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Florida Gator, REVEALS the Difference in the Locker room from past seasons and Thoughts on 2024


Florida Gator, REVEALS the Difference in the Locker room from past seasons and Thoughts on 2024

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hey guys welcome back to high top sports today we are joined by Mr Jeremy croshaw himself super excited to do this interview and of course our co-host David schaler Quist he’s already had his moment of excitement re reliving their experience when they met during the spring game but Jeremy I I was informed I may be wrong here and I don’t want can I disclose where you’re located are we allowed to do that yep are you’re in Australia it’s from my understanding I am I’m up on the Gold Coast I don’t know what that means but what I do want to know because I we we I looked it up yesterday I talked about it on the show sorry I disclosed where you were but I it’s winter there for my own or it’s Autumn about to head into winter and I I I have a ton of questions is it snowing are we wearing jackets when we’re going outside or is it just one season in Australia it’s kind of H where I am right now it’s kind of one season um it’s a lot like Florida I think the state of queensland’s motto is Sunshine State so it’s pretty close to Florida um up here because it’s kind of north of the country and it’s closer to the Equator it’s steady weather all year round pretty much um but lower where I was originally from Sydney it’s a little bit colder I’d probably um say it’s more like a Virginia um area yeah it’ be a bit colder doesn’t snow but it gets cold during the winter for sure so like in the 30s what not 20s I’m doing the conversions in my head yeah I’d say mid 40s yeah I think so today it’s 20 degrees I think and it’s a little rainy so that’s oh probably 60s okay all right that’s that that’s interesting to me because I I think Australia I just think it’s summer all the time so when I realize that it’s winter I’ve always wanted to go Australia it’s on the bucket list so if you’ve ever got extra seat let me know I’m there uh and my my aunt she went she’s like yeah you have to go in December that’s their summer time I was like what do you mean it’s it’s always summer in Australia so I’ve always thought that was very interesting so thank you for allowing me to to ask that and I was gonna ask you get homesick but it sounds like you’re just you go from Florida to Florida basically just with a little jet lag yeah a little bit it it’s like that um no I mean you do definitely get homesick the change of cultures um you know away from family and friends but I think you know football and school keeps you so busy and you’re driven towards that goal that um and and with the advancements of technology I just FaceTime call make sure I get the time zone differences right and uh it makes it a lot easier but yeah it’s Friday there right now right for you it’s Friday morning yeah it’s 10: a. Friday morning that’s so cool it’s like it’s like the evening time in Thursday here man it’s so weird it’s like you’re on your weekend must be nice I’m almost there it’s kind of it’s kind of like Back to the Future man like he he’s a day ahead of us and we’re a day behind so he actually he’s got a head start on us so can you give us the scores for the game Jeremy for tonight yeah yeah you I I need the lottery numbers man you gotta hook me up yeah yeah yeah I’ll do it you know it’s funny um it’s funny when you travel because when I go when I go from America to Australia I lose a whole day but when I go from Australia back to America I re relive the same day that’s wild to think about yeah I I’m sure again being from a going to school you probably get peppered with these kind of questions and so I don’t mean to bore you with them but interesting for us so it’s I I I think it’s really cool I do want to ask one last thing you kind about it you said the culture I mean how much is it is the food the lifestyle like what is it for you that that you miss when you do come back home to school um honestly I I think it’s really just the way you conversate with others um I’m pretty chill laidback um I T I like to you know have a bit of fun with the um joke around a little bit but sometimes I think my joking comes off as being mean to other people but it’s really kind of just how Aussies do it you know you need a little back and forth a little banter between each other um kind of in those respects it’s just how you Comm like the communication styles are a bit different um we’re soft I’ll say it for you I got you Jeremy I got you Americans get a little soft and sensitive I I deal with it too I think I would I would love to get hang out with the Aussies I we be two peas in a pot I would love to get jabbed up a little bit I love that that’s cool um look I do want to talk because I don’t know if you know this little fun fact here but almost it’s around 50% of college football power five teams has an Aussie P punter did you know that you you guys are taking over you guys are what what what’s going on over there yeah we’re good at what we do you know um we play a lot of sports that involve us k a football like that um okay Australian Rules footy is basically purely kicking um with a little bit of hand balling as well but the way we primarily move the ball around the field is by kicking it to each other on the run so um it’ll be you know afl’s played on this oval um field it’s kind of like soccer where it’s free flowing and go backwards and forwards but your goal is to kick the ball through the