Golf Players

Bears Post-Draft Mailbag Q&A

What are Bears fans’ lingering questions following the NFL Draft as we head into rookie camp? You asked on social media, and we’re answering your questions in a special Post Draft Mailbag edition of Hoge & Jahns.

#chicagobears #chicago #calebwilliams

what’s up welcome in hog and John’s back with you with um I don’t even know we’re just we’re just still post draft trying to soak it all in I got a lot to share I haven’t been on the show for a couple weeks or whatever it’s been time is meaningless right now to me I feel like Caleb Williams went to the to the Cubs game not the White Socks game um yeah I mean I don’t blame him that I don’t think I’d go to a Socks game either in fact I’m not going to socks games so yeah I think that was a good call on his part and the Bears part for that um no I saw some of those videos on Saturday people from chto stalking them a little bit you know you got your 120 PM Club there hanging in the bleachers yeah let me ask you a question yeah does does Greg Braggs actually have that like in his contract where he can actually go to Cubs games at 120 and just like hang out drink beers and like this is the the job yeah and then he he then he complains about it because he says it’s work yeah he’s like I I can’t do I can’t do stuff Friday I gotta I gotta work at the Cubs game it’s like you’re you’re drinking at Murphy’s bleachers at 10: a.m. what are you talking about um yeah I don’t know how he got that gig um it’s a pretty good gig but yeah they no him and Cody Del meno they have tickets to every single Friday game cuz are all 120 every Friday home game obviously and then uh everybody just shows up and they hang out on the bleachers looks F I’m going to go one of these weeks yeah looks me a free shirt um okay that’s awesome good for him yeah beats Brick Lane that’s for sure yeah I mean when he actually had to work I can’t imagine how insufferable he was now it’s like yeah oh I gota go down here it’s probably the same like non-stop bears talk yeah uh no they doing actually a really good job of that it’s fun I’ve been just following on social media it’s good stuff and then yeah Caleb and the bears were there on Saturday um exciting times in Chicago obviously with uh with what’s been going on with Caleb Williams the last couple weeks uh thanks for hanging in with me um I mean you and Kevin held down the actually no Kevin wasn’t with you last week you just interviewed some people you made you made people angry with with Bruce Feldman apparently yeah Kevin had his own things going on yes so but Bruce is a legend in this business so um no it was it was good stuff and um good to be back and I appreciate everybody’s messages and uh support the last couple weeks um it’s been tough and uh this is going to kind of keep going on but it’s uh you know like everybody’s got a lot of stuff in their lives we just move on we keep uh don’t move on but we just I don’t know fight through it we’ll get through it and I just anyway appreciate everybody’s uh support and patience too uh but we’re going to do the best here to still pump out as many episodes as we can the good thing is it’s the off season now we I feel like once the draft we operate more on like The Scouting calendar I feel like or like the season starts a training camp but it doesn’t really end until the draft’s over and I feel like with this draft there was so much excitement like leading up to it and then it was the selection was finally made the the Roma dun selection put Bears fans over the top and then everyone’s just like I’m just gonna check out and relax yeah for a while yeah I me that’s good I you know we recharge for the season it’s going to start early this year because the Bears are in the Hall of Fame game um so training camp starts early we got OTAs coming up we got mini camp the next few weeks are going to be busy on of course rookie mini camp coming up this weekend for the Bears first time Caleb Williams and r mun and the whole rookie class will be in Bears uniforms um so we’ll we’ll have that covered for you too with an episode probably Monday when all that wraps up we’ll recap everything that happened at housea uh make sure you’re following us on Twitter Adam hog Adam Johns and of course the show account at Hogan Johns that’s where we solicited questions for this episode it’s gonna be a Q&A type episode um which we like to do occasionally we also want to remind you our merch is up at Hogan the quarter Zips we’re wearing we got two different options for you and we are both wearing them today unplanned um they’re excellent appreciate everybody’s bought them so far uh perfect right now for the spring season for golfing they’ve perfect match with the polos if you gotten them I and I also want to address to because you know people have fairly pointed this out they’re not the cheapest item in our Hogan John’s uh merch store we understand that um but what will tell you is and this is the one thing I really appreciate about our partners at obvious shirts everything they sell is