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JuJu Watkins on Being The Next Face of Women’s College Ball, NCAA Tourney Run, 51-Point Game & More

In this episode of Podcast P, we are joined by JuJu Watkins, the USC guard and National Freshman of the Year. We will talk about her first NCAA Tournament experience, her amazing 51-point game against Stanford, and how she wants to improve her game. Also, Paul George will give JuJu some advice on how to juggle life on and off the court and how to develop her pace during a game. Lastly, PG will answer questions from fans about Russell Westbrook, his favorite play of the year, and the best rookie PG he has ever witnessed.

0:00 Intro
4:26 First 30-point Game Ever
8:52 First NCAA Tournament Run
11:35 Becoming The Face of Women’s College Basketball
14:40 51-Point Game vs No. 4 Stanford
21:14 Areas of Improvement
24:48 Advice From LeBron James & Paul George
31:06 JuJu’s Favorite Things Away From Basketball
34:16 Starting 5: WNBA Roster Built Around JuJu
37:15 How PG Developed His Pace During Games
44:14 Paul George Answers Questions From Fans

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welcome back to another episode of podcast P presented to you by prize pick a wave sports and entertainment original it’s your guy PG-13 and I’m here with my boys Dallas Rutherford and Jackie Long come on I like I like what you did up there you like what I did yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but we got a special guest with us today I got to go through this resume cuz the resume is crazy most points scored by a freshman in a season most point scored in a game by a player this year the only freshman in women’s college basketball history to have scored 900 points in the season damn keep going crazy second among all women college basketball players with 25 and 10 double doubles Dam 10 doubles she propelled her team to First Elite eight in 30 years with averages of 27 7 three and two steals named an All-American USA Today National freshman of the year and broke the NCAA Women’s freshman scoring record we got none other than the young Legend juu Watkins [Music] pleas that is a that’s a crazy resume a beautiful intro I had like usually I you know I try to come up with something you know special but with that I had to like we we got to acknowledge all that you have done in your first Collegiate year that’s that’s that’s remarkable stff too though didn’t he no no he was the longest intro we had though that’s the long the whole resume that the intro would have been about 30 minutes so she got the best intro of all times on the podcast for by far the longest but honor by far come on hey we tried to come in style you know I tried to throw my my SE colors on appreciate that’s that’s crazy swag right there this came in last week and we didn’t I didn’t know you were going to be here then like this is perfect but Jackie might have won up I think I won what you did over there cuz we don’t see no I’m kind of mad at Juju though cuz Juju a like mine today she got in the back come on I got this D just for you today juj what you got up there I got this i got this girl for you ju you came in with to the back yeah come on going do me like did I get it right you nailed it oh my God I got a lot of forehead I get the baby you ate that okay it a lot of forehead up there I see I seen something you did you wet it right let it let that wet sit in there right right right you jel it mhm walk it up rush it up you see look got to get that see look now now you got to use that you just got to push out the baby hairs he 40 no baby yeah Scoopy down yeah baby here next time teach me notes we going to go on the for piece now huh you ready for a 50 piece now I might I might I could probably get a 60 piece if I’m like now you 40 you never know that I mean I’m mad I’m kind of mad at you though why you didn’t do it today I’m sorry I didn’t know we was doing that today you could have dm’d me or something and said dude come on I done got prepared the girl came early this morning and knocked my hair up she you didn’t do that she did it listen I had cornrows yesterday he did I did this for you when they said Juju I said HOH I had to go get my hair done ASAP I wasn’t playing then you had the braids with the beads you tell all I had the beads in I called the girl they said hey fellas I tell you we had an awesome message it was a nice little message from our boy TD he told us about it and I said Juju I looked at my head ha I said oh this bad I said you know what I can take my hair down and do the juju cuz I seen the I had talk we’ll talk about that later in the thing but yeah let’s start the show cuz I’m excited I’m excited I’m one the juju best Juju [ __ ] today right yeah I give it to him but y t-shirt wasn’t nothing Brother come on all you can do is get a sign let’s get right to it right 6 years old you had your or one of your your first game game she had a 30 piece right you remember anything from this game my first the first 30 piece as a kid as a kid yeah as a kid oh [ __ ] we heard at 6 years old one of your first games you had a 30 piece that is I don’t know where that came from we don’t know about this can we fact Che 6 years old was5 yeah there we go there we go that she’s gassing me she’s ging being so mad he tried to pick her up and walk her out the gym oh so this was boys too with the boys yeah it was um up at Westchester Park it was like a coad like Park league but I don’t know how many points I had but I I guess years old guess football free agency might already have you hyped for next season but while kickoff is a long ways out you can already pick more or less on 2024 season stats on prize picks season totals for past yards receiving touchdown sacks you name it we’ve got it you can now win up a 100 times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks you can turn $10 into $1,000 with playoff basketball and hockey on entries to date on prize picks America’s number one fantasy sports act price picks has been awesome just because it’s all online I can do it from the comfort of my home and I love placing entries on a multitude of different sports not just football basketball uh and baseball but you can also dablin maybe some of the video game with the Esports and so forth so I’ve