Golf Players

100,000 VIEWS PAYS YOU ___ on YouTube… (The GS Pod Ep.6)

With April being the biggest growth month our channel has ever had, we dived into the monetary amounts we have earned from videos & also some other hot topics in the golf space such as the recent Myrtle Beach qualifier & more!

The Golf Supply Podcast Ep. 006 has arrived. Make sure you subscribe to not miss any future content. Enjoy the pod legends!

sweet like chocolate [Music] [Music] pie [ __ ] me feel I’m in the uh theater it was to start heckling us on the front row yeah you down there um all V welcome back to the gold Supply podcast episode number five five yeah we made number um halfway to double figures halfway to double Figures it’s been received really well which has been great news um it’s no longer sponsored by golfing days so it’s not the golf supply podcast sponsored by golfing days anymore um but we just wanted to open this podcast with just saying thank you to Mark Olivia Ole for their support over the last few months um hasn’t worked out for one reason or not but we’re all still very amicable still got a lot of respect for those guys over there but the go Supply podcast is now looking for sponsors seeking employment seeking employment um so I think before we get into this episode which is just going to be a bit of talking [ __ ] to be honest for an hour or so um if you are someone who thinks your business or your um Venture could could benefit from having some ad roles in the go Supply podcast or if you just want to support our Channel um there is opportunities there just send us a DM or an email to info@ gol supply. cuk and we can have a chat with you um with that being said Wy how are you mate yes I’m good I’m very well I’ve had a hectic week um moving into a flat and I’ve been normally like when I’m on like the work Benders and staying awake it’s because we’re golfing and whatnot but no golf has taken place no just pure decorating and moving in and humping and dumping but I’ve slept this morning back where we love to be and uh then we’ll get some golfing on the weekend how are you I’m all right mate the Sun was shining today yeah it inspired me to do a vlog an Instagram Vlog A Day in the Life yep yeah so that enjoyed it uh yeah I mean if it does well I like I don’t think it’d be too difficult to the only Annoying Thing about doing it is and I’m going to leave some of the Clips in there okay is there’s like a clip where I load everything into the car this morning like the podcast equipment your clubs all that sort of stuff and then like I drive off in the car and then I had to stop the car around the corner Sprint back and get my camera I’ve left that clipping on the Vlog like running back to get it so apart from that it’s actually quite stress free like the the the micros behind it ins and outs of these clips that we all watch Daily yeah it’ll be more of like a not comedy cuz I I just thought today would be a good day cuz I’ve had the podcast we had some deliveries your wedges Cole buckon Sent Me loads of stuff locky sent me loads of stuff so I had some deliveries I’ve been to the range we had the podcast I’ve went and got lunched all this sort of stuff so I was like today would just be a good day to do like just a day in the life show you but I’m definitely going to um I’m definitely going to leave a few of them bits in there of like me like the Cinematic walk and then me running back to get the camera um well so uh Pod episode 5 obviously the guest next guest episode will be episode six um podcast 4 went down an absolute storm yeah it was a laugh we had a good laugh it was a good day for us in terms of collabs filming we had a good week that week we had a good week last week which I’m sure we’ll touch on but um yeah it was good the Four Brothers on um and obviously we love the boys um and we’ve got along with them for a while so it was good to get them on it was their first podcast and we delved a little bit deeper into what they’re about how they started who they are what they are um they’re all they’re all lovely Lads and I’m glad that that was uh taking well and they’ve set their own pod up now yes which is I would have thought they would have already by now we said that to him I think he’s a bit of a no-brain I like with some of the links they have in the industry even on like the Tik Tok comedy side and stuff like I think it would just be a good idea for them to do a podcast but it’s good to see that they’ve done it um I’ve got loads of like little micro topics written down here to touch on yeah I’ve got five if you just want to like proof read a couple of these because I okay this second one is after a ation I had today so a company got in contact today okay and this second Point yeah was it was a really open conversation with them y the company that got in contact was not going to say their name for the purposes but it was do you know who it was who I had to call with today no you hit a shot and didn’t get your reward oh okay yeah no yeah so I had a conversation with them today they were super cool well the guy was super call and once to get involved on the GOL Supply Channel and I didn’t know if it would be quite an organic cuz I I ended that phone call if he asked me to put a proposal across to sponsor to be a long-term sponsor to the GOL Supply y um and what would we be looking for and from a costing purpose and all that sort of stuff and I just give me your honest opinion whether you think we should discuss it here not come up with an actual final figure yeah because it’s not relatively new we’ve had sponsors on the channel before but it’s like what should our thought process be in going back to this company with a figure to sponsor us because I think it it could really well with our Channel yes I think being open is one thing we’ve always said we are as well we’re open and one thing that we obviously going to touch on and we’re getting a lot of flack about the the comments and the the language which we tuck on but like this is just us and I think being open is fine like if we was to Sparky sat here and it was was the podcast called the Sparky world we talk about how much I’m going to charge blah blah so so you think it’s okay to talk about that yeah I mean maybe not perfect amounts and stuff just because of the way the industry is and and and I don’t want other people to undercut us and this and that because they might ruin our opportunities and we’re trying to get to places aren’t we so you know we’re trying to make this fulltime and whatnot so yeah I think I think if you’re happy to I think we should touch on it and maybe like not come to a figure now but like yeah I would like to know your thought process on where where how much kind of so it’s almost like me and you sat on your Decking at home and we’re chatting and we’re so basically for those listening and for watching as well um I’d really interesting and really cool I think it would fit really well with the channel um uh telephone conversation today with a potential sponsor um which is obviously great um and like I said that telephone conversation ended with regard with saying look just shoot us a shoot us a price like a a monthly fee y um and if it’s crazy we’ll come back to you and say it’s crazy and we can negotiate on it but I’d prefer for you to give us a number and then we can then go back and and talk about it so I didn’t obviously give him a number on the phone I wanted to talk to you about it yeah how do you think we package oursel as a how do we value oursel and what kind of what number should we be toying with it’s a tough one is it because and again we’re very we don’t we’ve always always said since we ever got into this industry and we had our first ever conversation with Mark who was our biggest first sponsor we are cheap dates CU and we’ve expressed millions of times and we both work and blah blah blah blah blah so like in terms of that we’re very we are cheap in that sense and but we look at it from a realist point of view like so we look and we always say to each other what value do we provide a company so like we’ve always number crunched and just said like okay this company would give this not just us this person this much how are they getting that value back and we’ve never been we don’t put the blinkers on I don’t think no we we’re very honest with ourselves and we know our worth and we know we’ve got a lot of growing to go to do we don’t think we’re one of the biggest channels out there we think we have potential but yeah I think we’re realist and we just try and look at what value and monetary value and I value we can get to you so if you were me yep just a rough ballpark figure month monthly payment it depends on the company doesn’t so for a travel company you’d have to look at how much are the normal packages and our age group is like a good age group could be said to be like maybe 16 year old to 40y old men yeah who might want to go on loud holiday so we could provide good value to a travel company equipment is equipment so I always think equipment is a tough one but again I think we can provide more on on apparel rather than equipment cuz we’re not professional golfers so I think if you’re a professional golfer it’s now like what see what driv is he using I’s like on equipment side that we do the reviews like definitely they like it that we do the club review reviews always do good and it’s another it’s another Niche another string to our bow that I think others can’t do um it’s a tough one isn’t it because it just depends how do we monitor on that company how we can I think it’s more so like we’ll have like they’ll be able to see a metrics of like yeah I think that’s how many people have like engaged in it but well I was more so going down the line of like well one you could be a sponsor on the podcast yeah two we could have um a series so like our level series on YouTube yeah that could be level series powered by by that is a great spin that’s a great Spin and then have an incentive where the the person I’m playing against could actually win rewards yes off of it so I think it ties in super well but just shoot me like a ballpark like which you don’t think is crazy out there we’re not going to let settle on any fig but like monthly fee and what are we worth at the moment from this particular company or just from this particular company and how do they make their money it’s a bit like longer term goal the the the data yeah and this longer term goal