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Bills rookie minicamp begins and John Murphy steps away | Always Gameday in Buffalo

We discuss the legendary career pf Bills play-by-play man John Murphy as he announces he’s stepping away, then preview Bills rookie minicamp after a little schedule release talk.

hey bills Mafia we know there’s only one topic every day all bills all the time and now Matt B and Sal capacho are going really deep talking bills all year long because it’s always game day in Buffalo you know Matt and I we had a um scheduled podcast to record it’s always game day in Buffalo and as it is always in this business you never know when something significant is going to break we always say we’re like doctors on call we’re not doing the work of doctors want to make that clear usually it’s just kind of like onfield related or you know off the field with the organization and this one was too but in a different capacity we learned on Thursday morning our friend and colleague Legend John Murphy is stepping away from Bill’s play-by-play Duty so welcome into it’s always game day in Buffalo s capacho Matt B Matt I wanted to start there you are I mean you’re in the chair that he was in you are the sports director at WKBW TV channel 7 in Buffalo I grew up watching John Murphy as many people around Western New York and around the country did um as the Buffalo you know Sports director anchor at the Abc affiliate the the the place that you hold so I think you’re a great person to kind of let insight into what he meant to Buffalo broadcasting to the Buffalo Bills at Channel 7 so first off congratulations to him he’s going to have more more time to spend with his family to do the things that he loves we wish him all the best I have had the pleasure of working with murf for just a couple different years as he was a contributor on our special show leading the charge now that was before everything had happened but he was great to work with and getting a chance to work alongside him was just the coolest thing for me because he was part of an era where TV and broadcasting in Buffalo was so big and meant so much to so many people it was before social media it was before the internet was big if you wanted to know what was going on with the Buffalo Bills the Buffalo Sabers or anything else sports related you were watching the local news and a lot of times murf would be the guy that was going to deliver that information to you so here at Channel 7 I believe I I don’t want to misspeak here there have been six Sports directors in the history of the station the first one was Rick AAR who is a absolute Legend Irv Rick and Tom but when Rick left it then went to Bob kashinsky who then went to Empire Sports and then after Bob left that’s when I believe murf took over so murf was there murf was at Channel 7 for about 18 years and that’s when Channel 7 was still very much the PowerHouse station that almost everybody in the market watched because it was still part of that era even though Rick had left Irv and Tom were still here so for a long time he was going along side IR Weinstein who is one of the most famous local anchors in television history not even just Buffalo history so he got to work with him then murf started to do the work with the bills eventually left Jeff Russo took over after Jeff Russo it went to Joe Balia and then to myself so those are the six people who have had kind of that chair but he is a legend in Buffalo and what I said this morning this isn’t even from a channel 7even standpoint for a certain era a certain generation of person Bills fan they think of Van when they hear or when they’re thinking Bill’s highlights they immediately go to Van but for people my age I’m 31 or close to my age a lot of us think of murf I think of murf as the soundtrack to all of the big moments that I can remember as a Bills fan growing up because van retired when I was 10 years old so I don’t really remember any of the van calls except the legendary ones that are always played you know the comeback game and all the moments from the Super Bowl era but for everything after that murf is the The Voice I think of and what a voice and what a legend in this uh this community and really in the NFL people know murf everywhere and sitting next to murf oftentimes was his wife Mary Travers Murphy and she was an anchor at Channel 7even as well right how how cool is that right having your your wife on set with you and uh it could be challenging but they have such a great relationship and they’re great friends and and you know I’m I’m grateful to have a relationship as you do with murf and and be his friend but I’m also indebted and let me tell you why so right around um mid-2000s Trent Edwards era 0708 somewhere in there um I came back to Buffalo for training camp I just wanted to come up wanted to go to training camp I was living in Florida I wanted to restart my radio career I was thinking about coming back to Buffalo but wherever it would take me I wanted to get back into radio and I’d left for a little while so I came to Buffalo I go to training camp I said while I’m here I’d really like to meet John bfy I didn’t see him at Camp so Matt John was at Channel 4 at the time CBS affiliate wibb and I on a whim just called Channel and I said hey um you know put me can I please speak to John Murphy Sports Department sure they put me through to his office which is now where Josh Reed’s office is the same same place murf picks up the phone I said hey John Murphy my name is Sal capacho I went to Syracuse like you I’m broadcasting down here in Florida I want to get back into radio in Buffalo where I grew up I I’d love just to pick your brain if if you could I you know if you have any time for me oh my God yeah come by the station he’s like just come on by so I literally drove down W Avenue went to channel