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Adam is LIVE! Reports say Ineos want the best but then Southgate is linked? Are reports that ineos aren’t too concerned about the manager and what they have achieved more realistic? This, plus all other Manchester United News and Updates! All press conference footage is brought to you by @HaytersTV check them out for all football content from interviews to press conference’s throughout the Premier League.







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priorities when it comes to the profile of manager the inos factor is kicking in already Manchester United’s value has already gone up and glazers are rubbing their hands together Manchester United targets and definitely two guaranteed first team center backs that are not what you would say high value are going this Summer that probably makes it free the reports are that not only with Johnny Evans and his contract running out and Rafael veran and his contract running out guaranteed to leave but one over of Lindelof and Harry MaGuire we’ve got plenty to talk about tonight I want to get all your input on everything that is going down at Manchester United what are the standards at this football club when it comes to manager what is more important when it comes to a manager all of this has been brought into Focus right now I think the conundrum with what Manchester United do from now until the end of the season with ten hag the talk about McLaren that we was going through earlier on today then looking at managers coming in we’ve tried serial winners we’ve tried the up and comings we’ve tried Club Legends where does it fit with inos what is important for an actual structure and a manager coming into a football club is it like klopp is it like pep is it like bringing that structure with them having the best-in-class manager Proven Winners with the structure is that the blueprint or do you look at Arsenal well what have they won with vetta not a bleeding lot but is that good enough and is that a big enough step forward to be challenging for the title but not winning it where do Manchester United want to go ino’s blueprint is making Manchester United great again that means winning trophies does a good upand comom manager fit that mold that’s what I want to talk about I want to get into detail on all of that and get your opinions on it guys get in the live chat if you want to be in the live chat you need to be subscribed obviously so you might as well hit that subscribe button you might as well give the video a like while you’re at it it all helps the channel and we can get more people in on this debate right now and what our next step is with this managerial some Merry Go Round yet but it is becoming a bit of a it’s becoming a bit of a a bit of a Fairground ride isn’t it one type of Fairground ride with Manchester United and deciding what the right type of manager is for this football club so just a read into what has actually been said regarding uh this afternoon’s news so David onstein came out earlier on and talked openly about Thomas Tule definitely wanting the Manchester United job we can 100% guarantee now and confirm that tle definitely wants the Manchester United job when he leaves Bayern Munich he isn’t going to say anything regarding ten ha no one in mainstream media is going to come out with a headline saying that tle is going to play replace ten Haag all of the headlines are that if ten Haag moves aside then Thomas tul definitely wants to take the Manchester United’s job the report from Germany from Flor and kenberg penberg says that he is interested in turning Manchester United back round again that’s the appeal in that he’s been everywhere he’s won the most uh he’s won the biggest Trophies the most sought after trophies he’s been in a few different countries now he made it clear earlier on in his press conference before the Madrid game tonight of which I’m watching on TFO later guys so if you remember get to that in that press conference he said there everybody knows I love Chelsea everybody knows I love the Premier League and I want to be back there like he is coming back to the Premier League is he going to go to City no is he going to go Liverpool no Arsenal no Newcastle no Villa definitely no Spurs no he’s not going to go any lower than Manchester United let’s be fair that is the only place if Thomas tle is managing in the Premier League next season Thomas tle will be managing Manchester United then you got the reports like we talked about what was going on last night and where the reports came from but a report from Matt Law uh today uh Matt Law of the telegraph says Manchester United will pick a successor to Eric ten Haag uh should the club decide to sack the Dutchmen on their trophy record alone sorry it’s the way it’s been written there sorry uh man united will pick a successor to tenh uh should the club decide to sack Eric tenh on their trophy record alone they’re not going to they will not pick I missed noting all of that sorry mayos uh they will pick they won’t pick a manager just on his his record his trophies what he’s want his history uh which boosts the chances of G sgate emerging as the favorite for the Post oh God this he’s not favorite please tell me he’s not fair right now with all the nois he going around I think inos has to be looking at uh Thomas tle there has to be serious consideration regarding uh regarding T call for Manchester United he is the best in class when it comes to who he’s out there available right now and he is better than anyone that’s been mentioned in this group of managers supposed reportedly interested in coming to Manchester United and taking T ha’s job it has to be toool I’m sorry Southgate would end Manchester United he just isn’t going to work we talked about that plenty before but where it’s coming from and