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Ron Futrell and Keith Lyle | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 147

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports.

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[Applause] [Music] hello everybody and welcome to punch lines I’m your host Frank nicaro longtime comedian lifelong sports fan I hope you guys had a good weekend maybe you had a few winners I won a few bucks on Rowdy tles and the Pittsburgh Pirates and on the Kentucky Derby $8.37 woo thank you Kevin bellof I took forever across the board so I did all right but here’s someone who did not do well at the Derby and had 15 chances to do it right to win so we’re doing his buddy gave him he goes I’ll bet you $200 take 15 horses and options come on boys I think I didn’t win that bet with with I think I I lost are you [ __ ] kidding me whoops so anyway uh he didn’t win he did not win but we won and seeing that clip and the reaction of everyone on the like that anyway the guy his buddy gave him 15 horses he couldn’t do it uh ladies and gentlemen in the studio uh oh behind the glass uh Ryan is not here today Ryan is a little under the weather Ryan B McCormack b stands for um migraine or headache I don’t know whatever he’s got he doesn’t feel well his head’s killing him be back tomorrow there you go I had b stands for boo to the Dallas Stars for eliminating his golden KN so I felt bad that they lost I even sent him a text in here back so I knew something wasn’t good but anyway stepping in we have two pinch hitters ladies and gentlemen and they’re two Allstars uh who do you want well we’ll introduce Keith Lyle is here Keith’s comedian local comedian here in Las Vegas yay Keith big Chicago a sports fan he’s told hysterical stories about working on uh The Hangover he was the the dealer and also watching Pete Rose get kicked out of a club yep and working in the casino the whole deal yeah the whole deal the whole deal there you go yeah so Keith is back with us and then one of our Hall of Famers he was here on our Sandy kofac show and I don’t know when he was here last but anyway I don’t know uh 32 CB 32 CBS Sports guy Ron futral is here he’s back this is like four or he might be in the five timers Club so Ron uh it was a busy weekend here in Vegas we had hockey we had the Derby what did you do this weekend um I W I watched the Derby when it was over okay that was that was smart I picked Mystic mytic Dan Dan okay Mystic Dan won the race yeah what Yeah by a lot right by by by I had him by six links he was going to winth tell Keith tell him what happened next thing you’re going to tell me Nascar has close finishes too oh Ron you got middled really hard got really hard got R MC so no I did did not bet it I did uh how many horses are there 21 21 and that guy had 15 he 15 and he didn’t take forever young and he lost $200 and then he had an exploitive so no I Knights obviously had that game yesterday against the Dallas Stars and I went to a um watch party in Henderson now a little bit windy here yesterday you might yes yes no so it was not it not a whole lot of people there maybe a 100 people there at Heritage Park in Henderson it looked like the knights were skating against the wind there in the third period is there was no sense of urgency they were sloppy like you’re Cup champions this yes and and they improved on the Cup Championship with Thomas hurdle and and like that so they got they got some um Replacements some good guys um I I love how they circumvent the system UMAS whatever yes yes it is it’s legal to do it but there is a cap a hard cap in the NHL and I won’t get too complicated on this but it’s $83 million I believe this year maybe 83 and a half whatever um and so they go right up to the edge of that cap and then somebody miraculously gets hurt every year with the knights and somebody who’s worth 10 million a year and goes on long-term IR LTI yeah and then so they could sign a Thomas hurdle um like that and then keep that person on injured reserve until the playoffs begin because there is no cap in the playoffs right it does not apply why players union loves that because their players get more money and Tampa Bay did it for years that same thing they want a couple of Cups doing that same thing and yeah and the Knights do do it every year now I’m not saying the guys aren’t well maybe they’re not injured um but that’s what they do it it burned them a couple of years ago when they didn’t make the playoffs and it burned them this year going in as an eight seed well the one guy who was heard and and a fan had the ltir jersey at at an ice game and then the wife of the was like next to the Jersey yeah you you saw yeah so uh very funny stuff um I just want to check in with uh our live chat cuz Keith L’s here yeah uh Jerry trino is watching Jerry Jerry stop he’s he’s on a cruise he’s on a Disney cruise Disney Disney Cruise what kind of cruise is it okay okay yach rock what is it okay anyway Pablo Cruz Pablo Cruz is a big band in the 70s um Daniel hey oh wait Kei said I’m in the studio Daniel PCO oh oh what is this look at this all right come on in it’s Kaden’s birthday who works on the show look at this big group of people turning 21 and so instead of going to the strip club we’re bringing it to him bring it here bring come on come on here comes come on in Kaden has to so young Kaden who works oh we going wide here where the Sportsbook camera do they want to come in oh no okay come on we come in at 12:36 we want your picks we will have picks at 12:36 today don’t worry Pi hi hi hey there they are do you know do you know you know Ron oh come on knows Ron Ron Futrell has let’s see I’ve lived here 30 years and he’s been on TV since i’ kan’s 21st birthday he’s already oh you’re you’re telling the truth I was telling the truth okay he RI which one yeah there’s Kaden whose mom the one with the this m right okay yeah I met you guys the one yeah all right wow I’m believable and your hat is red Solo cups or the little Tiara okay I want him to wear it put it on give it to them okay so I’m putting the family stuff together figuring this out hi everybody hi see M happy birthday kayen all right I was just asking about you the other day Ron fut knows everybody put on uh Happ birth with the glasses I didn’t oh there we go I want to know um is this Mom and Dad yeah no oh Auntie and Uncle Auntie and Uncle oh that’s Mom do oh grandma oh wow hi Grandma uh mom do you remember the night he was created oh yes yes maybe a little bit uh oh okay just checking let’s set him up for Life the day he was born well he was born at 6:35 a.m. I’m told cor right all right so there he is drinking in something out of a paper cup we assume is coffee yes wow either way we can’t get him in trouble well happy birthday young K happy you’re welome thank you I know we’re going out tomorrow night is anyone going to Old Red tomorrow I’ll see you there oh red no oh ABS is great you’ll have a good time well that was very sweet of you guys to stop to go to magic see wow we didn’t even hear Sing Happy Birthday happy birth it’s ilal to Caden youen I like to do yeah I didn’t even know they we can clear those no one’s sing this we clear it uh anyway welcome uh back to the Show Ladies gentlemen it’s G’s birthday oh that was awesome uh I wanted to get into uh just talk about a little about last night more last night there was a Tom Brady roast which we can’t show any Clips because Netflix is heavily protected and there was nothing usable although we’ve already had one F bomb on the show today we but I know we would use it on The Brady roast uh but the Derby uh the Derby was fun and do we have the video of me at the Derby should we