high quality and that includes these so um these are high quality Adidas quarter Zips uh same thing with our polos that we put out last year like anybody who bought those you know realizes they’re they’re really high quality polos so um totally understand if they’re too expensive for you to buy no feelings uh at all are hurt but just know if you do purchase them you’re getting the high quality product so and of course say the white one yeah t-shirt season the white one’s a little bit heavier and the blue on I’m wearing lighter little bit yeah um and obviously we still have all the t-shirts sweatshirts hats hats are still selling well multiple options now so uh anything you purchase that helps support the show helps get the brand out there we greatly greatly appreciate it go to Hogan Johnson to buy the merch anything else we need to hit off the top No No’s see what people want to know yeah what they want to talk about yeah we asked for your questions on Twitter I don’t know I purposely like you picked them out I purposely have kind of avoided them to kind of sort of be surprised by them so I’m excited to see uh what happens here so I think our producer Kent got him ready to go first question from Clayton on Twitter how would you rank the top three quarterbacks that a Matt eberl Le Bears team has defeated and how concerned should we be about that I like this question because this has become like this is the most popular criticism of eberl’s success last season is it that like this is it who who have they played who are the quarterbacks they’ve played and my first like thought on that is well like a lot of different quarter backs played last year there were so many different injuries you play who you play you can’t pick your opponent and what if they sucked against those guys like in all seriousness yeah like what if they sucked against Brian Hoyer that would be bad that wouldn’t be a sign of things heading in the right direction what if they were bad against um Joshua dobs remember that amazing story that he had going up to that point like he was one of the most popular players in the NFL fell for like a few days yeah you know know who ended that m e FL story over but what if the opposite happened I get I get the point I did some research to look back at the quarterbacks but um the criticism I feel like I don’t know it just falls short of what people are trying to make it out to be well it it it’s fair and that it’s factually accurate right that the Bears haven’t necessarily uh you know taken down a top quarterback in the league the last two years um I don’t think though to your point I don’t think that that really tells the full context of well really should should they have you know what I mean like one they haven’t had a ton of opportunity um but like were they did you really expect them to beat Patrick Mahomes last year I guess is my point now would have been cool if they did I just think the timeline of them building this roster matters but yeah if we’re having this conversation a year from now and they still haven’t you know battled that grinded out a win against a you know a top quarterback then that’s and that that’ll probably be fair you know even more fair criticism Jared go go ahead no I was just kind of looking at yeah who they’ve beaten so far like who would be probably Jared G is that what you’re about to say yes by far the best quarterback that they have beaten and probably should have beaten twice last season as Jared gof and I and I like I understand some eye rolles when you say that um because Jared gof I think ever since that like Rams game that Vic fangio Rams game in that cold night like a few years ago that Bears fans think that that the Bears have like owned Jared go and it’s partially true but Jared gof had an outstanding season last year oh the Lions offense was a machine they reached the NFC Championship Game the lions were a darn good team but if you look at the stats like Jared G’s season stats last year the game log two of his three worst games last year came against the Chicago Bears the Bears should have won both of them get Ri Matt E’s defense for giving up that late lead and Detroit or maybe you just need your offense to play some complimentary football how about that criticism but I think that Jared Goff argument should carry more weight than it does if we’re g to bring up quarterbacks I I’ll give you one more too they just beat Kyler Murray in December last year and Kyler played pretty decent in that game I mean he was fine it wasn’t exceptional but those two quarterbacks are still legit NFL starters so but again I think getting back to the original question if we’re still talking about this a year from now I understand it I just think that it’s been somewhat of Battle of circumstance and the fact that like expectations how many of the games where they’ve actually played you know a top tier quarterback where they really expect to win they’ve been sizable underdogs in a lot of those games I guess we get to the next one y all right um Rob Peters 26 with everyone talking