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right golf makes welcome down to another video we’re at Caris green par 71 6,300 yards this is a cracker what we’ve got the original Bolton bangers V little and large here yeah Ernie and Ernie and Eric Ernie and Eric we are playing match play we are going to have one shot on the hardest hole but it’s a different format we’re playing aren’t we yeah it’s greens Sims but match play greens Sims match play so we both tee off pick the best one and then it’s forss from there we play alternate shots depending on which one we’ve Chosen and again match play and we’re having one stroke on stroke one which is in a fuel’s time all I’m going to say grae is odd or even I’m going to go with odd I don’t know I painted it out so you can go that’s a three three anyway yes oh you’re on the tea boys thank you very much indeed should we give them the honesty to these boss man yeah yeah you can have the honor let’s let’s have some honor shall we give him let have some hon yeah give B Roger R oh I forgot to say gram £5 yeah I owe you5 we’re going to play for £5 again yeah £5 again yeah we’ll play for FIV right 12 125 don’t win 135 back of the green and basically you cannot go 137 cuz you’re in the river Kent correct nice River knowledge with’ salmon Callaway triple track Callaway stickle oh my God Stevie B shot no check that’s all right there nice shot that just think when you get your toor you’re n will get there on your wedge but you Bobby Charlton do you think Pete will get a Rodin off gr today oh yeah I hope you don’t you don’t mind about you mean r not rer a roll that’s a telling off instead of Roger correct oh God Liam oh this will work oh he’s got he’s got what I had only in the river Kent so um golf mes that is the river Kent if you want wonder where it was it’s got seed golf balls in it colorway triple track and Seed trout salmon perch Minal seed trout seed trout uh does that rather go all the way to Kent should we uh take eventually probably I think you could be it’s good hey you’re chipping well though you’re all right there my I don’t know I did that anyway Pete what you itting sir I’ve got an A Perfect that Pete perfect do that nice little Strictly Come Down thing come on is that a new fitted a this is a new fitted aan I have to get it in sorry oh look at that nearly nearly it’s all right it’s on it’s on the uh dance FL it’s on the Strictly Come Dance FL golf mate sorry to interrupt Pete shot though what a belter but Peter why I’m mentioning him the people’s Rider cup we’re on year seven this year and it’s going to be our best ever we’re going to Sunny Spain in mid January playing at L redo just over the border from Portugal in Spain two golf courses 2180 golf courses looks absolutely awesome and your flight a fire all it’s only about 55 minutes transfer right normally it’s I’m the captain he’s a captain of Team red this year I’m having eBay p is my captain and we go be there all week you’re having I’ve got big gr the man himself the vice so golf mats if you B on before the end of June you deposit I think there’s a bit of a early discount if not the comps in January get on it will’ll be there all week and I’m going to put my heart and SE it and make it the best we’ve ever done you’ll have Captain’s letters a month before and a little through the post little gift package from me and Mr bar all spelled wrong this is going to be the best we’ve ever done and this year there is a trophy sponsored by eBay Pete so I appreciate that Pete back to the match see the golf is here oh yeah forgot yeah so G so g a lot married to the queen of Kish green easy to forget he’ll do that PE on it pitch and wedge CR yeah just a little do you know I really like this all go shot that is fantastic on it jiz left that’s in no no it’s just J last perfect it’s just a little bit down wind is it though cuz it’s just gone a bit further than I thought it’s gone about4 it was off the yeah I think it probably was yeah just one quick thing though I know I shouldn’t h on but Warren and the guys have got this course for April in L literally ridiculous condition everybody we speak to saying so thank you Lads you work like hell and we really appreciate it Chu some in don’t forget gra spots of the channel for all golf mates on the website car screen there’s loads of offers up work back to the match thank you FIV I’ve got everything here with me now I we’re going to do a mix line it 52 no in it right don’t his chances here not off it’s tough shot this runs away from you wa yeah do you know what you’ll make that pretty you’ll make it you’ll make it honestly we’re not sure where they meet if it’s a what is it Confluence a Confluence he reckons merges these words are not good for this channel even I can’t right for birdie oh is it that nice for is it that nice match play come here son that’s a beautiful p a lovely three thank you can’t assume that we give you that well he’s already picked picked it up tell what I’m spin you were gone you it was where’s a pitch mark it was like there you know just Banger in Bor I want a big boom momentum swi left straight away oh was a good put it was a good match play as well it mat play one up the Bolton bangers are one down to Graham and Peter right eBay on the SE 512 yards