Golf Players

The Keon Coleman Dilemma

As is tradition, Nate Geary from WGR 550 joins us in studio to recap the draft.

Was Keon Coleman the right pick for this offense?

Did Beane get enough from the Chiefs?

Which draftee was the best value?

Who drank a seagrams for mispronouncing Edefuan Ulofoshio’s name?

#buffalobills #football #nfl

The Rockpile reports the pettiest hardest drinking bills podcast welcome everybody to another edition of The Rockpile Report podcast but not just any Edition it is the what feels like 45th annual draft reaction podcast with Nathan p giri from wgr550 now I assume the P stands for proam does he well he’s dressed he literally looks like he just came from a pro thank you like I I was like oh what event were you at earlier he goes oh no I was just a brewery dude literally walks around like he just came from the just in case someone offers me an opportunity to play at a country club I got to be ready I love how this is how he chooses to live he’s like hey who I’m I I stay I Stay Country Club ready some guys drive around with weapons in their vehicles because they [ __ ] I got to stay I got to stay ready I got 14 weapons in the back of my car right now different lengths different different degrees I love it I love that that’s what you stay ready for guys this might be my favorite draft in a long time in a long long time Chris will freak out if you don’t throw a coas I was going to say something but it it might be my favorite draft in a while and and I’ll tell you why right neede yourk reactions bound raging debates you got everything you wanted out of here hilariously flawed Hills for people to choose to die on this draft had everything you want if you’re a jerk off like me like it had everything you could ask for and it’s been a lot of fun to watch unfold way more fun than I thought it would be last week when I told everybody that I think the draft sucks and I’m sick of it now yet here we are are you happy that it’s over I’m thrilled that it’s over it’s easier to pick through the wreckage of something than it is I think it was 15 15 hours of on air for me and uh Chris do you have that drop queued up for me what one please tell me do the the old truck tire because uh I I want I want you to hear this firsthand because I got a live recording of what it was like at Jeremy White’s draft party oh were you there there no no we were there but we weren’t there but we got audio from it as the night unfolded I can’t stop there’s A’s a and your family screaming oh my God we’re burning alive no I can’t feel my legs it comes a meat and the medic gets out and says oh my God you guys’s in the corner puking his brains out oh my God what a s good is this not the most fitting end for things for a fans of a football team who have driven themselves to your point like to the point of caricature over what they perceived as a draft need only to have the team go nah nah is this not the most fitting end to the wide receiver to the wide receiver draft train yeah I mean I sat here on this show two weeks ago and I said you never go you never go full wide receiver train right because you just never know what I I said something pretty profound as well and it was that no matter who was picked that everyone would would everyone would live it we actually have that audio do you want to hear it I do Chris I think everyone needs to be more open to there being other ways than the way you want to think this thing’s going to happen and can I tell you that if the bills decided at 28 to take a center from Oregon or to take a corner from Alabama and then find themselves in a position at 60 and say we really like this guy at 60 we don’t think he’s going to make it there we’re going to move up to 45 and we’re going to get our guy and we’re going to use one of our fourths this year and maybe a second next year we’re going to do something we’re going to move up and the bills end up with two starters whatever the bills do you guys are going to be down for we’re not going be angry when it happens you’re going to sell yourself like I sell anything else like you sell anything else short of taking a quarterback you will be down if the bills decide Friday morning you might call in gr and you know Andy Kaufman might be freaking out about it and you know on his wide receiver train when they pick their wide receiver in the second round except the fact that there is no golden ticket there is no direct key there is no exact science to what the bills what you are going to do what mock draft is going to show whether you know or don’t know football at the end of the day the bills are going to draft two players probably in the first and second round and however they figure out if they can find a way to get two starters out of that whether it’s a first round wide receiver a second round safety a firstr offensive lineman and a second round wide receiver a first round cornerback and a second round wide receiver if they can find two starters in this draft it will go a long way for this team to figure out how to be better they can find a way to have three starters in the first two days then everyone will be super happy that they now have three positions that they’ve now settled instead of just two or just one and if the bills decide they want to trade up for Malik Neighbors at the number nine pick at the number eight pick you will say wow they traded a lot but holy cow we’ve got this great receiver and now I’m super excited he’s going to be better than Stefan digs oh my God is Julio Jones trade all over again who [ __ ] cares and then you’ll be like I don’t care that they trade the second and the first next year and the second next year and the fourth and a fifth and a seventh who cares but at the end of the day if they don’t do that you’ll also be cool you’re all going to be cool regardless of what happens stop selling yourself any other scenario you’re all going to eat it I’m going to sell it you’re gonna buy it you’re gonna sell it I’m gonna sell it Drew’s gonna buy it Chris is gonna sell it and Clay Travis is going to sit on it and I will toast I’ll toast on that you I love manic Nate G and I feel like the radio Community doesn’t get enough of manic Nate Gary I love that we have this profound effect on people we’ve made you feed them liquor and you wait and then you see the results we we’ve we’ve made Greg Thompson lose his [ __ ] he’s the fir his his own fam his own flesh and blood have admitted that they’ve never heard him yell the way he snapped on me about like me just needling him over Creed Humphrey they were like what what did you do to make him raise his voice like that we have a profound effect on people that we bring out something in them it may not be good but at least we’re getting something some juice you are one of my favorite guests because when you go you go and that stream of Consciousness right there it was a stream of Consciousness and yet it was absolutely correct yeah where did we end up where did we end up can we get these out of the goddamn way yes the Nate gear oldfashioned I used a uh store pick Buffalo Trace cinnamon syrup cuz you love that cinnamon syrup [ __ ] am I write to do and black walnut Bitters and of course leftist tears leftist tears is what makes it so sweet so sweet I if you weren’t all crippled up I i’ just ask you to fight him why would I fight him look at him he’s so handsome is he though yeah we’re we’re in his we’re in his Studio that you know he comes in here and we can take it to the golf course my thing is you can teach you can teach me and Reed how to play golf re’s not bad Reed was Reed was at uh Diamond Hawk he was at Diamond Hawk the other day golf I thought I thought he’s okay for a guy who has the ability to play as often as he is I would have expected him to be better oh all right well well I mean I’ve been waiting to like we’re slandering he’s been waiting for me to hold uh for 2 years and you know what maybe we get on the golf course we we we we’ll get them in my domain and at the same time I’ll hold a snap on the golf course I’ll bring I’ll bring a ball it’ll be fun to figure this out here’s what I want to know first of all watching the wide receiver train der rail was anybody else’s thrilled as I was like in retrospect I was M we were on a live stream Friday night and I I said everyone at the table beforehand I’m I I don’t want to know your best case scenario because that’s soft what’s the thing that’s going to make you get up and walk out out of this room and we went around the room and I said Keon Coleman and and then it happened and everyone’s like Drew is the kiss of death me and Von Miller are apparently the kiss of death when it comes to like forecasting things happening or not happening and then the best part is after I had just done a diet tribe about all the reasons why I didn’t like the Keon Coleman idea we pick him and I’m sitting here dumbfounded and everyone’s going this has to be a good pick based on the fact that Drew is always wrong he’s always wrong I’m wrong a lot too I don’t even try to be sometimes sometimes I am just convinced in my rightness and that is when I know that I am wrong and what happened though for me what I took joy out of was this idea that no matter where you sat on the wide receiver train so if you were riding like first class you were trade up go get a o Dunes we’re going to make this that was never even in the cards we couldn’t trade up to get btj no we couldn’t trade up to 19 