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Rory McIlroy ‘wanted to help’ by joining transaction subcommittee | Golf Central | Golf Channel

Rory McIlroy explains why he joined the PGA Tour transaction subcommittee and what he can provide after moving on from the policy board. #GolfChannel #PGATour #RoryMcIlroy
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Rory McIlroy ‘wanted to help’ by joining transaction subcommittee | Golf Central | Golf Channel

golf Central on YouTube is brought to you by the new Chrome tour golf ball from Callaway today our Todd Lewis found out more news involving Rory mooy that could have big implications on the PGA tour’s future so we say hello to Todd Todd what were you able to find out well I can tell you George that Rory mward will be a significant figure in trying to work out a deal between the PGA Tour and the public investment fund of Saudi Arabia now the PGA Tour policy board has established what is called the transaction subcommittee now this group will be actively engaged in day-to-day negotiations with the piff of Saudi Arabia representing of course the PGA Tour and then this subcommittee will report back to the PGA Tour policy board in regards to how the negotiations are going in essence they’re going to be sit this group this subcommittee this transaction subcommittee will be sitting across the table with piff and trying to get this deal done now there are significant figures on this transaction subcommittee take a look at these names first Jay Monahan the PGA Tour Commissioner of course Joe Gorder who is the chairman and CEO of Valero also the inaugural chairman of PGA Tour Enterprises John Henry the principal of finway Sports Group part of strategic Sports Group as well Joe Ogie former Tour player very successful in the financial world right now Tiger Woods one of the three players on this subcommittee as well along with Adam Scott and there you see Rory maroy who will be on that committee despite not being a member of the PGA to a policy board I caught up with Rory after his round and asked him why it was important for him to be on this transaction subcommittee I think a different perspective maybe more of a um International and Global Perspective and um yeah look it’s a I think you know working with um two really impressive bus businessmen and John Henry and Joe Gorder and you know them um you know trying to you know they they’ve done massive business deals in um in the past and you know I guess my insight is more um the the picture of where the global game is and where it could go and and and maybe might you know having you know good relationships on both sides I I think can help so um again I I put my hand up to to just want to be helpful when when web said that he was uh potentially going to step step off uh and this was you know this was sort of the lowest hanging for it in terms of um you know how I could be helpful but obviously without um you know assuming that that seat of of webs on the board so happy to help happy to try to you know give as as as much or as little input as as anyone wants and um you know the good thing is you know that’s Trucking along and moving forward and you know I’ve already had two really good calls on that transaction committee and um you know hopefully we can uh make some progress here over the next couple of months we’re creeping up on the year anniversary of the framework agreement uh how imperative is it that this deal gets done rather quickly uh I think there’s a window of opportunity here uh and I think that window closes ever so slightly every day that passes by so uh yeah I would say time is of the essence absolutely final thing you mentioned yesterday about the possibility of you being on the policy board that there were you felt like there were some members on the policy board were uncomfortable with you coming back do you feel like people will be on that board comfortable with you in this commit yeah I I think so I I think and when I said people uncomfortable I wasn’t necessarily saying people uncomfortable with me being on the board uncomfortable with how I was coming back on the board more the process and the governance side of things you know the boards went through eight-month governance review here and you know there’s been a lot of a lot of work that’s went into that and and sort of what I guess what Webb and I were trying to to do SAT outside of of the scope of the governance um so that’s I think was was what you know where people were most uneasy so um if this is a way to get me involved in some way and you know you know try to you know web web’s happy to stay back you know on there which is great because I think web has got such a reasonable and balanced and and big picture view um so you know if I wasn’t going to and personally in my eyes if I wasn’t going to take that seat the the next best option was web stand on there which is what happened a little more information about what Rory Ma or was talking about there in regards to him wanting to be on the PGA to a policy board if you remember he resigned from the policy board last November and yes there were some players that were uncomfortable with him coming back and those players are Tiger Woods Patrick hlay and Jordan spe they were uncomfortable because he didn’t go through he wouldn’t be going through the proper protocols to be back on the PGH policy board that is what Rory maoy told me uh also today and he said Rory said that he feels that Rory or that excuse me tiger Patrick Klay and Jordan spe are comfortable with him being on this transaction subcommittee one big benefit for the PGA Tour is that Rory mroy does have a relationship with yaser Al rayan who is the governor of the public investment fund of