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Battling the wind in Music City! | Music City Open B9 | Jomez Practice Round

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Tournament: 2024 Music City Open
Course: Mill Ridge DCG | Antioch, TN
Hosts: Jeremy Koling & Paul Ulibarri
Guests: Paul McBeth

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[Music] hello and welcome back to the back nine of our practice round of the 2024 Music City open joined by Our Guest Paul McBeth Our Generation goat ules MC Beth we’re here at milridge Park they’ve made a lot of adjustments so we’ve got to [Music] learn we got a lot to learn out here uh the wind’s blowing making kind of tricky to score and like all practice rounds their scoring’s not great honestly um as you know we do a giveaway every practice round this will be signed at the end of the round MC bestest already been using this quite a bit we got a cicada here and so all you have to do to be entered in automatically to win this thing is just be a patreon member that’s all you got to do any thoughts are you guys going to throw it I’m not going to throw it oh I guess yeah makes sense yous I’ll throw it on this hole let’s get into [Music] it okay H 10 par 4 783 ft brand new hole here uh We’ve thrown from this area before over the water but never for a par 4 we’ve got a strong headwind here that’s going to really make it difficult to clear this water and get into good position it says on the T sign any OB shot goes to a drop zone which I believe is where Josh is standing right now at catch cam so um take something overstable and throw it as hard as you can I think is the best play he stole my box uhoh it’s great yep that’s amazing dude that’s your shot though that’s you’re going to take that so since you took his box does that mean that’s his drive he birded yeah dang it this is your drive now no he’s done a Terry rothus Burger get through it oh sit down no offense Terry RBG miss you dude how are things going is it that TI fors yeah the really overstable one yeah I’m actually going to throw one more just ter was more stable than you thought I feel like got a trap to walk that way yeah yeah this is the trick this is the Trap I mean yeah it’s a big circle oh boy but it’s a prettier path that one’s kind of ugly this is like a nice little this is like this is the path you would walk if you had a date we made we made the wrong decision all right I’m glad they changed the T the tea box this was I’m glad they adjusted this hole wasn’t this like crazy it just floods mud last year yeah it floods it I mean it still could be this year too yeah okay the basket’s nowhere near where I thought it was yeah I thought it was up at a Tall Tree I thought I saw it up at the tree all right now this hole is way different then is it even getable now well it looks like there’s a whole wall of just nothingness in front of the basket like I was like okay with my shot I was like okay now I can throw it up to that tree but I kind of like it up by that tree I wish it was up there I mean cuz look at well I mean if I’m back here I’m throwing on the side of a hill but but to like bring a to bring a forehand back up is hard you can’t throw a forehand here cuz it’s not going to climb up the hill it seems so hard also I love that the drop Zone’s just further than our drives are getting exactly the grass is too thick to throw a roller that was a great shot Paul in front of [Music] it dang I don’t know what to do I didn’t hate mine I just the side Hill made me throw it high I don’t like the idea that a great or a decent Drive doesn’t really give me that much of an advantage you know what I mean no you just get a weird shot like us all right that corner is only 280 basket’s 370 sneak it inside yeah just inside the big one let the hill pull it down that’s what I just don’t think that’s going to come up the hill let’s trying though it’s in the circle how come you didn’t throw your roller like you thought well no I don’t think it’s a roller but oh okay I’m just saying like I don’t know I don’t know what the approach is on this one you think exactly what you just did you can’t go back door trees that block you the whole entire way you have to go out around over or push it I guess deep through that Gap deep through that Gap seems like the backhand ENT so there’s a airplane crash right here in this tree in the dead tree what you’ll see it as you get further there’s an airplane oh yeah there literally is and then there’s a kite up in this tree oh my God this place hates flying objects yeah there’s another kite up there there’s three kites yeah there’s a plane crash right there three three kites in these trees four four kites there’s four of them two in this one two in this tree look at this Guardian they put for the backand that’s so I didn’t even see this one back here this is crazy why is this a kite graveyard why is this a back a kite handle right here it is kind of a back all right I need to try to throw look at this you guys are you think I’m going to be a back there no probably deep deep then there’s OB deep what you would never find that though that’s not in what do you mean you’re going to have to flex something and get past this yeah no problem I just feel like that would be so it would be crazy to see someone go OB deep backhand second I didn’t realize how much crap there was over here like I didn’t