four walk in there and I just talk with murf about life about radio it was really cool and we struck struck up a relationship we stayed in contact well fast forward a couple years later I actually do make the move back to Buffalo and if you remember a competing radio station had the Buffalo Bills rights not wgr at the time in 2011 I get back I’m doing part-time work I’m filling in I’m substitute teaching just to make some money part-time make ends meet wgr gets re regains the radio rights to the bills murf comes on he’s like hey that s guy I met him he’s a really you know good guy I I want him to be a part of the broadcast so he actually got me in the booth to do stats with him that first year in 2012 just by him saying hey and that relationship that we had and then of course Joe was a sideline guy who was the beat reporter Joe Balia Joe winds up moving on to TV as you said channel seven that’s where he went I I don’t think we were even going to have a sideline person for the first little while M’s like no I need a I need a sideline guy I need someone down there to really could be eyes and ears and he recommended me and we talked through it and I I went down there and I’m I’m just I I get chills thinking about it because I am forever indebted for John Murphy really helping me be on an NFL sideline every Sunday and whatever night or day the Bills play now because without that endorsement without him and that relationship that we had I don’t know if it ever happens Matt to be quite honest and that’s the kind of guy he was and that’s the kind of guy he is he’s not you know we’re we’re celebrating career not his life here but that’s kind of person and professional he’s always been and and I’ll forever be indebted professionally to John Murphy yeah absolutely I think in in this setting and in a lot of other similar situations that is a buffalo guy looking out for another Buffalo guy who he sees has passion for this and that means something to him like that’s him looking out for another Western New Yorker because there’s a lot of people who would have wanted that job and who could have probably done the job but he was like no I like S I trust s and he gets what this team means to this community and I think that’s something that we both appreciate as people who grew up here whose lives so much of this is all intertwined with the Buffalo Bills with John Murphy on the call with Van Miller on the call and for me like Keith gradford is somebody who has been a mentor to me since I walked in the door at Channel 7even and Keith was always very good friends with murf from their time together at Channel 7 and he connected me with murf and I got to meet him and not the same situation you but just more of me being in awe of John Murphy than actually asking for advice I’m like oh my gosh that was John Murphy but the thing that I’ve thought about a couple different times today since the news has come out and it’s weird that this was the first thing that I thought of but when my dad passed murf was there and I remember thinking like what would my dad have said that John mury was at the funeral I was like he would have got a kick out of that he thought that really I saw murf there I saw murf there that’s right remember and I just think that Mary came by and that’s right that’s right you just remember that stuff and he’s just such a selfless guy who has done so much for so many people in the community and we’re all better we’re all better because of him and Buffalo sports are better because of him and admittedly I hate the idea of them potentially winning something and him not being on the call but I know that this isn’t goodbye this is just a different role and I hope hope that if that day ever comes that he’s still Incorporated somehow because I’m going to think of him like I’m going to think of you know if it ever happens I’m going to think of my dad and then I’m gonna start going down the line and he’ll be one of the people that I think of No Doubt and listen um for anybody listening right now watching here it’s always game day in Buffalo and saying wait a minute didn’t murf step away already Chris Brown’s been calling the games we’ll just catch you up here John Murphy had a stroke the week actually that the Demar Hamlin incident it was that was the before was the day before day before yeah was the day before we traveled so was two days before it actually happened I think but either way it was right around it was that weekend we we get on the plane and we find out M’s not with us and Chris is gonna call the game and that was the first game and Chris got thrown into that situation right I mean that right away bam and that happens with tomorrow so Chris finished out the season and because John’s been doing rehab you know Chris did all the games in 2023 as well and you know I don’t know that’s way above me exactly what’s going on but I’m assuming Chris will be calling the games in 2024 as far as I know and he’s done an amazing job but M’s still been around he’s been every time we do a game at home he’s in the radio broadcast Booth he comes in he says hello he talks with us we’ve gotten to see him you know what he said today when he was on wbn he said what the the sad part about it is he’s in the best shape of his life he’s gotten in shape after having the stroke and he’s lost like 70 pounds he just can’t talk the way a broadcaster and play-by-play person needs to talk and that’s from John’s own words saying that and you know so obviously it’s not something that he’s wanted want to do to step away here that time would would come but at this point he’s going to do it from that particular role but he’s going to be in a different part in a different role and we’ll see what that is going back though I will tell you murf wasn’t just a TV guy who transitioned and did the games he was also a host on