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The Rarest AK Variant Can NOW BE YOURS!!!

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Demolition Ranch Tees here! Comes with a free hug if I catch you wearing it.

Watch me vlog.

did you know you shouldn’t stand 15 ft away from 10 lbs of tanerite it’s not wise to shoot a shotgun with explosive rounds at Point Blank [Music] Range don’t throw a loaded shotgun shell spear like ever never trust a random conversion kit to not commit a felony and Go full auto [Music] [Laughter] always check twice before you zip up your pants what were you looking at oh you were filming I thought you were I thought you saw hi welcome to Demolition Ranch we have a brand new gun uh this is a PSA crank so this is our first crank we have a lot of AKs and we have some similarly sized ones we have some sprs and some pistol AKs what makes this really cool is it’s very hard to get a crink unless you have like $4,000 you can get a crink until today when PSA made this comes in just under $1,000 and the other thing most crinks are chambered in 545 by 39 which is a hard to get round which means also very expensive but this one is chambered in 5.56 the same round that an air15 is chambered in the same round that is in every sporting good store in America I haven’t shot it yet but uh I’m freaking pumped okay gety up I’m blind that was bright that flash holy cow 5.56 originally was shot a bunch in MC 16s which have a 20-in barrel so it’s made to burn and speed up that whole way this has like a 8 in Barrel let’s just shoot it fast dude holy cow I Can See Your Shadow dude I’m going to get sunburn from this thing that is insane that’s so cool let’s compare it to some other things that fireball the lighting is perfect for Fireballs it’s great here we have our crink PSA this is also a PSA it’s PSA 105 so it’s a short barrel as well not as short as the crink uh this is we’ve spr this one this one is chambered in 545x 39 which is the same as most crinks not this one are chambered in um and then these are these are USA made these two are also made in USA kalishnikov USA guns here this is an AK 104 this one is chambered in 762 x39 this one is our little 9mm AK but all of these are sprs this is also a usamade AK this is made by Meridian defense the Meridian is also chambered in 5.56 we are going to chronograph uh the crink 5.56 with a short barrel versus the Meridian 556 with it’s got like four more inches on it which is a lot nice uh and we’re also going to chonograph the M16 with 20in barrel uh which is also 5.56 and we’ll see the difference between the short medium and long barrel America let’s get cranky one of these I just want to shoot right into the screen never let him know your next move ready yeah hey that was a good hit that was a good hit 2457 okay 24 so yeah we’re going to be about yeah man that’s well that one that one may have not read right 2428 am I not waiting long enough why are we getting 500s I no idea all right we’re going to go with 24 to 25 it’s pretty fast slightly longer Barrel out of this one try to not shoot the screen oh it’s suppressed to I forgot 267 2747 2747 hey you’re missing all right I figure out where it’s going all right yeah what do you say about 2700 yeah so about 200 faster and now we’re going probably another five 6 in uh 12 12 a more so we should be 3,000 wait my math is terrible yeah we should be over 3,000 here 3152 I don’t know where this one’s going there it is 32 dang man that’s a a lot faster I wonder what it does to small mammals or gel we have those two cats I like Mouser you only said one name okay we are going to shoot some ballistics gel first with the crink and then we will shoot it with the 20in M16 actually hav inside this thing in at this close it we’ll just hope it goes right where it says it’s going to go it’s not it’s a little low so I need to go a little aim high yeah aim aim at like the literal top of the of the block that at the table you missed I was aiming at the literal top of the block okay and it went 6 in low wow I will aim 3 in above the block this time did that Miss so first shot way too low so it actually hit the table and bounced up and went in we thought it didn’t go in there but it did go in second shot just skimmed to too high so I’m going to aim 1 in above it see if that works it’s really hard to aim above something cuz it covers it up all right this should be it though yep so it went in yeah bullet is right back there look they both turned around turned around backwards that’s crazy this one’s a lot more deformed cuz it went through a table before it came in here yeah and uh actually that’s cool look at that that’s crazy how wide that is all that black in there well look at the look at the pattern it took too flip it back this way it it looks like it it yeah you know turn sideways we’ll see where it turned around yeah cool to the slow-mo to the slow-mo this one should be going a heck of a lot faster and put a much bigger wound into the jel block ah did that go out the bottom or I hit table first I don’t know I saw pieces of table fly out maybe it just cavitated it through the table that could be it it is broken down there already nope we went right in cool right there did that bullet go through I’m pretty sure it see it I don’t see three bullets in there oh it curved out the side to curve it out right here it came in super straight too yeah so it went in straight right there just like yeah start straight stuff happens you know life happens and yeah it came out right here crazy it looks like it it started cavitating at the same place though yeah and it obviously pushed a lot of pressure down here because it blew out the table underneath you the extra speed definitely made a bigger wound cavity let’s shoot the crink I this is my new crank uh never [Music] mind yeah dude what you got there well we put a uh cr5 on it so suppressed 5.56 crank I’m going to shoot like this in case it explodes why would it do that oh that was cool that was cool and you notice no Fireball it’s venting out of here and I can feel like blowing my hair up right here it’s not hitting in the eyeballs like the the gas is just going going po little poof of gas that was pretty funny dude this is cool I’m just getting this gun super hot yeah no kidding we should uh we need to put a K&S piston in that this thing will be super cool suppressed all the time God this is so cool I want one now yeah this is awesome I like that package all suppressed I mean I like the 5ft Fireballs are coming out of it too but this is a that unburn powder much more manageable I like that it comes with the brace too yeah I like it sounds like we’re really sucking up um we actually like this thing though uh we have a couple old Texas Speed engine blocks one is cast iron and one is aluminum uh I’m just going to shoot a couple rounds and we’ll go see what it does but I’m I’m kind of nervous for uh Ricochet you know I don’t know why that was cast iron I saw something fly up of that one something flew no like I saw like a spark let’s go check it out all the stuff on my hands that could be from anything one of them hit right there oh man they’re not doing anything that cast iron there’s the hit right there and that’s hit right there so it looks like it came in skitted there and did that hardly anything so this one broke a little piece off of that bolt hole there this should be a lot softer over here where did we hit though oh there’s a hit right there oh it came in right here boom okay where are the other hits oh there’s a hit in there that might be what I saw there’s our hit went right in here and it was kind of coming at this angle so it went broke that out so a little bit of damage but not a lot actually I thought it would do more damage to aluminum let’s shoot a 762 by 39 much bigger heavier bullet going slower 762 by 39 Oh man do we got batteries in this thing of course not I’m hitting a oh wait wait I can see it we’re in we’re in nice dude there’s Sparks coming over that thing okay jeez I mean it looks like it’s doing more damage I think it’s just hitting in here and it did nothing yeah there one hit there that’s new it pretty much just knocks paint off though of cast iron all right we got one hit on our steel sleeve here another one that went in broke Our Sleeve there um yeah it was pretty boring um sorry I feel like that was really boring yeah definitely so I I like the idea of shooting all these Bud Lights but how do we transition to that without being too political I mean I think any transition can be subtle yeah if we just keep the transition subtle enough that no one notices yeah I mean and they’ll just it’ll just be like an any normal day it’s a nonissue I would shoot any beer yeah I mean has nothing to do with the fact that it’s who’s supposed to be a beer is a beer you know sometimes they taste like crap sometimes they taste really [Applause] good did y’all see my Fireball though I couldn’t see anything yeah this thing’s just shooting fire straight up um fun fact my ears are on so that was good it’s okay your ears weren’t on the always wear ear protection right Jenna what this is an awesome gun so yeah check this thing out freaking cool and if there are any instructors who uh want to come teach some AK courses at my range let us know also go check me out on the Matt character Channel link description below I’m spending way more time over there thanks for watching Demolition Ranch I love you and I’ll see you next time did you cut yet do you want me to open up [Music] you [Music] back oh what was that let’s end this video


