Golf Players

The Game-Changing Downswing Hack You NEED




Ultimate Guide To Rotation In The Downswing

Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

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now Tommy Fleetwood is one of the best ball Strikers on the planet and one of the big reasons to why that is is because of his follow through so his famous follow through with that sord off finish is something that you can use in your golf swing to get you in loads of positions in the down swing that are really quite hard to get but are absolutely essential to have a great move through the golf ball for good ball flights good rotation good power so this is something that we even see some of the best players in the world because of Tommy’s success with that follow through have tried to emulate like Justin Rose for example so let’s get into why this is so good and it’s an awesome little hack for the downswing to get a bunch of things into there so to understand why that short follow through is going to help your game so much let’s understand why Tommy started doing it in the first place so Tommy Fleetwood started doing this because he struggled with having too much Trail side Bend in the down swing so he has that trait currently in his swing but he doesn’t do it excessively so like he used to so when you have too much Trail side bend that club could easily get on the inside drop way too much down and your rotation will stall and you’re going to then fire out to the right so how Tommy got that short follow through to help with this was actually all via just hitting a punch shot him and his coach at the time worked on hitting punch shots CU to hit a good punch shot you have to have that upper body on top of the lower body you can’t have that upper body tilt back and really have this excessive side Bend because then you’re going to throw the Loft you’re going to Loft it up instead of down we know we’ve got to deloft the club to hit the ball lower for a punch so instinctively to hit a punt shot you would have to be more on top of your lower body and shifting forward as a result so that calmed down his side Bend also punch shot of course like we said you need to create sharling your body has to rotate more instinctively to be able to do so so it would stop his side Bend and it would actually get him rotating more and of course as a byproduct it just developed the soff short follow through that you see Tommy Fleet would do he was just simply trying to hit punt shots as a drill and then because he rotated his body so much better he had way less Trail side Bend so the club was staying on path that’s where we see of course now this kind of signature move he just thought why don’t I just do this normally and put a ball in normal ball position and just hit with this same feel and all of a sudden boom it all gone in there so what does that tell us it helps us hugely by creating good solid rotation and having a good relationship between upper and lower body so this is really going to help you compress the golf ball more so this is where rotations a very tough thing to generally get into the golf swing takes a long time that’s where a simple feel like this which we learned why Tommy did it is it simply just got that move into his golf swing so continuous rotation going through the shot is a essential for playing better golf it’s why I talk about it so much on my channel because continuous rotation just smoothly turning through controls this the club face if we are turning through and letting the body govern the club movement going through the shot that face stays stable to the arc we’re not having too much flip and too much roll over where Tommy if he had too much side Bend then stools out rotation can quickly get the hands flipping over he could hook the ball which was what he suffered from in the past and if he ever goes through a period of swinging poly that’s what he will be doing wrong so that’s where for you guys out there having that continuous Rotation by just trying to get Tommy’s finish is really going to nicely get of course this in a simple way into your golf swing so if we’re getting that continuous rotation we know we’re going to be hitting the ball a hell of a lot straighter more consistently the dispersion is going to come in and we’re going to play better as a result and as we know also if we’re getting that little bit better rotation we’re staying stacked on top with that feeling of having that short follow through which we know for Tommy that kept him on top of the lower body nicely that’s going to help you compress the golf ball you’re going to be hitting the ball that little bit further so if you wanted to add into this do it just like Tommy you’re trying to hit the ball physically lower so you’re trying to punch the shot do it out of normal ball position and have that little sa off finish and that’s going to give you those nice benefits it’s going to give you that rotation it’s going to make you stay nicely stacked on top of that lower body so you you can compress it better again we can’t compress the golf ball if we’re back here so some brilliant brilliant benefits to it so for a great drill to do to make sure you’re really doing this properly other than just that punch shot feel whilst having his good little finish cuz that’s a drill in itself having the short finish with a punch shot feel but you can do this also this is what I call generally the Tommy Fleet with draw I have this quite often on my channel which is we get to that finish but we make sure in that finish position our right arm is still bent so this really helps you to continuously rotate cuz if I’m in my here and the right arm is still bent so still got that softness to it that means that impact again that right arm has to be bent if the right arm is bent at impact that means my body has stayed down whilst turning through the shots if my right arm is straight my body has had to stand up and then it will flip it will stall that rotation so that’s one really big key thing here making sure that right arm is staying bent if you can keep it bent all the way through to the Finish then you know not only have you got that good trait in there but you will keep everything continuously turning through it’s your sure far way of knowing that you have stayed in that posture and you have continued to rotate again if the rotation slows down come out of posture you will fire that right arm so you could have that punt shot feel just out normal ball position like Tommy Fleetwood did short that follow through but make sure that right arm is still nicely bent and that’ll be a great way to go about working this so you can improve your swing make sure of course everything’s nicely in there now so this is why doing doing that Tommy Fleetwood short follow for is such a beneficial thing for your swing it’s almost like a little hack to getting a load of different little areas in your golf swing without even trying always said something as simple as that helped Tommy Fleetwood to become one of the best players in the world one of the best iron Strikers absolutely and it’s going to help your game too now you understand why it helps so much if you enjoy the video click that like button if want more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button hit a bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video


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