goals at one end of the field or the other so like Tom Brady you know used to a spiral on the on the go to his his wide receivers we can kind of do that with our feet you know we’ll we’ll pass it with our foot in the air to somebody down the field and so that’s where you kind of learn the touch and the skills um to have that accuracy and you know awareness of kicking Under Pressure because you know it’s free flowing somebody can tackle you at any moment from anywhere um and that’s kind of why we’re good at kickings because we get very used to having that touch with our feet um we then go to an academy called Pro kick Australia um with Nathan Chapman and Johnny Smith down there they uh they teach us how to punt you know puning is a different form of kicking than than playing AFL is because AFL will hold the ball more upright um and will kick will’ll kick it so it spins backwards and you’ll sometimes see me hit those punts in a game to try and pin them down in the five gives me a bit more accuracy bit more control over the ball but you know the American style of punting is a spiral where it’s it’s flat sometimes the nose is a little high and you want to hit it flush on the foot so it can spiral that that kind of Punt isn’t really used in AFL much but um that’s kind of just why we’re good at punting footballs you know that I’m fired up that I that that entire like that isn’t too cool again because I didn’t realize it was that in depth so it’s the sounds of It’s a combination of rugby soccer and football all all in one right cuz the soccer aspect of it’s free flowing the r rugby aspect and because they kicked to move the ball as well and also can get bodied by anybody and that was my next thing I feel like and again part of it is one I think you you grow up with it and that’s why because some people like hey why don’t soccer guys kick more but this is way more prone to to be functional for punting and also too I feel like the mindset of of a punter has to be very free flowing uh the nerves can’t be there and obv like you said well across the pond here I’m worried about getting slammed which you are in football but not near nearly the same like technically shouldn’t get touched if if all things go well so it’s like look this is this is easy I’m practicing basically when in the middle of a game right yeah and also too oh go ahead D sorry no I was gonna say that’s got to be like a a Cutthroat position man you’ve got to be like a an annihilator in that position you can’t let anything phase you you just got to go out and do your job it’s it’s a very accurate position too like you have to be very accurate especially like with kicking and you know obviously kicking American football uh what I actually I I mean you kind of you kind of answered kind of what my question was going to be was the challenges of like adapting from that style to American football but I want to know more of like what what made you choose American football over everything else and come to the University of Florida yeah so um this is kind of an interesting story but um I grew up playing a lot of rugby and AFL um I played rugby had a couple years off when I was about 11 or 12 and played from 15 16 on so I started pretty late to play professionally AFL is kind of like soccer where you have to build up through the divisions and join development squads and and get taken from there I started too late so I knew I wasn’t going to play professionally but I had a pretty big leg on me um at 15 you were too late yes you you know You’ got a really 10 11 12 through those development squads and and play up you know we get drafted pretty much straight out of high school 17 18 year olds get drafted into the AFL so okay I was already pretty late to that show but um you know uh from there I was like what do I do I was kind of looking around at what I want to do after school as well so didn’t really have a plan um and I just happened to fall fall upon uh Pro kick Australia and I thought that’s pretty cool you know I’d love to go to America I’d never been um and so I kind of set my eyes on that um had a you know I was kicking the footy by myself at the oval you know couple days a week for a year there and was like yeah I think I could do this um reached out to um Nathan Chapman who runs proi Australia and he was like yeah I’m going to be up in Sydney I’ll do an assessment day and we’ll see if you you know have the leg for it and I kicked and he was like yeah moved down in January 2019 and from there you know did the program rest’s history and something you kind of alluded to too of with the AFL where it’s not always about the the power but the Precision right you’re you’re you’re hitting dots with your foot and we when you think punter we’re thinking this you we just need leg big thighs kick kick at 70 yards which is a factor But ultimately like you got to be able to hit on a dime like when I play that you when you play Madden you do like the punter challenge they want you to hit in a little green square so it’s it’s more about the touch and that kind of makes sense to where the Australian punters are getting a lot of more attention because it’s not about the size it’s not about how far you can punt it at the about the touch and you you literally have an entire lifetime of honing that in right yeah absolutely you know you just said it um puning you know you can flip Fields but if you hit it straight down the middle of the field or down the hashes we have the best returners in the SEC some freak athletes who will run it back on you and sure you know that really hurts the team