really been enjoying prize picks yeah I’m I’m just like you Dallas you know I like doing things where I know I can win you know what I’m saying I’ve been doing a lot of winning with baseball this year so far so you know I’m I’m G stick there you know okay I know they got the the the Call of Duty on there I do good every now and then but I’m baseball so far right now cuz NBA ain’t messing with you know but anyways download the app today and use Coe podcast P for a first deposit matchup to $100 I want to make sure y’all heard me once again $100 use the code podcast P for a first deposit match up to $100 pick more pick less it’s that easy at what point did the love for basketball like when did that happen um I would say when I was like 11 like um my par like I really had to talk with my parents and like this is something I really want to do cuz other than that it was like playing outside with my brothers or going to the park um but I really wanted to be serious about it so uh I worked in the offseason with my dad he trained me on like fundamentals and stuff and I guess it just started from there okay that’s crazy cuz well allegedly will say at 6 years old you go for 35 so with that being said I mean you obviously had a skill set at a early age but then 5 years later is when you would say you officially like yeah started to really love the game yeah for sure okay we already discussed about you know the heck of a Accolade you had the year that you had your first collegate year if you had to pick a moment that stood out about this past season what would that be I mean the 51 is just insane it’s just insane but besides that I would probably say we won the Pack 12 championship and it’s like the last pack 12 ever right right right right um so that was just something to go down in the books and uh to do that with my team is it was really cool yeah who on the team is you say like you the closest with like that’s my girl utto OT is our uh India right yeahia India so back little backstory India used to go to my camps I used to do camps at uh I forget the high school what’s the which one there’s a lot I forget the high school but I know I know her dad Rick very well um and India used to actually come to you know every summer I would do a little camp and India was always at the camps and then fast forward you know and and I love her enthusiasm every time you know she’s the first one running off the bench to high five coming out of timeouts like she you can tell it’s just a genuine support that she has for you so yeah yeah shout out shout out Indie outage or village Village Christian I was trying to think where you done your her nickname is yeah her last name is OT so everybody just call her okay so Juju you got a taste of your very first NCA tournament for the first time this year and I’m sure that was an exciting time for you and you know you guys fell short uh in the Elite 8 to Yukon but during that tournament run uh just describe what that experience was like like your first you know big stage and I’m curious um from from your Insight did the game become easier to you or just what was like that whole tournament run experience like I think the tournament I mean it gets harder like as you progress more on the line like um game plans become even more detailed and everybody’s really locked in cuz one and done um so I would say just as far as like what’s being thrown at me like on the defensive end and stuff like that I mean of course it it gets harder as the season progresses um but for me it was just my first experience so I didn’t really know what to expect just going into it and I guess just try to make the most out of it um and really um just take everything in and know what to expect for uh the next couple years mhm right and I noticed at the end of that game uh Paige on the other team at the end of the game you guys are going through the high fives and she she said a few words to you can you share with us kind of what what she said to you after that game I’m not even going to lie I was just so emotional um at the end of it but I think just like just keep going um Paige is a great player um and I’m so happy that I got the chance to to experience that that bump because it is just it’s great for the game it grows the game and um she’s um I mean I grew up watching her in high school and just to see how far she’s come um just and how much she’s um been through and and still going out on top so I’m just happy for her and um she just had some encouraging words for me awesome were you looking forward to like that Caitlyn matchup yeah yeah that would have been that would have been tough oh my God that would have been so tough just to uh get that her last year um but she’s amazing and just seeing what she’s accomplish is is so motivating right well I I got another followup question what’s it like because you know the the women’s basketball TV ratings have been crazy and I think the LSU Iowa game it had the most views in any college basketball game uh women’s or men’s uh in ESPN’s history and I think it was the most viewed basketball game on ESPN since the 2018 Eastern Conference Finals LeBron uh versus the Boston Celtics but how is that for you kind of I’m sure you’re aware of of you know the popularity of women’s basketball increasing over the last several years and now you’re you know especially next year you know Caitlyn’s going to be gone it it’s going to be all you do you kind of feel is it pressure is exciting what is that feeling like knowing that you’re the face of of of women’s college basketball here well that’s that’s a big title I wouldn’t say that I think that it’s just I wouldn’t wouldn’t be considered the person I am without um my competition I mean the comp is everything the conference is the the great teams I mean I I guess like yeah that that’s really what matters just who you’re playing I think that’s also a factor in how great you are and um just seeing who you’re able to play and um so I wouldn’t say I’m doing it alone I mean there’s great teams everywhere so many great players and I’m just glad that I get to play against them I love it yeah that girl dope you how she said that much she Happ to be playing with her anyway I like to be nosy jujo what has been some of the great advice that players have gave