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yo what up guys GS women and children we got the one the only I call this maybe one of my last cheesies cuz I I don’t want to keep buying whatever I might keep doing much this I when I when I built this [ __ ] thing I literally realized that the can’t be my last cuz I have way too much [ __ ] like I thought I I like I thought it was just going to scrape me dry right I couldn’t even believe it I’m like wow bro you can start stacking like we do okay is that cool mhm all right all right cool start off here do right the second go all right he’s going to start stacking them on the table guys I’m not those do those last do these these are the ones to worry about I’m not doing it just getting it ready I know all right we got two three we have five of those six seven eight nine 10 11 Okay cool so I need to get 11 of those get a couple more all right guys um he’s just stacking it’s going like I said it’s going to be a few minutes here uh okay 6 7 11 12 all right I made an executive decision I made um hockey not its own spot okay I took the hockey off I took the hockey off the um the break and I made it um the NFL has the worst spots in my opinion so if you get a football team in the cheesy to me it’s the least amount of cards or real higher end you know not even higher end because a cheese break not just it’s not the good stuff in my opinion like I don’t like the the the the football slots so what I did was 32 football teams 32 hockey teams okay uh so after I do the random and we figure out who gets the who gets the the football spots I’ll rent just those people for 32 hockey teams as well so you’ll have a hockey spot um we got that I got that I added um a lot of $200 spots I added an extra $500 spots four $500 spots all right I’m trying to make it as best I can your benefit the least amount of flats you get is 75 which is great to get more Flats than the [ __ ] break costs we got you we got you now I’m going to do the freebies here we go the freebie is this I took everybody that bought into a break from the site all right now I don’t want you don’t ask for a [ __ ] refund or or anything like that if you don’t mind I’d appreciate it like um I took the breaks that said cheesy on them um which ones were uh so the encase foot Bulls was the break I took you guys the her AG baseball I took you guys okay um and and that’s it and there was one more I feel like oh the finest I well you guys are on this list I already gave one away for the finest anyway but anyway you guys are getting a shot at a team from the spots you p through the store that are marked random cheesy so don’t ask for refund you’re getting your random cheesy spot I’m going to ram it up okay okay for free anyway all right so here we go um we’re going to use one dice roll for it all okay and here we go seven times top spot these are the people from the store that pought into the two braks what thanks one all you can do the other box now but to the right of it right there two what what do that other box you put it in its own pile right over there three four five six and top spot on 7 D Brer on seven you’re in all right I’m [ __ ] ready to rumble man I really I think this is going to be great I’ll go over this list one time with you guys momentarily here all right let’s go over it all right if it says nine it’s for plat bucks okay it says nine it’s plats right you get the plats next to it a lot of hundreds and 200s loaded for those Garbage Pail set you’re getting an entire set of Garbage Pail Kids I got rid of it y look it’s face like finally it’s been sitting on my shelf for so long all right seven is nons sport cards that are on this list tennis golf tennis golf racing things like that and all other cards non-drafted players blah blah blah this is UFC and WWE only um and this is any multiplayer cards no randoms all right and I’m going to throw you 50 bucks all right cuz I don’t really know how many there are so whoever gets this spot you get 50 back all right weird stuff is the randoms I got some coins comics and a couple jerseys um you know way I’ll be honest the comics are pretty cool most are marked $125 to $200 150 12550 Fantastic 4 they’re actually kind of neat stuff but I don’t know whatever I fig give you guys um then like I said if people get to football we Rand them again for a um a hockey team all right let me actually get that ready right now hockey list where is it all right cool seven times fellas seven times all right good luck we got one 2 3 4 5 6 7 I’m going to put this list right in the store for you guys um you know what I’ll put it on the screen for you guys too real quick damn it all right yeah I guess I’m going to go you weird cuz it’s a good price all right here you go guys like I said you’re not going to see a