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Secret Tension Behind Of The Scenes Of Tom Brady’s Roast Is Getting Revealed… | Pat McAfee Reacts

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there’s been some stuff that has come from the uh greatest roast of all time by a couple of the roasters some behind the scenes chatter from games with names with Julian edman alongside Drew bledo chitchat about uh the green room before the show started when you had Bill bich there and then who walked in oh the god the F uhoh here’s Julian EV been talking to Drew bledo on games with names tension in that room though it was it was real could cut [ __ ] glass it was very real I I was so awkward I was like I was watching coach and I tried to give Coach a heads up I’m like I see craft walk in I’m like yo coach you know like you know some locker room [ __ ] like 5 5 you know like he did of course he didn’t [ __ ] see it right and he came in I was like oh [ __ ] this going to be some fireworks I just walked away hey so there was a moment there that we didn’t think about because on stage they do the cheers you know Kevin Hart probably heard about everything that very much forced cheers where Bob Craft was way more involved than bill yeah Bob Craft was certainly more excited to get that potentially over with oh yeah say it was his decision and Bill bich remember he was just pouring his shot from a cup that was next to him wasn’t even his real choice of drink so maybe that was part of it we’ve seen him order drinks before that’s right it is awesome not like that it it’s not just taking anything that is not how that that whole thing works so the whole thought that they had to meet up beforehand I didn’t even think and then Andrew Schultz has come out now and said that there was a potential time where he was told no Robert Craft happy ending jokes like Hey we’re so that whole moment between Tom Brady and Jeff Ross at the beginning when Tom goes up and goes hey cut that [ __ ] or whatever I thought that was just a part of the bit like I thought that was I still think that I still think that I know what Schultz said I still think so okay I thought so too because why would Tom Brady at a roast you know do that choose that though out of everything that was said all of the horrible things that were said about like that’s the one you’re going to like the hill you’re going to die on and say this is what we can’t touch yeah like his family like everything like there’s been a lot there’s a lot of other stuff I we might want to Tom yeah about him yeah but we’re just saying like that early in a roast signing up for a roast to go up into a microphone too when it’s live and be like nah don’t do that anymore I thought it was a work I thought it was uh okay here we go that’s Tom Brady adding to the joke you know like that’s funny you know that whole thing but Andrew Schultz came out and was like no we were told not to do this and there’s been multiple people now I think Drew bledo came out was like nah I think Tom was actually telling Jeff Ross no and then Schultz said I think that was potentially real because of what he was told going into it once again Schultz slaughtered exactly and so did Jeff Ross and Nicki Glazer who’ll be joining us in less than an hour she also crushed as did Julian edman up there Andrew Blitz I mean it was a magnificent night but I’m starting to think that yeah craft said I’ll come and then one of Craft’s people were like hey we understand what this is about we would rather him sit in the back all night or if we put him out there we know exactly what they’re going to say the entire time and they go no they they won’t do that and then Ross in the open yeah hey how about that and then thank you for what you do for the Jews Rob thank you for and then he just kind of keeps it moving on it it is wild to think that there was maybe a little disagreement and also that there were some things that were said that you can’t touch because after watching that it felt like everything was covered for every human that was on the stage that night yeah and it felt like Tom at least for me was it was more so like hey protect Robert Craft like he didn’t want him to be one of the guys to get made fun of like there was a reason he wasn’t sitting on the stage everyone in on the stage had felt like hey fair game if you’re out in the crowd minus Kim K you’re going to get called out I don’t see why any of these guys would lie about this like if if Schultz says it then why would he be you know saying that just because of the fact and it also makes more sense that Jeff Ross was the one to make the joke right off the bat hey I’m going to get this out of the way this I’m going to take it upon myself as the roast Master to say the joke that you were told not to say and because it was so early in the night hey this is going to be forgotten about because of what is happening after well I appreciate the fact that you know Jeff Ross was potentially told by somebody that isn’t Tom Brady hey not allowed to joke about this and know I a lot of joke about this allegedly uh Nick just told me that Nicki Glazer came out and said kids were also told can’t can’t do anything about kids and no happy ending stuff for Robert Craft I think is what Schultz says so Ross going oh is that right yeah exactly yeah I can’t okay all right if that’s the case we’re now the kids sure makes sense sure Jeff Ross is like kids sure but like he’s right there who am I if I what if I don’t am I the master yeah Tom could have been pissed but Tom also could have been doing like the could a little bit of both I can’t yeah I don’t know I guess I I I I I I could be real yeah he could have been pissed well not only pissed but like okay you know like what we get it you did it way to go we they want every comic they don’t want every comedian to make some kind of creative happy yeah that’s why I’m sure he did it to get out of the way because I I would have guessed that they were all talk like if all of like the actual Comics up there it would have been just like hey just let it eat like they craft would have got it real bad like he you know like it might not have been um like I mean maybe to the same effect as Kim Kardashian but like they all would have had Grand Slam shots at him and it would have just been one after the other after the other after the other and obviously I don’t I don’t think craft would have signed up for that alleged uh Kim Kardashian booze were edited out of the re Netflix release of the greatest roast of all time which was the number one show on Netflix for the last few days that’s what that’s what they uh who TMZ reported that so I assume it’s true you know they’ve got a lot of people that check their stuff um and did they give rid of the happy ending one as well in so I watched it the day after and both those were in there I don’t know if they like muted the booze a little bit but like she still absolutely got boo you know post when it was live oh so the person that wrote that article either they changed it after you watch it the next day right or was like I remember these being much louder could you know I remember this being much louder in the moment there was an interesting day up there obviously you had a lot of New England Patriots then you had these absolutely brilliant comedians just kind of saddled up next to each other okay this is fun when do I get to go