you I don’t care if it’s Legends CU you know a lot of celebrities that’s that’s that’s here and gave you all type of talks when you’ve been at the games I want to know what type of advice have people gave you as you go to this next level in your career I don’t know I get a lot I get a lot of advice but I think um I’m very receptive when it’s coming from like people in my circle so I would just say my parents just just always tell me to just um hold my head high and um remain happy throughout this journey I mean so many things coming at me so I think just protecting my peace and my inner peace is is most important but give me a but do do me one thing give me a player give me a player somebody okay okay you your mom and your dad yeah I know I want to see what play gave you some advice to help you out present anybody anybody okay I would say um sh like Cheryl Miller we’ve had great conversations she told me to find a safe like a space where I could just um you know be be free of all expectations and stuff like that so still look working on that and stuff like that just making sure that I’m I’m good you know on and off the court when we speaking of like iconic in the in the sport of women’s basketball angel Reese is definitely at the top of that with how much she’s been scrutinized how much she’s been praised how much she’s been um idolized um she is one of the biggest faces in women’s basketball um college or WNBA have you been able to connect with her at all on on any advice or no I haven’t um but I mean what she’s doing for the game is Just exciting she’s so excited to watch and I think our numbers speak for for themselves just um constantly double doubles and stuff like that so she’s a great player and uh she really helping grow in the game yeah yeah yeah she’s she’s special talent good luck to Andrew ree I know she’s going on to the next level as well you talked about it a little bit about one of the most memorable memorable moments um was the 51 piece right on the road go to Stanford what is it Maple Pavilion is there Arena I think so yeah I know it’s a hostile crowd there’re the number four in the country Stanford with Cameron Brink but yet you go off and explode for 51 points can you describe the moment when you knew that all right I’m I’m locked in I’m just in a Zone here I think I went on like I I went on a crazy run I think um where I just didn’t miss and like I don’t know you I feel like you know like you just in the zone like we saw it and watching it live it’s like all right yeah she there’s nothing they can do with her you you can’t you block out everything you don’t see no Defenders and you just started shooting and then it just you had I mean you had the hesy had the three ball going Euro slide through step you had I mean literally everything you had was it was just like you said like and when you’re in that zone for people that don’t understand what that zone is like it is like you are just like Z it’s you practicing basically yeah you like in the Avatar State yeah she was crazy everybody is Con shout out to she won’t say it but I’ll say everybody is cones when it comes in that moment it just literally feels like you you can’t do no wrong the basket is triple to size the ball just feels like it’s just fitting perfect into your hands it you just in tune with your body your movement you know your pace the other night when you did that that 41 piece yeah yeah like that it it just got it anything you throw up it’s cash you know it’s cash got it you felt like that before have you had a moment like that on set on set killing every scene so what is that like so in in in an acting set like what does that feel like when you when you in a zone is that like remembering all the lines like you ain’t messing up on lineses is perfect remembering all the lines your ATP your marks where you going that light that’s hitting you right and you just exit out that scene with with with no mess ups and you you killed it that’s that’s a Zen cuz you zoned in you locked in you in your character can’t nobody call you Jackie on set okay I’m me I’m who I I’m the dude the character that I am so that’s when you know you kill like is that is that like a is that like a a uh like a nod to you like if or is that a thing like say your character name is let’s see Esquire right I always bring up Esquire say you’re and if people on set calling you Esquire like is that like a like I did my I’m doing my job doing your thing they not call Mony he locked in in his Char heire he ain’t no Jackie loan that they get him out of here okay we don’t need him we here with Esquire and he zoned in and that’s all do it’s the same thing I would love to see Jackie be locked in on the basketball court like that if he made like three shots in a row he they think I don’t got gang they think because I got sciatica I don’t got it I still can do this I still can do I’m G show them when can I be in the League this year I’m gonna have to talk to the coach I don’t want to be in if you got to talk to somebody got a coach take it seriously oh good so Juju Tracy Mills has been someone that’s kind of been in your circle Mills someone that you’ve leaned on during your time uh over the last several years he’s been at every one of your games and he brings a lot of guests from Kanani Chris Brown Kevin Hart you name it I think LeBron and Vanessa Bryant have been to one of your games has there been anyone or is it one of them where you kind of left Star Struck because you knew that they were in attendance watching you play the game yeah I mean I’m a big LeBron fan so anytime he comes it’s crazy um I guess all yes honestly how do your teammates feel because I mean they’re there to watch you I mean if we’re we’re being honest here it’s it’s got to be cool for the teammates too you know what I mean I saw absolutely Travis Scott was at one of the Iowa games and he took a picture with Caitlyn and then you see all the teammates in the background like get now it’s got to be fun for your teammates too just having having those types of you know celebrities and people there at the games yeah I mean we all pretty much Fang gr I mean if it’s somebody crazy so yeah but it’s crazy like cuz there’s now there’s a JuJu effect right like that’s that’s that’s what’s crazy that’s what it