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‘PAUL SKENES DOMINATED TRIPLE A’ now ready to make his MLB DEBUT with Pirates | The Pat McAfee Show

Sean Casey joins The Pat McAfee Show to discuss Paul Skenes’ upcoming debut as a pitcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates against the Chicago Cubs.

0:00 What to expect from Paul Skenes
2:00 The “Splinker” pitch
6:00 Welcome to the show Paul Skenes

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MLB Legend ladies and gentlemen Sean Casey let’s go hey boys keep getting on Pat make sure he’s a baseball fan we’re going to turn him soon baby we’re going to turn him soon hey Bryce Harper continues to be as handsome as he is as strong as he is and it keeps keeps hitting as many dongs as he keeps hitting you might get me for the last 50 g 50 games that’s that’s more of a commitment to than any other league that I’ve ever given in my entire life I’ll give you 50 games at the end of this thing but we’re a little bit early let’s talk about some of these story lines more specifically in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania as this this jersey is now a collector’s item that’s right this jersey is now it’s okay it is a jersey yeah yeah yeah it is a jersey the name on the back yeah yeah yeah yeah name on the front they should maybe think about Mystic Dan it said mytic Dan anyways uh Paul SK is debuting for the Pittsburgh Pirates this weekend we just sent him a t-shirt that he enjoyed that Boston Connor had on whenever he came through here we got a chance to talk to him this dude’s all ball all the time wants to be great wants to pitch forever knows that he has a special talent and he has only started very recently throwing a hundo on a regular basis so it feels like his arm is very young and Alive former catcher actually turned into a pitcher how do we think he’s going to do in his debut why did it take so long to get him up to the majors and what are your thoughts on him as a whole mayor oh man well Pat you know man being from the Berg and and and being out here this place is so excited for Paul sk’s arrival tomorrow night tomorrow afternoon against the Cubs I mean this is a once in a generational picture I think when the Pirates looked at this draft they said you know Dylan Cruz was kind of sitting there was an outfielder for LSU and after watching schemes they were saying this is this guy’s one of one so how he dominated Triple A uh this last month and a half really just ran through it I thought should have been up here sooner but at the end of the day he’s here early may but I mean when you look at Steven strawberg back in 2010 you know people were so excited about him making the big leagues and he made an unbelievable debut I believe he punched out 14 against the buckos but Paul SK man this guy’s a five pitch mix he he sits at 99.9 miles hour can throw up to 102 maybe 103 he’s got a new pitch he he’s throwing through called the spinker right it’s the split it’s it’s the SL the slinker the slider and the splitter I believe that he added a AAA which is absolutely filthy Sinker yeah it’s I think he calls it the the spinker the split and sinker combo so I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything like this this guy is is going to be Inc have an incredible career and I think tomorrow we’re going to see what the hype’s all about okay I can’t wait to watch neither can tone Diggs of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania yeah mayor I was just looking at a rookie of the year odds in the NL and you know skes is at like six or seventh but uh also other bucko part of the hundo boys Jared Jones is third in the NL rookie year voting is when you get two pitchers like this like can you expect the buckos to turn around if if they do anything correct in the front office ton I believe man yeah listen at the end of the day you win on the bump right and and Jered Jones is has been super nasty I mean he’s throwing 100 and he’s been dominant all year long Mitch Keller the other day threw a complete game uh which was huge but you you you you win with three-headed moners you bring SK in all of a sudden he’s your Ace he’s your number one those guys are going to keep the buckos in the game I think the big thing with the Pirates this year has been that they haven’t swung the bats so we’re kind of waiting for O’Neal O’Neal Cruz to break out and swinsky and these guys but you know they’re going to pitch it these guys are these guys are next level right now on this rotation if he hey is there a chance he looks like he did in the miners here whenever he gets up to the big leagues I think think so I really do man cuz you know his play his stuff plays at the big league level too and usually in the miners you’re close to what you’re going to be in the big leagues you know if you’re dominating the miners you got a good shot to dominate in the big leagues and this stuff that’s the thing I face guys like facing guys like Randy Johnson or Billy Wagner guys with Elite stuff man it’s just a it’s a different ball game I mean it’s it’s a very frustrating at bats a guy that has a five pitch mix like he does this is not going to be an easy task for the Cubs or anybody that faces him Willie Wagner is a dog Billy Wagner is a dog plays in a shitty division too which certainly helps go ahead AJ cheese hey Sean you keep mentioning