Golf Swing Basics – How To Turn Your Hips #swingsafegolflessons #golflessons #golf #golftip #golfer

Golf Swing Basics – How To Turn Your Hips #swingsafegolflessons #golflessons #golf #golftip #golfer

take a club place it just inside lead heel with a medium iron what I want you to do is make sure the butt end of the club is halfway between the ball and your feet now where people might put clubs on the ground to help with aim and swing path I want you to use this line to help you think about your hips and in particular the rotation on the way down so feel like your hips on the back swing are moving along this club on the floor so moving kind of out this way and then on the down swing I want you to feel like your hips are moving down and back along from that club so you’re actually trying to move your lead hit backwards and forwards along this line like you would feel that you’re pulling the club along a certain line rather than the club think about your body part your lead hip if you’re someone who gets a little bit gamy need in this way you’re going to feel that’s nothing like this kind of force that you need to be using if you want to start striking the ball with some pure feelings you’re welcome

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