is it’s a there we go you know what I mean it’s a JuJu effect like and I think that’s what’s going to be crazy like when you when you when you look at the bun and that being your signature look like that’s what’s crazy is I think you’re going to start a whole new generational thing of girls wearing the high bun and like how does that make you feel like it’s cute it’s iconic thing you know what I mean don’t that word right now don’t use it’s handsome the say that say that say that say that the bun The Bun can be handsome and cute it’s coed um but it’s it’s crazy to think about it’s like I don’t know just creating like a new kind of Swag it’s cool did I want to know who is this something that you always just course war or you like I want to be different and wear the bun on my on top of my head like you could have did braids you could have pressed it ponytailed it did a million things but you do the baby hairs on flea with the bun like yeah I just I just think it looks good so I just swear it’s been the thing since I’ve been doing it for a long time long my mom put me on mama did look at mama she over there she could have did so you said let’s got how’s the kitchen how the kitchen mom the kitchen kitchen good come on M how get how get I would have got the edges a little bit more tight hey maybe get rid of those Grays a little bit mom juj juj I got you I got you I got you get me right ju right me right let me see come on there you go come on got the baby ha come on there you go now me m that’s a 10 that’s a 10 that’s a 10 come on thank you Juju of course we uh we we talked about the level of focus you have right and then Jackie brought up uh or Dallas actually brought up the stars that do come out to watch you and and still you maintain this level of focus we’ve heard it from WNBA players NBA players they attest highly of how you know focused you are when you look at this season and what you’ve done and now you’re going on to your sophomore year where are you in particular like pinpointing where can I get better just knowing like I’m a high volume shooter I think efficiency is definitely the next step in my game um so that’s definitely something that I’m I’m working on just I guess just enhancing like uh my efficiency being more precise about where I shoot the ball and stuff like that how do you decipher from like cuz when you watch Caitlyn right she shoots she has the Stu range right like are you looking at that like oh let me I need maybe add that to my bag or let me extend the floor a little bit yeah I mean range is definitely something that I’m that’s a constant process of like uh working on but I would say I’m kind of different in a sense that like like I have my slots and like if you could get me the ball in my slots it’s like ISO you know stuff like that like like I could pull the transition three stuff like that but I’m more of a spots person I would say gotta what’s your go-to move like do you have a move CU When when I’ve watched you play you look very fluent and you’re kind of just going based on what the defense is giving to you but do you have like a favorite like go-to move like all right I got to get a bucket here like is it you like to go left you like to go right like what’s your go to like you need to get you can’t tell her tricks come on I would say Euro I love a euro okay I say it’s just so tough she cold I you got a strong leg cuz I couldn’t keep doing as much as you do it I love I love your cuz you’re and I do it too you’re you you get into the Twitchy you know Twitchy uh step back like I I I love watching that you don’t see that much from the women’s game of having that kind of handle that twitchiness when did you develop that like cuz I do it too like and people like oh he’s he’s Twitchy but then I’ve never seen it in like you know women doing it and and and you’re taking it to that next step I think over the summer I’ve been working on my Pace a lot and um more like shiftiness um I think this Summer that was like the next step in my game um and I just kept working on it um and like repping it in my in practice and stuff like that yeah yeah it I mean it looks it looks comfortable I mean you pulled it out in in the you know in the tournament run you obviously pulled it out and you you know displayed it during the regular season so it I I can’t wait to see more of it and and that you know take another step to it I know Melo compared you recently to Myer Moore for you personally who is you know that person for you that you idolized or or you want to compared your game to I would say Candace Parker um I I just I grew up watching her at the Sparks and I just fell in love with her game um and like her versatility so I would say I always like apply that apply that to my game like trying to be more versatile M get get in the post more okay CP shout out CP cpz shout out CP come on and you had mentioned that you’re a big fan of LeBron James who you’ve got to meet you and LeBron you were able to do a commercial at his house in high school and then fast forward he’s sitting at your college game watching you score 27 points uh what kind of conversation did you have with LeBron after that game I don’t I don’t think after that game I got to see him but I think like every time I see him it’s always just like keep going like and stuff like that I mean just what he’s able to accomplish I think he’s just already inspiring just just seeing how how far he’s come so um for him to really take his time out of his day and and come watch us play is it’s amazing it’s awesome p this is this is a question for you but I want you to give her a piece of advice because I think it’s interesting like when you were 18 years old a freshman in college you only really had to focus on basketball MH here she is she’s a young 18-year-old uh young woman and I I love that you said that you’re most focused on protecting your peace but now now this generation of athlete they have to deal with being invited to podcast nil there’s there’s there’s a lot of stuff it’s different like we he didn’t have to deal with any of that stuff and now there’s money involved in these college athletics and I know for you probably the game of basketball changed a little bit for you once you got to the NBA because now you’re dealing with money so I want