Golf Players


Missin Curfew Episode 278
Recorded at HallPass Media | Presented by DraftKings

Playoffs are a different animal
Scheffler Wins Again
NHL Play in Tournament
Lindy Ruff back to Buffalo
Patty Maroon Dog of the Week
Mitch Marner and Nylander on the Milk Carton
Get Weegsy Baby a Beer Fella
DrafktKings NHL Round #1 Recap
Adidas Tee Times for Non Playoff Teams




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what’s missing curfew it’s when you kind of play guilty but you show up how nice is a green light on the road though no practice tomorrow no plane just go Scotty Upshaw in the C and he scores front scor you laughs a little bit of fun and obviously a lot of hockey talk you’re listening to missing curfew up dog fella how we doing buddy ah playoffs are here OBS things are good watching a lot of hockey playing some golf drinking some wine things are good bud you know what I was thinking about and this is not even doable but I was thinking imagine they played the regular season like they play playoffs it’s not doable physically physically not yeah like no it’s not physically do you tried it’s like going out you know it’s like going out three weekends in a row sending it I’m just watching this playoff hockey and I’m just like this is so much better like it’s not even [ __ ] close to how much better it is yeah like if even getting paid nowadays everyone’s basically on the same pay profile right yeah I know but you got all your paychecks you put some you invested some of it You’ put you you’ve helped out your wardrobe you got some good suits you got some money saved up for the summer to go on a bender no this is when you get to you know give them a tug yeah you get to give the balls a tug tucked in those nice Tom Ford pleats it’s just crazy how much better it is like I mean great the hockey been unbelievable um the refereeing pretty good yeah not bad not bad I haven’t had to send out a a post on X yet being like who is this [ __ ] guy uh I think the refs have been pretty good they haven’t been up dog horned up to you know call penalty but just you the guys finishing their check and competing and and and we complain all year that these guys ski in the four check and then they turn around don’t hit guys everybody’s hitting I’m just thinking there as a fan now as a fan as as an ex player you’re absolutely right it’s undoable I was just sitting there thinking could you imagine if this was every and that’s why people love NL NFL football it’s only what 18 games once a week they come out and they play like they’re going to kill each other cuz they know they got to week off and in playoffs we have that same kind of feeli it’s been unbelievable yeah it has uh you know NFL what do they say those guys run through you know how much time on field do they actually have in a game five minutes well if you’re like where they’re actually in plays it’s I not that much hockey right now you know these guys going out and you know what it’s like after game one after the first period you look and you just go okay I haven’t felt that all year like I haven’t felt that [ __ ] shoulder feel like that or I haven’t felt that block shot on my my laces or that guy you know Brad Marsh’s brist after doy smacks him like there’s there’s certain things right off the Hop you go [ __ ] okay playoffs are here this is going to hurt for the next two months it was last night in the in the the Vegas and we’re going to get to all the serieses but in the Vegas uh Stars game old Wild Bill Carlson went in there to hit nichinan and he just kind of turned his back and his ass to him in a while Bill hit him and you could see the look on his face of like first of all the wind was knocked on him a little bit and second he was kind of like oh boy yeah I wasn’t expecting that like regular season nishin probably just takes that makes a turn goes the other way [ __ ] does the rafy Torres reverse hit and it’s like yeah know they showed him on the bench UPS he’s like I mean and and what you’re getting which is why fans love it and why we love it because you know you watch too much hockey as is regular season hockey and it’s about time you get to watch yeah I deserve it that actually you know you feel like you’re you’re not wasting too much time sitting on your couch watching hockey now cuz it’s it’s the only thing to watch now you guys are you just say reverse hits guys are are hitting guys that you don’t expect to and that’s when you know the game is being elevated right like things are guys are going outside their comfort zone um you know guys that normally swing are hopefully trying to bury a guy knowing that in game five game six game seven that momentum and that sort of you know physical play that you bring will be you know will be the the difference in the in the in the series in the series that’s exactly it yeah it’s been unbelievable uh the refs good job fellows keep letting the boys play up dog first and foremost we got to talk about I’m getting here uh Scotty sheffler I’ll never [ __ ] up his name anymore I used to screw it up it’s impossible I’m not that much of a meat head so listen up dog I took Aber Berg at plus 1400 heading into the RBC um just cuz he had a you know he finished top he finished second of the Masters I watched him play the back nine I thought he’s young he’s probably full of piss and vinegar he came out played unbelievable um after the third round you text me and said OBS you should hedge your BET right now and I text you back I never hedge well up dog I listened to you as a as a BU as my best buddy and a business partner I had Scotty sheffler after the third round at minus 140 on DraftKings I should have put 10,000 bucks on him where we me and you should have put together our net worth because there’s no way he was going to lose that tournament and I only have minus 140 when I went to DraftKings I thought he was going to be like minus 300 or something you know three shot lead four shot lead was a rain delay on Saturday they had to come back Monday which I still think favored him so Scotty thank you again but up dog uh I should have put more on him but I did hedge I never hedge but I did hedge this time I mean he he’s just collecting collecting Benin collecting trophies four wins last five starts I mean 16 bananas he’s made in 44 days this year it’s quite impressive it is very quite impressive what I like about his game OBS is just the confidence and and calm like if he has a bad shot which is very unregular if he has a bad shot he’s coming back with a great pitch shot or a incredible Putt and his putts are all skimming past the hole or touching the hole and you know what it’s like when you’re when you’re feeling it right like the gu’s just the game’s not bad right now gu on my game’s not bad right now we got the Cravens we got the Cravens coming up but I will have to say this and I’m going to slide this over to uh in the feale you’re going to slide SL to her DMS or what yeah no I think this name needs to be talked about Nelly Gorda she’s w five consecutive LPGA events I mean and this these two are dominating their you know their respective leagues great great getaway sticks sck five in a row five in a row has you know we’re not sure this has ever been done before I think uh this is quite uh you know quite the honor but she between her and Scotty they’re taking over the golf world no one’s dominated like this you know in in in ages and um you know golf is one of the toughest Sports stick up and and you know compete against other guys in a in a one-on-one type battle and these guys and girls are just they’re crushing it so shout out to those two no classy play by you for Nelly CA I turned on I turned on I think it was the Chevron I think it’s a major on the LPGA to I don’t watch much LP but this girl is a phenomena is that a word a Phenom phenomenon she’s a phenomenon and uh beautiful beautiful lady too beautiful woman and anyways she I I flip it on she’s on the back nine she’s at par 317 um couple Two Shots up or whatever [ __ ] she almost dunks it hits the pin almost ho ho hoes it to like six feet makes the pot I’m like wow that’s that’s impressive ball striking there like just a tight little draw up dog I’m like woooo yeah no it’s impressive she actually withdrew this week from the LA Championship I think upie just tired of win yeah I think she’s just got to rest the legs I hear you rest is a weapon as I like to say hey but Scotty sheffler said um some yo-yo asked him if uh does it ever gets does this ever get tiring like winning golf tournaments and winning millions of dollars like what kind of question what kind of life does that guy have if he thinks winning on the PGA tour and collecting checks Benjamins as you just said is boring uh and Scotty kind of laughed and said no it never gets boring and any golfer knows this up dog he said hitting a good shot is addictive it’s like a drug like I’m addicted to hitting good quality golf shots and when it when I hit a a shot towards the pin it’s the best feeling in the world now there’s some other good feelings up but that one’s pretty good eh like a back door beat or like a late night tap in yeah exactly cold pint when you get one done that you’ve been working on for a while didn’t know if you’re going to get it done you probably didn’t have to worry about this too much but I I and you get it done that’s a good feeling too you know I I got it I cost you a bit and you some heartache but yeah it’s listen I mean he’s I I don’t want to say it’s tiger it’s tiger esque I mean four wins his last five starts like you said he’s