L.A.B. GOLF – Inside the Paint | Special No Putts Given

L.A.B. Golf has changed how millions of golfers look at putting. From starting off as some of the most controversial-looking putters – to ending up on the leader board on multiple TOURS, placing Top 5 in Most Wanted Testing and thinking outside the box, we had to dive a bit deeper. Sit down with Chris and creator and CEO of L.A.B. Golf Sam Hahn to get a better look at what’s next for one of golf’s most underrated pieces of equipment. LET’S GET IT.

👀 03:50 What Is L.A.B. GOLF?
↩️ 08:10 Changing Grips/Shafts
✅ 14:46 Best L.A.B. Putter For YOU?
💬 25:03 How to use a Broomstick?
🏆 33:34 Sam’s Best Emerald Valley Score
📘 35:03 Stories from TOUR
✌🏼 40:05 See you next time!



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five-year-old’s tricky I’m going to assume you’re 12 fair enough our Putters are balanced in a way that has them sitting on the shaft um where their their their biased position is towards the Target and it stays there throughout the stroke um so in other words put most simply if you’re not manipulating and twisting the shaft and twisting the putter head on your own gravity actually wants this putterhead to arrive back at square what is up everybody how you living special edition no putts given the only man in the industry with better hair than me in high school sam Han lab golf we’re going to get into all questions things that people asked about lab golf but before we do that Sam what’s up man how you living I’m feeling pretty good we got uh weather’s finally turned for the better around here the greens have healed and they are running fast and firm out here at Emerald Valley so things are real good and when greens are fast and firm you need a putter to uh help you challenge and navigate those difficult circumstances which is what we’re going to talk about for those of you that don’t know Sam you’re I guess you’re never you’re not a big title guy I’m not either but you are the owner operator World meter of of lab golf the the buck stop you I am the CEO of lab Golf and have been now for almost seven years like I said I got a bunch of questions from people and here’s one that you know came in from one of our readers is just how like th this climb feels really precipitous like an overnight sensation but it really isn’t what have the last 2 to three years been like and then we’re going to get into some of the putter stuff but it has to have just been like have you slept in the last six years um off and on you know there’s there’s there’s periods where things are smooth and um I have uh luxury of working with the most amazing team ever I mean we we really I know people say this about all the people they work with but I I I legitimately um feel that this team here at lab is better than any in the industry and so that helps we all hold each other up quite a bit and we’re all um you know health and Sanity conscious so when we see one of us uh slipping into the The Ether of insanity where um we do our best to to make sure that they come back down myself included and um but yeah it’s been crazy um it’s totally crazy uh and yeah as far as you know kind of what the rise of lab golf might feel like um it’s all a matter of perspective I totally understand how you know if you’re just a you know an everyday golfer and a weekend warrior and whatever and you know there was basically you know two or three putter companies in the world and now all of a sudden there’s this lab craziness everywhere it probably seems like overnight but yeah from where we’re sitting it’s been um I can’t believe it’s only been seven years I mean it feels like a a lifetime that we’ve all been been grinding over this so um but uh no we’re doing good we’re having a lot of fun um for the most part sometimes a little stressed out out but uh I wouldn’t trade I wouldn’t trade my life for anything no that’s awesome and you know like I said some people might be hearing about lab golf for the first time lab stands for lie angle balanced or lie angle balancing it’s not lab like my dog I have a lab that loves to take pictures with your Putters it’s a lab Lab explain that to me like I’m five because like I said for a long time you know maybe one or two putter companies people heard a lot about things like oh this has to hang this doesn’t D D D D and then people throw out all these terms you know zero torque no torque D D D D D like I’m a 5-year-old what the hell is lingle balancing 5-year-old’s tricky I’m going to assume you’re 12 um fair enough but um um so yes I’m going to assume that anybody listening has heard the terms face balanced and Tow hang before okay um uh and I guess we’re on um we got some visual here so I will explain for those of you who don’t know um so this is a tow hang putter yep and that’s because the toes a hanging um then a face balanced putter I don’t think I have one in here um a face balanced putter sure I have one hanging up on my wall yeah there you go if it were just to sit yeah would sit face up and this one in particular is a very frustrating term because the face is not balanced to anything but the sky and given that we’re have you know we’re not moving the ball straight up and down the sky you know pointing straight up in the air is as arbitrary as 15 degrees this way or 15 degrees this way it doesn’t actually do anything for your putting stroke well that’s not true it does something it doesn’t necessarily do good things for your putting stroke um right so uh our