Golf Babe


After a little bit of a hiatus and a long winter our guy Trent is back trying to Break 90 on the golf course. We’re out at Rockville Links giving it a go for the third year in a row. Let’s get it done!


Breaking 100

Play Your Way with Rapsodo Golf. Play Without Limits

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we’re back breaking 90 uh a lot of people didn’t think the series was going to come back no they thought hey this guy crawled in the hole he gave up he’s going to be a 90s plus guy the rest of his life no Sur we’re back I’m Still A ’90s Plus guy but I’m still going to attempt I was going say there was some of that that was like slightly true we did give up at some point we were like we got to put a hold on this we’re not breaking 90 so we put a hold on it for the winter just like we did last year is this like year three of breaking 90 I broke 100 in 2021 late like late 2021 it’s 2024 so if you you know kids are growing up if you had them when I which is unbelievable that is stunning I agree with that I’m actually full disclosure I’m going to see Tillery tonight wow I’m flying out tonight I have my luggage in Brandon Jones’s car but I wanted to get one in so if you break 90 today are you still going yeah of course I’m still going well we’re going to celebrate and then we’re just going to keep going keep going okay this is a very very uh special place to us it plays at 6,300 yards it’s a nice short course there’s not much damage out there they got a clock they got a centennial clock here shout out to that our guy Luke obviously the super here who’s probably one of the best supers in the state in the country he’s got this place completely dialed in he says it’s nice and soft today they pumped it with a bunch of water they got some rain so I think it’s going to be uh I think it’s going to be an easy test an easier test than usual Rockville lyns 100 years 100 years in in existence we warmed up a little bit on the Range um used the wrap SoDo I love that thing um hit a few balls I was hitting it good even Luke was like your ball fight looks different look at this look how crazy this is bang it’s got a video on everything how didn’t you know we put a tracer on it it’s got a nice little carrying case it’s one side there one side there you can get your speed you can get your carry you can get your total just nothing too crazy like look it’s just showing me carry total and side carry I’m sure you know if you dig deeper in the numbers you can get it but it just shows you it can show you where you’re lined up it made me confirm GPS and show which way I was hitting the ball it’s it’s actually unbelievable rrap soda oh and there’s a little Tracer rap SoDo wow this is the first ever breaking 90 that we’ve been using the QI 10 and Tren a different golfer with the qi1 max also on that same note quickly I think this is the first breaking 90 where I’ve wore shorts wow so a lot of things are changing a lot of first first breaking 90 that I’m wearing a blade collar we we’ve changed a lot in the in the time that since the last one Stay Stay you know what all stayed we’re [ __ ] fine dud bounce left you’re on top of the hill with a perfect look of the green okay Slinger sling it all right we’re off and running Luke we’ll see out there you got this place [ __ ] dialed man keep it below the hole below the hole today done that listen brother words of God you know not and we’re off we’re off beautiful warning see usually I’m in this bunker but I’m over it bro on top of the hill top of it and and it kicked left soft oh whoa whoa can’t get booed on the first hole that is just not what we need there’s a sand patch up there that I’m on that’s fine you don’t have to think about that you just got to hit the ball okay okay oh my God sit that’s got to sit right sit sit sit sit sit he Juiced it that’s all right you got all ball which is good did get all ball I had to it was on like a weird sand patch there’s no sand back there right that’s all I might be putting that [ __ ] green side bunker on one here Kyle not a great stance so let’s just [ __ ] let’s show Trent the way here and let’s not ever crack your voice like that again on video once we if I get it all the way up here this thing’s in a bowl today let’s see it here Frank oh it’s all sand so even if I nuke it it’ll be fine I just got to get up this hill it’s a little wet out here here they’ve been spraying it he said there was no rain feels like there was rain get down that and turn left pretty good come on pretty you want in or out today um let’s do out and I want you to help me read this cuz I don’t I think that’s fine see how high you are yeah I’m [ __ ] I’m way up here taing this thing top of the mountain you’re tapping this [ __ ] going right to left cuz it feels like that bulll is doing that yeah it’s going right to left I’m like putting it like right here you’re putting it to there like that’s my hole go in sit yeah it’s [ __ ] fast man it’s just a tough spot you can finish up take your time take your time yeah okay five five chilling five just a couple Five Guys hell yeah it’s actually nice too that they had that this like this you hit it in the perfect area we could you put that right oh I puted it I actually [ __ ] it up if I had just gone a little bit more left that thing’s sitting in a bowl but whatever