Golf Players

2024 Västervik Open Presented By Prodigy | R1F9 | Swärd, Hagman, Källström, Carlsson | SDGPT #2

Welcome to the second Swedish Disc Golf Pro Tour event of the 2024 season. We are at the 2024 Västervik Open Sponsored by Prodigy Discs. This is the second stop of 7 on the tour. Stay tuned for coverage releasing this week!

Round 1 Feature Card:
Anders Swärd
Markus Källström
Pelle Carlsson
Henric Hagman

Derek Scull & Fritiof Fagergren

Alvikens Discgolfbana Black

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00:00 INTRO
01:13 HOLE 1
06:44 HOLE 2
09:40 HOLE 3
16:40 HOLE 4
20:47 HOLE 5
26:06 HOLE 6
29:50 HOLE 7
34:47 HOLE 8
37:47 HOLE 9
42:45 OUTRO

#discgolf #gatekeepermedia #Västervik

[Music] welcome back disc gol fans we are at the vesic open tour stop number two for the Swedish disc golf pro tour this event is proudly sponsored by Prodigy discs and like I said tour stop number two Bal open was a great opening to the season we’re excited to show you the next chapter I’m Derek skull and beside me I have fre off fager grin once again on the mic how’s it going bud I’m doing great I’m really excited to see these guys play and attack this uh very very uh uh hard hard course yeah uh this is the first time I’ll be viewing this course as we are not here for this event but let’s jump into our feature card right at the top we have Andre sard he is the local here living just a Stones throw away from the property yeah and uh we saw him on lead card uh both two rounds at the Vol open uh we also got Marcus shellstrom a huge Legend in Sweden he has six uh uh Swedish uh titles uh one European championship and he came in twice uh in second place at World Championships in 03 and ‘ 07 n two years after that he was ranked number seven in the world so um with those two guys we also have Henrik hogman and Pelle Carson Henrik two time Swedish Champion uh and P Carlson is my teammate at heatland disc golf so yeah really excited hen Henrik is on the card not only because of being uh you know some of the accolades on his as well but he is a prodigy member team member as well so we’ll see some representation of our title sponsor yeah and ho one under throwing a really good shot just uh didn’t get the check up there close to the basket he’s going to be inside the circle for the birdie though uh so this is actually a triple Mando 72 meter throw this one of the easiest uh holes on the course you really want to get this one to get your round started yeah I will say that that is a pretty generous uh triple Mando yeah yeah it is it is I’ve seen a lot of people miss it though first first round or first hold Jitters gets I can imagine yeah Henrick playing a really beautiful shot there with a forehand you’re going to see him pump a lot of forehands he has some of the or he’s one of the guys that can throw it the furthest in in Sweden Mar going with the turnover back in yeah really clean turnover should land nice and flat stopped up by the tree keeping him there right at right at the Circle yeah really nice shot from him [Applause] too camper band foree [Music] skate [Music] farway so yeah Pella my teammate really nice guy he’s actually living out of a a little tour van that he’s he’s got all set up there so he lives at the he lives at the courses that we play it’s really cool one of the few people to do it that is awesome to hear that that’s uh starting to emerge a little bit more in the scene in Sweden so hopefully that Trends in the direction further yeah yeah for sure and also I don’t know what it is but we are constantly graced with seeing left-hand talent in Sweden yeah yeah there’s a lot of really good left-handed players uh in our country actually uh really close on that putt there you really want the this birdie to to get a buffer this birdie and the and the hole after this for as old buffer for hole three which is one of the most difficult holes in Sweden I would say so mark is really really happy to convert there Henrik hogman he’s uh very famous for his putting style he putts it hard straight in the middle of the basket with Heiser so he he can get a lot of comebacks if he doesn’t hit the basket but mostly it looks like that really nice putt loads of confidence yeah yeah no kidding and Anders he’s uh uh one of the guys to design this course actually so he’s been involved in in designing it and a lot of the holes you can uh you can tell that he’s been uh been there uh working his magic you know because of the tight really tight gaps in the beginning of the uh right up the te like we yeah on hold 2 81 m just a you got to Pure it and uh you don’t want to get caught early cuz that’s just a par is a really good save if you get caught up early just like this that K least there that’s I’ll be you hate to say that yeah I’ll be uh I’ll be um surprised if he gets the par from there I I bet he only has a out yeah yeah I could imagine it looks pretty walled off in there with those smaller trees and we’re getting another one that’s got a fortunate kick back into the Fairway really nice kick from a bogey to a par and this is a ped line yeah nestling up early trickling right up under the pin Bullseye so good this is honestly the type of golf that I love to watch tight wooded Fairways um allows you to really shape a shot but you have to throw with confidence uh because one one little misstep on your line angle speed control roll you can see a lot of damage yeah yeah yeah yeah I enjoy watching Wood Golf as well marus there with a really nice throw yeah nice and goes a little long but it’s still 11 M right outside the circle yeah you can see what hendrik has to