what Matt La is saying here is that is that worrying sign which is that all of a sudden inos aren’t looking for Best in Class we talked about this earlier on and it really rils me because they have done everything right so far and everyone that has come in has been the top of their game you cannot leave the most important piece out out of all of that the most important piece out of this whole rebuilding structure is the manager or head coach whatever you want to call him I understand that Southgate won’t have an issue working with Dan Ashworth are any us looking at what works best with him and will Cox and bar rather than a manager that is already proven to be of high quality I don’t know which way they want to work it and how they want to get it how they want to move Manchester United forward but I personally don’t think that that is the right option for United I don’t want G souk in Manchester United’s Dugout I don’t think he would command the respect and you know what whilst of all if this is a man that’s coming in as a coach a head coach which Southgate would be there’s not a chance in hell that man united are going to let Southgate get anywhere near the managing of the football club he isn’t going to be managing below him or above him at all we’ve got people in place to do that now for him so Southgate so role if he took over at Manchester United would be coaching the players that the new regime brings into the football club I said this earlier on today I’m apologizing if it does sound like I’m repeat myself but just for the people that weren’t in the show earlier on today Southgate is not the best coach his tactics are [ __ ] he has got the best attacking Force in World football on the international stage right now the best Midfield and attack that you can get yeah you can debate that amongst other clubs like other countries uh like like France for instance some would say Brazil as well but realistically looking at England looking at what we’ve got looking at what players he’s got at his disposal he has proven himself to be an EPS he’s not good enough you need more it’s all right playing these minnows and getting great records and going on beaten in group stages in poxy qualifying competitions but when it comes down to it Manchester United are going to be playing the equivalent of World Cup quarterfinals and semi-finals every single week and this is where he has completely bottled it he’s been too pragmatic and he hasn’t got enough tactical n and knowhow to get around these awkward teams and this is where United have constantly fallen short he doesn’t play the dynamic attacking football at in your supposedly want at the football club so what is the point of looking at Gareth sgate what is the point point I remember a report coming out on Sky not too long ago it’s like why are Manchester United looking at Southgate no other club in in the best leagues in European Football let’s say is looking at Southgate so why is the biggest football club in will football actually looking into G sgate forget it tle is your man tle is your man actually I’m going to put a poll up now again just to test I always say test the water see where you guys are actually at because there’s been a lot of hate let’s say for Thomas tle there’s a lot of people I’m seeing slowly changing their minds one second let’s put it in you know where this is going you know what it is let actually I’m going to put an extra name in the Hat here okay pole is going up right now I’m just going to leave ten haing on this one just to see where people at some people might actually just want to keep ten Haag ahead of these now let’s not forget before the game last week I did a poll and it was 52% people wanted ten hack to say to 48 I did a poll after the Crystal Palace game that went to 78% out so things happen things change like I said this I said everyone got carried away with all of the pava around tenh last week in the media and everything that was being biged up by the football club and sky and the old love affair I said don’t fall for it because this a lot change when you watch how man united play against Crystal Palace I guarantee it and that’s what happened Tom uh tenh failed again Manchester United looked absolutely shocking and everyone changed their minds it went straight to 78% like I always said I don’t care about how unlucky he is uh and him saying that he hasn’t had the same amount of players that say Jose Mourinho had the injuries and all of this the inconsistencies and how he wants to play it doesn’t work like the only thing that matters and the only thing that inos will look at are results on the bleeding pitch and straight away you go from a 52% in to a 78% out having watched one game against Crystal Palace which was an absolute disaster class by the way we have a super chat in from Lee Mack cheers for that Lee uh warning to tle now got uh sorry Waring to tle now uh got uh do another season uh got through another season of 10 ha seeing enough and it won’t improve an Etta is hugely overrated oh yeah I mean the end of the day what do you want do you want Improvement on the pitch at this stage or do you want to be challenging for trophies do you want a manager that’s going to maybe help turn Manchester United’s fortunes around and actually get us moving in the right direction with style of play an understanding of a manager a a proactive manager who changes who is adaptable in games who is very tactical and knows how to get the best out of his team especially in a game situation and then him carry on when better players are coming in and we’re challenging would you rather go straight now or would you rather a m weight manager come in so by that I mean someone like arteta who I don’t know he’s ever going to lift a trophy a major trophy for Arsenal he’s done Fant fantastic to get him from where he was