the first guy since tiger to win a major and then win Tour event the next year and 39 years since burnhard longer speaking of guy who keeps himself in good shape probably on life force uh he won the Masters in the RBC so listen man I I I do think though UPS fellas out there if you’re golf guys keep betting this Aber Berg he’s he’s going to win here soon I mean he was whatever top 10 again he just didn’t putt great on the weekend had a couple loose shots but I I I think it’s a matter of time before this Swedish stud yeah yeah is he getting married are you sure he’s getting married he’s not he’s not single just doing damage are you sure I don’t know maybe look him up I hope stay single if you’re listening to Mr Cur you stay single come off the green there at the Masters and bu it out with some M maybe just flew her in we talked about yeah totally you’re not finding anything in Georgia anyway well hotlanta you are yeah not really everybody to cheetah in hotlanta I have oh mama how are you peaches there how are you uh so Scot Scotty sheffler buddy keeper huming uh up dog I wanted to talk to you about something here we touched on it last week about this NHL playing tournament and the more and more I’ve been sitting about I’ve been watching this playoff hockey ups and we just talked about it like how great it’s been right how much better it is the regular season it’s not even close like the and the end of the regular season you know we had some good great races don’t get me wrong and you know McKinnon cro McDavid doing their thing for the Art Ross the heart Matthews get there was great storylines I’m I’m not taking anything away from the regular season in that aspect but the more and more I think about this playing tournament I I think D sh it’s time now in a perfect world I think if if you bring the game you instead of 82 you play 75 and then you hope what’s that that the seven games you miss you hope that the the play in tournament generates enough Revenue to to kind of cancel those two weeks out right so if the playing tournament would have started and we did it the same way as the NBA it would have been in the west it would have been St Louis mini and La Vegas whoever lost a mini St Louis game is out winner goes on to play the loser of Vegas and La the winner of Vegas and La is in and then the The Other Side Pittsburgh Detroit caps Islanders I just think up dog the I don’t love the NBA but I think they’re on to something here man and imagine having Sydney Crosby in a little two game play in Obie with a little two- game play in and then that way you take away these games against the Sharks and Hawks and ducks you know like either either way like these these games are just taing for these team 75 games play in tournament let’s [ __ ] rock yeah you’re still going to get the tap in game so so you got to consider you’re still going to have the the top teams playing now and now right now I I love where you’re at I love where you’re at because those games there’s so much on the line now there was so much on the line for you know the last game of the of the season now it sucked that they all had to play him you know within minutes of each other and that tortorella’s decision to pull the goalie was the reason that Detroit wasn’t able to get in they you know that took away so there’s still going to be the games at the very end the Metropolitan whether it’s the Rangers chasing a president’s Trophy and they got to play a team that’s trying to get in so still me but the one-on-one Showdown to get in you know I don’t know if you’re going to you know 82 games seems to be the magic number you know what are we talking about uh setting 100 100 assist records right like you got to play a certain amount of games we don’t want to take that away to take the the history of the game away but in this case it’s how do you how do you fine-tune it so that it’s it’s more exciting on TV it gives more guys eyes it gives us more eyes on TV yeah um I’m just going to say and you’re absolutely those are great points I’m just going to say for a guy like myself I I don’t watch NBA regular season at all totally I turned on those NBA playing games over regular season NHL games and and and you would have to admit nobody watches more NHL hockey than me maybe Steve cool i’ be the only guy but to me I’ll watch a one game [ __ ] playoff atmosphere in a different sport it’s the best yeah I don’t give a [ __ ] about game 78 sharks Blues are you kidding me there’s no one and and what they don’t give a [ __ ] about it ex exactly you see the way they play and what you said about TV you know then you have this playing tournament now you get ESPN Steve leevy and the boys and you get TNT with Biz and the boys you know doing their thing covering the playing tournament generating more stuff on social media it’s just something that’s going to have a little more hype to it than oh hey who we got tonight oh Flyers caps and the Flyers got a win in regulations so they got to pull their goalie and then Detroit wins if if they win they’re in it’s like what what are we talking about yeah I I don’t know I just think it’s such a good idea I think adap or die up dog I mean I I I I would love to go back to the one and eight you know 16 teams get in the dance but I think this playing games I I think there’s some I think there’s some opportunity yeah there’s still room for it there’s still room for the for at the end of the year you know what they get one day off and then it’s [ __ ] mono imano with maybe one more day off before the the before it starts yeah so as an next player that’s a good point by you the teams that aren’t in the playing games they would get a full week off so the the NBA those guys got a full week but those guys are so soft that they probably loved it yeah but yeah it would be a week that you would be off that’s a long time yeah I would say five days max yeah five days you know what it’s like and you you we talked about this on the Pod but you’re like any more than five days I’m [ __ ] I know yeah oh for sure but now but nowadays if I was as mature as I am now and I’m thinking these guys are probably a lot more mature than I a week to me of just resting my body getting treatment getting some workouts in Flushing the system doing the cold tub getting the IVs massages I’m not like I I’m not thinking sounds pretty damn good yeah like I’m thinking these guys are like all right I could take five six days off here but it is a long time it is a long time and you wouldn’t have guys sit out right like you’d still have McDavid play game 82 if he had a week off you know you would have Matthews there would be no question are you going to sit Matthews the last two games I know he’s sitting on 69 goals but you go [ __ ] no he’s got a week yeah I think a week’s a little much ‘s no question that this is talked about in GM meetings and that It ultimately lies at Bill Daly um you know and the big boy there bman it’s it’s it sits on their desk it’s new it has to the NBA’s crushed it with it there’s no question it’s sitting on their desk I guess if the guys are probably going to argue against me is hockey is so much more of a physical sport than a than a playing tournament for hoops right you’re risking guy’s going to get there’s going to be some injuries coming out this playing tournament right like you you the first guy I think of that comes to mind is Braden Shen you don’t think Bren would have liked the little playin tournament he would have [ __ ] put his balls on the line yeah yeah guys would just it’s so hard to get in the playoffs and and these teams now upy are so close it’s tough in the west because veg Vegas is wild card 2 and we all know what’s going on there but I think La probably a little bit better than mini but I mean I think these guys deserve a chance of of of a one or two game little let’s getter going win you gotta you know you got to win to keep going I agree but just something I thought about and I’m all for just some of these regular season games down the stretch are so bad and so boring but uh anyways up dog last but not least on our little intro here uh turn the clocks back [ __ ] Lindy Ruff is back with the Buffalo Sabers are they going to bring the Dominator back too a dominator last time I was there I went out for dinner well this is wild back fact Daddy and I saw the Dominator he came up to our table he had a glass of wine with me I was like [ __ ] R you know Obie got this first goal on you um no but he’s a beauty yeah he’s still living there hey can I tell one thing yeah um remember that hit sup Campbell put on Fu RJ good God what first of all supie I never thought you had that in you playoff time again playoffs yeah umberger was a guy I wish I could have got the [ __ ] trolley tracks but imagine that hit happened today like even when I saw that and and I’m an old dinosaur old school guy when I saw it I was like oh my God that’s violent like you know we talk about how great playoff hockey but back when we played that was it was it was standard that was standard yeah like keep your head up or you’re not going to play knocked right he was out I he was D oh man he was [ __ ] done anyway sorry up dog oh that’s okay uh yeah know Lindy Roth returns after you know 11 years he’s been on 11year Hiatus which is funny because wow I played World Championships in Switzerland and uh he was our coach and at the time he was playing for the Sabers so holy [ __ ] I’m just SED myself yeah um how we old Craig buuy was right there Craig bar Ruby uh you know obviously Joel quinnville he came out and finally