you to give her a piece of advice on how you know she can kind of Juggle like the business side and just the the Love of the Game side yeah I mean I think first and foremost you have an amazing foundation and and you know support system around you so that alone will keep you grounded but I think it is a different a different time you know I obviously wasn’t that high level of a player coming out of college I wasn’t you know that I wasn’t on that scene or even close to to the level you are at as far as superstardom in college um so you know some stuff I I you doing something I’ve never done but what I will say is that you know continue doing what you’ve been doing I think people lose sight of you know thinking that they have to become this because of everything that’s you know basketball has been giving you I think you’re at a beautiful place where you can pick and choose what you want and you know the deal you want or you know I think that’s you know where we’re at now you become uh professional a lot sooner um because when you involv in money you know that’s the position that you’re in now you know for me it was once I got in the league now it’s money involved now it’s deals now there’s so you do lose sight of you know you can I would say not you do but you can lose sight of what actually got you to where you’re at right um so just staying grounded with what you do it’s been working obviously um and you know I the saying is is cliche but it’s true like all money ain’t good money um as long as it aligns with you and it doesn’t you know overlap or it doesn’t become more pressure added to you um it is tough because with social media now growing and you know um you know people going to scrutinize and you know try to pick holes into your game I always looked at it like people hated on Michael Jordan right right and so once I got that into my head and it’s like all right well they GNA just say anything yeah like if they hate on MJ game like what the [ __ ] am I mad about you know what so I think just you know just having a level of Peace you’ve already stated that having a level level of Peace of who you are keep that in your foundation and um just don’t stop doing what got you to where you at because it’s working the Persona on the court and the Persona off the court um it was I think it’s something that you have to find you know like who you going to become and who you are on the court it’s always going to be different than who you are off the court right and when we talk of that level of peace and being in a great state of mind uh for me I I always try to be consistent with like how I approach going into a game and and you know the mentality going into a game so I’m never like all over the place so I never feel I’m uncomfortable or I never feel like damn like last game I was calm and I was chill now I’m like laughing and [ __ ] like now I’m in my head you know what I mean like I’ll go through moments like that honestly where like things might go on it’s a different situation people joking and I don’t usually joke I try to be super serious going into games but then I catch myself laughing I’m like wait don’t laugh I don’t usually do this like what am I doing here but you know talk to us a little bit of like of how for you being in that piece of mind like what are some of the things that you try to do going to a game or you know why you’re in the moment of just kind of being mellow and and staying in that zone and locked in yeah that’s crazy that you say that I think I have like the same exact like uh approach to the game just trying to I try to like isolate myself so I’ll just put on my headphones and just like won’t talk to anybody for like hours leading up to the game so I I just try try to it’s like a feeling like you could feel when you’re going to have a good game or like when you when you feel on um and just trying to replicate that and do the same thing um maybe like listen to the same music that you know like stuff like that to get in that Rhythm um so I guess that’s how I kind of prep yeah I because I guess it’s kind of like a not not necessarily A Superstition yeah cuz it’s a borderline of like Superstition or routine you know what I mean routine more and I I like people look at me and they’re like damnn like what’s wrong with P P mad today but I’m not but it’s just like I I’m I’m not in a joke and like mood right now you know what I mean like and I don’t yeah I’m just locked in and it works for me like I carry that onto the court and so people just like sometimes locker room like damn P you all right like and I’m perfectly fine but like yeah like this is my way of getting ready for a game and then I carry that into the game cuz I’m not joking I’m not this is not a playful matter for me right now like I’m mean business you know so yeah I mean it’s it’s it’s working people out there we not mad okay we locked in we got a job to do let us do our job what what about off the court like I know for p and I’m speaking for him but I know like he loves to play video games he’s just focusing on the game it’s relaxing it’s fun what’s your like off the court you’re not playing basketball you’re not worried about your deals like what’s something in your personal life that like you enjoy to do other than basketball I love going shopping which is not the best like thing to do but I just love going to the mall like with my friends or going to Ms or something um it’s therapeutic so yeah here we go okay retail therapy retail therapy SP a check and get it right back okay I mean I want to know what you listening to though Juju I listen to everything everything but you listening when you in that zone like you when I’m in the zoom yeah like what’s your what’s the go-to track that you you playing over and over probably apparently uh jcole okay co co shout out Cole new album might delete later that’s we just gave him some clicks you know I mean Co Kendrick Cole you know I’m a a west coast boy you know who I’m going with tough question Kendrick that is tough I’m Kendrick we got to go west coast you got to go you got we going to ask you who you who you got I’m not saying that call the Kendrick I’m not in the v West you better call with Kendrick no I ah I don’t know come on Drake we could throw I love Kendrick though see she