my job as a punter is to flip the field but minimize damage whilst doing it um you know you need that accuracy you need to you know put it outside the numbers you need to pin them deep um you need you need to be far enough that you know it gives defense a chance to uh hold them up um but it needs to be high enough that it’s fair caught so the return yards aren’t there so there’s lots of things that go into that um but the accuracy is really needed and and consistent accuracy is probably the biggest thing as well so absolutely now you know this I don’t know if the people at home know this you followed the towns and brothers we had Johnny from 2013 to 2017 then Tommy for a year and then you came in right after the fact hell of a an act to follow and yeah it’s the punter position it’s I mean look punters are people too I mean you guys have been a blast and I feel like you just kind of picked up Rob with things left off in a good way like we we love the towns and brothers they they were very popular and punters before that I don’t feel like were very popular or really they kind of have their hits or Miss but you’ve kind of carried that tradition of an exciting electric and a difference maker like you’ve made an impact that’s how we know who Jeremy croshaw is because right best guys on the football field boys we’re good to go he’s going to turn the the field over for us how has that been for you and did you feel that pressure when you came in or kind of like you said you’ve been developing that as you came in yeah so um I I was informed about you know the Tanz ends when I first got there um and their history um they did a really good job and you know UF loves them you know they have the history here both brothers came here they’re the town’s end brothers and everyone pretty much knows about them um but I kind of came in here with a fresh perspective um I didn’t really think about that too much I think I just you know was more focused on doing my job when the team needed me to do it um I I remember when I committed a lot of people were hating on me because I wasn’t a Townsen brother and they were just saying they didn’t want me so um you know I took a little bit of that to heart but you know just I have a job to do um I always wanted to go to the next level into the NFL so I was like look I’m just going to play my game um and it’s it’s worked out well for me so I I’m hoping that I’ve eted my name there next to the towns end Brothers is one of the greats here at UF but um ultimately I think that’s a fan decided thing yeah we we have a pretty Savage fan base man so all you got to do is imagine when you when you kick that football it’s one of their faces and then then then you’re good you’re golden no I love our fans you know I love them they’re die hards they show up to all our games as well they pack out the swamp every game so I love him absolutely yeah I love it I love that mentality man it’s the Talon’s parents fault okay don’t for not having another brother to throw and not Jeremy’s boy no I I look I think I speak for the fan base that you’ve definitely ET your name into the gator history is one of the I mean we’ve got swolder wearing your t-shirts and now I’m going to order I’m going to order a jersey hear me okay and I’m I’m meet we’re meeting one of these games I’m getting it signed I’m going up the next level I’m going to frame that bad boy so let’s been on the show I’m fired up for it I do to talk about next level what I mean the punter so we’ve had Jud on I got two two questions I’ll go to the second part Jud Davis former Florida Gator kicker uh he also punted in one of the games he likes to tell that story a lot too told me that so many times love it so you’re famili leave it out yeah he doesn’t he doesn’t know how to leave it out it’s it’s part of his is his thing but again I always compare punchers and kickers to closers and baseball you don’t know who the those guys are until when you need them and you really only notice when they don’t do a poror job because it’s so accustomed to us as fans it’s like just just go in there and kick it through just go in there and and and Dot it on the five like that’s your job but it’s tough and there’s only 32 spots in the NFL they don’t they don’t they hanging punters around uh LAX days coal and again when that job gets taken it’s it’s locked and loaded what is your kind of do you have a you know your eye on the next level and who is it is there a Target for you to think like hey you got some old punters here you know what I mean this is my chance to get in how does that function function for you and what is that that plan obviously pro day is going to be huge for you m yeah this is uh this is my fifth and final year you know I’ve already played three I’ve been here four um the goal was always to go to the NFL that was the main goal you know um um and in saying that going to the next level isn’t just the goal and it stops there it’s to be the best at the next level too um yeah so this year is is huge for me um but in saying that I’m not letting that pressure get to me I’m still just playing the regular old game that I’m playing sure um I think we’re working on just being a bit more consistent that’s all nothing changes um but going to the next level um pro day is going to be big um hopefully combine invite and some Senior Bowl appearances as well okay um but I mean I have been looking around um seeing you know where some potential spots could be but it’s hard to know you know with the moves of cap salaries and and you know vets and just different personality changes you