five is great he said everything’s in a bowl today yes that left like yellow tree is your line the of the two there or this yeah like out of the three three in the middle I I would take that first one like you’re trying to land it right on that [ __ ] that’s going to get it done I think oh it just dropped into a bunker I think so okay didn’t clear it that’s fine that’s all right over there yeah that’s fine oh I slipped but that’s going to be good wow Trent sit sit oh what a bounce no no bunker yeah a damn dude that was so good and like so bad at the same time I didn’t want to be a bunker until like the 18th hole or something you know or never oh [ __ ] dude that a brutal bounce it’s all right catch a piece wow that’s going to be a hell of a putt that’s fun all right [ __ ] you just a just a bodily reaction [ __ ] man come on hit a [ __ ] good one dude don’t be a piece of [ __ ] that’s a new man sit dude come on stop whatever man you got out I’m out [ __ ] unbelievable what just happened there there were some nasty thoughts going through my head when I was over that ball nasty thoughts I’m fine sit ah all right come back down or something a little bit will n be good to me nope [ __ ] let’s give this one a good roll all right our worst we walk away with the six oh man it’s fine okay you like the line I think I think so it’s coming right to left yeah yeah God that was a good putt that’s not the worst nice okay didn’t trust it man like if we just go Hole by hole and not think about the final number today I agree and we just think about all right how are we doing on each individual hole I think you damage controlled on that [Music] all right long Par Four and then and then we’re into some easy holes there yeah good one thanks that’s a great position yeah it’s a long Par Four get on in three next shot we’ll just get up by the green we’ll we’ll put it close that was great look at this guy that one was good that that’s that one felt great maybe 150 yards further than mine you got that ball flight down that draw ball flight staring at the ball that’s it yeah you can see the X right you see that there’s something about when I when I hyperfocus on the ball on a drive it’s almost like it’s you oh we’re good it’s almost like you can’t miss the club face but then when when I just swing that’s when like the toes and the heels and all that [ __ ] come out good spot here great spot I’m looking for you like that left edge of the of the green almost like have that be your Center Target you know what I mean yeah all right it was quick that was fast that’s not going to kill you you can get on from there no damn yeah don’t go after these shots like you want you know just hit them this guy get right in there get up there oh [ __ ] I use the wrong Club I use a pitching wedge like an [ __ ] should have been a nine or even an 8 150 kidding me 108 right in the bowl hit the number baby 110 right in the bowl oh baby b perfect get up there go all right good shot okay nice and high you trusted the club I did oh that was just trust the number in my head the whole time it’s awesome is that off the green hit something hit something that’s going to go all the way to the right [Music] wow I good put yeah good five man thank you brother that’s just right out of the Playbook that’s a five it’s a good five we will take a five all day on three two putt could have been way [Music] worse the right edge of that tree it’s hanging over yeah yep just get by it yep yep yep now we’re now we’re picking targets and we’re hitting them now that’s that’s like gozone all right we’re in we’re in a [ __ ] great spot here like if I’m looking at a pin I’m looking at the right edge of that like triangle yeah the bottom of it yep like I’m just like I’m trying to land the ball there so I’m doing whatever I can to work it to that spot okay like that’s just that’s your spot man little thin [ __ ] but that’s going to sit I think oh over the bunker you’re fine you’re in rough damn maybe we’ll play to the front of greens cuz you want to be below the hole anyway yeah I think we might have to start doing that use there I use an eight iron yeah probably should hit a nine yeah hit a n hit a nine next time 140 be enough PR putt y four yeah that’ll be a six no no you’re going to get these green figer out no doubt about it that’ll be a six oh be a six nice all right you’re still putting Nestle up there baby all right let’s go clean that up I got that pin okay I got that pin you didn’t all right let’s not think about it no problem there that’s fine that’s fine dude that really is fine though I know it is but boy getting out of there with a five would have been nice I know I know would have been fun didn’t want it did it look at these things roll out ah okay I think we can build off a lot of positiv positivity I actually agree with that because you’re hitting good drives you’re hitting your irons are are [Music] good with hole Rockville links just another gol really I got 110 here 110 is a good number it is a good number we just had 110 we liked it we did I hit it really good Fly Like an Eagle and sit sit holy [ __ ] you [ __ ] did it man are you kidding me you just made this whole your [ __ ] you know why don’t you throw a little Montage in here quick maybe 10 15c Montage of what this hole’s done to him and the fact that he just hit that