  1. 0:10 If this had gone slightly differently it would have been one of those idiots you read on the news that caused self harm for playing with fireworks.

  2. My uncle went to russia wayyyyyyyyy back in the 70's and got a soviet AK with a drum mag and still has it and cant sell it cause the drum mag is the most regulated illegal thing ever hes allowed to keep and shoot it but the gun is basically not allowed to be sold.

  3. With the amount of muzzle flashing in this video, you should have had an epilepsy warning….. Otherwise well done and the skit at the beginning is still hilarious.

  4. Hey DemolitionRanch……im playing Hunter of the wild atm….an was thinking…….WTH is the diffrence between a 243…22-250…..check the game…..make follow ups on the ammo in the game!! mabye make comparaison on the diffrent ammo in that game ….and mabye other games?… what you gous are doing!!! great job!!

  5. Matt please buy a PHANTOM already, it would absolutely launch your ballistics videos. C'mon brother. I can't believe you haven't got one before now.

  6. Класс видео, зашел лайк поставить, спасибо, что разрешаешь переводить твои видео!

  7. Hello, I’ve been watching you for a long time and look forward to your videos. I’m from Ukraine myself, could you give me some kind of gun? (not a working one, of course, like a layout) so that there is memory, you know, today I’m not here tomorrow (but at least there will be something pleasant in life) or at least pneumatic, not prohibited by law

  8. For this gun a flashhider or silencer really would make sence.. if you eould shoot this thing on the battlefield everybody knows where you are😂

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