radio and he hosted on I think wbn back in the day the 80s and he did a he did a show I think it was one-on-one sports with John Murphy he did a couple other ones and there was Art wander there was John Murphy and I will tell you I remember one of the shows in 1987 I’m 14 years old the Bills trade for Cornelius Bennett on Halloween night they get Cornell Bennett they trade away Greg Bell Eric Dickerson goes to the Colts they trade two number ones a number two it was the story of the night in the NFL or in the in sports it was a story of the week in sports and murf and this isn’t to say old takes exposed because this was a very polarizing topic and a lot of people shared the same sentiment but I remember murf kind of going after like saying you can’t can’t give up that much for a linebacker this is this too much too much and it was a big deal and murf took that side of it and we always we’ve had talks since then they’ll say now obviously I was wrong Bennett was great and the bills went to Super Bowls but I remember that 1987 having that talk show and the connection with fans and debating that topic well it was a different like I kind of alluded to earlier it was a different era in that level of like local stardom as far as media personalities are concerned is not something that I think will ever be duplicated just because at that time you were watching that show along with probably so many other people but now there’s so many different platforms that you can get your content there’s so many different places where you can watch so what he was in Buffalo like even though I’m in the same job it’s not it’s night and day just how much that guy moved the meter in this market in this community he was a legend to so many people and it’s been really cool to get to know that guy I because he is just like anybody else he’s just like anybody who is listening to him anybody who’s watching to him you could sit I mean he’s a good dude from Niagara County from Lockport like that’s those are my kind of people as somebody who’s from weatfield not that far away so Dad his dad was a a politician in Lockport for Niger County right I mean and and yeah so I know that they have the name there and I think they U they had a tire company or something they they did some maintenance like things like that they owned but also he has a brother who has since passed who actually ran the Buffalo nag the the convention center downtown I mean his family so well known in in Western New York and that’s the thing murf knows everyone like I pride myself I always tell people like yeah you want something done I know who to call in Buffalo like I’ll get something done for I know people murf knows everybody it’s crazy you can go to any Damon basketball game he is right there watching Mike McDonald’s game I went I saw him I go to my first game but murf’s always there murf knows everybody his his best friend is John beine gonna it’s incredible right yeah I was gonna say it’s so crazy because like when I got to channel 7 we did segments with Mike McDonald who at that point had already been a Damon and their entire friend group is not their entire friend group but it’s murf it was his brother it was beine and I’m like wait like the head coach at Michigan who’s playing in a national championship they’re like oh yeah they they’re all best friends with each other they’ve all known each other for years and years and years um Jack Armstrong I think is also kind of another layer of that group like another Branch outside the group so Murph told me the story by the way Murph told me the story before he said this him and John beine went to the first ever game at the current High Mark stadium in 1973 preseason he said s we got there a little late we were walking in as the opening kickoff was getting returned for a touchdown against the bills in the opening preseason game do you know the hometown of John beine uh I do it’s well they both went to the sales uhhuh new F this is a this this is no so sort of this is a little bit of a Niagara County Tri question I thought I thought I’d take a stab at it I’m at least hope I was close he is from Bert New York which is a hamlet a hamlet of new it’s a hamlet of Newan but it is this is the Bert New York wikip page Bert is a hamlet of the town of new Fain in Niar County it is the hometown of former University of Michigan men’s basketball coach and former Cleveland Cavaliers head coach John beine so like we went and did a story the year that he took Michigan to the turn like to the finals they they went to the finals and they lost I forgot who they lost to but we went and did a story at his house there are something like 70 or 80 be lines now in Niagara County just of all the different fake because he was one of several siblings and murf I believe was at that game with McDonald’s rooting on their old’s pal so it’s like it’s typical Western New York but it’s cool because I think of my group of friends who I grew up with and you know I I hope that we stay with each other and connected to each other for our entire lives like him and his friend group have no doubt about it and um just on a professional note I’ll say you know working with murf uh being on a Sidelines being in that role there was never there’s never been a moment in 11 years working with him where he made me feel like my job didn’t matter in fact just the opposite it’s very important in my role to you know if I see something I call upstairs and on my mic and say what’s going on never once in 11 years Matt this is how amazing murf is and and how he you operates never once in 11 years did I say I have something to share down here that he say we’re not gonna talk about that or get to it and he if if it was important enough for me to say that I have something on the sidelines it was important enough for murf to put on the broadcast and that