spoke on on strick and janny’s paw I mean he’s out there Travis Green who’s the interm guy right now with the Devils who I think will get that job but I don’t even know what’s going on in the American League right like there’s got to be a ton of good coaches down and listen I bet you Lindy Ruff is a beauty he’s old school guy I would love to sit down and have a beer with Lindy Ruff and pick his brain and just talk to him about his career he’s got an unbelievable career but if I’m Craig Adams and it didn’t just work in Jersey with basically the same [ __ ] situation that’s going on in Buffalo you got a young team with tons of talent and you’re trying to get it figured out how as a GM you’re just like I’m going to bring in Lindy Ruff because because it went so well in Jersey I mean it’s just to me it’s like I don’t know man like I I guess the fans know him maybe the fans love them maybe it’s a a thing for ticket sales UPS I I was shocked by this one it has to be shocking it’s um yeah at what point do you just not want to give an opportunity to someone else with a with a fresh voice you know is there is there no one coming up through the the great mine that actually wore a saber’s jersey that you know would be a you know a good voice and a good face for it like is there anyone well I think Sabers I think that big but Paul goad remember how big he was he was a beast against Sim since we were kids he was a a beast yeah W guy Cody McCormack I just remember cor player for Buffalo Chris Stewart I’m just thinking of all the Meatheads that they had all those guys were great guys too I mean listen it’s good for him good for Lindy but he’s like 67 years old at least how old is he check that please he’s 67 or something and like listen I watched some Devil’s game cuz the Frosty and Greener was there I love your boy Jack Hughes right 64 64 years old like some nights be on the bench Lindy like maybe need a sniffer look like Biden back there like hey wake up wake up bud wake up is that you Lindy let’s go Sops here I just think for for if you want to bring Lindy rough into the Buffalo Sabers if I’m Craig Adams I hire him as the assistant to the GM or something yeah I want Lind coach right I want Lindy Ruff around but I don’t need Lindy Ruff traveling every day having to do the video on the bench for 82 games like I just don’t know if that’s the that’s the answer for this young kind of upand cominging team here and we’re old school guys I love Hey listen I love Lindy RF I I’m not saying I’m just saying from the GS perspective if I was I bet you Chief didn’t even want the job no Chief’s waiting for the Leaf’s job yeah but we’re going to get into the Leafs anyways but anyways Lindy it’s nothing personal buddy we wish you the best I love the Sabres fans chip Wall Street uh we’ll see how it works out hopefully Lindy you proved me wrong we’ll be right back here at missing curfew welcome back to missing curfew up his world party time playoff edition big fella speaking of upy world party time we got pretty banged up Friday night together we sure did yeah yeah you ducked out there I tried to I gave you the upy don’t leave man let stay for one more anything past 230 in the morning [ __ ] did you put your head down and just kept Trucking I didn’t me and Loops are like he didn’t even check his shoulder and look back he didn’t even like hey boys love you I’m like I’m St on don’t go just stay for one more we’re going to have one more and then you left and I’m sitting there with loops going I got [ __ ] go to 6 in the morning with your kids is not perfect can’t imagine ah can’t imagine and what did I do Saturday I took the kids I did something with him but it was a long day bro how was that shout out to our boy Frankie at Roth child once again it was unbelievable I don’t remember much of the whaler how how was it in there I remember good yeah all the Ducks were there on their uh year end part yeah talking to Jonesy I got to meet Leo Carlson kid uh Stromer broken down with him awesome uh you oh this is what I want you and [ __ ] you and gas talking I’m like I looked at goodas I said get over here let’s [ __ ] hack it I’m like this is awesome I’m like up I’m like Lo look at this look at this someone take a picture I can’t up here and all these guys who play with you they tell [ __ ] they tell me you’re a good guy and when I heard it from Coupe I’m like [ __ ] okay the guy’s got to be a good guy I’m like you know I I apologize I got you with the water there the one day but you did knock me out in the home opener there [ __ ] he caught me big time dud he’s a liability man he almost he he got me so good I I thought it was I could have been an elbow but in the last game against Vegas he took out [ __ ] cotter’s legs and I’m like if I’m Vegas I’m like keep this gutus off the ice he’s going to injure a whole team before playoffs here like he he does not take nights off but I got a great kick out of that when you’re like I’m like someone take a picture of this I guess I could have but I was so pinned I looking out one eye but it was a fun night anyways but yeah yeah I know for sure so uh anyway let’s touch on the little playoff hockey little playoff bets here OBS you know obviously been tickling our our DraftKings account here as we as we normally do but one thing I want to share is these live bets so live bets for me I’m checking out as the games go on now getting a feel for you know how the play is going is it going to be highs scoring is it not tough to pick at the start of the game as you start to get a feel for it you know I’ve been I’ve been kind of watching the games early looking for over under and goals seeing how the goalies are playing seeing how the D are playing in front of it and last night for example was a prime you know the Vegas golden nights I I text my boys I’m like listen Pro’s back this is big game one Stanley Cup champs Dallas plays a tight game great you know aers is great goalie I’m like I think it’s going to be tight and then sure as [ __ ] first [ __ ] period it’s 32 it’s 32 I have under five and a half and I’m like okay Checkmate I’m done but then I started to watch kind of how the game unfolds and they did start to tighten it up so as the as the game went on I started to go you know this is the the Vegas put this line now at nine and a half goals there’s no chance Vegas is going to loosen their game up to keep this you know they might score to now the only thing I will say if you’re someone that wants to gamble the lines are going to kind of get higher but uh consider this in the playoffs because it stung me before is that when teams are down three when teams are down three yeah normally in the regular season they’re not going to pull their goalie with 6 minutes left if they get power play no they’re not they’re not but they are in the playoff but now they are so you know for example the Toronto game the other day I had the puck line and then I went on and I doubled down with the goals I doubled down thinking it’s going to be under eight and a half okay and sure as [ __ ] Toronto’s down three and I and [ __ ] Sheldon Keef I’m looking at him like go do not pull your [ __ ] goalie is this against Tampa no this was against Boston the first game first game my bad and so I just was like you have to consider that so consider like overs if a team is up three consider like an over still not a bad play like where normally it’s like team will tighten up well they’re going to pull their goalie and they’re going to try to get you’re going to either get the empty Nets or you can get the six on five goals there’s going to be opportunities for there’s going to be opportunities for more goals so just a high just just and Vegas isn’t perfect with their lines yeah they have algorithms and yeah they have you know I I think the live betting from what you’ve been telling me off air is like I think you can catch them sleeping a little bit like they think they think oh my God they scored four goals in the first period they’re going to score 10 yeah like no it’s not going to happen yeah yeah see so it’s It’s Tricky but it’s a way to if you think you have a feel for hockey and most guys do a lot of guys I talk to in game or like you know whether it’s fans or my buddies back home or guys that like to gamble you you kind of feel it out so follow the lines it’s they keep your DraftKings account kind of up and running and keep refreshing where these lines are because you might be able to get them oh you could definitely get a feel for how it’s going you can I don’t live bet at all I should I should maybe start figure out I’ll tell you when you start the live bet is when you lose the first game on the four games a night well then I just doubl down on my late games see but I just start Hing just get in there in game and [ __ ] yeah I hit a four gamer last night I hit I had the Leafs uh hurricanes Oilers uh Knights but listen when the Hurricanes were down 3 nothing I went up and double dipped on the Oilers thinking okay I got to get back because I had hurricanes money line too at minus 240 so I’m like [ __ ] there’s you know whatever minus 240 I lost so I went and hammered the Oilers and then you know we’ll talk about what happened but that’s usually what I do in live betting I just go to the game later that I think’s going to win mhm but I think the live betting is is is definitely just just keep it up like well look at it and follow it and then see if there’s like like shoot me a text be like can you believe this line like it’s good it’s good topics conversation if we do a live show too