dog leg right to it it’s a bit of a beast one up always a beast this all especially Against the Wind oh look at that look at it finder stra in perfect that middle up Fairway those the clubs Pete good no comment at the moment they look great they do look great it’s just the one person behind [Music] them look at that I love that I love the flight on that pops It Go Ste the boys perfect very nice yeah that’ll do p which one we take it take yours Pete take yours right fway finder he not Mr fway with gra Mr bow a good shot o that could be gone oh I don’t know about that does it 50/50 that one does it go around does a bit it does go around I just don’t know cuz it’s in long if you want Into The Wind I’d say that was fine yeah every fur away with green you’re coming your best mate just like the wedding the terrible tried to cut the corner so far is it every river I can’t say it I’m river that between you you hit the Kent and the Sprint in Two Shots oh this is a Kent this one that’s Sprint that’s a Sprint that one oh Liam look at that can’t turn it over meaty no a meaty that good that’s a good that’s a meaty gra let this driver I’ve given mine to Gary and pton picture are if he sent it this is just out of the shop I don’t know what it is but it’s doing okay but I can’t turn it round two decent drives are uh we have fed the fish so now they’ve had two seeds and a colorway triple track correct but that sounded good well that sounded good though seven wood no got three wood got three wood oh look at that partner absolute Beauty nobody knew he had a little naughty Don lie though graah as well didn’t he world do that right fivewood yeah just just pop it up there smooth one Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal strike yeah no that’s good that’s good angle keep there keep going there that’s a great angle in there play well he can get up over that tree can’t he well let’s find out with my hey with my mixu pin yeah you new ones mic moments moments brought to you by Tacomo wi against yeah I think I’ve got Soo much club though Pete what have you got I just think there’s a win there is 130 saying 140 I’ve got have you Zapped it yeah 130 I’ve go it’s one 140 I did a 9 for safety no this strike water sit down no it’s fine tight I think so yeah but I’ve hit that too easy and dragged it yeah you’ve hit it you’ve T tugged it turned it over and it’s gone long yeah but might just be all right that though Liam I’ll take it we got the Scoopy whoopy we’ll get a power out of anything won’t wey very impressed with that P 135 it 130 I don’t know I think he’s got a jump on this a wind comes now and again but there’s trees behind the flags knock the wind away man picked up she’s coming in she’s coming that’s got to go look at the wind do you feel the wind wind picked up there game the wind pit rail I don’t think no I don’t think I got it not such a big H after all no I’m not no I’m getting old now you know should have got some T well what I’m not in the river well you’re certainly not in the river with me you get home you might be on your [Laughter] next love it got win them all all right Pete yeah y good luck no problem he’s great at the he’s a good wedge and chipper P right yeah it’s a good part of this game as well as looking looks good though he does look know what he’s doing at this here at this for a little beauty I mean that’s classic he coming look at that for a little spanker son come here thank you sir p is that okay all right put his arm out well there’s a bit of love in it yeah I’m know sure let’s see what my does no I’ve come here no there’s a small bit of Wick in that is it no come on Scoopy come on mate [Music] it’s more Kim Jong Kim Jong the I’ll just show you this for about 10 seconds if you want to see the video it’s on Facebook yeah so I’m checking on King Jam [Laughter] Yung at that his always it out in boys out nice your put a minute thanks detector there it is got it watch aie gold on AR he’s got his thing his Arsenal thingy ball marker Kings barns put a maggot on that old you’re making me wear red foot Ridder cup which is not swing on this one yeah but you want to see all the golf mates and have a a beer it won’t be a b what will it be oh yeah yes Spanish oh beautiful can you believe they didn’t give us that I can’t actually mate thank you very much right remember when we played when me and Pete played you two you two are on fire and all changed let’s turn the circle now so what’s the score in this match two down two down that’s the one I was after two down who’s got my ball anyway some Pi I’ve got mine why would I have your ball we’ve been using mine haven’t me yeah I pick your you haven’t you been mine yeah we’ve been using mine all the whole yes you know but they see where’s my ball Tade Rock Tade that’s the one [Laughter] yeah Oh you mean business oh he’s not messing you wed him up now aren’t you got him going got him where I want him look at that oh no no no no no Mr the tree right there make something out of that what do you want to Out of Bounds no it’s fine one it’s out of bounds absolutely fine that very a minute abs off even gring the N dra strike which one you taking Pete perfect one that’s inbounds yeah might be that one shot Gra mate very good that’s bound come on forway finder what you