love Kendrick so that’s so no fans of both fans of all three of but I mean it’s Hometown you got to go Hometown Kendrick you know what I mean I’m g go with Kendrick but anyways Juju on my way here guess what what all your AT&T commercial you was doing it with Joel yeah I mean that that seemed like that was fun cuz he even did you look in the commercial it establish that you got the juju you know uh style that you can go to the salon now and say give me the Juju but uh with all that said we know you got a lot of family members in the entertainment business shout out to my boy you know Mills and everything and my boy Robin Hood my boy Robin Hood too but um I want to ask you with that said sen you acting in the commercial with basketball you going up the ladder do you want to continue in entertainment business with acting or maybe do some music like the girl Flo J got signed to Rock Nation I don’t know you might want to rap you know I wish I could do what fla J does if I’m being real I’m I don’t really have bars like that but I would say I would say entertainment like yeah like um maybe acting I feel like stuff like that kind of comes natural for me um than most so that’s always been cool just like stepping outside of basketball and doing something different um in that industry you did good in the commercial too I had I had two Hey listen two lines can go a long way I had two scenes and one thing they killed me and they hey it did a lot for me so them two scenes is listen that’ll lead you a long way so no that’s what’s up so acting is one of them I did yeah that would be that would be dope J we have something on the Pod called PG starting five where you where youtubeers select a lineup of players from point guard to Center so I need you to be perfect at picking your w W NBA roster but the catch is you already drafted shooting guard for both teams so you and PG will both pick the perfect team to build around you so starting with you since you’re the lady here you get to go first starting with your point guard okay point guard Kelsea gray love her o Chelsea Gray is a good pick cuz she is a hell of a floor General yeah I’mma go I I gotta go I’m going go Kelsey I’m going go Kelsey Plum at the point at the point we need we need some toughness you know right take some pressure off you so we going small forward small forward yeah cuz you already shooting guard yeah you’re right okay let’s skip to forward you want to skip to the okay we get back to it Go Go Power Forward I’ll go satus Sab Sab sabali yeah that’s that’s a great pick that’s a great pick great pick y power forward P I’mma go Alisa Thomas okay I’m gon go Alisa Thomas we going Center or youer I got a okay damn on that can’t do nothing with that you know what I’m I’m I’m we GNA need to spread the floor for you so I’mma go I’mma go Stewie at the five Rihanna Stewart I’mma give you some space can I get his player though for the three oh no no wait can you no like you can’t pick the same player pick the same player she trying to go the big lineup oh for the three got this who be my three let me see don’t nobody tell her nothing how thought y’all be looking over here for the three I’mma go with I’m trying to figure out which way I want to go who team y’all got winning so far I like hers a little bit I like hers I need a strong pick you know why I don’t like yours I like what’s the last girl you just said Stewie Stewie is good but she’s too little I got one J L oo bunk bunked you she just stabed you right there she bunk bunked you damn uh she just bunk bunked you right there step step I’mma go I’mma go Jackie young go Jackie young I like that name you know what I mean j y come on Jackie she play she play for the uh the aces y I like that you know we she she play a little both sides we need some defense out there good defense I’m go Jackie and she a bucket get her as well my team is winning I was going like her and you know where you mess me up with Stewie with Stewie Stewie I think we got a chance I think we got we we going to pull Asia out you know Asia got to play on the perimeter Asia eat her up you know I’m just saying I think they balance each other out Asia dog St your dog you know I think they balance each other up okay whatever man Juju is there any question that you would like to ask P Dallas me or whoever but mainly mainly this man cuz y’all do the same thing is there anything before we leave today that you want to ask this man yes um I’m a big fan of like your pace so I would say like what was that something that you always had or like what really slowed the game like when did you start to slow the game down honestly what changed for me obviously my first couple years was built off my athleticism and you know just feeling like I was invincible I can run through a wall um and honestly I don’t think I had paid it was all just happening naturally just being young being youthful being able to fly around jump out the gym all of that stuff right it didn’t happen until after I got injured and I broke my leg and I set out and watched the game from the sideline and you know crazy enough I used to put myself in situations watching the team play like oh I would have done that differently or had I slow slow down right here or um I was just running through so me it was almost like I was playing mentally while watching from the sideline right and so when I came back that applied to me now cuz you know it took some time for me to gain trust in my body to gain how to move and jump and all of this stuff but I was still out there practicing and playing so that’s when I realized like all right I got to be a little bit more smarter because I don’t have that burst right now I don’t have that quick step I don’t have that athleticism right now so the game literally slowed down for me and and I I think that’s kind of when I realized like changing the tempo like you know how to play fast and then slow down catch my def Defender off guard and then now speed up like it was learning my Cadence you know and I would say that was the biggest jump for me on understanding how to play at my Pace let alone from the team’s Pace the team plays at a certain Pace I get it we want to play Fast cool or we want to slow it down cool that’s the team Pace but when I have the ball or if I’m in scoring