which we will throughout the playoffs we will focus on that with our with our listeners we will have our DraftKings and be like listen the line just is here what do you guys think is this yeah should we all Hammer this you know get them involved up his world I like that I like that up up his world party time let’s go live bets take the under take the over keep an eye on it I love just close your eyes and hit fck what else you got pulled up on that computer he you got jop por I got the whole thing I got it [ __ ] whatever you guys need somebody was asking about uh your T-shirt you wore last week the dog the dog one dog with hat he said where’ the up dog get that tarp so is that does that mean that guy’s a crypto guy he knows what you’re like you’re talking about it depends what he asks yeah or he likes he a sick hat yeah maybe if he said it was a sick uh tarp dog with a hat hat stock coming off where up dog get that sick tarp so I bought that online I found that in the depths yeah but I I figured he’s a crypto guy though yeah he is so that that that so I wore this shirt it said it’s just a dog with a hat but the width is wi and in the crypto world that’s one of the meme coins that’s it’s a top three or top four meme coin there’s there’s Dogecoin yeah so this guy knew that for sure yeah there’s the do do which is you know it’s a top five it’s Bitcoin ethereum Solano and then maybe Doge like that’s how much of a market cap this carries in crypto if there’s a trillion dollars in crypto Bitcoin owns like 50% of it and then ethereum 40 well that it’s just a coin and it’s it’s basically a tribe of people that want to chase it well the dog with the hat is coming on strong well this guy must be a crypto guy cuz he was L your target so I don’t know who it was but fella let’s go you got to get to the you got to get to the depths the Hat coming off not coming off up dog the missing curfew dog of the week uh start us off there with a friend of the show old school Dying Breed who we got there ah [ __ ] he just had a little uh little episode on Pat McAfee with our boy biz Patrick maroon playing physical at the boys listen back in the playoffs again we all know his story what a lovely story it is three cups he’s back in there uh listen monitoring the blue line with him and Revo got love it big physical boy I has a knack for the net chipping in uh offensively but Patty maroon uh love what he’s doing nice to see him back in the lineup yeah listen his hair is just slick back just [ __ ] greasy slick back going no bucketed warm up had six hits in game one I thought he was unbelievable in game one if I’m going to be honest I I I thought their fourth line in game two wasn’t as good in game one but I thought Patty game one six hits brought that element Championship pedigree uh so keep that going big rig and then for me a guy up dog that I talked to you about before the start of the playoffs Dakota Joshua I just this guy I just a playoff guy big strong uh two goals in game one physical bringing energy um that’s why he’s a Mr curfew dog of the week him in the Big R but this guy’s a playoff guy man play got to love him and what a what a play on that game but what a goal huge momentum builder for the team they had just tied the game next shift boom and just all his energy all his energy got the crowd uplifted uh and just as soon as I did that I I [ __ ] said this is Obie’s dog of the week 100% but Dakota Joshua he will be a big big reason why uh the Vancouver Canucks have success in this run you know dog of the week keep that going boys that’s what’s all about come playoff time up dog my man it’s milk cart time here missing curfew and I’m going first and I’m putting Mitch Marner on the Milk Carton the time enough is enough here all right I don’t know if everyone probably saw the the the the thing going on social media where he blew where he blew some snow the puck was going to the car the corner he completely [ __ ] bailed out I mean completely bailed out um the time is now for this guy you know we all know how much money he’s making we all know what’s happening in in Toronto they’re one one in the series he has been a nonf factor he compete levels too low he’s not getting the dirty areas you have to get uncomfortable come playoff time and it’s over and over with this [ __ ] guy upie and enough’s enough if he doesn’t turn around if I’m Brad tree living I’m telling him hey give me a list of 10 teams cuz you’re [ __ ] out of here enough is enough but Mitch mner come on man you’re better than that I don’t even know you but I know people that do know you just get in there it’s not going to hurt that much get a little cut on your face little [ __ ] bruise it’ll feel good after up dog they need this guy Matthews has been unbelievable uh we’ll touch on DOI later but Mitch Marner you’re on the milk card fella come on man you got more than that yeah my old man be [ __ ] losing it I wish I was watching the game my dad’s a big Leafs guy and if you are a leaf guy you want this guy to play harder you want this guy to [ __ ] wear his hard on his sleeve and and match the effort that you know the guys on his team that make as much money are yeah and the guys that AR just just get uncomfortable out there do some things that you haven’t done hit somebody hit somebody Mitch go to the net don’t go in there and try to hit him like if I see him do that one more time too I’m going to rip the TV off the wall like and I got lle texted me a former Leaf who played the game the right way and L doesn’t watch much regular season hockey but I’ve been watching every playoff game and the first thing he said is this Marner serious with that effort is he serious old I I know I asked you know I asked our boy uh on our podcast last week I said you know who in the room calls these guys out is there anyone I don’t think anyone does it’s a joke to virus doesn’t no it’s it’s too bad because I would be standing up just going stand the Ben yeah he could Shanny should be like Ed Joel you’re the guy with the Stanley Cup on this team [ __ ] call out Marner yeah just like during the game stand up and be like hey we need make a scene out of it I agree challenge guys I don’t know like like uh dowy did last night he yelled down the bench at the end of the game like I don’t know he was giving it to him he’s like like just barking at him like it’s this is time let’s go boys so martyr come on man you’re onaral boy from London you grew up watching the blue and white you got a good his chance as anyone right now in this series but they need him up and it’s year after year he just got to give his ball tug uh OBS I’m going to consider throwing uh I jumped on X yesterday uh with this William neander the you know the practicing not playing I’m getting [ __ ] you know fans are like oh you know if I see him horse around with the goalie in front of the net like he should be playing like shut up you don’t guys never played the game you don’t know what it’s like now whatever injuries he’s dealing with I’m just I think we’re at the fact now with the partnership between DraftKings and the NHL the partnership between the NHL and all other gambling sites the partnership that you know moving forward I just think the NHL needs to consider um a protocol with these Ines I think the coaches and the GM need to put out a list on let’s just say game days game days questionable in the morning Thatcher Demco for example today it comes out he’s got whatever injury he’s not in the play now I just you know he’s not going to play tonight perhaps questionable for the series I think it should be upper body injury questionable tonight questionable for the series and not just like I won’t say anything on his injury like it needs to be something and whether a guy a guy has a upper body or lower body maybe they need to say it’s a it’s a you know a knee I I I I I think I think with with the way gambling has come along now and you know I think you’re talking about it off air before we started recording today like if you know a guy has a bad left wrist yeah yeah you may Zone in a little bit more but you’re still going to play him as hard if he has an upper body injury you know something’s [ __ ] hurting him so if I if I see the thing oh upsh show’s got an upper body injury well I’m going to cross check him in the arm or back or or you know something’s wrong up there but when it comes to the G Ling I’m I think it should go to the next thing listen Willam yander he has back spasms that’s why he’s not playing um thatal has a right groin string he’s that’s why like we we should be we should know what’s going on yeah and at least then you could be like okay I’ve had a bright groin string I’ve had a I had blocked a shot I have a bruised left foot like okay then you’re like the better and you’re like all right is he going to play and is he going to be effective exactly and then that determines whether I want to take the game or not 100% and that’s the world we live in nowadays yeah and I just I I it doesn’t what I’m saying is it doesn’t matter I’m still going to play Shane O’Brien hard you know in the corner and I’m going to still slash you on both your ankles not just your left sore one like you know what I mean totally and and then the refs the refs know too so the ref goes into the game and knows he has a left uh he’s got a left wrist if I see someone slash his left wrist I’ll be like hey [ __ ] you you’re going to the Box wow I never looked at it from that angle that’s so then the refs even know so if a guy has a you know if the guy’s dealing with a a sore shoulder