putter are balanced in a way that has them sitting on the shaft um where their their their biased position is towards the Target and it stays there throughout the stroke um so in other words put most simply if you’re not manipulating and twisting the shaft and twisting the putter head on your own gravity actually wants this putter head to arrive back at square whereas a face balance putter or a tow hang putter is flip-flopping anywhere but Square you have to keep it there so um what Li angle balancing does for 12-year-old purposes is it helped to keep the putter face Square all by itself and go to the lingle part because people know and they may be familiar with that term but typically they’re more familiar with li angle as it as it you know accounts or as it plays a roll in like an iron fitting like hey I need to go a degree upright I’m too flat I’m too steep d da da da we talk about you know Li angle again basically if you have a club and it’s sitting on the ground and you have a shaft right and this angle might be 61° 62 degrees and a seven iron eight iron right but how does that so when you’re saying it’s Li angle balanced my lie angle for my putter may not be the same as yours oh for sure um and in fact you’ll see a lot more variance in people’s optimal line angles in a putter than you will in an iron I mean we’ve we’ve fit Putters as flat as 61 degrees um and as upright as the legal limit at 79 degrees so um you know there’s there’s a huge oh yeah and for those some people go as flat as 61 here’s the top line of the Putter and the angle between the top line of the Putter and this shaft is the LI angle so um if the LI angle was was flat the shaft would be more this way if it was upright it would be more this way yep um and so when we say Li angle balance um so this head with these screws on the bottom and these screws here on the top line is balanced to this specific L angle if I was to you can’t bend these but let’s say I could if I was to bend this flat this putter would no longer be balanced it’s still going to have less torque than most anything else you’re going to use but it’s not balance correct so um so yeah so we we balance each putter um and every component on the putter makes a difference in the way that it balances the grip will change the way it balances the type of shaft that we use will change the way it balances the weight the length um every single component has a has an impact on balancing the putter if you change one of them um you’re going to change the way the putter balances again a grip change for instance we got to we got to you know get that question a lot that was going to be one questions I had I say hey what if I want to change my grip does that throw everything off so when we balance them ideally the toe is straight up in the air like this and there’s more to it than just being toe up there’s other toe up Putters out there um you can put a you know shitload of weight on the heel down here and the toe is going to go up so but it’s just a a basic frame of reference if you were to change the grip say from you know the standard on a link putter um from the standard you know rubber grip that we use and put say a super stroke on it you’re going to see a variance of like that you’re going to see a variance of two three four degrees at most and then in motion you’re going to see it you know like if it was in a revealer where with ours it just stays perfectly Square you’re GNA well it doesn’t look Square from that closeup um stays Square um you’ll start to see it do some swimming in the revealer like this but but again you know this putter in the revealer it’s just going to go like that I mean it’s going to flip and flop all over the place change the grip and yes it’s going to knock the balance ever so slightly imperceptible to most more experienced players and people screw around with our Putters a lot they can start to feel it I can certainly feel it um but yeah it’s not the biggest deal in the world if you change your grip and you like it better and it’s performing better stick with it if you change the grip and you like the feel but you pretty sure you can feel some twisting and some resistance we have a you know a service where you can send it back and and and have it um have it rebalanced to the the new grip yeah so it’s I mean I guess part of what’s interesting there is like I said every component on the club itself plays a role in being it you know being balanced it kind of sounds like number one most important the weight distribution right that’s so when you see all these weights on the bottom or different places those weights obviously have different Mass to them Etc do not touch those people do not change those do not try to mess with that will that will AB absolutely Jimmy jangle the whole operation right it will I know and I know it’s frustrating like we have a lot of people that you know get the putter so so the the the weight of the putter head is kind of a different animal with us um the absence of torque generally makes the putter feel lighter than it actually is so when people first get it they’re like ah this feels so light I’d like to add some weight the advice is keep it where it’s out for a few more weeks and see if you can get used to it um lighten up the grip pressure a little bit and see if it takes if not we can add weight but we can’t sell weight kits um and people are kind of used to that now you know where a lot of these Butters offer you know these things that you can