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STAY ✔️ or GO ❌? Assessing the ENTIRE Manchester Utd squad | Saturday Social


Flex, Pippa Monique & Abbi Summers join Smithy and Joe this week on Saturday Social. With the end of the season on the horizon, we get our guests to assess the entire current Man Utd squad… which players should stay or go?

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Sky Sports coverage of the Premier League brought to you by EA Sports FC welcome back to Saturday social where we’re joined by Flex Abby and pipper and Joe the Whiteboard is back out we are going to talk all and Joe yes of course important Cog in the show we’re going to talk about man united uh in this part lot of chat this busy week for United obviously they did progress eventually against centry did win against she United but struggled in both a lot of talk this week has been about what players are likely to to stay and go and who should stay and go obvious stuff going with the manager as well so we thought this was the perfect opportunity to talk all things man united yeah absolutely loads of Manchester United fans wanted us to chat about this obviously inos taking charge there’s a lot of debate about the squad at the moment so we’re going to go through the entire Manchester United Squad any player that’s performed for over 50 minutes in the Premier League this season there’s 24 names to run through Flex you’re going to tell us whether you think inos should keep them or should look to move them on in the summer Abby and pip are going to give us their thoughts from the neutral perspective as we go along they both smiling at this this yeah grinning me me and flex are in tears obviously the tick means stay cross means go just just to help you out with that yeah first up should start with the keeper Onana again player that lot of talk on where do you stand with Andre N yeah he’s had a he’s had a mix season terrible terrible start really really bad the Champions League campaign that he had was so so bad um making big mistakes big errors really uncharacteristic of him as well and he’s got big he’s got a big character and in many interviews he said I know I’m not this guy like I can’t go from being one of the best Keepers in Europe in the Champions League final this that and the other to where I am at now it’s it’s it’s temporary um and he’s he’s managed to sort of stabilize himself part from against Sheffield United the other day when he didn’t pass pass the ball with enough uh what’s that face about enough him on it but but overall overall I think um I would still keep him keep him I think overall he’s been had a good season pppa your thoughts yeah I think it’s too soon to to to ship him off I mean he still needs time to adjust even though he’s had a whole pretty much whole season I think that’s one to keep and he faces about a thousand shots a game let’s not forget I think he’s faced the second most shots in the entire Premier League this season it’s not an easy job being the goalkeeper Manchester United also like your back your backline has been so mismatched because of injuries as well this season so most shots on goal this calendar year all the top four leagues but but the defense in front of him hasn’t been particularly good either so like yes he’s made individual mistakes but he was a decent Keeper at a and yeah he was good at a good at into so I feel like maybe with a more consistent back four in front maybe he he’d be more confident he was perfectly on to the back four Abby expertly done let’s talk about the defense Aaron Waka now I really like Aaron Waka I think he’s got such a unique skill set that not many right backs actually have with his One V one defending but um but if we’re looking to kick the team on um and be better I think it’s time I think it’s time to sit and and and I say that through gry teeth cuz I think he’s been a fantastic servant when you need him to come in in big games and for so long when Dall was supposed to be the out andout number one he had other ideas and he’s he’s so professional gets his head down he just works um but I just think as the team evolves he will probably find his game time less and when you’re left on his contract Pi what do you think yeah I agree with flex here but to be fair out of the two I would have felt in terms of squads iron M will be the one that you keep instead of Dow but between the two of them one of them has to go cuz D has been really good I think Dow for me has probably been from an outside let’s let’s talk about D let’s get sorry Aaron sorry mate if you’re watching bro sorry doo doo absolutely Joe look it hasn’t been a great season um in terms of Stand Out performers not many candidates as well D garnacho mayu’s coming late so only really those three you’re looking at for player of the Season D is an easy one he’s fun I’d agree with that I think the lot made of united in a negative perspective because of the season but he’s actually had a really good season so agre very good season youngster Willie CA um started a couple of Premier League games had an amazing game against Liverpool um not so good game against West Ham which was his actually no he’s okay in in West Ham when we lost to0 but he still played all right Bournemouth he had a difficult time against dominant sanki but he’s young only 19 only 19 one for the future yeah definitely got okay got okay next up Harry mgu Harry MaGuire can I just say I think Harry McGuire recently has been exceptional he is like a model Pro Harry mgu I think over the last month he’s probably been man United’s best player he’s come up with big goals big moments defensively I think treatment he’s had over the last season has been a disgrace I agree I think it’s it’s always the amount of time you see a goal conceded and you’ll just see Harry McGuire and a lots made of I think it’s so much unfair criticism of him it’s just class our little things the the FA Cup semi-finals soon as they scored the winning pen shook every com player’s hand little things like that players are off celebra I just I just thought that was a Class Act personally I do I do actually it also comes into what have to do in terms of the amount of business that has to be done at Center back Lindelof got a year left which they’ve given him extension to so he’s sellable Johnny Evans is probably just going to leave on a free Rafael Varan we’re going to come on to it actually helps his case in terms of stay though so I’m going to say stay where did you stand pip from Harry McGuire yeah it’s a hard one because you’ve mentioned there’s