and all of a sudden you come into a scrum and the guy just cross checks you in the shoulder the refs are not dumb and they go into the game going okay who’s who’s hurt let’s see how these guys like use their sticks against them for example like they can still finish them totally legally but if a guy’s going to use the stick I I just still don’t that’s a good angle from the referee’s perspective because that brings in human element right oh upshaw’s got a bad left shoulder [ __ ] if O’Brien goes in there and cross checks him in the left shoulder night or or punches him or drives him in I’m going to I’m going to give obri an extra two there cuz he knows that he’s hurt there that that’s something that element would play into a referee for sure Ian peer would be a great guy to ask about that but that’s another good angle I’ve never thought about it from perspective but I think the time is now that you can’t just hide these injuries and be like this and that like tell us what’s going on with these guys from a gambling perspective absolutely um and I just want to touch on Willie naner because I did put out a video listen I I heard some rumors that he may his might be his back if he’s hurt I apologize to will I like Willie neander I think he’s sick he’s got sick style I think he’s a good good player come on man there’s a thing called Tor roll out there or or take a [ __ ] shot like get out there I saw him skiting in the Canada Cup if to me upy if you can get the high stepping going and the sauces going and rip it top cheese you can at least play the power play right like you can’t tell me you can’t take out one of the fourth lers bring in knee Lander and say hey if you can’t go you’re just going to play power play at least like at this time of year everybody’s hurt there’s not one guy in that dress room that’s not like [ __ ] my shoulder my hip so to me if he is Big Time hurt in something really bad like a disc or something or I don’t know up I apologize to him but to me I’d love to see him out there find a way to get out there and compete find a way and I just to further that I just don’t think there’s a benefit of him on the ice at all if he’s not playing what is it [ __ ] he’s going to lose his hands like no if he if he’s not allowed you know if if the if if they all say he’s not good enough to go then just keep him off and rest him andu what’s he doing out there from where es skap that’s exactly what I mean just keep him off he should be [ __ ] in the chamber he should be [ __ ] getting hands on him he should be doing everything he can to get back red light therapy [ __ ] cold cold that doesn’t hurt what if it is his back and he goes out and just it’s a little tweak here and there that’s that’s where it doesn’t make sense if you’re going to go out there for [ __ ] morning skate and listen they ended up winning the game so right now it looks all right but if they’re down if we’re sitting here today and they’re down two nothing and and you saw and you’re in that dressing room and you watch a will elander go out there and do the old C of cup which was one of my my favorite drill by the way the old swing swing I don’t know up dog if you’re hurt that you can’t play stay off the ice don’t let the media see you like up you said get all your treatment I hope NE Landers back I think he’s a good player uh and if he is hurt more than I think I apologize but Willie give those balls a tug fella get this guy a laat blue presented by laat Blue Light the pristine pilzner enjoy your beers together boys this playoff so you can live life to the power of weat always enjoy responsibly beer laat USA Buffalo New York this beauty from Colorado that before the game the other night after watching the game he probably had about 13 or 14 laat Blues but he had his beautiful little baby girl in an avalanche Jersey sitting on the couch with laat blue in her hand it was cute it was really really cute so uh up dog my boy wigy baby he did it uh I had I had dinner with wegy when they’re out here playing the duck he was a little worried about getting 20 I said well stop talking about it just let’s not talk about it it will happen but he got 20 goals he had over 200 hits 17 even strength goals Flames record passing the great Al mckennis uh and like I said the first player in NFL NHL history to score 20 goals and have 200 block shots wey baby I know you’re on a year head Bender right now and I know you’re crushing the bat blues and whiskey and everything else but get one in you fella unbelievable year I’m happy for him upd I love it buddy wigy baby well deserved uh listen Ryan Reeves is going on his yes here it right here his 13th straight season in the playoffs Mr O’Brien that is nuts with the blues golden knights wild and now the Toronto Maple Leafs but wow Revo 13 straight welld deserved [ __ ] teams need you bud keep her going Toronto Maple going home one and one get yourself a laat blue light fella that’s crazy and still making an impact so good on you Revo get Bat Blue in you our boy Matt Ry who you were texed with I love that he got back to the up dog coming out listen MSG [ __ ] what a burn I mean playoff hockey and MSG is anything better Matt Ry comes out makes a nice little play chips it in gets on the four check bug turns over right to him bangs it in uh Matt reppy good on your kid first ever NHL playoff playoff goal he played good he’s big he’s strong and up dog he brings a Swagger to the Rangers that they haven’t had in years past so say what you want but the big boy get a la B love it buddy hey good Alberta boy and listen I read read this article just of him answering like well did you go to you know did you go to the Cheesecake Factory last night and he’s like no we went somewhere nice it was tough to get a reservation though in New York you I said when I hit him I said buddy just don’t ever worry about the reservation yeah where you want to go for where you just let me know you either text me or let me know I’ll make it happen I’ll get my boy ma L on it [ __ ] you’ll be dialed in you will and I just said just go man in New York City heads up listen whenever heads up yeah whenever this run comes to an end for them and we’re going to get in the those playoff serieses right now we just need to get him a table at D West for the year end Bender just says Matt Rey on it and just he brings whoever he wants he just hasn’t totally if he can even fit in that he might not be able to fit through the door but we’ll bring him in the back maybe he’s not going to have to worry about going in definitely can’t go downstairs at D West those stairs at D West want to get in there R his coat Tails oh yeah how about it um yeah I love what he’s doing up dog and like you said if you need reso up dogs your man and then last but not at least we both agreed on this one Alex barov in game one he was just absolutely nasty offensively defensively the pass he gave to Carter ver heagy Barky get yourself a the Bat Blue this guy to me is still underrated uh he played great he played unbelievable in game one so we’ll see how he does but get a BL B BL and you fella up dog Jagger iciest shot of the night presented by Jagermeister best served at 0 degrees fahr damn that’s cold check Jagermeister out at www . DraftKings X yagger up dog damn that’s cool my man atin Matthews broh Austin Matthews first of all shout out to Max DOI flips it up Matthews takes it in straw you look like a like a wide receiver yes it was sick I’ll take that puts it down might even put it through legs takes it down coming in on allmark wh spinky I’m like oh and his s is was sick get yourself a shot damn that’s cold up dog that buried me I listen I took Toronto in the yeah that just buried me that was so nasty 7 minutes left on the road going in breakway for the 70th goal of his of his season I mean heads up but well done that was the Jagermeister shot of the night yeah I’m telling you boys this nice little Jagermeister thing we got back here that keeps it at Z degrees Fahrenheit it’s a nice touch to have for playoff hockey and better yet into the summer come back from a round of golf with the boys and that thing’s ice cold you just say hey fellas let’s get the night started let’s get the night started right let’s go um so Austin Matthews damn that’s cool up dog the Draft Kings baby playoff recap presented by DraftKings stay tuned because you’ll hear more about DraftKings and all it has to offer throughout the show DraftKings the crown is yours up dog we talked at the top of the show the playoffs have been unbelievable aable um yeah the guys are playing hard the ref are keeping the whistles away so let’s start in East uh Florida Tampa listen I I thought it was I thought Florida played an unbelievable game one um detailed structure uh great through the neutral zone I thought their defense looked unbelievable I thought Chucky was doing his thing um I do respect the response from the Tampa Bay Lightning however besides the power play although what a shot by stammer to make it 3-2 with the goalie pulled are you [ __ ] kidding me with that um listen it’s going to come down to Tampa depth you know John Cooper said all the right things again um you know they got all the championship pedigree I’m not worried about the big boys but can the dep guys come through for these for these Tampa Bay Lightning I I I love the way the Panthers played big long structured compete physicality everybody on their team had a hit Chucky like the first time I’ve ever seen that the Sunshine State [ __ ] [ __ ] as the up dog says I like the way the Panthers look but I’m