketeers have established themselves as competitive forces in basketball.

In terms of professional sports, Ohio boasts teams in all major sports leagues. The Cleveland Browns and the Cincinnati Bengals represent the state in the NFL, while the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Cincinnati Reds are iconic franchises in the NBA and MLB respectively. Ohio also has a beloved NHL team, the Columbus Blue Jackets, who have gained a loyal fan base.

The state’s passion for sports is evident through its dedicated fan bases, enthusiastic crowds, and the many talented athletes who have emerged from Ohio. From notable figures like LeBron James and Urban Meyer to the successful high school sports scene, Ohio truly embraces the spirit of competition and sportsmanship.

welcome to the OV podcast on this Thursday the torque Sam Grooms OV podcast every day Monday through Friday want you to subscribe like follow all that stuff as we get going one day away from Solo Cup Friday and by the way Solo Cup Friday the new qfm beer Q Brew gonna debut that tomorrow uh Sam I won’t I’ll get some to you at some point probably the following week no worries I’m sure I’m sure I could run into something tomorrow to drink yeah I I’ll let everybody know where the CU Brew is going to be it’s going to be in grocery stores I just can’t remember which one so we’ll find out tomorrow appreciate you hurt at work or in an accident let Atty attorney Robert sugar go to war for you atw for on today’s show Chip Kelly getting destroyed by former players the Otani gambling Scandal smells fishy Roger Goodell up in the ante in in pro football some tiger news some brown stadium news so we got a lot of stuff to get to on this Thursday Sam especially the poll question we’ll get to in the second segment if you want to chime in Lebron Brian winhurst of ESPN reporting LeBron’s gonna opt out of his deal would you welcome LeBron back to the Cavs as simple as that doesn’t doesn’t LeBron always sign like one or twoe deals and opt out so he can get the max money when the salary uh cap increases anyway well I think this one’s different because there probably isn’t any chance he comes back to Cleveland the question is would you welcome him back but I think with with LeBron it’s a status thing and we know if LeBron wanted to win a title he wouldn’t resign with LA that’s not why he went to LA to begin with you know the the title is a bonus but for him it was about Hollywood about the production company about being bigger than basketball hey dudes earn it played a long time one of the greats in the game if he decides in his mid-30s that hey I’m going to take my career in a different direction I got to think of my career after basketball he goes to LA to do that they did win a championship in the co year in the bubble year so you could you know but but but it’s not about championships with him right now Sam if he wanted to win a championship he’d go to another team what it is about him is Bradley Beal was the last player to have a full no trade deal he waved it to go to the Suns and for LeBron he wants the power to resign with the Lakers and be the only guy in the league I think he’s the only guy in the league to have a full no trade clause in his deal so he has that power the status you know status symbol of being the one guy in the league that won’t get traded no matter what because come on let’s get real if LeBron picked up the option I think it’s 50.1 or 49 million do you really think the Lakers are going to trade him to begin with but I think with LeBron Sam it’s about being the one guy who has that full no trade clause yeah I mean it’s Mr passive aggressive it’s always been a he’s always been an eye guy uh I think that’s relatively hard to deny but yeah I I I just don’t like I don’t I hate talking about the NBA because I I don’t watch it I don’t really care to watch I I told you the other night I tried to watch a bit of the uh game two the Timberwolves and nuggets and I just it’s just not palatable for me and then you add into the fact that Friday it’s gonna be great well it was a game three tonight the Cavs is that right uh game two tonight it better show up yeah but uh I just I don’t think the guys worth my time to talk about when all this other stuff’s going on so um yeah I mean the one thing I will say uh as a businessman and as a player in the NBA you want to work towards having his most the most control over your career as you can um you know I I know that LeBron probably wants it for because he’s just Vain and he’s an ey guy but I also won’t fault him for trying to retain uh as much control over his career and where his employer could potentially trade him as as he can so I don’t fault him for that at all so uh you already said the poll question we got would you welcome back uh Lebron uh to Cleveland and the Cavs if for some reason he does opt out of this contract and is looking around uh first topic I want to jump into is this is uh there’s some news coming out on the show hey Otani case um I was thinking the other day I’ve actually been thinking a couple times a week where why haven’t we heard anything more about this and well there’s some more information that come out um Show’s ex interpreters pled guilty to bank and tax fraud um I don’t know necessarily and I think we agree on this that this doesn’t NE does not pass the smell test um mahara alleged is alleged to have stolen 17 million from Otani to pay off gambling debts uh that he made with an illegal sports book a bookmaker in California uh which the max punishment for what he has pled guilty to is 33 years of imprisonment And1 and a quarter million dollars in fines uh neither mizar’s attorney otani’s spokesperson or the Dodgers uh wanted to comment at all on this which I think is probably the fishiest part to me is you’ve got the Dodgers in Major League Baseball and Otani want this to go away as fast as possible and this kind of proves my theory in that well if you want something to go away as fast as possible you’re not talking about it when given the opportunity or am I wrong there or am I you know taking crazy pills again well I I just think it’s weird from the okay so he wired money to the sports bookie right in California that’s still legit right using Otani money and then he also took 17 million of otani’s money to pay off gambling bets at a separate sports book correct and usually when you have these major cases like this right a high-profile case no matter what it is these cases stretch on for a very long time it just doesn’t pass the smell test for me just from the standpoint it just happened a month ago right Sam or six weeks ago not very long ago and all of a sudden baseball says all right we’re gonna look into it and then all of a sudden there’s a plea deal and he’s going to wrap this up really quick and what cases what major cases wrap up this quick right it’s almost like hey we need this to go away help us out make this go away so the prosecutors come up with a plan where hey we’re get because he did plea it it just seems to me like there’s a Fall Guy here it’s this interpreter uh what you hear from Otani Sam is that the reason why this guy had access to otani’s funds because Otani doesn’t know English so he trust him fully with everything in his life and then okay let’s let’s assume that is true okay but a guy of this magnitude or the I guess the the the star that he is internationally not just in the United States not just in Japan is going to have more than one guy in control of his assets or monitoring his money he’s going to have accountants uh legal representation financial advisors more than likely with control and oversight of these accounts as well so what doesn’t make sense to me is let’s just assume everything we’re being told is 100% true and accurate it doesn’t make sense to me that there’s not other people over seeing this and bringing this to otani’s attention far faster than what’s actually occurred it just it still it just does not add up completely to me and how does he Sam have this much money in just like a savings account or in a bank account it correct me if I’m wrong isn’t only $250,000 um backed up by the government meaning if something happened where if you lose money the bank loses money or whatever it is isn’t it only $250,000 your money remember when that that bank went under in the government like in Colorado where the government reimbursed everybody’s money maybe like a year ago a year and a half ago I thought like when you look at your bank account it says like fed insured for like 250,000 just like for the most part people don’t have millions of dollars just sitting there in a savings account the banks don’t like it they want you to invest in something usually it’s in a 50 Sam you’re a financial guy if you are worth let’s just say Otani has a100 million wouldn’t any smart person have it 5050 portfolio a IRA a 401k you want to diversify your funds how many people with $100 million just have it sitting there in a bank account not working for you so your question about FDI a money market in a money market maybe yeah so so FDIC insurance covers up to $250,000 uh but that bank and what you’ll see too oftentimes is when you have sums of money that large and depending on the size of the bank so I’m assuming that a guy like shy Otani is not dealing with you know your local Regional Credit Union he’s dealing with Chase Goldman sacks these large entities right that can if you were a guy of that net worth and to put several Millions hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank that’s too much risk for the bank to hold yeah so essentially what they’re going to say is we could take up to this level after that you’re going to have to take the money elsewhere so um but yeah I mean there he he’s what you see in high net worth individuals is largely and to a degree you’re seeing this with with the Donald Trump case too and I think it’s a point that needs to be brought up is you’ve got a guy that on paper’s worth maybe a few billion dollars but that doesn’t mean he’s got a few billion dollars sitting in a bank account or liquid it’s tied up in assets whether it’s uh investment accounts Real Estates business interest it’s those types of things that add up on paper do doesn’t necessarily mean if he goes to the bank he can pull up that amount of cash or whatever his net worth is so no I again I just it still doesn’t make sense to me with the like you said the speed of which this is moving you’ve got obviously you’ve got a party in Major League Baseball