so many other like center backs that you have to deal with in their future but I feel like the Rejuvenation of his career in the recent months in this season has been really really good but at that stand I think that if you want to move the team forward within the next year this will be the good good time for him to go when he’s leaving on this note rather than the negative notes he had previous Seasons but much yeah yeah you would get a lot more money for har McGuire but like you said there’s a lot more movement that needs to be done so can’t sell everyone though positive so far yeah yeah Raphael Varan I love rapael Varan um those who watch like the content that I do know that he’s like my favorite player I just I just think he’s out contract this summer out contract this summer if I’m looking at it with what it is it’s it’s going to be time I think also he’s going to have to if they do give him a new deal it’s going to be on you know reduced terms he’s at a different stage of his career I I just can’t see it happening injuries as well Abby what your thoughts is’s a big I mean we all know he you know what he’s done his career incredible but he’s only been available for 58% of games it’s not much it’s not much and I think that again he’s out of contract it’s time to it’s time to move on I think United need a new spine of the team and I think it’s not to say that he’s not been a great player or contributor but you need to you need to rip it all out and start again for me you’d all agree with that veran when he plays he’s fine but it’s not available enough yeah I think he’s only been available for about 50% of the minutes across his Premier career man unit Johnny Evans what a guy what a guy um by how man united should be run no disrespect to Johnny Evans he shouldn’t be there but he’s a he’s a great Club servant of top top pro top top Pro and anytime he’s played you know from being ridiculed that man united have got Johnny Evans again to actually hang on a minute he’s been one of our best defenders when Premier League you what I mean and played very well in them um I’m going to say we need to move on um from him but again he’s a low cost Place yeah coaching role so it do you know what for respect I’m going to say keep him but as long as it’s as long as it’s like coaching role in the background it’s it’s another player to have ons cuz there’s so much to do there but um really he should be going he should be no actually this is contct gu himself’s an easy one sell he’s got a year left you have to sell him in the summer oh he’s going to go for free I think that’s an easy wow quick one um lassandro Martinez ravaged with injuries this year really really unlucky definite keep um top nine Premier League appearances such a shame isn’t it that’s a big effect for us Luke Shaw for me it’s time it’s time he’s been it’s time it’s time like I’m a big fan of Luke Shaw when he’s fit and firing he’s a good left back but again there’s so many times where he’s unavailable I do think though when he’s like when he’s available and I understand at the point that when he’s not available we are talking about one of the best left backs in the league he’s so physical he can move into Midfield we’ve seen him be able to invert and play on the overlap and I think a part of the reason that rashford has struggled so much this season is cuz Luke Shaw is not fit when he played 30 games last season rashford was at even Luke’s um like over his span since he’s arrived from Southampton to now how many good seasons has he actually had a lot that to be fair to C A lot of that has been injury I think he started 30 Premier League games twice in 11 season so that’s down to injury that’s and at what point again if you’re inly looking we I need a reliable left back he’s going to be there every year where do you stand on Luke shw because he’s still for many people England’s best choice First Choice left back you still see him now and when you do the one through 11 even when he’s injured people say Luke obviously chill there’s other players CH Tri that play there but that’s quite a big statement for Man United fan to want to sell I get that I get it because of the injuries like when you were just reading that about how many how many seasons he’s actually started 30 games like that’s crazy in 11 years so I get that I wouldn’t necessarily sell him but i’ I’d be interested in keeping him because of what he can bring when he is fully fit but I think he probably wouldn’t be your your starter moving forward because of that if he’s fit when he’s fit is fine but I just know you’d need to bring someone else in to to make sure that’s covered because I I see your point with the rashford it’s not Luke’s fault he’s been just really unlucky but it’s a long all right let’s get wow I’m going to say so it that one was me too okay casemiro right into the Midfield now cell um oh I wasn’t expecting that yeah definitely the only reason I wasn’t expecting that is because you you can’t get rid of all the grown-ups and I know obviously gr you can’t you need look I mean look at Chelsea if in comparison they’ve got rid of all of their their Key Senior players well most of their keyi experienced players um and that’s one player you need whether they’re playing or not you need them in the squad what do you think has happened to Cur this season cuz last season was really impressive do you think it’s the system or do you think maybe the injuries mixture of things it’s not just it’s not just Casmir is all of a sudden completely rubbish and you know he’s lost all his legs and he can’t play football anymore that hasn’t happened in one summer has it man united look we’re facing record amount of shots the Midfield balance is not there the back for is ever changing so it doesn’t matter who plays in Midfield they all get run past they all concede loads of chances but you know with the longevity of what we’re trying to build at man united Casmir has got three years left on massive massive wages come in to take casemiro Manchester United won’t say no in my opinion and they shouldn’t say no okay let’s get him on let’s keep moving through and sophan amrabat I was at the World Cup I saw this guy in person I was one of the biggest Advocates to bring him to man united I was wrong that’s that’s it that’s it there’s no they say you shouldn’t just go for a player after a World Cup Etc you know ham Rodriguez Etc but I saw him you know in that Moroccan side and he was he was brilliant um but it hasn’t worked out it’s alone we need to make sure that stays us alone and we don’t make it