meant a lot and that’s why that’s what John Murphy is as as a as a colleague a professional and a friend my when we asked murf to do our show my favorite murf story is when we asked him to do the show I had known him just through like hey that’s John Murphy but I think that he just may have known who I was but didn’t know much about me and I called him and he was like hey I like to like do these in person you want to meet at taffy in an hour so we went to Taffy’s and had like a milkshake and a hot dog and he was just like so why do you think I’d be good for it and I was like I don’t know because you’re John Murphy that’s probably good reason right and he was like well like what what is your vision what are you planning and I was like Hey listen you know it’s gonna be three generations of sports directors it’s gonna be you it’s gonna be Joe Balia it’s gonna be myself and you know he was great for the years that we got to work with him and I I know we’ve got a lot of stuff planned at Channel 7 today because he is such a he is such a big part of our story and really the glory years of this station where you know there there wasn’t another station in town that was as popular as Channel 7 was from those like 70s to early 2000s no doubt we will have a lot more and I’m sure you’re going to hear a lot more and see a lot more about John Murphy in the coming months training camp in the season I miss be with murf on the road last year for sure uh and those games he didn’t do um gonna be missing him on the road again coming up the bills have a very interesting Road schedule the schedule release is coming out next week it’s always game day in Buffalo capacho Matt B we thought we’d have a schedule release on Thursday the 9th which is when we’re actually talking here we thought we’d be talking about the schedule release and that’s not GNA happen it’s G to be Wednesday May 15 we’ll probably get some leaks out before then and you know know some games leading up to them do you get the feeling that the reason why there was delay is because what Mike North told us on the Pod we did with him which was they kind of couldn’t figure out where to put the Christmas games there were certain networks kind of vying for them do you think that could have been a reason I think it could have put essentially been a reason I’ve seen a couple people that are in the industry report that that was one of the hiccups now I don’t remember exactly who reported it so I apologize and I don’t want to misquote them or anything but it feels like there has been kind of a narrative out there that the Christmas game was a little bit of a bigger hurdle than they anticipated I also saw something from Boomer asasin did you see this about Netflix potentially throwing their hat in the ring for the Christmas games I don’t know if that’s in the short I did but I mean I think we would have had something on that already if that was the case but I did see this yes I I wonder if that’s something in the future not necessarily something that’s going to happen immediately but I do think that that certainly played a factor I’m surprised that we don’t have the schedule now but I also think it became pretty clear earlier in the week when it probably got to Tuesday and we didn’t know yet that this was going to take another week because this is something everything that the NFL does is strategic they want to probably announce games for two or three days before before the schedule is officially released on all of their Partners morning shows because those get massive numbers and then it’s a little bit of a carrot for everybody of like hey look we’re gonna tell you the first Sunday night game we’re gonna tell you the first Thursday night game we’re gonna tell you the first Monday night game and you know you’ll have somebody on Good Morning America doing it you’ll have somebody on The Today Show doing it so I would anticipate we have that early next week and just because of the place the bills are in the league right now I’m fully EXP that we find out at least a game before the full schedule is released like we’ll find out on social media and just from different people a lot of it before it actually happens but I think we’ll know an official announcement for at least a Bills game before Thursday at or Wednesday at 8 o’clock excuse me and uh just a a word to the wise don’t fall for fake schedule releases everyone it happens every year around this time I got the schedule the whole schedule and it’s just people looking for engagement there’s always the random X accounts that show up right around that time I got the schedule release yeah there are some people who know follow the the beat reporters follow the beat reporters for all the different markets that includes TV radio whatever those reporters those are the one people who find out certain things because they work maybe in the broadcast industry with a like Matt does at ABC and maybe they find out there’s a game going on there oh yeah we can say okay now this is happening here but follow them the other part of this is all right so I was coming back from Florida and that’s when it kind of found out that the schedule release was getting delayed a week so I had a it was just really an off-the-cuff kind of tweet which I said well I guess another week of making mock schedules and it was more of a just kind of a tongue-and-cheek comment and I’d like three or four people come at me and go who would do something like that that is such a waste of time how stupid is that a mock schedule uh I’ll have you know Matt and I this is this is what we’re gonna do now because of all of you say that Matt and I are gonna do a mock schedule next week how about that we’ll do a dueling mock schedules like we did last year to see who has a better one did neither of us last year predicted Jets moneyed football to start the