which is similar to what United are doing now to challenging right now and you know what I could be completely blown away and he might win the League this season I hope he does and if he does then you have to start taking aretta seriously you really do because everyone and everyone’s critique around arteta is that he has made Arsenal better but he cannot get them over the line this is like a Southgate with England close close close no no no every single time if aretta wins the Premier League this season off the back of City winning the treble Liverpool’s charging the last season for klopp and he comes through them two and takes the title this year you have to put some credit on Etta’s name I’ll say that now but if he fails again then he’s going to get tarish with that same brush which is the never man just couldn’t get it over the line and that’s what we’ve got right now do we go with the areta type manager a progressive one a new upand cominging one I thought this was 10ag to be honest but it turned out not to be to start the Enos Reign take us to that next level which is top four and consistent top four possibly challenging like arsenal of challenged and not got quite over the line you need the best in-class manager the one that’s got that Kno how to get you over the line and get that tropy if england had Jose Mourinho as manager we’d have won two trophies we’d have won the euros and we would have won the World Cup with them teams Jose Mourinho would have got that trophy over the line for England Southgate no pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty crap bottles it on that big stage the big cage when you need to do something in a game you need that little bit of skull duggery that nouse that little bit of dark Hearts whatever it may be like instantly manini adapted in that final in the orales against England went down adapted and England just could not get anything going they couldn’t get anything going in Italy just ital ified them they did they they just got schooled by Italy and that wasn’t the best Italy side that we’ve ever seen either that England should have won that tournament and everything should have been put to bed there should have been no argument and I don’t know if Southgate stock would have gone up from that moment but we failed and that’s history you need that manager that knows how to get on work that moment in a game that tight situation it could be stalemate you just need the know how and you know what some managers have got it some haven’t theyve have pretty managers but where do the United want to go I go back to it again it’s like the thumbnail it’s like the title what do inos want do they want trophies or do they want pretty football do they want Improvement and no trophies well you’ve got plenty of managers to do that or do you want Improvement and challenging and taking Manchester City down he has said that he wants to knock City and Liverpool off their perch he hates them both he wants them both down if you want to do that you need a better manager than Southgate you need a better manager than Potter deser any of this it’s not going to work with them they haven’t got it and you may say I’m being arrogant and saying that and and what do I know well I just look at what they’re doing like there’s no proof that these guys are actually good enough to manage a big Club nonone do you want to risk that having said that you’re going to take three years to take United straight back up there again you cannot afford to risk it you have to get the best manager that’s available that is Thomas tle and he will get trophies for Manchester United he’s guaranteed he does it everywhere he goes I could look like an absolute idiot and it go completely wrong but what do you do from this point how do you judge what is the best for Manchester United actually I’m going to come to the chat on that uh let’s see where that poll is at first of all uh who would you rather TL Southgate ten Haag tle is winning Southgate Rock Bottom so TL’s on 51% ten hags on 42% make sure you get voting in the poll everybody and let me know in your comments uh why you have chose that selection uh please give the video a like as well guys we’re almost at that 100 Mark already thank you so much okay good players don’t make a good team the english team is overrated good players under good coaching and good strategy and structure should win every single time them players all want to work hard work hard Talent coaching tactics recipe for the best and the trophies and winning the most trophies that’s what that is England will win will no is that supposed to say will win nothing uh with pford and goal ad him T-Rex arms I know I know what you’re saying who would you rather put in goal for England let me know Anthony uh how for anyone to win uh the Prem when only one team has the cheat code ooh Paul that’s Brule I love it though hi Adam For Me McLaren shortterm then I would say two cool but I’m not sure if he would stay longterm not many choices that I would consider top level uh that we need okay here’s another one for you let’s just change this up right now uh just get in the chat on this one I’m going to leave that poll running for a bit I don’t want to change it up yet is one for you in ter of manager on what you want like if long Jeffer and a manager that’s going to be there for five or six years is what you want and that was Southgate would you go for it or would you take two years of bang bang bang Thomas tle and then we changeed the manager again and brought another uh manager in someone who is maybe better than twool may have left another club further down the line that’s not available now you would you commit to a 5year with self gate and go down the road of look the longer you leave a manager in situ the better chance he’s got the old Ferguson method which everyone always