and the LA Dodgers and O Otani to a degree that want this it behooves them to make this go away and they can’t so it just nothing adds up although they the feds did release a little bit more information regarding um the extent to which mizuhara was basically imit potentially like not potentially allegedly imitating Otani uh he was constantly changing the login records and the like the contact information that for example um if mizahar I believe is to alleg to call in to take out a sum of money for a car loan um and when the bank needed to confirm that it was Otani the phone number listed where they sent that six-digit uh two-step uh activation went to mahar’s phone not to Otani so he did have complete control you know some of that stuff makes sense but still you’re going to have people professionals that are going to have access and if mizuhara did go in and change like that who’s able to you know monitor this stuff those people are going to raise red flags and say to Otani hey man we’re we’re you’re paying us to keep an eye on this kind of stuff and we you know we can’t anymore what’s going on yeah it it just seems too clean too quick baseball wanted this to go away he’s the number one star in the game right uh you know in this plea he’s going to and it’ll be curious to see what you know because he could receive 33 years right he’s not gonna get 33 he’s not and he agreed to pay the full 17 million that’s never going to happen so you just wonder is there I obviously he was doing something right it just just the information that we have is probably what we’re going to get correct it just doesn’t smell right for me I don’t know if he’s completely taken the fall for Otani if you remember folks there’s a video floating out there of Otani and The Interpreter and I think it’s like the Dodgers convention and they were talking about like what they did in the off season and they were joking around about just take having a gambling Bender in Vegas and they were both laughing about it so like Otani said well I’ve never been on baseball I’ve never gambled but yet there’s a video floating out there of you taking questions and you and your interpret interpreter laughing about just getting back from Vegas after a gambling Bender well correct me if I’m wrong I thought Otani did enjoy gambling he he he may have said that he never bet on baseball which obviously he can’t but my understanding is he enjoys gambling and betting on a lot of stuff if I recall correctly I haven’t seen anything on that oh well you know maybe that’s something that got that swept under the rug and disappeared too you know it’s just like you said if he does doesn’t it make it look more suspicious that it yeah and you know the MLB is still running him out and when he’s going to when he’s going to away away stadiums people are giving him a standing o and stuff it’s just like nothing is nothing at like we’re it’s it’s upside down world everything that should be happening is not it’s the exact opposite and how fast this is moving and we go three three four weeks without hearing a peep and next thing you know we get this Deluge of information that the Dodgers and Major League Baseball nobody wants to comment on it just the press conference am the press conference too the press conference like six weeks ago where he just read a statement and that was it right and then the weakness of the press to not do a full investigation where is where is Yahoo sports where is someone with a sack in this business that’s going to investigate of what really went on what may this is maybe this is the truth but it just doesn’t smell right for me well and if if it’s it is the truth you’ve got nothing to worry about get out in front of it as much as possible if it if it is the absolute truth you should have no problem having a press conference and getting in front of this because the more accurate information that you are able to give us as fans or as the media for example that proves your innocence the better yeah so the fact that you’re hiding behind this and we you go dark for prolonged periods of time and then you don’t want to comment when sufficient a bunch of information come it makes you look guilty regardless if you are or not I’m just telling you what the Optics of this looks like it looks terrible yeah and andfo ton did Sam bet at all like gambling cause because remember this folks even though gambling’s legal what they were doing sports betting with a bookie is illegal in in the state of California which is where he’s played his entire career right so how bad does Baseball look and I’m going to put a tinf foil hat on okay I’m GNA be tinf foil hat guy right now okay let’s say oh Tony was gambling a little bit whatever it is how bad do you look in baseball that you have a lifetime ban on Pete Rose and then this happens do you as baseball want to let the crack open like a little opening for Pete Rose to come back to baseball or because there’s such bitterness baseball’s bitter at Pete Rose folks Giamatti was bitter at at Pete Rose Commissioners but seelig especially bitter at Pete Rose Rob Manfred is Bud celik’s mini me the Commissioners Office are old school guys they hate Pete Rose they don’t want Pete Rose back so Sam would there be an opening or an uproar from the fans who love Pete Rose if they they found out that oani wasn’t on the up and up with this wouldn’t that open the door for Major League Baseball to allow Pete Rose back and I really think there is some serious personal hatred with the commissioner’s office and Pete Rose you can’t deny that no I I completely agree but I think the difference between the two situations is this Major League Baseball needs Sho Otani Major League Baseball does not and did not at the time need Pete Rose so you have this because it was a violation of the Integrity of the game baseball’s always been this Integrity of the game types with all of them right but but baseball’s really since the black socks of what is it 1919 or whatever the hell it was I mean baseball’s really tried to keep the gambling the up and up aspect out of its sport yeah I I just I if you’re the difference is you have major league baseballs almost working with Otani to make sure this gets covered up because you don’t want the you don’t want to carve up the Golden Goose yeah right I mean that’s why I think different you know I I’ve made the point I I many times we’re all Hypocrites to a degree so saying that Major League Baseball is being hypocritical and how they’re dealing with these two situations like that shouldn’t surprise anybody but it’s again it just somebody should be out there that wants to get to the bottom of this because I think if you really really wanted to there’s ample information out there and so many questions that either are suspect in the answers or we don’t have answers to that could actually lead you to to what is actually happened and yeah the the mere fact that we don’t have anybody out there doing that is a little bit little bothersome I mean maybe it’s they don’t want to you know piss off Major League Baseball I don’t know but there there’s too many questions that are either the answer we’ve received or a little suspect or we don’t have answers to it all and I this thing’s just getting sealed up way too n nicely and cleanly and when in reality I think the second this was released I think sh Otani because there was ample amount of information that at minimum uh he was illegally betting on sports in a state where you can’t he should have been indefinitely suspended while the investigation took place they did it with Trevor Bower right there was an acis accusation no charges against Trevor Bower and he was suspended for the remainder of the Season until Major League Baseball investigated and then they carried on for another season right so they really took their sweet ass time with Trevor bower for a guy who’s not really liked in baseball you know that’s the truth a lot of the former teams you know he was considered a pain in the ass because he wouldn’t follow the protocol of what the coaches would say when he’s throwing you know in between starts kind of a weirder dude right didn’t you know not the most popular guy out there with his teams traded multiple times but with Trevor Bower it was you’re suspended multiple years and now that he’s found uh you know it was just R you know whatever he wasn’t guilty it turns out the woman was lying about the entire thing with evidence to prove that she was as well including text messages she dropped the case against him the Civil Trial uh go watch his video it’s very detailed orientated about the entire case of what went on during it but yet he’s blackballed from baseball his Peak earning years too yeah and it’s not like it it’s not a case where and I’m not even a Trevor Bower fan Sam but but ask this when it comes to journalism is dead right this is just a question out there for everyone Sam where do you get your news if you wanted just straight news I want news what’s going on in Ukraine what’s going on in on the Gaza Strip I want news I don’t want Fox News I don’t want MSNBC I don’t want CNN when journalism journalism’s dead it’s dead because there isn’t a source where you can get unbiased news when you talk about sports news Sam where are you going to get sports news from without a opinionated slant and where is the investigation into Otani how come HBO Real Sports has done reports in the past about SEC coaches paying players they’ve done investigations in this stuff Cam Newton investigations right where’s the investigation in Otani I’m I don’t even know what’s true or not it just smells like crap I think we’re I I think what they’re doing is they’re trying to to seal up all loose ends as fast as possible they’ve got a story that they can run with they’ve got a fall guy that they can pin it to and they can keep their Golden Goose producing for Major League Baseball don’t you think it’s weird last one on this don’t you think it’s weird that The Interpreter hasn’t the only statement was an interview with ESPN where it contradicts Otani and the Dodgers in Major League Baseball story that’s and with within hours of that coming to light it was he came out and changed his story yes that we haven’t had a comment or an interview or a press release from it it it just seems strange to me I I don’t yeah I completely agree there’s so many loose ends here that I I ju Just smell they just stink again I’m with you I think we’re I think we’re being fed some BS here and you know it’s probably gonna go it’s