about Caleb Keenan and Odun what are your expectations with the combo of DJ and Caleb did you see like there was a tweet out there I’m forgetting from from whom I’m going to mock it a little bit so I’m sorry but it was from someone in Pittsburgh where they kind of mentioned DJ Moore as a potential trade Target because now he’s like the number three option in Chicago yeah that’s that is incorrect yeah that’s not even no he is the number one option the Bears number one wide receiver he is their best wide receiver you could be excited about the additions that the Bears have made to that position but DJ Moore is still their best player at that position so I expect the same thing that d GG Moore is done with every other quarterback he’s played with he’s going to produce he’s going to have Pro Bowl worthy numbers yeah I think that um there will be a battle here between Target share and um you know but the fact is he’s still he last year he was like the only guy at least amongst the receivers really and he still put up the numbers he did so even if the presence of Keenan Allen romad dun Gerald ever Cole Ked all these guys take some targets away it should also open things up for him when they do throw it to him because it’s gonna be harder to defend him so that’s kind of that battle I’m talking about this like this target share versus you know more advantageous coverage and and meanwhile I’m not expecting this to be a team that’s throwing the ball 40 times every game but I would expect an increase in passing attempts and opportunities for everyone across the board just given the what seemingly looks like an upgraded quarterback spot and a new offense here even if you’re just talking like a couple percentage points of an increase in completion percentage yeah Justin Fields is completion percentage percentage has always ranked amongst the worst in the top 32 quarterbacks in the league it just has that that’s fact now you go up from 60% to 65% 67% you’re talking about four or five six more passes caught by by someone which you know could be a wide receiver’s game in in some cases four or five catches just thinking of it that way yeah um it’s a good problem to have and for DJ Moore this is the best quarterback situation he’s played in and the best wide receiver room he’s been in but let’s also not forget that Roma dun is a rookie I think it would be unfair to expect him to catch a 100 passes in 1,400 yards this year like that would be pretty ridiculous um and Keenan all’s only on a one-year deal right now with the Bears so going back to what you said off the top like to me there’s no question DJ Moore is still the number one wide receiver on this team and I don’t see any reason why that would change do your research that’s right next question uh Grim Flo or chdo guys as well I’d like a bit of a deeper dive on walren the talent on offense seems pretty damn solid so my question is how do you guys feel about sh walren in his ability to coach this group is this like an X’s and O’s versus the jimmies and Joe’s conversation yeah I guess like is is walren gonna hold them back no like I think like the best like offensive coordinators become head coach candidates because of the players they have sometimes right it’s not like and usually those players that they have are are good players like Josh McDaniel’s got two head coaching jobs because of what he did with Tom Brady Vic Fango had an outstanding defense in 2018 with all pro players and all three levels got his first head coaching job like and he’s the one I always like when I get questions like this I always think of what Vic vanio would always say and he would bring up the X’s and O’s and jimmies and Joe’s like it’s it’s good coaches become great with great players you want both yeah it works both ways you want to work work together um everything that I’ve heard about Shane Waldren people I’ve talked to is that schematically he’s great you know he’s he’s gonna put these guys in a position to get open if there’s any criticism whatsoever and I do not think it’s unanimous I think it’s you know from some players is that maybe in his past stops he hasn’t been the most dynamic coach at commanding the room in meetings and things like that but has it really ever held him back from you know what he did in Seattle was widely considered to be great and it was just a coaching change that sprung him open um I mean you feel better about going out and getting Shane Waldren if you’re the Bears than I feel like if you’re the Raiders who just hired Luke gsy who got fired so to me the body of work here schematic Al with the talent that’s been added there’s I I if the question is how do you feel about him coaching up this group I I don’t have a ton of concerns what I do kind of still keep in perspective though is that no matter how great you are commanding the room and this is a new opportunity and every coach tries to improve from stop to stop so maybe there’s a you know an improvement there but also regardless of how good you are at that it’s never unanimous not every player loves