not giving up on the lightning just yet the Panthers got to stay over the Box you can’t let those lightning get out there no you’re right and one one thing about the Florida Panthers is they had all their guys and I mean the reinhardt’s the verhages the Chucks the eblad the you know barov they all got in on the scoring and you know what it’s like you want those guys to feel it early you want them to come in and and go like game one like we all touched the puck we’re all a big reason for the win now we just carry that momentum so that’s that’s the bonus for them I did like Tampa’s response first period they you know Brandon haggle finding a way to score this bosski is so solid in net like he doesn’t give he doesn’t give those second and third opportunity so when you do have the chance you got to put them behind them um and to me I think this is going to be continue to be lowc scoring I think every game’s going to be tight if you’re looking at it from a gambling perspective love it the puck lines there’s going to be some overtime matches these guys like no one’s going to lay down and die in this series it’s going to be [ __ ] two good teams that that hate each other that will go the distance so so for me like if if you’re looking at that gambling bet that that puck line is is right there great Point by you cuz I just wrote down not a lot of room for both teams both well- coached teams maybe the two best coaches in the league right now for just sound bites Beauties um I’ll give coup the advant coup has a little bit better uh suit game but I love Paul Maurice I love John Cooper both these teams you could tell they love to play for these guys they play with structure up dog’s right Puck line is a hell of a bet um I I just think there’s more depth on Florida right now and they’re hungry and they’re younger uh but listen we got t-shirts out right now go to SCE hockey the Sunshine State [ __ ] upy it’s great for hockey in Florida man every time these two teams play both fan bases are great uh everyone’s got a good tan they’re happy it’s it’s it’s a great series but like you said it’s going to be close so absolutely moving on to Carolina uh Islanders first of all Let me give some love to the caniacs out there um game one they come out to Rock Me Like a Hurricane it was just absolutely buzzing uh game two last night the Islanders are up 3-1 and they come storming back Seth Jarvis this kids a big game player uh Sebastian Alo back door tip in Jordan martinook loves Nickelback loves Mr curfew gets it on the four check the place was going bonkers up dog the roof was going to come off the goddamn building so caniacs are unbelievable thought the Islanders played great in game one thought they could have stole it um Carolina being a good team found a way to win thought the Hurricanes I wasn’t watching all of it last night cuz I was watching more of the Boston Bruins but from what I watched kanes were just taking it to him taking it to them and eventually um the Islanders kind of they got exposed they got exposed big time the D their D couldn’t keep up right then when the Press when the Press happened I I was texting my boy kwash who I gave this pick I said Carolina Puck line Carolina money line like they should run they’re down three nothing I go uhoh but this game is not out this game is not over and then you just saw what happens when in your building using momentum you start to pour it on your top players start to start feeling it Sebastian AO carrying the puck up the ice making moves when Jordan markook scores a goal back to back nine seconds apart to go up you know that things are aligned for your team and this could be this could very well be the the Hurricane’s year I mean the timing getting Freddy back Freddy showing he’s still the guy uh that that’s epic and then going out and sizing up and getting Jake gensel at the deadline who was the most sought-after player free agent at this deadline laying it on the line to get him him proving to be the playoff performer that he is OBS getting his goal last night a big assist on lost his [ __ ] mind I don’t know why he just took it around him put it through a stick and put it in and Paul Mary went doesn’t matter [ __ ] yeah yeah but that’s yeah you that was closing I would have [ __ ] fought someone at least let me ask you this let me ask you this if let’s put on our Islanders let’s act as X players here right Patty Wall comes in and says whatever he says at the end of the game we’re on the we’re on the bird you know we just pissed way a [ __ ] you know we haven’t lost on home ICE yet but I guess what I’m asking you is how do you bounce back from that because that one that’s a gut punch man that one stings they went in there they thought they stole game two and now they’re going back to Long Island where they’re like what the hell just happened yeah it’s a tough one thing is is they’re going back home I I don’t know have they played playoffs there yet did they make the playoffs last year they okay so they did I think it’s going to be a great opportunity for them to get their foot back in the series I wouldn’t consider them dead they need to understand what worked yeah and like what worked is not getting worked they got worked in the third period but they also you know they found a way to get the first goal and then they found a way to just shut these guys down and kind of get in their way but then their D got exposed OBS that to me was their D got exposed now use the home home ice but if they don’t come out and have a great start and get the first goal this could be corn dogs yeah and listen so Islanders fans out there they’re going to be rocking to two great fan bases the Hurricanes fans are great I can’t wait to see UBS we’ve had some people reach out me and the up dog we want to come to game there we’re not going to make it there this year but uh Islanders fans we respect you we love Captain KH uh we’ll see how they back bounce back Rangers Washington listen Rangers fans are unbelievable tro cheek’s a beast um this one’s going to be a short one yeah no it is the Rangers are my pick right now to to run in the East they’re just they’re big they’re good they got goal tending and they’re getting [ __ ] you know their power play is legit nasty legit FR playing the way he is he’s playing like a number one pick uh you know VC goodro is the fourth line Guys these guys are playing well man shurkin yeah shurin heads up heads up versus sterkin Obie I love you Willie I love you but got your hands full there uh last but not least in the East brunes Maple leavs I’m going to start off first max DOI I I I’ve loved him all year I’m going to pump my own tires I said put him with Matthews they finally put him with Matthews we see what you’re gonna have listen I had no problem with what he did in game one I love that he slashed Maran off the opening face off I loved it because every other time that Brad marshan has come into a series against the Tron mate beliefs he thought he could do whatever he wanted he always had Chara he had big luch he had [ __ ] Miller he had a bunch of these guys that were going to protect him and the Leafs had no one well now they got Ryan Reeves and they got Max doy who’s playing against his line and said right off the opening face off [ __ ] you buddy I’m here for the whole series upy did he cross the line yes he did he took a bad penalty in game one I knew he was going to bounce back he had a goal and assist in game two Max doy is a playoff guy and this leaves team up is finally a team I can cheer for doy Edmonson th berzi in there I can finally Matthews I absolutely love Willie neander although he’s not planned revil it’s finally a guy who grew up as a lease fan a team that I can get behind I think they sit really well being one1 but Max do me fella don’t change a goddamn thing play with that emotion yeah well said it’s just can Marner pick it up Marner there you go bud there’s your there’s your ailles heal can he just listen to this m carton vibe from today and and uh and jump on the train pull his weight we’ll see Train’s leaving Train’s leaving sh let’s get some love to Jake de brusk too a big fan of his dad Louie when he does the games for the oiler Jake de bro’s a player and listen the bees I I love the I love the Boston Bruins fans I I love that building come playoff time after game one when they put on dirty water I’m like what a tune but listen I just don’t think they got enough scoring and I just think they’re lack of depth down the middle man they lost bers on aichi you know and give Monty credit man they they they’ve played unbelievable he’s got his hands full in the golender situation if I’m Monty I’m going with the guy who wins San wins I stay with him we lose the game then you go to allmark allmark played fine they’re not the reason they lost but that’s another situation that now man’s got to deal with it the media the guy’s got to worry about it I don’t know if you can go back and forth with goalies UPS I really don’t know if you can in my opinion you need a guy you got to go with him till he loses and give the other guy the net yeah cuz you know momentum is such an important thing here now all the momentum’s in Toronto now you go back to Swan though who we be we’ll be rested it’s just a it’s a weird situation don’t you think yeah I know I do I do I’ve never been in it but I I have been in it where you knew two guys were ready to go and that it’s just on either given day could be either guy so just be ready yeah but I I agree with you if a guy gets it done in game one don’t [ __ ] it up um