okay okay moving on next one ah Christian Christian eron time has come one of your old players Abby yes but I I can see it’s time for him to time for him to go for sure I think the legs aren’t there maybe like the just the the driving force of what all he was good at isn’t just hasn’t been there as much this season for me I think he was a vital player for United vital vital but the emerg of kobby Mayu Eric even said it in a in pressor he was like kobby m emerence is just what can I do and that’s only going to intensify next year you you can see the difference of the season because last season we wouldn’t have said casemiro Midfield pair last season how you bring age into that as well like they are they are a little bit older yeah like they’re coming into that stage where you need more energy and more legs in Midfield and maybe they just don’t have that anymore y speaking of more energy more legs Scott Momin um I think gets a rough ride at times I think I think what Eric ten has managed to do with Scott Momin is actually find his best role within the team which is being a squad player we all know that when everybody’s fit and he’s got his team that he wants Scott doesn’t start many games but coming off the bench can get you a goal he plays him further further forward doesn’t get him involved as like this this double pivot six link up no that’s at just get him in the Box he can get you a goal good squad player gets his head down top Pro and yeah use him in and Off the Bench seven Premier League goals this season not bad yeah top obvious one yeah the most obvious would you take him to the Euros would you start would you start him going on that basically kobby decides who stays he that’s how important he is he’s 100% in the squad did you ask me if he starts would you start him for England oh there’s so many Midfield options but like maybe not straight away it depends how well they do in the group stages I don’t know I don’t know if he starts I would I think him and him and rice in there is a nice little mixture personally yes absolutely rice man Bell yeah as a three I mean s and then you know you can also bring in Palmer if you need to it’s exciting isn’t it get excited again for I think that Midfield three is England is is top don’t know if he’ll go for it but we’ll see should next no reason to talk about C man Mason Mount 100% keep um look in the fan base it’s sometimes it gets a little split what’s the plan why have we bought this guy so much money yeah some man united fans can’t see the plan they think it was a bad buy listen to be able to judge M mount for the money that he was bought this year it’s impossible cuz he’s had a Tor time of injuries I think he’s a really good footballer I think he’ll find his feet and when the team gets more settled I think he’ll have a good season yeah super versatile like injuries have just been such a shame for him this and previous to this I know the last season Chelsea was quite injury hit didn’t have that injury record at all so fingers crossed for Mason he can get back to Fitness Bruno Fernandez the captain I would keep him absolutely he splits opiniones which is crazy for me cuz we are talking about one of the best creators European football he’s created more chances than any other player in Europe’s top five leagues this season he leaves everything on the pitch he bleeds Manchester United when you go to like the training ground or anything like that he’s everywhere like why does he split opinion then because because looking from the outside his numbers he’s someone that’s so integral well I think because some sects of the Manchester United sort of fan base see the sort of way he acts on the field as a negative whereas I think that’s just Bruno that’s his character and I think that that’s what he’s used to get to the Stag out right now which is one of the best attacking midfielders in World football surely they’ve got to keep him man united there’s a there’s a lot of people honestly to play Devil’s Advocate that cuz I want to keep him but a lot of people think you know the way he plays the game he gives the ball away quite cheaply um you can’t build a Midfield you think that’s the role he’s being used I I think that I I I think if the team is you know function how it should which it clearly isn’t Bruno is the perfect you know cherry on top like he’s he’s well you look at his stats his goals to game and assists his numbers good players around him if you look at you to sell him everybody would have him yeah I would I wouldn’t sell him I wouldn’t sell him no no okay Anthony tough tough time sell him massive money what you two do I would sell him yeah cut losses already yeah that’s that’s that Nicholas Pepe a lot of money they spent 26 appearances no goals one assist this season just disappointing without sounding harsh I mean it’s disappointing yeah um that that’s that’s a 10 hog signing like fully so that’s one um and if look if the right money came in for him if you’re inos you’re looking okay well let’s have a look at it they’re not there’s already going to be a loss spent 80 million on him hasn’t it’s not working out and I don’t I just don’t see it changing okay okay moving on Alejandro gono one of our star boys one of our really good youngsters who have kept us going this year brilliant you know starting so many games goal of the Season as well goal of the season 33 starts in a row I think the Garo which is just an amazing number when you’re in 19 old playing for the top keep him but does he want to stay of course he it the other way around we just ignore that does worry me honestly that does worry me mean does he want to stay really do you think he’ll be looking elsewhere do you he’s got a history in mrid has he signing from Atletico he’s still so young he’s such a good player you don’t want to be if you’re not going to be the player that’s carrying your team like a CO Palmer you kind of get pushed down into that pecking order it’s like is he even good enough he starts to question if he’s good enough because he’s not the team’s not performing well not now but in the next one one or two Seas I think he’ll be right for the next couple years got keep showing ambition enough to be able to keep these types of players so yeah Amari forson um hasn’t played a ton this season had a had a look at him in at senior level um I would keep so we can go out on loan and’s see where he fits in he hasn’t really had a I think the all the youngsters this year yeah three Premier League appearances Amad I don’t know what he’s got to do to get a start so many man united fans are