Golf Players


Missin Curfew Episode 282
Recorded at HallPass Media | Presented by DraftKings

Netflix the Roast of Tom Brady
Jim Montgomery Pastrnak Comments
Tee Times Leafs, Golden Knights & Preds
Brandon Carlo becomes a Dad and scores
Is it Time for Mitch Marner to go?
OB has a juicy Leafs Trade Rumor
The Fellas are headed to Vancouver
Hurricanes vs Ranagers
Bruins vs Panthers
Avalanche vs Stars
Oilers vs Canucks




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what’s missing curfew it’s when you kind of play guilty but you show up how nice is a green light on the road though no practice tomorrow no plane just go Scotty Upshaw in the C and he scores front scor you laughs a little bit of fun and obviously a lot of hockey talk you’re listening to missing curfew fell up dog fella how we doing brother we’re good we’re good we’re uh you know playoffs are Trucking along we got a couple teams falling out of the mix we’ve got a couple uh great new series to talk about and it’s nice to be in the studio with yeah one game on last night I it felt like I was like okay the second round here we go obviously we’ll get two a night moving forward which is perfect for me right I get the 4:30 start and then I got the seven so I’m going to be able to really dive into these games but my I guess where I’m going with this is is the first round of the playoffs is the best it is the best and I’ll tell you why from my standpoint is if you lose the first game you can double down on the next one and I didn’t I wasn’t able to do that last night and the Panthers you cost me all right boys you [ __ ] cost me nobody they C they cost me too you know what now that we’re right there um I’m a little far back from the white yeah me too let me get close here let me get right in there mucker out um you know what UPS like how many days off did the Panthers have almost a week I think they had a week A little I think some guys had some sunburns out there yesterday I think you know I think some guys like oh [ __ ] but Jersey just doesn’t quite fit right by wayi I think he had one ‘s feet might have been sunburned I just think they they were off for so long and everyone’s been telling them how good they were and I did think they came out unbelievable I thought they came out great I thought swayan this guy you know I’d love to get Andrew rftt on and talk to him or any other gouie like but to me as a you know fan watching the way he’s tracking these bisys like just yeah especially for a guy that this is like full season of of taking over the pipes and he’s just he’s making a debauchery of of some really high-end Shooters like [ __ ] at all but touching the Florida Panthers and and little you know mishaps barov last night was just missing bisy like he’s usually one of the best players with the puck on a they were like you know he was missing little stick handles and little one touches here and there that’s can’t have that happen series they’re missing [ __ ] Sam Bennett too yeah they and I guess he’s coming back rumor ra will be back for game two but when I even when the game started and they went through the lines I’m like God that’s just a different team without Sam Bennett Y and you need against the big bad bees I mean Patty maroon out there being the big rig guy’s going to go get himself another contract the big rig um you know our boy Trent Frederick last night at the end of the period was just I know just giving it to aan Larson like just giving them the old left Jabs I’m like this Bruins team is is tougher right now I’m not saying Sam benett it’s going to come in and fight any of those guys but like we talked about how tough Florida was all year and now Boston seemed to me in that game to be a little bit of a tougher team one game as our friend John Cooper always says don’t look too much into game one you got to hammer the cats in game two though DraftKings baby you got to hammer them whatever you put them on game one you double it for game two they cannot lose that game but man the the Beast look the Beast look good didn’t they yeah it’s going to be a good series I I mean I was I was expecting this one you know little rematch of last year there’s some bitter taste in Boston’s mouth right like there’s no question going in that they that they all look around the room saying guys that feeling last year like it’s time we kind of stick it back to him you know it’s time that it kind of felt like it felt I they had something to prove last night and then to me like as an ex player I’m thinking you know how tired are these guys they just they’re going back and forth to Toronto dealing with Customs dealing with like like oh my God are we going to blow this are we going to blow another 3-1 lead and then they go down to Florida it with a one-day break and they go in and they basically used the momentum it’s not that their bodies probably weren’t sore that they weren’t sucking a little wind but they used that momentum and that feeling that they had in the room you know and not like baseball where you win a series no matter what you just go out and get just completely you just go and you’re just boozing and having a good time no these guys were you know probably a glass of wine if I know my boy shaty sit back a glass of Veno a nice chicken parm but you you got to get ready to play again and these guys showed up and they you know being down one- nothing in the game they come back and they just pour it on what a what a second period of hockey for them yeah they seem just to me as the game went on too like it was almost like they were still kind of engaged in that long seven game series and like you said they jump on the plane they get there boom they’re right back into it like it’s almost like they didn’t have time to even think about it all right let’s go boys which could be the best yeah I mean I used to love playing every other night I didn’t love back to back so much but the every other night I’m like all right get in have a sheet get down there let’s play yeah I mean that’s you almost get a week off it’s like an Olympic break yeah except you don’t go to Cabo but you know how do you stay on top of your game I want to go to Cabo I want to go to Cobo I really want to go to Cobo bud I really want to um listen up dog let’s hit the intro real quick here fellas if you haven’t watched the Tom Brady roast yet [ __ ] do yourself a favor and turn it on she’s three hours long so if you’re up dog get a glass of wine or get the weed pen out or whatever you want to do old fashion if you’re me and take it in buddy um the only one that really laid an egg to me was and I love Randy Moss and I I couldn’t imagine I was sitting there thinking like imagine going up there and having to do this for all these people and you know Randy M is on ESPN or was on ESPN but grock Gro killed it he took some heat Edelman killed it uh bellich came out and killed it and then all the comedians were I mean it was unbelievable topn Dana White was great yeah I loved when I loved when Jeff Ross says to Dana White I love you Dana White you’re like Michael Vic but with human beings that’s it was unbelievable and then you know Ander Schultz was funny too believable the two girls were unbelievable um what did he say you hold back uh you’re like Dana holding back back uh purses from Brazilians yeah um it was yeah it was alltime funny man then they just I I would say to answer your question there like you don’t know if you could do it I think you you go in with a pretty solid game plan of what you’re going to say like not just these little show notes that we have here for the podcast I think you got her word for word it’s almost like reciting your wedding valves man you can’t [ __ ] that up cuz you’re right you’re on national TV and you’re probably getting pinned right like we used to get pinned and try to talk at our podcast it’s not perfect no they were up there drinking tequila I know I know Sam J uh she’s a black uh lesbian uh comedian she was hilarious she was hilarious I I can’t even repeat what she said on this podcast but it was unbelievable and then I can’t seem to find the the blonde girl uh Nikki glacer Nikki glacer that’s her her bit was unbelievable she at the very end she’s like and if Tom proved anything that he’ll never He he’ll he’ll never stop until he gets something no matter what he does so Tom I bet you can’t make me come Tom I bet you can’t make me c i when he talked about the Jiu-Jitsu trainer and like oh my God now he’s going to kick your ass while he’s eating yeah he was unbelievable goes Tom it’s you know what were you thinking you know your wife goes to jiujitsu eight times a week and she’s still a white belt like what were you thinking Tom and then by the way you know it’s kind of suck to know the guy that’s you know bangging your ex-wife could kick your ass while he’s eating her ass I was just like oh my God man and my girl M sleep beside me I am [ __ ] dying man I am it