see this yeah that that’s in the way but I still like kind up there yeah yeah I just hit this crap no this guy J’s forehand got down there you got to get way up there off that t- there forehand got there oh weird yeah a that supposed to drop yeah probably before the limbs damn H I said yeah before the limbs I didn’t want to just go raging past it I went to I was like all right you’re getting too far away let me try to throw my forehand in I just threw it right here oh oh you hate to see it told you this place hates back hands I think it would have spit out on any basket it’s only because it’s uphill in a headwind which is when our baskets sto working yeah of course it doesn’t lift into a headwind why would it not lift go for it on that one I’m try to start jamming them ah oh I thought I took your chains mine was any more left wait he might spit out again wait oh that was a wellplayed hole sir yeah you literally threw three perfect shots and got a bogey oh now what do we do I think we go back down that way play Old 18 uh no I think it’s old two or old one okay no you’re right maybe it’s old 18 we go here somewhere yeah yeah ho 11 Par 3 400 ft awful hole just no thought into the design just throw a big old Hiser nothing in the way there’s no way to look at the hole I think this is the worst hole I’ve ever seen I don’t really get it I think it’s officially the worst hole I’ve ever seen on a piece of property what the heck uh it’s a normal shot it’s your it’s your shot it’s your teapad it’s your box man you took mine it’s you earn he bogied no yeah that’s why I got spit outs cuz I played out of order yeah theorder you I think you should just throw a Hiser there man hold on on top that might be a be short might be safe short he might be in the ditch oh that’s safe on top of it we have to walk all the way back down look it she just walked played this hole and walked all the way back dude they got to change this hole all right don’t they what is this center cut this is mind boggly what do you do you that’s the only way to get it I think you for the middle route whoops whoopsie here you go that’s the play okay I need to do that but just not run up too fast it’s 180 short yeah so was that get underneath and Skip somehow on the flat oh yeah 65f footer just inside C2 oh that’s trouble I think it flattened out oh no it’s in front of it is this you lost is this the hole that they were talking about online no they’re talking about hole the one where you like lay up and then you go into that opening yeah like it wasn’t that bad no what’s wrong what were they saying what’s wrong with it good luck good luck on this one yeah I’m pissed yeah mine’s right here go ahead this casual right heer as far as you can and then go oh this is the hole that Andrew fish was talking about last night what was was he saying oh he’s like find a way to get to this green did one of you guys get a roller or something there’s no way to do a roller out here roller I mean you could try all kinds of stuff it’s just so it’s such a headwind right now okay yeah this is awful awful awful awful I can’t believe a pro tour guy came through here and said yep that’s pretty good I couldn’t have designed to better myself dude I’m shredding right now put her there that bab already I do I want to say that normally when we get kind of busy about holes and the the design I usually feel like ah let’s give it a chance we’ll we’ll figure things out he spot on this hole’s kind of garbage it doesn’t doesn’t make any sense it’s oh no thre he literally threw three perfect shots and bogie the hole I I spit out for birdie from 25 and it rolled all the way down the hill it’s you know when have you ever gotten a spit out that didn’t roll away right R like okay so I thought last week’s baskets going to be bad I was like oh these are going to be bad I didn’t know we were coming to these baskets the next week I need need to save my par that’s what I’m about to do stop by the basket all right no I like the idiot would you be a huckleberry what go extra 20 ft what nothing oh way up there all I ask for in a ho design challenging is acceptable and encourag but what is the challenge intent oh yeah yeah sorry I can’t figure out what the intent of this challenge is and it smells what’s that smell yeah the whole stinky well we’re all going to leave without birdies I’m was glad I escaped here’s the thing people are going to try to flex it but look what they put Oh Be Long yeah yeah we got it like the only route to the hole you got to go over this tree stalling but if you turn it over too much you’re OB be deep you think they didn’t put it further because we have to walk all the way back I don’t necessarily mind the F position that’s what I’m saying we should just tell them hey can we play the foo position probably too late but this is a wild thought Julie what if they put it down here and and made a Hiser hole a backhand Hiser it could be a lefty it could be a lefty Heiser too that would be actually a billion times better like right there I just wanted there to be like a completely right-handed hole you know I actually think the Lefty has a better chance look at this yeah you’re flexing it over the top yeah see and I mean you could even throw a roller if you wanted yeah if it’s long clearance left oh Lefty hole number 12 is a par four 763 ft this one you just throw over this first wall of trees and go as