go buy and stick them in and they’re frustrated that they got to send it back to us and wait two weeks and D D D D the reason is is that if you change the weight you change the balance um and like changing a grip is a pretty negligible thing if I was to take you know the two gram weights out of wherever there’s two gram weights and put 14s in it’s not even close to balance now it has just as much torque as a um yeah you’ve defeated the entire purpose correct correct how about the shf so it kind of seems like in order right head weights those designs change anything they’re going to destroy the whole thing putter grip not a big deal in general like you said imperceptible to most if you find grip that you like a lot better whatever try it see how it goes the shaft itself is that kind of in between those two in terms of you know cuz you get some go ooh I want a stability shaft now I I heard about this I heard about that and I want to put one of those on I want to try that is that the shaft is going to generally the problem is you don’t know until you grab the shaft but um I didn’t know this before I got in the industry and before we really had some trouble balancing some Putters there are virtually no shafts out there that are perfectly straight and perfectly round um we’ve developed a really good partnership with TPT because they are by far the straightest and roundest shafts in the game they have a totally different process in making their shafts that um has the concentricity like through the roof relative to other companies so um but if you don’t have one of those um and yeah stability shaft is a great example we get that question all the time can I chop the you know top half of the shaft on and put a stability shaft on it um that’s going to have a way bigger impact on the balance than a grip wood I know it sounds crazy because it seems like it’s on axis and whatever it’s straight I’m not changing yeah like yeah exactly but the tiniest bit of what’s called run out you know curve mhm completely changes the putter um and so uh yeah we strongly advise people not change the shaft on their own um and uh and we’re happy to do it you know all of the different aftermarket shafts we love offering all the shafts that we do um and uh it’s a lot of fun and it absolutely changes the way that they feel and perform and all of that um but it’s definitely better if you you let us do it so we can rebalance it and give you the most Optimal Performance because you might you know put a stability shaft on it and you love the feel and all of a sudden you start missing putts one way or another it’s got nothing to do with the shaft it’s just you know through the through the putter yeah it’s a system right I mean people tend to think of Putters not as a system but oh it’s a head you know but this really this really operates as a system and change any part of that you’re going to change change the output you know either very marginally like s a grip okay fine not a big deal generally but anything else you’ve changed the recipe and change the recipe you get people because like we’ve gotten so used to adjustability and customization you know that you know we’ve got these drivers all you need is a wrench and you undo it you can make it however you want it and and you know it’s absolutely Our Hope and our intent um to continue to develop the technology that people might have more flexibility in the way that they’re able to to screw around with these things at home I love to Tinker and I would love to be you know I’m lucky I got a whole you know Factory here you get a tinker a lot something new but um yeah if I was just a customer i’ i’ I you know I’d be frustrated too sometimes that I can’t just you know play my games with my putter but um it is a system and and does need to be treated accordingly to get the to get the best out of it all right so let’s talk talk putter selection stuff so let’s say I know nothing about lab Putters let’s say I maybe I hear this podcast first time I go oh man that sounds totally different that sounds like me we’re going talk about who might benefit from a lab Hunter here in a minute but I’m going to come to your website check it out questions I get can I demo one how do I actually get fit for one of these things and how do I know which model might be best for me based on like what I know isn’t good about like if I’m like man my distance Control sucks I’m a terrible you know if I could tell you things I do well putting things I don’t do well I come to your site how do I figure out where to go from yeah uh in a lot of ways it’s a lot simpler than it is with kind of other putter selections and and I want to make a disclaimer before I get too deep into this um I know when I talk about these Putters you know I I sound like I’m saying that they’re the second coming of Jesus um they they are incredible the technology is profound um but it’s still a Putter and you still got to make a stroke and you still got to make a but um so uh I just want yeah like I said before just a little disclaimer to know that that that some of the stuff I’m going to say to answer these questions may sound like it’s this Cure All Magic Bullet it’s really helpful um but yeah we have had some people say they’ve had a deeply religious experience though in when switching you know so like I’m just throwing that out there like um uh you know maybe it’s not the God but a God no um all right we got we got polytheism going on here multiple deities all that