what who the hell thought we were trading up to nine so that never happened so those people just caught all the smoke and then like they’re the first ones to hit the ground when the train derails right yeah and then there’s the people like in coach who are riding with the wide receiver double dip hey and then there’s the people sleeping in the box cars in the back going just take the fastest wide receiver available everybody got jammed up in this every single person caught a piece of detrius and I love it I absolutely love it now how do you feel about the idea because we the the the Coleman thing has been talk to death the tradeback with Kanas the tradeback all the first of all you so so you went at Jeremy a little bit about being the the the conductor of the wide receiver Trin Andy cof [Music] mhm your boy Joe he’s been getting ratioed pretty hard uhhuh over this opinion that the trade back with Kansas City specifically was a bad idea and he keeps trying to defend it he keeps digging the hole deeper in trying to defend it if you had a moment to speak directly to him what would you say dead air is not good he’s thinking the man he’s a poignant man I think that largely there is there has been zero room for smart takes on this okay there just has been no it is so one way or the other there is no because it’s too close in proximity this is the problem with trying to make your opinion immediately after the thing happens usually you have to let it breathe for a while before you can come up with a Salient Point these are guys who have to go on the radio every single day and make a show but I’m here to tell you that I don’t I don’t think Joe is wrong I don’t think that he has necessarily framed it in a way that isn’t super polarizing but again that is a little bit of the job is to get people to talk about it and he has gotten and you know we’ve all gotten people here’s here’s my take yep is that I think that the people that are here talking about this as the end of the world why would you pick up the phone and let the Chiefs if Brandon Bean and the bills really decided that you know Xavier worthy was not someone that they needed to take in that position then that is their right that does not mean that they are right right now no it doesn’t mean they’re wrong right now in three years you’re going to look back and go okay Xavier worthy turned into you know John Ross 2.0 I mean I talked about I talked about in a show that we did with a guest who we had on before you were in studio I talked about Xavier worthy as one of the worst idea one of my least favorite ideas in the it was probably my favorite idea see and the reason why I hated it was because I go light wide receivers in a league where physicality kind of doesn’t matter anymore but spacing has allowed them to make plays nobody runs no I mean there are just it is so few and far between where teams don’t draft physical Corners anymore cuz physical Corners can’t keep up with the wide receivers that are around nobody runs man coverage everyone everyone runs two deep shell cover four cover two uh cover three I mean but most it’s two deep shell cover two and cover four and cover six and variations of everything in between and for me the thing that you like about a guy like Xavier Worthy is 10 years ago 15 years ago that’s correct is that’s not a guy in the league that is going to succeed and I’m not here to tell you that it’s it’s another Tyreek Hill but what I am here to tell you is that the Chiefs own you and this idea that oh Joe’s scared of the Chiefs and I I’m glad my general manager is not scared of the Chiefs why wouldn’t he he should be [ __ ] scared of the Chiefs the Chiefs own you every time that it matters they beat you you should show a little bit of fear that you are letting a team a superior general manager a Management Group a coaching staff that is better than yours because they’ve won three Super Bowls and you haven’t gotten to one they are a superior team than you they want to call you hang the [ __ ] up and force them to trade with somebody else this idea that well they just would have got him anyways I don’t you don’t know that like San Francisco might have wanted him San Francisco drafted a receiver you don’t think they wanted to draft that guy I bet you they would have drafted Xavier worthy had the bills not traded back with the Kansas City Chiefs you hang up the phone a 100 times out of a 100 with the Kansas City Chiefs I don’t care if you don’t want to take EX you’re worthy I liked him I had a bias that I thought the Bills should take him at 28 I don’t care that Kansas City got him I care I care how they got him you helped the Kansas City Chiefs get someone they wanted I don’t care if it was a center I don’t care if it was a [ __ ] punter don’t help that team get a player they want and definitely don’t do it if if you’re not getting insane if you’re not bending them over the barrel then don’t take the trade they got okay value they should have made them grossly overpay and they didn’t so that’s my problem it’s not who they picked it’s not that he’s going to be the next Tyreek Hill it’s not that the bills did this or did it is simply the fact that you should fear the Kansas City Chiefs they beat you regularly when it matters their quarterback’s better their coach is better their defensive coordinator is better the way that they call plays is better the way that their roster has put together is better they have more Blue Chip athletes than you do they are better don’t even consider giving them an opportunity to get a player they want and if you this is what I do agree with Joan if you really wanted Keon Coleman you would not have taken you would not have moved back you would have taken him at 28 and you would have feared that because of what you believe in him is that someone else in that spot would have then but you know what it was is they were good with Coleman they were good with Legette they were good with worthy and they were good with lad makoni they were good with any four of them so why if you were good with any four of them would you help Kansas City get any of them is my question and that’s fair because we just Chris our show with Doug we talked about the concept of you know the EEG Manuel tradeback where they go no we got our guy but we traded back to get him it’s like no no man up and [ __ ] take him then you wouldn’t have he’s not your guy if you trade back that’s correct he’s not your guy he that is correct and you know what maybe because they they knew that they wanted the choice between him and lad makoni maybe I maybe I’ll buy that a 33 that’s why they didn’t move back sure but this is way more about this I this weird sense of confidence that some of you build fans have about well let Kansas City Sky more uh cadarius Tony because that they you you you want to you want to make a point what the point that people are making is is that no matter what the bills did and this was my point originally is that no matter what they did everyone was going to be cool with it and that’s what the case is is everyone’s cool with it and listen I like Keon Coleman I think it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out I would have rather of them taking him at eight at 28 and I know they got a third round pick and I like Dwayne Carter I’m glad I like the class but do not sit here talking out of both sides of your mouth this was the guy they wanted so they were good with the with Kansas City coming up and Ricky Piel man I I I I think that a lot of you have this demented syndrome of being able to just totally go into I am going to sell sell sell whatever the bills do and I I have to come off Joe has to come off Jeremy has to come off as people that are being crogen and and critical and we say nothing good about the bills because you’re trying to be objective what I’m trying to do is just tell it the way that it is and listen I am am I sometimes overly critical I don’t think so but if you view it that way I’m not going to tell you that but I also can I I feel like I am one of few people that do what I do that put themselves out there to talk about stuff that anytime I could be wrong in a week in a month and a year I was wrong about Josh Allen you think I’m not hiding from that I don’t delete my [ __ ] tweets I don’t do I don’t run from being wrong it is really hard to be right and do what you do what we do all the time no one is but the idea that I am some sort of you know oh my God you never have anything good to say why even be a fan you’re a dolphins fan cuz the one funny tweet you wrote one time to a dolphins guy now you want to be a dolphins fan it’s like you all have disease in your brain you do have a mug you do have a mug which I have to get you one from Mark yeah I got to get you one made remember it’s over we still joke about that in our group chat sometimes like every now and again someone will be like we’re talking we’re talking about and someone will go yeah it’s over with a bunch of and we all know what he’s talking about Reed quote tweet it after after they won in Miami I think he quot tweeted it yes probably now whatever I don’t the dynamic is what it is but you’re you’re not wrong I I think that people get really caught up in this concept I was confused by the decision to give them anything they like if you like a player you shouldn’t be and if they like a guy I would have why don’t you like I would almost wonder what do you think fair value is my thing would