was it was unbelievable uh and to Tom Brady man obviously up dog he didn’t have to do that and then he came on at the end and roasted guys it was unbelievable pton Manny came out and then he let pton Manny have it bellich and him did a shot Robert Craft and bich did a shot there was only one thing where Brady got pissed when Kevin Hart said something to uh Rob craft about massages yeah it was Jeff Ross said it was it Jeff Ross and he just he stood up and came hey enough of that enough of that yeah not to Mr Crap it was funny to Kevin like I don’t know what it is with you white with you white boys talking about Dick jokes all the time draining draining Tom’s balls and [ __ ] and Tom’s just there being like a that’s funny no Tom that’s not funny we talking about Dick he’s like like Willie McGee over here he’s like you know you talk dicks with Will McGee like get that [ __ ] out of here bro and it was just like it was unbelievable how do you think Jazelle felt on Monday morning waking up oh I don’t know probably not perfect right she I mean he was taken who do you think took the most heat other than Tom Brady grank took a lot of heat about being a dummy oh yeah [ __ ] yeah big time I would say uh grank took his the next after Tom yeah Tom’s was about crypto too the one girl’s like Tom how did you not know that you’re going to get that cryp he goes crypto is not even real even Gro knows that she’s like yeah I know that money not real she goes yeah Tom I know that money not real I [ __ ] just dieing that is funny it was UN I read last night I just happened to read the FTX stuff on uh what he made do you know how much money he made he made like 55 bananas a year for them for that Tom Brady did Tom Brady for like 12 hours of work 55 million that’s not bad that’s almost as good as his Fox Sports deal for 375 million good for uh check it out fellas if you haven’t seen it it’s unbelievable uh shout out this is a weekly occurrence here this Todd pickup such a good guy and Dennis Shannon but Big Brothers Big Sisters yesterday at Newport B Country Club first of all thanks to our boy uh stoy babe Jared stole and Teddy Purcell to come down it was two legends it was so much F I haven’t laughed like well we laugh a lot when we golf but you know play with those two guys we haven’t seen them forever I I laughed on the front N More Than I laughed forever I st I stopped laughing on the back KN when I started slashing it around but um thank you to them but Todd pickup once again um absolutely killed it his family’s going to match for every bird that was made there sorry Todd I didn’t chip it I didn’t make one birdie but for every birdie that was made there yesterday the pickup family is going to donate I think $ thousand dollar or whatever it is so just buddy it was nationally League Beyond National League um so thanks to Todd man it was a great day was it not it was a great day um a great cause boys and girls um you know of Newport Beach that we you know we’ve been doing this now a couple years and proud to be able to jump in the horse race which lasted two holes for us um yeah and I didn’t you know I got my the iron claw you had a hell of a shot in there uh so you you started I can’t chip I can’t chip I stubbed to chip it just ended the day for the fellas it wasn’t perfect for for all my buddies out there and know my golf game it’s a kink in the armor at least Tim Smith was U though that guy’s a beauty man I see I see him leaving he was still he had his hat on like he had his hat on like sideways he was talking the ph and I I just yelled out I’m like spitty shake her off fella shake her he’s like I can’t believe I did that I can’t believe I did that oh it wasn’t perfect but uh yeah a great day to be in Newport a Monday Monday golf tour I didn’t know I was going to slug about 10 beers and oh four Tequilas I mean that’s just T cig how nice is that just picks a legend like Hey Big Brother’s big he does so much for that charity and you know obviously he’s you know lucky enough that his family owns Newport Beach Country Club and he’s like yeah we’ll do it there on a Monday when it’s closed we had the course to ourselves everybody had a caddy course was mint greens were mint booze everywhere Pacifico it was unbelievable and the winning team was a bunch of our boys a beauty Squad of Thomas J dhy the MC attack Benny McAllister Mike Carpenter and one of Betty Max’s buddies but that’s that’s our Friday boys bringing home some Hardware it sure was yeah so it’s good to see good for that so pick thank you stoy baby Ted you guys are beauties we’ll see you at Bel Air last but not least on the intro here up dog I know this was last week fellas but we haven’t had a chance to talk about it um you know Monty’s comments after game six of calling out pasta and we all know how it worked right he got the game seven winner and I played great last night in game one against but dude I was when he was saying what he was saying I I was like I I don’t know if I would say this you know I don’t I would maybe pull him into my office and say hey pasta we we need you fella like you know Mary’s done his thing you know this is your time but to go out and and and publicly say it’s on poster knock is what I heard and for POs to respond Monty way to give your balls a tug I know up you know him personally so you can jump in here but I it was a ballsy move UPS yeah I think I think in order to do that in order to say like you know Mary’s been great he’s been great all series and pasta needs to do more he he needs to do more right I think in order to say that publicly OBS after game yes Monty’s emotional but he’s also been in this situation before he’s also yeah game seven now is upon him being up 3-1 and he in his mind he’s like I have no regrets now I cannot let this go on again without what I think maybe he looked back Obie and said what did I do last year that I might have could have done better should I have called out one of my guys good point you know cuz I not 365 days ago I was in the same spot he’s like holy [ __ ] here I am again no and you know what it’s his job [ __ ] if he lose that game he’s done arguably he could be oh he might have been he might have been piped now do I think that’s the right call or not no because it’s everyone’s duty but you know what he goes [ __ ] it maybe he did it out of maybe he didn’t even know if that that that word or that question was coming at him but I think he just stood up and said what was on his heart said I’m not no regrets here I’m [ __ ] you know what pasta can be better I think I think he was going up there and he said before he left that Podium he was going to let pasta know how he felt I think going in he knew that yeah I am in my opinion but you know good good on you because maybe last year he handled it differently right maybe he was lovey-dovey with these guys and stroking them off and he thought hey [ __ ] [ __ ] that pasta it’s on you brother and uh has Shel Keef not been fired yet by the way I I’ve been busy golfing and hanging out I just read today on TSN that there’s a Shannon there’s a brad tree living and then there’s another dude it’s probably some other you know hierarchy up there in the brass but they have like some sort of uh presser coming yeah like it’s going to be there’s going to be some there’s going to be some Shak I just think for Sheldon too it’s like listen I get you know being the head coach of charate beliefs has got to be one of the best things in the world you know when you you’re winning the regular season you got great teams but there’s other opportunities out there that you know maybe will be better for him too right like I do think Sheldon Keef’s a good coach but like does he really want to come back up so like do you really want to come back again and be like all right here we go I got to answer the same questions for 82 games and live the same lifestyle and when I go for dinner the restaurant or the grocery store people are looking at me like when are you guys going to get it done like it’s got to be growing on like it’s got to be waiting on yeah well which is why he was probably talking about the leaes in third in third person immediately after the game like you know people want to play the Leafs you know trap them into beating themselves like the Leafs the Leafs like not our team or not my guys or not this and that maybe he already foreshadowed himself into thinking this could be my last game if I don’t win and just you know the Leafs gave it everything they had uh call it what it is the the illnesses and you know some of the drama that that happened in game four at home for the Leafs I think there’s there’s an issue there um there’s an internal shakeup that I think needs to happen you know you think it’s drawing it’s not getting back to the drawing board as to say as it needs to be just shaken up yeah I I give mty credit though bro that was that was ballsy by him it worked out and then you