lot on here um I’ll keep it up here for a minute though all right down the list okay one 2 3 4 5 6 come on and seven all right hoe up top what up buddy down to Young bats boom all right I’m going to go down this list for the visual one time I’m G to go grab a thing put all the cards cool buddy 500 Kirk cam first one I seen it’s a quick glance 200 to swam hey you spent 50 bucks get 200 you’re good hoe 200o and 500 Zachary that’s on one spot all right oh [ __ ] I supposed to do this B it line it save it all right it’s on the site you can go see it I’ll go up it nice and slow for you guys all right you guys are on for the 75 500 ZT SLO Kirk and will Cole Will Tom is that you who were here earlier and I made a joke about beer are you will Cole is that you Tom Cole cuz it was a Tom Cole in the chat tonight that I was used to be C named Tom beer Tom Cole was name is m beer rigged lowy but I’m pretty sure you should have said loky rigged that s oh no it’s not I don’t think you’re the same person whatever we’ll figure it out later um 200 T ni 2 Man Steve Howard the Swarm Paulie mediocre Reckless young bat a 49er doubled up Monty doubled up with 100 bratcher run fast Howard poker SLO um paully coach rip Adam rater Finn Steve Niner Trax fince Zack cards osley oer I mean MDM Brad Fins Up T white Adam Kelly sloth T white um car on S um all right it’ll be there in a minute there you go try it now Budd there you go buddy don’t interrupt me again okay Adam Steen nerd carac pokar Adam Kelly CEO Tristan carac Reckless and sloth all right garell set 49 fan I hope you love it all the cards good one sloth USC Brash pretty decent Mark you’re getting 50 that’s the only plat bucks I’m adding at this moment is yours um cuz I don’t want to forget cuz that technically wasn’t you um weird stuff here you guys go you guys are the weird stuff that’ll get random at the end and now you guys the football teams mediocre up to Poker stud long J I really wanted the weird stuff spot it’s just cool stuff where is it’s just this [ __ ] right here the comics the coins you nothing great great and Howard you have the ners there you go you’re in all right now I’m going to random up the hockey teams that’s going to go down low um I’m going to call the hockey just [ __ ] it I’m know s cheat seven times one two three four five six seven Grouch to the swam and then seven one 2 3 4 5 6 7 Vegas down two there how you doing tonight camels all right guys there it looks you you should try I’ll tell you straight up there are no con ofarts so don’t get that hopes up there are a lot of good cards though in here believe it or not if it is um like opposite deck you can sit on spaghetti and eat a camera oh man buddy you are [ __ ] up what nothing I love you what no you don’t you sound so [ __ ] lame no I don’t why do you say that does that even mean you always make fun of me D bro I know you [Music] Ro are you looking at me Dad I’m sorry I beat my brother the other day all right you got hello what you got all that I’m about to I need you to bring the football page over to me football page got to add the ners to the bottom all right I’m taking this off the screen guys I’m not uh I got it I have it I have it don’t be worry oh I’m not don’t all right guys love love number love here we go and we are not breaking this huh guys I can’t really do much I do a lot of you [ __ ] uh but I can’t play much so we we only got three down I doubt it’s going to go but whatever we’ll see what happens all right here we go guys that’s the this the football what no no no no no no football here let me I I I I it’s okay I it right now it’s okay I it’s right here I don’t remember on top I be careful when you roll over there because Rock just sitting right there all right this is everything did uh the money come out money oh yeah that’s all there all right this is for her put it on your thing there get the crate and be ready here we go all right guys good luck guys I’m just going to dig right through okay I’m not calling out a ton of names but you will see everything all right are you good yeah you always good always good all right because you have it Red Wings lightning capitals Raven star bars capitals Blue Jackets Canadians Panthers Oilers Young Gun canvas that’s hot um Oilers other that’s I give them to you you your box them right Pirates white socks Ducks Stars white socks Giants boner Mr Lee Sabor Jordan very cool card Micha yeah O’Neal very nice card to 149 o Graham 175 very cool Oh’s late to a che it just started the cheesy just don’t you Wy prism Chet silver prism wow Kyrie said Curry wrong pile you gave me for this break G I’ll kill you straight up just so you know you’ll be out on the street where you belong um Marlin that girl other other oo other other other other nice Louis Auto Lift Off ooh ree very nice