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Baylor vs UT – LSA Div I Conference Championship Quarter Finals | MCLA Lacrosse

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yeah maybe that’s it I hear static wait whoa you just came in hey yeah but I can’t hear you guys you can’t hear us no we can hear you that’s great well I’m glad you that one all the way at the stadium [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you good evening and welcome to the Ford Sports Village at the zlex in Melissa Texas for the LSA playoff tournament I’m hecma Harrison alongside Patrick Franklin and former Syracuse Lacrosse great Morgan Alexander and Morgan and Patrick this is a weekend obviously where the University of Texas is the toast of the LSA and forget about saving the best for last we get things kicked off with the best in LSA and Morgan if Texas Hoist the trophy they will have basically gone undefeated this season yeah it doesn’t really shock me with her head coach being Kyle harsel one of the best to ever play the game and a lot of times with one of the best you get the best coaching and it develops at a younger level and continues on for a program it’s all about setting the tone in culture and I think that’s exactly what he’s done here at Texas and will continue to do for years to come Patrick on the other side for Baylor they have their work cut out for them coming up against a UT Squad as we’re we’re stating is rolling right now seven and six key to victory for a team like this that obviously comes in underestimated and the underdog yeah I think for Baylor it’s all about trying to slow this game down as much as you possibly can and trying to say you know we can make good decisions in the settled offense and defense and try to eliminate as much as we can you know Texas is going to go on runs but how often can you answer those runs and also stop them at critical times in the game as both teams are down for the face off I will say players to watch for the University of Texas number 25 Jacob Jackson and on the other side for the Baylor Bears number six Mark Brookner as we get started here at the Z complex in [Music] Melissa and the Bears have the face off and the first possession I think physicality is going to be something that that’s huge in this game and you have two teams especially one as a Powerhouse as Texas is getting up on them quickly to Rattle them early to set that tone as what Baylor’s looking to do here as they have numbers here early Aaron pass goes across the field out of bounds possession is going to go to the Longhorns and I think you make an important point there Morgan it’s going to be all about the ground ball Wars and also who sets the tone physically you know for UT that’s what they love to get you into a physical match especially with all the dep that they have yeah I think for Baylor offensively it has to come in time of possession I know you have 80 Seconds on that shot clock but burning it down to the last 20 when you have a high-powered offense like Texas you cannot run and Gun them but a way you can stay with them is burning that shot clock taking time off of the clock in general every time you have the ball they don’t have it they can’t score easy clear there for Texas even though the Bears trying to present some pressure key point there uh sended by given to you by Morgan Alexander knows everything about the game we will be leaning heavily on that knowledge both of you guys coaches so you coach the game you know the game well yeah and I Coach women’s lacrosse it’s definitely a little different but I grew up Die Hard ccus Men across fan still am so Patrick so far what are you seeing it’s been a little sloppy in between the lines which is something you can kind of expect with two teams a little bit tight coming out in their first playoff game seeing them eating a lot of the shot clock but look for them to settle in as we see him sweeping over the top here Mor Stein in the middle of the alley with the pass out behind the X getting it in close to number seven Sterling hub first shot attempt on goal by number 25 Jacob [Applause] Jackson shot clock runs out here you want to throw the ball at the end line and get your mides off the field and get your D mids in so can stop him in transition a little bit more of a sense of urgency with that right you got to get off the field there’s 1 second left get off so that the D’s can get on and I don’t know if you guys are as confused as I am by the Baylor colors I’m looking for the Baylor Bears I’m like who are these guys what’s what color is this talking about an old to the old school is what they’re giving us right now and these old old school jerseys for the veiler Vees so far Patrick as you said little little bit of nerves on both sides playing out here in the early minutes of the first quarter good ball movement here moving in around the outside that’s what you need to do make the defense have to move don’t keep the ball in the same spot you see the defense the slide coming immediately Morgan from the University of Texas again just shutting those shooting Lanes down watch for number 30 