take a little look all right so listen here’s the deal folks I have an iPhone it’s plugged in as you see if I unplug it the world ends uh it just shuts off so I think there’s a battery issue so I tried to shoot some video at the Derby here which was an unbelievable party upstairs at the South Point and there were like a couple thousand people up there it was like watching the NCA tournament opening round so here’s just a little the beginning and then my camera died so here’s me so it’s time for the running of the 150 I’m going to go in and check out what’s happening up here at the Grand Ballroom get I made all so $4.99 for the hat at Savers the horses were 99 think this is like one of those purple ladies hats and I see a bunch of them over there now the Red Hat Society is the Society of older women who go out in groups you know about hi ladies I was I was going to ask if you could rate if you could rate my hat compared to yours I bought this hat how much do you think I spent on that that and the horses $2 I would have won with this $2 I you should have taken the over I spent $4.99 on the hat and 99 cents on the horses and I missed the contest it’s the story of my life but did anyone at the table win no oh man all right well you ladies look lovely thank you all right then my phone died so there you go I I had I had some footage of the race happening I thought it was rolling but my phone was dead but it was exciting it was a great party thrown upstairs mint jeps everything was like two hot dogs were two bucks mint jeps were like six beers were four I heard I didn’t purchase one yes I did I wasn’t working that’s right I can say that anyway it was a good time the Derby was a huge success and uh and we want to talk about how much money this thing generated and Keith and I were talking right before the show run $32.5 Million a new record wagered on the Kentucky Derby uh Kentucky Derby Day at the Derby 320 210 million of that just on Race 12 wow and I bet uh my guess is it’s mostly because of this show it is it’s because of our show and of course Ralph Ralph does race Las Vegas and they did the whole seminar and they did a special on the Derby so South Point helped contribute to over 200 million $210 million how much was paid out we do not know I don’t think they discussed that no but I feel like they did all right yeah I I think um they covered some of their Paddock costs there was a cute picture today of the winter Mystic Dan resting his head and sleeping in his stable like near his roses was very sweet but Ron you did not bet the race I I don’t I don’t watch the race I don’t like horse racing you for two minutes I don’t even like no that’s way too long my time is much more valuable you can’t give these Pon I turned it on when it was over and I saw the in and I saw some photo fortunately not with your phone they had a real photo F yet no you got to step up to like an iPhone 7 it’s like 2014 PR Max yes so no I don’t I don’t know horse race I’ve never been in I grew up in southern California so I had Hollywood Park and San right in my neighborhood um but still never I guess it’s something generational you had to grow up with it care about it and I just have never really cared about I got dragged to an OTB by my dad at 17 or 18 a couple times so I think that maybe got me my dad wasn’t a big horse it was his cousin really uh who would come to the he would come to the OTB with 10 20 30,000 in his boot jot off track yes oh it’s yeah you know oh doing by Nature oh hip hop we’re doing ’90s hip hop but uh so I did I was around horses I learned how to read a form and you know look at the you know but I didn’t mean I was going to win no listen your parents must have loved you a lot right that’s why they didn’t take you horse racing so you understood love now I will tell you that and and you know you will never see love from your father like you do when you pick the winner of that race and he gets to that ticket in front of his d friends my son picked that one go catch the ticket you four bucks or eight maybe no my dad well well now it’s down to 207 there was a lot of abuse in my family when I was younger so my dad who was an angels fan would take me to Dodgers games oh okay oh that’s abuse I got to go see kofax and D they pitch okay so anyway but he would talk about the Angels the whole time and because I said that that and he wondered why the true team from La is the Angels yes not Brooklyn cuz he still saw them as Brooklyn I get that um and but still take me angels suck dad why would I care about the angels I like Jee Audrey he’s a cowboy how about that Bo balinsky Jim F Fairley was Ron Fairley Ron fairy’s card and then of course in the late 70s when they were good Bobby gr Don Baylor Brian Downing I love Bri wore glasses and I had glasses they have Fred Lyn late in his they had a lot of guys late in their career too Fred Lyn and Reggie played there right there L and bosck oh uh L bosck was killed while he was playing yeah too soonm are we going dmore I was about to say dym uh um so anyway Bob deliso uh Bob Delmont excuse me uh Bob Delmont said that Mystic Dan was his Dragon Dungeons and Dragons name I believe that okay greetings punchies and punch LS what’s up uh Tommy Aon o Conor zany checking in Mystic Dan was my dungeon and dragon character early in the 80s it’s a normal Cruise says Jerry I apologize Jerry yeah we didn’t think you were on one of the Epstein cruises sorry Jesus the punchies Clown Room he on the plane he took the plane not the cruise well he used it was Epstein Island but it was formerly Fantasy Island to some of those people and I don’t know to take this as a compliment or not but Daniel Pacho said punch lines is without a doubt without a question winning the 49 to 75 age demographic today yeah it’s cuz Ryan’s not here wait a we got young Caden he’s 21 well welcome to it Kaden now I should mention today’s date before we move any further uh further no farther’s distance further is time right yes okay so further today is May 6 2024 it’s National beverage day Kaden perfect there you go drink up National Nurses Day thank you folks National No Homework Day screw you teachers an international no diet day so Kaden go for it baby there you go what do you got he’s he just put an entire cupcake in his mouth that’s not very keto is it that’s not keto that you can get keto ones but they’re not nearly so it’s national drink day Frank what are you going to drink uh I might have a beverage tonight I believe I I will be heading out tonight just for a little uh you know I I can’t tell the story I went to the D oh on Friday night uh the D downtown yes and Fortune cup is the horse racing game yes yes yes now they actually had the ancient one down there too they do so to get in the mood for the Derby the mechanical things Sigma Derby and the three the three horse is like this the entire the three horse has like osteoporosis runs like this but it’s the last machine of its kind and I read an article once the parts break it’s over but you put a quarter in you pick a couple horses and it’s awesome so uh we did that and then we went over uh Courtney and we went over to the fortune cup and we bet a dollar race and we’re breaking even and she bets the side bet the side the Dollar Bet where first two horses come in you win five right first three you win whatever so uh I have a winning horse at like 12 to1 hit and then I looked to the right and she hit the bonus for $1,050 she had all six horses it just comes up randomly look his mouth is a gate $1,051 was one at the D hit the button cast it got the hell out of there wow she could get herself something like Fruity with vodka with that she [Music] yes and she’s like it’s Keith