goes back to about always needing more time at the starts and trusting in the system which way would you go which way would you go twole two years United back in the top four challenging then it maybe goes wrong they maybe want to make a change or two’s not happy he wants to move on again by the way I’m not saying that t can’t be long term you don’t know you don’t know but if the only other option was long-term and sgate because he’s not going to kick up a stink would you want that would you really want that inos want Southgate it just about the timing if Southgate wins the summer that will probably be the soft Landing they need to get him in they cannot afford to waste time it needs to happen like if tag is sacked on the 26th of May the day after the cup final which is being reported is going to happen then what are we supposed to do do trust in the structure without a manager I mean they could always be speaking to Southgate while he’s in situ at England over in the Euro about certain players I don’t know Addy going in on the Southgate Factor because everyone loves him all the players love him and everyone gets on well I tell you what I tell you something it’s like it’s like going on holiday it’s great you’re going on holiday you’re only there for two weeks everything seems nice you’ve got no responsibilities or anything like hat you don’t have to watch your step or anything no Tiding up no mess and then you come back and it was great and you love to go back again that’s what England is England is like going on holiday you go away you spend a couple of weeks with people you don’t usually see it’s great but then you back to the day job the day job is Club football would you want the holiday to be your Club football like that’s what it is with South Gate all right saying he’s great is a great man manager when you’ve only got two weeks and all he can do is just charm you and just go through the motions like he does on International Duty then that’s fantastic but when he’s doing that every single week and he’s having to cope with that every single week like there’s only so many times you can jump in the basted pool and make fun of it you know what I mean it’s it’s not going to be great forever the reality is you’ve got to be comfortable back at home as well and that is what we need to think about Southgate there for England fantastic stay there I actually don’t like but if it meant you stay in England as the England manager and don’t come to United I’m all for that I don’t think Southgate suits Club football is what I’m saying there’s no history of him doing well or any pedigree in English football at Club level it is all International and that was all promoted from within and when you’ve got that crop of players you’re going to have an all right record let’s not forget the system is why England are doing so well right now not g Southgate in my opinion St George’s Park the the change in How England approached everything from the under under 18s all the way through to the under 21s we’ve got a great record in some of the lower uh Academy style International tournaments that’s how I look at England and improving not just G Southgate and I just think he belongs there like dealing with that type of scenario Club football dealing with transfers players Eagles continuously trying to meet the standards of Manchester United and what the fans expect it’s it’s a different world he doesn’t belong at Manchester United I’m sorry don’t want to put anyone down like and say that they’re not good at what they do he is good at what he does at England but it’s not United it’s not do you think it’s uh 56 7 nil on Sunday he is sacked If he if he loses anything above four he has to be sacked you cannot you cannot do them result you can’t have them results if United get beat five like four let say four or more on Sunday then tag has to be sacked they have to stand up to this someone has to be the Fall Guy unfortunately there has to be punishment for someone if we lose that game uh Richard says uh no don’t want self gate but uh we it doesn’t have to be self gate are too cool they are not the only options who then Richard let me know who you would bring in i r uh I really rate Thomas tle he was impressive at Chelsea he was not fired for a bad football waste coat man is crap he knows nothing about the Premier League football I wouldn’t commit one second with waste coat man he would put a lot of fans off Adam I would rather take Neil Warick than ten ha mate okay yeah again uh if you don’t know boxing straight talk in the chat he does not like like Eric ten Haag he doesn’t oh god I’ve just seen something really funny thanks for that one C you probably see it they’re about to start their show as well soon ah yes I keep the chats coming in let’s get through a few more get two call uh first BR do Technic and all of that can’t beat a bit of German efficiency oh it would seem to be a method that works well uh right now with managers 100% no to self gate I’d rather our captain managed and coached the team than self Gates remember the player manager days oh that just took me back a little bit there the good old player manager days Glenn unzipping his track suit when Canon put the second penalty in at Wembley in 94 oh I tell you what if you haven’t I don’t know which book it’s in or what extracts or video it’s in but actually just going back on that completely off topic how SX Ferguson told the players how they were going to win that final against Chelsea and it went exactly how he said it would is brilliant uh if I were to stay with sgate for that long I’d rather stay with ten Haag a lot of people would do that the Muppet Show there isn’t any manager out there to rival pep even the mighty klopp only managed one premier league title versus pep chopping and changing managers won’t change a thing uh well we’ve