season but we did get a couple games right so I think this year also before we like do a mock schedule is there I had Bill’s Jets Sunday Night Football to start the year but it was Monday night is there a is there a chance they do this again is there a chance that they do the exact same opener for two years in a row no I don’t think you don’t see here’s my thing okay I think that there’s a chance the bills could play the Jets and I think there’s a chance that it could be the same thing I think that Jets will once again start in New York because of everything that happened last year I think you almost need to like throw that fan base of bone a little bit and not start him on the road like I couldn’t see Aaron Rodgers starting his second season with the Jets on the road against the Patriots or on the road against the Dolphins like I think they’ll put him in New York for another week one game I I just do I that’s a gut feeling yeah yeah yeah I I could see that I do not think it’s going to be Prime time against the bills could be prime time could be New York Prime Time I would totally like could totally see that for sure I’m looking back on another note though the bills to be a prime time like okay give me one game out of the 17 on their schedule what’s the one game you’re most sure of will be on prime time oh that’s a really good question because I have one I don’t think it’s easy and obvious to say the Chiefs I don’t think it’s easy and obvious to say the 49ers because I could see those being 425 Standalone CBS or fox games I think they’ll definitely get a divisional game in prime time I just don’t know which one this might be a surprise I think the Ravens will be a Prime Time game oh okay I like that remember a couple years ago they were both very good and it was only it was a afternoon Sunday afternoon game it was a week it was week four it was week four that’s right okay so I do think like without knowing which game I do think one of the Miami Dolphins games will be a Prime Time game like I don’t know which one I think it’s one of them okay so that would be the one but I completely disagree with what you said a minute ago about San Francisco I think San Francisco’s Prime Time almost definitely I to me that’s the number one and it comes from Mike if you listen to him he kind of mentioned that game once or twice yeah just and how big it was and I’m thinking they’re not putting that game on a random 425 like that’s a Prime Time game in Buffalo they played prime time in San Fran which became Arizona during Co year if you remember as well and that was just a few years ago and then I had um cam Inman who covers the 49ers on the um on the radio show on wgr and I we were kind of talking about this and he texted me after and he said he said it can’t Envision the 49ers going to Buffalo can’t on Thanksgiving because they played at Seattle last Thanksgiving he said how about the season opener in Buffalo the 49ers have open on the road five of the last six years I said I don’t think it could be the season open it would have to be a night game for me he goes how about week two Sunday night here’s what he said 49ers have back to back have the Dolphins on the schedule and they actually like to request back-to-back East Coast games and he’s thinking maybe they go to the Dolphins week one week two they’re in Buffalo on a prime time that’s his thought basically that would be a great thought I think Bill’s fans now here’s the interesting layer to this would you then definitely think the bills start the season on the road because would they really have backto back home games with only eight as opposed to nine and then have and then have six home games left with nine on the road so if that was the case then I would imagine the bills would start on the road and their Road schedule is a bear so if you were gonna have the 49ers come to town in week two you better get a little bit there’s not many cupcakes like there’s not many games who you would say oh yeah like that would be fun I I would think if that’s the case you want bills at Patriots week one or something because that might be the yeah air quotes easiest game that you get on the road or do you really want to go to Houston and then come home and play the 49ers do you really want to go to Baltimore do you really want to go to the Jets or the Dolphins like there’s not that many other op Seattle you’re not gonna go to Seattle and then come back and play the 49ers I wonder if the bills will request uh Seattle La back toback they have the the long West Coast trip there I mean they’ve done that before in the past but not under Shawn mcder it’ll be interesting all right so we’ll have a lot more in the schedule coming up the next time we talk that’s leading up we’ll do Mach schedules but I do think that 49ers game will be prime time we’ll kind of predict what’s going to happen week one the next time we talk about the schedule in the meantime the next time when you do hear this you may have already seen and heard and watched all the video coming out are the Bills rookies at rookie mini camp that starts on Friday uh May 10th and they’re gonna have it all weekend it’s the first chance to see Keon Coleman Cole bishop and all the other bills rookies and first year players select others uh in a Bill’s uniform for the first time uh how much are you looking forward to maybe even talking with Keon Coleman as much as you are watching him in a bills uniform I think the the talking is probably more interesting to me than the actually seeing him out on the football field I think it’s always cool it’s a big day for the everybody who covers the team because it’s your first look at most of these guys it’s a chance to really load up on video of these guys because anytime that you talk about them from now until training camp this is what you’re going to have to revert