know obviously sh if you’re out there in you’re GM or you’re you know you don’t think you need veteran guys just listen to what the boys are saying about Kevin shaton Kirk and the big rig you know obviously shatty and there saying what he said before game seven you need veteran guys around your team especially if you’re going to try to win a Stanley Cup but Monty good on you fella I I I love when a coach is is honest and and tells you how it feels especially for our line workup dog but I was like that that takes a big ball sack to do it good for him we’ll be right back here at missing curfew welcome back to missing curfew up dog F missing curfew dog of the week listen I know once again this was Saturday but we haven’t been in the studio I want to give some love to a former buddy of ours a former duck hampus Lindholm who I thought was absolutely massive in game seven big turn um did I love the goal that Sam snob gave up to him I didn’t love it you know if it hits you in the shoulder I think as a defense that you have to make that save and I also thought when when Matthews made that juicy pass to Leander that I thought one was enough ssof played great all the way up to that I thought I didn’t think Boston was going to be able to score Lindon with the Big Goal we all know about the pool little Bank Shot the pasta but I just thought he was great in game seven earning that money so up dog hampus Lindholm oh dog of the week yeah I just just to touch on it you can’t have enough of these guys that play hockey hard and play like you know the right way and yeah sh like just good on him for knowing the situation just knowing how important it was when your team gets down a goal to to turn up you know turn up the knob and get to another level of play which is exactly what hampus lolm did his team fed off it finding a way to just get one greasy one which is greasy as what it was and then just that pass that pass off the boards in OT like is it Samson off’s fault does he not should he come out and like poke it away like and be kind of on point like I think he should he should be on his toes and not sit back in the crease but to know you’re building if that puck doesn’t hit that wall exactly in the [ __ ] inch it hit it it’s not a goal it’s it’s coming out the other way it’s going it’s it’s hitting and going up the wall it’s hitting and coming behind the net it was a perfect play way to know your building that used to happen in Detroit all the time I just wrote that down Nicholas lrom used to do that in Detroit I just wrote down lrom at the lrom at the Joe it would be it you would look at him and be like [ __ ] you I just had a good Gap and now you [ __ ] Bank it off there to datsuk or zberg flying down or Holstrom or Fran and you’re like if I don’t hold my Gap datsuk is going to walk in if I hold my Gap LST is going to bank it off them right to the tape it’s like come on man but did your coach ever tell you to watch out for that play from them yes oh yeah we used to know going into games like I I I remember pasta doing this too by the way like pasta is a guy that would Circle up I I remember him getting pucks off the walls like this like blowing the zone and getting like a like not even getting to the red line and shooting it down like that’s that’s a play that only guys do like in their building used to do it I know I know so it’s a fantastic goal what a goal one of the biggest in Boston Brewing history and um it stung us a bit I had a lot going through my mind when I was playing at jerita there was a lot going through my mind of what of what I got of what’s going to take place out here but sadin used to be unbelievable at it cross corner you know they get the line cross Corner Hank with cross corner to Danny get it Danny then backand SAU it back to Hank but you’re right it’s it’s a great it’s a great play uh and Lind played on unbelievable so good for him that’s why he’s the dog of the week here at missing curfew upy world party time on the road again nothing like getting on the road again [ __ ] up dog in typical missing curfew fash should we’ve been just scrambling I got home last night dud I didn’t look at my phone once the whole [ __ ] day not once I’m out there just having a time I got emails and text and I got to book flights and hotel rooms and I’m like [ __ ] but we’re we’re booked we’re coming I can’t wait to see I can’t wait to see a peacock around Vancouver this is Up’s world right now it should be we should have did a quick turn around and turn it into Obie’s world because I mean you’re going back to Vancouver a city that is just licking its chops to get you back I mean they really are from our you know our mentions on our ex to the you know just to how much connection you have with all the fans up there are your shows that you do on the radio up there for the boys I mean what better and watch McDavid and dry CLE face off against Hughes and Miller Miller your [ __ ] favorite boy and I’m I’m on Evon and you’re on the Canucks too I mean this is just set up for a perfect couple games yeah yeah no you you may take some heat from uh Canuck F yeah but but I I mean listen the games are going to be unbelievable uh you know shout out to our boy Roger Hardy at kits iy Raj man you hooked us up we got two Center IED tickies for game one however we’re still looking for game two anyone out there game two uh preferably in a suite with Crown Royal and the Bat Blue but if anyone needs a couple X nhlers to come in there and uh you know help chip in yeah we your guys but games would be great but just the city I know how much you love the city I’m looking forward to getting you up there uh uh I I twisted your arm in to to stay at the Pacific Rim and I I made you fly first class and uh you know no it’s good it’s it’s adding up the bills are adding up but I’m looking forward to getting up there with you and getting back on the road with you I haven’t been on the rooll with since allstar game I can’t wait but I can’t wait and just to touch on a couple things we’re doing we’re discussing a little Friday pre-show uh for our fans little meet and greet with the boys our friends like you just mentioned Roger Hardy and his friends at kits eyear we’re going to do a little activation maybe Friday afternoon at their store in kits salano by the way kits salano is one of the nicest places on the planet yeah I used to get pinned at that place in Kitano yeah great spot that was my year-end Bender every afternoon I know Lululemon their first ever store right there but well look the weather looks great oh buddy this is the I mean bring the sticks bring the sticks hey a lot of boys tea it up there was a great there was a great quote uh or sorry a great clip that princey put out last week of you asked me about this time of year and you’re like all the outfits come out HS and a bunch of the boys that back in Van were uh were loving that they’re like [ __ ] it up doggy The Outfits come out ups and and the patios are buzzing um it’s going to be unbelievable dude it’s going to be unbelievable and you know what like we’re going to get into the series but I don’t know I saw the Canucks practicing yesterday they look they pushing the pace pretty well uh they should be they were pushing the pace pretty well I know well you think TOS is going to let them up by the way and they’re coming off a big game six win I mean they had a night in Nashville after they win and get home couple day break they’re getting an Oiler team that’s rested are you happy that we’re staying at Pacific Rim now that’s all said and done yeah I mean [ __ ] pric went down a little bit tell you I do like my nice sheets you’re going have nice nice sheets in a spa and listen Brey we always used to talk about you know know you’re paying for the real estate I just have a feeling that Lobby Bar at at at Pacific couple SLI of shim I think it’s going to be humm I think it’s going to be it’s going to be atmosphere it’s going to be and I love Cole Harbor that’s where I lived when I played uh shout out to Dave B and I did look on on my travel thing for the Weston I was like [ __ ] maybe we’ll stay at the Weston for bu she sold out [ __ ] Weston crazy that the hotel they had to upgrade that place the way I didn’t mind that play I’ll never forget I’ll never forget walking back at that place we beat the Canucks and we wer playing I was in Nashville we beat the Canucks and we weren’t playing for three nights in Calgary so it was the biggest green light you have ever seen in your life up dog and I come strolled in there about 5:30 in the morning and you remember how the back elevator remember where the back elevator was totally so I’m coming in I got my tie off and I got a friend with me and I’m walking in and if it isn’t [ __ ] what’s his name Fenton Paul fent Paul Fenton coming the other way heading to the airport for like a 6:30 flight and I’m like I’m like hey this is my assistant GM here so let’s just try