far as you can and then your approach is a forehand from there tucked around this another wall of trees so it’s a tricky little green too but uh not much thought behind this one you just point and shoot OB left huh uh it’s a creek yeah isn’t this a Sean Sinclair design course the first year it was I don’t know if it still is gotcha give me your box cuz this is a completely temporary course right it’s not I don’t know actually when we get up to the baskets let see if they’re Portables Oh Boy originally Sean Sinclair and then the redesign by crushing MC [Laughter] crushon we’re going to find out there a touring player that redesigned it H one wasn’t too bad honestly I my six over now man it’s not bad if you like out of bound shots on three bogeys in a row nice oh no I’m not nice J and he’s ripping lately he is shot dude yep thanks that was awesome fantastic stroke you too mhm oh I got way left yeah I think you want to be where you are mine I like being up where you’re I like swinging the forehand in more than going straight okay I do like that this one they made up they buil up a little deal that was nice of them I think they’re both point so I’m barely covering the Tre you think they’re all great yeah oh what is one of those water bottles here is one of those Jules yeah yeah why you need water well I brought like one of those liquid um IV hydration packs but I don’t want to put it in my actual water bottle why because I like to keep that just water gotcha I don’t like to mix it up with stuff and then I have to go back home and wash it out with soap and get all that out of there yeah like if you’re buying water are you buying purified or you buying Spring Mountain whatever water um no I don’t I don’t think I have I I don’t I don’t typically drink water from a faucet okay and people are like oh we’ve got good Spring Water I’m like still not drinking it in Europe you don’t drink I I will but I don’t no I I grew up on like the big five gallon jugs hose water no oh oh you’re saying like Okay from like the grocery store know but those are just sink water looks pretty far yeah they’re purified it’s just like basically putting it through a big br no we spent like 300 bucks on one of those water filters yeah it’s purifi water that’s basically bottled water yeah that’s what I’m saying we yeah we put some money into our water yeah like in my RV I have a a water thing like a purifier right all I’m saying what has water ever done for me it’s time water pay me back you know what I’m saying see natural artisian water yeah yeah so I’ll I’ll make sure like I’m buying spring or natural water I don’t I don’t drink purified if I’m buying it okay cuz I could just get that out of a faucet you know yeah there you go skip in skip in oh off the band was it yes bandaid yeah bandaid what that’s probably 264 was probably my issue I’m 270 so you probably 295 oh damn way off I think I think he missed the basket yeah I mean it hit the bank CU it skipped straight some it just went straight up yeah nice Bird that’s there Bullseye really yeah Bullseye that was such a poor shot it was pretty bad oh boy make up for that little spit out balance baby ying yang dude you guys should get cupcake for one of these rounds I just want to hear you guys argue hey remember no spoilers bro oh yeah spoiler he uh cupcake beat me last week if I if I if I get sponsored by water if water contacts me the CEO water did he I think so I the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to I’m going to say I’d like to thank my sponsors water then I’m going to probably give a lot of my free products to like the countries that need water the most and I’m just going to drink the rest of it I think is I think a non-paid sponsorship cuz it’s just from the ground that’s right it’s not a paid sponsorship or it’s a free product you get sponsored by like a rainwater rain catching water company I feel like we’re all kind of in a way sponsored by rainwater right now with Todd rainwater being the owner of the pro tour majority owner nice hands majority owner yeah did you throw another germ no just one bad shot that I got away with and that’s it you didn’t throw this Goose one who do you think is throwing the goose one let’s see it’s Goose ohon goose go it’s not that hot so he must not be that far in front of us he’s not here he’s not at this event no I promise he’s not here right now who’s that goose man’s at the house he was sleeping when I woke up Goose man’s at the house Goose man’s at the house yeah here we go now’s at the house Goose man’s at the house where he’s at now Goose man’s at the house signature hole out here I love how it challenges the best players in the world the for the forehand roller hole so stupid is that what they said no it’s just Paul’s take on oh the idea of it’s not my take that’s what it is that’s what it is but it’s still your take on it that is there a different take well I mean have you he have you heard them quoted that’s saying that no then that’s your take bro have you heard them quoting and saying anything else no have you heard another Pro thing thinking that and have you heard that before with people who design holes like that yeah course okay so what what’s the other take well there’s no other take but you hav you’re not actually quoting the courses on her cuz he didn’t actually say that I never said that I didn’t say that you didn’t say that I was