so I don’t think the it’s really tough it is tough this is what I said to on the phone I was I honestly don’t know what how much to say yeah and I think that’s this is that is a great trait from us it’s just that we’re realists I don’t just sit here and just go gear two grand yeah get us three grand give us a grand but then I don’t want to come in and be like 2 250 quid and then it’s just like pays for JK’s lunches you say a number and I’ll say a number at the same at the same time so you think of a number first give me like five seconds then all right well you just tell me when you’ve got a number cuz I’ve got like a rough it would be really really good the levels thing and the potential clubs we pretty much any club we do life we can inor I just think there’s a real great SP for thatan to be fully and it would make sense for them to be on the golf supply Channel yes for our type of content yeah I would actually agree with that yeah it would make sense I’m really intrigued what you’re going to say I’m a little bit nerv I just want to see my body actually coll I just want to see how how close or how far away we are okay let’s just put it from zero to 6 months let’s just say the company have said in 6 months we’re going to sit back down so give us your zero to six month figure does that that make it yeah cuz I said that cuz it’ll be like as the channel grows and stuff it would change okay um so so the figure now to charge monthly I’ll say and then you say and to be fair we could always bleep this out yeah we can bleep it out all right three two one okay not far yeah yeah I don’t think I was I was splitting between the two of them yeah yeah yeah I don’t think any l what I said no and I don’t I think I’m sorry I’m going to bleep the numbers out yeah and if I’m being honest I don’t think higher than what you’ve said I don’t think we’re quite to the you know the next Milestone that’s St the one you said just in terms of other companies yes terms of this particular I was really close to saying your number anyway I think I just add in a little bit on I think I only went that number because it’s like the next one up from you is I just go in them three stages zero yeah and I just went [ __ ] really but yeah somewhere to all right cool well yeah I’m glad that we’ve discuss that yeah your your um opinion on that um staying on the monetary side of it CU again I think it’s like we’re quite open and uh talk about this type of stuff and maybe sometimes other creators don’t as you would have probably seen a new people watching this podcast hello with a gol Supply um thank you for tuning into probably the first video you saw of us us playing the Master’s um man’s Master’s Invitational over uh perf lakes with Jimmy Bard sick yeah last year was sick yeah we come second we got a little bit done out we had a sick day though um and then this year just topped it again not only because we won it just because content Jimmy fits well with us it done really really well for us so thank you and um by no means do we sit here and go like oh we would have achieved that without again we are just realists that video done what it done because of Jimmy yeah and it grew our channel in that small period yeah it’s give us three months growth yeah more on the our channel is grown more in the last week and a half yeah than it has like since January yeah cuz we were on uh we’ve been keeping tabs in it we were on a k a month and we were we were ahead of plan M we got to 14K by the 20th of April no we were just shy okay we were just shy um but yeah we had but the thing is we had a really really good day we played with mat fingers with Jimmy fits in well with us as well and you’ve played with him multiple times it’s not like my poers somewhere about s and Benny went do you have to pay him for that I said no what would we pay someone for a we’re not that desperate but no Ash just built a relationship with Jimmy and yeah it we just said look we got a fourth you you’re you’re a boy do want to come and play and he loves his Club as well Jim so like we’d SP I’d spoken about he was it was more so off the back of being in Scotland with manners and then Jim was like what is his Club a lot I’ve just seen it like and I was like manners they’re the coolest people we I’d literally spoke to because we weren’t originally going to do it okay um because I think we were going to be like tied up some other bits and we went to Scotland and I said to Alex and Jo I was like look just put me in for a team me and wesy would do it I’ll see if Rond do can play and I’ll get another person and it just so coincided that I was talking to Bard NE like really like their gear yeah so then I put him in touch with manners or I think he might sent me a message you got some maners club and then we were just like mate we’ve got it’s like not far from where he lives I was like we’ve got the day here come players are fourth the got the the bloke is obsessed with golf um that’s where our like big connection apart from like just being both like normal bloke like we all got get on we’re quite simil in personality he’s just an absolute Golf Nut and I’m a Golf Tech nut as well so we can just be on the phone time times and talk for like an hour and a half just [ __ ] about technology and clubs and this and that he um what people didn’t see like the BTS is like if we missed a partt and a scramble or missed a a chip we’d all go to the next te and Jimmy wouldn’t leave the green until he made the part now I’m talking like sometimes we all do this you’re playing your boys hit it once oh no it’s right hit it again miss [ __ ] it I’m going to NXT no no it he stayed there yeah and keep hitting it and just like the stuff that you can’t get other the video would be like two hours long is like how much he was picking Ron dog’s brains on everything like like yeah at like like what shafts he’s got in his Club how he’s hitting him blah blah blah he’s just an absolute obsessed Golf Nut um and obviously with Ron Doby and like the level that he is he has like little nuggets that he can share with people so yeah that was an amazing video on the monetary side of that to be open and honest with you I want your opinion on this as well y as it currently stands at the moment so for those who don’t know who and this might be an education learning thing I’ve got no problem sharing this whatsoever because it’s our it’s our highest earning video by a long stretch um so how YouTube works on um monetization is once you’ve reached I think it’s like a qualifying criteria so once you’ve reached I think it’s like 1,000 subscribers and when we done it it was like 4,000 hours watch time you can then turn on monetization for your channel and what that basically means is YouTube now puts adverts on your on your videos um you get paid per 1,000 views that’s how it’s calculated on YouTube yeah so our average is called CPM or RPM our average GPM on like an hour long video um is around about usually about 134 on a good one yeah um the shorter length of the video when we do reviews and stuff like that we’ve got like the Ping 10 10K that’s just coming up on 100K views that’s going to hit because that’s only 9 minutes long YouTube can only put say one advert on that so our Revenue per minute on that would be worth like three or four quid yeah5 pound at a push it’s a lot less because they can the longer the video the more the more advert you you can put on it the more money per thousand views it’s worth yeah so with the Bullard video it’s currently on at the time we’re speaking around about 75,000 views um at an average CPM of18 per 1,000 views mhm so that video is going to earn us around about once it’s done we’ll say it gets to 100K but at the minute it’s earned us about ,100 that video maybe we made it yeah which is like no it’s cool Far and Beyond like I think you and the deca’s video done like maybe 3 400 quid something like that the CPM was a little bit lower and it stopped at like 30k views the review stuff like the Ping 10K one has done us 4 500 but it’s got 100K views yeah um but I just want to break it down with like with the hours in to get that money back because don’t get me wrong like and I’m not sitting here saying that like you turn your noise up at that I think it’s absolutely incredible the world we live in it’s cool that you can go really cool yeah make a YouTube video it can be seen by the message and you get paid what is a lot of money off of that video that is a lot of money to be paid for making a YouTube video but then if you look at it and you spin it on the flip side you I paid well you paid yours but it was about 240 quid to enter the tournament y drive drive there drive back was probably like 100 or quid in Fu like 80 90 miles splitting down JK’s he’s high he’s on a salary but yeah Jake like costing to be there for the day and then how long would you say them tracers took you well the edit and the tracers that was our long that come down to the wire remember that it come down to the wire that was that was processing up to YouTube so like I edit it on Final Cup Pro wesy sends me the tracers over Jake does all of the trailers all that sort of stuff that was processing onto YouTube like 4K processing at like it got posted at 7 at like quarter to 7even that was still process I ran out of battery like was close and I was like huddled in the kitchen cuz I couldn’t get to a plug socket anywhere trying to do them fixed ones and then like I know when you start getting stressed then I’m I was really getting stressed and then like it was like you start this list from the bottom up and I come from the top down and then I done you done one that I was meant to do and it all started becoming like shint State and JK oh JK JK get that JK was busy yeah doing stuff um you know stress from we but yeah come right down to the wre but yeah but I reckon that was probably it was a it was a much bigger video it was a lot harder to edit because there was like a cam called our Jake’s camera then Arie doing the actual other camera there was tracers on on the balls coming into the greens there was Graphics there was the t-shot used Graphics there was just a lot like the Jake putting I don’t know if anyone noticed if you’ve watched the video like on the fairways the the yardage and the whole number and that was like superimposed onto the fairways we we tried to pull out all the stops on that edit because we believed that more people were going to see it um but I reckon