to play a cool here would you so I I walked by him and I’m like hey fence how you doing he’s like hey Obie don’t worry I didn’t see anything I’m like oh [ __ ] right feny that’s unreal uh you know the next day in the afternoon we had a team building curling event I’m like God [ __ ] Troy curling you kidding me so I drag myself out the Weston bed uh put some water in my face show up whatever and we get there and Chi’s like hey [ __ ] like what time did you get home last night I’m like what are you talking I go try we just beat the conu [ __ ] we don’t play for 3 days we just had a great team building night you’re going to ask me what time I got home yeah why and by the way he told me he wasn’t going to say anything to you he goes hey just slow down a little bit you don’t be need to stay out that late you’re like do we need Liars in this organization or guys I go loose lip syn ships around here tot God PA I go I want to be like PEX was out later I don’t even think webs went home yeah I think I I think [ __ ] W’s still out there somewhere Su suor and webs yeah geez what kind of Cory got here oh it was such a great night up we went in there we beat him we were so H I was so happy I had seven blind three days off I was just like this is going to be was Kleiner there with you there oh yeah so Kleiner xanon you had Kleiner xon our back end was suits and webs yeah uh Frankie bullu oh Kevin Klein me Cody Franzen and our uh good our seventh D was Sal Soler remember Soler German guy good guy nice guy yeah that’s good remember the time had to go to practice there after a rookie party came down I’ll never forget dude you you had on a one of the sickest three-piece coats ever fired in a couple ADV and then you had Lulu leemon track pants on and your [ __ ] sneakers you’re like you’re like business casual like yeah that was the only time I ever seen you a little you were a little hung yeah that was when we were getting ready at GM Place and uh boys like what a night hey Scoopy miss you love you buddy rest in peace Broadway like I bounc around and I’m like [ __ ] who’s the who do you think the drunkest guy there was last night you’re tied up your wheels you’re like obrian I go yeah when he was standing on the table there standing on gges his bar [ __ ] slugging him back I knew that was my last one I knew that was my last one you sent it [ __ ] out flying thank you bud thank you I remember G just came over with with the bill the goddamn receipt was like [ __ ] 3 feet long I go f i go we’ll take care of yeah I got my credit got the team credit card I’m looking I’m like GES what the what this I go Obie come here look what he’s trying to do to us here you’re like don’t even look at that right now who cares well we’ll take care of that later Peter um but yeah looking forward to It upy Up’s World part time we’re on the road baby up dog my man get this guy blue presented by laat Blue Light folks the pristine pner enjoy your beers together fellas so you can live life to the power of we always enjoy responsibly beer leat USA in Buffalo New York hop dog tasty tasty tast PS it’s May May two four weekends right around the corner you got to lock you got to load up on the bat blues for may24 weekend get them at the lake Yeah clean out the fridge throw all the pickles and jars and the jam and all the Mayo and just fill it up with laat blue get it out of there uh up dog first and foremost get this guy labat blue Rick bonus bonesy bonesy hell of a run fella um I I would love to try to get bones on here I’m going to tracked down his number I’m I think I have his old number but I would love to get Rick bonus on here I got a few things I I would like to say to him uh one being looking back at like you know how good of a communicator he was with me in Vancouver right like I was younger I was 25 26 years old I thought I should have probably been playing more minutes and you know wasn’t quite ready to accept my rule as a 56 PK guy I thought I had more in me in that and at times you know I was still immature and bonesy would pull me aside and communicate with me and as my career moved on I realized he didn’t have to do that you know he didn’t have to pull me aside and and talk to me care about me and bonesy always brought the energy good morning Ops how you doing Boys Never didn’t never saw bonesy come in and not have a smile on his face man well maybe we lost eight straight at home obviously maybe didn’t have a smile then but his energy um bonesy I respect you you had a hell of a career sucks you didn’t get that cup fella but enjoy the enjoy the golf course did you know he’s going to end up being a great head coach like I always looked at him as the the perfect like guys guy assistant wasn’t he and then and then what a what an opportunity he had in in Dallas when he you know when he took over and then jump into Winnipeg and being being like the ultimate front-facing guy in a in a really hard place to live and play yeah but I mean especially on your handicap golfing Tampa Vancouver like it’s you know and then Dallas you work on your short game in those places I didn’t think to answer your question I I didn’t think bonesy would ever be a head coach again I thought he was a perfect assistant coach you know run the D or be the associate coach and run the power play or penalty kill um yeah you know turned out that he was a hell of a head coach yeah but just but but it proves that you can be a guys guy um and still be a head coach and and it still be a successful way to to approach the game right to approach the leadership but be the um yeah exactly I would say this is about bonesy and you know he obviously didn’t get a Stanley Cup as a coach but I I would hire him as some kind of you know advisor to the GM or you know give him some kind of job on on where he wants to be and maybe he can get his cup that way because you you you want Rick bonus around your organization you want you want his energy like he used to come out and there was days that I was pissed at bonesy because you know I wasn’t playing or he didn’t play the night before and you know I wanted to be mad at him I’m [ __ ] bonesy and then you see him out there high stepping and you’re like all right you know like we’re in the NHL let’s get her going yeah so I I I hope he I hope he takes some time off but if he wants to get back in the game if you’re a GM out there or an owner I would get Rick bonis around your organization because uh good energy guy up dog uh going back to last week’s game seven on Saturday and just the whole first round uh you’re a former teammate a guy I know you respect a lot and and and so do I watch them play as Joel Edinson uh get this guy the Bat Blue thought he played unbelievable uh you know as as the series went on and you know we watched game seven together I said [ __ ] they’re double shifting Eddie double shifting them every time I looked up he had the puck more Matthews I’m like Jesus this guy’s all over the I love watching the game with you too because it was the one thing that stood out to you that you were like [ __ ] he’s out there again and you know what it’s it’s the physical play and it’s the move in the puck and it’s the [ __ ] toughness that that you that stood up out to you and you need that in these big game sevens and he’s been there he’s [ __ ] he’s got his cup and he plays hard and I’m glad you got to witness him you know and and Toronto got to witness that because he’s a great player great guy yeah he was one of the guys is the reason I I I took the Leafs him Max stoi berzi as much as sometimes he looks sloppy out there uh Revo obviously Matthews KN lanard but edmon was one of the guys I’m like I can get I can get behind this team now this guy plays the right way he’s [ __ ] big gets out there and plays so Eddie the year in Bender buddy get a laat blue in you and then going back to game six you know I was hard on Willie nander at the start of the series I didn’t know if he was hurt I knew how important he would be the team I needed them out there um a because I had money on them but B because I grew up a lease fan and I know like guys like my boy craigger and all the boys back home ski and ston and the boys they they love this team Robert McNab keny they all love this team neander in game six and game seven played unbelievable uh get yourself with the Bat Blue I thought he was good up dog when he got in the lineup yeah he was and if if it wasn’t for this guy uh Jeremy Swan who gets yourself uh uh quesa laat blue lights get them and drink them uh because I’m going to need you to maybe play Drunk next game next game so the Panthers some Tak s out yeah um but wow what a what a game what an effort in the first round I mean he hasn’t let in more than two goals in the first six games seven games of the playoffs it’s absolutely incredible he’s kicking he’s seeing pucks he’s smothering pucks he’s making his team feel like they can just go play hockey and he’s