be why don’t I like him what do they see in him that I don’t see because they’re a team that has far bigger needs at wide receivers than I believe that they didn’t know who they wanted fair I believe that I don’t think that Brandon bean and Brett I don’t think Brett V was like yeah here’s who we’re coming up for that’s not that’s not what happens on those calls right he is true saying I want this pick we look at it as value it is numbers it is this pick is worth X you are trading me this pick and I need X Y and Z in order to equal this do you think there’s a a world where they take worthy and Brandon being quiet s go [ __ ] absolutely [ __ ] listen I I think the makeup of this team in the wide this is and and I’m sure at some point we’ll talk about the broader thing the broader picture not just the strap but this wide receiver room is terrible and the idea that people are talking about it being better than last year again I I I I have I have co-workers that do this a lot which is like people on Twitter it’s like one guy tweets it and it’s like you know we turn this into a narrative cuz one guy tweets it this new newspapers do that this is not a one person tweeted it and I am angry about it this is lots of people share this opinion that they have some that that Stefan Diggs was [ __ ] crippled or something like they didn’t use him well or right he didn’t look right it wasn’t cuz he got old in two weeks it’s because there was some sort of underlying injury they switched offensive coordinators and then they tried to throw them [ __ ] screen passes they tried to get him in motion and hand him the ball they were doing anything they could to keep him involved in the offense and it this is and then somebody tweeted at me okay now I’m going to do what my co-workers do somebody tweeted at me the other day and say Nate don’t you trust Josh Allen don’t you trust Joe Brady yeah I mean this is the worst group of receivers pass catchers he’s had since his rookie year so I have no Baseline to tell you whether or not I trust him with bad players that are catching the ball for him do I trust him sure do I trust Ro Brady no and neither should you he he’s been a coordinator for like eight games and they were I don’t know not really eight games of prolific offense they won games sure does anybody want to get off to that Chargers game where they were playing a bunch of third stringers in a team that was out of in their second string quarterback you guys want to get off on that performance you’re a bad guy if you bring that up now what do you got here let me ask this do you TR yeah yeah do you trust Joe Brady if you do the wide receiver is good enough that is the worst context it’s the worst argument I’ve ever heard because here’s the thing is people will say this here’s what will happen the bills will win 10 games maybe they’ll maybe they’ll win the division maybe they’ll win a wild card whatever and people will say well MC Collins had 40 catches he was actually good no mat Collins got to play in a situation that he would play in no nowhere else had a quarterback that is better than 95% of the league and no one else to throw the football too so that’s why he had 40 catches not because he’s a good receiver but because he is a victim of the situation that he is in and this is my point is when when this group when Josh alen throws for 30 touchdowns in 4,400 yards people are going to say the group is fine and I’m going to tell you you are insane because look at look at what the Tennessee now the Tennessee Titans can do this because they have a rookie quarterback and a rookie contract they are surrounding their quarterback with a very good they just signed Tyler boy today they’ve got um you know they’ve got Hopkins they have Kelvin Ridley they are putting a group of receivers and Tony Pard they’re putting a group around him to say we’re going to know at the end of the year whether or not this guy can be our quarterback or we’re going to move the [ __ ] on last year when he beat the Miami Dolphins A M inet football he was throwing touchdown passes to Noah Westbrook Ain now he has a whole different slate of wide receivers to throw to last year when the Houston Texans lost to the Ravens in the playoffs look at the wide receiver core and the skill around them and look at what they have now they have done work the bills have gone the opposite direction and they keep trying to table it as no no we’ve got a plan and what it is is I wish it’s the thing of like my dad always had a phrase don’t piss up my leg and tell me it’s raining M the concept is don’t tell me you’re not taking a step back and rebuilding they are we all know it just admit it but they W they have they won’t they have a bottom three group at the position of receiver well we’re going to talk about that in a few weeks and maybe we bring it back for that podcast cuz I have a a whole exercise in mind we should talk we drafted other players but we have to we have to move on now here’s some things some texts I received Friday night in the wake of the col pick I want to read him uh daddy don’t Daddy this hurts is that they were Twee OMFG what a mistake uh did we actually just draft nille Harry 2.0 oh here we go uh touted is the best touted is the best wide receiver class in years possibly ever and we go out of our way to ensure we landed the slowest of the bunch and you just know that idiot was clapping up a storm w what happened I can I let me let me let me pop in here the dud even give a [ __ ] about his speed but the dude even followed that up with a photo of one of those Mech windup monkeys with the symbols and I was like all right now you’re just being offensive here’s one I wrote this one down nurse so apparently we’re going to run our offense out of the afc’s only 13 Personnel package awesome now for those of you who don’t understand 13 Personnel means one running back and three tight ends which was supposed to be a shot at Coleman’s speed now as you said you don’t you don’t care but n of all the hyperbolic reactions out of this I don’t care about that like I don’t actually dislike that thought you want to give me a formation that’s knock let me ask you a question you know what Devonte Adams 40 time was don’t care do you know what DeAndre Hopkins 4 time was don’t care do you know what wait wait wait wait do you know what Xavier worthy 40 time was not really no I just know he was touted as being 421 he [ __ ] knows what it is no because I because here’s what I know most people who agonize over this [ __ ] end up getting themselves into this scenario that you’re talking about Xavier worthy ran a 421 the fastest time in combine history and you know what happened it hurt the narrative on him it hurt him that he ran that fast it hurt him you want to know why because everyone thought all he could do was run a straight line oh he ran a four four or 421 so he must and he’s small so all he does is run a nine route he’s not a he doesn’t have I I I can’t tell you how many times in Tweets in responses he can’t run the full Road train he is too small he is just a straight L being guy if you watched you watch five plays from xier Worthy if you watch five plays the guy can run a full he is a damn good route Runner and can I tell you this about Keon Coleman is that Keon Coleman ran a very similar time than DeAndre Hopkins than de Devonte Adams and why if you are going to make a big deal and tell me if you’re going to Mock and knock a guy because he ran too fast and then also on the other side knock a guy because he ran too slow you don’t know [ __ ] about football and to me Keon Coleman was a very good to potentially great player had he been and this is my big thing about football in general is the bills drafted James Cook and the general manager went on stage and said well you know he’s going to be a pass catching back and he’s not not big enough to a what did he say he said something on when they drafted him and then he came back the next day or later that night and said basically wanted to come back and say by the way James Cook I said earlier you know he’s kind of like a small like he can’t really H but I think he like that’s not like he basically had to go back on he had to go back on what he said because he and look at James Cook ran for a thousand yards last year it is not about what you do in college it is about trying to find players that you think you can maximize more from and I think in the case of Keon Coleman he a very inaccurate quarterback that threw the football all around and people want to use he played in Above the Rim and he can go up and get the ball but that’s all he can do and I really like man Haron from reception perception and a lot of these really smart people that follow the position that that that project the position based on analytics based on film and based on prototypes want to put Keon Coleman in the slot as a big slot and say that’s the only thing that’s going to make this guy successful in the NFL is if a team deploys him from the slot and I disagree with that because you are using your analytics you’re using your eye test based on what he was asked to do in college with a quarterback that and and Jordan Travis is a fine quarterback and he probably would have won the Heisman had he not been hurt but he wasn’t particularly accurate and to me Keon Coleman is a player that can separate this idea he can’t separate I think is nonsense if he couldn’t separate he wouldn’t even be in the conversation