saying what why is Eric tenh hard not starting this kid not just because of the you know the heroics against Liverpool when he come off the bench but just in general the way he keeps the ball the way he uses the ball the decisions that he makes is far better than Anthony um you know there is no Jaden Sancho Marcus rashford not good on the right hand side gacho’s got to do it all um so for me uh Ahmad must stay and finally get a run in the first team for me what what do you think of ammad you’d keep him as well would you yeah I would keep him I I totally agree with flex I don’t understand what he has to do to get a start because every time I’ve seen him or he’s come on he’s looking really impactful for me um I think that you’ve got so much good young Talent like we can just see that from like what you’re putting up on the board so I feel like with the right investment with in whatever you’re going to do it’s it’s a big job to do to get out some of the older heads or people that have been there a long time like we’re going to talk about next an martiel but that’s what you need to do you sometimes got to rip it up and you’re going to go through that really difficult transition do you think he’ll start today he’s got why not why not well 10 hog to be fair yes doesn’t start him but there’s no way there a lot of a lot of United fans want him to start don’t they you said earlier he’s got to start honestly he’s he’s he’s such a good player you can see it stick him on them got St CU we’ve got some big debate points coming up we got one of I think we got a few more than two players left haven’t we Mar wow okay doesn’t it you put that over up there incredibly quickly Flex honestly um listen when he came to the club came with such huge potential um started off really well and I’ve been a bit advocate for martial in terms of how good he is when he’s fit um but the lack of consistency he’s been at man united now probably feels like three years too long now and the injury he hasn’t completed 90 minutes in like three years only only 28 though yeah so many injuries so for him for United for the fans for The Institute it’s just best that they Park ways and you know he’s on a massive massive contract he’s going for free as well so it’s not like the original 50 million at man united spent going to rec any of that um It’s Time who’s next Marcus rashford this I think this is probably the biggest debate point isn’t it on this list amongst Manchester United fans and football fans before we get to the United fans opinion what’s the neutral opinion he’s been linked with Arsenal this week I know I saw that I was like interesting um I feel like I feel like they’ve left it a season too late rashford’s left it a season too late or two season too late to move on I feel like now there’s all this bad PR he’s not performing well it’s going to be a lot it’s not going to be hard for him to get a move he’s a talented player England fa player when you think of Manchester United you think of Marcus rashford come to stra away in stous with the football club you’re right so I’m not sure what the take is with this one I mean I wouldn’t get rid of him if I was would you take him at Arsenal though yes I’m not sure I mean obviously everyone saying that he would perform well like Arta could change him and get the best out of him but we we don’t know that I’m not 100% sure if I would take him obviously I would love the more talented players the better I would love a rashford at my team but I’m not sure I’m not I’m not 100% sure I’m on the fense what do you think about rashford I I agree with pipper I think again maybe the new contract I think has put United in a in a situation here he’s earning what 350 Grand a week obviously he signed a new contract so United are kind of tied into him because I don’t see off you’re going to be going on potential right if someone comes in there’s all these things for PSG they’re going to come in and free him with the contract and get him with the books but if I’m looking at him based on this season like why would I go and spend a big transfer fee also have to match the wages on on that for me he’s just not not consistent enough I know last year he had a great season but then the season before wasn’t wasn’t really UPS scratch he’s very much like this um obviously there’s there’s a lot of heat that’s on him and I do feel sorry for him a lot of the time cuz off the pitch obviously the stuff some of the hate he’s received he’s spoke about that in the week as a person he’s you know seems like an amazing person but I feel like maybe it’s just not what United need and I think for him probably needs I think he needs a fresh start okay where’ you put him it’s difficult as United fan because he’s come through the academy you really want to see him do well you back him you you you don’t like seeing this version of Marcus rashford you seeing him he doesn’t look himself there’s been a few outbursts on social media and different things that are happening off the pitch and you never know what’s going off going on off the pitch but I think he’s got every right to defend himself on social media I think he does but for me I just think sometimes sometimes the timing of certain um statements or interviews I I just think sometimes haven’t been the best um but it’s what we see on the pitch and then when you play for Man United um and you sign the big deals for the big money it comes with expectation just in general and I think abuse should always be stamped out like that is a non-negotiable but criticism is is what football is all about and I think people who have been criticizing Marcus rashford’s performances this year come from disappointment come from I know you’re better than this something’s not right and I’m seeing a player who maybe looks like he could get a fresh challenge or I would say I’m unfortunately going to go I think a new challenge are you w I’m surprised that I think he would be amazing for another club I think I’m not sure worri I think A lot’s made of you say about his incons I think a lot is made of rashford when he’s having the low moments but we forget that actually when he’s in form he last season at one point head one of the best goals to games of any player quickly last player uh it’s a tapping isn’t it easy Ras for a think yeah F perfect there we go so there is confirmation uh hland easy one for Flex which I think would agree tap into keep there is confirmation of the players that Flex as a United fan would keep and which ones he would sell thoroughly enjoyed that a few surprises in there Flex h