got got a better chance with tou call than we have with ten Haag would you say that yeah I think so I think so and let’s not forget all the other teams in this as well the up it show you’ve got to get past Villa Tottenham Arsenal Liverpool is 10 good enough for that proven he’s not tul is a troublemaker but he knows how to win again it comes down to what do you want anyway let’s move on with a conversation keep that chat going in there as well guys if you want as well liac thank you for the Super Chat the 7% who voted self gate reveal yourselves on that chat there ten hag has come back into it now at 46% I think it’s been sabotaged now the poll tle 48 ten hag 46 Southgate 6 it’s getting closer it’s getting closer over 600 in the room with us guys thank you so much for joining us this evening uh keep your likes coming in make sure you’ve hit that subscribe Button as well so you can get involved in the chats uh we’re talking next uh about s Jim and his message to the staff absolutely love this Jimmy Jackson who you know has been on the channel many of times uh the guardian uh writer he’s actually loving this it was brilliant because so Jim rackliff has sent a message to actually I’m going to read out what was actually said in this uh so Jim rackliffe believes having all staff on site will allow greater productivity and strengthen unity and collaboration he said at the staff meeting if you don’t like it please seek alternative employment that’s a boss that is a boss FV two that from J he goes on to say Manchester United have a have had a flexible work from home policy since covid but s Jim radliff signaled an end to this during an all staff meeting he informed the club’s approximately 1,000 employees that email traffic dropped by 20% when one of his companies experimented with work from home Fridays and cited this as the reason for his dislike uh he’s dead right he’s 100% right if you’re there in a working environment it’s automatically going to be more productive let’s face it you know the score you may if you’re on your own at at home working like the TV’s on you’re doing things in the garden you’re sipping on uh alcoholic beverages when you shouldn’t be I’m not saying that’s what happens with everyone but you know the Temptation there take that Temptation away when you’re in work and you see someone else working and you see someone else producing something it inspires you to do more I wish we had that on our football team like I I’ve had a private message as well guys regarding United at the moment uh and apparently it is not camp at Carrington there is a lot of [ __ ] going on there is a lot of unrest going on right now at Carrington and it’s and some players apparently are just not even bothered that it’s this mess and it’s a sham right now it’s unbelievable like can you believe that that is actually happening at our football club with what is happening they don’t they do not care about anyone they don’t care about the manager’s job they don’t care about their own careers I’m telling you now I said it earlier in the video since Jim mcliff came in a lot of players have been put out of place and they don’t like it and they’ve seen their ass and down tools that’s what it is how dare you come in and take my privileges away like if s Jim mli’s going to do it to staff in offices at Old Trafford he’s going to do it to the players as well they’re all under his control so that’s what I see coming I think it’s right that that is happening and you know what it’s been a long time in coming as well I’ll be looking for other employment working from home is the greatest thing that’s ever happened says United Spotlight you are going to get a lot of people losing their jobs at Manchester United you are I think bford s Jim Ashworth and Willcox are watching your show that’s where waste coat man’s vote uh is in the polls and that’s where it has come from says Tony Bond yeah what has happened to it he’s now level on he’s level with tle now come on we do have a gifted membership as well from uh let me just find it sorry guys it’s gone off the screen uh from our man Anthony wisdom and that has gone to leandrew Lee welcome to the members Club my man you are now a member you can come and watch the watch along Real Madrid versus Bayern Munich second leg of the Champions League over on T4 with us guys a lot of people have made messages regarding TFA I don’t want it to be just the members I want everyone in I’m just being told that’s all I can do at the moment well we pilot it and get everything absolutely ired out it’s a fantastic platform I cannot wait for you all to come in and join me on it it’s brilliant and definitely the best for watch alongs with everything that’s coming in uh so all of you will be in it soon guys uh I do apologize I don’t want to put anyone out or upset anyone because you’re all fantastic and you all contribute in your own ways to the channel so I want everyone involved in this you know what I’m like I like to get as many voices as possible but that is just where out with it at the moment and it will be soon enough out for everyone A wise man once said sling your Ro ten hack would that be boxing Straight Talk who said that man united main sponsor team viewer are refusing to watch the team I like that one if you won’t pay 20 million for ashwith they won’t uh want to pay 20 million to ten ha for compensation I don’t think it’s going to be that much I don’t think tagi is on that but we will see they have to look at everything and this is why I think they wanted Champions League Football Champions League football gives United so much more leeway Financial unfortunately we haven’t got it so yeah we’re having to we’re having to be a bit clever with the transfers now there is more reports coming out so I’m just going to read into these as well guys uh and then reports are that