I reckon it was about conservative 40 hours of editing time on that oh no the the tracers for me just felt a SLO a NeverEnding slog so what you reckon like 20 hours on tracers like across it was good healthy double figures but it was yeah it was a then you’ve got you’ve got 60 hours of Labor yeah and then you’ve obviously got the cost of like just don’t clip this in but it’s like it’s not a crazy amount of money to earn no for the work that goes in but it is a crazy amount of money to earn for a YouTube video watching a YouTube video yeah yeah so it’s like that’s kind of like I just wanted to discuss that and be open and honest with you it was amazing seeing that on the YouTube Studio it was like [ __ ] me like it’s just cool I think it’s just cool and like me you and JK are like little nerds of it like we’re like little nerds who have just started off and there’s going to be bigger fish out there that might watch this but like and that’s cool that’s not a problem like we we we do this in our spare time and whatnot but we sit there like three little kids and we get excited and we always wake up and we check views and we check subs and there’s always one of us probably every three hours one of us is putting something in there about a viewer of this and that so we just excited little kids and it was just really cool so yeah talking I’m going to keep it money but not us now and you had it written down as well I wanted to swiftly move keep it golf but Scotty sheffler is in the money oh boy Scotty don’t Jesus Christ and let me just preface as well because I’ve got down there on the Tik Tok comment section right just before we get into that the story I told if anyone’s watching this podcast well Jake you know what you can [ __ ] click this and put this on the Tik toks I don’t like such a dick that was a one one part of a two-part story there and don’t get me wrong like we’re fans of Scotty Sheffer we have no dis taste towards Scotty Sheffer I’m sure he is a lovely lovely lovely bloke apparently the best nicest bloke onour yeah like I’m so sure he is um we were just taking a bit bit of a piss take joke with regards to he SED out a little bit which he did I’m not going to backtrack on that that’s what it was he SED out on it um but yeah anyway he is unbeatable at the minute yes I mean there’s been comparisons the whole tiger him and I’ve seen a few things it’s like it’s still not comparable no it’s not because what is it like by 25 26 he had had like six or seven saying so it’s not comparable at all but it’s cool to see I like I don’t hate the fact he’s American or this or that I love seeing dominance I’m a bit of a weirdo in sport I was speaking to Benny the other day and he was like no no I just want to see Fleetwood or this I love Fleetwood and maoy I want to see them win but I I just really get off from dominance it’s like Tyson when he was in his prime everyone so cool I would love to see even though he’s American him going wi all four majors here and like yeah so would I so would I listen love seeing dominance i’ I’ve I just I respect game and like that and and dealing with high press moments as well as he does like that’s the art of it as well don’t not only does he hit the shots at the master I think he made like a bogey or a double he come back and went birdie birdie like like he’s just like golf isn’t his Forefront he’s obviously a very religious guy he loves his family he’s just had a little one he said that he would leave the master even if he was leading go back to his kid like would like toest yeah I mean like don’t you say you’d leave the Masters like but if you’re how many holes in would you have to be if you’re just teed off then maybe but if you’re like 13 holes in where’s the where’s the tick off that he goes you know what hey babe I’m on the 4 yeah like I can’t I can’t really leave right now I’m just about to win like back to was it be back to back so he no he W yeah and then he but then he just come back the week after and just dominate there he won like I think it was like 360k per day over that like 40 days and what was more impressive with that is he only arrived everyone else on the on the on the tour arrived like on the Monday or the Tuesday he rocked up on like the Wednesday evening played the Thursday shot like I think he shot like a level par or it might have been one under it was like a very a bang average round middle pack got his feelers of the call that was almost like his practice round and then just [ __ ] battered everyone oh cuz he’s the Mallet man now yeah the spiders I wonder how much them spiders doing i’ like to see the sales if anyone can get that up or yeah we should start actually doing a bit of like actual like data driven research on this podcast like to give people um maybe we’ll do that in future episodes but on the topic of PS quickly you know what poter I’ve been looking I’ve been looking I’ve been looking to try and find okay uh I don’t think you’ll guess it but I really I’m going to get one like hands down I’m yeah yeah yeah I’m going to get one I need a mallet to be fair it’s a mallet yep what what do you think it is and it’s like it’s a it’s a specific type of that part as well you’re too you’re too far Tey you gone past me up is it a brand I would know yeah oh okay it’s a poter you would know if you actually thought about it had like had like a Resurgence of like every single person wanted it and they’re just you can’t get them the [ __ ] what is it the jail Bird yeah Odyssey Jailbird but I want the Odyssey Jailbird Cruiser because when we were over at five L then doing it’s 38 in yeah I want longer I mean I’m but I want longer it’s 38 Ines and it has one of them long grips on also when you were saying like I wonder if I just just swung my shoulders yeah I was all over it yeah yeah but you can’t get them oh really oh they’re sold out every you can like not even the GS who just played with the BL and just done over ,000 pounds on one video I haven’t like I haven’t like properly probed to try and get one but online I was cuz I was like [ __ ] it I’ll just buy one like I had to look on UK GA it’s like you have to order and it’s like end of May or like middle of June delivery looked on eBay none none okay um because I really want the the cruiser version rather than just the the standard one um so hopefully that’ll be the next Edition coming I want to get a longer Potter to my bag yeah yeah and I want a mallet you put so much better with a mallet oh don’t get me wrong though yeah it’s been better it’s been better yeah Bearwood and what was your um don’t know it was better the m in Chelsea video you play pretty yeah and even the manners wasn’t too sad I just got shadowed by somebody said this the other day it was like on the YouTube did Westy contribute well I done my t-shots and in fact we didn’t actually have to resort to my t-shirs which I’m happy with I’m playing with two scratch golfers and a professional yeah if I’m if you’re using my shots something’s wrong with that four ball yeah like but I Ed my t-shots way in advance so luckily I drove the ball nice that day and probably didn’t use many of my shots and you know what I’m okay with that and you should all be okay with that too but what shot of yours did we use on the very last [ __ ] hole there’s a four foot little knee knock CL and we won by Point Strokes yeah we did too and I was standing there not wanting that part I did not want if you didn’t make that I’d have missed that part yeah and you would have been slander oh yeah Bullard would have killed me if I and then we would have lost the event and then like it would been a whole thing we wouldn’t got as many views and Bullard would have hated us no um yeah so that that wouldn’t have been ideal um but yeah so I just got on some of these notes obviously the channel grow so if you if you’re a new person watching this podcast or if you’re a new person watching our content we hope you enjoy it um we hope you see what we’re all about it’s probably a slightly different vibe format to what you see on a lot of the other golf channels the more well-known golf channels uh we definitely bring a we definitely bring our own unap Unapologetic take to our content um and by the looks of it that’s rubbed a few people up the wrong way recently and I just will never change though I have no requirement to change and you don’t have to change and we have never have to change and we’re just us and if I’m not me then I’m just not going to have fun with it because like it’s true though it like you just think I’ll just go and play golf with my friends then yeah I’ll just quit all of this if I have to be a rod up my back and I just I like doing this with you and us just being us and that’s just that really I said um do you remember I know you remember 2023 open right here’s a story for everyone right we’re going to take this opportunity on our own podcast to do an ad roll for ourselves well actually for manners golf the team over at manners have set up a discount code for the golf supply for ulot it is code golf supply 15 and that is going to get you 15% off of the whole website including sale items it’s not a onetime code you can use it as many times as you want go on there check out some of their Club bar we wear all of it the Gill the trousers the t-shirts the hoodies the jumpers and yeah use code golf supply 15 and you will get 15% off of your basket no spend limit use it as much as you possibly want and enjoy it back to the podcast yeah so as you just heard from that ad roll uh if you’re interested in any of the mana’s gear uh code go Supply 15 will get you 15% off um which is a hefty chunk off of some of their stuff and we can’t praise the stuff high enough regardless of having a relationship with them or not having a relationship with them their clubber is so pure yeah SI um but yeah so 2023 open yeah let me paint the picture for all of you boys you might have to close your eyes for those watching you might have to close your eyes and imagine this for those listening if driving Don’t Close Your Eyes but if you’re listening this is probably going to be a little bit easier to imagine so 2023 open we kindly got invited to the foot Joy camp out to stay there for the duration of the open um stayed there way too long to be standing in the temp for like five days it was like torture by the end of it but shout out fo for having us it was a great event we loved it but we’re Landing the T right and Views are down