number 13 jeepy rendazo guy that’s small in stature but he is quick the biggest thing is though if you’re going to take a 1 V one expect an early slide on an aggressive defense like this but you have to be ready to step in if your Defender leaves you to go on the double you have to step in and call for the ball Bears now bringing the ball in from the end line and that is Mark bugner before mentioned high score for the Bears after the timeout called here shot clock did not start make sure we keep things on the up and up this is going to be all weekend long guys we will be here at the Ford sports complex here in Melissa and this is uh a weekend of LSA lacrosse that is uh some division one division two and division three Champions will be crowned this weekend and what’s a little lacrosse Without Rain this morning I thought we might get rained out but here we are sun shining isn’t that something right before the face off the Sun comes out we’ve you know there was a bit of lightning earlier everybody here at Game on Sports is like clutching their pearls what’s going to happen what are we going to do is the thing going to be cancelled and the lacrosse gods have spoken they really have you see number 24 working in the alley that’s a that is a turnover and ball is going to go back to to the Long Horns it’s Force feeding the middle just time of possession again you still had about you know 20 some seconds in the shot clock just kick it through X find a cutter down the middle instead of just throwing one into a lot of traffic and that’s something that you know you might see Baylor be doing a lot because of Texas’s defense and how aggressive they are it it it can get if it gets to you early and you feel that pressure you just want to get rid of the ball but sometimes just keep running and run out of it instead of caused a turnover and one of the best obviously in LSA between the pipes for the University of Texas number five Rody Brown has 119 saves on the season Texas with cleared another opportunity on offense [Music] thought about the shot and there it is the first score by Mory Stein doesn’t take long working inside to the crease and the score for the Longhorns yeah number eight in white all this is here is just a slight hesitation he freezes the defense they think he’s going to shoot it right away and goes by him defensively you got to step up get on his hands way sooner but that’s a great Dodge overall just his ability to get his hands free right there at the last second just a playmaker as number number eight take Ms to his own hands as the Longhorns now leading by a score and also winning at the faceof for number 33 Wes Gilbert and games are one at the face off I think that’s super important to talk about is the fact that possession happens right at the face off if you win those battles you’re more apt to win if you can win at least over 60 to 70% you see those possessions starting to pile up here early for the LGH horns as number seven Sterling Hub working the offense from behind X getting it back front side to number 41 a guy that can spin it and that’s Jack Egan with the score yeah 41 and white here dodging hard with his left hand ripping it low away from the goalie stick that’s a great shot a lot of times you think the pretty goals are the ones that are high you know left right corner but hitting it low on that corner is a tough shot but one that’s extremely hard to stop that’s just a great Dodge and great finish one of my favorite players I’m telling you this guy number 41 Jack Egan only has 27 goals on the season but he does it all ground balls he’s a great defender as well but good to see him get his get to scoring here early in the first quarter and that’s a another save there by the Baylor Bears trying to work the clear in between Defenders or get the turnover but all of a sudden a long pole comes in between them and that’s the ground ball and that’s the physicality Morgan that you were talking about who’s going to set the tone and that’s a textbook ground ball we just saw four people go for a ground ball down here on the Owen for Texas and just could not pick up the ball 42 runs through the ball picks it up in full speed brings it down the field that’s what you’re looking for the full speed aspect across the board both these teams are struggling early on and that’s JT pal number 42 but also 45 Brad Whitney ber a low to low shot just of just right by the goalie it’s not very often you got you see a guy that’s taking a lot of face offs for your team staying out and playing offense and having a pretty significant impact um all three goals for Texas so far have been off of a windup where they’re you know going out their men maybe simulating a shot and then getting to a second level where they can really uh get into a good scoring position yeah and 45 and white there it’s all about moving the defense they had numbers on the backside you spin the ball low the defense tries to shift can’t get there in time and he Nails it high for the easy goal they take a time out on the field we’ll do the same and be right back as play resumes here on Game on Sports 9 back in Action