was at the show I did last week at the coper room at the Bootleggers bootle Copa room uh which was fun uh and I did so well I get to play two more early dinner shows oh in Sun City and somewhere else uh Sun City Anthem Sun City Summerland yeah I’m doing those in September so maybe we I’d like to have you on the bill on that that was a fun show that night yeah it was uh but of course the Jimmy Comedy Club Friday May 17th The Late Show 9:30 oh is that right Saturday Saturday to show 7:30 9:30 May 18th yeah you could get your tickets online now I look thank you yes I got to check it out then okay I’m going to you said those dates real fast for me too fast May 17th and May 18th oh we’re going to start plugging it real hard okay Ryan got middled hard I’m going to start plugging real hard no I’ve been there many times yeah it’s a great ad Cora was the last one I saw there he’s there regularly quite a bit sort of a residency I guess yeah he does it like once every occasionally yeah Steve Burn another guy Pittsburgh as a residency Vicky barbac bar there on Tuesdays and uh Brett Ernst and Butch Bradley who are regular contributors to this show all right so um we want to look back one second then we’re going to just talk some more Sports we’re going to get to pics in about 20 minutes today is show 147 did you are 147 Jersey I did not bring my 147 Jersey I’ve got three of them at home right had you known it was 147 uh well we look back a 100 shows ago we look back to December 14th 2003 it seems so long ago and we were lucky enough to have Sports Illustrated writer Neil kulong who is originally from Pittsburgh and and Ryan asked him a great question about shohi Otani and how the Press were all over trying to figure out where he would land so here’s the rumors and everything we even said at one point this plane like there’s going to be like you Bozo the Clown is gonna jump out of it or something from Shark Tank yeah Robert from Shark Tank we were joking about it and that’s exactly what happened because when you sit back from a distance and I I want to say as well the the transactional reporters the highlevel transactional reporters it is such an insanely difficult job but they are used and they know they’re being used in situations like this their professional credibility is on the line and they probably know that this stuff isn’t going anywhere but they have to come up with whatever they have to find the angle that people are going to read in advance this story minute to minute and it’s next to impossible to do because as we saw in this situation they orchestrated it perfectly they knew exactly what they were going to do it was as if they had a script and they’re going to use every uh transactional journalist that is following this within an inch of its life to further what they’re trying to do all right so Ron he was talking about how all the rumors would show everyone is trying to get the jump and say where he’s going to land I remember the report came out he was a Toronto Blue Jay he was going to Toronto he was it was and there was a plane and they followed that plane and it turned out the plane from La was Robert herchik the guy from Shark Tank so he got out they’re like you’re not sh he’s like no but I’ll invest in your business you know your tarmac business what do you got so anyway sh uh he got booed when he went to Toronto last week before the game they booed him uh because he signed with the Dodgers so anyway he’s talking about what it’s like to try to get those leads and and the scoop no they’re planting stories okay you got to be careful everybody’s planting stories all the time and and you go with the ones you trust certainly there’s a handful in the NFL there’s a handful in baseball and and stuff that you can trust but credibility is on the line I’ll okay here’s here’s a quick story and take your time I’ll make it quick and might have work with me at the time I’m a channel 13 doing sports there okay I get you remember the story how do you know that story he I was a channel 13 and you know the story she knows she’s okay all right let’s I get a phone call from Don King to my desk Don King never called yeah Ron tell you what you gota you gotta dig up this story a fighter I forget the Fighter’s name just got arrested for cocaine at McCarron International Airport okay I won’t call it the name that it is now no we named our airport after the most crooked politician in Nevada history that do oh the most crooked politician in Nevada history most divisive and anyway um he’s office op anyway um that’s yeah name Bugsy okay so I get a phone call from saying saying that a fighter has been arrested I checked it verified it it was true certainly and then I thought okay but but then I had to go why is Don King calling me to give the story Ser you know it’s because clearly he wanted a competitive advantage in in future negotiations either with this fighter or against this fighter something to destroy him I never did the story okay because I said it wasn’t a big enough story first of all and it was the way I got it was I’m not going to say not fair I’ve taken stories like that that mattered but I was being used seriously I would the only reason Don King would call me for is to use me as a reporter so you got to be careful about those sort things wow only in America was it your instinct that Don King was using you or did you do a follow-up reporting to see if this was really no I didn’t know followup no no just jism major UNLV class of 99 double checking I didn’t I didn’t graduate from Jour graduate journalism graduate Jour journalism yeah I no I got out of college before they could screw me up worse no how no how screwed up our college is now okay I only went a semester I I made it I went to Duane University I had a 3.2 blood alcohol level yeah didn’t make the dean’s list made the Jim beam’s list nice it’s the tag I usually haven’t done on the show but anyway um tarot 1989 right there yeah yeah Duan un Duan and I rooted for Duane in the tour spell that school weird they do they spell it weird duzn looks like duzn uh where did you you went to unov you did graduate from unov yeah class of 99 you and Alex white anyone sits in that chair has to be a unov graduate yeah yeah non- college graduates sit on the edge we’ve heard we’ve always said that we’ve always said that um okay um we had we were talking about sports last night I don’t know a line of the night did you have one Keith something that caught your eye or no something that caught my eye I there were two things that actually caught my eye and one we already kind of talked about was the Nascar race one by 1,000th of a point by of a second by Kyle Larson I thought that was interesting and also Shani went four for four with two home runs unbelievable one of them was like 400 I had I had the game on in the background dead center field and the Pirates won yesterday so I was watching I was very excited uh bone I was gonna I usually if I’m gonna watch a Dodger game and by the way they’re blacked out here but my cable box my Direct TV Stream box is thinks I’m in La so I get the dod games me to tell you the way around all this well yeah well Ryan told me a few streams that’s how I saw the pirate games but so many sports are blacked out here the baseball package you don’t get there’s six teams you don’t get you don’t get the California teams and you don’t get the Diamondbacks Diamondbacks yeah or the Cali the Pirates on a West Coast trip that’s it don’t get me going on this it’s corrupt as hell and it’s idiotic East Coast Thinking by baseball no it’s East Coast thinking is because their offices are in New York they have no idea what it’s like on the west coast they think they the