Golf Players

My Golf Club Yardages (2024 Season)

Watch Georgia Ball work out her golf club yardages for the 2024 season with fellow PGA Professional and Trackman Sales Representative for the Middle East, Tom Hanson.

Special thank you to Trump Golf Club Dubai for allowing us to film at their Trackman technology driving range.

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Hey I’m Georgia Ball, welcome to my channel! I’ve created my YouTube channel to help you get better at golf, but most of all enjoy the journey and have fun on the course with videos uploaded weekly.

I am a PGA professional who has played golf for almost two decades and on this channel you will see me play on some of the best courses in the world, equipment reviews, going head to head with other golfers and plenty of tips to improve your game.

One of my main goals on this channel is to make you play better golf by uploading plenty of videos on a range of coaching topics such as golf lessons, how to drive the golf ball longer, golf tips, golf drills, how to hit your irons better, how to fix your slice, how to fix your hook and how to hit your irons closer to the hole. Not to mention all the help you need to hole more putts.

hey guys and welcome back to the channel I am here at Trump International Dubai and it is insane thank you to all the team for hosting us and allowing us to use their trackman technology driving range it’s incredible before we get into it hit that subscribe button it takes two seconds to do the bigger the channel the bigger the video so get clicking so today I’m going to go through all my golf club yardages I’m going to go through how far I hit every club and just to get a gauge of where I am for 2024 after going through a lot of Swing work and changing my clubs as well so I’m super interested in seeing what difference there has been to last year let’s go meet Tom from trackman and let’s get into it so I am here today and I’ve got with me trackman Tom hi so Tom’s going to be talking me through all of my new yarders for 2024 go through pretty much every Club in the bag working out how far they go and what you can look for at home if you want to do this for yourself should we get started sounds good fabulous let’s go what is trackman being like in the UA is it being popular is it something that’s growing is it you see it a lot definitely growing I think the the thing out here is we kind of take the trends from Europe and the UK and then we adopt them a little bit later so we’re certainly moving over this way I mean you know tr’s a great example we’ve got uh ababi golf club uh down in down in Abu Dhabi Riad golf club and also Education City in Qatar as well so it’s certainly growing in the Middle East um and hopefully we’re going going to keep going with it yeah so you’re you’re a busy man yes very busy and even more so when you’ve got places like this where as you were saying people can go down even back home in the UK you can head down to a trackman driving range and you can do this for yourself yeah absolutely that that’s the beauty there’s so many ranges now popping up certainly in in Europe and the UK where rather than people feeling they need a trackman 4 or access to one they can come down to a trackman driving range get a bucket of balls and they can still get access to the same data that we would when we’re on tour looking after best players in the world wow and even that was just a learning little phase for me then because I was saying do we need to get the whole track man out but to know you can do it all just do this device is amazing so yeah exactly I’m excited I’m excited the guys here at Trump are great they’ve got the iPads that they can give out to give out to players as well or you’ve got screens at some other more permanent ranges back in the UK but as long as you got your phone and a trackman range you’re good to go brilant brilant so starting with my highest lofter Club y start at the bottom of the bag and then we up so just told me through the process how many balls do we hit per Club is it like an average or how does it kind of work so we’ll go for about three uh three sort of average strikes you know if there’s anything in there that’s particularly heavy particularly thin we take those out of the average CU there’s no real Point um so three three strikes that you’re relatively happy with and then we’ll just move on to the next one well and is that with every Club in the bag every Club in the bag every Club in the bag okay fabulous so even the um the um the longer IR that are kind of keep away we’re going to be putting them to test today the beauty of this as well it’s on a grass driving range do you think grass verse uh a driving range with a match you think that has an effect on it or does it not not on your distances not on your distances such maybe a yard or two a little bit further maybe on a map you get a little bit more spring um but people tend to get away with it a lot more on a map so this is certainly a lot more realistic what people are going to see out on the course yeah definitely and even balls wise do the balls have an effect on on performance as well or so they do but the beauty with our system is we can then convert that to what a premium golf ball would do so based on the driving range balls we’ve got here we’ve got a convert button in the in the bottom right to be able to see what it’s actually done but then what a normal ball would done same with same with the wind as well so if this was really howling into into our face yeah we can still take the ball data and tell you what it should have done that’s insane incredible and just one last thing obviously I’m here it’s 35 de heat as soon as I go home in a few days it’s going to drop down probably to 10° do you think yardage wise I’ll see a difference on um with it not being as warm or will it be pretty similar relatively similar yeah so when you start talking about altitude and temperature things like that it’s only when you get the extremes that you’re going to start seeing a noticeable difference okay might be talking between 5 yards but