engagements down really doing like we were doing nothing really like we were our thought process and heart was there but like we we were struggling for wasn’t executing on a lot of stuff no no but like you but we still putting two videos out a week on YouTube yeah we were um but views were down Instagram engagement was down wasn’t even bothering with Tik Tok wasn’t posting any shorts or this sort of stuff and me and Wesley would just sat in this tent and it was it was on like a I think it was on a Thursday night or a Friday night and it was pissing down with rain on the tent and a bit of water got into the tent and it was just just like we’re two 30y old men laying in this tent right let me just interject just very very quickly as well and I like one we had to go to Argos and buy an airbed on day one and two like this isn’t meant to be egotistical at all but like me and us do not need to be late in a rain we work full time yeah I just we could get we could get a hotel yeah but we were yeah but it was more so like fo Jo invited us down it was the ease of like being local to the thing anyway we land in this tent on a on a Friday night um it’s absolutely smashing down rain outside there’s water in our tent we I’m Ling on this air bed Wes’s laying on this thing on this like sleeping bag like thing that had been given to us and we’re just really contemplating like what are we doing wrong what do we need to do what do we need to do yeah cuz anyone that knows us personally on a personal level that we’ve met in the golf space knows what we’re like now and we just knew we needed to get that across but we didn’t know how no because it was more so because like if for people who’ watched the channel long enough like all swearing well we it got to the point with the channel where there was no swearing needed to be bleeped out because we just weren’t swearing yeah like we were like tight lipped not saying anything hit a bad shot and you’d be like fudge like be be on the camera to travel up yeah like don’t swear like if someone did swear you bleep it out and like we’d like like stop swearing like have a go blah blah blah um and I personally think that looking back at it now that really affected our content massively yeah cuz yeah no I would agree because it’s not us it’s not like don’t get me wrong like the point of our YouTube channel isn’t to swear isn’t to like that Bullard video is a bit of an exception because like we were all pumped up we were all like trying to win a tournament like we’re all digging out like each other and it was like a lot more swearing I definitely swore more that day I didn’t realize I was swearing more that day but like you’re just out with the lads in a tournament trying to win it pressure’s high like like that video was more Big Brother filmed so like if me and you go and film or if you and Jimmy have a match you know you’re having a natur you’re going to swear but you’re a bit more like Jimmy’s there for Content you’re there for Content but that genuinely was filmed on a big brother basis play a golf day and Arch and jk just going to run around and like float about um but yeah so like the content before we didn’t swear we were like very PG and I really think that affected us just being able to be ourself like imagine if we went around like kind South that scramble we done yeah yeah and we weren’t we was like being cautious of not trying to swear not trying to do anything stupid yeah like that video would be so [ __ ] boring yes and it would just it would come across as well that like we’re we’re almost like silencing oursel cuz I think to be to be able to go down that route you a have to be trying to go the professional route and or just be [ __ ] Essence at golf and someone will watch you just because you’re Essence and I mean yeah obviously you granted you’re a very very good player but like we’re just not we’re not professional Essence at golf no and part of the and part of our content as well is like yeah we like to do tournament rounds we like to to do show good golf scrambles primes all this sort of stuff like the core of our channel is like we’re all trying to demonstrate the best possible Golf and shoot the best possible scores we can but I’d say the other 50% of that channel is being [ __ ] funny just have a laugh he’s have a laugh your pal dig your mates out get pissed off when you hit a good shot celebrate get pissed off when you get a bad shot celebrate when you get a good shot and it’s a natural take the P out of each other take the piss out of each other like that is what and like I think that resignates with so many people that watch our our videos because the overwhelming comment section is like you boys crack me up or like this is just like we get all the time this is exactly like what it’s like when me and the boys go and play golf and we’re authentic to ourselves on that sense and unfortunately for those that are commenting that about the language ruin this not going to subscribe because of the language the channel probably isn’t for you then lad I I do get as well because YouTube’s become like the new TV now isn’t it so like you’ve got from work so you m stereotypical let’s just say your Mrs is cooking tonight it’s her turn and you’re watching TV and you’ve got YouTube on and you your your child is is playing and we’re on the TV so I do get that part yeah because YouTube is now on the TV it’s now not just on your phone or in your airpods is it so I think I get that and I do get why people are like oh I did have to switch off so then maybe just take us to the toilet yeah or like and the and the hard part of that is is our analytics our our demographic is 31% 18 to 24 I think the bracket is yeah 30% 24 to to 36 20% 36 to 47 10% 47 to 55 the the the under 17 bracket is less than 2% yeah so like although like we and I always like comment back saying like sorry mate there’s never it’s never it’s never like to cause off fence us where you know like it’s it’s not to it’s not to like upset anyone but unfortunately like it’s just us it’s us it’s us being us and like I get it I sympathize with like if you chucked it on the Telly and you got a little one in the room that language is not suitable for a little one I completely get that um but I just don’t agree with the ones where it’s like like you’ll never grow if you do this or like this is unacceptable to or like well don’t watch it in front of your kids then yeah just save the first swear word comes from like you can surely you can still enjoy the content but just you just know it’s not suitable for you what happens if you put if put a horror movie on or a channel on and there’s there’s like a swearing on on the thingy then you just watch it when your kids aren’t in the room I think it it’s just the social media space is more with it grind and whatnot but you just can’t please everyone can you in the popular absolutely not it’s even little things you just you’re never going to please everyone and we’ve decided we’ve found who we are and our Niche and how we want to go forward and how we will continue on this journey in the social media space and and we’re enjoying it more now as well definitely we’re enjoying it more yeah 100% yeah our videos are definitely better even our paired videos where it is just me and you we’re like I think our first scramble where we couldn’t think of the name scramble and recordman at Wester room straight away we done that one video and we just loved it yeah and like we just had so much fun but whereas if we tried to film a year ago as scramble me and you I just don’t think we would enjoyed it and we would have gone that ain’t going to do any good no because we’ve only just shot two under yeah and like people are going to go so I’ve just watched two BLS shoot two under I could go and watch the Brian Brothers shoot 10 MH and you’ve just acted the same as them so like where what entertainment am I there’s no like differentiation between like yeah why you going to watch just being eight shots and a lot worse so we can’t if we can’t go against them we got to go against them that is true um but this obviously this podcast will be out tomorrow I’m going to like work through the night to get this done but uh Bearwood we pumped brother we won’t give anything away but no we we we I listen any scratch goal for a mid- handicap from like eight all the way up to 18 or whatever can get it I even go as far as six up like I don’t know actually maybe that might but eight up like stretch we just got a good little like thing going on we get pumped we take the piss out of each other which helps we we get each other there always like little pockets in it it’s like we’ll be like p p p and then some someone say something or do something and then there’ll just be a little stretch of a couple holes we digging each other then it will come back and there’s a bit of camaraderie um had a really good finish to that video yeah we did down 18 I can’t remember what hole it was but you pumped drive and we just both rued up the [ __ ] uh wedge the dog leg R so bad and like both of us were blaming each other but it’s just yeah we played sick what a sick track what a sick day um if yeah know you haven’t seen that yet and you’ll see that probably next week at some point sick video yeah it’s a really good video um and we were at Bearwood because because uh mauno had invited us down to do a full bag fitting so we’ve got to go back to get Westy’s done um mine has been done not going to dive they we’re going to do new what’s in the bags and go through all of the tech everything like the fine details for you Tech heads out there so I’m not going to give anything away away regards to what’s in the bag what’s coming to the bag we still not 100% sure what West is definitely going to get to the bag but yeah call day with with the mauno guys at their tour fit Studio Joe’s like an absolute [ __ ] wizard on um he like he was saying to me like the length of like I don’t know I kind I’m not even going to try and relay it back because it just went over my head like I’m a bit techy and like he was just very very smart bloke um so yeah there’ll be a couple whats in the bags coming to the channel soon um because there’s been a lot of big changes to both of our golf bags uh one of the big changes is Wes’s finally got his sm10 yeah just literally got them there in the car park and he PR proper secret squirreled me that he got he got black shars put in them not once did you mention that no