Manchester United uh also quickly on the Jayden Sancho situation as well uh Manchester United are set to make round about uh four to five million out of the jayen Sancho uh bonuses for his his achievements at Dortmund in the loan fee uh most of Jayden Sancho’s 4 million loan bonus has already been released however Manchester United will not receive a full amount as one of the Clauses is linked to the Bundesliga standings and Dortmund are only in fth place right now that’s from uh Dan Sheldon of the athletic uh in terms of what’s happening and how Manchester United get around the money situation right now is we know that Johnny Evans and Rafael ver being released this summer fre transfers they’re gone that leaves us with Lindelof and Harry MaGuire and Martinez Martinez is going nowhere we know that for certain but 100% I’ve been saying this for a long time it came out from Mark hden first of all now Rob Dawson one of Maguire and Lindelof will be leaving this summer Maguire’s got two years left and Lindelof got one he’s had that oneyear extension triggered who is more valuable I don’t know that will all come down to who wants Harry MaGuire or Victor Lindelof I would say if both players were put out on the market the most popular one would be Harry McGuire that’s what I would say but I don’t want Lindelof in this team I don’t you all know my feelings on Lindelof I think he is part of the problem and the old guard that have been lingering around for years and years and years and causing the major problem at United and the rot that has been Manchester United so United are open for both Harry MaGuire and Victor Lindelof they both uh they both hold a little bit of value there is also rumors that they’re looking for a fee of around about 8 million for Christian Erikson as well you will be lucky to get that I would say I think if you get 5 million for Erikson 15 20 for Juan bazaco another 1015 possibly for vikor Lindelof I’d go with that that’s all right get what you can for Sancho and Greenwood Greenwood’s fee is set around about 45 million apparently there’s two premier league clubs interested in masing Greenwood as well which is crazy like are United’s looking to possibly loan Greenwood to a Premier League club Club POs to see how test the waters as such maybe do you reckon I don’t know I’m sort of thinking outside the box with the Greenwood situation again on the transfer front as well though uh we’ve spoken about this before Rob Dawson again uh reporting that Manchester United are interested in siging Fen Defender tossing adivo the I think the 26 he is Center back decent I’m not going to say I know a lot about him I’m not going to say he’s the best he’s a perfect replacement or anything like that for any of our players that are leaving this summer squad player we need depth we know we need depth if is free low wages is it worth I think that’s where United are looking right now but Newcastle are in for adabo and they’ve offered him guaranteed game time or a certain amount of game time last time I read that report so I’m not too sure if that’s got any legs he’s got legs because he’s free and I think anyone with any interest of strengthening a squad would look into Ado 100% but realistic CL if someone else like Newcastle is coming and he’s going to give him more game time who are actually in a better position than United right now I think he would probably go there there’s never a guarantee with United it’s just all up in the air Carnage is it with dealing with transfers and trying to get players over the line it’s ridiculous but Manchester United’s value has also gone up but we are now the most valuable football club in World football 4.96 billion ahead of Real Madrid so since the Jim Radcliffe has taken over I think United’s value has gone up by some of a quarter of a million this is all put together in revenues uh competitions that they’re in at winnings and earnings from certain competitions like Champions League premier league and stuff like that so let’s just say this isn’t going to last long because we’re not out not in Europe at all next season let’s let’s look at it that way shall we uh some of the contracts uh would be cheaper to cancel than what people will pay for players that’s true that’s true I mean the whole Harry McGuire situation was last season that Manchester United wouldn’t pay off his contract and lose that sum so a fee of 30 million from everon would have probably turned out to be 20 million because we’d have had to pay out the last year’s contract that was the sticking point I think for Harry MaGuire last season uh for him luckily it’s worked out well that he didn’t go who’ have thought who’ have thought Maguire’s heading ability puts him above Lindelof he he will stay he will get game time uh through injuries you can’t I can’t really argue with that David you just know that United are always going to have injuries at Center back it is a nemesis position for us isn’t it it really is 150 likes in the bag thank you guys download our sofa score app as well bottom right corner of your screen there or there is a link Link in the description as well guys uh also in the description is everything else you need to know about about the channel including our separate channel the podcast United Couple episode three is out it was kibos by the Carnage which happened on Monday night unfortunately so if you want a bit more entertainment and something to take your mind off what is going on in the club at the moment then get across to the podcast the link is in the description there guys go and watch the episodes and give the give the channel a subscribe thank you very much everyone who already has done that I appreciate you all you’re fantastic people uh see how the process sack the players give the manager a serious chance he’s had a serious chance two years he thinks