one guy I like to say shout out to he had a great game yesterday that Morgan geeky what a pass what a [ __ ] plays well he plays hard he’s a great player I think he’s you know he can be a Difference Maker you say there’s a lack of scoring he can be a guy that actually chips in and becomes that like bottom six guy that steps up [ __ ] another physical series by the way these two teams are banging and crashing the trm beles you could say a lot of things about them but they’re no longer soft right yeah I heard somebody on ESPN ask a question about the Leafs don’t like physical play I was like that is not accurate the Leafs are not scared of physicality one bit they got a tough team yeah um yeah I can’t wait to see the fans in torono but the Boston fans are unbelievable let’s move out west up dog speaking about a uh a coach that would like to have two go a problem Jared bnard would wouldn’t mind having slaman all AR Mark yorgi have for God’s sakes man can you stop the puck bro can you stop the puck man up I never thought I’d be begging for Darcy Kord to be back in between the pipes but listen in all seriousness we need to save but they got to tighten it up got tighten it up you remember when game one of the Western Conference Finals two years ago the great one said whoever plays defense is going to win this series and the Avalanche just suffocated the orders the rest of the way for the next three games the ABS are playing way too loose man mats is jumping over jumping into pucks and and even Mar’s making his mistakes he doesn’t Taves just got to up dog you got to tighten it up they got to be a lot better defensively and they need a save but the Jets fans man that want to if this is all I would just want to talk about what the Jets are um the Jets are a team that are Underdog here they’re they’re a team that we don’t quite see a whole lot down here in the US but for those of you who want an exciting match tune in to what these guys the the atmosphere in this Barn the way way these two teams play uh the speed the goal tending you know it’s it’s the not the goal tending or their lack of um it’s just an exciting exciting exciting series and um you know this this tonight will be another good match they’re Beauties the peg fans are beauties they’re all pinned they all got white on they got their face painted they’re just right into itates listen you get six goals on hok you think you’re going to win that hockey game totally I mean I’m sitting there Los do that again losing my mind uh listen Adam Lowry we could have gave him a little B blue we probably should have this guy’s a leader he’s big I would take him on my team any day of the week um but listen neita ryer on Ma car greasy man greasy maard breaks his stick Neo n ryer grabs his stick lifts it up two on one the other way they score I’m sitting on my couch losing my mind like can we review that maybe UPS on a goal you should be able to on a play that results in a goal if it’s a blatant again this is going to get back to the over under or the gambling thing it’s too much we have cameras before you us never see that [ __ ] you used had to really [ __ ] fine tune in on you know early 2000s which is why our YouTube videos are are not up of our first goals O’Brien but now there’s so many cameras that it’s like we got to get the we got to get the calls right especially if it’s something Shady like that like that’s almost like using a hand pass or or like kicking you know kicking it or it’s It’s Tricky yeah I agree uh kns uh kns Dallas up dog what’ you think of that one the last night I love that game last night listen I loved it I thought uh I expected it to go under but um the golden knights man heads up you mark Stone comes back scores in the first 15 seconds of the game what do you expect crossed a lot of commotion in the ocean online um but you know the Vegas gold kns they’re the Champs all right they are the Champs they if they figure out Logan Thompson and they continue to to you know score at will and Trust in each other that they’ve been there before and rise up to the occasion which they know how to do they’re all champs this could be this could be a great long series but Dallas is never out of it they proved it last night they’re down they’re down down they kept chasing it they pushed it to the very end um two great teams OB I think this is going to be a long series listen Mark Stone was sucking wind out there so is Petro [ __ ] was he sucking wind I’m like [ __ ] I know that feeling fell he was sucking wind out there but his stick is so good yeah that he the lack of conditioning which he’ll get better his foot speed which is not getting any better but he’s just so smart out there listen that the Vegas is only going to get better this is the first time they’ve been healthy all year uh Thomas hurdle in the faceoff C Circle absolute Beast uh he loves to go to the net front that six defenseman that Vegas rolled out there last night I mean Alex Martinez was a scratch gu got three cups blocking shots they looked big they’re neutral zone looked unbelievable IES was doing his thing Thompson I’m not the goalie coach in Vegas berky is your boy I would be getting Aiden Hill ready to rock here Thompson’s not the guy to take him back to the promised land [ __ ] that stinker l in the third goal I could just about kill um go tending worries me but they look big and strong and um it’s going to be it’s going to be interesting series Canuck PRS shout out to my Vancouver Canucks uh what an atmosphere man they came out to you two the white towels every time they showed the rink there was a drunk guy with a towel drinking beard either in a gold black Jersey or a blue and green one unbelievable the players loved it I thought the Canucks looked good I thought their D looked big I thought th trental looked unbelievable up dog you just said he’s probably not going to play play tonight that kills them Joshua’s got to keep going without demu in this series it’s it’s up for it’s up for grabs but I I I thought if he was going to stay healthy and and how big the Canuck D was and JT Miller’s a beast uh but if he doesn’t play it’s anyone series now up dog yeah no I I thought listen I thought that the the Predators played a game that they have to play in order to win in this playoffs I I think they they prove that they deserve a shot in the dance what they did the last two months uh they were arguably the best best team in the NHL but what they do is smother you said that they have lack of of depth scoring and and high highend scoring but where they make it up is just creating this boring game and call it like the trosy effect from up top but you know getting pucks deep using the glass uh being on the right side of pucks having good sticks you know the D making sure the D don’t get caught up the ice like the all these little things that hockey teams and and then they preach for like you keeping a tight game is how PRS play it was a great Road game they just got beat at the end but I expect now this goalies out I expect these games to be you know to to be fought for there’s going to be no no easy games out there uh so you know using home ICE to their advantage I thought the Canucks uh you know found a way to use that energy and get back in the game yeah I was unbelievable Quin Hughes walking the line listen could Casey the Smith go in here tonight win game two absolutely good goal tender great backup he can’t be the guy every other night it’s just this is Heartbreak Hotel of that devco was serious seriously hurt up dog um let’s hope he’s not but kucks fans keep it rocking up there last but not least your Oilers man woo oil toown 74 what a match Zack Heyman proves that it’s not just a regular season uh you know persuasion his uh the accolades continue into the playoffs his first career playoff hattrick McDavid five unbelievable first assists something I’ve never seen done before in an NHL game this guy was on a mission spinas uh no look passes between his legs the guy was playing Mack 10 um Adam Henrik scored his first playoff goal since 2012 buddy this series could be quick um if the Oilers play like that they still had their blemishes which you could talk about on D but as far as it goes five on five they played an unbelievable game the Edmonton Barn looked insane our boy Travis was there with Rob uh this is uh this is you know Oilers hockey 101 yeah Oilers fans What was a 5050 over a million bucks or something uh during warm-ups it was a million three [ __ ] brento can buy his tickets or what you got to get the action bleno what about bleno he was there [ __ ] we’ll tell them we’ll split it with boys are there yeah we’ll split with him listen all I got to say is 97 my God my God I it’s the best hockey performance I’ve ever I’ve ever seen I he was just going even faster if that’s possible um you mentioned Adam H andreek Prov me wrong in game one made a difference what a shot was big looked good on the wing with McDavid dry Sidle short I mean when McDavid starts getting going on the power play and then he has that option of dry Sidle you said it was Mario like last night when we were texting which it [ __ ] was or Danny heaty when when you have to worry about that yeah you’re [ __ ] yep because now now you can’t challenge McDavid because you’re worried about him sliding the drve cycle down there and he’s goingon to go [ __ ] dink on you um I tell you one thing I would not let Zack Heyman continue to stand in that blue paint I would I would take a penalty on him I would say boys we’re going to find a way way he is not going to stand