that’ be about it yeah I think that’s something as well a lot of people question when they go abroad is that something they need to keep in mind but knowing it’s not too much of a difference it’s not something that you need to worry about really okay fabulous so are we going full swing with yeah let’s go let’s go full swing so if you wanted to you could go through sort of your clock method and say right this is my half 60 my 3/4 60 but okay let’s just do uh full full swing yeah um silly question am I going for a Target or my just kind of so the target that’s chosen at the moment is the flag just to the right hand side of the the academy building down in the far end we can change that if you want to yeah no that’s absolutely brilliant it’s entirely up to you yeah okay perfect and now just for me which way is the wind blown okay straight into straight into okay it’s funny wedges wise um I don’t it’s something my coach tells me off all the time because I never hit them at full speed in my head maybe because it’s the which isn’t a bad thing The Loft that’s a good thing so that’s a good well it’s an interesting one CU even looking at something like this I personally couldn’t tell you how far I could hit my 58 degree wed cuz I never do it I know all my different numbers for that but if I’m ever hitting it full power I shouldn’t be I should be going to one lesson and that’s where no your numbers knowing a how far you’ve got to your Target and then knowing how many different options you’ve got to get there yeah that’s a a great weapon to have yeah brilliant so that’s two and one more it’s just so nice to not have to hit off a mat yeah Hitting off this grass is unbelievable and not having Wind and Rain into your face layers and layers and layers as well you’ve got no excuse here yeah okay so that was three yep nice as silly as this sounds does having dirty Groove grooves affect the uh affect this does it really yeah definitely it certainly can do so whenever you see the guys uh on tour when they’re warming up for their rounds yeah you’ll see they’ll hit a shot and then they’ll clean exactly yeah so then make sure the next one they’re getting exactly the right data um so that they’re uh there’s nothing there’s nothing affecting them yeah it can it’s one of those it can always be as precise or not as you want really yeah you know you can then get different readings and things but of course even b sometimes you see them wiping the B it’s wet yeah yeah AB yeah as soon as you get moisture on the face there’s been loads recently about grooves and the the effect they play and how much spin they produce actually all a Groove does is between the club and the ball just displaces anything that might get in the way so grass or water but then it’s going to affect the spin and the overall result of the ball that’s super super interesting as you say you could make the process as long or as short as you want really can’t you yeah definitely definitely well how often would you say you need to go through this process um I think it’s going to vary from player to player so you know good example if someone gets new clubs okay um or if they’re working on something with a coach or maybe doing some Fitness related things they might want to check back in yeah maybe once a month okay maybe depending on how much someone plays um or if they notice something on the golf course and maybe they think well actually that’s gone a bit further than I thought it should do maybe that’s a time to come back and and check cuz if it’s working out there leave it alone of course yeah of course same Target yep still the same Target two more yep two more what would you say Tom obviously it’s a lot of BS hitting through the process is obviously fatigue set in especially when you’re somewhere like this is there anything you do about that or you just have to I think I would just say to someone just take it take your time with it take it easy if you want a little breather between shots go for it if you want to grab a coffee come back try try and do it on the same day if you can because every day is slightly different um but by all means yeah if someone wants to just go and chill out for a minute and then come back and do the rest of the bag yeah means and I could imagine that um a lot of people do do that because it you don’t realize when you when you’re hit ball after ball after ball it’s not like being on the course cuz you have that walk in between and you have that little bit of re exactly and I think that’s where you look at fittings you look at lessons things like that by the time you get to the end of a session it could have been a lot of golf balls you’re doing a full bag fitting or you’re really working on something with a coach so that’s where the beauty of a coach or a fitter is they can re you in a bit and just make sure you’re okay and and make sure you’re only hitting what you need to but when someone’s on their own they tend to get a bit bit happy yeah get end up hitting too many ter good strike okay another two yep 99 uh yep 9 same Target do you think that wind’s picked up or it’s it feels like it certainly feels like it I’ve got an [Laughter] excuse stri so for me obviously this year I’ve gone new clubs and different shafts what I’m used to and I’ve done quite a lot of Swing work as well so okay the maining for me was to get the ball going further so it’s a good gauge now to know where I’m at Y in comparison to where I was last year but then how far can I actually go in maybe as you say two months time give it a check yeah exactly you know if you’re working on stuff in your swing or you’re doing some Fitness stuff or things that try and get it going a bit further anyway then it’s a it’s a nice Benchmark to have so then check back in and say okay what gains have I made or when you change clubs what gains have the clubs made for you you can really see it of course brilliant another two yep another two a uh a yep y strike lovely here we go to 79 next 7 nice at what point uh at what point in the bag does it start getting a bit uncomfortable no I stop at 600 okay okay