kind of stuff so if I yes so I come to say I want to get fit I want to figure this out are there Putters that are better for people with certain maladies certain issues and how do they navigate that to figure out what is the right one for them so the historically you go to a putter fitting and there’s a bunch of different shapes um there’s a bunch of different hosle and neck configurations um and you know youum on some platform whether it’s quintic or S put lab or something like that um and it tells you which of those different arrangements and and by the way those arrangements the thing that they change is the torque profile so if you go from a flown neck to a plumber’s neck the way that the putter is trying to twist is slightly different everybody has a different reaction to how those Putters twist um and somewhere in there for at least that day there’ll be one that’s a little bit easier for you to control than others in our case we’ve removed that single variable completely um so all of our Putters have the exact same torque profile which is that they are balanced in plain um and you know balanced to be going where you’re trying to hit the ball so now what’s left um is shape um and a lot of that is about Comfort however I I when I first got the putter like I was a total putter snob and I had lots of really fancy you know Camerons and and 8802 shaped Putters and napas and all this stuff they look great hanging on a wall I bet yeah they look awesome and I loved looking down at them when I was putting I still do I still enjoy the look of some of those classic Putters and everything um but they just don’t perform um so choosing one you like to look at I appreciate for some people is important my own experience dictates that it’s not as important as you think it’s important for about the first three minutes and then as soon as you start seeing the ball go in the middle of the hole over and over and over again right um you know our marketing guys Z for one of our ads put uh put out there something I I still say all the time which is beauty is what makes the ball go in the hole um so to that end um I used to always recommend the directed Force the the original the the directed Force 2.1 the tech techology that we employ is the most obvious with it the huge footprint really like you you can’t you can’t miss that it’s a different feeling in motion the second you pull one of those back it just feels different in motion period and then the extra size makes it really forgiving so now you have a putter that’s really working hard to stay Square that’s extraordinarily consistent across the face um and uh you know uh it it’s it’s Tech techologically um pretty much as good as it gets um before the introduction of the df3 um a few months ago the next you know was going to from a forgiveness standpoint was going to be the mesmax which I totally understand for a lot of people is a little easier on the eyes it’s sort of that Fang shape and um lot of squares it’s a lot of straight perpendicular lines yeah looks like a looks like the Tesla truck I’m told so um with fewer recalls be good um yes knock on wood with fewer recalls um but uh um and then the MZ one is a little smaller than the the link is a blade you know it’s a very relatively speaking to our other models a very traditional looking putter it’s a you know a heel toe weighted putter like a answer Style with you know stepped um stepped corners and it’s Center shafted it’s a tiny bit onset um but the further that you go into traditional the less forgiving and the more uh the less forgiving and the less obvious the technology becomes so um you know with link for instance which is kind of the smallest footprint that we have or the original mes one it it it’s just more subtle um they still work great um and I respect that confidence is important and you want to look down at something you feel confident on so the short answer is whatever one you want um you’re not going to see you know huge performance um differences from putter to putter um when you get into Lin and MZ one you know if you’re a really high handicapper and really struggle to to strike it near the the center of the face I’d probably stay away from from link and mes one the other three will be perfectly good I now as my default answer um do recommend df3 um the the newest one and you obviously I you know we want to get behind our new products and all that but um for those that have been following along with my journey with lab and all of the stuff know that like even with MZ MZ Max with link um I never switched away from the 2.1 um the df3 is the first time that I have um it’s still got virtually the same amount of forgiveness and stability as the the 2.1 it feels like it’s on Rails like the 2.1 you know in motion um the sound is so much nicer it uh the shaft is you know a little closer to the face so it kind of feels a little less odd um uh and then for as much as I was vehemently opposed to designing Putters around a ball scoop I do very much enjoy the little ball you never know right I mean when you can work it in there and and and that and so yeah I mean I think it’s like I said it’s one of those things there aren’t necessarily going to be a ton of things to demo but it really you know it it doesn’t take the same amount of process because you’ve eliminated a huge variable so it really legitimately does then come down to hey what features do I want you can customize stuff on the side different colors alignment lines you