never know how these things are ever going to play out so we had a fair few punters taken in this last draft and I was really interested to see how this last draft for punning looked um because I could would compare myself to a lot of those guys in that class sure um so I think it was interesting to see which teams picked up um which teams didn’t so you know whichever team takes me I’m going to be happy and willing to give my best for that team um you know so those are the goals I think this year is going to be a fun ride for sure how do you feel and this isn’t a shot to the guys that got drafted but this I mean you’re measuring yourself right to those guys saying if I were have went this draft do I feel hey they they I perform better than those guys I provide more again not a shot we don’t need any names but do you feel like hey yeah out of the those who were drafted I felt that I I I fit very well with those guys if not them M yeah I was spoking to a fair few people that asked me if I um was thinking about leaving last year um and I was thinking about it for sure but I think I would have been not one of the best but I think I was up there for potential reasons okay I don’t think I had the cleanest year I had a good year but I didn’t have a really clean year in which the NFL would have really wanted to draft me so that was one of the main reasons I came back is just another year of development um I you know I know I have a blueprint and I and it works and we saw a bit of that last year so this year I’ve just really been honing in um this last spring was a really good showing for me um a lot of confidence coaches are happy in what I’m um producing and I think you know this year is just another building year see how good I can get uh for next year Well there any good Juju we had Ricky on this time last year same conversation look to go to the NFL you know the rest decided to come back went first round I don’t know first rounds in the pictures for for a puncher but you there could be a first so I love hearing that man I I’m excited to see and again I think again it’s such a finicky position like you said it’s I got everything dialed in it’s just the consistency I play golf I it’s kind of I think it’s similar to that where I’ve got all the shots but can I link them up for 18 holes and consistently over a period of time so do you play golf I feel like ickers yeah um I just have some you know some Dick Sporting Goods clubs so they’re not very good I blame the clubs for my bad performances but I’m pretty sure it’s me but it’s all right I was about to say you don’t you don’t go up there and line up and kick the golf ball do you use the I’d rather play some punt golf or something I think I’d be pretty dialed in I’d be the you know up there on the PGA tour of punting golf it’s a thought it’s they got disc golf we got soccer foot golf maybe we can a little middle ground in there there go so there you go he broke go ahead Dave oh let say probably be natural at it so so now this is no offense to to to you Jeremy and and I’m I’m I’m prefacing this with talking to Jud I’ve learned that kickers have a lot of downtime okay so this and it’s for a good reason like what are you got to putt balls for three hours right my reason for that to preface that is you’re you’re you’re hanging out you’re chitchat and I feel like you you kind of can give provide more insight than beat Riders cuz you’re there you’re hanging out and the players are comfortable with you right like you’re one of the guys what what’s what’s the vibe heading into 2024 what what what are we looking like with the boys I’m liking this year you know um I think we have a good connection amongst the guys you know the past few years you know we had to deal with some guys napia had to deal with some guys that he inherited when he came here so I think a lot of that process with napia has just been eliminating those that have been you know a bit toxic in our culture um and helping us get back onto the right track where we all mesh really well as a team I really like this year the Freshman that came in um new you know um breath of fresh air they’re really invested you know I like I like what they’ve brought in um and the rest of the team as well we’re looking good I like who we have um ultimately it’s one of those things that we’ll see come game one um but at the moment this culture is really improved and it’s only improving every year nap is doing a really really good job um at fixing what he inherited so I mean hats off to him for that this year should look good um but really I’m a foreign punter who doesn’t know what practices look like you know I just punt the ball you know I can’t really um comment too much on team performances and stuff like that but I’m I’m looking forward to this year for sure I think a big thing that you hit on the head that we’ve we on the outside have always questioned and wondered is is the culture we’ve T I’ve talked about it on the show you hear about it again it’s hearsay hearing you confirm what we’ve wondered and thought it’s I’m loving it people are going to love hearing that and again like you’re right I may not know these things but you you can feel a Vibe you can feel what’s happening you can see what coach Billy is trying to do trying to implement so I love that go ahead Dave yeah I was I was just going to say that the same thing it’s like we we we just report the news that’s that’s my motto I just report the news but we we literally here we we we talk about football and and we’re the Talking Heads we’re the guys that see what goes on but we