Saud Arabia he’s had several conversations with him none of which by the way about him joining Liv Goff now the seven member transaction subcommittee is expected to be made official by the PGA Tour later this evening George all righty thank you Todd and will definitely be uh you know main characters when it comes to advancing these negotiations going forward with the public investment fund of Saudi Arabia Rory maroy also went on to say in his conversation that he shared with Tiger Woods leading to his placement on this uh transaction subcommittee I think friends can have disagreements or not see things eye to eye I think that’s fine but I wouldn’t say we had a we had a really good talk last Friday for 45 minutes or so about different things things there’s no strain there with him and tiger so Rory off of one spot and lands on another and it seems like it’s non-stop where the pendulum swings he wants to get away from this then he wants to be front and center only having stars on this transaction subcommittee is that’s what’s best for the game going forward well certainly they do bring a lot of star power to it but I think they bring um a pragmatic approach an informed approach uh and I think they’re all three really bright people I don’t know that anybody could say uh with a clear eye exactly what’s best for the PGA Tour going forward uh but the best way to solve that riddle is to have the most well-informed the most pragmatic the most reasonable uh voices heard uh and any way you want to slice it uh that is Rory uh and that is Adam Scott now I understand um the protocols being placed under the board but there is is already precedent for um getting around those protocols with Tiger Woods being on that board I certainly understand Tiger Woods uh being on that board but the thing I’ll say about about uh Rory and I’ve had a chance to talk with Adam Scott earlier this year uh at the Waste Management Phoenix Open uh and I would say the same thing about Adam Scott uh is Rory uh in a world that is so full of Dogma uh and dogmatism uh this is a guy who will change his opinion uh and that’s what I mean by reasonable he’ll have an opinion because I don’t know anybody in the golf space who is better informed than Rory I I went to dinner with him at one point last year uh and not only did he keep up to date on every single podcast that was relevant but he knew who was doing the podcast he knew who was writing the stories uh he could quote who said what where and when uh and at no point did he get uh his eye raised by things that were being written about him that maybe maybe might not have been that uh accurate and even to this point when you hear uh perhaps some feathers getting rough ruffled about him getting on the board there’s there’s no animosity in his voice it’s reasoned and that’s what you need right now and you look at all those people in that uh in that room uh there’s a lot of experience there there’s a lot of power in in the golf space there uh and I think if there’s going to be any chance of getting concessions back and forth between the two uh you need all of that exper and all of that power uh and all of that pragmatism in that room so you’re saying that’s why you need to have your star power lineup sitting across from yaser you want tiger Rory and Adam Scott and not go further on down the line for guys who have served for years but could be ranked 50 to 150th in the world well that would describe Joe ogy I mean Joe ogy was one of those types of players Joe wasn’t a star but he’s made himself a star in the financial world and I think he’s gained the trust and the respect of everybody on the PGA tour uh with him diving in rolling up his sleeves uh informing himself and trying to make the PGA Tour uh a better spot look the PGA Tour is in this pickle uh like it or not uh but you do you want to compete in definitely with somebody who’s not going to go away who can outspend you and if they’re in business every move they make that makes their tour better deletes your tour and causes more division in within the tour so that time is now to Rory’s point about making a deal I wouldn’t have said that a year ago uh I don’t think there’s a lot of people in the world of golf that would be particularly enamored with the idea of making this deal uh but it is the better end of the bargain at this point but I would say this the cynic for the rank and file PGA Tour player with Rory would say okay well he’s been blowing with the breezes based on how his point of view changes every 60 to 90 days and he seems to only be leading in his own self-interests versus what’s best for the entirety of the membership with his public posturing well I don’t know that that’s the case heard Fields no cut events well he has said that more recently but early on he was talking about how he would be in favor of all of the players being under contract in other words being told what to do where to go and when to do it uh I see him as a guy who will change his opinion when evidence comes along that contradicts his opinion for the betterment of the game maybe this is where he’s at right now and look I would differ with him on that when he talks about smaller Fields going globally uh I I would say do that didn’t work with the WGC is what makes you think it’s going to work right now especially with the TV ratings being down I would disagree with Roy but you want somebody on the other side of the table that you would disagree with who is reasoned and who is pragmatic and there’s that back and forth and that quid proquo between the two you don’t want to surround yourself with just people that agree with you you want people on that board that do disagree with you and I think that’s healthy to have on that board [Music]