  1. After 4 years of underperforming and 1 good season they think keeping Maguire is the right decision 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
    At this point they are mocking themselves

  2. R. U. All Daff. Harry McGuire. Doesn’t he have more goals scoring on his own team. Than against. If u all think McGuire should stay. That means My team Man City Nation. Will have the next three years of EASY derby’s. Keep McGuire and I will make fun of son who is united fan. Lol. Man City yea.

  3. lol why was Hojlund such an easy keep? I disagree. Hojlund does a great job of getting stains on the jersey to look busy but at some point you’ve got to have the skill set to lead a controlled attack.

    Strikers need scrappy goals but you need more to be a great United starting striker.

    All Roy Keane said about haaland’s gameplay applies to Rasmus, except for the ability to enough goals. I know the team doesn’t play him enough balls but when they do, he should be better in possession

  4. Dalot is horrible at defending… Gives fowards too much space and time on the ball… I prefer United Keep Wan Bissaka and sell Dalot.

  5. There is a core group of players in this team that have been through so many managers and there has to be a common denominator here that’s why shaw rashford etc have to go, flex got it spot on imo

  6. If we sold all our left backs, whilst finishing 7th we'd never get the talent to fill the positions, so I'll we have to keep AWB and Dalot for the versatility, Rashford is a definite move on tho

  7. I think the one i disagree on is shaw, he's far too good to sell just need more options, we have missed malacia this season i would say

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