back to I think about all of the memories of former rookie mini camps with the big time guys like Josh Allen like taine edin like those years were crazy this one is going to be a little bit more calm because remember even though Keon Coleman was the first pick of the second round wasn’t a first- round pick so I know that I know that he’s got the kind of hype and the buzz of most of the other first round picks but you know second round picks don’t normally command when he’s out on the field tomorrow earlier in the week we saw a bunch of video of Xavier Worthy running around the Chiefs and people posting it on social media there’s not going to be that National Buzz that there is this is going to be much more hey if you’re a Bills fan you probably care what they say what it looks like with them out on the field but you know I don’t think we’re gonna see the video of Keon col but at the same time I didn’t think the video of him talking about G to Macy’s was gonna get like 50 million 50 million views either so here we are at the time that we sit here the bills have not announced their udfa signings a lot of times that happens right before you know Camp starts right and I’m sure happen today probably yeah Thursday right that’s the time we talk either today or or tomorrow morning right before we get out to the stadium obviously uh for rookie mini camp but there’s always GNA be a guy there you know that you you kind of latch on to and you see and I think fans are GNA be very interested in seeing Frank Gore Jr we’ve talked so much about the draft picks Frank Gore Jr is gonna be a Buffalo Bill and I think that’s gonna be cool yeah and I think he also plays a position that it’s easy for fans to follow and root for those skill positions are so much easier to let’s say for example you’re a fan and you go to training camp you notice the wide receivers the quarterbacks the running backs the skill positions a lot more than you notice what the other guys are doing and that’s just from a simply like hey they’re doing seven on sevens they’re doing 11 on 11s like the backup defenseman defensive lineman are on another field completely or the backup safeties are working with the Special Teams units and stuff so yeah I think that he’s going to be the fan favorite of the I think right now tell me if I’m wrong he of the guys that they acquired in the draft or post-draft is the fourth most popular and probably player that people are excited about besides their top three guys besides Coleman actually let’s say it’s a tie with Ray Davis but Coleman Bishop um Dwayne Carter and then Ray Davis Frank or Jr yeah I might push back a little bit on the rugby player because he’s going to be maybe not popular but the Intrigue I guess but you’re right you know Travis Clayton but even that like it had to give me a second to remember his name right so that to your point like yeah obviously Frank Gore has the name how cool is it too Frank Gore senior is so excited and pumped for his son to be coming to to Buffalo you know when he was here he got to know bean and mcder and that’s a big reason why he’s excited because he knew he knows the kind of organization that his son is stepping into I think that this should be used as a little bit of I don’t want to say an endorsement but clearly he was impressed with what he saw in his solo year here that he would give the advice to his son because a lot of teams I’m sure were trying to sign Frank ort Jr as an undrafted free agent he probably had options but I’m sure his dad said hey I really enjoyed my time in Buffalo James Cook is two years into it they probably need a Bruiser we think that maybe you could come in there and actually earn a job or earn a spot on the practice squad so so I think that it says a lot that Frank Gore liked the or organization and probably Josh Allen enough that he would recommend his son come here all right well listen rookie mini camps happening over the weekend the schedule release is on Wednesday we’re going to talk all about it you can follow Matt and watch him over at WKBW TV channel 7 uh once again just kind of remind everybody you got some stuff coming up with murf and you guys are GNA be um you know covering rookie mini camp and all that yeah so of course we’re g to cover on Thursday by the time some of you listen to this but it’ll all be on our website and then after that yeah rookie mini camp starts this week a busy weekend busy couple weeks for sports just when you think things are going to die down it starts to pick up so the amirs are playing in game five of their playoff series against the Syracuse Crunch Friday night and then next week the bandits begin the first two games of the NL finals on the road at Albany and then back home in Buffalo the schedule release so just like that it’s going to basically be the end of May then things quiet down for a month or so and then it’s time for trading Camp yeah I mean you’re telling me I mean I am the the head coach of both my son’s actual little league house team and his tenue travel baseball team and that has started this week the big the uh North Buffalo show shown A’s with a big victory 10-2 over Detroit to start the season last night and now we get after it in the travel season so we’re gonna be very busy yeah thank you we’re gonna be very busy chasing things around a little golf it’s going to be happening this summer but it never stops with Buffalo Bills talk that’s why it’s always game day in Buffalo our producer today is Jake Ali so we really appreciate him jumping on and helping us out today uh and get us this uh episode out to you you can catch us wherever you pod on audio or of course on the south Sports YouTube channel we’ll talk to you next time the schedule release comes out Wednesday night May 15 we’ll talk a lot about it on the next episode of It’s Always game day in Buffalo