thing to 25 30 ft on the green uphill putt [ __ ] right I had a dream that made sad many people can be bad everybody wants all they can [Music] grab no one’s ever happy with that that’s awesome come on man that’s awesome oh a piece of chocolate it looks like a little turd oh no you got you got little tur pants came right out of my little butthole come out the butthole wow [ __ ] yeah dude never even sniff danger look at that dude when it was in the air I didn’t know if it was long enough that that’s the truth and you knew it too look at this look at us look at us dude let’s make a good number here and get out of here that’s it just get the [ __ ] out of here I’ve seen every part of this hole obviously I’ve been in the bunkers a bunch of times with the bunker incident I’ve been in the water I’ve been over usually it’s a lot thicker up there and longer that’s a nightmare being on the green and one I feel like I just saved potentially five to seven strokes and people know that’s not a joke you’re good you’re good hard hole man preach preach I’ll tell you what bunkers aren’t fun here and on this hole I’ve been telling you you know I’ve been telling you sit not exactly what you want you’re kidding it’s all right all right dude a four is still oh yeah in terms of improvement on this hole it’s a lot this is like you know when you watch Formula 1 or NASCAR and they show you where the ghost car is yeah oh yeah so you just went way ahead of the ghost car because usually you’re a six or seven your four just gains so much room I’m good with it I wish I had made a three yeah everyone’s thinking it but I made a four all right this guy’s got no brain out here okay four Baggers obviously the expectation was certainly a three at most maybe even a two made a four but in my brain a four on that hole way better I’m fine there’s nothing on me right oh [ __ ] seriously yeah there really is I’m not joking left side that’s unfortunate we know the origin of it but it still looks like he [ __ ] his pants Kyle you want to rub my [ __ ] here sure here I’ll do it someone want to rub my ass don’t pose like that I mean is it coming out I’m just a little too close coming out it’s I mean I’m in there don’t don’t make those noises dude you make those noises I’m not going to do it I think I got most of it right looks pretty good I couldn’t be down in the trenches anymore no no [Music] no now I just got a little wet spot on the back of my ass never easy never [ __ ] easy with me uh for the people that wanted the Tracer it’s right down the middle left side of the far mound yeah yeah I like that just always sit there all right three shot hole yeah anything down on the road there is good just the one thing you really don’t want to sit on it was like you set yourself up like all right so the seat is in the sun I’m going to put this piece of chocolate on the seat here and then it’ll be melted by the time I get back and then I’m going to wear the lightest pants I’ve wor in videos in a long time and I’m going to sit right on it sit right on it yeah like those little [ __ ] on the left there that’s just like my distance in terms of what I want to do 150 yeah 150 just left of the mound honestly even like 145 is better really yeah I mean that’s thick just trust that club let stay left and stay short oh you’re fine three shot hole everybody just freeze for a second this is like the third hole we’re just going to play it like the third hole fine that stuff was thick yeah bro really good right on it even under the hole yeah where is godamn where is that you know all right oh yeah we’re going to make a spury we’re going to spank it right in the spank cake oh my God be perfect oh my God man let’s make a four dude come on you’re on the stick you’re on the stick three shot hole man let play every single three shot hole man yeah that’s it I’m a three shot hole man set yourself up this is what I’m talking about that’s course management right like good drive you kept it in you kept it in play off the drive you kept it in play off the drive what do we think this thing’s doing here it’s going to go down I know down in terms of like it’s fast it’s a little right to the left yeah I agree you know it’s like like is yeah that’s you have it right I think and then speed it’s like for you maybe like a little less than 50 maybe think go in go in go in go in go in go in go in idea it was a right idea W I thought it was going to turn at the end hey good F thanks get up there you absolute vagene good putt all right another five that’s a moment we’re going to take a fireball for that nice three shot course that’s a course management Fireball nip we love a course management Fireball nip it’s it’s true though man I’m a three shot whole man even on even on a par four you know what honestly hitting the hitting the green on five should have been a moment so I’m I’m due for I’m doe for a [Music] Fireball Fireball moment hitting the Greet on five and then making a five on six we’re going into backto back par fives back to back par 3es and then another par five That’s What I Call scoring holes here at Rockville links we’re coming off a bog I’m coming off drinking a Fireball Cinnamon whiskey mhm happy Wednesday everybody did they did they change this hole they look they knocked down a ton of trees on the right okay I was going to say looks