for a first or second round pick guys that are at that position in the first or second round they separate and Keon Coleman ran the third fastest time through the gauntlet he is a fast player that does not run in a straight line particularly fast Xavier worthy runs in a straight line really fast but he also does other [ __ ] really fast as well and there is room for all of us to have opinions about what straight line speed means whether it’s relevant or not but just because one guy runs really fast in a straight line doesn’t mean he can’t do other [ __ ] and just because a Keon Coleman doesn’t run in a straight line really fast doesn’t mean he can also be a vertical player down the field and create separation these are these are conflicting ideas now about Bishop now what I was say now that you’ve gotten this all off your Chester de the only thing I want to say well Cooper dejon white safeties same he’s he’s white it’s Dee I just like the fact that someone TW someone tweeted out on draft night they were like uh of night two they were like oh look it’s the uh or maybe it was day three but it was the thing of uh they were like here is the Eagles DB core this year and it was a sign and it just in the liquor store that just said exotic whites and I was like that’s hilarious that’s hilarious you drafted white DBS and it’s it’s a thing now like now it’s a it’s a thing now I was mad at the draft but I don’t care like draft night I was frustrated then you wake up and you take a look and you go well we lost we got some size at wide receiver we got some things going for ourselves I do believe Bean when he believes he plays faster than his 40 time I think of baling but in order to be an in order to be Anquan Balin like former bills great and Quan balding you have to former Bill’s great you have to training camp they’re going to have to coach him up they’re going to have to coach him up because he’s going to have to play the game with an awful lot of toughness if he’s ever going what’s that even mean it means you have to relish contact it means you’re going to have to be very comfortable with the idea that in in the new NFL we spacing and catching the ball in the open field and running for yards after the catch has become kind of the norm you’re probably going to be a wide receiver that finds a soft spot in zone and then you get hit by two or three guys if you’re okay with that and if you want to make truly explosive plays you learn how to how to kind of lower your shoulder into that contact because sometimes those guys like we’ve seen it bad safety play where you have safeties who who would rather hit with a shoulder Than Rap tackle you can bounce off that and just keep going do you know what the highest do you know what team had the highest percentage of man coverage was last year who before I ask you who what do you think that number was the highest percentage of man coverage I’d say probably about 31% okay it’s it’s much higher than that it’s double that okay but what do you think the league average was the league most of the league under % they it’s under it’s under 50% okay so why does he have to play and let me ask you this what about a player like him makes you think that contact is some sort of like the idea that oh he can’t separate with speed okay but he I mean he has he separates but he’s a large human the idea is you can’t do the lesea McCoy thing when you don’t when you don’t have Xavier worthy speed the only difference is you’re not going to be the lesea McCoy who talk about no no who R before we move on oh who runs away from contact remember that one time remember the one time Drew Drew didn’t do the intro to the show you’re never going to run away you remember that [ __ ] and now he’s trying to [ __ ] what is this his show yeah he’s just trying to it’s almost like it’s mine right you’re never going to be the guy who runs a Chris’s show it’s it’s Klay travis’ show by the way yeah yeah we’ll get to him he’s got a oh no trust me you got you got the clay quote of the week so he talk does he call somebody a cuck do he talk about the UCLA protests what does he got so so you can’t like if you think about it you he’s not going to run away from a lot of hard contact so it’s just that you have to learn to love that you have you have to make that which that like a little residual sip of just the cinnamon you have to love what that is right that’s what happens when you’re a slower bigger wide receiver but not even necessarily slower just you know that contact is going to come so you need to enjoy that Anquan Balden was a wide receiver who I think most kind of embodies what that is if he a fellow Florida Florida State Alumni if he can ever mirror his game after that even just minorly I mean he’s a much more athletic version of what Balden was he could be an impact player I think a lot of people are selling him short B ran a 471 yes I know that cuz I I thought you said you didn’t know about 40 times because you didn’t care no no I I researched that oh that one cuz I was just looking for comps like go who are the slowest players to ever be productive in the NFL Quinton uh quintes cus quintes cus sucked he was a 476 that’s why when we signed him people like you know what I ran you know what my 40 time is I bet you your 40 time is embarrassing six minutes not now I’m talking about when I played when I was in college six minutes do you know my 40 time was in college what was it 489 I would probably say like a 49 yeah I like that look on your face for9 I ran a 476 in college and then Buff State called no I was in college when they were in wait so B I was a running quarterback yeah cuz you played for Buff State the line sucked if you didn’t [ __ ] off the line sucked you run you’d die you guys were a great offens probably the best offensive line I’ve ever played for was in college sorry to what you guys had Mike Kelli on he was a tight end he couldn’t block for [ __ ] he also couldn’t catch but I love him I can’t wait to take this Mike Mike will I’m sure he was probably when you guys were on his podcast and what did he tell you [ __ ] drop the ball all the time him and Dave my two tight ends you know what they would do [ __ ] drop the ball all the time it wasn’t just him it was my other receivers all they did was drop the ball I throw a great ball these dudes dropped it all I’m not going to lie to you I got a quarterback like you hurt one time kid Mike me I was playing left guard quarter coach’s son coach’s son playing quarterback that’s why Drew doesn’t care about 40 times you know why and one day offensive line one day we’re in here we’re in the [ __ ] huddle and Mike me is reading us the riot act about how we’re not giving him enough time to throw accurate balls and we’re all sitting here going this dude couldn’t he’s not accurate No matter how much time you give him Drew what number were you in the 70s I think it was 75 yeah I knew first of all I knew you were in the 70s second of all you wore the big the big mask with the [ __ ] bar in the middle nope you wore the bar in the middle go and and you had knee braces and and then you NOP don’t tell me I’m wrong nope know I’m right he had the Brian Cox yeah uhhuh he had the ne roll dude if I could have dude I wish I could have earned a neck roll I wish I could have played to earn a neck roll now I could use a neck roll right now my neck’s King now you’re yeah cuz we’re old as [ __ ] well we got new fancy chair so yeah it’s got lumbar support here here’s the fun thing there was a game he’s reading us the right act in the Huddle and you just go all right well fine [ __ ] you I’ve had enough I’ve had enough of your [ __ ] so we go to the line and I’m we line up and I just look at the kid across from me I Spit on the mouth guard and I go blocking left and he goes what I go blocking left and then the ball gets snapped and I fire off the ball into space and there’s just a window and he now here I am thinking like he’ll get harassed he’ll understand what it is no no no no he got crushed that guy murdered him I didn’t know he was going to hold the ball for that long separated his collarbone he was done for the year and then the best part is Tim near came in Tim Neri could throw the football but also run and because we were a bad football team he ran a lot and he saved our asses and we actually won our first game that season with Tim ner under Center and so in a way I almost helped the team but it was also like [ __ ] you yes I understand now moving on from Keon Coleman cuz I think that that’s been beaten to death yeah we just spent 40 minutes on it I know the rest of the dra wasn’t all right clay relax the rest of the draft not bad defensive back Cole bishop and dayquon Hardy from what was it Penn State these guys now about Bishop there’s something in danne Bugler’s review of him that’s stuck in my head and it’s this idea that as he’s watching Beast well as he’s watching him in film he goes he would rotate single high to the box then roll up to cornerback or nickel backer in about five other positions in between nickel backer this is say that this is how you remind me what I really am every every white guy knows that song is is this is this where we’re going to break out the karaoke yeah so the idea is he’s already naturally doing he seems like a fit if only because he’s already doing things that MC dman asks his safeties to do no matter how like like who else was on the clock there right like when we were going