which is um something only because I could never impr press theable we now that’s what I’ve been working on so hopefully eventually I can but for me it was always just use like your hybrids M yep um which I’d love to be able to grab a one eye now but if that’s possible then nice okay another two yep so I got rid of hybrids this year when I went through a Club Fit okay um the woods were actually benefit more than a hybrid which I will always with hybrid so it was really strange so we popped a seven wood in there instead of a a um a hybrid which is being strange because whenever I look down at that I just see three wood okay so go from a a rescue to that it’s a mentally being a little bit um challenging yeah yeah Fairway Fairway would High lofted Fairway woulds now become so popular yeah it’s so easy yeah definitely game’s hard enough why make it harder definitely so in regards to the Fairway W am I hitting this off the ground would would you go through like H off the ground versus tea or yeah I would go um ground versus tea as well because they are going to come out slightly differently so maybe get a few off the ground yeah would you use your seven wood much off of tea um you say very occasion very rare actually so probably more the five the three was off a te yeah so with those we can do a couple with each and see if see if there’s a difference yeah brilliant okay two more Yep a lot of people you say and so many people don’t know you say they come for lessons they so want to get better well how far do you hit the ball I don’t know yeah so many people don’t actually know I think that’s the thing there’s a lot of people either don’t know or think they know but then maybe jump that up a little bit um you know it’s one of those things for me when I’m out on the golf course you I’m not really thinking anything swing wise or or technique wise because that’s what I’ve done with my coach or I’ve been working on the range for me it’s a case of how far have I got to my target yeah and what do I need to hit to be able to hit that distance yeah um and if you’re guessing about any of that then you’re struggling and that’s where I think your confidence goes cuz if you’re not if you’re not confident with how that shot’s going to go you there there’s no point and it’s prepar as well is if you’re not prepared to go out there and say yeah I can choke down on it or I can hit it to the Max and that’s the thing you know you’ve got so many different factors whether you’ve got wind slope Turf conditions things like that but if you’ve got some baseline data the more you play and the more you get experienced the easier it becomes to say oh I’ve seen this before I know that this slope is going to do this to the ball or the wind whatever that may be but without that Baseline you just guessing yeah of course definitely okay so fivewood should I go off the ground first then a two uh yeah we got one off the ground they want to see it nice great strike okay two more Yep so obviously saying about how often should we check in these maybe for like a beginner golfer who have gone through a few lessons they’re on the course when should they start be start to kind of look into this do you think or is there no kind of I think the ear the earlier the better I think it’s one of those you know if you look at the the guys and girls that hitting it hundreds and hundreds of yards that’s great and I think a lot of people think I don’t hit it very far so I don’t need to know but if I know that my 7 iron goes 40 yards yeah and my a goes 35 yards then great when I’ve got that position I know which sort of clubs I’m hitting so there isn’t really a lower limit to it everyone if you can make contact with a golf ball you need to know how far that’s going to go yeah of course interestingly when you look at bag makeups and when you go for things like fittings as you have you might actually identify well maybe I don’t need all of those clubs cuz at the top end of the bag people tend to carry too many clubs you see so many different head covers and you think actually do a very similar job why don’t you just take the one um and same with the wedges if you’ve got things that are going a bit too close or a bit too similar you might be more comfortable carrying a few less or a few more if you notice a gap that’s there in your bag yeah of course and that’s where the Club Fit is so so interesting again because that’s specific specific to our game um rather than again guessing and carrying too many clubs and getting it right for you okay Fab so three wood now okay three [Music] lovely these Woods have been been amazing and I have taking the rescue off because I was guilty even from 140 yards just grabbing it and just hitting a half shot yeah they’re like take it out take out so three W off a tea three W off a te y strike good strike okay is that okay yep so before I left I was obviously trying to hit the B further I dropped this down so it was on um 12° okay dropped it down it’s gone I must have put that back up but um I dropped that right down to um 11 just to try and get that little bit of extra distance okay do you see people doing that more often or do they just kind of once they’ve got it they don’t change it and don’t do anything with it hopefully most people when they get it they’ve been fitted for it so it should leave it alone and if they want to change it ask their fitter or their coach to see whether that’s going to help if you’re buying stuff off the shelf slightly different you might want to then tweak it around a bit a lot of it just comes down to the individual and how they deliver the club to get the right trajectory so then get the maximum distance for some people depending on how you deliver the club the lower ball flight’s going to be better but for most people the higher you can get that going you’re going to get a little bit more carry okay fantastic so again it’s just trial and error just playing around with it and and seeing what works best for you isn’t it yeah and that’s that’s the beauty with the fitting I mean essentially it is it is trial and error to an extent