which is awesome for me yeah true I all right hang on now let’s get rid of that wipe I know you know on the next hle weekend cuz we got room that’s fine honestly again three or four shot hole a part five long yeah let just WIP but on the next one because we have more open space let’s just work on that like either ball position or like coming around your body more I think that’s the best Drive in my life that is so good I think that’s the best Drive in my life you’re going to have a wedge in what bounce why did it bounce left oh my God does that go in the bunker do me Criminal does if that bounc in the bunker that’s and that bunker should we’re going to citizens arrest Luke [ __ ] I’m in the bunker [ __ ] that’s crazy got caught up in the rough maybe no take the seven right at the left edge of the thing it’ll it’ll be fine of the of the of the mound bunker the M yeah yeah I can’t yeah like what’s it all the way through to that person’s kitchen like if you bomb it there it’s like 160 no I won’t go that far I think if you nut it a seven out of that stuff it’s going to go 150 anyway so you want an eight we can’t risk you [ __ ] put one OB right cuz I can oh boy oh boy that’s good I can uh you want to do this yeah ever SE that you know all [Music] right oh dude that’s awesome yeah see if you were going to hit that shot I would have given you a five no but I I didn’t mean to cut that much off at all I think that’s really good that’s going to be right dead center yeah dude good that felt great great out 770s I think it’s a seven yeah just put it like in just obviously in between the bunkers [Music] yep you [ __ ] nutted that you’re in the bunker what the [ __ ] you hit that thing up 180 yards I mean that bunker the front of that bunker is like 100 yeah how far I mean the end of it’s like [Music] 165 wow that kept going yeah it did [Music] that’s pretty [ __ ] good I mean I don’t know what more like as long as it didn’t go in that lip and like we’re just putting we’re fine we’re putting I’m good with that not that fast you’re a true true [ __ ] that’s not come on yeah slow down all right all right all right good putt good putt that’s great yeah take your time on this one that’s a great putt how does that not even come down left a little bit you know it’s a good rooll you got it pass the whole like opportunity missed there but again it’s not a disaster I don’t know yeah I feel like I’m playing okay you are playing okay [Music] like let’s [ __ ] let’s have a hole here I know I’ve made all bogey see that’s way better ball flight yeah you trusted it because you knew that you had a a bail out that is true I want you to do that on every hole that you have room on the left so you’re like 270 so you do the math like even 120 gets you a 150 shot so let’s hit one like 150 gives you a 120 shot in hit that seven iron again seven or six what do you feel comfortable with I feel comfortable with both of those but probably the seven ping it aim at just aim at like that that little pink tree the little one stay in the Fairway you’re fine sit all right that’s good it’s fine wow Trent out of that [ __ ] I’m taking that all day right side bouncing towards the green yes getting better it’s getting better all the time let’s go baby we’re on in three and we’re putting for spury come on man this is coming out right no problem yeah good that was a good bunker shot that was really good I’m not going to sugar coat it that felt really good let’s make this putt yeah yeah can we make a birdie yep let’s get this thing lined up you believe how skinny Kyle Tims is dude it’s crazy how much 45 pounds hard to look at like like you don’t even look at the same person in a good way I mean I got he looks like me so it’s like now I see what a skinny version would look like have a try got like good legs now it’s like wild all right let’s do it uh there a birdie putt it’s a birdie putt it’s going to be fast right you’re above the hole right to left starting to get a little hot out here I’m hot you know what it’s just it never never came back and never got that like oomph it’s okay it really didn’t no it didn’t and I didn’t hit that hard I probably even did less than I should have these got those have to fall that one’s got to fall that was a good putt too it’s just wrong side oh we’re just [ __ ] right by these things tap it in let’s make it [ __ ] Bogey and let’s get the [ __ ] out of here I’m just I’m a I’m Bogies and I’m I’m stepping on your line oh no no I’m don’t give a [ __ ] all right that sucks three Strokes we’ve left out but we’re not going to let that [ __ ] take away from the momentum we have man I feel good that’s what sucks well just just keep feeling good okay pucks on net oh you misread that yeah got to stop asking me for reads CU I don’t know what the [ __ ] I’m doing out here push the [ __ ] out of that let’s move on from that that’s a bad five when you hit those two good shots yeah that eight iron I hit I should have made a five yeah first P was [ __ ] [ __ ] man start making those small dude I know I’m with you I’m I’m so with you I don’t want to be sitting in my car on the way home being like we left [ __ ] six 34s out there I we already left three what [Music] fine all right let’s go let’s make a [ __ ] good score here want make a three here let’s go it’s deep for me but yeah but you don’t have