it’s going to take another five years I’m not having thats unfortunately Cruz house and it doesn’t necessarily like I said earlier on today mean these players are going to go with 10 ha stays it’s more likely that the players will stay if 10 ha stays rather than go if 10 ha stays if you get what I mean uh United shares have started to creep back up yes they have Tom uh lineups good for tonight’s game always always I will be live on TF shortly guys coming in uh 15 in about 35 minutes time so make sure you’re all over there on the on the TF platform if you are a member we’re on twool watch tonight I’m getting through as many of your comments as I possibly can now guys thank thank you for joining us tonight uh loving the contributions from everyone at the moment everyone getting in with a chat it’s brilliant uh we need to let Maguire go if we want to play a high line with backup Defenders is he good as a backup there is value in Maguire more definitely isn’t there like 100% he is the more valuable player from the football club I think we can get more money for him than Lindelof 100% on the plus side we can actually sell Maguire there would be offers if it’s Lindelof or Maguire as fifth choice I would sell Maguire the problem is it’s more likely third or fourth choice says Peter I I honestly Peter I would be out I hate lindel off I don’t mean to sound really bad or like trying to put the guy I just I’ve never rated him I think players like that are the part of the problem at Manchester United he’s been linging around and everyone thinks he’s good just because he’s been up against some average other Defender he’s not good he’s really not good uh some things are not right uh where the richest we’re the richest club in the world and yet we’re skint I wonder uh who has all the money right some people are rich in assets some people are rich in liquid assets and pet and spare cash liquid assets and spare cash are where you sort of Judge how much someone has got at that moment in time and what they’ve got to spend so Jim has got a lot lot by the way of that liquid assets and cash available he can invest a lot he clearly can’t invest it in the Premier League Financial fair play Slash uh PSR rules right now because of everything we know already so you could say Manchester United Al rich is most valuable but it doesn’t bring into account the debt all it looks at is revenues and what the club brings in so you could say your turnover is this whoa that’s massive yeah but what about the outgoings oh i’t got a minute if you sold United yes worth a lot of money because someone will be buying them probably debt free and they would make an absolute Fortune off Manchester United so that’s how you’re judging it right now it’s unrealistic sounds valuable but really what have you got to spend that’s what’s more important just watch the price for the uh for a few months uh we will go back up once we are doing better yes we will in the stock market definitely Lindelof wants to tackled someone what a day says Nick Lindelof actually was stronger than his a forward that he was up against one day as well that’s it’s a rarity with him that’s what I’m saying he’s just not physically made for the Premier League I think he’s weak personally and I’d rather Harry MaGuire any day of the week above Victor Lindelof uh Hollywood is crap uh coach he begging to get Sancho and don’t even play him I’m not sure you about there R sorry i’ keep Maguire now and buy just one Center back we need yeah one is a bare minimum like we’ve got Cella we haven’t got him signed to a contract yet either he needs a new deal uh how long has it been is it a centry since we’ve had a season with out one midseason contract extension on new contract it’s first time in ages for Manchester United that they’ve done that which is crazy TL is a two or three year manager so why sack ten hag hag needs to get rid of a lot of crap players once he gets his players in ten Haag will be fine no disagree Fran ten Haag is two years in now and we’re getting worse mate and he’s got a lot of players in already that are now being shipped out so what does that tell you what does that tell you that tells you that ten hag’s also a two or threee manager so let’s make a fresh start with everything else and a whole and a whole new look is what I say but yeah guys guys that is everything uh we are fully up to date with everything going on with Manchester United thank you so much for everyone being involved in the chat the poll is finished uh ten hag has won it it’s been sabotaged I’m not having that not happy about it I don’t know what people are seeing but yeah uh it’s it’s just one of them things a YouTube sabotage going on right now uh thank you so much guys I’m off to TF quarter to8 for the Real Madrid game if you are a member go across there the latest video is up in the the member section to give you all the information how to log in if you are a member and not logged in it’s dead simple all the information is in the description of that latest members video guys and like I said before it will be out and open to everyone else as well very very soon guys uh thank you so much uh get the likes in before you finish uh we should make that go up to 200 then make sure you subscribe to the channel if you are new thank you so much uh download our s score app bottom right and Conner best football app out there optimally me as well on the left hand side of your screen uh bringing the doctors to your home no more waiting in line no more checks at the hospital everything done in home simple test easy to follow instructions with results in two days without having to leave your home it’s what it’s all about it’s the future get onto it guys use my QR code there to get your discount also thank you so much guys uh that is us all finished I will see you in TF uh laters every