reason Nevada is blacked out is because our state touches states that have major league baseball teams so all the California teams five of them and the Arizona team are blacked out because they think we on a whim can just hop in our car I think I’ll go to a Giants game and drive to the Giants game this evening and you know leave home at at 2 o’clock in the afternoon because here’s my East Coast part of it is because you can do that you can live in Connecticut and go to an early game in Philly and then have lunch in New York and catch the Mets game at night and you can go to all these games on a whim sort of U But but so we get it blacked out so that they it’s Antiquated East Coast BS thinking um here in the west coast that that screw us but I do the same thing you do I use a VPN yeah or I have a super I have an elite super box I don’t know if you know what that is what is an elite super box I’m I’m going to do some they you know they have those things the the Major League Baseball with the express written Ron I don’t want you to get I allegedly have allegedly I have an elite super box 400 bucks on Amazon you can buy it uh and you plug that thing it took me five minutes to wire it up to my Wi-Fi and the world opens up NFL and oh everything what am I doing everything all the they’re on Amazon it’s Amazon NBA NFL NBA I mean NHL Major League Baseball you have all that you have you have Irish Cricket if you want it okay I know I got you there you have soccer from cutter if you like uh all the for cam races from from uh um bahin do you have that skating football that we showed a clip of once SK it doesn’t stop there every movie that you could think of tens of thousands of movies you know about these Elite super bows I I’ve I’ve uh heard about it from somebody I don’t know where current movies that are in the theater are on that Napoleon’s on there go go down the list it’s at the theat you Napoleon when you think of current movies I haven’t seen is that the well it is sort of a curent mie Napoleon starring Edward G Robinson that’s how current it is civil war Civil War is I want to see that’s on there for free to be able to watch okay Kane’s nodding his head then it has every east coast Channel you can get yes so my wife likes to watch like be able to watch um Bachelor Bachelorette us feed onv but she could watch them 3 hours early so she doesn’t have to wait up to watch them so you’re watching New York version of ABC NBC CBS and catching those shows you watch the Pittsburgh uh news no well you can do that on very local which runs the game show wait what happen with Frank N new episodes on Wednesday anyway it’s overwhelming it’s the thing is overwhelming but as a sports fan pay-per-view stuff I need 392 more dollars you’re almost there you’re almost there I’m going to roll this by the way that blackout that MLB blackout started by the guy that uh Airport’s named after just say just saying this guy by the way every time I say the airport I always say Harry Reams which is it’s that’s a joke you guys can all Google that’s Behind the Green Door you can which is also is behind the green it is used to have open mics I haven’t been to Commercial Center in a while I need to go back and we’re going to take a two-minute break we’re going to regroup we’re going to come back we’re going to check in with the uh the punch and we got our pick at 1236 and more with Ron fut and Keith L quickly becoming one of our funnier episodes we’ll be right [Music] back South Point offers all the types of entertainment you’d expect at a first class Las Vegas Resort did you know our 400 seat showroom is one of Las Vegas’s top destinations for live entertainment enjoy live performances by classic Vegas entertainers bands and Today’s Hottest comedians plus a rock and dance floor you can also enjoy live entertainment at the Grand View Lounge where you’ll feel all the Vibes of Old Las Vegas enjoy the music and if you love to laugh don’t miss the dirty at 12:30 our very own free comedy show every Friday night at 12:30 a.m. in the Grand View Lounge the dirty is 100% free so arrive early go to or call the box office at 771 136 for today’s performances at the showroom and the Grand View Lounge when you’re ready ready for your favorite cocktail stop in and unwind at one of our seven specialty lounges there’s a bar around every corner cuz you’re in Vegas baby South Point Casino has plenty of attractions for the whole family catch a movie our 16 screen movie theater includes two XD extreme screens for the ultimate in viewing sound and luxury after the show treat the family to a variety of treats at our oldfashioned ice cream parlor Kate’s Corner we scoop up a variety of creamy concoctions including smoothies hand dipped cones milkshakes malts sodas and Sundays at Kates there’s something for everyone and if you still got time to spare our Bowling Center might be right up your alley voted best of Las Vegas it’s a great place for friends and family fun 64 Lanes a shop snack bar and arcade and while the kids are bowling you can play Slots and sip on a drink in the alleycat lounge while overlooking the lanes for our more serious and professional bowlers the South Point is also home to a separate tournament bowling [Music] [Applause] [Music] Plaza and we’re back it’s punchlines uh the studio is South Point and live behind us is the sports book which I was here for on Saturday it was an absolute mad house it was awesome uh up there with the NCA tournament the the horse action and the race was it was tremendous so joining us today Ryan McCormick is under the weather he is not here today but we got an and birthday boy Kaden and Drew dog which we’re gonna get to the Montage at the end so uh sitting in today with me are Keith Lyall uh Keith comedian uh local here in Vegas originally from Chicago Chicago and we got Ron F the Vegas Legend who’s been here 40 years now want to be comedian want to be one of these days one of these days I’m going to do it I always funny I got a stage for you I could get your stage give meage no seriously I’m saying it’s um I know a guy there is so much there are so many funny stories of TV news oh I’m sure well the one and then yeah no there was so many stories behind the scenes with TV news it need to be told sounds like a book maybe even yeah behind the desk behind the desk where’s my prompter there you go where’s my prompter all right I want a prompter next time I told you oh it’s on the list theint we got a printer the prompter way next um so listen uh next Monday I am I’m lucky enough uh myself Alex white Ryan McCormick and Jeff parls from Sports by the booker to be playing in a a charity golf tournament that Ron is near and dear to your heart because you’re on the board yes FS of Honor great great scholarship group that donates money raise money first of all is what our job is um and then we donate it to uh the children of First Responders who and Military who have died or become disabled in action and so you can have a scholarship or you can have a trade school if that’s what you want to go to thank goodness one of the things I wanted to make sure about because of my previous statement that I said here is college is garbage um right but you go to trade school you want to learn how to be a plumber you want to learn how to be um well H sure whatever do something useful with your life instead of go to college make big money yeah and oh by the way make money steady work that so so it’s a great cause and next Monday out of PES 8:00 shotgun there are still spots available you’re gonna be out there yeah I’m gonna be we have the whole South Point I mean we’re all coming out right or the South Point Crews coming out uh yeah it’s very exciting