playing pretend all right 7:41 part 4 I was pretending Goose man’s at the house who needs three minis four minis whole 13 par 4 741 ft this one is a doozy downhill OB left side and if I’m not mistaken it looks like they maybe have even brought the OB a little bit tighter on this right side which makes the shot very very challenging you want to get as far down the Fairway and as close to that wood line on the right to give yourself the best chance at going down this tight tunnel without a balance on the left and right side all the way down this is a very specific par 4 very challenging and if wind is present you’re going to feel like a champion for getting the birdie on this one you used to it dude huh wave of the future bro I know I was saying I was just trying to trying to see what 38 feels like feels pretty good dude is that a can can H dude it actually moves pretty easily looks good on you I can get you one if you want I’m about it I kind of push strollers like this I’m telling you dude yeah I’ve asked a few people like why aren’t they using carts yet and do you don’t use your cup holder I’m going to I use it sometimes I’ve got like a a skinny tall water bottle that fits in there perfectly it doesn’t fit my big yeti so gotcha it’s good for like like the smaller Gatorades and stuff like that but I use it for towels I use it for the rang finder sometimes break down is it oh you did I but the the number one response that I get from people why they don’t use a cart yet is oh my friends will make fun of me for it why because you’re saving yourself from picking up your bag 80 times around like what’s wrong with that like yeah what’s the deal hope I’m not 80 shots okay maybe not 80 it a little bit of an exaggeration what’s the deal with that dude I just don’t have the space now seriously bro it takes no space I’ve seen it collapse yeah you should just throw a forehand it’s a good shot thanks it was thanks he’s going to throw a 2% side on right to my drive I throw forand here as well I would too I didn’t have a cruddy one pass mine that’s OB right though no oo safe it’s kind of like a headwind perfect like it to be a little more left but yeah it could skip OB but I don’t think you’ll you’ll I love that you’ll do that again nice dude I’m going to get a little bit more aggressive you should throw that cicada yie okay cada giveaway it’s got to pop it on a nice little Heiser pretty stable flip over watch this o I think money stability hit the Ste oh dang a little more stable than I thought Oscar Bravo can you spell your name phonetically like right now no can you pul what’s phonetically like I think phenetically right is that what what’s what’s the oh God I’m going to sound like an idiot if I guess like the opposite side no when you say p as in a as in U as in l you know what I’m saying do you know all the uh like like the actual ones are just using like a Rand no the actual ones no no p as in Paul okay okay yeah I think I think P yeah a as in uh Alpha yep b as in oh you’re going with okay yeah it is phonetic okay so U is umbrella l no it’s actually Papa yeah p is Papa I just learned these like two days ago um yeah so so p is Papa uh a is alpha papa u u is umbrella um L is uh come on you got this Lima yeah Le no and and U is actually uniform uniform that’s right you is uniform uniform do we go midi here or what there’s never any ground action but it looks drier than previous years what’ you say 365 is Tango Tango an Fox Trot uniform Circle Charlie I’ll throw this again actually the cicada oh still working oh it’s getting a little humid out here huh oh here I’ll throw my cic this is what I got it for yeah you got a little Annie that’s way too soft oh what a kick good that was my cicada try to power this thing real quick yeah I like that shot better flat enough that’s a Luna yeah yeah that was pretty nice shot thank you wow what are those donuts or something something smells like donuts oh I could go for something good right now I’m H smell like aut circus it smells like aood donut place that you could get oh elephant ears is that what you’re smelling or like a fried Oreo no I’m smelling like the this has to be a food truck right here FR that’s exactly it yep isn’t that an elephant here I mean same kind of thing I think elephant here maybe is is cinnamon they both have cinnamon one has Apple one has some I’m sorry uh Road Runner ger yeah please thank you all right all right all right let’s just hit the angle and make one this is a pretty good hole drop yeah this is a great hole OB oh baby oh that look great thanks is there a basket out there that launches Putters more than these no these like when they deflect they just don’t slow down like I hit the top and I thought I was going to go B if it weren oh yeah the top well that’s one of the reasons the flag pole is also important is I for some reason of all the uh baskets that have been designed with the band Incorporated the disc catcher is the only one that’s implemented the sloped top so you don’t get this ramp and I don’t understand why the others haven’t followed suit because they were the they don’t want to copy so I’ve been waiting for this to happen they’re all they’re doing is copying all the other ones I’m going to let people know a secret out there okay uh-oh I’m on top of the basket but on like The Prodigy buckets and the end of a chains if you’re touching a chain counts