to swing hard just pick the right Club you know give me like a 190 Club over over that bunker in front of you aim at the left bunker bring it in good one what bunker left right I guess just lost a ton of distance like moving right like that all right okay it’s just about getting it out all right dude just how the great drew it up we’re honestly we’re going to take that for sure come on we’re due for one here yeah settle he’s hitting the ball good though this is like good signs especially if he’s going to see Tillery like tonight that’s you can build a lot off this especially with putting go in Trent that’s a huge four man what a putt that’s [ __ ] massive that’s awesome really good thank you give it to him give it to him look at these things man wow go for the birdie and you end up with this for par that’s crazy all right okay dude that was pretty good that’s a 48 on the front with a just a couple missed like these right here literally three of them you know three of them go like this and we’re like a [ __ ] right but if those go in it’s a 45 but what I want from you right now is building on the momentum that you’re hitting greens you’re putting for par you’re making bogey comebackers you beat the four fifth hole [ __ ] you know no I feel I feel good about it I just yeah couple of putts also we the back n’s easier to score on back n’s easier for sure two putts boy I would murder someone to have back yeah but you can’t go get them on the back all right get those two back remember when we made the six and then you made the four and you’re like it turns it into a five let’s do that three times here all [Music] right I went 42 I’m I’m I’m going to I’m attacking this back I’m getting back here you know I’m aiming in like just for you I’m looking at just left of that left of that hole right on that mound like let you know make that be your middle of the green and just [ __ ] let that thing funnel right towards it oh like let left you know the mound that’s like going towards the pin that’s got to go yeah that’s going to be in it oh my God you went over we caught a piece God that thing was like coming down towards us and it still got over yeah this thing’s starting to go further that’s good putting for birdie that was close really close look at this guy dude that one felt better great shot I guess if I hit him on the screws they good dude zero sugar baby lemon lime sport water cuz we’re playing sports little Sportsman have part stol sports forol sports where we turn men into boys I tell you what you know one thing has never turned a boy into a man profanity profanity okay birdie putt we got ourselves a birdie putt tell me that’s not going to turn at all it’s not going to turn really that was dumb then yeah I think that mound in front [ __ ] you tricked me find that hole you [ __ ] all right I said I wanted a four in this hole we got a four after the t- shop boy do we want a three I know all right I know [ __ ] they’re just missing dude they’re but that’s like pucks on net again again it’s it’s not the way to look at after shooting a 48 on the front but the fours turning fours fives turn turnning turn sixes into that’s I’m not mad about it but I boy I thought you just took a six and made two fives over the last two over the last two holes you’ve gained right two more fives gained four fives I’m a little confused but I know what you’re saying like you you turn two fours you make them into fives and you turn two sixes and turn them into F and now you got four fives that’s right 14 sticks over here we got a bunch of [Music] fives this is a part five yeah yeah four you know 500 downwind body armor the sports drink wow my big toe is broken from skating man come on show me some Fairway ah get out get out all right okay oh too much should should be all right just good I think that’s really good yeah it’s a fairway all right yeah that was a good one that smooth you know what I think tiller is going to tell you tell me tiller is going to tell you you’re all arms that’s it that’s that’s my wholeo but like you’re not turning your belly at all you’re doing the iron swing with your driver you’re like you know what I mean you’re trying to stay Compact and you’re just trying to swing through it just give yourself a little more movement get a little more agile 150 gives us 140 150 gives us 140 okay oh yeah got a hold of that one yeah that was a good one almost too much with that [ __ ] tree yeah that tree might be on our way you get it over that and I [ __ ] pounded that driver man I had to yeah like we’re talking a big number here 310 3 three yeah 33 303 that’s damn good 200 yd downwind six iron trying to get it up in the air so we get over that tree I just don’t know at its apex it’ll be higher than it but will it be coming down by the time it gets that tree we just going to trust it yeah right yeah holy [ __ ] dude uh yeah yeah I think that’s what you wanted there is that tight or is that short wow I [ __ ] P that’s two unbelievable shots right the [ __ ] out that yeah bro when I talk through shots I hit him way better yeah you might just have shout out Dr Brett mccave yeah seriously that’s what he told me to do and I just don’t do it I pulled it get over the bunker it’s over way over all right little chip in a putt walk out of here with the five make an eagle here or what do it oh sit