got everything else so Jeremy swan man you’ve uh you you prove that you’re the guy in net you prove that you own the the Toronto map Leafs and now you’re on to the next one but uh what you’re doing so far is is pretty amazing yeah and we touched on it earlier but just to me how calm he looks in there right and like you can see how well he see in the pocket yeah and I just looked to back like playing with L wongo and and pekar Rene when they were locked in like they would just everything that came at them like boom so square no about boom and that and that’s what he is and he doesn’t look like that big of a guy like allar gets in there you’re like okay I get it but Swan he’s got to really trust his angles and I’m with you up dog I’d be I’d be sending maybe a girl to his room i’ be trying anything i’ be getting a model from Miami like Hey Hey sing hey come here R yeah cuz he’s he’s he’s in the zone so get him a the B BL big time and then another guy last night and and this is just such a heartfelt story Brandon Carlo has a baby born baby boy uh kid has a great name crew Carlo uh has his boy basically 24 hours ago steps in the lineup uh not 10 minutes before the game starts um you know shows up at the rank right before the game and goes out and gets an absolute bar down Mexico our boy Jimmy scoop style uh what a game and those shots by the way not just Carlo but the three goals that boss has scored the first three on bosi were absolute missiles and [ __ ] just label missiles they were crazy right there missiles and um that’s just a good word to describe how sick a shot is yeah [ __ ] missile when she walks by you go look at that missile man yeah that’s to too right she’s a [ __ ] missile but that’s a great guy’s got a that was a missile but up dog you’re so right and and I knew that would hit home for you as you know being a good dad that you are now and Beckham’s out there shooting pucks and gu’s a tank they big hands on him he’s kind of just a wrench too doesn’t he but listen I’ll tell you what I saw a video of Carlo coming back in the room and and you know guys High fiveing him and hugging him and then you see after game seven the emotion and you see what these guys were saying and I I I don’t know like I I I took the cats in the series I still believe it’s only one game but Bruins got some Mojo going right now that I’m like they they seem to really care about each other and like really love each other I’m like well look out right very well said said said from a guy that’s been there OBS you’ve been there you felt some heartache but you’ve also felt some some real good emotion you know winning a series and that’s exactly what these guys do and the course of a Stanley Cup run you have those ups and downs and it’s how do you react you know moving forward but after a big win if you if you see that your guys are uplifted like that and can bring it like no matter the pain or the travel or you know or the hurt you you just go out and you just you face a team like Florida and just work them in their Barn game one that’s that’s a recipe for disaster that’s like that was a statement it’s a statement game it was the statement game and and yeah they’re they’re enjoying it I I can’t imagine how much fun they’re having up dog Adidas tea times fella presented by Adidas golf made for wherever you play oh a lot of nice tracks out there right a lot of nice tracks in a lot of nice tracks in Toronto yeah the boys don’t know how many tea times these boys are getting out there right like yeah I don’t know it depends who you are be a tough text to a guy that’s like a die hard leaf fan if you’re like you know Marner and being like hey uh you know think about bringing Matthews and uh so and so out to the what’s it called the national there guys’s like [ __ ] you bud yeah right go play uh go play Dawn Valley Parkway there Country Club there go play play go play dwood um up I’ll start first here with the Tonto M beliefs listen I I I thought some people said on our social media like I guess they just they lost better right we lost again but at least we lost better this time some people were saying at least to me they showed some heart if they would have came out at the start of the series and played with the desperation that they played with in game five six and seven they I in my opinion they would have won the series uh I thought doy was good I thought berzi was good we just touched on Edmonson um unfortunate about Joseph wall up dog uh I don’t know how banged up he was I haven’t heard you know what exactly it was but I I do believe as good as samoff played I still would have liked him in there I know they lost 2-1 but I just thought he was tracking the puck so well as well but listen it’s time for a change my man you can’t continue on you know what’s the definition of a sandity doing the same thing over and over again to me there’s got to be changes with this Hockey Club yeah I think if you’re a hockey fan um you’re going to you’re going to expect the same right you’re going to expect the same whether you like the Leafs or you don’t you can’t um you can’t move on right now thinking that there’s there’s no change and by change it’s not like hey let’s you know let’s sign a couple free agents or let’s you know let’s not sign this guy it’s it’s move one of the core pieces if not a couple and really make a splash right you’re the Toronto Maple Leafs if you look at the way the Lakers do things if you look at the way the you know the New York Yankees do things they make splashes when it doesn’t work their fans demand change and we’re in a situation right now where you know we expect the Leafs to go on a run we need Canada to go on a run right now we got two teams left Vancouver Evington but the Toronto Maple Leafs with how much skill they have and how much they pay these guys you expect them to get out of the first round if not every year not just this year so um one thing that stood out to me on these on these postseason pressers is you know Marner ended up speaking about the the series and said you know like the Stanley Cup it’s so hard you know to quote him kind of Stanley Cup’s you know the hardest thing to win which is why like you know it’s just it’s difficult to get out of the first round right but like but he goes but it’s a war out there and as he says like it’s a war out there I’m thinking what kind of [ __ ] War were you in like honestly but what war did you think was out there and if so you were letting your teammates get shot yeah yeah you weren’t you weren’t standing in front of pucks you weren’t sacrificing your body you didn’t go out of your way to play a tougher or more you know a game that you’re outside of a you know your shell yeah to me I’m looking at him and I would be disappointed if I was a guy like you know like Revo or like Edmonson or like a guy that berzi who who goes out and you know engages himself and Matthews even right but you just kind of you got to play a game or you’re you should be humiliated you should be like a that you can’t how do you wake up the next day how do you wake up the next day look at your teammates let alone [ __ ] the Press you know the guys asking questions how do you look at your teammates it’s hard to win a Stanley Cup I’m sitting here we both of us don’t have a Stanley Cup you’ve been to a couple Conference Finals I didn’t get past the second round I know it’s hard Mitch marter you’re making $1 million or whatever you’re making 10 point whatever it is and unfortunately up dog that’s how it works you’re making that much money bro you’re they’re paying you to [ __ ] win a Stanley Cup man like that’s what it comes to not have a great regular season and Tow drag and [ __ ] work the power play around you’re making 10 half million doll to bring in Stanley Cup to Toronto and you haven’t got past the second round and I kind of know what he was saying we’re Gods you know I I I it came out the wrong way I’m going to give him the benefit of doubt I I I think if he could reward it he probably would have but I’m with you up dog for him to walk around that I I can’t expect him spending much time downtown Toronto right now I I can see him going down to Key West or Bahamas or getting the [ __ ] out of town but I got a rumor mill I got a rumor mill yeah you’ve been seeing not a GM but I got a rumor mill I like this so listen you got a trade Marner somewhere where they got cap space right and where he wants to go play with somebody and probably to a decent city right he’s not just going to wave his no trade and say I’m going to go to up dog’s favorite place Columbus and play right I’m not going to go to ob’s favorite place in Calgary and play but how about the Chicago Blackhawks at the mad house on Madison you can go in there you can play with Conor Bard they can bring on your $10 million and coming back Toronto I know this guy hasn’t played great there but I’m thinking if you if you put him with Morgan Ryland