know types of shafts blah blah blah and you can kind of do those throughout so it is more like hey you kind of almost have to get that traditional fitting methodology compartmentalize it put it over here and say okay I can really make decisions based on these factors now I don’t have to think as much about these factors absolutely yeah that the old narrative around you know gate in Arc requiring you to have this putter or that putter um it just doesn’t apply um and for the most part I kind of appreciate you know a lot of that theory around fitting for traditional Putters but also kind of not really like my experience with tow hang was quite the opposite as what the narrative would have you believe you know I when I was using tow hang Putters my face to path um was much small my face to path ratio was much smaller and the depth of my arc was much smaller it was when I started using face balance Putters is when I really started having a bunch of you know face rotation so um but yeah all that stuff is kind of out the window one of the really interesting things I was actually just talking with somebody um about this online um and we get that question all the time the assumption is you know because we’re talking about you know Square the the assumption is is that the putter really only works for people with a you know quote unquote straight back straight through stroke um uh and uh in general anybody’s going to putt better with less depth to their Arc and face rotation because ball position won’t be as impactful and the longer the face is square the better and all um but people who come and start using our Putters um who do have fairly deep arcs and a lot of face Rotation by doing nothing other than just using the putter for a few weeks they come back and the depth of Arc has shallowed out and the face to path ratio has reduced itself um and it’s because we do react to the instrument in our hands obviously we react to the instrument in our hands otherwise there wouldn’t be any reason to fit you know from tow hang to face balance right we know that the torque profile does affect the way that we move these Putters when you remove torque on the face axis um things just start to happen all on their own it just gets a little easier and then there’s a whole different Beast here’s a question musical medicine and Light Lime time these are from The Forum asked us questions around hey this this one I guess it’s currently being made he goes I ordered a broomstick and it’s on the way give me some tips and tricks what do because like said there can be at times a learning curve I’ve told people my experience with lab huters was that after a day or two that wasn’t a fair assessment for me I had to give it some time get through it but if you do that a lot of people tend to then stick with it and say hey once you adjust to it now I can’t go back to to something else but this you’re saying okay I ordered a broomstick which is like a whole different world and and I totally blame you guys for this entirely because of Adam Scott and others on tour saying hey look now everybody wants to order a broomstick but give us some advice if you do want to order one of these this person did what do I need to know what should I do what should I not do and how do I navigate this thing because it looks cool but how do I even use one how do I drip it what do what do I do with this thing well you you you brought up kind of you got his question then you brought up you know kind of an interesting point I want to touch on is just kind of that that adjustment period um and I have a confession to make so um if you’ve heard any of the podcasts and all the you know the stories I’ve told as the story goes um my instructor here Bob Duncan got uh got involved with directed force is what the company was called at the time um asked me to try the putter um and I went out and I played Seven holes uh I one putted all seven greens and and truly this is not an exaggeration I made about 150 Ft worth of putts and seven holes it was just absolutely absurd it was religious you had a religious confession that I have um that I do generally leave out of the story is that um I then ordered my own putter um I had it delivered to a tournament that I was playing um and I had almost 40 putts both days um it was like the worst putting experience of my entire life for the next two weeks um and at the time I was playing a lot of golf I was playing almost every day and I was so stubborn because I’d already told all my friend that this was the greatest thing since all my friends that this was the greatest thing since slice bread I spent $400 on an infomercial looking product that nobody had ever seen before and I felt like an ass so um because I wanted to like back up my assertion that this was you know the most profound invention in golf in in 60 years I had to grind it out and what I learned and this is you know what I I want people who might struggle well you know like it sounds like you did at first um it is a different thing every putter you’ve ever used before you need to keep it Square you need to manipulate the face in order to keep it square with our Putters you’re just letting it stay Square so it’s a bit of a different mode the the the small you know supercomputer nerves and your fingers and everything do need in some cases a minute to adjust this is why it’s taken us so long to have any um success out on tour is that a Tour player is a master manipulator you know they are so good