every coach watch the Tom Brady roast uh have you seen any of that watched about half of it so far and it’s like they’re open openly acknowledging up there that not everybody loved everybody but they won a lot because they had good coaches and good players together which is what you’re going for here and I think that that’s it’s all set up for a good first season with also understanding understanding that there’s this very real statistic out there that every single offensive coordinator position has changed over the last two years in the entire NFL and it probably will whether guys get promoted and hired elsewhere or fired because it isn’t working that’s what this job is in the NFL these days do you know who’s pretty good at commanding the room Lukey do you know who was pretty good at commanding the room Mel Tucker you know just something to think about if he’s a good play caller if Caleb buys into what he’s doing then this offense will click yeah I think yes great players make good coaches great they make him head coach candidates and so what if he doesn’t become maybe he’s not head coach material but if he can become a good play caller he can find a good rhythm with K kale Williams really it’s all that matters what question are you asking me all right next question TI Town Bears if we resign Yanik andak do you see it being another one-year deal or a longer term three to four year deal oh short-term deal one year deal he is 29 years old he’s coming off uh what was a foot ankle injury yeah and that one-year deal wouldn’t be the same as it was last year not one year10 million no not coming off the injur and plus it wasn’t like he was doing a t when he was even healthy was he getting better yes I think montz sweat was what the Bears hoped he be he was what’s the word I’m looking for he was multiplying that was happening and I think he could play he could be a great compliment to what montz does but no it’s not a three fouryear deal yeah I got to yeah it it’d be shocking if it was anything more than a one-year deal I do think this is a real possibility though okay I really do and I think it’s a position the Bears know they have to add to the draft didn’t fall in their favor it wasn’t a deep class at defensive end to begin with romad dun was ranked higher on the board than all those defensive ends so you have to to bring more just because of the nature of this of this sport of this game there’s going to be injuries you need depth and in terms of contract one year three four five million whatever it is something like that that should work for the Bears yeah and let me address that real quick before we move on the next question because I think people forget that every year there’s this one position there’s this one position that is this glaring need that didn’t get addressed and that’s because it’s the NFL and it’s not the way this league is set up one of the reasons why it’s so great is it’s there’s so many positions it’s a league of parody the salary cap works there’s a free agency season there’s a draft and then there’s the leftover after the draft that are still free agents and when the draft settles when the dust settles from the draft every single team on their list of whatever their top five needs were one of those didn’t get addressed at least not to the level that needs to I mean the Bears did draft a defensive end but if they had used a high pick if they drafted Jared verse instead of Roman dun then people will be up arms about how they didn’t add a wide receiver to the draft you know so I mean it’s like and there’s been years where they didn’t get their offensive tackle you know and that kind of applies this year too it’s just it doesn’t mean that there should be a panic over them not getting another defensive end remember the second round pick from this year’s draft was used for Montes sweat so that’s pretty good draft Capital used on a pretty damn good player who’s already established is Dominique Robinson on the bubble yeah I would think so I think he was already in the bubble last year remember he was in active a bunch until Yanni kak got hurt when Anga got hurt that opened up the door for Dominique Robinson to be active again on game day and they didn’t really do a tonon so yeah I think so I think I think Booker just takes a spot well I mean that’ll get determined in practice obviously but yeah anytime you have a two years go by and then they draft another guy in the fifth round to develop to develop that guy’s probably gonna take priority but it’s going to come down to um you know how the practices are going competition it’s good um and I like the booker pick so we’ll see how quickly he can I like the booker pick more than I like the Dominic Robinson pick at the time because the Dominic Robinson thing was like man this guy’s been playing wide receiver offense and they’re just trying to flip him to the other side of the ball and see how it goes with Booker it just seems to be a matter of playing time like film time like it’s like the JJ McCarthy conversation in a sense kinda yeah he’s