wow Trent what a shot yeah thanks not easy no dude I was nervous I was over it like I this could go anywhere now oh you got to travel all right good recovery thanks that’s a six yeah that was a great chip yeah bide from that you kind of got through that with a bogey that’s I actually like that score there make an eagle get down there go I left an eagle put that short it’s not that short you got to go past the hole good birdie all right well good birdie oh thanks disappointed birdie disappointing birdie man you got to you got to get it past the hole for an [Music] eagle these these people are going to die out here no no there your aim Point that’s your aim Point yeah true you know Vision that that Fairway like from the guys like that red cart to just to the right of the cart in the Fairway okay yeah man yeah that’s great you got to move your Fairways a little bit yeah that’s great that’s really good Perfect Look for good call oh that was fast and that’s going to put me in a bad spot is that going to go through yeah way through oh yeah dude that was a great Drive yeah that one felt good you know the front of the green is like0 you don’t want to be on the back so like if you give me something that’s like 110 to 115 anywhere between the pin and that big tree we’re putting for birdie I mean I can hit that pitching wtch for sure yeah yeah man I think that’s good dude I think that’s perfect right in the front fine so you hit your pitching wedge 113 115 yards yeah that’s it that’s what we should know like like that’s the club that’s the number and we’re putting up at the hole for birdie great putt roll out a little bit but that’s still a good roll you went for the birdie you have to yeah read it roll it hole it God bro all right good five [ __ ] listen if at the end of the day it was the three putts that’s something we can work on just keep playing good golf the ball’s going to find the hole this is a series it’s not one episode we’ve been doing this since 2021 oh just keep building just singing the edges Bob the Builder [Music] [Music] Dam those hot sausages are fire fire what’ you guys get hot sausage no FN peppers and onion bro they’re good as [ __ ] I told Hannah I’m going to act like I have a w my wedding in July so I’m just doing that again dude that’s what I do that’s what I do with him didn’t you feel better though oh yeah I’ve been doing it the last like two or three days I feel unbelievable I mean I had like a little bit of riged Tony last night but last time my dad had a pizza with like and I was like why are you having a pizza like it’s insane he had no cheese on it though it was just sauce thin crust I’m like eating dough he’s like he looked at me goes what do you want me to not eat and [ __ ] die yeah dude what do you want from him what do you want I was like I don’t know like a fish he’s like I’m going to try and go over the tree all right he did it how awesome is that he really did it that’s [ __ ] fun it’s a great game bro that’s such a good drive it’s a great game we play I hit a draw on this thing that’s going to go right under it get the QI or whatever Qi yep with a high lofted shaft same shot as Frankie basically the same shot that Frankie hit do I get hot sa on the shirt when there’s no bun it’s just you biting and whatever what am I going to do here I can get it over that I guess no no no you can’t get it over oh not with that no um so unless you want to go over that one no just punch something yeah just give me something like you know at that like brown spot yep that’s a crime that’s a crime I mean that one leaf just smacked it down like this all right you hit that good too all right now bounce forward for him damn that was thick not [Music] worse oh it’s short too this I’m going to putt this one you know disaster control one two just a couple couple of things going if they went the other way I’d be I’d have such a better score but okay I’m putting oh yeah it probably goes that way wow you really gave that a lot I almost made that I gave it way too much well somebody will somebody recognize that this green going into this hole is fast out of the US two no I didn’t I really didn’t what are we doing out here on this hole come on make this now shock the world baby shock the [ __ ] world come on get there it’s great speed does get down there though huh one two this going to be a six all right all right just got to make a four to make a of five no it doesn’t turn we’re giving the reads too much love and the speed not enough yep yep yep yep yep we’re not recognizing speed and we’re like you said over reading everything left to right every single putt yep oh going give you a look at a four out on that there we go finally all right we’ll take that look at that okay [ __ ] right I got to get my head out of the sun I’m going hit something tight here all right come on give me a four oh yeah no oh no it’s moving right on me there a bunker there yeah get over it no nightmare off contact you [ __ ] hit it good [ __ ] look at all that look at all that green just got nothing yeah good one sit sit down though damn oh all right you do have a lot of green to work with just [ __ ] commit behind the hole behind the ball and get this thing out commit commit commit God damn Hercules Hercules get your feet set in there yep front of the foot yep you’ve been getting out I just