at manipulating the faces to stay Square they practice all the time they calibrate all the time and they don’t love a random dude from Eugene Oregon saying this technology is better and by the way you have to change what you’re doing um yeah you do have to change a little bit but the changes are easy they’re they’re easier like the the it’s it’s mostly unlearning it’s not relearning it’s actually a more natural motion when you get used to it um than trying to manipulate a putter face so um we call that period The Hangover period the torque hangover period where your body’s still searching for something to manipulate and um and it takes a minute we’ve got some some drills online uh the thumbs off drill in particular which is exactly what it sounds like you just hit a bunch of putts and grip it like that with your thumbs off the Putter and your body’s going to start to trust that the face is staying Square really quickly now to answer the the broomstick question yeah let’s talk broomstick here we go yeah uh it’s even though it’s not a new method in putting the fact that it’s now mainstream sort of making everything start all over again um and the fact is there really isn’t curriculum um there really isn’t a right way to do it and in a lot of ways you could make an argument that there’s a bigger range of ways to get it done than there is with a conventional putter um what I tell people to do um is to search some video of burnhard Langer and then search some video of Adam Scott and those two guys in my opinion represent kind of the two ends of the spectrum so you have burnhard who stands about 5 foot eight he uses a 47inch putter he stands virtually straight up um and you’ll see that his shoulders move but he’s not moving them he’s not driving the putter with his shoulders he’s driving the putter entirely with his right arm um then you go all the way the other way to to Adam Scott Adam’s about 6’2 and he uses a 45 in Putter and he’s used as short as 44 bends over quite a bit um and he’s driving the putter motion with his chest and back and shoulders um and so and then all of the space in between so um I would start you know by kind of figuring out what you want to use to drive the stroke do you want to drive drive it with your right arm or do you want to drive it with your big muscles after you’ve done that um then it’s time for some experimentation with the right hand and um uh you know I’ve got a broom here so um you know Adam uh kind of grips it like this with these two fingers are pretty squared up with the face yep um feels like the thumb pulls it back the hand pushes it through okay um I mean besides his bigger muscles doing most of the driving then you’ve got uh burnhard right um who’s kind of like that in between the fingers so his palm is sort of matched up with the face and feels like he pushes it through this way yep um you’ve got what uh we’re now calling the cigar grip which is kind of how Lucas is gripping it hands at about a 45 degree angle it’s not fully this way or fully this way um but at about 45 and then everywhere in between um there’s no right answer um and you’ll feel what is most optimal for you almost right away because the putter is so long and so heavy yeah you’re going to feel really quickly what is keeping it on plane and in control um and uh but what I love about the broomstick method and I’ve said this in some other videos and stuff I’m starting to feel like it’s athletically a more natural motion um every other stroke sport in the game in in in in sports um you do with one hand or at least one hand sort of dominating the motion shooting a free throw is really a one-handed motion um you know sure the left hand is there for support just like it is on a on a broomstick you know it’s up there to support it but it’s not driving the thing you’re doing it all with your right hand throwing a dart throwing it with your right hand you’re bowling with one with with one hand and so there’s a lot of Merit to this sort of rolling a ball with your right hand um that a broomstick really allows you to do it’s a lot more like bowling and ball rolling than it is like putting as we you know know it to be um so it’s an awesome method I’m so happy that it’s now getting mainstreamed and like that you know it’s not just yippers going to it yeah um yeah it’s now just you know and I I’m I’m a good Putter and I had never messed around with any brooms until we started working with Adam and we were just prototyping and so I didn’t I wasn’t like looking for an answer I just started messing around with them and saw that I made a bunch of putts and I used one I me I you know just because of the job I have to use all kinds of Putters all the time but um I use one a lot yeah it’s I’m sure we’ll get follow-up questions on that one on that one too let’s finish with these two things here real quick this one’s very simple very straightforward Stroker Ace one of our for members as well he went to Creswell High School which I believe you know mhm asked what’s your best score at Emerald Valley what your personal low 66 66 all right boom love it last question yeah go ahead follow up um 66 was in um he’ll know what it is one of the Space Age tournaments Space Age tournaments Space Age gas that happens out here and um it was a best ball and me and my buddy Matt were playing together Matt’s the um VP of operations here he’s also been my best friend for 20 years bastard shot 65 beat me by one that day and his his personal best too so we