down the safety rankings and you’re like oh here’s the sweet spot we had that whole podcast with Bruce where we talked about the second round being kind of The Sweet Spot for safeties Buddha Baker and all of these other guys when you look at what was handed to us I think what Bullard went a few picks before I believe Jamon Bullard got taken just like he did yeah yeah yeah so I like I like the kid from Texas Tech too sure Dorian something or but he didn’t go until the fourth round which tells you that GMS were actually a lot lower on him than most Twitter pundits now the idea that you have this guy right like the thing that disappeared from poyer’s game over the last two years was just the explosive plays yeah didn’t really see him get he was slow and old exactly because that’s what age that’s what 33 is I’ll say this about puyer he was slow and old and not good at football but that that dude can golf he’s an athlete now my thing is also loves clay Travis when you when you watch him right you and you know like what he used to be in his prime he used to be able to do all the things they talk about Cole Bishop being able to do so it shouldn’t shock anybody he was their second round pick what did they say about you in your Prime me in my Prime I’m still in it brother yeah the [ __ ] you are I’m no no no joke I am the best Nate I am the best version of me that has ever existed right now sitting in this chair no before we you came over we were live on ybe and we were talking about my hockey ybe yeah YouTube is that YouTube for right Wingers yes it is yall or discussed uh my hockey career because I’m in a a 30 and over draft league and Drew wanted to know what pick I would be which I put I put myself as a second round pick out of 14 teams i’ be the top but he scored like he’s going over his box scores and he goes yeah and in this game I scored eight goals and had three assists like why aren’t you a first he on my back you listen Drew you look at him he’s got medical he’s got Medical Red Flags but when you look at him athlete is not the first word that comes to mind no no I love it but so with that said Cole Bishop great pick I like he’s gonna be a because it replaces it because Mike Edwards never really did it for me this I like Mike Edward hey is he off the bus starter I think if you put him and Mike Edwards next to each other in Camp and you make them compete for a strong safety spot it’s hard are you guys going to cut this can I can can I can I say something off the Record you guys GNA no you can no it’s going to stay in I’m out then he goes I’m out yeah I’m out I like the guy who understands what mcder schematically he likes the white safety we all do dayquan damn it Chris thank God for these swiveling chairs dayin Hardy that sounds like a solid value pick if you’re looking for a return seventh round pick yeah you’re looking for a returner okay he’s got to make the team though I mean he’s got to make the team as a corner and he might have competition because I saw this tweet earlier today and I was like this is genius so Tony mistrangelo I want to give him credit who yeah exactly shut your mouth Tony mangelo yeah who is that though nobody it’s nobody important just a guy whose daughter got real sick time and I started following him and like he and I were talking and it was fine okay he tweeted at shop and the bulldog today and was like I was listening to you guys talk about Justin Fields returning kicks today and it made me think what Josh Allen what if the Buffalo Bills had our new former rugby player return puns and kick the 300 lb kid yeah yeah Clayton Travis Clayton Travis love to see it Clayton Travis He you know the only reason he likes it cuz he wants to get that Jersey he wants to get that Bill’s jersey with the last name Travis on it’s too bad he can’t be number 69 yeah that’d be a good number read yeah well he’s got to make the team first I mean the thing is being admitted he might not have picked Hardy at all if it wasn’t for the the new kick return rules now you have to try to invest in that well he did now could have got a guy in the first round what do you think about Ryan Davis Ray Davis Ray Davis Ryan Davis doesn’t [ __ ] matter our I F I felt dumb for a second I was like who the [ __ ] is Ryan it wouldn’t be a Bill’s draft if we didn’t reach for a running back I don’t think it was a reach okay so brayan Allen Isaac rendo they’re both in the board and you decide well I’ll take this guy brayan Allen had a lot of fumble issues in college and the other guy s it sell it to me Ray Davis if he wasn’t 24 would have been probably more highly touted he was an older running back but he had he’s the only player in SEC history to run for a th yards for two separate SEC teams he is both a viable pass catcher a willing blocker and someone that this team desperately needs in terms of a a true downhill north south but can break run runner I would have preferred audri ese myself Notre he’s also 20 years old so but you I think the bills are a team that even though everybody every year will mock a Bill’s first round pick as a running back or have them tied to any running back that is good that is a potential free agent that the bills will be mocked or be talked about as being a team in for them they do not invest in running back position other than draft picks they do not give them second contracts should correct so even if they use a second round pick on a running back or a third round pick or a fourth round pick on a running back they’re here for four years and then they’re gone so is he a very good compliment to James Cook he absolutely is a very good compliment to James Cook I really like the three pieces they have in the running back room now and Ray Davis who can block on third down but be a guy that can block and if has to come out of the back field and catch the football he’s very competent in doing that his story is great the bills decided that they were going to draft a bunch of guys that are I in my opinion High character leader type players and they lost a captain and wait room every year won the [ __ ] weit room contest guy that works out the hardest Ward and Gabe Davis was a captain they lost Stefan Diggs who was a captain they lost Jordan puer who was a captain Captain they lost Micah Hyde who was a captain they lost Chaine Edmonds a year ago who was a captain and they lost travius white who was a captain I just think six captains that the bills have lost in the last two years they are looking for young players with leadership ability that even if they may not seem conventional or may not seem a high level or high-end athlete they didn’t run the fastest 40 time or Dwayne Carter to me is another player that sticks out to me as a leadership type guy and Cole Bishop Captain Utah seems like a leadership type guy and you talk about the van prong Cedric Granger uh who is a two-year Captain three-year starter started 44 consecutive games all SEC last year second team All-American second Team all SEC the year before and was a guy that to me is another really good pick for the bills and I think people are being a little dramatic I don’t think he’s going to start this year maybe I’ll be wrong but that’s a guy that could start games in the future and so Davis just to kind of cap this off DAV Davis has a he kind of cut his teeth in the right Division and also he has a pedigree that seems to speak to future success you look at the van prong Ranger van Ranger like that’s so hard to say can we just call him vpg well c c vpg cpbg i i i don’t know how to cond this I don’t know how to condense his name properly but that’s too many it’s too many words for a Jersey no one’s going to buy that I don’t know he’s one of my favorite picks of the entire draft he was a guy I wanted I thought we would have to take him in the second or third I’m really happy we didn’t but that’s why you don’t know draft [ __ ] of course so when you get him and you realize like hey what’s he Nate has the Georgia rushing attack here’s a question has it been good has the Georgia rushing attack been good okay guess who’s been the Lynch pin of that offensive line for the last couple years Cedric C vpg vpg there we go so if you want to take that guy on a fifth round flyer awesome I saw a I’m with that I saw that’s value that’s incredible value for all these people screaming after the after the Coleman pick for all the people screaming about how Bean doesn’t understand value he doesn’t because I’ll tell you what Bishop Davis vpg those are screaming value pick I saw a John Ledger tweet about this about vpg talking about how the draft process the combine he had a tough but you turn in the game film he’s a player he has short arms he got he got he got bone for short arms I’m with two T-Rexes here myself so between you and between you and chis TX are you kidding me I have an AP index bigger than Sunny Liston and Michael Phelps all right well I got I got I got alligator arms freaking producer over here so those are normal arms Drew stand up back to back dud I got you on I you no you do it right now I got you on I got you on two cam do it Drew Drew and Nate are going to s next to each other no turn around face the camera God face the camera now no Nate just go shoulder toosh shoulder there you go it’s a normal [ __ ] human you are a mere man you’re tall all right I’m a lot of things now continue this in front of the mics come on there we go oh I got Shilo like length on my arms he’s just a