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Conor McGregor Maps Out His Next Two Fights & Talks Road House | talkSPORT MMA


UFC icon Conor McGregor sits down with Adam Catterall to discuss staring in the Road House movie as well as potential fights against Nate Diaz and Dustin Poirier.

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welcome to the brand spanking new MMA channel from talk sport I’m Adam catell it is a pleasure to be in your company now when I’ve been talking to the bosses about launching this Channel and this has been going on for a long period of time they’ve finally given in and said listen we’re going to do it but it has to be big the start has got to be big it does not get bigger than this I’ve said to him we’re going to go red panties man we are going to go all the way in look who’s here the one and only notorious what’s up Adam how are you man I’m good mate how are you good to launch good to launch always listen we’re not here to take part my friend we’re here to take over that’s the one that’s how we do listen before we talk all MMA because that’s what people are tuning in for they want to know when you’re going to be back doing your thing I want to talk movies because this is a bit of a crazy week for us to be having a conversation normally we’re building up to a fight but now we’re building up to the launch of a film March 21st rhous MH with Jake gyllenhal yeah mate this is crazy it is pretty crazy come on let’s be honest then I certainly am a lucky Irish mother or a lucky Irish son of a because I landed on my feet here with this this is as high as it gets in the Hollywood Game you know it’s I’ve I’ve got co-star Jake Gyllenhaal I’ve got director Doug linman right you know was phenomenal movies I’ve got producer Joel Silver it’s a mega production and I landed on my feet I’m a looky man looky man for sure You’ you’ve been flirting with stepping into movies for a period of time and now I don’t think I have at all in fact I’ve been dodging them like left and like the left and rights well that’s the point right because other people maybe have been flirting with the idea of Conor McGregor coming into the movies I wasn’t trying to do this I was not trying to do this okay so so why we doing it why why why we well it just it just presented itself and you know with the injury and everything just aligned for it and you know then when I read the story and you know or understood what the movie was was going to be that they wished me for me to be in who was in it who was a part of it then it all fell into place but I was torning this game down before I done this one you know what I mean many a Time you you are one of the most confident people that I’ve ever come across especially I’m Conor McGregor exactly but when you step into a world that isn’t your world are you the acting acting business and you’re in with the likes of the Jake gyllen holes who’s Oscar nominated and all that what goes on inside are you just comfortable straight away or is there a moment in your head where you’re thinking right okay there’s a different head space that I’ve got to get to here I surpris myself as I was able to get into the r handy I was able to get into the R I had them afraid I had them in fear like I said Adam no one really knows they real me so it it bods well into a career like this because people can be on edge they don’t know so I kind of just played with that and you know got that reaction and got that Vibe and just ran with it and then I also you know I take Direction well I took Direction well I done what they’ ask to me and you know it came out they came out okay I think I wouldn’t say I wouldn’t I I wouldn’t say like versus the other actor in the movie that like I’m an actor I I I think it’s evident I’m not an actor per se but I’m definitely Show Business a devilishly flamboyant villain I think uh that’s something like that somebody’s described you as my man yeah yeah I love you know that’s it that’s pretty that’s basically the character isn’t it pretty pretty pretty correct yeah you know about his business takes no has fun who does that remind you of yeah yeah I mean how much creative um license did you get with the with the f scenes because that’s your world so I’m sure that you could add little bit that way I I I joked I should have had my name on the end credits as well you know for sure I gave my input on on on the fight scenes they brought me to a h a warehouse for you know it was the set was around the corner let’s say the real set and you know when I arrived they brought me to a warehouse and in the warehouse was the Roadhouse in cardboard boxes the shape of the of where I was going they handed me to the Golf Club they told me the objective and off you go crack on and then I cracked on and then I picked up the chick kissed the hand done all that I dance a little dance all of that was me and then the fight and there run and the troll and a few things I could have got a credit for that scene I should have got a credit for that scene is there any more movies in the pipeline see as that you now you’ve had a little test I have no had no conversations with no one okay and I