both shot our personal best on the same day in the same group as teammates how cool is that best ball in the tournament in the tournament shot a best ball 60 and won by 12 shots well I can guarantee you this the first time I play with you at Emerald Valley I will not shoot 65 and I will not beat you so that’s uh two things I can guarantee finish up with this I want a story I want to finish up with a story preferably something tour related and preferably something maybe that you haven’t told many other people you got to have something good for our listeners to to send them home with today um yeah trying to think of ones that I haven’t told before or just your favorite one maybe a really really good one one that I enjoyed that actually just came up very recently was um and this is like a totally self-indulgent post but or self-indulgent comment but um I was at the Barracuda um in 2018 2018 and this was it was a really really really big week for us um and it was because uh I had a a totally serendipitous uh run in with Von Taylor at sunset on on Tuesday the Tuesday before the the event um and we got him rolling it pretty good with the with the big directed Force Putter and he happened to be staying um with Bill hos and Kevin kizner um and a handful of other guys and he went home told all them about this crazy Putter and all the crazy things that it can do and so the next morning um about a half a dozen tour Pros all came up to the bag which you know at the time nothing even had I couldn’t have paid for that amount of Interest um you know for for 30 seconds and I’m I’m showing um I’m showing uh everybody the revealer demonstration and I’m putting their Putters in there and hitting putts off the toe and off the heel and um uh and uh and I look up and everybody’s looking at the revealer and they’re looking at the putters and they’re fiddling around with it and they’re touching the you know the ones on the bag or whatever but kizner is just sitting there staring ing at me just staring at me right in the face and I’m just you know a little awkward and whatever and I talking to Bill and talking to V and whatever and he just keeps staring at me and then everybody grabs Putters and they start walking away and he’s just kind of sitting their arms folded and he’s like you’re a little different huh I was like yeah I guess so he’s like all right all right he grabs a putter he starts putting around so uh fast forward to about six months ago I told this um story to our uh um one of our tour guys Brandon um and he was out there and ran into kiz in Hawaii and um and Brandon asked Ker’s like you know my my boss told me the story you know this is true you know um said you know went right at him told him how how how weird he was and he was like yeah it’s true and I was right wasn’t I that was a good one um what about an Adam Scott one or another one yeah give me one more well that same week at the Barracuda um uh Scotty sheffler was playing so he was on the corn at the time um and the Barracuda sort of an off event so a lot of the Corn guys got in um and I had actually seen him play two years prior uh here in Eugene he he played in the um the NCAA um he didn’t contend but uh um I followed him for a few holes um and I could see that he was a badass um and then uh so a couple years later I see him at the Barracuda and you know I let him know that I’d seen him play and you know that I was a fan um his dad for whatever reason was a big fan of lab and kept hanging around the bag and he was he was awesome um so it’s like pretty late on Wednesday night um and I see Scotty and his caddy having a putting contest and I asked if I could join and um and then just to be a smartass I I I would I did it with putted with the revealer I did the putting contest you know putting with the revealer and like I am nobody from nowhere I am not a professional golfer um a rep with a big stupid Putter and two points of interest about Scotty Sheffer number one he said sure absolutely um pretty cool he could have told me to piss off two he wanted to beat my ass like in a nothing putting competition at 7:00 at night against me and his caddy like he’s just a killer he just all he knows how to do is win um and I called my buddy uh Courtney right after this um I called him up and I said uh mark my word Scotty sheffler will be on the will be on the Ridder Cup team um this is before he even had a tour card and sure enough he had made he made the next Rider Cup team but I mean he’s just he’s just you could have put money on that prediction then right like that’s awesome that’s awesome well I we could talk for hours and you and I probably will as we often do getting into deep stuff and stories and things but I know people are going to have questions post them below subscribe to the channel do all that stuff I will say this as a final note questions information Sam and his team are phenomenal about getting back to people they do take customer service exceptionally seriously so if you do have questions and you want information post that stuff below reach out to me on Twitter at the golf spyc reach out wherever you can find me we’ll get the information to them and we will get information back uh to you Sam thank you for your time I know you’re a busy man um like you said you got a lot of hair products to work through and and things to make sure you’re looking fantastic so I appreciate you I appreciate your time until next time people we out thanks thanks for having me [Music]