playing there what number seed three that was a blip you just call it out is it strike that again that’s past mine that great strike rockers that’s a good hit I’ll tell you what it’s not so far off a good hit for nothing we’re too do at all you love a shot don’t you when he gets a shot his little face lights off like shot like Christmas morning Liam very cool that’s the best this weekend so I’ve tried to draw that again but just impossible you want to draw it for absolutely perfect now you know the difference there is we’ve got CH of two balls right you never got CH one that’s it and the other thing is you’re there for none got options there’s quite a lot of differences really yeah for nothing so what are you saying oh I’m just saying if Pete can get that driver working they can have options does he come with subtitle he’s revved up look at him he’s revved up he is Pete he’s reved up yeah of course he is so we’re playing Place through the green just so you wondering what we’re doing it’s still at winter rules but it’s dry out week by we unbelievable yeah it is the robots have been out cutting all night look at these lovely cut Fairways on a Sunday he swing oh why this this that’s got a load so much Top Spin on that do you know what it is Pete that’s bloody great absolutely great that you’ve trimmed all them daisies off worms have got an headache yeah yeah I’ll tell you what I can’t get into the bottom of the bowl it’s me I just don’t get into the bottom of the p c today seven warding you don’t have to bash mate 165 big moment in the match this we’ve got a shot so just shot back to one down that’s a great shot it’s on is it shot B bers for one we’ll give you that you should make solid solid five five four that’s all we think five net four so all we have to do is get up and down for the half thinking a man of your caliber could chip this in a cber yeah I’ve got this feeling in me water you’re going to you’re going to hold that no well I kind of I think I need to hold it for the half if you get this within 5T is a good shot you need to stop sniffing Glo yeah there’s not all in this this is hard it’s hard just for get into a circle yeah 5 fo is done well up the hill now up the hill come on baby come on baby great effort like stay on the Green it just 50° just you know try and get it it just didn’t quite zip did it get yourself some seeds they yeah scoy whoopy proceed uh what can I say I’m going to give you nine out of 10 because I was a good effort you have had three ain’t you yeah and we’ have had one one do that one yeah I’ll be a foot wide at pin up the hill cuz it’ll fall left not bad come on oh we’ve got a chance here come on he left us a chance we’ve got to get this haven’t we yeah that’s brilliant so no good beans sh that’s a great po that I can’t take you seriously with that butter L you see me yesterday am I put him better with that or yesterday somewhere there’s a horse missing a shoe must be a small off oh with a limp sh horse got it that’s it’s got longer hasn’t it paint uh uh uh for the win this mate it is for the win yeah come on St B Banger ice in the v seen I thought that might just hey two good fours on there today that is a really tough all that one those uh yeah brilliant but your chip were great Drive goodies pot were great take a four on there every today unfortunately we had to give you a shot so yeah it’s a loss so we might as well have had a 40 so we didn’t disgrace ourselves four might as well have been 40 it don’t matter it it was a good when you in cuz I was right in line you can walk you don’t need to get a I think you can make it here I was getting right here we go golf mates 350 yd power four no shots one down oh that’s so epic right in middle of the fway fway finder yes good they’re too wide these Fairways here not for Steve find them no they’re too wide we need to narrow them up yeah fetch them in a bit be all right for me he’s got an answer for everything there the batteries on the Cutters W it no a could using yours here Mr be we are I set up all wrong on that is it step back I just knew a bit out of in it yes open the door though that’s you know you’re a bit crooked I should have walked that I think you might be all right there right swing number 47 coming up let’s see what we can do hey do that Bloody Strictly Come Dancing thing you were doing earlier the step yeah the twostep that’s it look at that oh look at that that’s the difference pet orgasmic as Pat you’ve got the right back come on now concentrate CU we might use this oh Magic hey we might be using this pet you you’ve excelled yourself that’s the first one of actually just tell you something 25 y ped past is yeah I was a driver beautiful now yeah best thing I ever did it was naughty before seriously I’m not being funny but that’s a cracking drive you pitched on bit right there I enjoyed that wait till you get your I think we’re just going to use that whatever I might just not bother me you won’t be using that anyway why cuz you’re going to get past yeah P him get pass P you might get in the bunker for a change at that look at that oh I might go over it yeah it’s def over beautiful this oh what well over showing off show go Mak don’t like show you I’m stood over the ball you’re saying you’re going to put it in the bunker