Golf Players

AMAZON is now selling this RANGEFINDER for £69.99!

We buy and test golf lasers under £100!…

We’re on the search to find the best golf range finders and expose the worst golf range finders under £100!

If you’re on a budget to buy a GOLF RANGEFINDER, this is the series for you!

In todays video we’re testing a WOSPORTS H-100 GOLF RANGEFINDER which is on sale for £69.99 from AMAZON!

The WOSPORTS brand has come highly recommended by my best friend Rob who bought a GOLF RANGEFINDER from WOSPORTS over 7 years ago!

Rob saw the AMAZON offer, and he told me to BUY IT NOW, so we did, and this is our REVIEW!



so when my friend from Dubai saw this laser reduced from $89.99 to $69.99 on Amazon he said buy it so we bought it so we bought it and we’re going to play threee olds here at won Park going to do a little bit of testing and talk about why he told us to buy this laser Dan you’re not going to get on a much today so you might as well take it how far have you got 99 yards I believe we might as well start as we mean to go on okay how much we playing for I’ll play you for a FIV a FIV we’ve just W opening all guys you might not want to mention that that were a warm up there were no winning good strike had ever it’s a birdie put it’s pin ey I’ll tell you what I’m going to use that club actually I thought you might have to see him that wish should have said a 10 there got no excuse fully warmed up from Pakistan it could be a bit long Spain oh oh dear not a good start it’s 52 50 I said 56 I thought you said 56 that went on first all well I’ve not left myself much to play with here have I no oh hopefully we can get it a stick oh no it’s stuck too soon oh dear oh it’s RAC bloody hell D what you had for breakfast oh dear so we made Rob by the way he bought War sport laser about 7even years ago on a budget I’d never heard him and he’s had this laser 7 years and it’s been absolutely bulletproof and he’s building a second set for UK so he’s been saying to me obviously been doing these laser videos what can you get me a laser you know obviously on a budget and he’s had a shot round he’s noticed that they’ve just released a new generation of the laser he’s got and there’s an Amazon off run at the minute where you pick you can pick it up for $69.99 so I bought one for him I’m going to test it and he’s actually giv me the original as well I’ve got the original with me as well the OG so we’re going to have a look at them both hit it get in he’s back from Pakistan and puts still on fire what about a friendly off oh that’s it is it right so this is the OG that Rob bought round about 7 years ago and he paid about £119 for this and he said it’s been absolutely bulletproof he even said he’s only probably put two batteries in this during its lifetime so it’s a they’re external batteries they’re not built-in batteries we’ve got the new version so let’s have a look first impressions cuz we’ve done a lot of testing on sort of lasers under under now so we’re quite good judges for these things I mean first things first nice case yeah quite a solid velcro case and a good clip as well that’s actually quite a good we see some tacky ones aren’t we plastic ones break we have put the battery in this so it’s another exteral battery which we don’t mind we’re a bit sometimes skeptical of the the built-in batteries I think I prefer that how long it’s going to last you can always replace these but um looks solid enough it does actually it’s actually quite nice feeling as well I think that’s quite a nice you know having the rubber here makes a big difference and that texture just makes you feel like you’ve got a good grip when you hold it I think in terms of looks they’ve definitely refined it a lot more aren’t they it’s a slightly smaller profile yeah I mean you could tell that same brand they just yeah but it’s a lot more sort of smaller and Compact and you know what I like about this for a budget laser it’s actually a little bit weightier than the normal ones so you feel like you’ve got something substantial in your hand which is one of the things we picked up on when you’re testing these budget ones that can sometimes quite feel lightweight can’t they y but you know compared to my sort of bush which were a 349 laser it actually feels just as solid and substantial so we’re going to do a little bit of distance testing I haven’t actually got the bushel with me I’ve got the incursor believe it or not um so we’re going to compare it against the incursor which was probably one of our better rated budget lasers weren’t it yeah we enjoyed that one didn’t we did enjoy that one uh which were reduced to sort of like 45 L I think you could get it for so let’s see so that’s measuring 180 yards don’t look 180 is it but I I don’t know probably you’re a big H yeah 1804 yards it’s got the jolt that as well quite a nice jolt on it I don’t think this one has got jolt I think that one of the main thing you mentioned about his original one it didn’t have the jol 188 eight yards difference eight yards difference but obviously that’s the old one is it so the Optics must have improved that’s pretty light for like on this one tell you what I like about this one though is it it jolts a lot more it you actually feel the jolt through your hand whereas that’s just a buzz on the incursor what about Graphics uh definitely clear on the lens that’s definitely clearer the graphics on this are like very bold text this is quite slim and just like sharper um But the lens the clarity as you look through the lens for me it just looks a Sharper Image I mean we’re no lens experts how we um but the image just looks clearer I’m just going to check what that big tree is on the left that’s 318 I think I’m going to aim at that tree and just fade it off the tree that Jee you glad to have that b the best strike much she’s up there so distance get in the comments guys do you use slope when you’re not in competitions and then do you use it without slope in competitions for me I just use it without slope all the time me don’t you ever try and guess it though to see sort of what your think I could try and test so it’s 106.8 without slope right and it’s a little incline is it so what would you say are you uh oh that’s a good question actually I like that question I would say what did I say 106 106 yeah 109 all right 107.1 barely made a difference no but it’s not much of an incline is it no not really to be fair I wouldn’t have changed anything so I don’t why I said9 so I to go first yep I only saying that cuz you put me under pressure I just seeing how much of a good caddy you were get up yeah it’s not bad little Le but you got away with it it weren’t e you cheeky s did you strike that that was pure s a dice yeah it it g honestly it’s getting a bit annoying what is wrong with me honest you are a good putter as well aren’t you us but you’ve got you’ve got your eye on a new putter that’s your problem yeah stop working on it play this one of my favorite part three here 188 188 straight at it oh it just threw back he’s changing his club now great shot there it’s not bad that not too bad it’s not bad at [Music] all not quite as good Oh I thought you got that turned no good you done and just to summarize if you were to buy this laser you’ve got the case with a good velcro strap a very Solid Plate inside you got something that you can clean the lens with if you any fingerprints on it you’ve also got this I think you can connect that if you want something just to hold up hold it with um but yeah I think main things is the feel of it and the like how robust it feels for the price it definitely make me want to spend that little bit more than the in cursy because I just like the feel you know that these are real Rubber and you’ve got the rubber here as well and just looks really nice so well done great fan never heard of War Sports either before this so fantastic let me know if you’ve got one of these lasers yourself guys and get in the comments give us your review for the subscribers to have a read um and yeah I think I might put that on my bag actually before it comes back guys thanks for tuning in and watching the laser review on the war Sports Rangefinder reduced from $89.99 to $69.99 on Amazon for a limited time make sure hit the Subscribe button we’ve got some more great videos coming to you this week we’ll see you in a couple of days time [Music] bye [Music]