future p [Music] all right quick wow Jack Hughes nice callfield Phillips very nice canvas young dun feral number to 100 number to 175 how you doing uh Bird good to see bud what not you Luca Giannis gold yeah buddy I’m with you kid very nice yeah put down on me right I told this going to be a great break you don’t be listening to me oo nice hey what’s that basketball score guys Red’s old school very cool card hell little Curts card care that might really go a long way Black Gold Walker to eight somebody going to basketball school who’s play Magic Pelicans is z in or no oh Luka playing um no he’s got a C out3 92 wow it’s close what how how much times left Otani G fly back from put on jar jar [Music] ah I click use different account by accident what the [ __ ] is wrong with me man okay just takes time now there it is I see itue watch on TNT or watch on true T oh I don’t care which one we watch on I got to mute the radio uh I think the win all right good luck guys my goodness I got that off I would have freaked out man oh Adam Kelly if you’re here I got to tell you something after this guys this is a great break I have another one I’m putting together um I just like to keep a little time oo I just like to keep a little time in between them blues um you think 14 seconds left yes to no no no no no no the Thunder got the ball they’re going to go for a three but it’s not happen Hawaii Jaylen Williams a 35 Kevin Durant numbered numbered numbered win come on come on who do you want they got one shot man I I I kind of want the Pelicans to beat them I wanted to tire him down actually no [ __ ] that Thunder oh swi defo that’s quintino to 25 very nice Cody Bellinger Dodgers that been a cool Come N you know what it’s good Ben they need to win if they go to the chip you know what’s going to happen the checks cards Peak Rose Auto Reds nice you have a lot of I have a lot of check cases yes check CS yes other spot number number number let’s go baby let’s go you ain’t getting another break like this anywhere fellas anywhere any [ __ ] where I’m going to put another one in the store I really shouldn’t but I’m going to [ __ ] it I really shouldn’t halberton rookie wow Ant-Man rookie other other other W UFC Auto Yari that’s got to be worth a $100 or so right he’s a young gun there Banger right Banger boy we got a banger that thing went pretty smoothly what I did gg gg you unplugged it oh the bed yeah we just got to put a mirror on an table tomorrow you do yeah why you do it today uh she didn’t want to do it tonight I don’t know Tai pe oh this is [ __ ] hot [ __ ] man wow look at this stuff man Mets I’m telling you man I’mma put together another massive one I’m going to Top This one and then we’re going to shoot for next Sunday night I like them on Sunday nights red PE very hot red socks I like on Bowman Autos O’Neal Cruz rookie Chrome I feel like people will be happy and get energized for the week come hang out talk what day you want to do next Monday yeah Monday night fellas I’ll have it in the store tonight and it’ll be next Monday night it’s going to be called little Gman going to try to top Dad wow look at these hits boys look at these [ __ ] hits I like it I like we got a a bar [ __ ] Z who’s that Dennis E’s son it is I believe so no not the same oh it was a joke total joke [ __ ] I didn’t know that now you do now I do after this put that up there stand up and grab me some from the back okay okay do that quick I told you I had it set up already every card in order I made sure I did it like nice you know when you set up for things fairly proper it’s not is hard please don’t move yeah I’ll start bringing these back for you yeah I care about just these ones all right yep those and then those one punches you can just slide up in in the back of these like this kind yep perfect good stop I’ll grab it I got it and the last card thank you all right now sit down and go for the final stretch oh so like diamonds like this like this ring like people see this they think oh my God so much these Stones even though beautifully clear and nice Stones they’re only about $20 a stone is that on the big ones little ones on the side five bucks the big ones are bro I should do this man remember I mean yeah yeah I mean I us a Masterwork set nice it’s not what people think you know yeah Joe and Dell the 25 we got to break that antena SP by the way shouts wow look at this Gunner I mean Rutman silver roll what the frco RPA Triple Threat oh my god oh man that’s [ __ ] crack what about my role X about it uh one thank you who gave that to him I don’t know who you are thank you murg sheening rookie I love yo this is one of my favorite products tribute baseball is literally Johnny Bench that looks like it could little Kurt Warner on the side there card car could you have you you had