don’t see anything that goes on behind the scenes we see the the the transfers and the uh the comments after the transfers and it it gets our head spinning a little bit it’s it’s it’s good to know that like uh we can interview somebody like you and kind of get more of an Insight of what’s going on on the inside and it makes the fans and people like us feel a little bit more at ease with with what’s going on behind the scenes and in the program especially with Billy Napier and the staff so hats off to you there uh I only had one more question before I I don’t know if Shelton’s going to close it out here or not um you know you’re your NFL you said you have aspirations for the NFL um let’s say you go to the NFL you have a successful career and you decide to retire from the NFL what what’s Jeremy khaw doing after the NFL that’s a good question I don’t think I’ve ever thought ahead that far that’s 12 years in a row Dave yeah 12 years away that’s a long way away Dave you know what I mean got a Hall of Fame career ahead of him all right he’s already day he’s already day ahead of us so that’s true that’s true um good question look if I wasn’t punning um my dream was always to be um in the Air Force here as a fighter pilot so I mean I’d try and spend my days flying around doing something along those lines maybe traveling a little bit you you know um ah interesting I think I’d try and maybe stick around the sport a little bit um Mentor some younger guys I don’t know if I’ve thought that far ahead to be honest I’m just focus on the here now I guess I was gonna say you’ll have plenty of money to figure that out with hopefully hope well look that I was ask that’s a great question because I was gonna say hey Like Pat McAfee you know that could be a future for you you’ve always got a spot here at high top sports Mike I think you do a phenomenal job I don’t know if you thought about sports commentating but uh you got you got a Swagger for it so we’re here for it so that’s that’s a possibility I do want to say uh who who is a punter that you look up to that you looked up to and that you look up to now that’s like hey I’m trying to emulate his game and there’s some things that he does that I’m watching to try to bring on to Art bring to the field now yeah um I don’t I looked up to originally I looked up to a lot of the Aussies that were already in the league when I was starting this you know you got your cam Johnson’s um your Michael Dixon’s Mitch wishnowski you know those guys that were already playing I think as I as I’ve gotten older um I watch a lot of NFL film and I try and take bits and pieces from everybody you know they’re the best of the best and they’ve been in the job for a reason um and so you take little bits from everybody that they do really well in areas that you might be struggling you’ll go watch some film you I like what he does there he holds on to the ball a little bit longer he he does this with his step right you know and you just analyze so I take little bits from everybody now so I used to look up to those guys and I still think I do um because they were Australians and they paved the path for somebody like me to go into the NFL as well um but now I more so just take little bits from everybody um and I think I just have a mutual respect for everybody that’s doing this right now you know sure it’s a business and also too I do want to give a huge shout out to Florida victorus for for allowing us to have this conversation with you and I know you do a lot of work with them volunteer work can you talk about that a little bit and what it’s meant for you and the the connections you made with I know with a lot of kids and building homes and whatnot yeah so I’ll uh while I’m home in Sydney I’m working with a few um Charities here um which is really good to give back to the community that already gave me my opport opportunities you know um work with some some uh Charities that are close to my heart as well and my values um a lot of mental health stuff because you know we all struggle with that these days um and we’re more open with those kind of conversations um and so really just those kinds of Charities to give back to the community as I said that gave me my start so I love that that’s awesome that you’re able I didn’t realize you could even do it locally that that so that’s really cool that you’re able to to go back home and connect with uh what you’ve been working with yeah that’s fantastic man well Jeremy look this go ahead Dave no I was just agreeing with you I said yeah oh just confirmation the Gators are back right we’re feeling pretty good about it and uh look I do want to ask about the schedule everybody’s talking about it me me personally as a fan I’m extremely excited about it being considered one of the hardest schedule in in college football history this daunting Tas ask what’s the vibe for you and in the locker room like is anybody really caring about it or is just just business as usual let’s I don’t care who’s on the other side of the football field it’s we’re here to murder somebody we’re definitely trying to instill a bit of that into the team right now um I think us as Leaders as the older guys we’re trying to take our perspective our views away from what has happened in the past and now changing our mentality to saying it doesn’t matter who’s coming up we’re just going to give everything for this game don’t think ahead don’t think we got this school or that school next week or two weeks coming it’s this game we got to win this one and when we win this one we look at the next one and we’re going to