Golf Players

Ryan Garcia disgraced himself & boxing says Jeff Mayweather after failed drug test

Jeff Mayweather gives his thoughts on Ryan Garcia who failed his drug test for the Devin Haney fight

all right jef big news in the boxing world today Ryan Garcia has tested positive for a ban substance um for his postf fight drug testing uh apparently it was I think I say oin yeah oin something like that um obviously a shock to everybody involved uh initial thoughts on hearing that I know I broke the news to you when I called you a couple hours ago oh I think is I just think is a bad look for boxing I mean no matter who it did who did it but to be in a fight of this magnitude and first I thought he fooled Everyone by just playing crazy but now in Resort he didn’t just play crazy he went too and now he’s going to be he’s going to be punished for it all right again another video Jeff I just want to point out Jeff is not drunk he does not he has a hiccups he just got acid reflux we don’t need any suggestions he’s got diabetes [ __ ] happens uh all right so Jeff uh I haven’t seen I know Ryan went live here on Instagram a little while ago I didn’t get to catch that but I saw he tweeted out you know LOL and and was seem to be laughing it off um as anybody probably should have um is it just a way of boxing trying to you know to Sly Ryan and get over on him after his big win well I think that if Ryan is out there doing stuff like that he’s still playing crazy he’s got stuck in that mode and don’t know how to turn it off it seems like do you think that him well I let’s play devil’s advocate here let’s say he is guilty of this do you think that has something to do with why he missed weight um I don’t think that has nothing to do with him missing weight I think that was designed to missing weight because I mean he been foxing boxing for a very long time and it’s easy to make weight got to make you just got to make sacrifices and he didn’t do you think this was I mean I’m assuming he’s want to get the the B sample test and all that kind of stuff but is this not smart by boxing I me you have Ryan who just became probably the biggest star in boxing right active after his went over Dev now all of a sudden is going to bring like you said you know it’s a bad look for the sport um is this something that they should have moved forward with I mean yes I think they should because I mean if you caught cheating you need to be punished for it he’s already denying it though so I mean he could deny it all he wants to but once the commission puts it out there and says he did it that’s the end of it that’s the end I don’t are you sure about that I mean it’s like we have the be sample to come on obviously he’s denying it I know this this supplement can be found in or excuse me this drug can be found in different supplements so there’s so many things that could have happened here I mean it just seems like it’s trying to detract away from a great win from from Ryan Garcia over de that could be true but most of the time when the commission finds something it usually stands do we trust the commissions you don’t have to they’re in charge all right well uh where does this affect how does this affect Devon going forward I mean it it’s kind of seems like it gives him a uh you know an Escape Route you know I mean obviously a reason and explanation for for what happened to him and he can say hey I thought a guy that was way overweight and was juicing on top of that well I mean you can’t really say that part because he weighed more than than Ryan did but one thing you can say is that I did what I was supposed to to make this fight happen I made the waight the right way I didn’t cheat and if Ryan is caught he did cheat and basically de he didn’t lose his title only thing is did is just hurt it this hurt his reputation more than anything okay you’re saying that he he made uh Devon Wade more they he hit but he did what he was supposed to do he made Wade on on the day of the fight I mean he made you made he made the weight on the scale but after they they do another another way in said de was more yeah than Ryan um Bill Haney obviously seriously pissed off saying hey you know oh first of all it’s a son so of course you’re worried about your son’s Health then he’s like hey you know you do all this braging all this talking and you can’t make weight and you you’re juicing you know I mean thoughts on what his response well I mean I would probably be saying the same the exact same thing I mean at this point you got to take whatever’s out there to use to cover your son’s loss well I mean just to finish up do you think this is all just like I said this is an attempt to taint Ryan’s win I mean you know saying oh he didn’t hit weight oh he you know failed his drug test this is an attempt to smear his wi and and get Devon back in good Grace with everybody I mean I don’t I don’t think so I think that if he cheated he cheated and he should be punished does it affect him going forward say it again does it affect them going forward I mean can’t you just say hey a win’s a win all publicity is good publicity um doesn’t really matter you can’t do that I I can do whatever I want of course you can but I never known you to be no judge or or be on commission well I probably should be probably should be boxing be a lot better I know that all right so where do we go where do we go from here what’s next for Devon now with this news and I’m sure he can sleep a little de it’s going to be no contest right so now he’s still undefeated and yeah he still got he still got his title it’s like he took a fight made nice a nice payday and he still undefeated what about with Ryan is this going to affect him anyway or is he still kind of the biggest name in boxing at the moment and it really won’t affect him either way I mean it hit Ryan became a major Superstar but now because of this I don’t think it’s going to hurt him a whole a whole lot but people are going to look at him in a different way I think you’re juicing Jeff right you’re 70 years old and still got guns let’s see him man let’s see them ain’t got no gun gun no the no your G your arms not a gun like that I talking I thought you talking about a gun I no I said you still got the guns you’re juice in it like 75 years old ready get ready to to pull my gun out on you all right Jeff appreciate it there it is