so I thought I better give it a bit more get it over the bunker I’m just taking your advice well it was a good shot thank you get out of our boogy you got even me going there cuz you any here I know Steve you want sing you can as well I think that’s too much well that eight then see these old clubs Lori Davis you have set these I’m Freddy Couples Freddy Couples yeah look at the trophies she still she still has she look at the trophy she still has Nick do you look a bit like lorder Davis actually isn’t it doy it comes to it she’s till he get his to he’s always on sky is my he’s always on Sky oh b b get up on that te great shot still a good shot though M good shot bit left would it nearly yeah for the purest be a little nine I soon would it well if it would wind it would have been but you got new clubs at my house I’m trying oh they’re there now off at midnight will you I’ll use them tomorrow no it was a good shot all right Pete has got 80 odd yards playing about 90 what have you got 52 46 46 oh my too big don’t go down there don’t spin down there ohed it great Drive where of a dag that one ignore him right quiet if you ignore him he will go away yeah we close what a great second shot that way yeah they’re laughing at us weren’t they go back to just turn it over a little bit oh Le you look good those look good Pete that’s you’re on the you’re on the green that’s fine don’t let them get at you we won’t get at you Pete we love you pet Drive div’s per perfect for the move your feet layer there great green this G yeah everyone says McKenzie two tier green uh I like them wow take a two put w’t you I think I I think I took a three p Le you’re straight up the hill AR you we’ve got a dodg you on across yeah yeah I think RS is actually the easier P I don’t think so not with swing oh trying to get in the headed help me out there oh yeah oh it’s a it’s wicked perfect oh look at this look at this this is just that’s too much that’s tricky that’s even H that’s quick I’m going to try and get it into a gimme range for you yeah I think comes in here there is shot off come on go come on that’s bit left a bit in it have to test it that is exactly the put I missed yesterday I know yeah that were you yeah know you won’t listen I know the brake now then yeah I told you left it’s definitely left yeah I think that’s it is that it Pete okay yeah no just left it out there a bit never moved did it no just a bit too far off thank you I want a boom this is massive take your time let me know when you’re ready Nick you concentrate on this port this guy’s all square I’m going proper look look I don’t know we got this back do I keep going got that when you get wet yeah don’t dribble it said don’t dribble it all that chy don’t dribbling take it away yeah sorry yeah good ass that well done oh we give that away that say summer I missed that yesterday very easy and you did as well just it’s so downhill this top bit here and the mother caught me let the mother do you B can I say some yeah and I don’t want to be horrible Masters is the first time I w’t that bothered of watching it it just bored me and it was the commentary they don’t show the ups and down to the course though they do it’s just commentators bored me it’s all I’m saying I know I’m just probably get people well they spend they spend most of the time moaning about the the the Divide between and no one’s really that bothered you want to watch golf right 350 bottleneck in power four oh St Leed that he I knew You’ be the man for this what a great that is seriously we should be all square then we should be yeah and yours deserved was that your angry face or your sex face yeah but you you need to get them puts to give me instead of leaving me Dody once be aggressive and you dribbled it yeah it’s not in my nature to be aggressive I’m a lover it’s just in your nature to dribble I’m a lover what wow this a tricky old P that’s you did you wear him there yeah yeah it goes right into a buckle neck don’t ble neck a ble a knuckle neck a buckle neck a ble bule Nar a buckle neck narrow right I’m giving this some you going to have a go with this one all the leg he’s doing the walls oh yeah to me oh it should be we W up Winter Garden I think we are mate I think we are one up aren’t we quite gobby when they won down aren’t they oh look at that look at that bad boy yeah blocked out all right oh no you’re fair enough back enough back that’s better even Aver shots he say great just to make you feel good it it was a good shot he’s B he’s bit he’s B big B’s bit but you stay on track remember your mantras remember the mantras we talked about oh Jesus trying to pull me over there in Jimmy listen we can see Pete he’s getting getting himself down with his golf but you’re trying to J back up oh that’s gone that’s not good in there he try keep up with you and me yeah might be all right that yesterday it’s might just be all right that yeah might green though from there but Pete wete the next you’re to you might get hungry how many shots have you got on this one you have shot do you have shots in them all it I can’t remember how many shots you got give us one the one that’s all they had do you think he might want a couple more no no they might be but they’re not getting them they’re very confident AR they well