want win this one so it’s we’re taking each week as it comes not getting too far ahead of ourselves and thinking about you know National Playoff whatever each week is a new week and that’s what we’re going to focus on in that week we we as a fans we got squirrel brain so we’re constantly like that’s how we look right and and we hear coach here in press conferences they ask somebody look I I’m I’m worried about this game and I kind of brush it off of like no way but it looks like it’s being instilled of like no really like it’s we have to we can’t if we don’t we’re going to skip the step and I’m going to trip over the the step that I just went over so love hearing the consistency and and getting to talk to a lot of the players the one thing that I always compliment on is just the the continuously the same the the how you guys are the message is consistent through and through you know sometimes you talk to mult people it’s like telephone game it’s like nobody saying the same thing I love the fact that when you talk to we punters you know running backs DB doesn’t matter where it is the message is all the same and yes although you guys are playing together you go to your own different areas your own groups you know what I mean it’s not like you’re all just always together so that is refreshing to hear and I think fans appreciate hearing that as well as as do I yeah yeah go ahead Dave yeah this this is a game you have to take one game at a time like uh I go through I watch lot of Joe Rogan a lot a lot of Dana White I like Dana White too but I watch a lot of Joe Rogan it’s like you you’ve got to remain focused on the goal and as long as you remain focused on the goal you’re not worried about what somebody says about you online you’re not worried about like what your what test scores are going to come up next that nothing outside of that one like if you have complete Focus like you’ll perform so much more better than you would at 100% you will perform like 150% yeah I love it Jeremy I appreciate you taking uh 30 minutes out of your Friday morning Forest over here this was fun yeah this was a blast man I I really do appreciate it again I know you guys got to do do these couple of these things but uh it was an absolute blast genuinely getting to talk to you hopefully I’m able to find you at some point you can sign my jersey uh that would be absolutely incredible enjoy your winter is it Christmas there or do you guys have Christmas the same time as we do same time same time it’s just hot it’s just hot swim that’s right I was watching Bluey with my son the other day and it was it was time Christmas so I’m getting getting getting caught up on these things you know what I mean doing the best the best I can when I when when I got home from when I got home from Florida like my my wife saw the shirt that that was autographed she’s like you’re not wanting me to wash this I said hell no don’t was that I want that signature on there I’m framing that frame that bad boy love that well tell them when they can find you man on Instagram and Twitter you got some on liners on Twitter I absolutely love it you just you come in at the right time every single time with the with the Zinger so tell them where they can find you man yeah Twitter um Instagram I think you’re flashing them at the bottom there but um yeah just go follow I guess I love it man well Jeremy I appreciate it man go Gators hey have a great season I look forward to you uh this this upcoming season and the NFL draft man thank you thank you thanks thanks Jeremy appreciate it man good stuff man


  1. Florida punters weren’t popular until the Townsend brothers?! You’re going to feel the wrath of Ali Peak-Wilbur! 😂😅

  2. Anyone on here watch Marty and Michael or shammi and dim and Austin they are freaking hilarious hahaha they’re insane!!

  3. I understand the optimism and hope everyone has for Billy but it's crazy how when we had wins with other coaches it was recruiting now buddy here he can recruit alittle bit better but result or worse then it has ever been he needs to evaluate his in game decisions and stop going backward when it comes to the record and trying to develop the class he signed instead of older transfer students who has been coached up else where

  4. Interesting to hear how from behind the lines that Billy has been weeding out the toxic players from the past regime. I don’t think we on the outside looking in think about this…’s something that must be exhausting to a coaching staff as well as the new players

  5. Oh man… flying across the international date line is crazy. I left LAX at 12:45 am on Memorial Day, flew for either 15 or 16 hours, landed in Hong Kong at like 2:45pm TUESDAY…. lost a day and a half, bc those planes stay dark. Shutters down. So you tend to forget you're flying until you hit turbulence. On the way home, we left Hong Kong on a Friday at around 1:30 pm. Flew for I think 17 hours? And landed in LAX at 11:45 that same Friday. So I lived the same hour forty five twice…. weird

  6. Shelton I'm tired of all of the Gator fans saying Napier needs to go they need to understand he was brought here when this program was a dumpster fire from toxic players, all the way to a bad coaching staff this season really feels like he got everything under control and he can finally breathe from all of the tension from inside the Locker Room

  7. Great interview!
    Crawshaw ROCKS!
    I hope he drops a punt into Kirby Smart's stupid face!
    Go Gators, 2024 SEC / National / Superbowel Champions! 16 – 0!

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