Seth Jones uh and if you could ever get this young defens over there I don’t think they would trade this guy Kevin kinsky 55 but in my deal it’s Jones Kevin Kinski Nick Felino and a first for Mitch Marner I would even do Marner for Seth Jones Nick Felino and a first the first needs to be in there I I don’t know I was just trying I was just trying to the well how many years is m left he doesn’t because I don’t think after dubis left town up dog I don’t think they have many first round picks so for me I’m just trying to sweeten the pot I think Seth Jones playing on the right side with Morgan Riley would rejuvenate Seth Jones career he was a Norris candidate in Columbus before he went to Chicago where he thought he was going to go there remember they signed flurry they had Taves coming back remember that year up dog where they thought they were going to be good yeah and they just [ __ ] their pants everyone got traded brookbank got fired that year I know Nick Felino didn’t play as well when he got traded for a first rounder Toronto but you bring Nick felo in that dressing room you see what the big rig’s doing you see what shad’s doing in Boston you bring in Seth Jones to play on the right side with Morgan Riley Nick Felino if you could ever get that young Kevin kinsky out of Chicago which I don’t think they’ll trade him and a first I don’t know I’m he’s got one year left on his deal and then he’s a free agent so and toar is too yeah so I’m just thinking like what is the team and I wish we could pull it up on our what do you need no no I have it but 10 but but just how the Dynamics of what that would work um you know what it would you take on one year the GU deal do you give up a first for that maybe not you can listen the two get first the two key pieces for me in the trader Seth Jones for Nick Felino yeah I would do that if I was Brad tree living people are probably going to be like holy [ __ ] I’m smoke another one but to me you rejuvenate Seth georg’s career they need that right shot defenseman Lu lushin UPI who you did say was a decent fit he was played okay but Seth Jones is is a better player than him that can move better that can you know to me they they they don’t have that right-handed demand that play Morgan Riley you bring Felino in um and maybe somebody else up font maybe I don’t know if Ryan Donado still a contract for Chicago you know he’s another guy that I I I love his game but to me it’s time for martyr to to move on he’s got one year left on his deal and Brad you got to be like fella where do you want to go Seth Jones making 95 to 2030 yeah a big that’s not perfect either but you got Matthew Matthews for how many years yeah you got him for three more years so how many years does Jones have after that five yeah Matthews is still 27 on long term I yeah you got a window of four more years I think with Matthews right yeah you got Felino is a great and I mean what a great piece and a story to you know Nick feno’s career he goes to Chicago signs a deal gets an extension they love what he been doing there I mean it says a lot like would they even want to give him up I don’t know I I don’t think they would want I think to to bring in listen you know you guys [ __ ] loops and Cody were you know telling me how good Bard is but all everyone kept saying is he got nobody play with no well totally Mitch Marner could go there they’re not going to make the playoffs for the next you know two or three years so Mitch won’t take any heat about being soft in the playoffs oh yeah that’s huge so now it’s got to be a place where he wants to go they’re in the Western Conference play with Bard they’re both soft yeah both tow Dragon won’t hit anyone it’ be great it’ be great for them but to me you may be right they may not want to part with Nick Felino or the South Jones contract thin here let me pull it up by what a deal he’s got nine 9.5 8year deal L if there’s one team that doesn’t give a [ __ ] about money up dog it’s the Toronto Maple Leafs right if I’m Brad tree living I’m going to Maple Leaf entertainment like we like you guys give a [ __ ] um yeah so to so after this year so he’s got one two three he’s got five years left Jones five 5 years left on his deal yeah he’s 29 I get what you’re saying but Matthews has got what same thing four years left you got to bring somebody in there to help the [ __ ] de but that was just my Rumor Mill I love it Brad if you’re into it buddy let me know text me Brad I’ll bring you I’ll orchestrate the deal I’ll take a point hey you know what Max DOI thought put unbelievable bring him back uh they got REO under contract from tree living I would talk to Edmonson um broa broa bro they got pieces man listen tavarus one year left at $11 million when he comes off the books I do believe I will go on Mr curfew and say this I believe if Brad makes the Right Moves they will win a Stanley Cup before Austin Matthews contract’s over but it’s on Brad He’s got to make some moves and he needs some help from Marner to be like all right I’ll wave my not trade and with only one year left for Marner he could go to Chicago absolutely light it up with the Blackhawks probably sign extension right when he gets there and help him develop help goalie they need a d and they need you know I don’t Joe this wall kid might be the goalie yeah you might be the goalie it’s not an easy job that’s why Brad absolutely not not in Toronto that’s why Brad’s making the big bucks is muzen ever going to come back and play where’s where’s Felix potman when you need him you know what I saw a picture of the the cat at alumni event with him and douge gomore and they look pretty good did he cat Le’s got a great alumni I know Darcy Tucker douge Gilmore old do your boy kako is always doing stuff is he yeah they got a great alarm wend around there oh yeah W what about Matt’s Matt and Matt’s is back in Sweden is he yeah I think he’s fishing he likes to fish he’s a dad what about Cabaret cabet smoking the dark somewhere did he smoke darts seem like he probably had one I don’t know czecho smok darts uh MC’s a beauty Cab’s down in Florida Florida I had him in Florida he’s an absolute treat how do you think the reaction of that rumor will will go over with Leaf Nation it’s going to be interesting to see the reaction on social media I I would say everyone has their their wish list of how to get Marr out of there yeah if you got a better trade let me know that was the one that first jumped into my head yeah I know you’re right you’re bang on with with a team that has the cap space and needs a guy like that yeah and they need a passer I mean look at what Marner does for math like could Ma how many goals would Matthews have got this year without Marner on his team well what’ you get 69 yeah 65 no I I’m just saying you can put then you’re putting neand with him and then listen when Taris comes off at $1 million after this year that is going to open up so much room for Brad tree living to do his thing the cap is going to continue to go up you could say hey Taris who would you rather have Ryan O’Reilly or John Taris I’m asking you who would who would you rather have me yeah well is that even a question okay okay so Ryan O’Reilly makes $4 million so you can go back to Taris and say Taris probably had more points than this year I’m sure he did no I don’t think so no Taris at $4 million as your third line Center that plays power play you know now now you got something cooking in my opinion now you got something cooking but him at 11 Marner at 10 and a half it’s like poor Brad they don’t have a d they got no goalie like you said although I do think wall may be the guy ups but I don’t know they got they got four or five years here to do it you know while they got Matthew signed before the before the coyotes come back Matthew’s locked up till 20 27 28 yeah so he’s got four years so Jones would have one year left on his deal after Matthews deal I just think Brad’s got to look at that fouryear window of okay I got Matthews for 13.2 how are you and we got to [ __ ] win a Stanley Cup here before this guy decides to go back to Arizona or sign with the Kings or whever the hell he wants to go right you gotta you got to do what you got to do I don’t know it’s it’s interesting man I mean berzi is a free agent Do’s a free agent yon crook signed I don’t know do you think Seth Jones is a guy that um in in Limelight like can he handle the does he like he’s American right will he be is he American yeah he is I don’t know I think’s can he like Turn It Up the Music as as like a darn old nurse making 9.5 and and since his contract he’s declined but can he go into Toronto and like you know resurge his his career that’s that’s the $9.5 million question fck that is what Brad tree living or I guess Shane O’Brien if I’m the GM that’s what I would be I believe I believe so much in Morgan Riley as a defenseman I I don’t think Morgan Riley has had a [ __ ] deep de partner that is