I think you traed in the Rolex with all diamonds on it I have that you still have okay is that kind of like the five Diamond $20 diamonds yeah all all Rolexes that you see those little Stones those are all $20 St I don’t care what nobody tells you believe me buddy believe me it could be a [ __ ] VH s123 D200 it’s a [ __ ] it’s a 20 to $30 Stone on it those little chips they P oh my God it is rigged djv did not get the rigged he did not get the raise oh I have the Rays how the hell I know right you should easily have the raise Gino very cool wow Javonte Williams Immaculate acetate rookie look Langford again Rangers a ball M look his Little Pony DJ Haka [Music] 101 Austin Matthews red winsom out of five very cool Luca Blake Bortles rookie remember to [ __ ] ha out with everything Wagner to 19 199 Young love it love it love it season is almost over what is over what the NBA no it’s not this the best time this where it starts homie know saying remember him oh z i don’t I didn’t know you then Eric Ebron star running back oh nice didn’t the season’s over but the play after all Christian door Dory nice Brady Fields l duel mark That’s you two in a row relic of a game us [ __ ] whoa 45 nice LeBron Ry hle Jets cave Miller King George III one of one and a Marshon ly King yep you’re a king oh you’re not you’re a pansy ass [ __ ] T lawence gold Chris Murray to 10 beautiful card you’re the king okay buddy I don’t want oh so what are you saying your Ro me to go no I’ll die [ __ ] it you don’t want me I can just leave I’m good homie you say the word I’m outie I’m [ __ ] Gone Kid gold Brave racing love it Burberry Dallas Kyrie can and glaver oh my God bro yo fight coming up to do this dude win this card could be a million dollar card this it all I’m going to box this up this is insane I love it love it box it [Music] up oo Tommy Savage now my rings bother me baby boy Baby Ruth Joe last name is Joe very cool vaugh nice folz blue D Rose blue those are the 35 first off the lines very nice Duke Johnson MJ for the Wizards Pickins Aaron Rogers silver old school oh oh yeah that’s a one of one of some piece of your Nikes oh Chronicle Bard order I mean days quantity not quality quantity not unless you’re well you know oh oh no Sixers silver rookie Warriors Nets pink white blue all around ooh sazer box silver very nice pie that’s sick card to 49 py prison too yeah very nice Howie Howie I only remember because I had to get your name for the Niners off the top of the list to add to it I had to and write it soccer nice nice I’m scared of football prison why oh cuz it’s ZT T Lawrence and fendy I got swar so many times shut up with that he’s like a pansy ass I swear every day don’t make him feel bad Doo you just enjoyed it yeah I love it Horton he I know I told him that you Sunny Chism Chism Tiger’s little white brother Joshy Brook Lopez Auto nice Conor McDavid on McDavid which is technically a better H player right now and we got Alli no he’s just been in the league years Ali euan golfer oh Hulk Mania could be all right let’s B something around this joint all right Bernie Williams PSA 9 75 Chase 8 of Guerrero Ronnie lot rookie All Pro Edition nine with of 10 we got the brown orange to 30 Eddie Matthews authentic for the Braves old school graded six which is high for PSA wol droo for the Red Sox Manny Ramirez goes for the team he played for the longest the Red Sox pretty cool great I like that on the back out that’s the old school SGC that’s kind of cool I like the gold that ain’t bad um o Hemingway one1 Auto of Mrs Hemingway other spot Drake London 95 Beverly Perfect 10 gold soccer 95 RJ Barrett 95 rookie Auto um Barry Bonds rookie David Ortiz on the twins Barry Bonds rookie 86 tops 101 PSA George valara going out to the Cleveland Indians on card auto rookie Auto Derek Jeter nine rookie Luca to 144 Kawai Leonard PSA T TJ watt Steelers silver bar um six of the cgc these came from those um graded cards there um rookie Jersey Auto to 99 true RPA of T Easton of the Rockets very nice CD lamb for 10 to the cowgirls Haron Baines white sock to 10 um King Felix to 30 for the Mariners nice um Mingo for the Panthers Rangers panari Travis Anon Jr Alex Morris the basketball god um golden Vegas Knights Oscar Robinson for the bucks Hornets um James rookie Michael Taylor very nice to 99 for the Nets David Wright for the Mets triple threads Cooper cup Rams um Duran rookie [Music] um we got a Garcia para PSA 8 for the Red Sox one of one um near Min seven Majestic tag for the Marlins Diaz Jeter that’s right Jeter Elken musk that’s kind of cool elen or El no El musk Elon Musk whatever yeah yeah [ __ ] neat man other spot that’s cool I like that card Greg Maddox rookie traded Edition tops traded for the Cubs LeBron rookie 95 Chris Paul tops Chrome Kobe premium near Mid 18 team Skybox