I know I have to get up super early because it’s kind of far away but is a little ways or do I just stay up all night all night okay get some of that aiming oil in you let’s go got to get that get that swing oil I’m looking forward to it I’m not going to be very good but it is a four-person scramble it is so it’s the best ball which will uh Jeff and Ryan and I are already making bets I hope we’re in the same group can we well you know people there’s going to be tons of two-way action on that Golf Course two-way action it’s going to be fun so that’s next Monday I’m looking forward to it and I’m going to be up super early and uh I like it I’m going to be I’m I’m excited about it I don’t know which shirt I’m going to worry about which South Point shirt I have a black one and then I have another black one so I looked at the weather it’s only going to be like 89 so I’m like it’s early maybe I get away with the black one yeah you won’t need a quarter zip yeah no I’m staying short sleeves H all right um let’s see here it’s 1232 oh who wants to say who wants to Sound the Horn who wants to yell Sound the Horn Keith go for it and Sound the Horn a that’s the post time that means it’s time for post in 3 minutes we’re going to do a pick we’re going to do the picks within the posts there’s the graphic right there there’s my face okay Ron futel Rod fut and Keith ly join the show look at that crap I like seeing that make sure to subscribe to our Channel and on YouTube and you can listen to us on podcasts so an are we starting with the Brew Crew one or the Oakland A’s one okay so the Brewers uh you know that that’s beer brewing right and we know that there’s 1.1 Bill 1.1 million Brewers because we had that chart Ryan and I in America that this guy who does these takes the major league baseball logos and figures out how much they there he did one weight how much would a pirate was 180 pounds an angel weightless you can’t you can’t right uh but we and then occupations there’s a lot of Brewers 1.1 billion so anyway the Brewers they do stuff to rookie you know they make them carry their luggage but Milwaukee they did a little different you think oh the real Brew Crew is it going to do with beer nope nine rookies on the first place Brewers and they had to go fulfill a coffee order downtown Milwaukee so here they are in full uniform uh do we have a little volume on that if we don’t mind did ju set up please thank you so there they go so they’re just walking down the streets of Milwaukee and well hey there’s some K kids love caffeine uh and there’s people taking pictures and uh somehow this team who we thought traded away their best picture Corbin Burns to the uh Orioles they’re still uh they’re still riding high in the National leag Central they got the coffee order now they got to push it back it’s pretty funny I hate the Brewers because they’re always good in the last 10 years but that’s pretty funny and some groovy like I almost want to say like um what that that organ is definitely BR that would be like Bobby we all know the Brady bus absolutely except for Kaden Andrew exactly all right now we want to talk about this one because I have two local guys here and uh we could start it but it’s gonna it’s going to run right up against the picks of 1236 maybe we should just we’ll just fill time for 40 seconds before we get to this one what are you doing later today what’s your dinner plans Keith oh uh whatever uh my wife wants I’ll just make for her because uh I know she’s watching and uh we just celebrated our 22nd year of meeting each other our first meeting look at that I met your lovely wife the other night at the show it was very nice we went next door um we went next door to the restaurant yeah and we kind of cleared out the bar area we did uh we were loud we were we had just done a fun show and then the other reason the factor that Joe Deo was there Joe Deo was Joo is a little loud a loud Italian you know Jo yeah so we were a little loud and there was one booth they’re like really we were just listening to Joe do his thing yeah he was it was fun oh my alarm’s going off oh there goes listen to the Jingle run 126 so every day we Ron’s expression did we have that on good Ron wrote that Barry Manalo wrote that didn’t he well it’s Barry Manalo Williams let’s see somebody did Paul will Rainbow Connection so um that’s actually me and Jeff parl and Jerry Who’s on a cruise right now he autot tuned our voice and there you go more Grandma action what is Jerry talking about okay anyway grandma was cute I’m going to say oh all right so Keith you have a pick for us at 1236 I do I do uh my pick at 1236 is uh the Timberwolves tonight I don’t think they’re going to win but they’re getting points depending on where you go it’s either five five and a half six six and a half I think uh the wolves are going to uh with the points they won’t win out right but um they’re strong that Edwards is unbel unbelievable they’re going into Denver to face the Champs it’s hard to repeat I think the gold Knights would agree with that yeah uh the Nuggets basketball is a grind as well uh the Lakers gave a good run a little bit of a run there’s the line here right now w a game oh seven they would have gave it the series one game gave it to him because it’s La you got to give him something for the ratings you know how NBA well you know how Dar you saw Darin him did you see the play where he was diagramming a play and there was nothing on it no that’s why he lost his job and he and he goes like that counts 1 2 3 4 5 and there’s like five dots representing a player and he just keeps counting them and they’re all staring at him D’Angelo Russell is at the end of the bench eating a snack yeah the other they’re ordering door Dash texting their side staring at him and then he doesn’t even make dry a plan then it’s like then the rest are like ‘s up and and he got fir he’ll be missed he’ll be missed he’ll be missed anyway looks like seven points seven I’ll take the touch you get seven yeah take the seven I’ll take it that’s a darn good team with t wolv for seven it’s hard to the way that they played L the other night um and you’re gonna give them some points it’s I got to take it they’re young and hungry yeah and uh it’s tough to repeat so uh I like the BET yeah and they might lose by five but eight you got the seven you cash it hey I got $8.37 yeah might go ahead and put that back all right now this is the story I want to talk to Ron there’s no outro for this segment no well we could we’re still in it well we’re still in it okay well no we did the pick no I don’t have a pick you don’t want to hear my Pi I’m going to take Minnesota tea wolves tonight no seriously what you know everything that they and that Joker guy come on now he’s the two he’s awful barely makes a shot all right so we’re going to talk about the maer major league see how I did that all right so someone came up with this a guy named Dan Clark Major League obviously is the 1989 classic film uh Dennis hayberg by the way who plays Tano lives in Vegas I believe I didn’t know that lives in Vegas he spotted around the casino a few times Chris said and Craig Shoemaker front of our says yeah we could try to get him on your show he’s Sano so anyway the major league the plot to the ma the Major League movie in 1989 crowds hit rock bottom sounds familiar owner wants to relocate the team uhhuh uh to tank a uh blank Ro a bad roster is compiled dominant rookie pitcher who throws 100 miles an hour who by the way is the Miller kid from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and team overachieves crowds return Oakland Athletics the Oakland Athletics I believe someone told me are two and a half games out of