only played 505 snaps right of of college football that’s not a lot but the snaps he’s had he’s delivered he had a good Senior Bowl yeah I he he stood out to me at senal from what I was watching on TV um so yeah I but yeah to answer your question I think Dom Rob is definitely on the hot seat or bubble whatever we’re calling it what else go ahead I’m listening next question for the Bears 20 three when watching Caleb Williams tape what one trait stands out Above the Rest same question for adun with Williams for me it’s the way like manipulates the pocket and I don’t think trabis did that very well I don’t think Justin fields did that very well but you see it from Williams right eyes are down the field just comfortable poised calm collected and it’s just the way he moves within that pocket and then when he breaks it the eyes are down the field like just that type of spatial awareness that feel that I don’t think a lot of players at that position have like as well as that like that stands out to me just the way he’s able to navigate chaos comfortably it looks rare to me sometimes I like this question a lot and it’s hard to answer because there’s a lot of different things he does really really well um one probably number two on my list would be what you just said about his eyes being downfield when he’s scrambling because that I think is a huge difference between him and Justin Fields when Justin would start running he was running when Caleb starts scrambling his eyes are still downfield he’s still trying to get the throw off but to answer your question what one trait stands out Above the Rest to me it’s the amount of different clubs in his bag when you watch his tape the different types of throws starts with his arm angles quite frankly but beyond just where he’s releasing the ball it’s how he’s layering these throws there there’s a lot of different types of throws his touch um at times is incredible and if there’s any fault to it at all it’s that sometimes he over trusts his ability to make some of those throws and I am wondering if there’s going to be a adjustment period early on in the season because I do see some throws on tape quite a bit actually that I wonder oh man I don’t know if that I think that gets picked off at the next level you know some of those hero throws Which club would you use to describe as deep ball because it gets up there it’s not exactly like lasered no but it’s got this Arc that is just it’s something it’s like a Scotty sheffler driver gets plenty of height May it’s not drawing as much but you know it’s a golf ball um but yeah he but that’s why it’s special I mean because some of these rainbow shots like the one he has uh in that Oklahoma Texas game as freshman year to Mims on the front pylon it’s like a moonball that just go 65 yards and he’s been throwing them yeah since high school I did a story on the athletic it was last week and just talking to them about those deep balls that he’s been throwing like it’s always had that Loft that trajectory something different something special yeah and then the other part of the question was adun um for me on ad dun it would be his ability to track the ball in the air I I just think he is that specific trait of his I think was up there with Marvin Harrison Jr in this draft class I’m not saying the total package was as good as Marvin because I didn’t have him as high as Marvin but I had him number two to Marvin Harrison Jr but the specific ability to track the football in the air adjust to the football in the air um and make those contested catches to me was the best in this class and there are a lot of good guys in this class too that that could do that but to me that’s the one with a Roman dun that stands out can I use one word for him let me know how you feel about this dominant dominance just in terms of well everything really but you want to talk about contested catches mhm one of my favorite comparisons like player comp was lan zerline comparing him to Larry Fitzgerald oh yeah I I heard that a few times and just everything is dominant right just the way he plays draft of the Larry fiter like player I’m like come on look look out it kind of still blows your mind a little bit but how I would describe his play when I watch him um yeah it’s gonna be fun I mean just it it’s still I didn’t I I I don’t feel like I had we talked about this a little bit the the morning after the first round but it is still kind of crazy to think that they somehow landed both Caleb Williams and Roman dun I me you have two top 10 picks you’re going to get two good players but that was kind of like the dream scenario that almost seemed too good to be true going into the draft and I I honestly felt like when Ryan bus was talking about that after he landed both players like you could sense that in his voice that even he was like wow it fell perfectly like you didn’t want to believe it is we went through own our own projections and our own mocks ah n this is GNA happen let’s look at these other guys yeah like usually the first mock drafts we do are like the most