  1. Some nitwit channel w/2 subs pretends to be a Bills creator. His rationale is that since the Bills have not reached the SB to date w/ Josh, they therefore never will, window closed. if you encounter this 🚽💩, ignore him

  2. Sorry to see Murph leave as play-by-play announcer, he always did a great job of describing the on-field action on the radio, doing so in such a way that allowed you to visualize exactly what was happening.

  3. Thank you so much for the update on Murph. I really miss him. I agree, Murph is 1 of the first people I think of when I think about winning a Superbowl. Please send him my love and best wishes.

    I lived away from home for quite a few years. Felt pretty homesick quite a few times. Murph made it easier. Gave me a little peice of home.
    It breaks my heart that he's no longer doin play by play but it makes me really happy to know he's still coming around.
    Again THANK YOU
    and…. GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Wonder if Chris brown stays on now. He calls a great game and his excitement is infectious. With that said I will miss murph. Congrats murph.

  5. Sorry for Murph with the stroke. But I've always harped on this. Why would such a incredible job not go through so many elite candidates. Murph was so blah, non creative non exciting. This ONE job should have so many insane talent options. This job should never be seniority. Get someone with incredible talent in every category

  6. Guys, I know this is a little late, but where do you think Bishop would have been drafted if Safety was valued as much as say CB?

  7. Love listening to you guys!’Hey Sal I’m from Stuart Florida
    Would love to hook up for a tailgate with you.
    I go to 4-5 games with my wife a year.
    Take care
    Go Bills!!
    John Hofer

  8. It was sooo nice to see Murph and hear that voice of his…Wishing Murph the best!!!! GO BILLS!!!! I BILLIEVE!!!

  9. That channel 7 crew, Irv, Rick, and Tom were famous up to Toronto also. Jim Carrey talked sbout them and going to Fantasy Island as a kid

  10. Sad to hear about Murph. No offense to Chris Brown but I don’t like him on play by play, he’s very cringy. He’s pretty good on OBL but not play by play, I hope they find someone good and preferably a Buffalo native.

  11. Hey Sal i have a buddy Shawn Disalvo in Batavia who is your double ! same height , If you were standing side by side it would be uncanny!

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