deal with here oh that’s so close I think he had a line really trying to get Punchy over there yeah I think he had like a backd door little local route trying to go for it wow that’s a powerful pot yeah just stand still on Heiser 30 35 M if not more it’s really nice marus for Just Nails it wow what a start really nice first gets the birdie and then he gets caught up early goes long and just Nails 12 meter putt right off the bat really nice work you can really tell you know the champion mindset just making those yeah I mean I I mentioned a lot of that in the valhal open coverage is that it that really is the true tester of between the pro and the amateur is how because things missteps happen you can’t fire off 100% all the time so how you can recover from those mistakes is really how you you know tell the difference yeah yeah yeah for sure if you’re going to make a bad shot you better make a really good shot to make up for it two nice birdies here from Anderson Pella and uh moving on to Hole three I’m betting this is the hardest hole in Sweden this has to be it’s a yeah it and you think it’s tied off the tea but it’s like it just keeps you know it’s the same like three four two to 3 to 5 meter Gap the whole way going uh 170 m straight and then turning left and then right again so it’s a little snake at the end there and hitting the Gap here is so crucial under sleeking a little bit right but it seems like it filtered down so he’s going to have a um if he go if he got down there quite a bit he has like a line to get back onto the Fairway there’s an old teapad over there P going with a the forehand it’s a little overturned but a really nice reaction you can see it filtered down to uh just the right side rough there so he’s going to have something to work with yeah it looked like it was able to fight through those Pines just fine Marcus ripping one also to the right side that filters too yeah they’re making the right miss the left side is way more scary to be at hogman packing a punch drifting right as well yeah they’re all going to be down there at the the right side of the Fairway there and you’re going to see some uh really long far drives from hogman I think he has some power oh that was close so yeah just being like four M off the Fairway all he has is a putt so with not ideal footing on that Hillside either yeah yeah really nice putt out to the Fairway though Marcus has has a nice force over line here oh that got just a little bit not enough turn it’s going to fade out to the left side rough see what he does from there Andes with M keep turning sneaking through getting the full flight out of it nice oh yeah that’s even pushing the back wall there uh just there is turning left so really nice speed control there oh no yeah this is what happens let’s hope he can recover nice flip up there just a little bit too far okay so this is a really nice position to be hearing uh sets up nice for the par if he just keeps it in the farway I couldn’t quite tell where where that went if it was too long and kicked out into the farway OR it kicked left it kicked left into the rough there yeah uh kind of in that uh little bowl of the the two hills meeting yeah wow what a shot from turning the catch cam you know you got a good shot if you make them flip yeah yeah that’s for sure really nice for Mark is going stand still higher FP yeah nice yeah he’s going to be in the middle of the Fairway so Henri pitches out again uses that uh really nice spin putt of his to find the farway and Andes with a forehand and we know that he thinks lowly of his forehands yeah but that was good I agree I I don’t think I’ve seen I don’t think I’ve seen a bad one from him yet no no me neither hey talks talks down uh on it but looks great oh my perspective was a little off it was a little short but it the line was perfect yeah the line was really nice nice throw there yeah but he he needs to give his forign more credit I feel like I agree oh just get stopped up a little bit kicking a little left however should be very manageable there in the green yeah really nice shot there from Marcus and the ones with just a routine up and down here I haven’t seen him Miss uh within 80 met of a basket I think yeah I assume what that the P2 he’s always throwing yeah yeah old dline P2 mhm let see if pel can convert oh little heavy armed there not I wonder if that was a little his mind was yeah his mind was playing all tricks on in there with the crowd and being on a film which can happen to anybody yeah but really really nice comeback put there that that looked at least least as long if not longer than the first putt so really nice uh correction there Marcus settling in for the straddle here yeah nice gut yeah he’s going to be happy with that part being one under after these three first holes uh it’s really good that’s where we want to be at even par is really good so nice job there and there’s also grabbing the par really nice job and I H get with the bogey some of my favorite discs in my flight the best way to find your flight is to get out and use these discs yourself [Music] hole four 160 m par 4 so you really want to hit this uh main Gap off the te with a Heiser flip up that holds and pushes you want to land right about here and that’s going to give you a approach into this uh green on the hill um and yeah again another hole that focuses a lot on the drive get caught caught up early and that’s danger gets the crowd to move that was a really nice shot though just flipped up a little bit on him but he’s going to be in a good position there either way Marcus well two early releases here now from