gonna go on and nothing’s going to happen you know I if this is not the truth we’re I don’t think we’re ever going to get what the real truth truth is yeah people have been protected for a long time it happens in politics it happens in sports this shouldn’t shock anybody that the face of the Major League Baseball is getting protected here I mean it shouldn’t shock anybody I think any sport would probably do it for their major Superstar right especially in a game like baseball that is just dying for high-profile players right you’ve had the pull hoses the jeters you’ve had some pretty big guys retire the last few years you’ve had a lot of Scandal with peeds in baseball right a lot of the poster boys of this sport have been using peeds not recently but I’m talking about like in the past decade so there’s a lot of dirt with baseball right now where they’re trying to clean up their act and this isn’t good for baseball when we come back Sam two former Philadelphia Eagles taring the crap out of Chip Kelly the question is did the Buckeyes make a mistake bringing in Chuck Kelly as your offense Chip Kelly as your offensive coordinator and we’ll talk about our poll question would you welome welcome LeBron back to the Cavs next on the OV podcast we go to war for you at Sugar schar trial attorneys we don’t back down accident call us today at 877 War for you or visit War for free consultation know your rights because results matter that’s 877 War for you 877 War for you or visit war war for you War for thinking 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you guys leave Menace Sports no we didn’t but it was mucking up a feed where if you listen to Zach and Chris and then you listen to us we would pop up at different times they would pop up at different times just kind of separate the muck so that’s why we are now OV podcast on our own on the streaming services they remain menaced to sports so if you’re looking to us like some looking for us like some people have just hit that follow button just search OV podcast and it will get you there appreciate you Sam today’s poll question every day we do it would you welcome LeBron back to the Cav Brian wior reporting that LeBron is gonna opt out because he wants a no trade uh once to no trade clause in his deal probably right around the SA money wants to be protected they weren’t going to move LeBron anyway right so he’ll resign probably resign with the Lakers but the question is would you welcome LeBron back to the Cavs because if he really wants to win what gives you a better opportunity to win to sign with Cleveland as a free agent or stay with the LA Lakers I think the answer is pretty clear well so so my answer would be this is and I know I’ve talked about how I wouldn’t necessarily run want him around the Ohio State basketball program but you’ve got a guy that maybe what three years Max left in his career he’s he’ll be yeah three years so I mean that’s that’s going to put him at 43 okay um you’ve got the demand or the want or the desire whatever you want to call it that he gets to play with his son or Sons so you’re either gonna have to waste a Draft pick on on Brony and I don’t even know if they have them in Cleveland because of the uh Donovan Mitchell trade I think it’s every other year you can trade a pick not sure where they’re at this year with so so yes or at minimum you’re going to you’re going to have to lose a roster spot to them so you’ve got an aging Elite Superstar who maybe has three years left in the tank Max you’ve got an unproven undeveloped uhh 19-year-old coming into play my my question would be to to people that support something like this is why like you’re going in the right direction with what you have now you’re playing in the second round of the playoffs what’s the goal is it to win a championship could do you think that LeBron coming back in a three-year period is going to win a championship again is he gonna deliver that I I just don’t understand why your when your franchise is going in the right direction you would disrupt the apple cart by making this move oh I think they would I I think in a season in a series like the Boston series right now especially game one uh Lebron would be perfect for this team uh they’re not playing defense LeBron would be yapping in their ears LeBron could be a leader for this team with this with these young guys kind of inexperienced in the playoffs I think it would be perfect for this team I don’t worry about the roster spot uh I think he would make them better uh would they go to the NBA finals I don’t know I mean in the East it’s always been tricky Milwaukee’s been eliminated their former NBA champs in the first round the last couple years Boston looks like they’re on fire right now and they’re going to repeat as Eastern conference championships but we’ll see I think LeBron I I don’t really there are things I like about LeBron but when it comes to making there’s a lot of players that I don’t like that have gone to my favorite teams and I just really haven’t cared I just don’t cheer for them I still cheer for the team like the John John Lackey one of my least favorite players in the world signed with the Cubs I wanted him to give up 10 runs a game I just wanted the Cubs to score 11 one of the ugliest of crap one of the ugliest men in professional sports John lacky and he’s not a good dude I could see that he he looks like a he is a yeah I I I just not to mention the fact that two or three years of bad contracts are going to have to to dig out of after he’s retired I I don’t I just I don’t understand when you’re going in the right direction without without him why you would why you would interrupt that really the question is would you welcome back would the fan base welcome him back I think the fans in Cleveland would I don’t understand why they would but I think they would yeah oh they defend him like crazy say anything negative of LeBron the people just go absolutely nuts man he might be the most popular player in the NBA still at least Ohio I mean name me a more popular athlete all time in Ohio when it comes to Cleveland sports than LeBron James I don’t think there’s anyone even close to Ernie Kar maybe the closest Mark Price is there anyone from the artist formerly known as the Indians that would have the popularity who would be the most popular Indians player Jose Mesa Manny Ramirez Penny Lofton Roberto Alamar Omar vcll yeah Omar vcll maybe I’m I’m just throwing names out there I just you want to know who’s not popular Chip Kelly yes oh boy I don’t know they they I don’t know that the podcast has dropped yet but they put a it dropped this morning okay watch so the we I saw the teaser I have not watched the the podcast but uh basically lesea McCoy and deshun Jackson uh are on this podcast and somehow they started talking about Chip Kelly oh they did the entire thing on Chip Kelly well they’re talking about chip Kell 45 minutes on this dude you know what it is though Sam real quick before you get to it if you’re launching a podcast you gotta boom with controversy to get eyes and ears on your podcast uh when Zach did his first podcast he talked about his situ situation at Ohio State boom it creates headlines it creates attention uh these guys uh you know let’s give a little backstory Leshawn McCoy accused Chip Kelly of being racist years ago I mean this isn’t anything new from the lesea McCoy standpoint and with Deshawn Jackson Chip Kelly released him I’m not saying anything they are saying is not true I’m just saying let’s get a little uh information out there of why these guys were do doing what they did to episode one of their podcast so I would say I I I would say this even if Chip Kelly weren’t the offensive coordinator High State football you can like or dis or in this case dislike somebody but what pisses me off is when somebody like this throws the race card at it when based pass though he’s based upon the Optics though I don’t I don’t see that it’s like did Chip Kelly not have other black players playing on his teams anywhere he’s ever been has he you know has there ever been anybody else that have come out and said this guys openly racist like again back to having a bunch of questions that you don’t have the answers to like it just seems like sour grapes coming from guys that were did not like the fact that they were supposed to uh achieve more than they didn’t during the chip K Kelly era while at the uh with the Eagles and then the fact that they got one was released and I believe one was traded yeah you know to me it’s don’t if you’re pissed off be pissed off and say hey man I didn’t like how this ended or what whatever it was maybe you just didn’t fit in the system maybe you uh maybe your production had dropped and you know they didn’t want to pay you or they didn’t want to give you the roster spot maybe there was somebody better I just there’s a lot of there’s a lot of much easier explanations as to what happened with their relationship that is not racism so I that’s I guess my biggest issue here is like you can you don’t have to like the guy that’s perfectly fine I would imagine there’s plenty of players in the NFL that have won with a particular coach or a GM and they didn’t see eye to eye on a lot and they probably didn’t like each other but I where I take a little bit of not necessarily offense but what sounds a little fishy here to me is like that’s immediately where you go it’s because the guy’s white and you’re black that’s why he released you I I the racism thing is I not here for it doesn’t make sense he claimed it years ago too so this isn’t breaking news I mean lesea McCoy claimed it was racist that he that he you know got rid of the good black players and doesn’t respect here I watched it okay so I watched the majority of it I didn’t watch all 45 minutes but but this is this is what it is folks Chip Kelly’s first job out of college was a pro football team and they go into great detail of how Chip Kelly ran a pro football team like they were a college team and it’s probably and the race car I agree with you Sam about it’s an easy excuse you know Chip Kelly said I I traded him because we needed a middle line we needed a linebacker and there was DeMarco Murray was a better fit for my system so the guy who replaced uh McCoy lesea McCoy if he was racist he replaced him with another black player so there you go there but really it sounds from the stories that they told in this podcast is that chip tried to bring that college football attitude to the pros and these are grown ass men they’re