don’t want to go in stay you got to be [ __ ] kidding me I want to be sick to my stomach yeah this is it here we are front of your fo I don’t know what to do dude I’m I’m getting it up there and I got nothing I won’t go I just want front of your foot no front of your foot see even right there you’re ending back here front of your foot and let let you’re not moving your feet all right all right all right all right [ __ ] that sucks dude it’s frustrating [ __ ] oh would that would that have been a six that all time wow that sucks dick good pot fun listen we got more holes to just completely erase that frustrating but you know that’s what he’s got to work on with till got to figure out a way to get those out got to figure out a way this is what it is that sucks that sucks a lot [Music] yeah this hole will be a motivational resetter here yeah yeah all right yeah all right oh yeah dude I can’t see this [ __ ] land all right it look good though look dude you [ __ ] cranked that I hit that one good that is awesome come on now wow all right come on now you want to drive you want to hit the whole number because it’s all carry cuz you got to get up oh [ __ ] yeah but don’t even think about all that [ __ ] yeah that’s all you got to do you got to get stuck in a bunker and make a seven you hear your best Drive of the day because of pure and unadulterated rage be so good come on oh yeah baby we’re on oh are we on come on all you got to do is make a seven and then you get bounce right back you’re playing angry right now I was yeah I’m mad I’m definitely mad that’s perfect we need that passion that fire you want it you wait until you see this shot when we go over this hill Wai until you see this waiting until you see see this yes that’s what I’m talking about that’s the good stuff [ __ ] right that is the good stuff Jesus need to make it turn the last two holes into fives that be nuts too deep not very not very much check huh it got some check though definitely stay up go and sit no all right all right good four dude it’s just that that was just a miss the whole way I was watching it I wanted to stop you I’m like you’re going to pull it it’s a great four can’t be mad about it no no I’m good with do that all day we’re [ __ ] breaking 80 you got to make a [ __ ] four there oh yeah this is I’m good with a four I’m you to with a four yeah I mean I obviously would want a three but a four is good after a seven make that a six I mean I just basically drove the green I madean a five it’s like this hole can get away from you yeah oh [Music] yeah Trent you could hit a driver at this tree and I mean or like I just don’t want you to hit an iron and be cut out I mean obviously you’re bringing bunker into play there’s like bunkers up there why don’t I just hit the hybrid so hit the hybrid you know what as long as that’s short yep I’m fine just give us a look that’s all we care bro it’s good not the prettiest thing in the world but we’re good dude you’re right at the edge of the Fairway with a look oh I [ __ ] i i i i shanked it I shanked it and hit the hit the tree a you [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] can I cut a 5 4 degre is that like a thing that happens in the world yeah let’s see it yeah you think so all right let’s try this wait until you see how straight this [Laughter] goes you know who do I think I am trying that that go out just just a crazy play why didn’t I just punch it like why didn’t I just do that the first time really good there you know what am I doing I think H it’s got to go yes okay now we’re [ __ ] playing dude yeah I don’t I I got to talk to that guy Mac how he hits those trick shots I don’t know how anyone does that so I go right to left and up at the hole um it’s up but see how like it kind of once it goes over that mound it kind of like it’ll gain a little speed okay oh yeah that’s settle all right it’s actually it’s a good put yeah two Pars in back pars calls for a fireball moment that’s an unbelievable unbelievable par let’s go all right those feel good feels real good those feel good after that [ __ ] dis feel real good yeah I said I think may have said like let’s get two a couple fours to just eliminate that [ __ ] seven you just did it you did it in two holes those are all fives now eliminate it five five [Music] five that’s a fireball moment if I’ve ever seen one make a seven par par yeah Fireball Fireball moment ignite the KN ignite rockf links ignite breaking 90 mhm there you go look like it’s on Ice nice and cold Brandon Jones always dude always over there all right ah [ __ ] all right you know what though you have a nice little like Runway towards the hole a big Runway yeah you land it a couple you know flag sticks short let it just Nestle right up there oh sit whoa go in oh [ __ ] dude almost made it kind of M hit it to be honest people are going to look back at that and they’re going to like if you stop the audio right away be like this is going to be horrible I almost made it almost went in the hole man oh [ __ ] off man let’s make a three please these putts have been my cryptonite all day but so take control back time to exercise some demons yep go in it’s unbelievable dude it’s unbelievable I can’t make those I cannot make those I can’t make them [ __ ] I know that sucks that’s going I mean I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight got a couple guys out here just can’t make putts all right man you know what it wasn’t the best t- shot and you ended up with a four it’s another five it’s another six we turn into a five that’s all we that’s really all we can take from that we’ve been transforming numbers for sure oh my God but man three Pars in a row would have been nice Optimus Prime out here people are going to be like just make those and I want to dude you’re five like I think you’ve missed five three Footers today these three Footers should go in I am trying my damnest I know I know talking to that guy I wanted the ball to go in the hole it just won’t go in singing the edges [Music] yep three shot hole all it takes is three good swings all right not going to kill you no you’re going make it a long one but it’s not going to kill you yeah right R it’s always going to be long but I wish I would hit that a little further catch a piece of the Fairway there kick right here I heard something yeah so there’s a tree overhanging on The Fairway it just nipped Fireball nip just nipped uh a branch hopefully kicked right if not it kicked right down I’m actually hit that hybrid oh all right keep going all right [ __ ] moving oh [ __ ] oh no it’s going to be way short that was so bad I didn’t even have to scream four like almost four for like the people on the first te right oh there’s a knob there ow the [ __ ] over there ow okay oh get up all right now go right oh no didn’t release we got about 50 yards to finish this thing out sit we got that for par all right let’s make a long one you know not the best showing out of me not the best showing out of Trent but first of the Season we’ll get there I say first the season like we haven’t played we’ve been playing a lot of golf you got a lot of Schmutz on you that I’m just noticing what do you mean got schuts on me you got a lot of Schmutz all over you yes that was the the SP first time I’m seeing that since and you probably did that on like 13 wherever you get the spicy sausages yep yep it’s really starting to set in now that chalk was still on my ass little left to right nothing crazy though no all right down right when you hit it but then pretty level okay yeah all right clean that up ma’am I’m a bogey man is that for bogey six all right what a finish one over in the last four holes yeah or two over in last four holes par par B bogey bogey damn just here and there yeah just here and there flashes of like real good stuff right got to get the ball to the hole for a birdie Frank come on man and that’s that so Trent yeah that’s a pretty good round man it’s an okay round well yeah I mean at least we didn’t come out here and shoot a [ __ ] 120 that’s true sh have 48 on the front I got to do the math on the back let’s get to the cart and see what you shot okay all right yeah it was 4846 is that right yeah which is what 94 that’s a 94 that’s hard to handle cuz you missed like put on four putt on four you three putt five yeah so putt on four putt on five putt on on eight eight somewhere right here you just did one I probably had 17 three yes yes that’s four right there it’s a 90 yeah if I can just learn how to putt 94 dude 94 94 think about that ball in hole 94 that’s 89 that’s that’s an 89 with the messes and if I you know this is always the case but if I if I get out of that bunker in two one I could have shot an 87 today oh my god dude oh my God my God I’m going to go down to Tillery and be like I I we just need to put we need to do three Footers can we just slowly just go through like the four or five Miss putts and show how close we were to Breaking 90 today as you guys are watching this these are these are with a confident stroke back of the cup this is an 89 today you know show me five misses during this Montage as I’m talking there you go Rockville links uh breaking 90 we’ll be back we’ll be back and also join the [ __ ] ride man oh yeah get on you know these hats are on sale now


  1. It's all putting. The amount of lag putts being left 12+ feet out is going to make it impossible to break 90. You can leave the rest of your game alone and just practice putting everyday and you'll break 90 in no time.

  2. Watch the film Trent the missed putts looked toed not center strikes, try break 90 with mulligans you would make all those putts

  3. Trent, your putts are super swipey. There is so much side spin you are missing everything right. Work on straightening out the putter stroke bud.

  4. imagine getting paid to play golf for half a decade, rounds all year round, lessons from the best of the best, and still not being able to break 90. this man is the epitome of whatever the opposite of athleticism is.

  5. Frankie you gotta change the approach, the patting on the back after ever shot ain’t working! Trent needs some tough love

  6. Trent when you're on those short putts you can't be scared and baby them in. It'll cause you to push or pull every time. Work on putting aim & putting drills to make sure the ball is hitting center of the putter and still have the speed for a foot pass the whole. I had the same problem before I actually started practicing putts. You got this bro!

  7. Trent, we're all pulling for you. But good God you look so tight when you putt. Relax and loosen up my guy.

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