refractor LeBron courtship piece of the Court where we played new in the Irish Kevin comck I don’t know the team but don’t sleep on this card whoever hits it I’ll find out I think it’s going to go to other spot but I’m not sure whatever team keth comto I’m ter out this is I bet a $200 card I I would imagine I don’t remember exactly um Pokemon Pokemon Vin Carter longevity what oh venson I didn’t call any that I don’t even know what that [ __ ] isenson I didn’t know that how much know that I don’t know what it is call him that 13 Barnes I don’t even know I can’t read Japan buddy I don’t look characters Scotty Barnes rookie very nice CS J Barry L saers Coen RPA premium Immortal Lakers Jerry West DD Gregorius for the Yankees Sabers Jun that’s cool that’s ultimate and it’s like a platinum bar pretty sick a queen RPA for the Reds that’s nasty Jose oh that’s a needle or a bat no it’s a bat cono for the Athletics Lou Brock from triple uh from from tribute 145 out of 199 Josh Donaldson for the Blue Jays yep Blue Jays very nice and book number one we got Michael Mayor for the Raiders Spectra to 40 book number two taian Spears for the Titans number to 40 and book number three that’s a monster Addison for the Vikings and Dan Marino dolphins and gtis an coopa to 10 go bring the sheets and go all right we got one two three four even the football five six Comics even the football one what even the football one she gets everything get up okay all right guys here’s what it’s going to be we got he’s going to read me these Comics all right there are two four six Comics all right he’s going to read me the comics 78 case of coins is nine two or 10 11 10 11 12 13 14 and 15 and what I’m going to do is uh go get one more case coins 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 bring in two more cases of coins so 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 you got them here you go them right yep all right so we got two three four five six s eight um and then get me um oh no we just got to do like this whatever somebody’s going to get one one coin that’s all all right I’m going to call this uh AA that coin is going to be AA and this one’s going to be a a those are a pair okay oh take care s BB just his good stuff BB and then this is 50 and CC okay all right read me the comics ready um are you what are you ready I’m ready go Iron Man and Captain America no no just re go Iron Man and then that date Iron Man January 97 okay next one go um Captain America 5 September do the date first okay okay September 105 okay next uh The Amazing Spider-Man and there’s no oh oh 102 November November 102 okay do it like that all right oh okay go ahead sure Captain America and Iron Man August 92 okay fantastic for um September 54th uh The Mighty Thor uh March 162 okay and then A8 coins BB coins and then 50 and CC coin Case Case Case Jersey one is what open it up just open it real quick grab it open it and just show it you know just what it is and Jersey one [Music] Anthony Cole Anthony got it next one yep second oh sorry okay just leave it you’re good next one is next one is I love you man thank you nice one what is it it is Josh Jacobs Josh Jacobs all right cool you good to Bath PTA I’ll put this all the way put her turn her Des all right the weird stuff here we go here we go [Music] now what’s up Chuck how hey buddy what’s going on with you man you to see your baseball what’s good brother well [ __ ] hey well hop Diggity [ __ ] dog man top of the morning to you man top of the godamn morning to you n Ser is good see brother all right guys here we go we are going seven times good luck we got one we got two three four five 6 7 Captain America August 92 Nicole Anthony jersey guys looks like that one two three four five six and seven sty the dog card all right there it is guys there it is so the cards stop and Su got a case where you got it yeah it’s all right all right all right there it is there it is Young bat you get a single coin and $50 I’m going to add that 50 right now that’s the only plot I’m the other plats will be headed by the um by the solder I’ll just show you real quick cc is a uh Patrice silver coin these are all silver coins the Double B card the Double B box got got uh Lin very good and uh Carlson and then the double A boxes got a nylander and the last doublea box got a Patrice again all right and those are your coins the other stuff all comes sealed okay if you hit a gold coin please let me know I am a buyer on those as well good man yeah I’m just hanging out man my my people living a dream best I can bro uh guys I’m adding the next cheesy break to the store literally right now it’s going to be better than that break I am I am going to step that one up all right again it’ll go next Monday night

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