even close to the ability that he should have and I think Morgan riy is that good of a defense he’s 30 GNA be 31 next year he’s in his prime get this guy a right-handed dman to play with and I I I I think his defensive game will be better some people in Toronto will say oh Morgan Riley sucks defensively I just think what if he had that like ronic who oh yeah like that’s the guy he moves like a guy like that steady one timer yeah you know what I mean is that guy free I like George’s size I like George’s size aonic a free agent yeah but you gotta think he’s going to want to stay in Vancouver play with fusees it’s going to had to pay him now though they [ __ ] oh season big time Big Time uh I guess the longest sure of it because we just talked about 15 minutes for that is Brad good luck buddy Brad f f Brad you might want to get some laat blues fella and just get half pinned and let it come to you like me and up dog the one time we were going to invest in a weed company and we decided to get stoned and then said talk about it and then and then we just even forgot what we were talking about it’s great so we couldn’t do it anymore uh tea times the Vegas golden kns ah man this one this one just just just stung man it just stung I just you know say what you want when they went up two nothing I thought man this is over but I I think hurdle and and and stone I think Stone had two goals maybe three but I thought as the series went on you could see that they hadn’t been playing those two guys particularly they were kind of you know you get back in the lineup up you got the you know the motion the adrenaline you know um but listen I love this team they’re not going anywhere they got great pieces IES is unbelievable we’ll see what happens with Marsh soul but hey it is what it is enjoy your summer boys you had a hell of a run but what a series up dog it was it was great and and as we know anything can happen in game seven uh especially when you’re trying to go to a My Morning Jacket concert and it gets [ __ ] cancelled because of high winds man so lucky for us we we hit up our boys stoy and Teddy we’re in Hermosa Beach we go to North End Good Old Hockey that they spent you know hours and days in when they won the cup those kings so shout out to those boys we caught the game there what is fascinating is how Peter dor does he not take over the the title as Mr game seven now being 8-0 in game sevens yes I mean that is insane yes wow so and shout out to him and what I’d like to say about um you know the golden knights is they were just an entirely different team in the playoffs when my boy IES was like playing fast and direct and the way the team plays when Ikes is going and I’m not saying IES doesn’t isn’t always going I’m saying like there’s speeds to his game and there’s times in the game where he actually like turns on the afterburners like a McDavid does and like it you know like these players that just play super high paced when Jack EO plays High Pace hockey he is he’s a top three player in the world um so I I just you know I there was moments in this series when they were down and they played just so much better than they did when when the game was tied or to start the games and that to me was a big big difference when you play a team like Dallas who just was steady Edy who got the goal tending down the stretch yeah whose players found ways to to never be down and stay in the game you know it’s there were two great teams one of them unfortunately you know had to say good night Jim kite yeah and we’ll see you know how much of a toll it took out of the stars when they got to play the AV but hey Vegas good on you um enjoy the offseason IES get to some music festivals buddy put the feet up uh they’re not going anywhere and last but not least here at tea times but [ __ ] daddy uh the Nashville Predators unbelievable year up dog um yeah successful one for try unbelievable year for them you know uh zucker’s UFA I would I would probably you know assume try might talk to him but I guess where I’m going with this up dog is they got all their key pieces signed they got all their you know their MCD yman Yosi forsberg O’Reilly uh night Quist go make a splash try go and sign some sign sign a big time forward go get somebody I don’t have the list in front of me I don’t even know if there’s a guy out there but if I’m Barry trots and walks in the boys you had a great year you got a great coach you got great fans you got great goal you got great leadership go get a big time guy go get a sniper and I think if they get that up dog they will be back in the playoffs and making some more noise my man yeah no they’re missing a they’re missing a game time goal score big time can’t all fall on forsburg no that series it went the same way as it did for us when they beat us when I was in Nashville and I look back at that series and obviously Ryan kler was a difference but if we had one more sniper I I think we would have beat him I really do we just our D was good I thought our D was better than their D I thought we had more you know grit and they just were more skilled than Kessler took over and I think JT Miller Brock besser yeah they took over Quinn Hughes they just took over but list good series good hockey it was dude I’ve never seen so many block shots I know man was crazy those unders were hitting they were hitting but listen Nashville Predators they will be back try we love you buddy good luck there uh upd dog that was tea times up dog my man the Jagger Meer iciest shot of the night presented by Jagger Meer best served at 0 degrees fenite damn that’s cold www.d kingx yagger damn that’s cold fella up dog the Jagger Meister iciest Shaw of the night listen this young kid Ben smi’s number six big boy Mason lorai scores his first playoff goal short side [ __ ] dink you’re talking about all the missiles what a missile this was an absolute bullet short side top titty first playoff goal this kid’s going to be a player I love his size I love his length I didn’t know he could shoot the puck like that but up dog that’s the iciest Jagger Meister iciest shot of the night how about the Sy great great s stared at the crowd one one knee pumper nickel how are you um great shot and wow Boston if they find ways to score goals like this it is going to be hard boys up dog DraftKings series preview second round presented by DraftKings stay tuned because you hear more about DraftKings and all it has to offer throughout the show DraftKings the crown is yours what you little hurricanes little rangers how are you where do you want to start well I think we’re on the opposite side of this one so what better way to start you got the hurricanes and the Rangers Bud started early it’s one nothing Rangers game two Tuesday night uh listen I like both teams I I really do it’s this team there’s a really good chance in my opinion that one of these teams can make it out of the East I think this series can maybe be for it all yes I like Florida yes I like a little bit of Boston the way they’re vibing but to me the Rangers um president Trophy winners playing a really strong Carolina Hurricanes team uh from Freddy to aho to shestov these guys just pour it on um what do you what are your thoughts yeah listen I got a couple thoughts up dogs the Rangers Power Play is lethal lethal if they’re going to take penalties you’re going to lose to Serius Carolina and I love your Freddy Anderson you got to be just just a little bit better because sherin’s unbelievable and Freddy I think he will be I think the Hurricanes win game two uh I still don’t think the hurricanes have played their best hockey yet and you know they beat the Islanders in five they they almost squeaked that one out of MSG I expect him to bounce back but listen you got to stay on the Penalty Box and Caroline is back in they missed that peshy they miss him they miss him because you know what Chatfield I hate battles but I I if you could take Chatfield the lineup they would probably take D’Angelo I wouldn’t but they they miss him that D I mean listen shout out to Jordan Stall a little suky nomination this week Seth Jarvis big goal in game one a guy that can be a huge difference maker when you look at the depth of their forwards and I know you love you love this kid Martin look like these are you look deep in the lineup they’re hard guys to play against you gota man you got to just find a way like these guys the New York Rangers are are feeling it right like they they are feeling five what did they sweep round one five and0 in the playoffs five and0 [ __ ] troi’s doing his thing it’s hard to say but Fox I mean he’s [ __ ] just to tiptoeing and Tow dragging and [ __ ] dialing out their D’s good they’re good Rangers D’s good it’s been good all year we got shesterkin back there listen MSG what a barn man and there’s just celebrities everywhere in there y though it’s good for it’s good for hockey for the Rangers to be good and if I if I