yeah cuz you’re supported by a chain literally yeah bro good luck fighting that one in court how could you get argued differently if your disc is on a chain yeah it’s not much different than this you’re it’s good bro right it’s just a a fly on the I dare you to tap out on the last hole by putting your disc on top of the back I’ll do it and then trying to get that one yeah how could you not oh my gosh cuz it’s a ported by a chain internet would explode oh dude step on this tell me how this works oh my God yeah they’re not clear oh my God holy that’s a medieval death torture weapon you think you think if I toss it to youie he can catch it without catching a spike that thing is wild where do you put it it’s safe why do I why do I want to see you put dumbbells on the side of it and just start doing curls like catch it without catching a spike [Laughter] I want to try no no no no I’m not talk Brad get no even though you don’t want do I want to throw it home that’s like the um freaking what is it walking dead bat that’s like that’s like those barbwired baseball bats yeah that’s exactly what it is that’s terrifying oh did they take the OB off the left oh no they just put a netting here for safety oh it looks like they might have cleared some stuff oh the tree that was in the middle they cleared the tree that in the Middle look at that it’s gone yeah whole 14 is a par 3 294 left to right Bender through a really small Gap out of bounds surrounds the whole entire basket this is going to take uh somebody that has a lot of touch to get this one to land in bounds every time you’re going to see Flex plays maybe with overstable Putters and drivers possibly and some sidearm layups from yeah Paul oh go God I hate when I do that that was that was going to hurt so dumb it’s on every teapad that has a drop off I go oh yeah yep instead you don’t want dude you could die if you I do this like short stupid stroke I just need to te off from way back but it makes the back small he throwing a roller that’s really what he’s doing here oh my gosh oh perfect look at this trick this is what you need right here is that good parked look like it looks like it’s parked hurry no no but we’re working with this new artist germ I don’t know if I told you you’d really like him he’s your kind of style what’s that mean he does stuff that you would like yeah yeah what’s his name I want to check him out his name’s on Instagram it’s do art do art yeah I think I may I think I may know him yeah you probably do let me let me check him out but he’s designing some stuff for us he redesigned our logo and made some he’s making some stamps right now for Dyan and I see if I’m following this guy d a y Walsh no d a y n o oh d a y yeah Doo art what d a y n o oh do no do no like day and then yeah whoa you guys got a hold of this guy yeah no kidding yeah he’s sick bro I’ve been following this guy for a while dude he’s the same size wild he’s he’s 66 is he really six big oh dude I I I that’s why I recognized him I didn’t that’s incredible dude he’s going to do some really trippy stuff yeah I’ll show you one that he’s doing for us right now oh my gosh he’s the perfect person to fill out a disc mhm there we go drop in oh oh that was my best put of the day so far though um yeah he’s actually it’s funny is he’s out in San Diego area Okay and then dilling got traded there have you spent have you talked to him yeah we had some conversations he seems like he’d be like have the best sense of humor yeah oh cool so it’s so it’s like two like Ze this is the Zeus with the yeah yeah uh lightning bolts and all sorts stuff I’m guessing he’s never done anything dis golf related before no no was he familiar with this sport yes good butt thank good birdie that was trickster yeah baby yeah that was a good way to birdie it Trixie hobbitses all right whole 15 1,129 ft let’s just rip it as far as you can with ob on the left and right and then it’s rip it as far as you can over the trees and then it’s typically an elevated basket so it’s I would say it’s a fairly easy part five but uh the OB can come into play quickly off the first shot oh boy what should be fine what the hell is the wind doing what are you at jerem I was at 4 I don’t know what I’m at I think I’m at uh even that’s what I was expecting mine to do mine’s flippy though huh but I wish I could throw that where I was aiming that’s fine at all but I just wish I could hit a line could I was like aiming at that tree trying to throw a high turnover and I just ripped it down the middle flat I can throw it as far as I want right it’s like there’s no problem in there’s OB right now yeah already really oh I see it that might be OB left might be in the it’s fine skipped in the is that like it’s like 100 short isn’t it oh it’s way short but but like but am I gonna even have an access to the green you skipped into the crap so I don’t I don’t think so oh I’m hitting angles right now oh I’m hitting angles dude it’s been a it’s been a while what hit your line yeah twice in a row what no the first one you didn’t hit your line I know but that’s why I said I thre the second one I hit the line and then I just hit it again twice in a row oh I see yeah I got you yeah yeah including a practice shot you got two in a row yeah might be able to shut the haters [Laughter] up I bet you a lot of our fans I mean we get we get so many new fans all the time so it’s like most