getting paid millions of dollars you know Chip’s as asking guys hey how much sleep did you have last night he wanted them to take the bus to the game like they did in college where guys would normally Drive their cars uh critical of people’s haircuts wanted rookies to have cleancut haircuts he didn’t like the and this is uh their terms not mine I’m just quoting the podcast he didn’t like I think it was Carmichael the Virginia Tech Corner didn’t like his nappy hair so he told him to get a haircut right so Chip told the kid I don’t like your hair get a haircut basically what Chip Kelly was doing Sam is he was running a pro team like it was a college team and it rubbed off wrong to the veterans who else have we seen fail while trying to run a pro organization like like a college program it happens a lot was it was was Urban Meyer racist or was he just bad at trying to run and head up be the head coach of a of an NFL organization that’s again you you want to know where you want to know where it would be what career or what profession it would be really bad to be a racist professional sports yeah and you’re the the race card of it was just a little part of it it was really kind of destroying Chip Kelly as a person as a coach I mean they really went down of incidents and stories in that locker room you know the the race card was lesea McCoy and he’s done that for a long time but basically the entire thing was that he didn’t treat us like men uh he wasn’t professional uh Deshawn Jackson did give chip credit and said he’s the best play play caller his play calling his terminology was Next Level he said that’s the only thing I’ll give Chip Kelly credit for call play when it comes to terminology there’s a level and then there’s Chip Kelly that’s way up there so that was one thing to Shawn Jackson gave chip a compliment but really it was 40 minutes of them you know it wasn’t like he’s the biggest racist and let’s do 45 minutes of it it was this guy didn’t treat us like men this guy brought a college atmosphere in there this guy treated players different wouldn’t talk to Veterans uh would pick on younger guys because he could kind of like you would in college so it was really kind of tearing down chip as a coach and a person more than just 45 minutes of he’s racist that’s not what it was so and and all of that might be accurate I mean and based I watched it right what I’m saying is based upon all of those criticisms might be accurate and based upon the the rate of success chip kayy had in the NFL they were proven right I mean that’s absolutely correct what I don’t like is you’re labeling a man of a racist that could still directly influence and affect his career going forward because he’s still working in the profession or just he’s still breathing where that could affect his everyday life when you’re you’re flippantly throwing that out there I again well they’re doing I want to separate I want to separate eyes on it Sam that’s why they’re doing it they want eyes and they’re pissed off at this right but again you’re you’re you’re labeling somebody’s a racist just so your podcast gets viewed that’s that’s evil that’s wrong to me the point is is he did this 10 years ago though this isn’t breaking news lesea McCoy used the race card with Chip Kelly sure like 10 years ago no and I understand that but my point is you’re you’re flippantly labeling somebody as a racist only for for views on a podcast like and then they called guys on their cell phone Jeremy Macklin by the way who was only there a year leading receiver not brought back and they did like a cell phone hey when I say Chip Kelly what do you think and then a bunch of Players called him trash ass guy I think is what he said right Ian yeah so I’m sure they knew other veterans on that team that didn’t listen if you’re a grown ass man in an NFL locker room and a coach is treating you like it’s college and you know uh Lea told a story how when chip got hired lesea had to go to a funeral of his best friend’s dad that’s in the five minute Mark of the podcast chip called LESA and said hey you’re the leader of this team I need you at my introductory p uh press conference LESA said no I have to go to a funeral chip called him back said I really need you there LESA said no and lesea said that started you know treat me like a man I need to go to this funeral and it started right away with chip they didn’t like how they were treated uh chip probably made some mistakes where you have to realize when you’re a college coach and you go to the pros it’s two different things so I get there’s bitterness there but also it’s one guy who was released it was one guy who was traded Jeremy Macklin wasn’t brought back as well he was one of the guys who called him trash and selfish and so if you go to like Sam you go to any NFL team or any guy who’s traded or any guy who’s wrongfully fired or they think they’re wrongfully fired or traded you are not gonna find guys who are Kum Baya with their head coaches it’s just it doesn’t work like that in a locker room and if you treat a guy like a kid like a college kid yeah I think there’s going to be some bitterness there no especially when you’re when you’re in a league where you’ve been treated a a different way than than what chip Kelly’s treating you for years right but also let’s these guys need to be professionals and also understand the fact that you’ve got a guy coming in and wants to assemble the roster his own way guess what yeah he was a defecto GM there by the way if people didn’t know right there’s a there’s a pretty good chance you’re not gonna make I mean there not a pretty good there’s a reasonable chance you’re not GNA make the cut there’s a reasonable chance a lot of other guys on the roster are not what he wants and he’s going to do what he has to do like again this all just seems like sour grapes to me and Ryan day was on that staff so would Ryan Day hire Chip Kelly if Ryan Day thought that Chip Kelly had bad character oh absolutely not I don’t think so I me especially especially as Ryan day it’s one of the things he preaches both in both in the staff and in in the players and in recr recuits yeah by the way Nick had a good question Tor do you think larrett blunt would have stood for a head coach being racist no I don’t think Chip’s racist I think it’s it’s guys who have a bad experience with a coach pissed off they were traded and in their mind people want a reason to finger point and it’s called being a human being it’s you are traded well I hate this guy for trading me so I’m gonna justify my thoughts by calling him a racist or thinking this is what happened right and this is not I don’t think Deshawn Jackson called him a racist it was just lesea McCoy but again I repeat this lesea McCoy said it eight years ago this isn’t new it’s just a podcast and it makes news because but I mean they really teared chipped down with a lot of stories I mean it was 40 I watched probably like 32 minutes of it and they were talking about remember the time where he did this remember the time uh we did that and then they would go back and forth and tell different stories I mean obviously chip didn’t treat these guys you know had different rules and again my my my take from way my take away from this is not the fact that I think they’re wrong again history shows he was a failure yeah at the Eagles organization my issue is the race thing I that’s I don’t I there there are plenty of instance instances or examples out there where we could probably label something as racist when you’re when you’re going out of your way to get views to create a splash and potentially ruining somebody’s career by by labeling him as racist I just I can’t get behind that well I mean that’s his opinion I don’t think anyone else outside of lesea McCoy thinks Chip Kelly’s racist who is the actually did Chip draft the guy who actually was racist the white guy at the country concert oh um the guy from Florida the receiver Ridley Ridley something like that what was his name dropping INB in a country concert there’s your racist yeah uh I want to get to this uh that sounds right Riley Cooper I know that’s what I think I’m not yeah we go we’re gonna go with that Riley Cooper by the way speed sent this appreciate the two he said welcome back Tor blink F blink fast if Sam got you sick it was Riley Cooper by the way okay so I was right there by the way so really you got to in the in the just kind of sum this up as we move on and you know if more comes out I don’t know if Chip’s GNA talk or not if I’m chip I would just be quiet about it because it’s just to me it’s two guys who are really pissed off that their career ended in Philadelphia the way they didn’t want it right was Chip perfect probably not there’s a reason why he was fired in Philadelphia right he f 10 and six and then the next year fired right towards the end of the season in December I’m not looking at anything here I’m just guessing off the top of my head he made the moves made a lot of moves on this team a lot of unpopular moves at Philadelphia then two years later didn’t they win a Super Bowl yeah with um the guy that looks like uh John Ham to me with so Chip made a lot of bad moves it was his first pro football job he went to San Francisco and failed either uh as well maybe chip is just not an NFL head coach right not everyone’s again I think to this point Char assassination today it was yeah that’s what I can’t stand for I hate that but it was their point of view on the character assassination right you had two guys one guy who was traded one guy who was cut I don’t care if it’s their point of view I think time in his career has proven he’s not a racist no but I give a their point of view or not you’re focusing on a one minute of a 45 minute podcast no no no and what I I’ve said is again they they are probably right on every other aspect but I I I think that I think there’s an importance that that when you’re openly just l in somebody racist and it drastically affect their career going forward that’s where I think it’s they should be called out for in his view he said making players cut their hair making black players cut their hair he felt it was racist that was his like hey why would you call a guy into the locker room and say I want my players clean cut why would you that was his like why would you say that to a player make him like suggest he gets his hair cut were there any white players that had to cut their hair and be clean cut I don’t know they didn’t talk about about that but again that’s such a I don’t know