Marcus yeah yeah that’s not what you want to wa you want to see how are conditions on these days in terms of wind and and things like that um the conditions were really nice the first two days were very ideal first uh second the first day was a little bit windy on some of the holes and the second day um as you’re going to see is was very very perfect like there was no wind and there was a sun but then the the third third day was the rain was coming down hard so made the scoring really hard so yeah three out of four players had the crowd moving but they’re all going to be in great positions here’s marus after a pitch out that’s not the reaction you want to see so he’s going to be in a really really tough spot down there to the left is thick thick rough did that rock wall behind here play as OB yeah yeah so anything uh to the right of that wall is actually OB yeah yeah as we could see our a lot of our card is playing with that boundary mhm yeah footing not so sure there yeah and here is Henrik I like this approach with the forehand because he um makes the landing uh soft and the yeah as you can see that executed to Perfection so the disc doesn’t slope away from the basket you know it checks up and has the right uh rotation to to stop uh close to the basket Anders with a P2 for backhand approach and checks up nicely y four minutes to the basket Marcus with a forehand he has really nice forehand uh approaches it’s a good forehand game as yeah that Nestles well yeah really nice approach so this should be P for birdie oh really nice bit there needed some more Heights okay so Anders got the par right cuz uh yeah he got the par so it’s a good par though uh there’s a lot it’s going to be a lot of bogey so Han catching taking a lot of Strokes on the on the field here and uh yeah there you can see the damage that uh these uh this course does to you if you miss your drive uh speaking of dangerous drives whole five 205 M uh and this is a really really narrow Gap all the way going out into this Fairway and if if you kick anything left or right early on the of that wall you’re going to be OB the OB also carries to the left of the Fairway uh and to the right of the Fairway but you got some rough in between the faway and the OB there um not to mention a barrier right there in the middle yeah with uh taking out any lower plays yeah and also protecting uh a little ant colony being course there really that’s cool yeah they have two of those uh little protective uh fences and on one of them I don’t know if it says on both but on one of them it says me stuck G know and uh it’s like a kind of a word play in Sweden in Sweden uh for yeah I can’t really explain it but yeah it’s funny in Swedish okay and Anders and H hug just lacing these drives really nice shots they’re going to be a little bit on the left side rough though so uh play for the birdie might be or it’s going to be hard at least you really want it to fade out into the Fairway like pet us oh yeah that’s a great he going to be prime yeah that’s perfect and there’s Marcus see if he can correct from the last two drives all the turn oh it looked like it was Gunner too yeah man but it kicked down into the Fairway I wonder if if he has something here trying to look for the left side Gap a low point and shoot wow really really really nice shot really good recovery that’s that veteran status right there yeah a just pumping it yeah holding it’s such a nice force over line like panning it out and Landing it completely flat just letting it rip up the farway it’s such a hard shot to master to make your overstable discs go straight and far but probably one of the most uh important skills to have when you get into the wooded golf yeah and playing with the wind as well it’s a really it’s a weapon so under’s pitch up under’s Pitch up was a little left not ideal and Henrik is not going to be happy where uh he ended up with his second shot he actually had much more of a clean look than I thought he was going to have P taking some casual relief um we played the Swedish championships here on this course in 2021 and uh it was the worst three days of of uh my disco career I think or four days because it was R it rained more than I’ve ever seen it rain like ever during those days and so this was all a big big just sea or body of water this whole faway was just water and you said that was 21 yeah so that would be that would have been uh the last of the three consecutive years that this course had hosted the Swedish championships is that correct oh man you’re putting me on the spot right now I’m not sure about that one I’ll have to get back to you with that uh with that stat really nice recovery shot from uh from Henrik though being that deep in the rough nice old backand line going through the rough and here’s another perfect forehand play from Marcus really well executed this is the birdie put from P really long bid okay so he’s just choosing to pitch that up tapping in a par that’s smart and Henrik for the par perfect putt he puts them so hard on Heiser that they never kind of never Heiser they kind of never higher they just go straight so I did just check and that stat is correct wow um it the course was put in the ground in 2019 and it hosted the Championships uh 1920 and 21 wow thank you for checking that yeah CU they have a really nice course close by as well called yenu um because there has to be two courses for the Swedish Championship so we alter uh those courses and and how do you pronounce the name of this course alvean alvan Alvin yeah there you go all right hole six away from uh Woods you could say I mean we’re still