obvious ones that are like once you get closer to the draft you’re like ah yeah that in hindsight that maybe wasn’t realistic in this case that’s exactly how it played out well you can’t always project what teams are going to do at quarterback and the desperation that forces decisions yeah Atlanta Saye although not quite desperation I don’t even know what I would call that um stupid just I’m going to need someone to explain it to me better uh just to Shell out that much money at the position and then draft another quarterback who oh by the way is 24 years old already with bad knees and good player I think he’s fine but oh yeah I like penic too but you he’s not going to play him until he’s 27 like I thought he’d go in the first round exactly I mean you either wasted your money on Kurt Cousins or you’re wasting half of of your rookie rookie contract like to me it’s bad process either way I don’t I don’t I just don’t get it maybe it’ll work out but to me it’s bad process I didn’t hear all of it um I heard a lot about most of it but uh that what I did hear I I I did not hear any of that that was 10 years ago by the way yeah crazy uh all right next question Cubs and Ford yo at Cubs and for you is there any realistic takes we can come away with from rookie mini camp um from on the field no what I I like rookie mini camp because you get the size guys up get to see him in person um you get First Impressions which I think so in terms of realistic takes I don’t know if any any of that turns into takes but I mean I’ll never forget the first time and I had already seen Justin Fields a couple times in person when he was in college but I remember that first mini camp that rookie mini camp be like oh another reminder that dude is huge and that turned out to be true like the way you know when he ran with the ball and the way he shook off sacks all the time like that was all a real thing so I I’m there’s just first impression things and then also I think off the field just getting to talk to these guys too you just get a little bit more of a sense of who they are and how they’re going to be talking to the media and little things like that so is any of it the end of the world does any of it determine that their careers sometimes you have the rare rare exception of somebody who shows up and teams already have instant regrets um I was gonna go off that yeah sometimes it happens and then you get the the opposite of that which is the good side of that where you have confirmation of everything you hop the player would be you start seeing I always bring up two examples from the 2017 draft it was Eddie Jackson and Tariq I’m talking about like the duration of the entire offseason program where the Bears almost immediately which starts in rookie mini camp like oh we have a couple players here we drafted them like but we we might have nailed this and and the bears with those two players later selections absolutely nailed those selections of Tariq Cohen and Eddie Jackson I think that applies to like a lot of players I’m trying to think of other examples like like even to aler extent like like you knew right away that miss trabis is more talented than Mike Glennon and um Sanchez Sanchez Mark Sanchez you knew Justin Fields had a better arm on day one the Nick fos and anny Dal like certain things you see right away um like when Allen Robinson arrived just terms of like First Impressions yeah like that’s a player there yeah no I think that that speaks to overall ota’s whole offseason program you know rookie mini camp specifically I think there’s some examples we can point to from the past and by the way one of the other ones I’d point to that of which you just brought up uh Braxton Jones yes two years ago when all of a sudden we’re like wait is he taking who’s that taken first team reps left tackle rexon Jones oh really and then it was like oh okay so he’s oh really that he’s actually going to be the week one he’s actually going to be the week one starter okay um so sometimes that happens that doesn’t really happen a rookie mini camp but the one example I do remember this was that well it didn’t being for a good player but still a thing that mattered remember Eddie Goldman’s first rookie mini camp practice wasn’t there a conversation about like his weight at that point well yeah well there might have been but he got he got dehydrated like really fast and came up he like left practice early I think it was a hotter Day in May and then they conversation happened about like his health habits and what he was putting in his body so it was just it was obvious that early on and he end up being a pretty damn good player obviously but it was like the conversation that never really ended which was you know um conditioning nutrition eventually it turned into how much this guy love football cuz he ended up retiring a couple times apparently he’s back I’m not sure no I think he is back with the Falcons but I don’t know how much optimism there actually is that he’s going to play or want to I mean who knows but that’s just one example where you