I’m I’m trying to with with those two idiots I’m trying to apply logic to the illogical probably no I I think I think you’re getting upset over I’m not upset I just they’re they’re two bitter dudes who want to get eyes on their podcast and that’s what they did so how do you do how do you get eyes on something Sam you throw out stuff like I think he’s a racist that’s going to get everybody talking about what they talked about in their podcast and really when you watch the podcast it was just them telling stories and then crapping on Chip Kelly for 44 minutes and I think if that’s what they did I think that’s vile and evil that’s all I there’s a there’s a million other things you could have said that won’t affect uh the label put on Chip Kelly that you could have said and been 100% un probably undoubtedly accurate on I just think when you call somebody a racist when you’re doing it whether your point of view or not just to get to make the Splash and to get eyes that’s eil let me quickly bring this up then lesea Jackson did this 10 years ago 10 years ago did anyone think Chip Kelly was a racist no but more people but more people are gonna talk about it we’re talking about it right now I know because that’s because he’s the offensive coordinator Ohio State I don’t think we’d be talking about it if he was with the Denver Broncos it would probably be something that’s like what’s on X you know what I mean it would something we’d quickly talk about I I I just don’t I’m not upset about it because I don’t think anyone thinks Chip Kelly’s a racist and I I hope you’re right I really do I mean again there’s there’s ample amount of evidence I don’t think it’s gonna stick I don’t think there’s anyone out there that thinks chips are racist if Chip was a racist Ryan Day wouldn’t hire him see what I’m saying just all words of bitter individuals let’s be real too like gu calling a woman a is she a or did she just dump you fa and I get I get what you’re saying but I still think mine what I’m trying to illustrate stands true too like there’s a million things you can do but the whole mcoy had a good year I mean there’s legitimacy there I mean he was really good Chip’s excuse was he didn’t fit my system I want to say and I could be wrong DeMarco Murray was out of the league and then chip brought him back but I could be wrong there running back yeah I thought he was out of the league a year and then chip brought him back but I but I could be completely wrong yeah he was the he’s the guy the running backs coach at Oklahoma at Oklahoma right yeah so hey I I mean take it listen I don’t think chips I think it’s something we’re talking about I don’t think any won I mean the thing is when they called those players Sam right and if Chip was a racist when they called Jeremy Macklin and they said what do you think of Chip Kelly they said oh he’s trash they didn’t call him racist when they ask Brandon Graham what do you think uh what what what were some of the things that they said Sam uh let’s see we had uh they had uh white uh trash he was very selfish yeah selfish a ass guy yeah so I think if he was really racist wouldn’t all the guys they call him and say hey tell me something about Chip Kelly it’s one person’s perspective you’re also not I’m guessing they were also not calling somebody that they didn’t know exactly where they stood on Chip Kelly exactly hey we’re doing this podcast I’m gonna call you ask you about Chip Kelly you tell me the first thing comes and I’m sure these guys talked about chip in the locker room and they all hated him for whatever reason right yeah so it’s not like they called him out of the blue you’re right no yeah I I get again we I don’t I don’t think anything comes of this I think it’s it’s clickbait and people are gonna watch that podcast wouldn’t like I did I like Zach and Chris’s uh Theory though is that as soon as before you know it like the marketing team over toio State’s gonna have pictures of Chip Kelly hting a cookout for barbecue for all the players at a at AIO State okay Tim says that Murray was from Dallas okay I thought he was out of the for some reason but no there the the marketing team over at the at Ohio State’s going to have some pictures posted very soon of Chip Kelly and some black guys at a barbecue interesting story I mean interesting story just from the standpoint of this stuff gets you know back in the news cycle that was something that was 10 years ago sure so all all Thea McCoy is doing is just regurgitating stuff he said a long time ago right in a and age where social media is bigger than 10 years ago and I’m also trying listen here’s the thing get get in touch with me a year from now and let me know where their podcast is at there there’s a lot I was thinking too when we were doing up the writing up the show sheet it’s like and I understand we’re two idiots with a podcast ourselves but maybe there’s too many podcasts just a thought there there probably is but I’m not volunteering to go away I mean I don’t think we should no but I’m also not I’m Al also not flippantly labeling people as a racist or something I know not to be true either Riley Cooper we did say Riley Cooper is a racist hey man if Morgan Wallen can get away with it see to me I don’t think Morgan Wallen could get away with it so that’s just me that’s just my op I know people have given Morgan Wallen a pass but I don’t know I thought I think the situation Morgan wallet situation was a little bit different I want to say I’m not into country music so could care less I think I think Riley Cooper was hammered at a concert went hard R in a guy’s face like probably not a good idea yeah all right got we got Wrestling coming up we got some wrestling coming up next remember Solo Cup Friday with some Q Brew on the OV podcast it’s torque for custom a I’ve been saying it for years no one beats custom a service and knowledge I know when I have anything going on with my heating and cooling they are the go-to guys in fact they have taken care of every home of mine customer doesn’t take shortcuts they get the job done right the first time it’s great to do business with a company that’s trustworthy and honest that’s just a few reasons why I go to Custom Air looking for a great company that you could trust 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premium events on on the YouTube channel Ohio versus everyone what’s up man Tor how are you man doing good you’re every every damn Thursday you’re in a different place you in Houston Texas yeah Houston Texas today uh got some meetings got an event here tonight I’ll be back in the bus tomorrow beautiful hey let’s start off backlash and really it was one of the if not the hottest crowds that I’ve ever witnessed watching wrestling maybe not to the bash at the beach NWO Hulk Hogan throwing trash but it it’s different really they do the word every they knew the words of all the songs incredible yeah the card wasn’t stacked it wasn’t one of those cards like oh my God I gotta watch this for me it was one of those things where ah it’s Sunday afternoon I’m gonna watch a little bit and skim through it um good matches good card I think the story of this premium evento BJ is that crowd was just electric Oh They’ll be back in Europe I think uh Triple H made that clear in the press conference after and even in a smaller space you know they tried to get into Paris but they couldn’t because of the Olympics coming up about 100 days out so they went to Leon and Leon welcomed him with a red carpet and the fans were electrifying for a card that probably the United States would not have drawn as much uh energy but uh to showcase the stars in Leon they really uh went above and beyond and I think you’re definitely going to see uh some more dedication to the WWE product in Europe yeah I mean that everybody was buzzing about uh that event uh just a couple things too I don’t I don’t really think it moved any stories except for one a new member of the bloodline which we were kind of waiting we just didn’t we thought it was Jacob fat 2 that was going to be the newest member of the bloodline yeah no no I I I think you’re right I think gorillas of Destiny is that what they were called in New Japan yeah yep and I think that that’s going to be you know the the story that they’re building on and it was the one curveball that you know was right it was the only surprise that came out of backlash uh that we didn’t see coming but I think it’s going to really uh I I think the new memb is really going to add some uh unique heat to the bloodline that wasn’t there before I don’t think the bloodline is going to be playing by the rules uh I think the rule books going to get thrown out now with the new group that’s in here I think they’re they’re pissed that they lost the championship and I think with this leadership heon’s got his hands full trying to keep it together yeah I I think it’s a good time for WWE to go overseas you know the the next event is the king and queen of the ring in Saudi Arabia you’re talking about a time in WWE where Seth Rollins is out CM Punk is out uh Drew McIntyre’s out Roman Reigns is out for an extended period of time I mean those four guys there are Headliners of every pay-per-view you well in those Headliners yeah we we would we wouldn’t have got the crowd here without those headliners but overseas you can get away with some good energy in the uh in the arena even if you have hurt Stars yeah because to me king and queen of the ring if I’m going to do that premium event to me I like the old school format and you could tell that they’re really struggling to fill time right is which is weird because they just had a draft you would think they would intertwine and introduce more of the NXT Stars right I mean there’s some still NXT cut out what’s that the for some reason okay there we go there’s a a glitch in the connection sorry okay gotcha I think it might be on your end though you good now yeah yeah yeah no it’s strong I got I got full bars so to me if I’m gonna do a king and queen of the Ring I want to do it on one Pay-Per-View event right I just want it all in one that’s what I like about it is you got to wrestle three times in one night it’s a full event and you have more storylines coming uh I just like that I think what they’re doing with Raw and SmackDown I I look at the Saudi Arabia king and queen of the ring and I look at and go all right but they can get away with it because it’s Saudi Arabia event yeah yeah I think that until they have more uh a bigger fan base over there you can get away