there he’s laying on the talit the the the one he scored for the hat trick he was he didn’t even shoot it in the net just hit a stick you just stand there ups that was by the way if you watch that playoff play that Faceoff play I think that that’s a set play and heads up if you’re the other team but watch it again yeah it’s it’s one to the point McDavid comes all the way up around around around they pass it down to McDavid he doesn’t look and heyman’s standing with his two feet two feet like this and a stick on the right on the PO like that so he’s giving himself a 3 and 1/2t target for McDavid just to put it off of and it’s if the Lane’s there it’s a goal yeah well the goalie doesn’t even see him hey news flash to the Kings he stands there H’s going than n if you’re worried about he’s going than n listen for the LA Kings everything I thought about the regular season I got it’s one game but Pierre Luke deall I know you got a stinker goal off of nurse’s [ __ ] wheel there or the next one who cares it meant nothing P luk de ball give your balls a tug I’m just you got to like yeah had a terrible year had 40 points making 8 million bucks uh their D to me is not good enough and their goal tending is not good enough and 97 and 29 exposed all of that last night and I’m not saying I could go out there and stop him because I probably couldn’t have in my career either but for the Kings this is what I was worried about we’ll see if they can bounce back I don’t think they’re as good as they were last year the Kings I’m saying and that’s the first time the ERS have won a game one in the last two or three years at home they usually lose game one so I don’t know you said you might want to go up there to game three you might want to get up there this could be short that’s going to be a short one up dog but Hey listen doly baby we’re still P for you guys are the Kings but my God McDavid and Oilers fans just enjoy it I mean what they’re watching up there is just it’s unbelievable yeah it is uh last but not least it’s Adidas tea time presented by Adidas golf made for wherever you play get on their website fellas check out their stuff Aber BG’s rocking it they got some of these cool golf shirts that don’t have the col that just have the three buttons yeah kind of cool man really cool um up dog te times baby we got guys on year end Benders uh we got guys looking to play I got guys texting me he oh we go play you want to play it’s te times baby so in the Eastern Conference is there a team there that you’re you know let me go first there’s a team there’s a team I’m looking at next year the Montreal Canadians uh my boy Marty St Louie I think he’s the right man for the job he’s proven that uh they don’t have uh they don’t have any major ufas although they do got to sign Marty to an extension which I think I think they will Sosi I think he’s going to have a Big Year Suzuki coldfield listen I watched them play a lot the second half of the season and I think they’re going to be a playoff team next year you heard it here first I think they’re going to come back they’re going to make the playoffs we all know what that Bell Center is like you first and foremost uh so the Montreal KS to me are going to be a playoff team next year uh the Detroit Red Wings [ __ ] you got to think they get in there next year too but is there anybody else that jumps out yeah I wanted to talk about the New Jersey Devils who missed by 10 points I think everyone and their mother had them in uh the playoffs this year to make the playoffs uh there is no major ufas this summer although look for them to still exercise bringing in Jacob markstrom and finding a way to get that deal done Jake Allen a season uh season veteran and a trade deadline acquisition for them is still under contract for next year with a goalie I see this team being a playoff team OBS they’re not going to be teeing it up uh too many times here in April moving forward they’re too good uh our boy Jack Hughes has shoulder surgery he’s going to be out but should be back for the start of training camp so that’s one that stands out to me and then I don’t even know if you want to talk about the Philadelphia Flyers who I just wrote down they let down um you know the situation where basically they had a dream season going you no one expected them to do what they did almost 90 points they missed by four points but the John Tor effect uh in the hockey world probably uncalled for this year but it happened and they missed the playoffs they’re going to have to pay keki what a player Eric Johnson and Mark stall two guys as ufas we’ll see if they bring them back not sure but this is a that was a Heartbreak Hotel yeah I would have loved to be in those year end meetings in Philly with Tor and the boys I wonder what was said Jonesy DB I love I love the Flyers fans I love those three guys I wish we were watching them play in the playoffs right now that’s a team I’m very intrigued in uh my our boy Brady kachuck and the Ottawa Senators saw his post you know postseason press conference kind of liked what he said let has been the league six years haven’t played a playoff game um it’s not his [ __ ] fault I can tell that right now uh steady Stevie stos I think he’s the right man for the job who they pick as their head coach that this is going to dictate whether Brady K Chuck plays the next 10 years in Ottawa or he’s gone in a year and a half two years yeah because this guy cannot continue to to to rot away up there and and not make the playoffs he’s too good of a player he’s too big he’s too strong they don’t make Brady K Chucks anymore so steady Stevie stos whoever you hire I think that’s a big big deal uh the Columbus Blue Jackets probably book your tea times for next year already [Laughter] yeah probably 66 all right I mean 66 points McDavid had that in like 15 games this year um but yeah that’s a tough one they missed L most of the Season fentii Kent Johnson out for most of the year but listen they got a couple young players to be happy for and to be excited about but other than that unless they get a you know unless they move to like Atlanta or somewhere you know to get out of Columbus they’re they’re unfortunately not they’re they’re not shaking anything up anytime soon yeah and obviously the Pittsburgh Penguins we’ll see what happens there with with Sid M make him miss two years in a row but out but out west here up dog there’s a lot more stinker teams out here out west I mean the sharks in one Blackhawks book your tea times for next year already Ducks you can book your tea times for next year already the Utah team I think they got some good pieces man and with a young with a young upand coming order like Ryan Smith I think this team could could be a playoff team next yearely with no noise and just excitement it’s going to be great I’m excited to see that a team I want to talk to you about is your Seattle Kraken they two years ago they they scored more goals five on five than anyone that got him in the dance what’s your feeling on this team moving forward bu I would love to be able to say that they you know they hit just a roadblock maybe with some injuries this year my boy Jaden Schwarz was in the lineup all year um to me they they ran you know the first couple Seasons OBS they it seemed like they they had the pieces fall into place like they all kind of had something to prove again we’ve seen it with Vegas golden knights um I like their coaching staff I like their you know I do like their D I think just Schultz is great I think the big boy uh a whatever his name Al I like him Al Alexa well I know who you’re talking about the big big mutant on the back end I yeah I like him I listen there’s pieces there it’s can they uh if can they get back in the tough West man West easy dude they got to go I don’t I don’t have the UFA list up here I don’t even know if there’s any big but but Ronnie Francis go out there and sign a big boy go out there and and and and get someone to come in here and be the face of this franchise go out there if it’s a defenseman or a forward you got to go out and sign someone big time is now in my opinion I don’t know if there’s a guy out there Everly right so Everly’s coming back yeah but I mean they need a [ __ ] they need a guy that’s going to be like this is our guy yeah this is our guy uh listen St Louis Blues I thought they showed some good heart this year up dog team for me the Minnesota Wild Man I I love Billy Garen I love the way he’s he manages his Hockey Club I don’t know did they miss their window I hope not well that’s a team I’m going to keep my eye on this offseason I think they finally have sud and pzy coming off the books for long-term IR which I think will open up some cap space either this year or next year for him but I’m cheering for the Minnesota Wild and beard Billy Garren uh time will tell but up dog tea times fella I got a tea time tomorrow with you for Monster day that’s right [ __ ] bring it onella let’s go by the way Monster Day favors you more than maybe anyone at that club why is that cuz no one hits as far as you and that there going to be playing in this monster day that’s true so you’re going to have such an advantage I got to go back to those black te’s L I’m losing sleep over the last couple days I’m going the range right now though to work on my driver get her D yeah it’s going to be a nice match to with you looking forward to it I’m let’s go baby you’re the man uh thank you to Morgan and Kyle Hall Pass media that was missing curfew fellas [Music]


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