Stop Duffing Wedge Shots Golf Tips #simplegolftips

Stop Duffing Wedge Shots Golf Tips #simplegolftips

if you struggle with duffing pitch shots use this drill take the club you want to pitch better Point your lead foot at the ball put Trail foot in the air and as close to Lead Foot as you can to keep your balance but you don’t really want to use that trail foot all on that lead foot and just turn and turn into that lead foot watch how that moves your strike to be much more feelings of ball than Turf for lot of golfers it starts to feel really crisp then from your normal setup where I’ve got the ball more in line with the middle of me I’m going to turn more around this lead foot same feeling Just Lead Foot Lead Foot again for those nice crisp struck pit shots hitting more greens lowering your scores you’re very welcome


  1. Hey mark, what if its the opposite of this and struggle w/ blading, or very low trajectory shots w/ wedge or short irons? Does this drill help w/ this as well? THX

  2. Padraig Harrington does that drill also, he has amazing stuff on his channel really good teacher as well as mark

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