in the woods but it’s not it’s not the tightly wooded uh hole that we’re used to seeing by now so this is a a nice little turnover shot that you want to hold the whole way and you really don’t want to miss uh left or right or kick left or right because OB is lining uh the farway all the way down to the basket um and this is a really really pretty shot there from Henrik keeping the speed control nice that should be uh inside the circle for birdie Anders throwing I like the higher line yeah yeah he has some better height to it oh yeah nice shot that’s awesome checks up on the trees there behind the basket as well yeah yeah so maybe Henrik actually threw it too low to be inside the circle he might have been a little bit short there we’ll see and this is a oh man just a little too turned over there yeah this is a lefty hole if I’ve ever seen one so he’s not going to be happy with that result Marcus oh boy whoops yeah that’s danger of going OB yeah it didn’t look like that really turned for him at all yeah unfortunate well now a lot of Shrubbery between him and the green here trying to go with a high Flex with a forand really well executed Nice Shot there really good recovery so those those touchy forehand that we’ve been seeing here just living up to the legend oh yeah yeah for sure okay so Henrik was a little short still going for this putt though oh all right so he’s going to have a comeb backer at least it stayed in a spot that’s kind of got more of an opening yeah but slightly lower than the basket which I think he didn’t quite compensate for there yeah hitting the cage that’s a nice putt all right so not not the result that he was looking for on this hole but a good bogey putt so under for birdie makes it oh wow that was actually on its way out lucky it didn’t jump the all the way out I feel like disappointing yeah sometimes on these Prodigy baskets when you just put it in dead center it the disc kind of flips and goes vertical and then like kind of Ricochet back I think this golfing can improve a community in many ways it brings people together that maybe some of these kids who feel a little bit lost could find something like dis golf find friends find people to come together and play the sport encouraging people to work together kids to know one another love one another a way for these kids to have a really fun thing to do together I think that’s what we need in the world love one another and do life together whole seven another par five where the t- shot is so crucial there’s OB lining the uh the trees on the left and the right side so you really really don’t want to get C up early uh you’re going to land about uh earlier than that pitch up to about here uh care care for the OB on the right side there and then you have a low ceiling uh Gap to go all the way down to the basket on a leaning green so this is one one of the more difficult holes on the course and this is a little wide to the right well it’s uh some of that uncut grass there and just stop yeah that’s kind of unlucky but I think he’s going to have a you know the the number one goal with the t-shot is just get it in play not like yeah don’t do that but oh really nice kick though kicked right out to the F he’s going to be safe there so he can still save the par oh boy a yeah that was pulled for Marcus kicked right and then left and then dumped down so we’ll see where he takes his next shot here’s Henrik oh really nice yeah say beats that tree for sure wow jeez here you can really see the power he put behind that disc well that’s such a long drive gets the catch cam to turn hello with the forehand it’s looking really nice mhm yeah that’s in great position to get pick up the par here the team Sweden shirt throws a flip up it’s looking really nice yep he’s going to be happy with that result and here’s Anders looking to get himself into position for an upshot into the basket oh man yeah and as you can see there’s Obi on that corner there so hopefully stayed safe here’s Henrik throwing the forehand what what what a reaction that was looking really nice that was he was looking trying to push it into the gap unfortunate kick and roll there but he’s still going to be in position for the birdie though same same spot it looks like man yeah those shots were both looking so nice and then the tree just said no Marcus here he threw that a little bit long of the ideal spot for the for the for the next shot so we’ll see if he can manage managed to do something to get up to the basket and there’s really really nice shot there that was going over the OB and then tracking turning into the Gap he’s going to have a routine uh upshot there for for his next shot is Henrik trying to force over a forehand got caught on the right side okay so hopefully he can get up and down from for his par from there hello yeah that’s not what you want to do and as always oh yeah there you go yep the P2 again really nice shot there from Andes so Pella needs to get up and down here for the for the bogey really lands very softly there on that mound okay so Henrik actually kicked out into the Fairway and using his strong putt again for simple upshot the approaches get really simple if you have a putt like that yeah I’ll say yeah no oh Mark is running from Deep man man that’s an aggressive play okay so Henrik tapping in a par par from Anders Pelle with a bogey save and Marcus unfortunate hiccup here on seven but that’s what it’ll do to you if you miss the drive and uh dangerous drives here comes another one God ho eight uh 86 M downhill and then with a right uh turn on the at the end so throwing a back end here is really