they are smell like you say we’re confident but you two are very lemon bitter as anything just like to say it’s truck five hour for to use one of your drives did we use any on our game no well there’s a patn true driver right we think we got 170 little bit downwind I think love this at this 7 gra yeah right on it it was the drive the drive was in perfect position good decision thank you very much good drive more importantly better on his recovery shots now is he gra you know yourself that was a hard shot that that was T shot very and you made it look very easy he did good drive Pete all right not yards anywhere on the Dance Floor anywhere big drive down there Le that’s going to be 280 Plus thank you very much we played one that’s got a Go played one well I didn’t see that coming I didn’t you slap it yeah bit of a bit of a don’t no lie I thought you did that all right oh okay we’ll get up and down anyway more importantly it was a great drive it right down the middle you never driver down here in this format not really sorry in this format in the competition you know you can if you confidently drive it can I did that because you’re at the fway right come on Team game we’ll get up and down yeah and we’ll just get down he’s a good Get down on it got a CH got s match what he shot black gra yours a proper good golf shot mate first time in the bunker with this get down that’s okay oh no honestly that drive ABS solid popped out great though I’ve get used to these I’ve done a couple of myself manate which you saw i w leaving it in Pete’s played UT sh he’s going to win 10 we’ve already had that conversation if you could win 10 qu right golf mates right us to go is it you or just it be us I think yeah know need a bit of a miracle gram unbelievable 79 thank you screws yeah well I I didn’t want to let Peete down after his magic drive you say oh get in get in a do you know what happened there you got the wrong piece of Blossom I I meant that one and you went for that one no I didn’t I was going for that one right okay I just pulled it didn’t I that’s not is B oh let’s just get that hold on P’s back to normal yeah that was awful put that mate gr’s laying up another job gra getting angry I can see the steam come out the oh look at that he just me Gra wanted you to miss that so let you down there know put oh that’s C we can’t win can we no on you got a shot you got a shot no no no felt for that you he’s done all right I just put you in a perfect position then gra that’s all it was one two four we’re still in this we’re still in this think he he going to go what what you got there Pete which IR have you got five perfect not it’s all right there you need another two of them yeah no this is horrible mate it’s up pill you know awful s w Pete Pete you won we using your drive don’t worry I’m just having a bad day mate the compy will in no I’m having a good day he say having a bad day golf wise 79 G yes mate I think so it’s it really good it’ll roll back down anyway in long it don’t blo up if it blo up it might be short P it going after it not even on green bunker it’s all right there easy chip a dog leg left or a dog leg right this time that was a what with that pot after you made the lovely pot what it was I had to go left for it to drop down I got I got it the wrong side of the ugs back and it went just right did anyone tell me what he just said no no more subtitles in English something like something about a leg seven W perfect St oh it’s match is he coming back you normally get a was a good shot though that’s all right there that’s a good Miss there’s a bit of win there gra I can see why last minute you chased it yeah I’m just wondering if it’s six back into that’s a ball that’s a Ball’s coming in nice yeah it’s on perfect what a shot what a shot that is golf mes oh very good you’re making these new IR aren you T boom shakal and you’ve left your partner a really nice put as well straight is it yeah easy put from there that’s like it’s not it’s not far off a gim me that have you noticed everyone else does a good shot I do all this St the ball EXC aot oh it’s difficult when up hill left to right how’ you see it are you playing the magic shock up the hill and roll down I gra told you not to do that shot now you’ve got him thinking I’m playing whatever comes off the end of this club give you not complicated that that would be a golf ball would it yeah not enough oh that’s going to go in that not absolutely brilliant shot can get him up good not bad he won be hanging good good shot thank you great shot partner great shot on the pressure it’s a great t- shot but I think you’ve got some movement swing yeah swing it’s so much though is it what do you think well I think it’s at least a cup outside right I think it could be more than that Pete St how what big po tell you what mate there’s a lot of uh yeah tuning and throwing here there’s a whole Sunny r left on that boat we have everything in the mind you you look at then you thinking and then it ends up not being yeah that’s what it is it’s all about Pace y if you dribble it it’s gone and if you hit it too hard it’s gone have you got any good news Mo that’s the golf meet look at them Scottish fans got B it’s like being at high bring rocked Celtic are you sitting on the fence sir balls