first place no they had a six game winning streak yes and the Atlanta Braves are also two and a half games out of first place so if anyone would have said Oakland A’s and Braves are going to be in the same position come early May so anyway uh the A’s are they got a bunch of nobes but they’re playing well and they could be the the team here in 2028 we still I’m still seeing they will be they will be they will be now Ryan is not here thankfully than goodness because he and I would well we’re going to blows next you we are going to have glove boxing gloves on him we’re he wants his own team but this is going to be good now there’s this guy Vegas polyc who does all the behind the scenes stuff I I know he’s a lot of misinformation ran but he goes around Vegas Vegas and he said that uh you know there’s barely room to fit the stadium and now the owner short money 500 million is he gonna ask the city for more I don’t know but the A’s are coming here right are coming here no any any doubt that you’ve got about it I’ve got 10 answers against them all Ryan as my witness when he was here last time so with Insight you would say the money that they they’re saying that their short money all this stuff that’s they they’ll find the money they’ll do they always seem to you know they said the same thing with the football Steam and look at how great it’s I mean just forget the football aspect of it just the concerts like when it’s brought to the City full yeah I’m glad you brought that up about what happened with allegian Stadium yeah oh Mark Davis the owner he needed $500 million to get because Sheldon addon remember Sheldon was the first from from the Sands and Venetian plots was the first to come up with this idea of building a stadium bringing the Raiders here he was going to put in $500 million bring the Raiders here he pulled out of that project a lot of speculation why he rest in peace Sheldon’s no longer with us now now mariam’s part owner of the Dallas Maverick that’s right she B out of Cuban out what Bank of America comes in and gives him the 500 million that he needed to be able to complete it great investment for them great investment for the city great in and I wasn’t real keen on the $750 million of tax revenue from um hotel room tax because a lot of casinos let’s say like this one don’t have to raise their rates for that tax but don’t really see the benefits of the stadium the casinos that are benefited are a bunch of MGM casinos right in that neighorhood I I said call at the MGM Stadium not not the allegiance Stadium but any anyway or the Hustler Casino or the Hustler strip giant right down the street knows no no what will happen somebody will he’s got he’s got 1.1 billion he’s putting into this John Fisher does about 340 million they need another 500 million he wants to have private investors other investors to come in here and do this become they will find somebody to do it if not he will fund it because his family still has enough money to do that but you know it was Bud sik’s buddy that’s how he got the thing in the first place otherwise re Reggie Jackson had an ownership group that was willing to get more that’s it was sel’s friend that they gave it to so there’s money to be so it’s it’s coming yeah they’re coming it’s just a matter that land is it’s too small they need more so they’re probably trying to get the hotel company or whoever owns the land there to give them a little more get a cheaper price to have them and that’s part of the 500 million deal it’s all there’s Vegas makes things happen yeah exact okay that’s what we do here we fix problems we make things happen hey there’s some holes in the desert I still drive around with a shovel in my trunk too yes you too wow it’s for gardening just in case I got the aelas need to be dug up um so you too yes that was very funny around it’s no no it’s it’s fun to see what what’s happening in the City Sports wise certainly and this is the next step of it um Oakland I I won’t get too political here an but Oakland Oakland politicians like to call themselves Progressive I that’s the word they give themselves but there’s nothing progress about them it’s all regressive what they’ve done with their City 21 July of 21 when they when they uh defunded the police yeah in that City it has gone downhill ever since I could give you a ton of stories but to the point that no but the Raiders didn’t leave for no reason the Golden State Warriors didn’t leave for no reason and you don’t have the Athletics leaving just because they want to leave cities it is it is a privilege to have a sports franchise not a right and the people of Oakland feel like it is their the baseball Gods gave them that right to this team that had moved twice before yeah Philadelphia and Kansas City we don’t have a right to it but we’ve sort of gonna we’re we’re going to earn it all right so the baseball team will be here Ryan I hope you I that worse than your headache but the A and again I don’t think they’re even going to have parking why do you need parking right well there are well call it MGM Stadium well there was no such thing as paid parking in Las Vegas until they T-Mobile Arena and then it was like well we can’t just have events so they just started paying making everyone pay for parking and no parking no parking fees here at the South Point by the way free parking free valet at the South and the best odds in the sports bar all right moving on uh what do you want to go to next what do you have lined up and I’ll let you call the audible what do you bananas all right so the Savannah bananas oh yes these guys are great I I haven’t seen them live uh Alex was telling me they were at the Ballpark a few years years ago and she saw them they sold out Astron DS watch this shot no this is fine so you see this shot of this player and side by side you see the camera guy who had to run with he flips over the fence watch how fast the camera guy is going w i mean and he and the stabilizer on that thing no he’s got a steady can [Applause] yeah I just love that behind the scenes great shot and this guy 0 for four with four strikeouts by the way but he can do that no I don’t know but anyway really entertaining they’ve done a lot for baseball and uh the other day I was at the Ballpark working Saturday night I worked and the little girl who got to play ball was wearing a savannah bananas she’s like they’re my favorite team so look whatever helps interest in baseball I’m all four because I’m an old school guy and this summer the party animals are coming what’s that they are the they are the team that the Savannah bananas play oh that like the Wasing General but they also do fun stuff too so they’re going to play the role of the Savannah bananas I’m there do we did you know are we are we going I want to work that game I want to go they’re here if not I’m going July I think June okay let me check my Rolodex Rolodex file effect hold on your pager is going off yeah my hold on my beeper I gotta call all right uh next up um what do you want to do do we have Anthony randone okay so Anthony randone former Angel speaking of Angels the team that you were forced to root for by the way uh I think it was big booty bets put in uh Larry heel I remember lar heel from uh the Brewers he was a brew did he play for the the Angels he bounced around I had his card with the Brewers Larry big home R hit a 30 home R so the Angels paid Anthony renon 7year $245 million contract before the 2020 season he was coming off a World Series Championship he’s been injured I don’t even know if he’s played a complete season so uh here’s what they’ve done right by his picture at the end of games uh in Anaheim they have all the garbage cans right by his