  1. Saying classic putters that don’t “perform” means that good putting comes down to talent. If these performed better everyone would use them without question. They are just like everything else.

  2. Bought a DF 3 6 weeks ago at Golf Galaxy and have been very pleased. Wondering if I had should have been fitted…..always tinkering! Never satisfied, with my golf game that is.

  3. The LAB marketing machine is alive and well! From Sam’s interviews to YouTube golfers/influencers to sightings on the pro tours, they have probably gathered a fair amount of mindshare amongst this space the last couple years.

    The DF3 is definitely on my radar as a result, but at those prices give me pause. Could I afford it? Sure. Can I appreciate the costs that go into R&D and production for a relatively small club manufacturer? Certainly. Is it that much better than my Spider X that I bought used 3 years ago to justify paying the premium?? Debatable.

  4. Got the mezz.1 two years ago. Amazing consistency, so much easier to start a ball on the line. Love they are coming out with more colors. Makes putting more fun.

  5. Have been watching the rise of these putters and have been wondering since so many on YT are talking about much better they are, why are not more of these on tour and has anyone on tour won using the LAB putter? If so, Sam should be talking that up bigtime

  6. Great interview with Sam. I laughed when Chris said he had a broomstick on the way. I've always felt that at some point a broomstick putter was going to be my golf reality and am just waiting for the opportune moment to get one to start working on my conversion.

  7. Great Interview, both relaxed AND informative without the BS normally spouted.
    I currently use an armlock with the lie angle adjustment. Love it, BUT I saw a you tuber from England using the Mez. When I return (mid May) I will be ordering a broomstick with the mezz max head. Once again , my thanks for an excellent interview

  8. Been using a Link for a month and it’s been great. Definitely took 2-2.5 weeks of putting to get comfortable with just letting it work.

  9. All I can say is LAB Golf Putters are the real deal. DF3 restored fun for me. I dreaded 3 footers, it was like I couldn’t hit my own arse with a handful of marbles, now I eat 3 footers up and I feel anything within 8 foot is makeable.

  10. I stuck an Arccos sensor (the new small putter one) in my Mezz.1Max, was that a dumb idea? I can’t feel a difference so I guess not.

  11. Love it! You are the only redeeming quality of this shark jumped company. Looking forward to where you land when a new beast picks you up! Thank goodness you were the one to interview Sam, any other of the jackwagons would have pissed this chance away! Sam needs to hire you around the 14m mark!

  12. Those things on the end of your arms can open stuck pickle jars or hold your body weight. They really should not be part of the delicate putting stroke.

  13. Hey mygolfspy, I just watched your video and I must say that it was really informative and well-made.

    I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and repurpose your long videos into highly engaging shorts? I can also make high CTR thumbnails for your channel

  14. I do think some people will putt better with a LAB the same way that some putt better with a blade putter and some better with a mallet style, that being said it seems to me that any putter is captured in your hands it has no over riding ability to keep itself on a different path than what your hands and arms put it on. I’ve never felt a putter fight my input. I recently was looking for a new putter and I tried a LAB and I pushed and pulled as many putts with it as much or more than the rest I tried. I ended up with a EVNROLL as the face technology gives benefits on miss hits

  15. I tried a Lab and it totally blew me away, it was as close to point and shoot, loved it and can't wait to get one. The hardest part is getting used to not manipulating the head, just let it swing.

  16. I did an online fit and got my results really fast. I had a few questions about the fit and each time the same guy replied within a couple days and was very thorough. I finally took the leap and got a DF3, sight unseen. I had messed around at a golf store with the Mezz and Link a year ago but that was my only experience. I spent a lot of time watching youtube videos and even asked a question on a social media post related to forgiveness on center shafted putters. I got a detailed answer to that almost right away. They kept impressing me with their willingness to reply and the level of detail in those replies. I got my putter in 4 weeks from order to delivery. I live in Northern Ontario Canada. It did cost me $30 duty to get it across the boarder but no biggie. I have been plagued with the figure 8 backstroke. Tried practically everything including tossing everything at a Quintic lab fitted standard brand putter with a BGT Stability shaft and same thing. As soon as I pull it away from the ball it jumped out or in and the rest of the stroke was a rescue mission. After watching Sam's detailed description of torque, I thought maybe I'd try this. Im 61…. the figure 8 seems gone!!!. straight back and straight through!!! Ive only played 18 holes with it and still have some adjusting to do on the new ball position, look, feel etc before I can say i'm really confidant, but the sound is great, the feel is second to none (TPT shaft) and the ball is rolling very pure. It sits behind the ball perfectly and just seems to rock straight back and through. Really relaxes me during the stroke because Im not in save it mode into impact. A little early to start claiming i've found the holy grail, but even if my total putts doesn't change much, I really love this thing enough and I have no interest in looking at any putters in the golf store any more.

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