with a a more laxed narrative and and a looser uh script that they’re playing with uh in the leadup to it than what we’re seeing right now I guess the question is who’s Cody rhods gonna wrestle who’s the next is it going to be an AJ Styles are you g to see AJ Styles jump Cody rhods and Cody then say I’ll get because that’s kind of been what WWE does a lot of times is they’ll have back-to-back rematches on a pay-per-view to finish I mean hell you had Cody Rose and Seth Rollins they weren’t even uh Champions at the time they did three straight premium events and right now I’m not seeing anybody outside of styles that would naturally fit into the narrative toh take on Cody rhods um uh you know Drew McIntyre obviously has his uh rivalry with CM Punk so that’s going to be taking up that space uh the bloodline piece and Cody Road seems to be taking a uh uh a turn the Bloodlines focused on other areas and other um uh uh wrestlers to to go after and not Cody rhods anymore you’re not hearing that um uh that as much so I would be very interested to see what comes out we know Uncle howdy is is back um and and I think that that’s stable is going to really disrupt some things and and may bring bring some more chaos back into the WWE where do they go Smackdown I think so I think that’s where you’re seeing the edgier uh the edgier wrestlers go is SmackDown and you’re seeing raw with more more of a sun it was sort of a softer uh uh product right now I tell you what and we’re talking wrestling we do it every Thursday final segment of the show uh Monday Night Raw CM Punk shows up uh you know Drew McIntyre out I guess he fractured his ALB I think it’s legit uh obviously be the King of the Ring I tell you what BJ this payoff of CM Punk and Drew MacIntyre better be damn good because if if you’re having two guys go at each other who are both injured for this remember what when’s SummerSlam in August yeah is CM Punk gonna be even cleared by August well I think that’s one of the reasons why Drew McIntyre didn’t come back to the ring after he called him out he did the speech in the ring and everybody assumed that at the red light he was going to turn back around and come in but the problem is with both of them injured what were they you know they couldn’t wrestle they weren’t going to be able to go after each other so it was kind of CM Punk uhh hard on the mic and uh and there was a let down because Drew didn’t even come back to the arena I think you’re just GNA see these so that’s that’s what I mean the payoff in this match better be damn good and I hope they don’t do a false count everywhere a WWE does that a lot with the false count everywhere I like those type of matches I think these two guys are really good wrestlers where you could settle it in the ring and not have it be in an aisle or in The Concourse or something like that I want to see these two guys wrestle in the ring who’s the better wrestler I got I got a feeling though what they’re doing BJ is they’re building this up so much is that you’re gonna see a I Quit match you’re GNA see a stipulation in there where these guys can use weapons to hit each other because the hatreds there so much yeah and and people might want to to see a more violent match between these two as they’ve become it’s been become incredibly personal for both of them can I can I bring up a thought that just popped in my head Drew McIntyre CM Punk whenever CM Punk’s ready Hell in the Cell premium event yeah that would be you haven’t had it in a while right and they haven’t yeah the last Hell in the Cell was not a uh you know that was Australia for gone conclusion that that didn’t have much heat coming to it was that elimination chamber I mean elimination chamber elimin yeah yeah but but hell in the cell I can’t even think of the last one can you Rollins and Cody that probably was the last one that would be a great Hell in a Cell match absolutely and that’s the payoff that would be the payoff in a Hell in the Cell right you bring it back well I always thought BJ that they the Hell in the Cell should only be reserved for Grudge matches like this yeah that’d be hell in a cell I mean perpetrates uh some of the bit most heat between two wrestlers and so that’s the that any other type of match uh wouldn’t do justice to even bring out Helen a cell I mean look I mean I’ll tell you I mean the way Gunther chopped down Sheamus’s chest that could have been a hell of the Cell match I I I’ve never seen welz like that on somebody the brutality um of that match on on Monday Night Raw and then to see Sheamus finally just tap out was just I don’t know I don’t know where the path ends now for Sheamus I mean he really got beat down hard I think they Drew McIntyre and Sheamus team up I think you’re going to see them team up together that’s just that’s what I’m I’m thinking of to continue storylines uh Sheamus fight CM Punk maybe before Drew MacIntyre uh there’s a lot of ways you could go but in a division where it seems like guys are teaming up with each other I I think a Drew McIntyre Sheamus is coming up speaking of people teaming up we got new women’s WWE Tag Team Champions Jade and Bianca who turns on who right dominant I think I think Jade turns on Bianca is it Jade a natural heel that’s that’s that’s what my instinct I I think she’s a natural heel I don’t think she sells as well as a baby face I think bionica belir is a better baby face um I I I could easily see Jade turning on Bianca I I think that’s more natural than the other way around is it good to have a tag team so dominant that they just run through the division I think it is if you can create The Narrative of being undefeated you know one of the interesting narratives that keeps people interested is if you can keep a tag team together long enough to uh to have a streak that people are are trying to break unfortunately in the division right now I don’t see basically they would be wrestling the same tag teams over and over again which would not relegate to a uh I think a successful narrative and with that being the case I think that breaking him up uh you know you know let’s say there’s a loss that happens that Jade blames bionica and and turns on her I could see that happening I think that’s a SummerSlam match I think Jade versus Bianca belir is a SummerSlam match I think the only way you’re gonna get those straps off those two ladies is you have Nia Jax and like a Tiffany Stratton yeah those team where they challenge him uh Jade gets pissed off during the match leaves Beyond B Bianca’s going to take the PIN to lose those T it’s definitely not going to be Jade right uh and then you have a heel Tag Team Championship and you could take the Tag Team Championship from Nia jaxs Tiffany stratt at any point when if you’re taking the straps off of Jaden Bianca it’s really got to be unique special event maybe like a Charlotte Flair teaming up with uh Becky Lynch now that can’t happen because they’re going to be on different brands but you know what I’m saying it’s got to be something special like that for those tags to come off or it’s not they’re it’s they’re the super team I don’t know if there’s been a more dominant team in the female uh you know bayy and Sasha Banks maybe yeah and remember this is and this team’s relatively new here right so you know we’re going to see what they have but I see them being dominant particularly in a weaken division where the tag teams here um have not are not there’s nobody comparable to them like you said Tor except if you bring two stars together to create that team but there’s no natural tag team um that’s going to be comparable I me the Kabuki Warriors can do they’re they’re not at that level uh two quick things WrestleMania 41 in Vegas right call you know I hate taking it away from your hometown torque Minneapolis the home of wrestling Vern Googy and the family uh you know some of The Originators Minneapolis is a great city um it’s a wrestling state but I think with the new corporate Outlook uh with Endeavor uh TKO taking over the company Vegas offered a much better package that was much more intriguing it is interesting I think they’re going to try to put it on Easter Sunday weekend because they’re going to try to shoehorn it into a time when Vegas doesn’t have many tourists uh but you know from a standpoint of being a city that knows how to host as we saw with the Super Bowl I mean I I can’t blame him I think WrestleMania and Las Vegas is going to be incredible um I think it’s going to be I think it’s going to be a great show uh but I I I do feel I do think now the Dynamics of how they look at putting WrestleMania particularly as we St take a look at Saudi Arabia wanting a WrestleMania potentially what we saw with back will ever happen Saudi Arabia getting a WrestleMania I can’t see it maybe Royal Rumble right I mean I I I they’re gonna want something big I I I I think that’s going to be a part of the package a part of the request uh I think Europe right we saw with backlash the kind of ing that’s there you know that that’s going to be a soldout crowd maybe Wembley Stadium in London or something along those lines where you’re going to have that kind of heat coming out I think the way that this company now is looking at where to put these massive events is going to come down to how much is the government willing to chip in and what kind of concessions can they get out not necessarily where the most fans are or not necessarily where the best you know the biggest fans are it’s going to be where the most money is and as a corporate entity now that’s going to be more important I think and and I think we just saw the first one of these where Minnesota put a package together Minneapolis had a commitment they’re ready to go Endeavor T TKO take over and all of a sudden WrestleMania is now looked at as a commodity and they make a decision that Las Vegas is the best place to go yeah let’s real quick talk about aew and I I go back to and I’m just I just watch Clips every now and then of the Eric Bishop podcast and he thinks that aew’s baring swerve Strickland has the champ by having him rest wrestle Christian I 100% disagree Christian is the best villain in aw he’s the best Mike in aew just had the embassy turn on swerve stri Strickland what they’re doing and I think Bishoff comes from a place of bitterness what they are doing right now is finding a Challenger for seres swerve strick Strickland who’s entertaining and gets the eyes and get you interested if they had okata versus Sur swerve Strickland are you interested in that uh no a will