I didn’t there so pure as well that um last year I had brushed sm9 I had brushed steel but that new I think it’s called nickel now so much nicer than still that is pure um did you know you did he so did he fit you into them shs and there was the option of said it said on the website it had the shars cuz I’m really not Golf Tech at all like I know a little bit about the ins and outs of what’s going on in the PGA and blah blah blah I’m always keeping eye on that but Golf Tech I’m not into it and it doesn’t really Flo my boat at all but so he just gave me what I was ordering I looked at the sharts and it said like next to the one I was meant to get in Brackets black and I thought to myself at first I thought I’m going to select something that isn’t meant to be but it was exactly the the shaft I need and it just had in Brackets black and I thought I have a bit of that and it turns out I looked and that’s why I was looking at the shaft out there to make sure I hadn’t made a boo boo and it’s exactly the shaft I ordered just blacked out pure I didn’t even look to see it’s the same sticker that was on my last wedges S3 and like exactly exactly the same and it’s just a black sick like Black Shaft wedges well no we’ve we’ both got a little black shaft thing you can that later video Yeah sick news class we got stamped up on that um I was going to go color on the stamps I would now regret it yeah I I personally think they look purer without it I think I like the minimalistic look but a bit of Splash a bit of color in there well you maybe could have went like white yeah or like just CU with the nickel like it would have popped out a little bit more um text James after this or just get some paint F and just do it ourself no we’ll show you soon on the what’s in the bag um rsm1 what not yeah um next thing I wanted to quickly touch on West I don’t know if you see it I reckon I know where you’re going cuz I’ve got that next mytle Beach qualifier yeah yeah and I really wanted to get you have you got have you got the leaderboard no I’ve just got the influence so I can get it up you you you it so for those who uh aren’t maybe aware Myrtle Beach PJ Tour event one of the sponsors on that event um really cool ideas cool to see see him doing this uh and there was an interesting take on it as well which I see from uh Garrett from goodg good which I kind of do a line with um CU I think he was invited to go play on it but basically one of the sponsors not too sure what one it was for the Myrtle Beach event offered a offered their space their sponsor exemption to content creators but in order to be able to get that sponsor exemption they put on a big tournament around mytle Beach TPC mle Beach um quite big names plan in it you had obviously from the UK our boy Finch was I think the only UK Creator there and then you had quite a lot of the American Lads so you had George Bryan Michael Morris Grant Horvat um who else is in there J know I’m struggling to find it but yeah you had like Perez fat Perez Dan from uh that podcast thing finchy M finy Mah you had you had a whole list of um of content creators playing in it uh 18 hole stroke play um no surprise that George Bryan shot a free under par which actually wasn’t good enough I think someone else shot four under par but he ended up getting a sponsor exemption anyway um he was the only Creator under par in second place finchy so congratulations Pete if you’re watching this mate obviously played some really good golf haven’t actually watched the videos yet but finchy coming in second place and then there were some really surprising scores in there West yeah so I’ve got the exact leaderboard it’s not it’s just all in like a big paragraph but it turn actually turns out was quite interesting that um Atkins drained a 15 foot birdie at number 18 to take it to a playoff yeah yeah and George like really cocked up he made like bogey or double on that hole like he was clear he was like well clear but um there um yeah there was a few questionable uh I’d like to pick your brain in it and obviously a few boys bummed out yeah they can just have a bad day listening G you can have a bad day um and it happens and you know it happens all the way from a 36 handicap ringing me Josh how are you my boy oh see I was literally just about to say I’m on the podcast filming live and you’re in the microphone so now I’m going to have to bleep that out so well done literally you’re right up to the PO mic and I was just about to say before you give it to me it to I’ll bleep that out your grip out your grip out sort your grip out sort your hair out oh what hair that’s a false comment because there’s no hair you got a grip it’s [ __ ] that’s true all right mate is that was that what you wanted for wanted me for or no course it wasn’t I want I wanted your presence because I love it okay um how are you mate I’m a good mate I’m good I’m good what are you doing Friday um what you got for me I want you and your lovely man that I love so much maybe a little bit more than you I don’t think I don’t think it’s maybe is it no don’t know I don’t know we got a golf day on Friday hadly would if you want to come I’ve got a spot for you both um I’m down what are you doing Friday you what what are you doing I’m talking to West Hello darling hello I want you there more than Josh does I know you do mate Josh only cares for wesy really but yeah he did say that before he called you yeah I’m surprised you didn’t call West to be honest rather than me he tried have his number um what are you working Friday what day what is the day today Wednesday I really feel like I’m in like some form of inception right now CU like I’m talking saying that’s going to go out in the future but in the present hello how’s the girlfriend uh yeah she’s Dr him right in it yeah she’s she’s nice it’s been a stressful week decorating and stuff but yeah he’s just moved into a flat so boy Friday he let me he’ll be able to Wrangle it put us in Josh where is it I don’t know love all right mate see you soon I’ll send you an invite all right bye bye bye bye bye bye sh yeah we’ll do Josh when are you gonna come and chat [ __ ] with us what he say he said when you going to come chat [ __ ] on the Pod next time where’s the next one this what I mean about people this he’s like trying to lock Josh down he the hardest thing come on come on come on come on come on I’m in I’m in all right so episode this is episode five episode six you just heard it here live on the podcast is Joshua white I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m in I’m in I’ll hold you to that off see you later bye bye bye um sorry about that sorry about that there you go now youve just had Live Leak of episode 6 the podcast if you know who Joshua white is everyone [ __ ] knows who Joshua white is um he is going to be episode six but back to Myrtle Beach um I really want to get up the scores yes I’ve got it I have actually got it B it’s in like a weird form so yeah last M morus 86 Cole Lance 83 fat Perez 81 Horvat which is surprising is everyone surprised that he shot 79 what was the P 72 yes so seven over yeah he went seven over yeah uh Quan 78 yeah surprised at that or not yeah Jamie Wilson 77 Ryan Wilkinson 76 Dan Rapaport 76 that’s a big shock I think so I don’t know what that damn rap Port plays off but he definitely like wasn’t it isn’t anyway keep going I’m I’m just intrigued Morgan Denine 74 uh Turk p and then finchy Finch’s done really well there 100% but why has he done well what’s your theory behind that so please so the stage so first of all I just want to say with regards to to finchi uh he’s put out a couple videos recently I think he done some stuff with the Brian Bros and that and he’s clearly playing very very well and it’s been a pleasure to watch VCI looks like you’re driving it on the string you’re hitting your irons really well you’re making some putts so he’s in a really good vein of form at the minute I think he’s just playing good golf um so shout out to you boyo um and congratulations on that cuz that’s a high pressure tournament that you’re pipped up against your peers um but the reason I feel that finchi is obviously playing good coming into that y but it looked like a tight golf course I knew the minute I was like I was last night this morning I was like I was like what can I get to tea off on and what can I get JK to but yeah no your theory is that it looked like a tight golf course and now let me preface this for Tik Tok because Jake is going to clip all of this I do not think I’m a better golfer than Grant Horvat I think Grant Horvat is a better goer than me yeah y Michael Morris I think I’m more consistent but again fantastic golfer we’ve seen him play fantastic golf y um Luke Quan better than Micah and um Grant professional golfer one on PJ tour China fantastic golfer pure Essence golf swing better than me at golf yeah Peter Finch probably better than me at golf right the reason Finch and George Bryan is just George Bryan is just so much better than everyone else in the YouTube space yes he is Essence that child at at golf he like pleasure to amazing golf swing amazing short game his brothers a piss take as well I don’t even think when we you talk about influencer creators and who’s the best he shouldn’t even be in the conversation it’s start talking about Rooney and all this and then you’ve got Messi and Ronaldo leave him out the conversation they’re just better okay yeah tit a golf course which leads us back to when we got [ __ ] pelted before Grant m Quan these boys week in week out are playing wider golf courses all right and when I said before about UK golf courses being harder than America what I meant was Florida golf I shouldn’t have generalized it as much as I as I should because if you go out and play in like Kansas or whever it might be they’re super narrow tracks I’m sure they’re like crazy hard yeah yeah Tree Line blah blah blah Florida where I believe M Micah and Grant are based Florida golf is a lot more open you have a lot more Miss space yes it’s Bermuda grass yes chipping is a little bit harder yes the golf they play our Championship golf courses so they might be on a difficulty level slightly higher than what we’re playing in the UK and stuff but I still think if you go play won Heath if you go play Sun Andale if you go play any of the premium golf courses here in England yeah they’re harder than these Floridian golf courses right I strongly believe that I think where they struggled