Golf Players

WTF: Adelaide Had It All … And Then Some | LIV Golf Singapore

In this edition of What The Feherty from LIV Golf Singapore, David Feherty looks back on last week’s epic LIV Golf Adelaide as only he can.

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LIV Golf

[Music] welcome to Singapore where this correspondent is sweating like a pregnant nun but yeah we have a pretty cool job here in the live golf league if you like golf but every now and then something truly special comes our way like it did last week in adelade this was a tournament that even your granny could enjoy and apparently she did although at least one of those Granny’s needed a [Applause] shave while Brandon steel was holding off a worldclass field for an indiv idual win the team event turned into a drunk yard sale everything must go with a mob of interested buyers so many in fact that we saw 15 League changes five different teams in first place and Uncle Phil throwing a fat lady at the scoreboard what is happening David that would be an eight but even that wasn’t the craziest part of the day after taking the Aussie masses on an emotional roller coaster and jumping over tqu High Flyers and iron heads Ripper built a commanding lead to reward the home crry polian that might be the killer blow for Ripper GC but have I mentioned Stinger GC no I have not because with three holes to play they were six back and our computer which runs its algorithm 10,000 times spat out a 97% chance that they would lose but then Lou usen birdied 18 and over on the 10th Brandon Grace makes Eagle then Dean Burmeister birdie 17 Louie makes another one on the first which was his last and charl bloody schwartzel makes a birdie from off the green somewhere I don’t know where but with one hold the play Stinger had made up three shots Stinger have just performed heroics in the late stages and our computer had exploded and then there was the playoff which saw rer cup level pressure team versus Team country versus country Mist putts clutch putts and Australian fandemonium that will make Men at Work Pride well this one was for all the haters out there if you hated this you’re probably communist


  1. 54 players.
    54 holes.
    Shotgun starts makes each round watchable.
    Teams competition means every single stroke counts right to the end.
    Non-stop action.
    Non-stop dramatics.
    LIV Golf rocks.

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