  1. I can see players like Rashford Harry Maguire , Scott mctominay , Lindelof staying adn most of these players staying with Southgate.. enjob boring Jose football at United.. we have a limited team with limited players..

  2. I say keep the manager and get half the team out Mr Eric ten hag needs more time give the manager a second chance if Mr Eric ten goes you'll all going to be sorry we keep the manager he's name is Mr Eric ten hag

  3. I think we all agree that we need a new manager . But Gareth Southgate is not the answer . Of all the managers mentioned he is the only one i do not want . I think that Tuchel would be fine he has experience in multiply leagues and has premier league experience which i think is a great boost to his CV

  4. I said tuchel on your last poll. Adam I do like ten hag but Eccles cake here has figured out he is not the one. Definitely tuchel for me man.

  5. Amazing how much PR comes out after a ten hag debacle. The bayern stories were fake and so are the southgate stories. Desperate to keep the failed manager on.

  6. Adam I know what you meant when you said: "Tuchel will not go any lower than United", but all the teams you listed before are above United. It sounds just funny (demoralizing, terrible, utter garbage, …)


  8. People who want Tuchel know nothing about football. He just got knocked out of the UCL with Bayern. Their first trophy-less season in how long. In a farmer’s league, it’s a disgrace. Don’t want Tuchel anywhere near United.

  9. I'm of the firm belief that ETH is like Terminator. He's been sent from the future to destroy us

  10. Perhaps Tuchel sees a challenge that he hasn't achieved or perceived to able to do. will he change to try and achieve it and be more acceptable it if he gets the job.

  11. What's the point of Tuchel before the structure is in place and the players are changed around? What reactionary fans forget, Tuchel is an argumentative manager that falls out with players as well as the board when not set up correctly. So whats the point until the background changes are active?

  12. adam …you comparing the squad of gunners to citeh;s ….their bench is another good team …..i really hope areta /gunners win the title .

  13. lindelof is a weak CB,,,his size and physic is short and his mentality is his weakest thig going …bring up a youth in CB ,,,get casemiro back in midfield and ell him not to wander about

  14. ETH is not out of his league when he's got all his fit players the football is very good.
    We don't want Tuchel he made a big mistake with his substitutions last night in the champion's league semi .
    He's been sacked by every top club he's been in .
    Keep the devil you know in ETH he will produce.

  15. Adam has his own Tuchel fan base he's crap get sucked by every club because he fall out whit the board of every club he's been at .
    Arteta has been given 4 years I can remember many Arsenal fans wanting him to go.
    Look at Arteta now because he's been given time.

  16. England win nothing to defensive .
    Tuchel made a big mistake last night with his decision to take of Kane and make those to substitutions.
    Don't want him jog on Tuchel.

  17. Tuchel would make a good England manager.
    You can't sack ETH before the FA cup are you crazy .
    Remember how many injuries we've had you keep forgetting.
    You are an idiot to think the injuries don't make a difference.
    ETH all the way

  18. Adam you are talking out of your arse.
    Tuchel get sacked by every club board he's been involved with .
    Stop saying Tuchel he's not suitable

  19. More so ,the issue with Tuchal is he is not a YES man and Ineos will not like that . 🤔 if that Southgate comes am done with old trafford ,it's finished

  20. What's wrong with you all your letting these players throw another manager under the bus it's absolutely shocking people need to go back over hag's history

  21. Genuinely Adam i think Lindelof would be worth more than Maguire especially to teams away from England, there's no team abroad that would touch Maguire, he might of had a steady season because we've had literally no option if we did he would of been on the bench 😂& apart from an Everton i don't see who'd want him🤷🏻‍♂️ i get you don't like Lindelof but he is better than Maguire at everything apart from his ability in the air

  22. No manager will succeed with these bang average players recruited under the previous useless board ETH is not the right manager but lets clear the players out before we get a new manager otherwise we will ruin another career and why has the Glazer out movement gone they are responsible for where we are for keeping Woodward and his cronies in charge for to long

  23. Varane is clearly our best defender and was fit all season until they managed to get him injured in training too. United cannot allow their best defender to leave and keep the crap

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