and don’t get me wrong I haven’t watched all of the content but everyone has an off day mic for people watching it if anyone’s giving Mike a stick for shooting 16 over it [ __ ] happens and once you’re n or 10 over unless you really dig deep in your head you don’t give a [ __ ] what your scor is anyway so got us to a bad start I think he might have went double double double yeah like your tournament’s over you aren’t going to qualified and he’s probably like just been had a bit of an attitude switch hit driver where he shouldn’t hit driver took some shots on where he shouldn’t took shots on and then his number is equated to 16 over whatever it was it’s not a reflection on his golfing ability whatsoever no um but it was a tighter golf course West yeah interesting to see how they all stacked up because everyone’s always asking uh who’s better this and that um my only surprise was like Grant as well 7 over but again it happens if you if you if you make a double and then a a bogey and you’re fre over like you say mindset switch is his his swing gets a little less smooth and straight away because you’re in the social media space Grant is now already he might not be I’m not speaking for you he might already be reading the comments oh oh I see him on Tik Tok he’s got the best swing why has he now done this so like you’re already now battling so that mindset is horrible it’s like I need to pull something bag not for myself anymore so I don’t get pelted yeah so on on a on a microscopic level is exactly what I spoke about when I played as the pro as the pro in Portugal like and and but his is for the world to see and mine was just for Die Hard followers of the go to see how I scored through three rounds in a professional tournament in Portugal magnify that by a billion percent and it’s everyone who’s into golf who watches golf content this was the tournament where you’re going to see who beats who everyone calls him the best swing on Tik Tok and the swing on social media so yeah he had a bit of pressure yeah he had a bit of pressure um but yeah I just think uh this the scoring like seven overp part like it’s so doable like Quan six over pass so doable ball I wasn’t surprised that finchy pipped a lot of them once I saw the golf course okay um just cuz he’s more like he’s more familiar with hitting driving isons off the te or or plotting your way round a more tight golf course and I think it just probably suits Finch’s game a bit better yeah England golf a little bit better like you can’t just smash driver on every single hole and like I said I haven’t I might be talking out a turn here because I haven’t actually watched the rounds of them players playing it but looking at the scorecards and I know there’s no pictures on the scorecard you have to see it but I wasn’t overly surprised that Finch beat a lot of you said that straight and I knew you were going to say that but um there was there wasn’t that many people under pass it must have been playing hard as well so the other one Matt Atkins is another professional golf for he plays on the Brian Bros Channel I just see there you actually read something about him he’s started on the corn F like 157 times yeah a serious amount of yeah yeah so and like that but then again like talking about the the not so great scores at the same time massive props of George Bryan like shooting through under parot that’s how good this boy is at golf yeah he’s played on a PJ Tour event recently and made the cut he’s like he he is a fantastic golfer like and if I could play with anyone in the content space it would be georgean Wesley really cuz I think like their characters they seem like lovely people like they have a good bit of crack they have a bit of banter but they’re just so [ __ ] good at golf yeah Essence that’s what I mean they have yeah the essence essess of golf so good at golf they’re so good at golf talking of competitive Golf and probably rounds off quite nice and I’m quite intrigued by your uh view on this live golf does it prove that the silk does it prove the silk pajama Theory so what I’m saying in that they’ve all been paid these large amount of sums and I’m not disputing jumping or not jumping okay then we’ve just had a few we’ve just had a major mhm so where everyone fought Rah was going to come in and Brooks has been in a little bit of formula Majors lately does it prove the silk pajama Theory once you get that money and you’ve got the silk pajamas on are they practicing as much do we know who the highest place in live player was at the again not terrible really maybe I should really tell you the questions I’m going to ask and we could we could but do you see what I mean it’s interesting so Ram Rah was playing really re really well right one last year and neon’s like okay I don’t think he’s going to dominate but I think he’s going to win a lot huge jump and no one see it coming half a billion dollars serious Chads is that what it was it was like four wasn’t it 400 400 million okay so now in the mornings when we joke around does it say like I need I’ve got chipping practice with Steve this morning or Steve push it back till 2 Steve isn’t going to go no mate get out here at 10: be [ __ ] got [ __ ] to do you’d like to think like the boys at the I think the boys who signed on to live and again he’s not speaking out of turn I think the boys who signed on to live and they were the ex household names or like the older Pros now coming towards the back end of their career you’d not knowing this like this isn’t factual but you’d probably say a little bit of silk pajamas would would be in there because they’ve done their 25 30 years on tour and now they’ve had their paycheck they know that their future secured they don’t have to be up 8:00 in the morning hit their which is cool and I’m I’m all for that you’d like to think quest like your likes of ram well no what we talking about the Shambo yes but I mean he’s always clearly on some weird little grind anyway I love what he does he was the highest place in live person would he finish second yeah but then everybody else yeah so like but you’d like to but he hasn’t been up there though has he recently let’s face it apart from that event I don’t know what he’s done on Liv Rec I don’t really follow any event he don’t know why he does what and live and then every other time he’s been he’s been there one of the longest Live players hasn’t he as well and he hasn’t really done much before he even made the jump either he had that little Spike before on the US Open and then just literally just you’d like to think no but I suppose over time will tell like when more of the major and it’s hard again it’s hard to quantify that because he’s a [ __ ] major so yeah like and you’ve got the people that playing on the PJ tour like that bombed out they’ done terrible they shot High numbers so you can’t you can’t like go and play auster is such a hard goal of course there so much pressure it’s the most prestigious major Ron would only shoot two over around there I’d love to dig you out Ron but um it’s hard to quantify it but you’d like to think being the professionals and the money is great that sets them but these boys are hopefully still playing for legacy especially when it comes to Majors yeah no I just I just I just Intrigue because like I say there was none of the the bigger boys the bigger hitting boys up there that we always expect to be up there mainly I’m to be fair mainly I’m just looking at Ramen Brooks as well but the shambar let’s talk about him for a couple of minutes he uh he’s been quiet and then he’s always on the grind on social media I like that about Bryson and like pumps YouTube but good YouTube content you’re lucky that you’re [ __ ] good at golf as well and you’re a character so people watch you because they know they’re going to get good shots but and you have a good uh series with a break 50 and whatnot great video by the way bringing on that page you you know the social media space already did yeah classic like his views are never down anyway but how can I how I don’t know but like how can he like his video with Garrett when I think they shot 50 would have done numbers and then other people s the Sergio one didn’t do that many numbers that by the way just proves that maybe is the golf the age of the golfers moving on now because I would have thought Bryson and Sergio would have done numbers and it didn’t and then he brought on that page what’s her name spak spirac and I’m assuming that probably done numbers so he knows the media space so you’ve got um where’s the one with Sergio was that not on his channel oh it was okay yeah very recent guys didn’t do that many numbers did it well well 774 th000 views yeah which is like what do you think P’s done two or three mil B I bet done two a 1. something mil 895k oh okay so not that much more 100K more you would argue that him and Serio just be such a better video wouldn’t you you absolute perves perp why do you want to watch him and Paige I mean she’s apparently good at golf oh she can oh she can apparently knock it is that why people watching She’s a good Pro yeah I think that’s why but like him and Sergio like what a [ __ ] lineup that is but uh yeah no he does BS on social media he’s quite cool and uh it’s good good to see him do well in a competition as well or in a major should I say and he’s doing nothing but like his 3D printed irons yeah Rolland BGE and irons I can’t even discuss that I don’t have a [ __ ] clue what that is do you know that got approved by the RNA a week on the Monday yeah like few days before and he goes out and shoots what he shoot on the first like six seven under yeah seven likes a piss take changing the game single-handedly um yeah but he like just goes to show on the even on the lower lower tour levels and stuff is like it’s almost in today’s day and age it’s not enough just to be a great player no it’s not anymore like unless you are unless you are Scotty Sheffer John Ram an absolute well beat are like these very Rory Ma this very top Echelon top 10 player um it’s just not enough to be not in this world no and not in not with the new crop of eyes coming up I say it all the time golfers that are watching YouTube golf from the age of 12 to let’s just go 28 is 26ish we’ll know can name more YouTube golfers than they probably could top 20 as soon as you slip out that top 8 to 10 PJ people start going um yeah uh 100% so it’s definitely definitely changing and Bryson hats off to you