normal man see when I do it my tips of my fingers go just past his wrists well that’s what I said he actually is he’s an alligator yeah he actually does have alligator like oh Nate what did you want me to search on the computer LEF his tears he’s trying to watch clay Travis he keeps looking up Ray Travis he’s like no I don’t want country music I don’t want country music stop doing this I can’t reach the sea so another uh no no no give him uh give him the specialty no I’m not yeah no no give him the specialty cuz he likes it you like this oh that’s a new one oh yeah the mango peach it [ __ ] now here’s a question can you can you pronounce the name of the linebacker that we drafted I’m going to now now here’s the thing I’m going to bet you a serms oh I forgot I have do I I feel like I you guys some secs yeah a lot I have one here on the table here’s what’s going to happen we’re both going to take can I read the name I need it in front of me no no here I’ll put it up here here’s the best he going put it up now here’s the funniest part about this is that I heard it earlier and I don’t I still don’t remember it I have it correct I have it correctly on the soundboard now if you can pronounce this Washington linebacker’s name properly better than you better than me I will drink a seams let’s give it a whirl are you going first you go give it your best step a Defan Olaf fasio true that sounds right Dre what give us give us a rip Focus I want to say eat of Osio Edan Osio you were both wrong [ __ ] we should both I’ll get I here I’ll go get a serum’s out of the fridge B I didn’t feel like I was that adaan alasio Osio Osio like guys this is one of those things like a like I feel like one of those kids who loses the script uh the the the what flavor is this one that’s blueberry aside no not for me see knew you making me happy he knew that I was about to be happy he brought you he brought you the the OG yeah so why you guys no no no God you don’t don’t do that you don’t have Drew’s teeth no no no Nate you got I actually spent money on my yeah you spent money what you just need is an adult yeah The Twist off all right here’s what that’s on camera oh I love the T on camera that was that was unfortunately that was not on camera the camera’s on me because you two [ __ ] are going to chug that and then we’re going to listen we’re going to listen to EJ Snider who we had on our linebacker show talking about Osio the guy that I want to highlight to you is a GU guy from right up the road I was just to this Pro narrow cone and the narrow cone is pass coverage specifically Al pass coverage in zone and he was literally one of the best pass coverage linebackers in zone in the entire country and he’s still going to be picked down at like 240 250 because oh yeah there’s other things in this game that are holes but that’s not one of them and it’s edian Osio out of Washington if you want a coverage linebacker that you can steal late in the draft Osio is a guy you want he moves extremely well eyes are in the right place so all the things you said about durman’s defense like he did those for the Washington defense he made plays that way he is not a guy that’s going to come up for the most part and fill gaps he can chase to the edges he does have some speed but man it is all about smart positioning and just I’m just going to call it feel Savvy in zone pass coverage for Osio and if you need that he’s going to be available you’re not going to have to spend a high pick on sign a free there you go EJ SNY bootleg football came on our show to talk about linebackers and he actually went to Osio Pro Day loved him Bill signed Dion Jones you guys yeah I saw that we made fun of it earlier oh okay I didn’t I wasn’t here for that I was so guys we both just chugged to serums and that takes me back to my El my younger days right like where we were trying to get diabetes long yeah dude we’ve been doing this for 9 years yeah you know that years June time ago June we’re going to start uh year nine uh last year was my 10th year at wgr I know cuz I remember remember meeting you now maybe you don’t know this I met you the first time I met you personally was at the 2017 Bill’s training camp Chris and I came we were talking to you and I will never forget a moment where you like saw John Murphy and was like hey John and he looked at you and gave you the fan treatment you were like I’ve been doing this guy’s [ __ ] show prep for years and you snap and I go that’s the radio industry baby yeah what was the bar that we went to uh the Pittsford Pub Pittsford Pub yeah that’s that’s the year that’s the year yeah lail and Vic icy Vic and all the guys yeah you Nate you and I exchanged radio stories because I had told you I had worked in in Atlanta for 680 the fan and 790 The Zone and we discussed radio stories and I was producer for clay tris’s show not really but I was dude do you know W surprised I was surprised wanking no saw it I was surprised that swear it was real you had similar radio stories for the Buffalo Market that I had for the Atlanta Market and my mind my mind was blown because I was like I’m so glad I don’t I didn’t pursue that even further because I could I remember what story I shared with you yeah you did y I shared a very particular particular story with and so it’s this concept of radio is Radio is radio cutro and now we do a podcast yeah but it was that day I gotta get in the podcasting game I got I got get a radio yeah but Howard when he retired you know you know you know what you know what his advice with me was [ __ ] get out so so please so this is the question can you do a podcast no do you have the commitment do you have the for I do I don’t have I don’t have I don’t have a Chris I don’t I don’t got a big idiot alligator armed loser I don’t have that you have to find yourself a Chris if I if I had a Chris I’d have look at all this this is all because of him I’d have a podcast if I had a Chris exactly most people would Chris is the best and for as much [ __ ] as I give him he is he’s got three screens I can’t tell if his pants are on or off back there I got I got jeans on yeah he’s got de and I know I know what happens inside denim brother I was in high school once I I’ll tell you this guys this so as we wrap this up this we were talking about the draft yeah yeah look it’s funny how we all get derailed and we talking about Solomon he my favorite really it’s the seags like from Troy is my favorite pick it’s red the whole that’s your favorite pick yeah why you think he’s got He’s Got Juice I like this so who do you think he’s competing with in Camp the kid that two yeah the dude they got from Washington so that’s the direct competition all right I think so yeah I mean there was people who came out post-draft and said look the bills got a steal in that pick I think that the 53 man roster will have defense 10 defensive linemen like it did last year yeah and they’ve got four veterans at defensive tackle and one young guy they’ve got four veterans at defensive end and one young guy and I think early on the young guy Solomon I think one of the veterans well kingley Jonathan probably has something to say about that Nate you want to say that again yeah hang on he’s putting it on the board he’s already got this se’s bed board what the [ __ ] is my Baker MVP what’s that oh yeah no Nate you’ve had a lot of losers over there yeah here I’m for anybody watching on YouTube here is uh a bunch of Seagram’s bets this one’s kind of weird from last year David Johnson on the what is Baker MVP uh you said he was going to be MVP uh second year he’s first or second in called being the first or second in voting for MVP I think I was misquoted I don’t think you were it’s on the record dude it’s on the record Chris goes back I’d like you to find that oh dude he’ll waterboard you with the audio and then you’ll have to you’ll just have to soak in your I write it Final 5 Nate final 53 Solomon makes the final 53 no you said 10 10 defensive linemen yeah 10 10 linemen Edge and Edge in the line yep and then do you want to make Solomon one of them and I will I will no but I will say 10 defensive linan make the 53 six-pack six o Ser yeah but that’s and I’ll get a ride here they’ll get a ride here do you know anyone will to drive you anywhere I don’t think you do wait is that you’ll get a ride to the hospital to solve diabetes put put me down for six and it’s an all all how about this it’s an all for nothing I’ll take the six and how many do I owe for Baker five [ __ ] yeah exactly you still owe an incredible amount like it’s all what else do I I saw my name on there twice what else do I ow uh let me what’s his tab at bar your tabs at like s well one I don’t think we uh I don’t think that there was uh St like a statistical outline to follow but uh I do have to cross this one out that Jake from threw a NFL touchdown pass I think I drank for that though yeah I think but then you also have uh James Cook more snaps by week 15 two flavored Seagrams in a beer bong which which I don’t have that beer bong anymore came from one of our listeners wait you got rid of the beer bong no uh Benton broke it oh but I’m pretty sure that I won that bet no I don’t know what the it was he was out he was going to out snap single Terry by week whatever I said yeah I’m pretty sure that happened that might have happened yeah we haven’t followed this Dre you have a obj Signs by week 17 of last year yeah all right well why don’t you drink that