picture now this is obviously a CO iny dink but maybe the owners told the guys he I want don’t you go but that’s that’s kind of a jab that he didn’t really need but yeah he got hurt just watching that video probably he’s uh it took him about 28 at bats to get a hit this year and they gave a sarcastic Applause for uh about a quarter of that money they could have got the same production out of Frank nicaro they could have I could have done it for a lot less and I would have played harder and I would have got hurt just as much probably because I don’t know how to stretch remind me to stretch next week when we go to the golf thing cuz I no do St very important dude I just when I I went out played softball about a year and a half ago I’m like I’m just going to go out and pick up the bad go that night when I went to stand up from the couch after sitting down I I couldn’t move the next day it was so got to stretch got to stretch when you’re over 40 you needed those Salon pass I that that slap those on yeahh all right what’s next do we the which one the Dodgers look alikes no let’s do it yeah no I do I I okay this was uh this a game it’s a little while ago if you look these so this is notani look alike a Yamamoto look alike and decoy decoy is that and then we have the dog I don’t I didn’t understand this I don’t know this seems kind of racist to me good Dodgers I’m I’m not commenting no they look exactly alike and they go around to the Saums in sure they do all right moving on what’s next they got someone that looks like the the guy betting the games that was the decoy think exactly uh what do we have next Hot Dog Heaven do we have a oh that’s a good one hot dogs from Heaven all right this is awesome uh this is uh T-mobile Park not T-Mobile Arena T-Mobile park is in Seattle I mean the Mariners are in first place how could you make it any better well why don’t you drop hot dogs drop hot dogs from heaven so here we go these hot dogs just appeared they’re in little parachutes I don’t know if you get condiments but look at this what so you’re sitting in the stands and all of a sudden hot dogs are parachuting in this is also how the movie Red Dawn started so I don’t know Wolverines so that’s for Bob but anyway just hot dogs hot dog heaven they call it yeah I like to think it’s a hot dog I’m thinking think why don’t you just tell us dogs had ketchup on it too wait I wanted mustard and relish not the ketchup do I’m a mustard guy you don’t put ketchup on a hot dog I put mustard and ketchup that’s all I do Chicago um I’m thinking Les nesman WKRP I swear to God that’s the turkey I thought turkeys could fly as God is my witness does he say I believe what Gordon J said yeah great radio promotion great promotion there I would you not go to a game just to maybe get a hot dog from Heaven yeah and then you have picking outside for the religious groups but anyway it’s pretty funny uh Seattle did you guys know that the W krp1 was based on a real promotion in Cincinnati no it was not oh yeah that so w krp in Cincinnati is the show we’re referring to Kaden who’s already in a sugar coma from four cupcakes that he8 but his metab two beers and the shot of jger we did before we came in the studio I thought it was rement but anyway uh he’s grabbing a tissue and uh there’s a famous episode where they did the turkey drop and the turkeys just fell and but that’s based on an actual station that did that in Cincinnati well I don’t know if it was in Cincinnati but it was based on a real promotion gone wrong I learned it in my intro to broadcasting class back in 1992 wow that’s school yeah that’s teacher comes in hung over here watch this episode of w k yeah my dad was in radio my whole life so Dr Johnny Fever and you know venus fly trap that was like we had to watch that I loved it and Herb tarli it made me want to do radio I actually studied radio got into Communications because I loved that show and then there was an they they rebooted it like a few years after in syndication it wasn’t as good I don’t know Lonnie was on it uh the girl from uh Bailey was on it the the girl from the um the wh snake videos oh ton Kain ton Kain who uh slapped the crap of Chuck Finley Chuck Finley the late T Kain yeah make you rest in peace there you go and the show got weird all right I think we have uh do we have one more oh okay this was for Ryan and we’re gonna show it anyway we were GNA get to this on Friday but we U there’s uh Anthony Rizzo oh Anthony Rizzo hit his 300th home run so a former pitcher of the Cubs I think his last name Sherer Sher Sherer it’s not Max sherzer but it’s anyway he’s an artist and he paints so he wanted to do a uh congratulations to Anthony Rizzo who hit 300 home runs so he takes his little thing of paint and hits him with the bat what yeah this is really cool and then it comes out to Anthony Rizzo he’s throwing stuff little Denny Dent action going on there wow this looks like art we all can do Hunter Hunter Biden couldn’t do that hard though you know you got to have the blow no I mean just the straw STW the blow the yeah this is what I think those mommy wine and painting nights turn into every time that you always see like all the mom’s like holding up their paintings and like one of them’s good but kind of a cool thing got Anthony we could do a daddy drinking thing like that too hitting the ball off the tea and with paint on it as long as there’s an Elite Sport Box nearby that we can watch all the sports super box super box super Elite high class box you’ll find it either way on Amazon you go there there’s jokes box I want to check in I only have Larry heel from a big as the last one sometimes my live comments uh stop working I want to see if there was anything worth there uh young Andrew Andrew uh AKA Drew dog on this show uh we had an idea for a feature called Monday Montage where we’d look back at the previous week at some of the funnier moments or interesting moments and I believe he cut something together is that right an all right so uh this is going to be a regular feature that we’ll do a Monday Montage this will let you know everything you missed last week so why don’t we go and roll the Monday Montage roll it Andrew it’s National we jump the world day AKA parkour day [Music] you see this picture here yeah the gentleman on the left is Nick Zito and he won the Kentucky Derby in 19 or I’m sorry yeah 1994 okay with that horse right there who is sniffing the Stanley Cup and that is goer Jin that is goph for Jin on my day with the Stanley Cup I took it to Belmont Park and had the picture with the Kentucky Derby winner in 1994 go have you ever been cow tipping in real life yes here’s the thing my friends were I didn’t know what it was and I grew up on a farm like hey let’s go cow tipping and I’m like of course let’s do that what is it then my friends were like well here’s what we got to do first off we have to push over this cow and I’m like I’m 12 I can’t and then it dawned on me I’m like that’s a terrible thing to do and so I I abstained from the cow tipping and watched my friends attemption it’s National honesty day a Special Day celebrated every year on April 30th encourages everyone to be truthful and open in all aspects of life and here we go something very poignant here we go I honestly did not come up with something to say here you go ladies and gentlemen there go she’s at least honest Ryan do you have anything you want to be honest about do you love me I love you it’s all a setup it’s all a setup kayen is there anything you want to come clean about something on it I like the Ravens I lik the Ravens have fire right now he goes honestly I like the ra uh M anything you want to be honest about can honestly as much as I love