opportunities now the game is going to be played at my pace and and with that it’s just you know reading you know helps side defense because I and you probably look at it the same way right I don’t ever look at the person in front of me guarding you know what I mean it’s always seeing the next play who’s behind him where’s the help going to come from where’s the low man at where’s the nail help um and so it was always reading that person and once I realized that then I started to understand like all right I could fake this way and then quick snatch go back the other way because that’s where I’m really trying to go so to answer that question that all started to develop after the the big injury and you know I was sidelined and had to just watch from you know from a boot and and you know uh uh tuxed on or not a tuxedo but a suit on um so yeah to answer that that’s crazy so we ain’t having no inj no I’m none of that uh is that it nothing for us where’d you get your Mt done I we just we plugged it bun who did the bun Juju did it ju did my bun today she she don’t want to take credit for she did the size though she did the edges EDG clean edges she cleaned me out okay yeah and Mama approved yeah Juju we we got to come with gifts you know you you part of the Family podcast P again we want to shout you out for taking time out of your schedule come through and and bless our podcast PE studio so you know we can’t let you leave empty handed I appreciate you there it is we appreciate Juju coming through we appreciate the Watkins family for coming through yes sir good we want y’all to stay locked in we’ll be right back with a little post man P when it comes to travel every family has a happy place a five-star resort with the kids club or an all-inclusive by the beach my family’s happy place when I was a little kid was going camping in San Louis [ __ ] at Lake Lopez what about y’all my happy place I would probably say we would go down to uh I think it was like either Newport or like lagona beach but my dad would take us every year and there was a basketball court outside right by the ocean and we used to go play three on three and just have a good time with the family so that’s probably that would be mine mine is uh I used to go to this place called Bullwinkles in Montclair it was dope as hell what Bullwinkles was like an amusement park okay like you say used to go for fun bull the name of it was called Bullwinkles Amusement part mon cair used to do the the the goat cars the uh the boat all arade everything it was like my favorite place wherever your happy place is price lies wants to get you and your family there more often and thanks to Price Line family friendly options you can save up to 60% on familyfriendly hotels you can even sort by room type and amenities like pools and get access to deals you can’t find anywhere else with Price Line you never have to miss a trip there’s value in using Price Line because it helps you save money so you can spend your savings at your destination like Tulum so download The Price Line app today to save up to 60% off familyfriendly hotels and go to your happy price with Price Line before we get back to the Show podcast p is sponsored by better help and as the weather gets better we all have to become more social so I want to ask you guys how’s your social battery right now social batter’s I think doing well right now been locked in at work but the sun has been shining a little bit gone out played some golf and it’s just been good to to get outside and be with other people so it’s doing well bonky been doing good you know having a lot of means audition help me focus and getting out there and just on that grind man love that love that I hear yall on that and that’s why I believe therapy can give you the self-awareness to build a social life that doesn’t drain your battery I know because I use therapy to help me balance life on the court and balance life off the court how has therapy helped yall same with me P I use it to balance my life you know what I’m saying get me up in the morning schedule my whole system and that’s that’s what it do helps me motivate myself I think that we can get so focused on whether it’s work or relationships family business whatever it may be and sometimes you forget just to you know pour into yourself a little bit so if you guys are out there thinking of starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule find your social sweet spot with betterhelp visit podcast P today to get 10% off your first month that’s better help podcast p as we promised we had the wonderful gu guu on set with us but now we got our Postman PE so uh D what you got for us was first question of the day so the first question comes from Kendrick smith22 and he asks yo P it’s been crazy watching all of the Baseline alley oops James Harden has been throwing to Russ considering Russ is in year 18 he’s truly a freak of nature athlete you’ve played with Russ in two stops now what’s the most freakish athletic thing you’ve seen Russ do on the court whether in a practice or in a game freakish thing I think uh the freakish thing about it all is it’s in the question like year 18 and he’s still doing this and he does this on a nightly basis and when I was in Oklahoma with him I watched this literally every game what you guys see in in the games he’s doing this in practice as well so just let that like sink in like of how athletic he is warmups and in the warm-ups like uh and he’s one of those dudes that like he just steps in the gym and he’s already bouncy and dunking crazy like regardless we can just get in the gym practice at 10:00 and Russ is already uh talking [ __ ] so I mean I think that’s the most impressive and the freakish thing about it all is that still with how long he’s been in the league he’s still doing it well the second question comes from Jaylen Vince Carter and Chancey Bops recently got selected to the basketball’s Hall of Fame do you have any personal favorite moment with those two during your time in the league P yeah I mean I got you know uh I had uh you know somebody I looked up to Vince Carter you know when we played against each other we would always you know he would always look out and uh you know just have great stuff to say always dapt it up you know embrace me