one right now it’s we’re out we’re out oh we’re out we already ran out and then guys we’re going to have a se’s catchup show with us and Nate and Chris we’re we’re we’re just going to drink as many serums as we can we’re probably going to go to the hospital in fact we’ll just get a bunch of insulin and we’ll just take and then we’ll could you clip the guy that says D bis yeah the guy with that with the an or must now we kind of breezed over Dwayne Carter I like him a lot he might be my favorite Pi it might be the most solid you just said that about Solomon shut up Carter what do you care about facts Travis cares about facts the idea that you dra love facts on the right the idea that you drafted a rotational defensive tackle to throw into the mix who has the upside of hey we don’t have to go back to a 90-year-old Jordan Phillips he already signed to somebody else anyway doesn’t matter Jordan Phillips was old when play Last Chris really quick what do you think the likelihood is that Chris or that that Drew and his teeth could get through this ice cube I’ve been thinking about it all show looking at this [ __ ] Ice Cube and I’m like I wonder could could could [ __ ] Drew get through this ice cube guys we can do it is after dark here’s what I know final thoughts about the draft class it’s actually one of the things where I look and you see like you said experience they drafted guys who had a lot of leadership qualities and experience they did this thing where it’s like oh hey we stocked a now we go into 2025 with what 13 draft picks a lot because of all the trade backs this year two fourths yeah we did set up ourselves pretty good for next year so the idea is if you were ever going to try to like hey we need to start building the foundation of something new these are all the moves of a franchise that a franchise a flanch a flanch listen don’t make me call you AB giri these are all the moves of a franchise that understand that they have to start rebuilding they just don’t want to call it that they don’t want to refer to it as a rebuild and so in that way what they’re doing is they said Hey listen we can do all these wild things for receivers and then they don’t they get a blocking receiver and a guy who should work from the slot and they go out and they get a c a future Center and U maybe starting three Tech sure and then they go hey we we could do all these things we we drift all these players a maybe starting safety because this is the year we turn it over it’s not going to be 2018 because Josh isn’t 2018 Josh Josh is 20 24 25 Josh which unfortunately means he knows how to throw the football he just needs guys who can catch it which we didn’t give him many of at least not as of today so you’re going to run an offense through the running game you’re going to run an offense through tight ends you’re going to throw sounds like a good idea sounds like something that happened back in 1970 yep the one of the things I hate is these people who go oh well Keon Coleman wins 50-50 balls I go do you know that the in the NFL the margin between a 50/50 ball like Nate you used to play quarterback sure did was really good just any one the difference between a 50/50 ball and a 7030 ball is really not that it’s all about the spiral it’s really not that different it’s about the accuracy it’s it’s like oh can this go one way or the other way well I’m just going to HW it up well that’s a terrible idea I’ll tell you what I think this draft class laid the groundwork for what will be next year’s draft class and I think that this year and it’s funny cuz you’re uh Al another one of your co-workers today I’m the drive here I hear Bulldog on the radio he said something and I quoted it cuz I wanted to get it right he goes last year you know he goes with this wide receiver position like you said you think we’re bottom three he goes well last year we sailed to the playoffs we might struggle this year you think we sailed to the playoffs last year yeah you think this team didn’t have to take a long look in the mirror and try to figure out what the [ __ ] it wanted to be it’s over and it’s over over and reinvent itself over the course of it’s over and reinvent Itself by the way and figure out how you’re welcome everyone for putting the reever the reverse curse on like you’re [ __ ] welcome this is what I do I I I take one for the team all the time and no one says thank you I’m getting you one of those mugs no one says thank you I’m going to drink coffee out of one by the way this [ __ ] linebacker is from Anchorage Alaska yeah and he was born in 2000 yep all right what you think people are having babies in Alaska 2,000 and he’s playing football what kind of football is going on in Alaska well he moved to Las Vegas following his freshman year of high school but even then what kind of high school football went from Alaska to Vegas that is a story if I have ever heard it in my Alaska to Vegas is a lot like Buffalo to Paris at the end of the day this class not sexy not going to blow the doors off anybody but you’re laying the foundation for what’s going to be the next thing and I think people need to wake up to that a wake up sheep you know Kay Travis would be on here going the what a liberal media doesn’t want you to know and it would just be that thing the bills actually have a rebuilding here in front of him and they’re not admitting to it we should Grill them in open court what’s that [ __ ] idiot’s name that’s uh on with Klay Travis Buck ston no the one that used to be on ESPN I no idea cuz he does big dumb fat [ __ ] what’s his name I don’t know he’s on does a radio show with buck seon and he’s on he’s on used to be on the burn before that he did it by himself the big fat [ __ ] who is it who knows you ever think fat guys hold on no no if you’re going to look it up go ahead because he did a solo show on Fox Sports Radio all I know is guys we’ve been we’re out Chris an hour and a half that hour and 13 minutes by my clock okay here’s what I know how funny is that that I Google searched big fat [ __ ] that was on ESPN and Jason Whitlock is the first name that pops up oh yeah no he didn’t do a show with him no he does that’s he never did a show tell that’s that’s not hilarious yeah that is hilarious big fat [ __ ] that used to be on ESPN and the first thing is are are you talking about Jason Whitlock question mark who is the big fat guy on that used to be on ESPN drop down Jason Whitlock that dude sucks what I’ll say is the bills used this draft against our wishes as a fan base where we thought like hey you can just keep keeping the keep the window open they were like nah instead we’re just going to dive into this thing of we’re going to build the foundation of something that can win in a year or two and that sucks transition and that sucks because they’ve spent all this time telling us they’re not doing that no uh Brandon Bean said they’re in transition now he said it no he said it what do you mean now he said it of course that’s what I’m talking about that’s what he did of course now that it’s over but otherwise whenever they were like hey is this a rebuilding year and they’d be like well I wouldn’t say that well rebuilding and transition those are different aren’t [Music] they like that’s something for you and Kay Travis toate like your your teeth are in transition I wouldn’t say they’re rebu they’re certainly not [Laughter] rebuilding Nate that is a perfect note to end the podcast on guys this is a draft class where there’s a lot of the floor in the ceilings everything’s promising I actually really love this class regardless of the trade at the top that ate up most of the show what I do know is that next year is not going to be the thing that we all think it’s going to be or that the national media might think it’s going to be which is interesting because next week we have the schedule release allegedly is that what do you have on allegedly the guest next the schedule release any guesses uh on on the on the uh wait on the schedule or the guest guest you probably been on their show and they love wrestling it’s not hard to figure out Anthony prasa we’re going to sit here and we’re going to we’re we’re going to wrap about the NFL schedule and I guarantee you there’s going to be a wave of Prime Time games and it’s going to be hilarious to watch the Bills in a transition year it’s going to look a lot like the time the Miami Dolphins made the playoffs and then got handed six Prime Time games the next year and just fell on their faces it’s going to be a lot like the time that Drew went to to the orthodontist he was [Laughter] like I’ve never seen anything like this before guys it’s been a lot of fun it’s been a lot of fun getting Nate hammered and just yelling about things off Seagrams but for tonight we got to get out of here I’ve had a lot of fun just kind of giving an overview of wildly talking about it because it’s all I really care about now it’s time to get these guys in Camp let the bullets start flying and figure out who actually matters I think there’s going to be some I think there’s going to be some surprises the way the roster’s built as to what’s going to matter when Camp starts and who’s going to come out on top but we have a whole summer to debate that for tonight we gotta get out of here I’m Drew right sh sh all right sh Shay I’m Drew gear that’s Chris Krueger that’s sake giri and I’m the captain he’s the captain of the SS [ __ ] and this has been your rockout report


