Golf Players

Drew Bledsoe Says Gronk Went Off Script At The Tom Brady Roast | 5/6/24

Former NFL quarterback Drew Bledsoe joins the Dan Patrick Show and shares that Rob Gronkowski went off script at the Tom Brady Roast

give me the joke that made you cringe oh jeez man there were so many um there were so many um let’s see I’m trying to think hold on give me give me uh give me a second Edelman was on fire last night oh dude Edelman was on fire gron was just you know I you know we all appreciate gron because he just he gets to just be grank and the funny thing is we’re sitting up there on the stage and we can see the teleprompter grank was so far off script that we didn’t know we didn’t know we did not know if he was coming back like he was out wandering in the wilderness and uh how real how real is his what we see or how he’s treated or talked about like oh he grank he played football oh he’s dumb like a fox I mean you know that we can you know you can all see through it I mean he’s the dude’s really smart works his ass off but he also understands that’s kind of his dick right um so one thing I was worried about and I will be honest about this um until like just before the show I thought that Tom’s folks were gonna be there like his mom was supposed to be sitting right in front of the stage and I was like man I mean it’s all fun in games until you’re looking at your buddy’s mom sitting right in front of you uh as you’re saying just this awful awful stuff uh about him but you know Nikki Glazer dude she she’s a train killer I told her I think she’s like a bond villain you know she’s really really pretty uh and also just an assassin um so you know some of that stuff was pretty funny


  1. Poor Gronk. I seen the inattentiveness. He must be ADHD. But he was fire when he got to the podium! The ahot glass break? I agree with Kevin Hart..I got scared. 😂😂😂

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