and that’s where you’re fitter with the knowledge and the equipment they have available can then narrow it down a lot a lot smaller for you rather than having the every shaft available in the latest head they can at least say okay these are ones that we’re going to look at let’s now pick those ones for you yeah yeah love it and the club fit and processes again it’s it’s so in it’s in for that individual isn’t it to know absolutely and so many people think oh well that person’s using that so I assume I should use that Y and again the same with yardages they everyone plays the playing partner’s game rather than their own so just to grab your own club now for it goes that’s an improvement stet way like you said with the it’s so much down to the individual because even if you deliver the club at exactly the same speed as the person next to you the way you deliver it might produce a different ball flight so you’re going to need things about your club which is different to the person next to you yeah even though they’re the same speed yeah definitely nice absolutely loves every single minute of that we just laughing saying the the things that you know you know like the back of your hand but it’s so interesting because you learn from every single shot um can you give me a little summary on on yardage wise um how far I was H maybe like M 79 because then I can take that away and obviously you’re going to give me all those figures I’m going to go and compare that to last years y there may be some change there may be hopefully I’m hitting a little bit further um and then what I’ll do I even for me I might just write that down on a little notepad take it out of me every uh every so often and and then you just get used to that then eventually don’t you you’ve got your seven iron carry at 144 79 144 yeah that sound about right wow that’s interesting and I I was hoping it was going to be that because it was no word or lie last year I was carrying my seven like 118 okay good so it’s been like okay if you can’t hit your 79 for me pass that 130 I need to hit that further so that that’s amazing thank you so much I mean that for anyone is probably like yeah I can do that a pict W for um so 144 79 super interesting can you tell me a little bit about the obviously people want to do this themselves what are they looking for with the numbers and it’s quite a lot to take in so what what can they break down what are they looking for yeah certainly you’re looking at distances it’s about making sure you’ve got correct gapping between the clubs so you don’t have too many clubs or you don’t have too biger gaps that when you get into that position you know what you’re going to hit so doing this as we said maybe every couple of months just to make sure you know exactly exactly how far they’re going yeah um because that’s going to change from from person to person so if you know your numbers you can then play better golf okay and then as we said it depended on what you what work you’re doing for you for your own game and that’s dependent on how often you check it out and but basically if if someone’s going to go down to the range and go right I’m doing this myself it’d be cool for them to follow the process we’ve just done so three or an average ball um per Club go through work through the bag take the time because as we were saying it can’t be fatigue setting Y and and then looking at like distance so is the numbers on there like the ball speed and things like that did they affect obviously the total distance in the end on the carry yeah exactly so I mean that’s always the thing with any distance how much ball speed you can generate okay via Club speed is then going to dictate how far you can you can hit that ball and it’s going to change with things like the length of the the length of the club the loft of the club is then going to start taking the the ball flight into consideration as well yeah brilliant so we look on our mainly ball speed Club speed and then your carry distance yeah exactly okay fantastic well thank you so much I’ve had the best time um it’s just been so interesting I can’t wait to go down compare them to last year’s results study them take them away and hopefully in a few months time I can be hitting that 150 carry what you think sounds like a plan sounds like a plan so obviously how can people actually do it how do they access this facility that we’ve just been through so the the easiest thing to do is download the trackman golf app which is available uh just on just on the App Store um go on to the locator app and then you can find your nearest driving range or indoor facility head down there scan in with the QR code and Away you go and they don’t really need anything else apart from what’s been provided for them yep exactly you might have screens at some of the more permanent ranges you might have iPads that are available or just your phone you can get all the data on there wow and somewhere like we are today at Trump is just fantastic the grass range it’s all provided for you and a nice little pyramid of of golf balls there as well for you we do it well in the Middle East we do so thank you so much again for today Tom it’s being an eye opener love every minute of it um thank you so much again to Trump International Dubai you have been fantastic let me to use your range facilities it’s it’s been amazing like comment hit that subscribe button and I’ll see you in the next video


  1. Nice to see the lesson you had from that stranger worked. 😂. Great vid see you at LP.

  2. Great video, Georgia. I was fitted for new irons last year and the fitting included a gapping session on an indoor Trackman after the clubs were built. I learned so much from it that I was willing to pay for another session before this season, and like you, I was amazed at how much my swing had improved for speed and distance over when I had the first session. Well done.

  3. Hi Georgia, do you offer golf lessons in person at all please? Absolutely love your videos, would love to have you teach me golf 🥰❤️

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