for doing it all he must just worked tirelessly cuz I know for a fact he practice is probably topess in his net in the garden every night I think he’s just one of those the guys loves goting plays films CU we know playing takes up a lot of time filming competing and you could like you can argue as always like the YouTube it’s not money driven no he just gets sick get me wrong he’s he’s making good Bank off of it as well but it’s not he don’t need the money no it’s just going in there yeah rainy day he’s a he’s a live boy he’s got Sil pajamas he has got Sil pajamas but he grinds with his Sil pajamas loves his golf on live as well quickly as well did you see the attendance for Adelaide yeah 97 bangers 97,000 people turned up for that event you get rowy yeah see I like I’m not I’m really not old schol in like in my approach to golf whatsoever but like I do it’s a bit much sometimes I’m with you on that I love Lads I love Lads Lads Lads I love rowdiness but I think in no other sport yeah do the in other sport do you allow the audience to put off players as much as what that is because like they like yeah they’ve been played big bags played this money and stuff but like they’re still trying to play and you’ve got loud music playing and people screaming and this and that and he’s like that is offputting for for golf when you’re playing with your footballer or you’re feing people in the stand you can’t [ __ ] hear him no and also I think even for like darts which is notoriously known as Ros let’s go to the what is it Ali P someone Corr me and they get Ry even when they throw the free darts it’s yeah when it lands yeah and that is a rowdiness known as beers Lads Lads Lads so yeah no I agree with that golf is golf yeah I think like keep some of the like if people are hitting their shots and stuff just shut up yeah like be Rowdy like you said in between shots if if great shots get hit into the greens if puck gets made be a bit more Ry than what you usually see play like play your music on some holes maybe like that’s the music holes but like it just like a big party there which is which is great the game’s moving forward like liver definitely trying to push the envelope with that but like I still think I have a little bit of respect for the players that are going there trying to like cuz they’re trying to concentrate yeah and not all of them are in yet no and some of them are still trying to trying to pave their way and whatnot but it’s cool and like I like the after golf cam Smith’s up with fiser he’s always up with fisher fisher done a vent and he’s doing shoes and stuff that’s that’s cool do that out golf love that yeah in golf I agree with yeah is a bit it’s a bit much um and yeah the last thing I wanted to talk about West is we’ve got some big plans this year um hopefully if the channel can continue to grow to um second videographer is the next thing y um and hopefully an editor mate and I believe the reason I’m really I’m really all in on like trying to get an editor because I think like if I my hands could be just freed up by like well 50% or 30% 30% like think of the stuff we could do on short form to grow the channel on that food for four just been thinking about that recently like with today’s Vlog and stuff like that I was like if I didn’t have to go back and now sit on the computer to edit this till whatever time we do this like we’d free up a lot of time shank it would free up a lot of time yeah um and I just think it would just make for just keep your [ __ ] eyes peeled man like the GOL Supply coming like we’ve got some big big plans this year um and we will execute on them we absolutely promise you that like we said all the new eyes on the channel welcome we just need time yeah time is our currency yeah currency is fine time is our currency yours is needs to be freed up through through Avenues within the GSM needs to be freed up with external and once they marry up it’s game over yeah we’ll be in a very very good place going forward so game over yeah um well everyone hope you’ve enjoyed this relatively shorter podcast for us um I know it’s just a lot of chat and [ __ ] really but we said we’ll get you a guest um that we’ll get them a guest yeah Josh next week um will be our Our Guest you heard it live on the podcast but we want to keep one of the podcasts we don’t want to guest everything like genuinely we don’t want to guest every single week because like we said on the first ever podcast this oh [ __ ] did anyone I put a question po up West oh oh no did people respond oh we’ve got loads really let’s just quickly run through these quickly um C Back Golf a few tips that help you guys in starting out creating golf content loving your stuff boys uh Westy ROM few tips to help you guys starting out golf creating golf content make sure you have time A lot of time and make sure maybe if I would say do it with a friend’s call um time and time and a friend and then I would add on to that catback golf just uh depending on what type of content you’re making if you go down the YouTube space or something just do like a lot a [ __ ] ton of research on the equipment to buy and what’s going to be best for you otherwise you’ll do what we do and you’ll just spend so much money on equipment that just isn’t fit for purpose for filming golf videos and you just you’ll just end up buying the equipment again so two things but have fun do it for do it for fun to start off with do it as a hobby do it in your spare time do it to the best of your ability make the best possible content you can see where it goes from there if you can continue enjoying it whilst doing it great um but it’s going to take a lot of time and it’s going to take a lot of effort and it won’t happen overnight but yeah the one that I would say is just like really look into the equipment that you’re buying um because it’s so easy just to buy the wrong [ __ ] um and then having to buy it twice um but thanks for your question mate uh next one uh Steven Clark do you guys see this is something you want to do fulltime in the near future in the next year or two yeah yeah 100% um so bad is good golf is gazda and Charlie Hall don’t know when will you film with Rick Shields don’t know yeah it’s not not that I wouldn’t want to but it’s not a collab that interests me and that’s not cuz I don’t like r no no no don’t get me wrong if he invites will go on the% heart but like there’s other people I would rather play with do you reckon he because he doesn’t follow us in anything no maybe he does Maybe I mean he’s the he’s The Godfather he just moves around the chest pieces of the go space so he probably knows everyone within it maybe does maybe doesn’t if you do nice why why have you not followed he’s The Godfather though so we follow you mate um next question when are you going to when are you going to challenge so bad it’s good golfing oh it’s the person oh classic uh churchy Boy George needs some shorts not so tight for boxing George needs some shorts not so tight for boxing so I’m assuming you go boxing with George and he wears tight shorts at boxing okay and he’s got his little monkey nuts there or something yeah okay uh that that weren’t really a question that was just a statement um Tom joycey Tom would you play in the mytle beach qualifier if invited next year so I forgot to mention this just before we sign off the interesting take from Garrett at good good was and I did really align myself with this is that sponsor exemption then put on that on that event and all of the uh the content creators going to play it and stuff obviously it’s great for the sponsor because was whoever it was that sponsored it I’m sure it was plasted or over the event and stuff like that but the point of sponsor exemptions is for professionals or Elite amateur who are who might have a chance of getting their break on a PJ Tour event okay that’s the point of it so the thing that I definitely agree with G and I don’t agree with not to say that I wouldn’t I don’t want to come in here and say that I wouldn’t play on it next year because it would be a great content opportunity but if I was the size of Garrett and good good I would have probably had the same stance as Garrett of why am I going to go playing that when it’s taking a spot away from and and professional getting a getting a PJ start milons yeah so at the moment our current size from exposure standpoint yeah it would benefit us massively to go in there if at Myrtle Beach next year we’ve got a million subscribers and we don’t quote unquote need the exposure or need to go and play on that then no I would not playing it because I would much rather an aspiring professional an amateur coming up or something have that spot to go play in the PJ Tour event because let’s face it George got an exemption a second exemption that Matt a is obviously a great player he’s going to go playing it but anyone else who won that they’re not going to go win that [ __ ] PJ tour no yeah um and it’s not going to be valuable experience for them moving forward so all they’re going to take from that is they’re going to make be able to make some cool content plan in the PJ Tour event whereas like someone else who got that sponsor exemption that would could potentially do massive things for their career playing in front of thousands of people the pressure meeting other professionals learning from him so I would side with Garrett on The Stance and I think it’s very respectable that he turned down his invite um on those principles cuz I definitely do align with them I’d much rather a person who is chasing golf is their playing golf professional golf as their career y they are more worthy to have that spot than me yeah um but if we’re the size that we are then yeah great to get your eyes on your Channel all that sort of stuff so yeah I would I would play in it um but only if yeah I would play it um but yeah so uh that rounds up Podcast number five the GS podcast um thank you all you for watching new and old uh if you’re new like we said hope you enjoyed it if you’ve got a company and you want to sponsor us for loads of money and have an ad on here then get in contact with us either on Instagram or send us a an email on infothe gools it’ll be coming up on screen for you now um and me and wesy will have those conversations off camera of how much we charge this boy for yeah you know that’s a fair price to charge him but no we do you a good deal we do you a good deal see you later everyone CIA Bella