people don’t know you personally they probably don’t know that you used to be quite the baseball star yeah you’re good mhm you took baseball like how far were you from going to the next level with baseball like how far did you take it that’s I wouldn’t say I was close to going like Pro or anything but I played I played until I was 20 yeah it’s like like there’s nothing but competitive leagues up until that age like some of my teammates like one of my teammates that I was playing like when I was like 19 20 plays on the Rays right now okay like he’s still in the league yeah playing for the Rays like we knew he was really good um there’s some other players from that League that are in the what I remember is there was a point where you were out of at like a Crossroads where you were trying to decide whether or not you wanted to pursue disf or not correct and a certain point you made the decision and you stuck with it and we’re all thankful you did but like yeah so it was 2010 and I was playing baseball so I was just about 1920 at that age and I told my coach I said hey coach like there’s this tournament I really want to go play um and it the world’s in Kansas City so I was like I’m going to go out or no not Kansas City Indiana Indiana yeah and I was like I’m going to go play this and I took 11th I believe without playing disc golf like I was just all baseball and I was like man like if I’m taking 11th without practicing and I’m just training like I’m playing B excuse me baseball yeah like how good can I be and then the next year 2011 I won Memorial then I won Beaver State then 2012 I won World and it just kept going so I just kept training like I was in baseball but I was playing dis call that’s perfect right right short yeah it’s essentially perfect if you like being 30 short yeah that’s the line was perfect C2 King I didn’t see your shot C2 King yeah oh that’s not good you got to look for par there yeah I don’t think this is possible yeah I you’re going over the top no I’m going to throw it Annie the left to right wind made my shot absolutely impossible like I think you got a window though yeah oh boy yeah perfect go it actually rolled back up the hill huh it rolled back up the hill did it yeah we need like a triple bog right here to have a chance yeah I don’t think I’m I haven’t missed this yet sweet oh boy yank the piss out of it time it better there you go there you go sponsor so weird to judge what that’s going to do one lifts One Drops one straight right Jesus there you go oh I got a birdie MC birdie yeah MC bogy back to even par charging late back to MC 3 look at look at my shoe oh is that one of those yeah one of sticks check this out Jack that’s so close to going in your foot too I know this very easily could have justes oh are you serious on the side of the foot where there’s no rubber to protect me that one actually stuck my foot bro stop it ow hole 16 par 4 574 ft this one plays essentially as another horeshoe a layup forehand um you want to go maybe 315 ft but where you land is incredibly important there’s basically two different Pockets where you have a second shot where you can access another big forehand to the green um there is a crazy Play Over the Top that we’ve seen sometimes but because there’s out of bounds long up there what ends up happening a lot of times when people try this shot is they either cut Rollo or they just air it short and end up not being a good shot so you’re going to see most people get on the route but if it’s needed to last round you’ll see someone play for the crazy Eagle I missed the days of the Heiser yeah right crafter I think that’s perfect think I could tell like 300 sorry the second one just straight poked the side of my shoe I could access the early route maybe that was awful okay but it could but that’s a terrible place to me I like that oh no no depends on if you hit the Gap I I don’t really know how to like do the right shot off the te you know what I mean mhm like it’s I feel like it’s just kind of a a luck shot almost in some ways pick the right disc and just throw the right distance and then just hope that you have a line mhm that’s yours right no I black I went back here oh I’m right here perfect where the hell did I go probably in the ditch I think you skipped over the ditch I’m right in it I’m all right with this I’ll take it I guess it was perfect i’ say so in the basket that’s so far yeah we’re only 260 from like the ditch I saw mine fly by the orange tassels like he’s way far too oh maybe not as far it’s water so casual right here right y cashmere cashmere get right you silly little Dingus how’d you like that uh that they’re going to put us all in the same cardigan this week no they’re not every week it’s going to be all PS I was going to make a PO actually did you see the picture of the four of us uhuh oh my gosh I think they Photoshopped it really yeah all right see I didn’t get tagged or something no you had to go search it is Omen that much taller than us yes wow that’s hilarious is that is Omen that much taller than us where did they photoshop it so did you did you hear the breakdown online no you got goat Paul you got extra small Paul you got tall Paul and you got old Paul you got called old Paul I know I was like I didn’t somebody posted that I’m like I didn’t know I was tall I didn’t know I was tall Paul freaking manen’s like 38 or something no manen’s