  1. First of all it's a disgrace to the Game watching him gobble down a beer 🍺 infont of the world at the weight in..I think the boxing officials dropped the ball in calling him out… So with this situation it doesn't surprise me…at the end of the day I think 🤔 he is still going through some kind of situation…

  2. That's because it's all rigged boxing rigged basketballs rigged football's rigged when are you slow pokes going to wake up whole bunch of dummies watching this garbage make billions of dollars off of dummies

  3. This is why Mayweather makes sure he does his own testing. He have them tested right before the fight and if they don't agree to it he doesn't fight. Bill Haney should have did the same. Knowing those tests don't come back till after the fight and they won't show the results. The only people knows the results are the uppers and for people to be acting like they're trying to cheat Ryan because they want the black guy to win. Do you know how many black guys has got their ass knocked out by Mexicans? Ryan and Devin couldn't even sell the tickets. You sound stupid Ryan. It's not the first guy to knock out a black guy. Stop with the b***** he cheated and he didn't care. He knew that test was going to come back dirty and he planned for it with all his Trump. B**** He didn't give a f*** he's scary and he's a coward

  4. You know what's a disgrace is taking boxing from boxing thank you Mayweather family you can foul the WORLD but I won't allow myself to be fouled God is my teacher

  5. How can you disgrace boxing when the boxing commision does that on its own with corrupt refs & judges blatantly trying to steal fights on live television?

  6. Look y'all dummies! Ryan don't give a FUCKKKKK!! Dudes got so much money it ain't even funny. Him and his kids would never have to do shit again and still live good. Ryan don't respect boxing.. the sport.. or nothing. He was in it for the money and he has that now so he don't give a shit either way. He went in there after betting on himself and SMASHED Devin Haney. Shit looked like a kindergartener fighting a teenager… He accomplished his GOAL PERIOD!! HATERS SHUT TF UPPP!!

  7. Jeff is the last real one left
    If theres a supplement out there that has good shit in it, we all want to know about it! Everyone uses that excuse, ain't nothing in supplements now but colored sugar, can't even get a good protein powder like the 90s 2000s. It's all trash . Walmart weigh protein got deca in it all of sudden 🤣🤣🤣

  8. This interviewer should never be granted another interview with the likes of great coaches like Jeff Mayweather and such! He had no respect for Jeff and he has no respect for boxing!

  9. The Mayweather’s need to disassociate themselves with this imposter behind the camera. He does not mean you well.

  10. Not sure what this interviewer is talking about when he says what was found in Garcia's system is found in a lot of supplements. According to the USADA, "ostarine is not approved for human use or consumption in the U.S., or in any other country [and] there are no legal medications that contain ostarine. . . It’s also important to note that ostarine is not a permitted ingredient in dietary supplements."

  11. Absolute disgrace and disappointing. He has the audacity to treat people like they came down in the last rain by pretending he didn’t know like no clown before him embarrassed themselves pretending. Weird dude.

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