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Tom Brady Roast SAVES Comedy From WOKE Culture?!

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I honestly can’t believe that Tom Brady allowed it to happen bill bellich was there Julian Edelman Randy Moss Rob gronowski uh even Drew bledo lots of interesting jokes were said what I couldn’t get over as I watched it was this is a signature statement that the woke culture is dead in sports I thought it was the biggest takeaway white guys black guys Jewish guys Asian guys Hispanic guys uh and gals Kim Kardashian everybody was made fun of equally and it felt like the best days of Comedy were returning Jerry Seinfeld recently came out and said woke scolds on the left have killed comedy can you even remember the last great movie comedy that you saw in the theaters I mean something that really had you belly laughing


  1. Get over yourself, it didn’t wreck anything, it was hard core and funny for the most part. Stop this shit that the left can’t laugh at themselves. The right is always talking about beating people up for any perceived slight.

  2. We’ve definitely taken a shift back to normalcy.

    A good show that endlessly mocks wokeness but is run by what I assume as liberals is portlandia.

    We should be able to laugh about these things

  3. Fitting every and everything into a political issue is exhausting. Both sides. No hiding from ignorance. Guys everything isn't political

  4. Those who attended, are on the same page, I'm sure they planned it and I'm sure it killed the woke folks. Except for the ones posting fake videos saying Tom left after getting angry mid show or Tom gets upset at Bill, but overall I think the woke agenda has died! 😊😂

  5. Eff what Jerry Seinfeld says. People need to stop quoting him as some sort of hero. The dude is one of Kathy Hochul's biggest donators. He reaps what he sows.

  6. It’s amazing that Netflix even aired this roast. You know they had all the roasts before the show was even recorded and they still did it. I think it’s amazing because this whole show is what comedy is about, nothing serious, just things said to make people laugh. Of course you have the woke crybabies on X whinny that some of it was “just too much” then don’t watch it because everyone else had a great laugh about it

  7. Bull 💩…. Scripted and told, “it’s comedy”…. Please play along with this coddling safe space session…

  8. I watch old television for my humor these days.
    The comedy of Rowan and Martin Laugh In is priceless though most of the young people today won’t get the jokes.

  9. WOKE culture war nonsense. Get a fuckin life, WOKE is good; stop co-opting it for some bullshit. Being alert against your government is what "woke" is. Only unoriginal hacks even use the term woke in this way it is CRINGE AF.

  10. Half of the comedians who you say put on a good show with this roast would call themselves “woke”. The term has been beaten into meaninglessness. Yall need to start talking about something else. Cancel culture was never really a lasting phenomenon anyway.

  11. I haven’t been to a movie theatre bc I already pay for movies in subscriptions. This is like a trick question at the end. Movie comedies aren’t even theatre released anymore. That doesn’t mean there aren’t good ones made.

  12. I bet you anything this guy cannot define "WOKE". I can guarantee you he can't.
    WOKE is pure African Americanism. It has nothing to do with any LGBTQ or any other race or abomination of the Bible. Its been my experience that only racist white people hate it. But they are not brave enough to make fun of it standing close to any real African American unlike Stephen Smith.

  13. Clay is such an idiot lmao roast comedy has been a thing for a long time. he calls Comedy Central and Netflix (the companies that do the roasts) woke. A comedy show has no effect on how people actually act

  14. Where talking about Tom Brady here Greatest Quarterback/Football player of All-time he can do whatever say whatever

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