Pittsburgh seeing the Steelers lose does make me happy cuz all my friends are sad and I’m happy oh this is Matt’s last Tuesday on quickly Frank we’re going to open a patch tops Tuesday we’re going to open our cards this is the valuable one I think this is uh one of 7,000 fando tatis wearing the city connect that we talked about like a like a blueprint Michelangelo style adley rushman oh that’s a cool card that is a really cool one adley rushman hip hiip Jorge mato birthday happy birthday she’s got uh an array of balloons behind her picked up by Alex and uh she’s got some energy drinks and all sorts of stuff we are very lucky to have her you have to be excited for the Bears right yeah are you showing us your nail polish that’s exced was doing Williams has started to adopt the that Bear Claw pose showing off the nail polish yeah right he’s like would you bet on today suckers Madison Square Garden is tremendous I’ll be honest with you when those Ranger fans get going Frank you know I’m sure you’ve been there before it’s just crazy and off the hook I used to wear my Canadian jersey there back in the old days and get hit with pretzels in the back of the head prank mustard all over my nice beautiful uh Montreal Jersey but uh the Ranger fans are dedicated their hungry they haven’t won since uh the year after my Canadian Andrew Drew do that was tremendous buddy forget what I said about abbreviating that was an outstanding I I look how much fun we have on this show look what you missed you can go back and watch all the episodes they’re right there on the YouTube page uh I wanted to do some live comments here um uh this is a question for Keith and Ron Joey B who always wants to know the odds odds on the south point for some winning the golf tournament next Monday he hasn’t said it 100 to one I want to I want to go longer on that might go longer there’s probably going to be some really good golfers there am I right I hope so no there will be yes yeah uh 100 to one being kind I I’m in I’ll take I’ll take some two-way action on that why not well but we keep score ourselves so we H system oh we cheat like crazy she’s going to get would I be Beyond come on putting a couple of bucks on it and then money will be well I have and then you donate the money to the kids yeah you can buy Mulligans right you have to donate the money I never do I just I just use them just use them um Joey B says odds on which South Point member of the for drinks the most Frank is 5 to2 Ryan 4 to1 parl 25 to1 Alex 33 to1 that’s about a that’s a good line five to that’s a little high he’s going to lose money on that that’s I say now my line if you look into the comments uh my line is Frank minus three and a half drinks over the rest of the forsome oh you put the total you’re going total I’m telling you uh congratulations on the anniversary Keith says thanks Daniel I like the overs on 108 and a half oh jello shots he also has on there no rattlesnakes encountered by the forsome two and a half I don’t tell are there rattlesnakes out in this there are oh that’s true it is way out there on the Scorpions rattlesnakes I killed a scorpion in the house oh did you killed a baby one the other day I felt very manly the baby ones are bad I know because they don’t know how to control their venom that’s exactly right okay I had a huge one when I was in uh Joshua Tree he said that to all the boys I know the little the little one I killed with uh embar a frying pan I didn’t I didn’t know what to you do and I scratched them with the frying pan the corpse is still there but I didn’t pick it up I want the others to know that’s exactly what that’s exactly what you do you get coming on this hallway uh let’s see here uh did you say uh two and a half rattlesnakes oh way over Ryan writes did you say thankfully I’m not there Ryan I was saying thankfully you weren’t here I’m looking at his chair I was looking at his chair like Kaden looks really comfortable in that chair it’s strange now 21 I was saying we didn’t want an Oakland A’s Vegas A’s battle going Ryan we I like both Road teams ah Ryan mccormix picks a 1236 likes both Road teams plus the points in the association so Ryan is backing your Minnesota Timberwolves bet um I was hoping to see a remote okay let’s Daniel peo seriously how do you get an In-N-Out to close in your city I don’t think they Clos Oakland you’re talking about Oakland they got one it’s the only place in the planet where an In-N-Out Burger has closed they have never closed a sword they don’t franchise they are owned by the family from Southern California I grew up in BW right there it was close B Park was the first one anyway um yeah and because of not because it wasn’t making money it was making money but the crime people would go in to get a you know double double animal style neopolitan shake and um that sort of stuff and their cars would get broken into while they’re in the store oh my God so they said okay we know how to fix that that’s the last STW me uh that’s will okay yeah seriously heading okay uh he played for the T lman bosw oh high will play with Minnesota as well I remember that L and boss dog decoy is sh’s dog Ryan is informing me decoy is Show’s dog what is going on in are you laughing at Kaden shuing his F what happened there all right we’re almost out of time uh Matt scer is the name of the guy who painted says Ry oh that’s the finger painter that’s not all of these oh wait can’t say that one and uh miss my guy oh Minar dang I was in a meeting miss my guy Keith have to catch up on replay yeah Keith FL once again wants to ask Minar if you have a second how was your Derby maybe let us know tomorrow but look at that he was in a meeting mini Dar uh we love you buddy sorry we missed you hope you hopefully you did well on the Derby let us know uh tomorrow in the chat Keith will be back on the chat room tomorrow tomorrow is Tuesday tomorrow we have Joe bartnik talking hockey Joe bartnik uh big hockey guy has a hockey podcast he does with Frasier Smith who’s a comedian friend of mine from La who’s playing uh the Brad Garrett Comedy Club this week and I’m hopefully going to have him on Thurs Wednesday we have Jacqueline marfuggi making a repeat appearance she was here on episode 56 I remember because she wore her Lawrence Taylor Jersey she is one of the MC’s for the Magic Mike live show at the Sahara she did yeah you liked her no she’s great and people were claiming for her and Alex together her and Alex will be together on Wednesday so Jackie and John Knight a very funny comedian from Pittsburgh also playing Brad Garrett will come in most likely Friday uh he’s very funny so great lineup all the rest of the week Monday this turned out to be a great show Ryan we miss you of course we miss you in that chair and uh hopefully you feel better we’ll see you tomorrow Ron fut tril coming in as always always if you get desperate again and you need somebody at the last minute it’s never Ron can you come by okay we can schedule Ron a day no we Ron Keith lives close by yeah he would have been at home in the chat room watching anyway in the chat anyway so I made him come over anyway so uh Keith very funny if I wasn’t here I’d be home with my wife and neither one of us wants that so I’m just kidding I love you honey Cong it’s 22 years speaking of 22 that’ll be your birthday next year a year from today and we’ll look back a 100 shows ago at Caden shoving his face full of cupcakes Andrew Drew dog outstanding job on the Monday Montage look forward to seeing that lots of fun stuff coming up this week and and uh any closing words do want just roll the clothes lines live in about every show [Applause] [Music]

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