  1. when DeWayne Carter sacks Mahomes in the playoffs everyone will be screaming "THANKS FOR THE PICK CHIEFS". getting worked up over the KC trade is so moronic. its the draft chill out

  2. The helping out the chiefs continual crying is really weak. Kansas City is chasing its next Tyreek Hill.. it doesn’t mean it will work out. We got to fill a massive void in the middle of our draft and then again with the Panthers.. would of been nice if they got comparable value to what they have spent on trading up a few picks in the past few years. … ie just a 3rd or 4th and not just moving up a round.

  3. Lost all credibility when you brought up the Titans. No way would I trade our skill position group for theirs. Ridley is 30 Hopkins 30+ pollard isn’t as good as cook.

  4. Truthfully, Legette and Coleman are problem the bigger redzone threats drafted after pick 28. This is what the Bills needed. Not another guy that can get us to the redzone.

    With the additions of Samuels and now Claypool, we have 3 more total redzone threats that are also Swiss Army Knife types. This is what its all about….getting better in the redzone.

  5. saying that the Bills helped the Chiefs get worthy is such a lazy take. The only way the Bills would have stopped the Cheifs from getting Worthy, is to take him themselves, and clearly they had no intention of doing that. Additionally the Chiefs are notoriously bad at drafting WRs, if anything them taking Worthy is proof he's not great. And finally the Bills helped themselves while doing nothing to help the Chiefs. Get over the fact the trade was made with the Chiefs.

  6. Crybaby. That’s why I listen to independent podcasters and stay away from a lot of radio and mainstream sports. The guest tries too hard to be an edgy “personality when he isn’t.

  7. The crybaby is mad they traded Diggs. Boo hoo. No, Diggs was not hurt. Yes, Diggs was in decline since mid-2022 and the film shows it. "DIGGS cannot win vertically any more and is not a #1, he will be a wr2 or wr3 with Houston, not a #1"
    –Greg Cosell

    Oh the doom and gloom

    "we have a bottom 3 wr group"

    okay negative nancy. 😅

    watch that NOT be the case come 2024 season. Jeez! Soo negative and such a anti-fan 🙄

  8. 15:26 ppl also forget the value of the trade was horrible Beane made it even by giving them back the same amount of picks we received

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