don’t really know it at the time but there’s certain notes that you write on your notebook at rookie mini camp that you might Circle because you’re just like yeah this is something to monitor this is something to you know continue to watch going in training camp because it might be a thing I remember the questions about Kyle long after his selection remember that like didn’t have a lot of Collegiate Experience but then on day one when he saw him on the field like okay this guy is uh a massive athletic human being who is going to move people and be a tone Setter like you just saw it almost immediately like okay the the Bears drafted a really good player here that’s why I wonder with I I’m really interested to see Austin Booker early on here not just you know this weekend I don’t know how much we’re to learn a rookie mini camp but just during OTAs for them to trade back into the draft when they had no other picks speaks to how much they like this guy and how much he was probably a lot higher on their board and it eventually just got to the point where it was like all right this guy’s still available like we we can give up a next year’s fourth round pick to get this dude um and it’s almost like know you saying Kyle Long’s name just kind of made that pop into my head because like here’s another guy who hasn’t played a ton but seems to have all the tools and I just wonder what type of impact he can make early on here’s another example just we’re going down memory lane like all the great things that the bear said about David Montgomery offseason program there it is you see it you saw it especially when the pass came out in training camp Oh this is a player I wouldn’t say the exact same thing about Roshan Johnson though again praised heavily by the Bears after his selection yeah but didn’t see it as much as what David Montgomery was doing now that could be a matter of situation David MCG Army kind of walked in and became the guy almost immediately clear Herbert was still here last year but just some thoughts I had yeah and going a little bit farther back a little bit higher of a pick but Matt Forte was the same way um when they drafted him in the second round it seemed like he could be a plug-and-play running back right away as a starter and then he just did nothing but run with it and had an excellent rookie season so um yeah that that’s why I do find it’s this is kind of a nice time of year I feel like for me one of my favorite times of year because to your point you set off the top of the show you can relax a little bit the draft’s over you can kind of take a deep breath Zoom back out on the roster but you start to get these more casual practices where there’s not a lot of anxiety guys are just out there the weather’s starting to get nicer they’re just a little bit more relaxing almost reminds me of spring training baseball it’s just a relaxing atmosphere guys going out there just starting to compete and you get these first impressions and you just start to see these little nuggets start coming together on the roster um I’ll give you another example like that going back to that yanique andak question we had earlier well you might not need to sign yanique andak if Austin Booker shows up and starts looking like Braxton Jones two years ago where all of a sudden you’re in your second or third OTA week and you’re like wait a minute this guy might actually have a chance to play week one at that spot I’m not saying it’s going to happen but contribute in week one you can be patient is my point and sign Yanik andak later after you’ve evaluated what you already have here all right we got some things up our sleev so can’t do we have any more oh here we go Dell Pi Pi Perry uh are we as fans getting too excited too soon should we temper an expectation that might run away from us or just ride it and hope we are actually underestimating the potential I think you embrace it yeah why not the other side is just miserable I don’t operate that way I I just Caleb Williams is the best quarterback in this draft romad dun one of the best receivers you traded for montz sweat like this roster looks good as good as we’ve seen it in a long time long long time as good if not better than 2018 right yeah like it’s just Sports the end of the day if your hopes are let down it’s more fun to have enjoyed it in the moment when it felt good is the way I would put it you know I don’t have any regrets about the excitement that everyone felt over that four game stretch that Justin fields and the offense had two years ago like that was fun that was overall a Bad season but that was a fun four-week stretch and so what like it ended up not working out in the end but that was still fun I hope you enjoyed it in the and as it was happening uh so yeah that would be my answer to that just enjoy this just enjoy this ride um or take kale Williams advice don’t duck it yeah don’t duck don’t duck it I like it like that take it on head first um I’m gonna bring up one more question that I saw on Twitter too um because I did say we could have some nonf