you this five pitch mix that that SK has is that kind of what separates him we know that the stature he’s huge it’s got to be intimidated for batters to get in there he throws so hard but I know in the majors the hitters are so good you have to have you have to have a compliment to that and he throws so hard consistently like what is it that keeps separating him and like you said will this continue in this dominance in the majors yeah AJ you’re right dude these guys hit vo up there man you know at the end of the day you could get a bazooka and just launch this thing 140 and they’re going to time it up at some point like you have to be able to pitch and I think that’s one thing about skem when you look at him you know he has the fast ball that he throws at almost 100 miles an hour he has that that spliner that we were talking about split Sinker mix he has a he has a nasty curveball and he has got a great change up and I tell you what when You Face guys with good vo in the big leagues that can throw a good change up that have the curveball change up combo you’re all it’s all about deception you know as a pitcher you’re looking for deception against the hitters so for a guy that throws that hard you have to respect that fast ball as a hitter and if you can drop a curveball and a change up on me and you’re and and they’re on it you’re in for a long day as a hitter big baseball program here on this Feelgood Friday mate look at us we’re doing baseball hell yeah aren’t we right now we’re doing baseball Paul skes welcome to the show yeah the show brother welcome to welcome to Thunderdome welcome to the show he has a you as you talked about his guys he is a fat ass Big Caboose this guy has a huge ass and I think like just by seeing him sitting here he’s got a lot more room to go weight room wise too which I assume will only Happ he is a strapping large he’s huge this guy is a monster and still can grow I think and I think he’s going to is that true or is he like at his Peak right now what are we talking dude he’s 21 years old 66240 with a Big Caboose I think this guy has a chance to throw 105 I I honestly do I think he’s only going to get stronger doesn’t even have that man strength yet you know that Dad strength where you go up against your dad you’re still a little nervous because you’re like my dad’s got dad strength even though I’m more jacked than him Paul skes hasn’t got there yet and I think he’s only going to get better all right let’s talk about that Dad strength and what a lot of baseball is uh Connor has a question for you yeah mayor look I’m not a baseball guy I I I don’t claim to be I probably will never be one but man we’re doing baseball right now I know that’s why and that’s why Asing the mayor you know ever since Jim Leland retired I decided I’m not watching this sport without Jim in a Dugout but if you were to sell me on baseball why is now the time to get into baseball is it better than it’s ever been and it’s only get going to get better or do you think that the athletes now coming in are just so much better than they have been in the past no I think there’s a there’s a there’s a a bunch of things that I love Connor about you know about the game of baseball I think I think one of the things I love is the pitch clock I think it’s made the the games quicker you know it’s a faster paced games people more involved that the what they did with the bases too with the pickover rule and the Bas is being a little bit bigger there’s more stolen bases these guys are more athletic than they’ve ever been to uh I think there’s there’s more Thunder there’s more power uh you know I think it’s just a fast it’s a faster paced game I think it’s a it’s a great game to watch and I think if you and Pat just would get in front of that TV you know night in and night out and you could say you know what Connor we are really watching a great game here and let’s start locking in a little more it’s a long time tell you got you got it we’ll try how many games we have left how many games we have left only like 150 no yeah right like 120 about 125 oh yeah way better you got it that’s all watch come on 125 yeah we’re starting to get to the good part the weather’s starting to change 100 and 25 more games don’t forget just uh one game playing right it three games now they got rid of the one game should have kept that was the best part of baseball coolest part that was the best part of B all right all right we’ll get into it 125 more opportunities for us to find you know what with SK going up how many more they have 120 Paul SK is going to pitch how many if he plays the rest of season they probably pitch 25 games 25 27 games that’s lock up hey Pat lock in baby there’s your 27 right there you said 25 to 27 schemes and starts okay here we go all right I appreciate you mayor thank you for joining us brother you’re the absolute best we can catch you still doing are you doing uh MLB Network yep MLB Network they’re going to be airing the game tomorrow which is huge and the mayor’s office podcast tune in to that too and I love you guys man thanks for having me on we love you too dude ladies and gentlemen Sean Casey yeah May


  1. Baseball is a beautiful sport to watch. No matter the score, the home team always gets a last chance to win. One of the only sports where there ALWAYS a chance

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