you get out list it bird his hand shots I’ll get you I’ll get you what’s it I’ve done my pitch mark of you someone else’s then hey you twoo well played that’s a great too congratulations well done mate Top t- Shop top put good to hard po as well not easy that the easy thing waser just a t-shot it was a hard pot not easy that back to one 460 power five vicious dog leg it’s it’s a tricky one what to do we’ probably got no it’s a second shot it’s a second shots that had on this he says shot stay there St don’t SPO your shot that’s perfect absolutely perfect wow great shot there is it middle of the middle again that’s a fantastic no can’t draw the thing I’m happy it’s perfect mate you don’t want to draw it you can have a go for it from there Ste I know you can’t lay up from there what you doing now just burning [Laughter] eny I getting SL here picking on him you know and the comments Mr B was not being fair with Peter is it I just like to say I’m going home with petza tonight golf I’m not being F if he starts picking on you Pete just let me know I’ll bu play the worst golf ever could and we’ll all be straight oh dear J almost got through got a lot of pleasure to gra and he W say something I’ll tell you something now gr’s dying to say something he’s holding back he’s going to get off his boogy walk into the premises and hide in a little corner somewhere then let it all out do a Basel [Laughter] faulty can’t play well every time Pete I keep telling it’s a Golf Channel that’s where you that I’ll just pass you nice draw ni biger M it’s lovely great ball that’s it is yeah it’s left of your ball that what’s that yours again I like taking yours it’s good Three Wood yeah two front I like that line that uh forget the green yeah like it’ll cut anyway won’t it yeah so just a at that last out of bounds post oh how’s that that’s ter cut that’s in is it I thought that was well over no it just do you know sometimes I can’t wait for the new W to come because Cuts okay okay it was a piss it was a good it’s all right it’s it was very nearly excellent yeah just that’s perfect solid that’s Absol look at that I mean that is literally inch eye private eye perfect I’m sure these clubs are shorter you know I think they give you a mixed bag we could get rid of give me another wedge let me have a look they will be shorter they’re for you what you doing these are our CLS sure these clubs are shorter you you can’t understand why they’re shorter cuz I said they’re fitted for him see no they’re not I think my arms are shrunk is you too far down the Sha 131 what you got a little nine you I’ve got nine but I’m thinking it might even be eight it’s like 140 in it and it’s uphill and it’s into so it needs back yeah it needs to be it this could be a short this but anyway no I think you’re okay now I think you’re fine with it KN where you at it again before the police come it’s lift clean and place be big that’s sounding fantastic the it’s the man for the moment in it you see no it’s always going to be a bit short it’s all right there you couldn’t have ited any better anyway I could I just think that might have needed another bat for you’ve not played before you’ll see with a drawn you can’t go big cuz it’s water again water over the back what river is that called that’s called Gil waiter rig Beck believe or yeah which is part of all this Lake here and everything yeah we’re all right though though where were you dropping here no it’s for them two over here with a big slice and it went through them see them two red staks it went in there didn’t it okay I’m happy with that God it’s saying 75 it looks closer but I believe the yard is in the about the wind the wind’s in half nice this looks nice left big stop oops tough pin is that looks an easy pin but it’s not well played mate that’s all right that it yeah it’s it’s uphill Pete yeah are you sure they not mov the old Pete this gu I still don’t I still think him going for it with the right shot but he put so much juice on it but birdie go wait that get in Pete that’s literally world class mate thank you sir come here what are we going to thank you sir worldy that have where oh come on red team captain it’s a great it’s a great P he’s got it I thought he had it I thought he had it from my side so your side must have been closed it looked like it were coming in he said he’s got it he said he’s got it I thought he had it okay two the play is that dormy that is dy not bad not bad hey golf mates hope you’re smashing that like button and giving some lovely comments uh proper good fun this is 390 yd Par Four proper proper basis it’s it’s actually going to play longer is it it’s cold now and there’s a spot of rain here there’s just a little dabble rain still gets you wet here he is Bruce Springsteen Man on Fire Dancing in the Dark slow it down the BL on you brought me into that you nasty B go on son all right fine water let fed the got her not don’t matter P you w going to use it guess me grames the ever saw for his is negative for everyone else he’s saw positive positive why can’t you tell the truth like we tell him great b r over them staks 50 y p great cut good shape that good it that’s that’s a good hit that that’s killed the other St oh yep yeah oh what a kick it’s G right no pressure L hey first bad