football questions what’s the best movie you’ve seen this year um best movie uh I did see Dune too oh my oldest son and I went and saw it um we took in I think is at 9 pm showing I did not realize that I’d be getting be getting home at 12:30 wow am yeah it was longer than I expected but it was good it was good I know it’s a reboot of a like if you know like there’s reboots of movies we all know it because there no one’s original anymore but like the remake of this one is so vastly different than the original I’m really enjoying the Dune series um this is going to sound really sad I honestly don’t think I’ve watched a movie from start to finish since the beginning of the year like really I don’t think I have I did just recently get through Cur Your Enthusiasm because uh that’s always been one of my favorite shows and it’s been good therapy for me the last couple weeks if I’m being honest like I’m just going to grind through this on these plane trips and um so curb’s been good and uh I’m trying to think of what else I do have a request for all our listeners and Watchers if you have any book suggestions for the off season o Adam Johns loves historical fiction takes his mind away from Sports a bit send them over to me on Twitter okay um all right well that’s going to do it for us I think on this episode I hope everybody enjoyed it good Q&A uh we’ll see how rookie mini camp plays out this weekend we’ll be back early next week to to recap all that um as always just a little disclaimer disclaimer and perhaps a warning but we do slow things down here in the offseason uh between now and the start of training camp of course as soon as training camp opens back up uh and it will be earlier than usual in July um right back to the usual grind here on hul and John’s and U that won’t change at all but we might be more like weekly here and we uh we’ll probably even have a week here and there where we’re actually off completely um just depending on things but we promise we will have things covered like rookie mini camp this weekend got OTAs coming up we’ll react to all those as they happen on the calendar um and it should be continue to be a fun offseason so we’re not going anywhere uh when the Bears uh demand attention which is quite a bit in this town obviously uh you can follow us on Twitter Adam hog Adam Johns and on the show account Hogan Johns as well Hogan is where you can get these quarter Zips polos hats hoodies t-shirts obious shirts has us hooked up with all of it check it out also I want to mention um don’t miss it on CH today I have a long about 40 minute conversation with bears special teams coordinator Richard Hightower he talked about um a special team special yeah we kicked everyone else off the show just special teams guys talking special teams you might have to yes yeah yeah yeah I mean also game Greg yeah no one else wanted to participate in talk special teams anyway so uh it was fine it worked out for everyone uh but we had a great conversation new kickoff rules his involvement in that some of the conversations behind the scenes uh he loves Tory Taylor and I mean loves him so uh first comments from the Special Teams coordinator on the Bears new pter we got on a bunch of stuff uh beyond that as well but I think you’ll enjoy that conversation go so uh you can check that out on the CSO YouTube page if you’re watching on this YouTube page this channel Hogan John’s please hit the like button please hit subscribe and uh same thing goes if you listen to The oldfashioned Way of the podcast please rate and review it cross over help us out send the links off to friends help us grow the show we greatly appreciate it we’ll talk to you soon see you


  1. Glad to see you guys back together… I'm sending you a virtual hug Hoge, sorry for your families' loss!

  2. Bears fans are so sure Caleb is going to work out, which makes me believe even harder that he might go down as the biggest #1 bust ever.

  3. Keenan Allen ( don’t know if I misspelled his name) will be gone next season, he will want a big contract even if it’s for 2yrs, we can barely afford him now with his contract, DJ is still young & will be getting a extension after this year even though he still has 2yrs left on his contract, Poles has already talked about it, if anyone leaves it’s Allen……They will not resign a 33yr old during this season, I know he’s currently 32yrs now….

  4. I’m a Caleb fan & was a Fields fan, have you 2 been reading about how the Steelers are screwing Fields ( to all you people that say get over Fields, I watch every Bear player that use to play for the Bears) they have lied to him so bad it’s unbelievable, feel sorry for the guy 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  5. I would have been so mad if Poles drafted a DE with the first pick. It was obvious that the defensive players in this draft were laking this year.

  6. I always get a little bummed when you remind us the show is winding down for a while. Thanks for all the great work. Enjoy the downtime.

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