oprey great wrestling match it would be great but he’s he’s got a belt you just wouldn’t be Christian comes in beats up swerve Strickland you think next week swerves got his group he’s gonna get revenge instead his group beats down swerve and what they’re doing folks is the old wrestling story of the hero getting beat and overcoming the odds that’s what Bishop does Bishoff doesn’t understand they are actually building swerve Strickland up is a guy who can take on all comers and beat odds of a 10 on-one that type of guy they’re not burying swerve Strickland what they’re doing is they’re putting their champ in his first major Feud BJ with the most exciting guy on the other side agreed I mean it’s the Hogan strategy right in WWE back in the day where you’re going to build a Champion up I mean I remember when when Hogan first had the belt they were first building up his character he was taking on five six guys in the ring at a time taking him down the Heen family whatever it is exactly you know this would be the Don Callis you know I mean you’ve got you’ve got the villains in here now in aw and if swerve Strickland and they can keep this narrative in place this is what we’ve been looking for something solid by which we can actually get behind and I think you’re right Christian is the best villain on the mic in aew uh I think that I I think that having him uh as the uh as the anti right now for swerve is the way to go I don’t see anybody else in the a in aw as a heel that could help Elevate swerve Strickland on their own like Christian can and tell a better better story that can take up time with something people are interested in aew from week to week b bj shows you too much stuff you don’t care about well this is something that can take a large chunk of time from your programming that you actually do care about and you’ll watch because why it’s entertaining unlike a lot of aew matches and segments yeah yeah and that’s one thing we’ve been fighting against they’re obviously testing out the uh narrative I’m being the anti- WWE you know Tony Khan trying to use Ring of Honor and aw is sort of his impetus to to jump into the fry um and I think now one of the big things they lacked was a true champion one that could now they did have mjf which for whatever reason as we sit here today still mind boggles me on what they’re doing with him nothing I mean really he’s not only he’s on the sidelines he’s not even on the mic I mean at least with CM Punk at WWE he’s hurt but they still have him out in front they could still MGF mjf in some type of capacity here even as a mic against swer Strickland something to bring him back in the fold commentary whatever com because he he he was good on the mic he was a great heel on the mic that was one of the things that endeared people to him and wanted to watch him as Champion they wanted to hate him he was a great heel but by not even having him in on the mic not even having him in any of the narratives for aew just because he can’t be in the ring right now I think is a is a bad move on one of their best assets that they’ve built up even with Adam Cole they can’t have guys go away for two weeks and come back go away for two weeks uh you know what I’m interested in though I think they’re doing a good job of the Don Callas Trent uh I I’m kind of interested where they go here yeah yeah I mean c does he join the C Callas family I don’t think so I think there’s going to be some type of swerve there well who knows of call you know we have Kenny Omega back right you’ve got will Osprey in the mix again you as a champ um Omega coming I mean again sometimes now the aw Dynamics to me get a little bit confusing Young Bucks are Quasi owners and in charge of it you’ve got Kenny omega’s vice president um I I I don’t know if Tony Khan is trying some kind of hybrid like when um WWE had guest wrestling managers for for raw I’m not sure I mean maybe you could explain that to to me and the audience Tor the Young Bucks they they announce as being owners of aew but also running it Khan obviously is the owner I don’t know I I’m not sure what what that you know what the narrative there is they’re doing the angle their executive VPS with Tony Khan out that they’re taking over the program if you watch the opening of dynamite it’s all all the elite in there so it’s kind of like a takeover type thing and then Kenny Omega now has come back and said well I got my team team aew and the next pay-per-view what is it double or nothing or whatever the hell it is or Allin or whatever it is uh it’ll be team aew versus the elite the problem I have with this angle I don’t have a problem with FTR I don’t have a problem with Daniel Brian Danielson Mr aew the problem I have with is stop throwing fat shape entertaining but he’s a Ring of Honor guy Eddie Kingston in the main event picture yeah wait stop he’s an indie wrestler if you’re gonna do team aew don’t give me Eddie Kingston give me John Moxley yeah give me stars someone I want to watch agreed yeah I yeah I don’t know why they’ve done that I mean and you’re picking pick Adam copelan team team aew and your your shout out Eddie Kingston stop being small time stop being smarter than everybody else stop rewarding a guy who’s been on the Indie Trail for 30 years stop well DJ what they do is though they give us a taste of good with Christian they give us a taste of good I think the elite they’re behind the scen they’re giving us tastes of good now right where they were all crap and then you throw this in there and it’s like God guys and I think there’s too much catering to a very narrow sector of the wrestling universe that’s part of and that’s part of the reason why he wants to throw that in there as sort of a wink and a nod to the purists um but what aew already has the pur what aw needs to do is continue to appeal to the larger audience and when they do things like this they turn off the larger audience because they don’t care anymore and you’re still you know he’s still you the purists are the ones that pay attention we’re gonna always have the purest you know I mean you and I are kind of Quasi purist but we’re also understand the Dynamics of what good storytelling is what a good narrative is and what what a good in ring performance is for not just the sake of the fans but for the sake of the business as well I think Tony and his crew at times are too focused on being the wrestler’s wrestler and we end up with situations like this but you but you know they could still do that on a lesser scale will oprey needs an opponent right Eddie Kingston uh familiar with New Japan Japanese he’s been over there right have Eddie Kingston do that don’t put Eddie Kingston on a main event level because he’s not a main event player so stop shoving it down people’s face and being the too cool for school kid you aw BJ they have that audience they don’t need to compete for to prove that they are the wrestler you got that audience so you could have a great match will Opry Eddie Kingston in the middle of the card not in the main event where’s John Moxley doing well you should put him on damn team aew and it’s like every every time they they hit a crescendo and had the opportunity to capitalize on a John Moxley narrative they go silent he’s not even in the mix not even mentioned for for double or nothing coming up yeah so we’ll figure out what they do real quick Ethan Paige gone from aw you know where he’d be perfect at nxt’s going to CW uh nxt’s done a great job with Brian pilman Jr I mean uh Lewis King doesn’t lose a lot they’re building them up I mean he’s had major wins uh boy I think eth Ethan Paige would be good fit in NXT W he’s a really good personality decent wrestler has a good gimmick uh I think he would do wers in aw and I think I mean not aw NXT I think and we still don’t know why uh why he’s gone there there’s been no reason given it hasn’t wasn’t injury it wasn’t I haven’t heard anything I think his contract was up and they decided to not read it just decided yeah he was just one of the ones that they cut and I saw that Braun breaker um and raw was upset that he wasn’t in Ed in the um uh uh King of the Ring tournament but you I know he called Pierce to the office but I didn’t see what happened after that no I didn’t I didn’t either so that be that’ll be something that will uh you know Brun breaker needs a role there in raw yeah he needs a role there in raw and I think he you know with his you know him and you know I think you’re gonna have you could have a nice setup where Braun strowman is the um anti-bully and a guy like Braun breaker is the bully and you kind of bring that physicality of both of them back into the ring I mean one of the things I like I mean breaker brings a unique energy off the ropes that we used to see I used to I said like with with the Ultimate Warrior the way he Maneuvers himself in the ring his build his energy I think you could do something like that he’s a natural heel I think stman can come in um as a uh as a natural anti-bully to that and have the physicality to stand up to a breaker and create an interesting narrative in that respect as well yeah they need to figure out what guys are going to do instead of Backstage segments right yeah that’s yeah we see a lot of Backstage segments but then nothing you know it just kind of leaves you hanging as the show ends uh two weeks away from the Saudi Arabia King and Queen of the Ring I’m sure they’ll straighten out more matches got a three-way for an Intercontinental Championship Match Becky Lynch is going to be on the card defending the championship there so I mean there’s stuff straighten out and I’m sure we’re going to see more uh coming up this week by the way on SmackDown tomorrow night AJ Styles uh Randy Orton Baron Corbin uh Carmelo Hayes La Knight sandis escob Escobar and then Bobby Lashley uh against tatanga and that’s kind of the bracket for the King of the Ring on the other side so those are some good matches yeah no no I think it’s going to be you know it’s going to be a good card I it’s going to be competitive you know moving into uh to King of the Ring I think that we’re in a real Crossroads in the WWE right now in terms of You Know The Rock has taken a break Roman Reigns is out um what narrative do they cultivate around Cody rhods to keep the momentum going that he’s the champ to beat but what heel do you elevate now that some of the big names are out to be that uh that anti-hero yep all right we do it again next week thanks pjw is the site everybody as always thanks Tor all right thanks man