touchy you want to hit it yeah you really don’t want to get caught up early kicking right early is just jail he might not even have a pitch up from there because it kicked up over the rough and then fell down like deep Henrik showing you what to do lacing a forehand drive and yeah that’s perfect yeah I think the forehand as a right-handed player is definitely the more PR predictable route oh yeah uh requires a lot less focus on timing yeah I agree with opens the Gap a little bit more but there’s just something about a heer flip to WR drift that I love to watch look at this drive so smooth by Pella oh just up right into the bullseye really nice shot there so Mark is also throwing backand drive on this one putter most likely yeah it looks that way flipping it over cuz you know at 282 ft slightly downhill we’re probably playing around 250 yeah yeah I’d say so and I like Marcus’s play there like not trying to turn anything over too much just like playing a stra shot and just making a putt not making it too difficult wow that’s a good recovery there I mean really nice recovery he was fortunate to not be so deep into that yeah it looked like it it must have kicked out into like lighter rough close to the farway yeah that’s not what you want to do after a shot like that though unfortunate bogey but fortunate to not have been worse oh man that was kind of the bounce back I feel like he needed to get his round going you know unfortunate to miss that birdie putt but no damage done and these are just going to be tapin from hug and P really nice drives there little fist bump action yeah love to see it all right so hole nine another tight Gap off the uh of the T OB lining the right side uh so you want to keep on the left side and then there’s an Hazard green um so you need to pass over Hazard area to get into the 7 meter uh in or from the basket yeah big green oh he missed on the right side but he was fortunate to kick into the Gap kind of and fade left you really don’t want to miss a ride on this one this is a really touchy shot from P yeah looked like it just jum didn’t look great yeah it’s horrible oh wow oh I think I think we’re really just starting to see kind of a lot of these hero shots where you’re just trying to like really stop the bleeding and you’re giving it just that little two extra cuz you’re trying to make up the difference and it’s uh one of those things that can snowball from you ha yeah but and they showing us what what no wow that was looking perfect they must have caught Edge slightly yeah it if it would have gotten a little bit more High here it might have skipped left more I kind of landed flat that’s so unfortunate after such a good drive so mark is going to have a little scrambly approach into the green we’ll see if he goes for it or if it lays up from there you think it’ll be a forand I think it’ll be a backand over like henrix right here but he’s not going for the green that was a layup so uh he’s going over the hazard on the next shot and P you can see p throwing from the from the right side uh of the Fairway from the hazard area so if you if you go out of bounds or if you go into the creek you always go up on the right side and play your next shot from there looks like Marcus is going forehand he is yeah you’re right okay so he’s laying up I would I would think just yeah to get to get to that corner as close as you can just so that there’s a chance at running it from there yeah or just getting your Bogey and just moving on so here’s hogman and he’s very he’s very much much going for this one with a forehand going above the tree does it make it oh man just a little bit short so and’s playing his next shot from the right side throwing that md3 again just checks up before the hazard really nice shot there so he’s going to have that for par looks like a pretty well manicured green here so I think oh yeah that was very nice yeah easy to get the it’s nice easy to get the skip out of out of the green nice touchy forign approaches here from both those guys and here’s Henrik from the hazard area oh oh my what a catch what can we see that again that was amazing think we’re gonna yeah here we go what squeaking in a gatekeep rewind here at the end of our front nine really nice putt yeah you don’t often see those catches high right on the uh like to the right or left side on these Prodigy baskets so no you can definitely thank the cage for that one yeah thank his sponsor solid put there from Anders yeah really nice par after going OB on the drive nice putt mik is cleaning up [Music] here all right Anders with really just one blemish here on the front nine got plenty of room here on the back coming up that should be playing a little shorter for the folks but here’s our leaderboard going in as a with a hot round he’s actually a junior player uh 15 years old from uh Yori in Sweden it’s all Les his home course it’s really cool to see him play such a hot round on this heart of a course and no bogus on his scorecard that round as well so huge great love love to see young Talent make making a name for themselves and really happy to be showcasing things like that as well so thanks for watching everyone this has been the front nine here we will catch you on the back


  1. I agree with Derek about what differs from amateur and pro. The mindset towards recovery. Some people have it naturally, most don’t. But i think that is a strategy worth working for.

  2. Ahh behold the beauty of scandinavian forest in the spring time. Birds singing and you can finally throw without snow and ice. Paradise!

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