  1. Just being honest… if I was in Rory's shoes, I would turn around and sign a huge deal with LIV and stick the middle finger to the PGA.

  2. Love listening to Brandle, if for nothing else, he has the best vocabulary!

    I’m always learning a new word of the day! Today’s word =“ Ire = Anger

    use in a scentence, “ at no point did he have his ire raised, by things that were written about him that might not have been accurate “

    Thank you professor Brandle ❤

  3. The future of the PGA tour now is like when Jack and Arnie started the PGA tourin '63. Tiger is 47 and Rory 35, the two statesmen going forth…. plus Tiger is pineing for Monahans job… Two international players in Scott and Rory, all important.

  4. I really don’t get how the WGCs supposedly did not work. I loved them. I think most golfers looked forward to them because all the top pga tour players were there along with the best from tours around the world. I think some pga tour traditionalists people did not like them, but everyone I know loved those events.

    Rory and chamblee have somewhat toned their acts down; which is good.

    I will say again the pga tour simply needs to stop the blackballing. It does not need to keep selling its assets for a few bucks to anyone including pif. They could just allow LIv players back while reducing the number of required events; and get serious with their broadcast partners about truly improving its tv productions …and imo they would be in a great spot again.

    LIv will not go away because of a pif investment or deal. And a pif investment or deal will not help much if the players don’t come back.

    But again it’s all for nothing if viewers keep getting 2 minutes of nothing then a commercial break.

  5. Brandel Chamblee was right most of the time, but I don't agree with his opinion about Rory this time. To me, Rory always seems to change his mind when he talks to a new person.

  6. Shocking hypocrisy from Brandel: “Rory is a very reasonable and pragmatic person because he’s willing to change his opinion”….says the “dogmatic”, unwavering, Brandel. WOW.

  7. No no no this is like amateur hour here. No Monahan, no Ogilvie, Rory, Tiger, or Adam Scott.
    Let John Henry do his thing as a businessman, and a professional.

  8. ‘Transaction Subcommittee’?!?! Just play golf FFS. The PGA tour makes things so damn complicated. It’s a game of golf. Stop over complicating things.

  9. Really well spoken Brandel. I think being from Ulster like Rory, a guy learns that not being pragmatic and unable to bend for other people is a recipe for unanimous suffering. People who are intelligent enough to evolve their thoughts are who you want in the negotiation room

  10. Rory as stated “Jay and I are best friends, I’m closer to Jay than any player on tour” Then Chamblee is part of same crowd. Everyone but them sees it. They are the most untrusted, hypocrites and bullies. Using language of hate, Rory “I hate LIV, hate, hate, hate them.” Jay calling them the anti-Christ and blood money. These are NOT the guys to make deals.

  11. The more Rory speaks — It highlights how clueless and full of his own self importance —- He hardly plays outside USA unless given huge $$ from gulf states — didn't even play Irish or Scottish open last year — he really is just a self centred gobshite

  12. If mid-east weirdos want to burn their money, let them snipe all the filthy casual golfers who don't care about historical traditions. I was a Jon Rahm fan, key word WAS, and never again. Now I'm a Peter Malnati, Wyndham Clark, and Patrick Cantlay fan. Golfers are literally a dime a dozen. The real star is these famous golf courses, which the pga will always have a monopoly on. LIV only gains credibility by PGA constantly giving it to them undeservingly.

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