  1. Such a bad look for Ohio state. I mean, it’s already known chip Kelly and Ryan day were fired from consecutive jobs. Let alone how neither of them can instill a winning culture. Once Kevin Wilson left all the toughness left with him. Ryan hires no one but “yes” men.

  2. We don’t know Chip Kelly’s heart but you definitely can’t simply dismiss the claims based on the fact that he had other Black players too. He could never win without some

  3. These guys are such clowns and hypocrites. The guy on the right said “I don’t want to falsely say something about someone that I don’t know for sure to be true”. But then these guys want to jump to conclusions and call harbaugh and Michigan cheaters without knowing for sure what happened and so far there’s no evidence harbaugh knew that’s why they are still investigating. Funny maybe these guys should learn not to judge until knowing the whole story. Clowns.

  4. Menace has really been on an anti-Day tear since getting the Devin Brown prediction wrong. Zach got a vendetta like Ryan Day kicked his dog down the stairs or something. Sheesh.

  5. There are much better things to talk about then old news and making it into a mountain of speculation. Are you all trying to take sledge hammer swings for nothing. Oh wait it's this suff that makes you money at the expense of others.

  6. Just like every digruntled former employee, talk trash after the fact. And if you have nothing else then bring it the race card

  7. Osu soft as fuck right now. Hopefully w that $37 million they spent on players/ coaches this offseason that they spent little bit on fluoride for water bottles to tuffin up.

  8. The way society is and these liberal colleges are….buckeyes better prepare themselves for pressure to get Kelly out

  9. Love when people say the buckeyes spent 30-40 million dollars on nil players. Hysterical since even though they didn’t it’s still perfectly legal. People are morons 😂😂😂

  10. Grooms is right. It is pretty shitty to pull the race card. All those players were clowns.

    Chip was literally trying to get them to eat healthy and they got pissed.

  11. Why is it all the players who left Philly for whatever reason, that didn’t go on to have all-pro seasons after moving on? Maclin had 1 good season in the league, Shady and DJax best years were behind them. So was Chip a racist, horrible, trash man or was he smart to get rid of players that already gave their best?

  12. Yeah he made a huge mistake. But not as big of a mistake as beating his pregnant wife the way Zach Smith did.

  13. You can call me a homer, but I really don’t like people talking negatively about our team or coaches even in the off-season when they’re trying to drive volume to their podcast. These type stories make me want to stop listening to this podcast.

  14. LeSean McCoy and DeSean Jackson have been talking about Chip Kelly for years. Chip is a coach, and he came in and cleaned house when he got the Philly Job. They are just upset their careers were ending

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