honestly if I wouldn’t have picked Carolina at the start of the year and and believed in them all year here I probably would have jumped shipped and jumped on the Rangers bangwon cuz I love watching the Rangers I love troch I love their power play I love that building I’m a big fan of Peter Lavette um I think it’s good for the game but I took Carolina at the start of the year they’ve had so much heartbreak but listen they got their hands full up dog they got their handsful Bruce Panthers like CP always said it’s only game one I expect you know the Panthers to bounce back in game two but the Hurricanes you mean no sorry Panthers Panthers to bounce back in game two but like you said watching game one felt like the pressure was on the Panthers right even at me watch I’m like yeah these Broods are playing like oh we’re not supposed to be here we were supposed to lose game seven at home oh you guys beat us last year well here we are here we are again it was a gutsy effort and I mean the and the save in the first period it’s like a rebound two-on-one shot for your buddy pass off the far pad and what a save but it could have been one two nothing right away and you know what it’s like climbing back you’re just like ah you know what just give them game one let’s just [ __ ] go out and fight and throw our but they didn’t Boston they came back what a second period man it being down one nothing the cat should have [ __ ] gooned it up a bit they should have gooned it yeah someone should have grabbed somebody but they don’t really have anyone no we not not to fight big rig or [ __ ] our boy Tren Frederick they don’t want any part of those two boys get their ice pump shut even car like Carlo on the back end too big boy really big boy we’ll see it’s on that’s what makes play that’s what makes playoff hockey so great up dog we’ll move out here west of the Western Conference Stars Avalanche I got the Avalanche I believe you took the the stars did you not you don’t talk to it I think I got the ABS you took the aves okay I got the aves in six I just think you know how fresh they’re going to be I did see a clip of uh I did see a clip of Gabriel lanis kog on the ice in his gear so I don’t know if that was just to tease or if that was trying to get me emotionally just like you know oh my God is there any chance he comes back I don’t think there’s any chance he comes back this series but to see him well let’s put it this way in the first round I saw him sketing in a tracksuit and I was like wow this guy’s nowhere close and now I see him in his full gear I’m like okay maybe I don’t know maybe we’re trending towards something good listen they got their hands for the stars um avalanch won the season series which is shocking to me because I I always thought Dallas played them hard all year um speed against size speed against structure still against skill against character guys and Ben and seen um Can the Stars keep up with the Avalanche uh can yorgi have play the way he did after game one I can’t wait for this series to start tonight I got the ABS and six baby come on fellas I want to come to Denver for the final I want to come to Denver for the final boys let’s go I got him in seven so yeah I’m on your page I think this is going to be a great series but again look at the way Dallas like is Dallas going to do what Florida just did come off a big emotional game seven at home you got the ABS coming into your barn I mean it’s going to be a great game it’s going to be a awesome series let me just say one thing too like everyone knows I’m an AVS alumni and I’m I’m a DieHard AVS guy I have been the last couple years but I I got no problem if Dallas you know it’ll hurt my wallet but if Dallas finds a way to win the Stanley Cup this year first of all boy Billy Quinn will be able to get to enjoy a nice Stanley Cup run which is the most important thing that guy’s family Jamie Ben but Peter Pete dor who I’ve got to know I met him at Factor Stanley Cup party we got to see him at the allstar game a couple years ago in Florida you’ve seen the way his ex guys that played on the Vegas gold nights shook his hand and how much he means to those guys I’d have no problem with Pete theor Jamie Ben Tyler said again the city of Dallas have i’ have no problem with that you’re exactly right OBS I’m I’m on board too I think it’s a great team some good great guys they’ve they’ve had a taste of it in the past lock out year made the finals lost to our boy Tampa and and coup and the boys but this is uh you know this is as good a chance as they’ll have again with the with the way that they’re built yeah and then Joel pavoli obviously right he’s probably it’s he did say this is his last Stanley Cup playoff run here so the only unfortunate thing about the stars and if they do beat the ABS I will put some money on them after this series I got no money on and I didn’t pick him at the start of the year it’s like I guess I could jump on the bandwagon though right [ __ ] it yeah you still get four to1 odds maybe I’ll tickle him after the show here up dog last but not least we’ll be there game one baby Rogers Arena let’s [ __ ] go ERS Canucks I just wish thater Demco was playing I just if he was playing and he was healthy and the Canucks big back end JT Miller leading the charge up front Brock B showing he can handle playoff hockey I think the Canuck d is better I think the others have a better forward group I think the kuuy are better I think it’s going to come down to goal tending up dog Skinner is obviously the better goal tener as of right now can this can this guy do it for the Canucks he’s going to see missiles as you would say missiles is there two teams left in the um in the Stanley Cup Playoffs right now whose fan base hate each other more no probably not [ __ ] rates this is [ __ ] going to be a battle do people hate Canucks fans yeah yeah uh yeah of course you played there like I I always thought know I always thought they were quiet and boring to be honest I always thought I never played in the playoffs there yeah I always thought like Oilers fans hated Flames fans Flames obviously fled o Oilers I didn’t know if it was like if they hate Canucks fans too like you grew up you’re an Oilers fan and I played Junior and CBS I I understand that all of BC is a Vancouver Canucks fan yeah I I that’s that’s no question but you get TR you know you go Ontario you go to Alberta you got a couple teams you got to pick from right they split that [ __ ] in half no you’re going against a full province of of you know no it’s definitely the biggest rivalry left in the playoffs for sure western Canada like I love BC I love Colona I love trying out for the Canucks I almost wore the jersey but [ __ ] you almost wore a lot of Jersey I almost wore the so these are two teams that I went to training camp on but I I I can’t say I’m not torn because I’m not I’m an Evon Oiler guy you know for real I want these guys I want Canada to win a Stanley Cup and I would be happy if either the van cver Canucks and talk it win but I’m I’m going for McDavid and gidle I’m I’m all in I [ __ ] put my money where my mouth is with no Demco and no soffs how do you say his name oh he’s starting game one artist starting game one but is that what’s going on with Casey to Smith is what I’d like to know I mean this kid’s been good but I would feel more comfortable with the Smith in there personally but maybe talks and the boys are going with him too but well he’s backing up he’s backing up without the goalies and then the season series being swept from Canucks beaten Emington for let’s let’s like say that this should be a pretty even line no Oilers are [ __ ] favored two to one this series stco the Oilers the Oilers should steamroll I think but they’re not going to because I I do believe in the structure that tet has I do believe in the kucks back in and I love JT Miller but if you’re I think if if you’re you know looking at it from a gambling perspective with no start they’re playing their Third String Goalie that’s why it’s so if demp goes in there would be a way different line in my opinion way different but listenit put in the fine print too they went 4-0 but it was the first two games of the year we all know what happened and then the last game there’s no McDavid so it’s like [ __ ] they were 4 and0 but I mean every which I took the kadu I got at plus 200 on jof Kings baby up dog I can’t wait to get up there with you uh what time is the bird tomorrow 10 10:30 something 1050 10 10:30 LAX butd hopefully no delays Air Canada the boys got to get up there Roger uh I were we’ll see you can’t wait to get up there that was missing curfew thank you to Kyle Morgan Hall Pass media that was missing curfew fellas [Music]


  1. Canucks fans who cause a ruckus and shutting down the streets are obnoxious.
    Like , where were you during any other time when that barn is a library.

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