know there’s talks probably back going on I’m sure I don’t I’m not privy to it I don’t want to hear it so for me no no there is no movies more for me okay so the next step then I anticipate is getting back in that out mhm yeah like I said I have two fights left on my UFC contract we’re still in the first quarter of 2024 MH you know I’ve got I’ve got this uh workload on me right now because I’ve got the promotion of the movie I’ve got St Patrick’s festivities with the alcohol after that it’s a it’s a closed door so I get to go in and close the door and you know map my plan and then Jim home Jim home JY home and I hope we get some clarity with a date and I can push towards it I’m sure we we we will get something in by year end you know that’s what I’m hoping you flirted in the past International fight week which is the end of June is that realistic you yeah for sure I would like that I would love that if they give me that and then we can go ahead and straight away you know for sure that sphere in Las Vegas looks good as well doesn’t it to did you know the big ball that they’ve created you did call for that also that that would be great for me June 29th and then and then the sphere and then you know then what then then what happens then I don’t know and I’m sure I wonder do they know there’s been no talk about like anything you know so I I I wonder what next what about what about poin who do you want to fight it’s good to see porier get that win the weekend that makes this the quadrilogy and then know we’ll say the real Trilogy the finish of it to put an end to it to put a finish to it that that has that is that is a huge bout right now so where I anticipated the result would go that way and I was happy to see it and uh that’s a big one for sure obviously I’ve got the the the astrology that’s what I had said for the sphere you know there was cold water put on that publicly off the bat and I wasn’t happy with that so I you know I’m not that I mean I I need I I need discussion or conversation because you know if I lose interest I’m not getting getting anything back and uh I just drift off my man so I hope I can get something in and get dialed in what’s the noise with Chandler because obviously he did Chandler of course yeah that’s I would assume that would be the fource one y I would assume that would be the fource one maybe maybe Mev and party A5 for the title in July you know I don’t think probably be ready he said something ribs or something like that and then there was a bit going on the head and want after the Bell maybe some reflection after he got he got knocked it was a bad knock out he suffered in that in that in that fight against gatei and uh so you just don’t know where anyone anyone’s at really mentally or or or what not but again I’ll go I’ll revert back to this Des just happened the weekend that’s why it’s recently in my head and why I’m speaking on it it’s h the opponent doesn’t matter I just I just wish for a bit a nice runup you know a bit of transparency and let me let me go for it again just F just finally back to the movie obviously working with Jake there’s a little bit of UFC in there there as well what was it like being able to bring J into your Ware a I mean you filmed the ceremonial weigh but it was out of weigh wasn’t it was at a proper way in for joh Jones so what was that like yeah so I I I was there also I was present you know with the crew and with the team and obviously the UFC fans were we are about as real as it gets so they see an acting set come on and something like that’s not a real fight they’re not going to respond well to it so we kind of were aware of that but we wanted the pop so I got out into the crowd and I was the pop you know I got the crowd riled up and then I was I was the fan so like back in the day and still to this day so it it worked out very well and when when the scenes break in from you know from you know he’s sleep in the car and he a bit Slumber and then it kicks into a walk in the UFC I light up for me watching that I think it was worth every bit of you know effort to get it and make it happened because it just it brought the movie to life for me listen congratulations on it because I’m I’ve no doubt there’s a lot of pressure on you obviously stepping into this world when people watch this I think they’re going to be impressed with you yeah doing what you do you appreciate that thank you and I’m sure that there’ll be calls for you to do it again but from us as fight fans let’s rock and roll Adam let’s rock and roll we want to see notor doing his thing God bless you so thank you so much


  1. Im really starting to feel sorry for this guy… he haa been great… but he is now a completely lost person… maybe he always was

  2. Conor absolutely killed it as Knox in Roadhouse. Amazing job for someone who never acted before. I wanna see Conor vs Dustin 4!

  3. I’d like to be the first person to send in my vote for immortality for exactly 4 people. They have played more than 2000 shows after about 40 years together. And they treat their fans like they are fans of the fans. That’s my word soup for the day.

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