  1. Genuinely enjoy watching and listening to you lads, talk About the same shit me an my mates do. Class by you boys! Keep it up

  2. Good stuff lads. As a side note, there’s a high pitched noise in the background. Thought i was losing my mind.

  3. Subscribed but first time watching pod cast, excellent guys, love the straight talking and real content. Well done to All.

  4. You know what? there is no need to change…be who you are. There is room on the YouTube platform for everyone. Not all golf channels have to be so vanilla (that's what the 'Not for kids' button is for) you guys are just Pistachio 👍
    Very fair point on Florida golf courses, they are wider because they need to be. They're set up for Snow Birds and vacationers.

    Scottie loves you Ash 😉

  5. Great f*****g channel 😂 has always surprised me you don't have more subscribers, can only be a matter of time!

    Recordsmen mention again….come on when are we playing

  6. Best golf channel on youtube by a country mile. Don't change what you are doing, your time will come and the channel will grow. Video quality is getting better and better, content is getting better and its the most relatable golf channel around. Gotta say, since Westie has been a permanent feature its been even better, love seeing the 2 of you giving each other crap as well as the full on bromance 🤣 In regards to your ping video that was 9 min long but has your highest view count – another (non-golf) channel I watch spoke about this and said they never put out an 8 or 9 min video for these reasons, add a few close ups at the end, few extra bits, get the video to 10 mins to get the extra revenue. Viewers wouldnt care, its playing the game, getting more money which helps the channel 👍

  7. You know what you’ve made a very good point here with the whole swearing thing. Our first video had swearing in where we didn’t bleep it out, we now make a conscious effort to not swear and I’ve found our engagement has dropped because we’re holding back from who we really are. Not to say we just swear constantly, but a reaction to a shot is very different to what it might otherwise be! Love your work gents, never change. 🫡

  8. Love it boys, very honest and good insight into the world/ industry you’re smashing it in! Big future ahead I’m sure 👌🏼👌🏼

  9. Keep up the good work Fellas, love the content and 2 videos a week. Good mix with podcast and then golf footage. Looking forward to seeing Ash v Bullard, surely that's coming up soon?!!!

  10. Jesus I’m 60 years old so I make up about 1%😮love you boys and have watched your content from day 1…I got all the youngsters at my course to subscribe…not bad for an old fucker

  11. I watch a lot of the golf YouTube shit and you two are definitely the most funny and relatable out there. Ron is a good addition every now and again. Excellent stuff lads, I’m sure you’ll be able to make it full time, clearly both very dedicated 👍

  12. Came across you guys because of the bullard vid, amazing vid!
    And now im hooked, catching up on all your previous content because you guys are authentic/genuine and the banter and reactions/swearing between yous are like i'm playing a round with you my mates. Love the work lads keep it up

  13. Real honest call guys, new to this game but been hooked for a while. Honest call id seen your material before but never clicked but once you did the f0rebrothers I’ve watched all since. Jimmy content is different levels and i can’t wait to see the next round with him. Maybe the rematch award you won!! Keep it up gents doing yourselves proud

  14. Watch the tournament, the official one cuts grant out early doors as he messes up one hole, he has his own version where he’s really honest.

  15. I came across your brand when searching Royal Norwich golf club. Been following you ever since. There is a huge space on you tube for more stroke play / match play videos. People want to sit and watch competitive, banter filled nervy matches. Too many creators toning it down. We can all relate to it and seeing others go through the pain and gain is what we want to see. Great stuff… Keep it up

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