like 40 42 or 43 I think no no yeah he’s Masters no y Omen yeah no that doesn’t seem right no it doesn’t make it any better Yulie but he’s 40 something and you got called old yeah oh that’s a that was a great looking P uhuh look like it to me now that you marked how do that drop that doesn’t make any sense happened to me twice in our R slam yeah yeah so the Paul the Paul card the only the best name I heard was Paul Patrol that was it Patrol yeah that’s that’s a good one people were pretty obnoxious with it honestly it was pretty obnoxious I don’t want to do it again cuz like I’m glad they did it huh yeah too personally I’m glad they did it like having fun with a card why not so cray told me how it happened cran said that just by Chance the three of us got me Omen and Julie got put together okay he said by chance he said he had like a 10: a.m. tea time and then they switched it and put him on the Paul card that’s great and he said the Lefty card was by accident too cuz then they stuck Arling house on it later I mean why not there was only one other name where there’s four people they should do a card where it’s me tall Paul ab and Ganon you have the two meter Club two meter club dude hole 17 par five 972 ft out of bounds left right kind of meanders right to left so if you want to get aggressive you can go over this tall Wheat Field to the correct Landing zone or you can throw it over on the right hand side and then try to throw a Flex Shot over the top of the of the trees pretty tricky par five here over the top of the trees get to another Landing Zone and then it’s like 300 ft away from there kind of a tough hole to describe it’s a it’s a new teapad yeah they moved it over to the right to the left but yeah to left left if it was on your guys’ perspective and that’s all that’s about all we got I’m going absolutely launch this one left yeah left is this straight tail feels like it left or right all right perfect just what I was looking for did you see that did you just come out of the Earth yeah like the whole teapad like lifted up or dropped this is like a a restaurant where you need to grab some paper towels and put them underneath there yeah under the table so it stop moving he gave you a safe sign I think yeah I thought it was oh you suck dude can I get my uh were you ever aware of the uh the list of players that you had never beaten before were you ever like no probably too small of a deal for you who had a list I had a list oh you’re talking about your list yeah well I mean like I’m not saying like were you aware of my list I’m saying like when you were coming up were you ever aware of like who you had never beaten before or anything like that no I beat everyone like pretty early in my career yeah but that’s because like Vegas was there in Memorial and I took Fifth and 10th so there weren’t many people I uh the last person that I never beat oh dang mine the last person that I that I finally beat was Nate Doss uhhuh my favorite story about it was like we’re playing a final 99 together and I clearly still wasn’t going to beat him at this tournament cuz he h Me by like 10 yeah and I went up to him and I told him I was like hey man you’re the last person I have ever beat before uhhuh and he just like stop what he was doing he turned to me and he just went you never will that’s good whoa that was crazy that’s perfect yeah that was cool yeah it’s only cu the wind I really don’t know what the heck I’m going to do yeah I think I I think I pretty much beat everyone that wasn’t like an East Coast only player in my first year yeah that makes sense so who does AB have the best chance of being the first Amor’s player to win uh worlds I think so at this point yeah actually the question is did he win am worlds who AB yeah yeah he won he won at like 15 remember against Isaac McDonald okay that was for am not Junior yep that’s right actually I think think he might have been 14 oh look at that advertisement Nate Doss they might just do the same thing again I like it watch out for those branches though it’s not a good win though I almost have to go left to the basket that went way further left than I thought it was going to go yeah I thought it was going to get pushed this way oh the honey suckles what I throw it to there I’m subbing Brad in for this shot okay nice Brad oh heads up oh no come on Josh all right classic move old school that was good anyone throw an FD Nah if this drops why is there Cactus out here why is there naturally occurring Cactus what the heck thank C is that weird what yeah it was actually in the fair way as well up here there’s like actual cacti back there that’s a eight piece McNugget right there don’t know why I don’t remember how to that’s right to left that’s where it’s going to go every time all right hole 18 520 ft similar tea box very elevated but now the basket’s much more to the left and in the trees so we’re going to see how to play this one I think it’s just I think it’s just throw in the trees and play it from there pop it there you bud this thing’s going cheers thanks for coming Paul thanks for finally being on the show dude love having you man thank you next time I’ll play better thanks for inspiring entire generation grumpy all right that’s fair you hear me yeah thank you seriously I’ll continue to inspire as much as I can push the sport to Heights that I don’t think any of us saw when we started