Golf Players

Can I make it on Tour? Pt 2 feat. Mac Boucher

My 30 Days as a Tour Pro series continues….in New Zealand! Heading over the ditch for the first time to play in the 2-day Cello Invitational event – and getting paired with Sling King, Mac Boucher for the final day.

Can I make enough money to stay in the green as a Tour Pro?

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#golf #AussieBeefGolf #golfpro #tourpro #newzealand #jackspoint #millbrook

Mr M B up we’re both a bit deflated I’m going to go out and wh and say probably one of the hardest days I’ve ever had in a golf [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] course guys we have just arrived in Queenstown New Zealand now believe it or not I’m 36 years old I live just around the corner in Oz it’s just like another state and this is the first time I’ve ever been here and we have an amazing few days coming up we’re here for the shallo Invitational at Jack point at milbrook but first we’re going to go check out the town a little bit we got a smallest Board of uh places we need to visit first stop is berg bger and then we’re going to get some rest big day tomorrow we sent out the beef signal on my Instagram and said hey guys first night in town where should we eat everyone said this place Berg Burger they got a bakery a bar but they’re famous for the burger so we’re going to try this not Elie beef it’s New Zealand beef so we’re going to lose a point for that burger actually really really good I’m going to that four out of five aie B all right that game [Music] there day one of the cello Invitational we’re here at milbrook and as you can see I’m the second person here which is uh surprising prep ation is key we’re here before the majority of the pros we we’re going to get some puts in we got 2 hours before our tea time however I was banking on buying some balls in the shop and uh the ball I use they don’t have which is a titless pro v1x so um we’re going to use a new ball today for the first time the Pro V1 we don’t know our distances we don’t know how high spinning it is but um YOLO any any ball manufacturers out there maybe some balls would would help [Music] this guy what a beard what’s your name tonyy be that’s a solid beard make the best ginger bearded man absolutely day one of the cell Invitational see all the pros are warming up behind us and the amers uh like it’s going to be a great day we’re off the first we’re in the feature group playing with the CEO my buddy Josh and my playing partner John comes down to today um not 100% the Peres but it’s more about just playing well see what where the chips [Music] fall we’re the current leaders right now we are leading the tournament the full ball section could be leading the singles who knows I could yeah we’re one under par one under par striping it made two really bads it’s never a bad par but just on a five driver green F day might get the be go hold it go hold it first round of the tournament was at milbrook and I’ll tell you what it was a really workman’s one over par in the [Music] end it was it was really interesting cuz we came out of the gates flushing it and just didn’t really hold apart we were one under through I believe six holes now if you follow my Instagram the next hole I actually posted the worst shot of my golfing career [Music] on off the tea and we like cold topped it um it was like a shank top that’s gone left made another double bogey so we went double bogey double bogey this is where I was really proud of myself because usually in the past that’s sort of where the wheels would fall off um part of doing this series was to um I kind of understand that there were going to be times when I felt like that during around a golf where so much rust there that even though if I was playing well it was just sort of unexplained just like oh there’s a three part from nowhere or a double bogey from 100 out first round cello Invitational we were sort of sitting I think like Michael Hendry shot 7 or eight under um so we sort of out of it but uh kind of in Midfield there and I was was was sort of where I was expecting to be so in the end we’ll go through my stats we hit eight from 13 Fairways or just off the Fairway so eight from 13 Fairways we hit nine Greens in ation obviously not going to get the job done hitting nine greens six from nine up and downs and we ended up with 28 parts so the theme of sort of being under 30 parts continued and we’re really happy with like we could use that as an asset so one over par uh in a fairly good position for round [Music] two so we’re nearing the end of our 30 days as a tour Pro uh here at Jack point we got the final round of the cello Invitational and this is professional golf we’re right in 20th position good round today we make a lot of money bad round we we lose a lot um so we’re going to do our damn hardest to uh shoot up the leaderboard hopefully get in the top five if we shoot a real low number maybe we snag this thing but uh it’s going to be windy so we’re just going to play our style of golf I’m actually playing with ma voucher so but yeah you can’t press on this golf course snag the birdies where we can lot of Fairways lot of grain and uh hopefully by the end of today we’ve sh up the leader board round two jack point potentially the hardest round of golf I’ve ever played in my life uh we were paired with MC Boucher ironically Instagram sensation this was a day and a half one twoot po didn’t even hit the hole cuz the wind was so Gusty it got up to about 80 km guys the last four holes we wiped every single one so I went double boy double bogy double boogy double bogy so we had we racked up the double poies in this round however I did turn into overpar getting up and down from everywhere two overpar we’ll take that to be honest by the end uh this is probably in this 30 days Pro where I kind of lost my composure a little bit I was like I want to get back to the clubhouse and drink a my die um even though there was a lot of money on the line um in the end uh we shot like an 803 three um I didn’t go down the leaderboard as I definitely did the last few holes but just wasn’t like the worst round of the day um even though it was like the highest score in my professional career I believe like tied high score all right I’m here with the man the myth the legend Mr ma B we’re both a bit deflated we’re deflated because we just finished our round of golf where day took of the cell notational we started the day tied so we randomly got paired together I’m going to go out and wh and say probably one of the hardest days had in a golf course that back nine so I had him byy a few shots maybe after 10 holes he came home strong and didn’t make three straight doubles um you hit possibly the craziest shot I’ve ever seen twice today you aim that maybe what 200 M away from the Fairway uh 3 out te H the thing it probably went 200 yards left yeah rode the wind got Into the greenside Bunker and uh just took her sideways number six is a par4 down the hill driveable generally it’s normally a quite getable hole this wi but it’s hollowing off the lake today T gol’s different Beast I do miss it but I don’t miss it when the weather’s like that you’re 5 and 1/ half hours of grinding I think we finished in around 30th Place um we made 400 uh and then in the four ball I think maybe 1 a th000 um with like side bets and stuff it kind of covered my Acom so we’re just going to like wipe the Acom and flight and it $400 um which again we’re around even still still around even going into our last event mate next time let’s just play for fun yeah we’re going to I’m going to come to Sydney and um we’re going to do a match fun match with some sheeps M yeah that was an awesome day thanks so much uh invitation has been great being here in New Zealand uh meeting the man himself than thanks brother


  1. Thanks Mac for coming on, Gball, Cello, Jacks and Millbrook.

    Did you like this style?

    Who else should we get on the channel?

    Where else should we play?

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