up there and destroy people okay I’ll come back down I wonder what’s the line like I heard someone was doing an Aaron Hernandez joke and I go I didn’t even know that was on limits you know so then it changes everything when you find out like oh we’re going there okay well let’s let’s see now my whole set changes cuz that raises the bar quite a bit yeah there’s a lot to pull from there I’d assume the brain you know wants to explore the space over there um let’s talk about what was potentially off limits we I read a quote from your Howard Stern interview about how you and the comics kind of uh agreed like Hey we’re not going to do any kids stuff because they didn’t sign up for this and then there was that moment with Jeff Ross and Tom at the beginning I assume you’ve already had to talk about this 10 times I apologize for not hearing answer and I think Andrew Schultz said uh that they were told like hey Robert Craft stuff really the happy ending stuff we’re not really going to do that was that just like conversation among Comics was were you told about stuff you couldn’t talk about like what were the guidelines and when were you told them it pat it’s really interesting because there are no guidelines you have an interview with the producers beforehand and I go okay what can we make fun of because to me the only thing I knew about Tom Brady was that kiss like as someone who didn’t get into football as I said in the the the road until Taylor Swift said it was okay I’m kind of like new to this world so I knew about him kissing his son that was like the funniest thing to me and that’s just such a place that I went to I wrote so many jokes about it and then we all were like you know what actually it’s not really good to go there I don’t think it’s not fair to the kid so we pulled that but it was honestly like hey we’ve kind of agreed to not do that but it is live and you’re just going to have to feel it out and do whatever you want to do so I think in that moment I think we we did also I think I caught wind it was never set in stone there was never an email there was never like a mandate of don’t talk about Robert Craft and and the massages but it was just a Vibe of like Robert Craft is kind of like having Tom’s dad there and it’s just not the person you want to go after and it to me I go I’m not going to go after that because I feel like if if it’s open at all the jokes are going to be done to death about Happy Endings about just like yeah having a good arm like just like anything that could be done about it so I was surprised when Jeff went there because Jeff is the most careful to not like hurt anyone’s feelings you know and um and I think Tom really was like Hey man no and then Jeff was like oh I I I almost forgot not to go there I think it’s just compulsive for Jeff to to go there so that was a real moment Nick can you ever get offended on doing these roasts like with what people come at you I know you go at everybody else but do you ever get like legit upset yeah dude it’s it’s hard like that’s why what Brady Brady didn’t go to the Afterparty like he was out of there because I think he you probably something to do guy but yeah he didn’t go like he was he was on his way out right I ran into him in the hallway um and just said hey thanks for having me again we didn’t meet him before the show I only met him after I got done with my set and gave him a hug and said thank you after telling him you know horrible things about himself but then afterwards I theall you said you would thank you so much thanks for having me and really quickly he just goes you did a great job good luck with everything which is pretty much saying like I’ll never see you again and don’t even try to contact me uh have a good life but it was it was nice it was nice enough but he was out of there because I know what it’s like you go into these and you go They’re not going to really offend me I kind of know everything that’s fair game for them to say about me but I I on the other side of it and also studying these people and thinking what’s the worst way it can hurt them and I don’t think he thought we were going to say things about like him losing his family I think is the one that I think he did not predict and um and the truth is he didn’t lose his family he’s a great father that was obviously hyperbole he lost his wife yeah but we know what you mean by great father yeah okay we know well he really I do believe he is and so I feel like he was a little pissed off about that but he lit literally could have had somewhere to go but I will say that afterwards yes it does stay with you you are kind of in the moment you laugh and it doesn’t sink in because you’re just you know you’re on camera and you just got to look like I’m going with it but later on when you close your eyes at night those kind of jokes Circle back around and you you make an appointment with your you know your injection person to fix the things in your face that made you look like a horse or whatever they called you you know like there’s there will be um things that I do as a respon to the jokes that were made as like they’re just jokes but I’m like they wouldn’t get a laugh if there wasn’t some truth to them I know that myself so um yes I I get deeply offended and sad and but it’s just that’s the that’s the thing you have to endure for this level of exposure and for this moment like I had to put myself open to that and I um and I got let off easy I felt I was I was excited they didn’t go too hard I thanks for your sacrifice to oh yeah thank you so much what a gift going to curse the talent of [ __ ] murder people is because you can do it to other people but then you also have to it’s like that slap Fest ex it’s like in that slap g sport you know where they have to stand here like I’m a good [ __ ] slapper you slap somebody and then they still stand it’s like oh no now I have to get slapped by somebody who’s a good slap right


  1. Thats funny how Nikki thought the looking like a horse joke was about Tom when it was actually directed towards her

  2. I watched the roast live and they definitely booed Kim K and went to rewatch the special and they edited that part out.

  3. They should have removed Bert Kreischer and had Bill Burr instead, idk why Bert is so “beloved” in that particular inner circle of comedians but Bill is an all-around all-time comedian and for this roast in particular. Just like Patrice O’Neal admitted that he turned down many roast opportunities and ended up only doing the Charlie Sheen roast, I really wish Bill would have done this one as it’s the one that he would have crushed. If the producers didn’t at least ask him, even if he turned it down, that would be an insult to me.

  4. The Kim boos were muted when you watched it on Netflix. I was there live and the boos were super loud and long.

  5. Probably because that joke and jokes on that topic are disrespectful to Kraft's wife who was probably there. Makes complete sense that Tom wouldn't allow that. Brady has more respect for Kraft than probably anybody in his life besides his dad

  6. I am amazed at how y’all, not specifically PMS, are gossip girling, on Tom Brady roast and all this – middle school.

  7. It’s all jokes and fun but on the end family break up really not something you should make fun up it’s kids involve when comes to marriage like that

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