playing this game as a hobby and the late 2000s man just tell AB to let me be his agent and then yeah right I can help push it the amount of money that those kids are going to make in their career is large in part to stuff that you did man I love I thought that was going to Glide a lot further till the left I kind of liked it yeah that was pretty good I don’t know how it worked out I don’t know how it worked out either but I liked it TAA yeah TAA Kristen said t t what does that mean Hello like what’s up what’s up all right fair fair I don’t know if that’s like shorty boy or I’m just going to rip this down the hill Oh it’s another look at the t- signs MTO you said morto you spoke French I mean finish Fone yeah [Laughter] I think I parked it all right let’s try this forand thing did you ever play Ultimate Frisbee for fun or anything um probably more so recently than ever before like I never like played catch with like a fris yeah you didn’t so disc golf was your first frisbee based sport yeah how did you find it uh my dad played for a long time so I’ve known about disc golf probably since I was very young but I never really started playing it until I was a teenager uhhuh so like I was pulled out to the course when I was a kid but I would go like ride my bike at the course you know like l r on all those trails and HB and stuff like that so I would do that versus uh play okay the exposure mhm so I’ve known about it for a long time right [Music] oh boy that’s a skip it in a non effort but this tree really is annoying all right need this birdie I literally thought it was just going to lift like that now it would have it would have been all the way there if it weren’t for it would have been long doesn’t take much time you want to know when I developed that signature six time five time one after winning my first worlds and everyone just came mobbing around in Charlotte cuz you remember how packed it was and it was like they brought me a stool so I could just sit there and sign like and I had my other signature and I was like this is taking forever yeah no I adjusted it it’s actually artsy for being so quick which I appreciate we just finished 18 holes here at mil Ridge uh readjusted hole numbers some holes have been tweaked some of them have completely changed we learned a lot we complained a bit mhm but we braved the conditions the Heat and the wind it was kind of a tricky little day huh yeah yeah I’m uh coming out here later again to play today yeah second round dude you’re in shape I think I’m going to too sweet yeah me too guys big time for sure well we have the cicada to give away to one of you lucky fans all you have to do is be our patreon and you will be automatically entered obviously we already got this thing signed up thank you for throwing and competing with it somebody take it I’ll hold it no worries um three round tournament here this weekend just outside Nashville so we are here for the Music City open 2024 Edition this is the sixth stop now on the disc golf pro tour we’re like firmly in the mix now yeah yeah major next week and a major next week so this is a good time preparation for everyone to lock it down get things going can’t thank Paul enough for joining us as a guest and Long Time Coming appreciate you and we’re going to have you again soon I hope so I’m free yeah except next week yeah sweet okay so winning at five under I believe was myself how’ you get the five under yeah what are you talking about you at three under then you bogey no I was at four turn one by shooting under par yes okay under I’m fairly certain I got the 500 but it’s not either it’s 400 does that mean we won cuz we add up his regular car then two stroke penalty and still beat you guys by enough so I’m going to go ahead and take my $500 donation and throw it to this right here the Palm me Beth Foundation thank you for coming out here we’ve sent you money in the past but now we’re definitely going to do it cuz you’re here big fan appreciate it yeah all right guys that’s going to do it for us here we see you next time get [Music] [Music]


  1. I like how jerm steps on two dangerous ass thorn sticks and just throws them back on the ground lol

  2. Paul is right it is a completely temporary course, I live close to it and it would be really cool as a casual player to be able to play where the pros tour at. They take the course down a week after the tournament.

  3. Big Jerm I hope you see this!! Big props on the Dumb and Dumber reference in there! It was subtle but those who know caught it! Great movie!

  4. Those thorns are like from a picanther bush. I had a few in my yard, now just one on the side of the house. Those things are hella dangerous.

  5. Thanks for coming. Next year send in the replacements. Tired of hearing Jerm and Uli complain about music city..😅 Last cash if their lucky. Can we get Philo and anyone else please.

  6. 23:35, Mcbeth gets converted from a bagger to a cart guy. 27:35 Koling phonetically spells out in sing song what we all think when a drive doesn’t go as planned. I frigging love these guys 😂😂

  7. Love it! The whole card was more laid back and chill and just enjoying tossing discs. Great practice round 🙂 Thanks guys!

  8. I loved the interactions between everyone that plays, and especially when other golfers pop on. See Bradly and Ricky was so much fun.

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