with a big hug every time I seen him um and welld deserved I think he’s very underrated when it comes to all he’s done and how good he was and and his effect on just a whole culture of basketball when you talk about him being in Toronto um and obviously Big Shot uh chony Bops he was our assistant a couple years back in LA and I became really close with him through that process and him just being my guy our relationship grew um with with chy is just uh his realness right so like he was my shooting coach and you know when I would go out get ready for games like he was my coach that you know was assigned to me and um you know it it’ll just be like what I love is being coached I love when when like I don’t don’t sugarcoat [ __ ] tell me exactly what it is and I’ll respond and that’s kind of how big shot was for me like I remember there was moments where I might be a little flat or you know shots aren’t falling or he could just tell like all right he ain’t he ain’t himself right now and he’ll keep it 100 hey man stop [ __ ] around with these like get on your [ __ ] like what what the [ __ ] you doing man like he he’ll come to me on some real [ __ ] like that and at that moment that’s where I was like all right that’s my guy like that’s my dog I’m rocking with with big shot it would just be a look like it got to a point where it was just a look yeah and he’ll and you can tell cuz you know at that time it was during Co most of it so he’ll have his mask on but like I can tell like yeah yeah I can tell what time he was on and he’ll give me that look and I it’ll just be like all right I got you big shot I’m locked in big yeah that was big big ass head Big Shot the next question comes from Englewood clip and he asks PG had an incredible highlight the other night where he shook the defender to the floor and dang near crossed him recovered and still drained the midi he mentioned before watching his own highlights what would be his three favorites from this season three favorite highlights from this season individual highlights I’m trying to think I think the game winner against gold State mhm that was a big moment I would say the game winner over a Jonathan Isaac in Orlando that would probably be my most the most memorable I think shot or highlight of the season so far for me well our last question for Postman P comes from our boy mil he said I’ve been seeing wimy cooking out there with a ridiculous stat line and Brandon Miller went off the other night too P during your time in the league who’s the best rookie that you’ve seen enter the NBA best rookie that I’ve seen enter the NBA that’s a good question I think Derrick Rose like yeah I think Dereck Rose hands down has put on the greatest if not one of the greatest if not the greatest rookie campaigns I think that we’ve seen yeah yeah D Rose for sure d r like and I and and I was actually talking to uh because we was joking about Russ uh he had one of the uh layups the other night where he had a fast break and he tried to twoand dunk but it was like it was like a little little Rim Grazer and we was like man like old Russ you know we was joking old Russ would have did something crazy with that and then we started talking about the explosiveness and at what age and and we talking to the young guys B Boston I was we was talking to him on the bench we was like man do you remember how crazy D Rose was and yeah I I don’t I don’t he was that was the the that was a good choice good pick good good choice him and and and I think Tyreek Evans rookie season crazy good damn that’s right T seen a lot of rookies that’s that’s I was trying to go back like as far as like crazy like there’s been some good rookie Seasons since I’ve been in the league but like as far as like like dudes that was just you just knew Tyreek was he’s going to be a problem for a minute I mean Lucas’s rookie year was crazy he was it was looking like it was too easy for him rookie what about Lelo you going talk about my boy in there lamelo yeah lamelo had lamelo had a great rookie seon great rookie season he did he year me how can you you can’t get no better than that I mean rookie of the Season every year you I don’t care I don’t care we’re just talking about he gotwice he got it twice Lithuania too oh my God he got year in Lithuania okay okay well he just knows every stat That’s my boy that’s my boy but yeah I I think I got to go with D Rose okay all right all right that was some great questions from post man P we appreciate y’all fans for the questions keep them coming in y’all thought those was good how about Juju man Juju was awesome fantastic young special talent special talent special talent special astronomical I’m a fan I’m a fan I’m a fan going forward she is the face of women’s basketball for a very long time I can’t wait to see her in person like play play yeah we got to go to a game got to go to a game I got to see her you wear a bun I might just I think you should I think you should and we friends and Y friends we friends we friends I can do I’ll definitely do that for jujo anybody else W get this won’t get that ju get that get I like that what there you have it it’s a wrap on the episode we appreciate y’all and uh [Music] [Music] yeah


  1. This girl is gorgeous and a A1baller. I cant even think beyond that cause she only 18 legally grown and in college but she really just a baby so Ill leave it at that. Wish her all the best.

  2. They should immediately do a love and basketball 2 staring JuJu. Whoever owns the rights to it need to get on that asap.

  3. Arrest juju Watkins she ready to Sacifice me Lionel real daughter who has austism.Alert the sheriff on Highway 5.

  4. At this point, JuJu is an accomplished scorer and a good rebounder. She definitely makes her team better, but mostly because of her individual contributions, not because she brings out the best in her teammates. Her field goal shooting percentages are mediocre at best.

  5. JuJu can ball, but dont forget about Milaysia Fulwiley. Perhaps they both will be the next ambassadors.

  6. JuJu Gonna Eclipse CC Record Before It’s Over If She Decides To Stay For 4Yrs. She’s Too Good & Most Importantly, Humble When She Needs To Be✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾

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