  1. Is that Rangefinder rechargable? Many are USB-c rechargable, however, I did see one Rangefinder that didnt even have a battery included.

  2. I still ain’t trading my GPS watch for a range finder. I like being able to just look at my watch and get the yardage..👍🏼👍🏼

  3. I got the Revasri after you reviewed it , my first laser finder so I can't compare it to anything else. That said it works for me and I got it for about 45 quid from Temu. I see a slight flaw in the case of he one you reviewed today ( and this is picky ) but I think the velcro would annoy me as t looks like it would shut when you put the finder back in the case.
    most other cases I've seen have a quick release loop.
    Keep up the good work Gaz !

  4. I actually got the new version about 3 years ago on Amazon for $100. I did a bit of research on it and from what I saw it was very good, and I don’t have a bad word to say about it. Never had any issue with it, the only negative is that it doesn’t have a build in magnet for the cart but I can’t complain for the price. I use it a lot and I only had to replace the battery 6 months ago from the original blue one. 10/10 for me especially for the price!

  5. Just ordered one while on offer, been wanting a range finder for a long time as I've been using a GPS watch, looking forward to trying it in course ⛳.
    Loving the channel and video's 👍

  6. That bloody awful putter is still working, most annoying as it’s the ugliest golf contraption i have ever seen.

  7. Thanks for this series Gaz. I know you love a bargain I just bought the Revasri NK-1000 for £14.39 as a new temu customer 😮. I know you rated a few of the other ones higher but for less than 15 quid should be a nice introduction to range finders and if it doesn't last it hasn't broke the bank.

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