t- shot two down two to play on you it’s looking Bleak In The Bleak Midwinter I’m saying do you know what’s just bothered me you just said no preum and even Presley St backwards from the camera I got put my tea down watch out Ste a bit closer thank you yeah that’s a great great B great shot he’s he’s a goal for his this L is he why it’s a challenge he does doesn’t he yeah we all do I’m trying my best to draw it’s impossible this but anyway we take in play you get we’re in play that’s all that matters it’s going hard now it’s going hard we need some magic we need pink to have an attack Ste it’s gone 160 you ain’t getting there I think you can e your seven wood mate it’s resue rescue okay rescue or seven wood there it’s cold what about I think it get seven wood or that five iron rescue utility I think I’ll get there with well it’s gone back down to 150 now bloody H well stand still that’s what I’m saying I [Applause] think what’s up it keeps moving around I like that club Ste nothing not Long’s all right you nice and easy you’ve got that it’s made for you left to right it’ll go that club shots oh it’s saw well done 7 hour weren’t getting there mate pin ey that oh it stopped that’s okay though that’s a good shot good club get there shots right 155 one H low right to left started on that H he does hit this one that’s what he’s SN shot his right oh it’s a just shot of the day it’s shot of the day I mean it’s shocking but it’s going to go really oh no Jesus hit the flag stop gone through cracking shot cracking shot job you got some high on I know that’s what we’re taking the piss out I won’t change him I about two foot off the floor well he’s quite we get you some stilts feet I’ve not played this part for a long time there may be trouble two shots boys one goal this oh look at this really like a surgeon like a great effort mate great effort though had a chance just broke down the ill bit at the end come on don’t let me down my mixu p ling is a good CH oh checked up lot yeah checked up a lot did new grooves thought I at that lovely groovy thing is up steeve what I’ve done for you now yeah is you’ll put the pressure on lior legs it’ll collapse you got the line mate I think so all depends how it rolls yes yes yes great Four Guys great four right this for the match this for the match Pat me old China it puts a bit of pressure on little leg but nor deserves it B you’re not use this drives oh that nearly Miss I love golf and I love team events cuz look at his face he’s playing crap today it doesn’t matter but we’ve played two matches some love oh look at that give you a drive what a win that is can we tell them what we’ve worked out I’m level yeah you’re level I’m level he’s a tener up yeah he’s lost a tener so who’s the common Dominator well they’ve got two wins two losses one each one each but what I would say golf mates if you think this is fun and this is great get yourself over to Spain because this is what we’re going to be doing the only thing is I won’t be playing with him which is very sad I’ll be playing with him so we’ll probably get beat Oh I thought you play that B has gone like clockwork so smooth big up to Presley yeah we see you all soon thanks for watching thanks guys see you next time [Music]


  1. Liam, I love your videos and Graham is a fantastic addition to your channel. Ebay is an absolute star… but Barlow really needs to belt up when Ebay is playing his shot. He needs to learn some etiquette.

  2. Enjoyed the video as always, but still wish there was shot and yardage info for each player in the corner of the screen every time they take a shot.

  3. Beautiful countryside. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the physical condition of the players. Boys if you expect to live past 70 loose some weight.

  4. Love it just proves you don’t have to be on it all the time . Great golf and mainly great banter ya cor beat a bit o banter between mates. The course looks in great condition too. Waiting in anticipation for the next vid 👍🏻😊

  5. Great vlod liam mate ! Good luck in the play off final grom an argyle fan !! A message to pete johnson , mate , im 62 and my som has just booked me in for my first fitting i have ever had ! A thousand pound later , like you callaway ai smoke , can not hit the irons for shit feel your pain mate !!!!

  6. Thanks for another great video golf mates. Had a crap day but I can always rely on you guys to put a smile on my dial. Enjoy Spain 👍

  7. Great vid as usual, however there was only one man who took on rocket man and irrespect of what the media brainwashed you to think, it was PRESIDENT TRUMP, oh and p,s ibrox was never celtic, jeeesusss Liam, do some homework the mighty rangers play at ibrox, thats like calling peter kay unfunny, lol keep up the good work, i,ve had my rant,

  8. EBAY 😡, I played after watching this video and I couldn’t get my round going,
    EBay I am blaming you 😂
    As always guys thoroughly enjoyed this ⛳️

  9. I am absolutely loving this! Love Carus and Graham. Would love to be in Spain with the boys, maybe one day.

  10. Great match ,video course looks amazing condition, some wonderful strikes , fed the fish . Great win for Graham and ebay Pete. Keep safe and well golfmates

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