here in Melissa Texas alander [Music] and there we are at the face off and Patrick Franklin sorry about that I was waiting for some more action to happen I thought we missed out on something Patrick but so far UT is on the roll man yeah wiberg gets another face off there after scoring the last goal no signs of slowing down for 45 and white Tucker George running the offense now the Longhorns working from behind the X getting it back top side One V one spin move applied and that’s easy pickings for Ethan Alonso for another score for UT yeah 25 in white here roll Dodge off a pass easy Lefty shot there and one of the great things about Jacob Jackson is his ability to use both hands right catching the ball with your right hand spitting to your left and finishing it a lot of Defenders want to push you out uh and guide you out with your strong hand but here he was able to use his left T to make him pay I tried to give number 26 Ethan Alfonso some credit for that great shot but I appreciate that Morgan Jacob Jackson definitely with the spin move and a great score they are piling it on right now no one there to back up the ball that’s extremely important you cannot have that especially when you get in a onego game if you’re going to rip a shot from the 30 yard line you better have someone behind to back that ball up or it’s an easy turnover like it just was right there trying to work the clear and there it’s a turnover Texas goalie Rowdy Brown out of the net when uh the Longhorns are clearing the ball it’s a 10-man ride not very conventional but really effective it’s kind of a highrisk high reward and it’s clearly paying off for them pressure-wise I think when you get out to such a big lead you’re you’re trying everything right now this is your fun house and another score and that is a textbook draw and dump again 25 in white Jacob Jackson finishes the ball inside a hard Dodge you think he’s going to shoot from outside dumps it low in the middle and he finishes it and that just shows great stick work a lot of players struggle catching in traffic and finishing the ball but great handle there in way to take care of the ball yeah we’re going to give Jacob Jackson credit for that one and not number 26 Ethan Alonso Ethan wherever you are that that was for you bud well you know talking to assistant coach for uh University of Texas Travis Mayer before the game he was saying that Jackson had a final today and he actually had to travel outside of the team got here about 25 minutes before tip off and he’s already got himself two buckets in about you know half that time you think they were sweating it a little bit Jackson he pulling up a little late to the party you love to see the student athlete right the student athlete he is that first for sure High telling it up 35 a good possession here is what they need you’re down quite a few but no sense of urgency see lacrosse is a type of game where you can score multiple goals in under a minute so to have a good possession you don’t need a turnover right now 32 working his way back inside and that’s great defense by number 42 JT pow we just gave him some credit for that ground ball and setting the tone defensively number 13 rendazo with the pass inside and Baylor finally Mitchell Canard with the score four yeah great draw and dump again looking like you’re going to rip it from outside you step in your Defender leaves you you’re wide open in front of the cage it’s just about handling the ball and pressure and he did a great job there to finish that ball that’s a great possession to keep you in this game cool as you like on the crease right there I would have not had that much touch to fakeing finish I don’t think with how much Texas is flying around at this point but that’s great vision by number 13 rendazo finding the open shooter unselfish there and I think going back to what you were talking about Morgan just the patience uh from Baylor on offense and it pays off and they get a score and vision’s a great thing to talk about in the sport of Lacrosse it’s so easy to get caught just dodging for yourself and so worried about getting cross checked that you don’t look up and what’s right in front of you often times if you’re going to ISO yourself on the sideline someone’s going to slide to you and someone’s going to be open and Monty hashimi number seven for the Bears he finds out immediately as the Texas defense sandwiches him in for the trail check how patient is that easy pickings there for number seven another score Sterling up with the score for the Longhorns yeah number seven in white comes hard across the cage fake fake fake fake fake finish that’s exactly what you want to see though right sometimes when you’re on the doorstep you’ll get stuff because you don’t fake enough to get it around the goalie he did a great job there having that patience realizing no one’s collapsing on him and finishing the ball Morgan how hard is that when you’re you’re at the doorstep I mean you’re at Point Blank Range and all you want to do I mean I think it’s just innate that you want to shoot but you having to have the patience to wait it’s power versus finesse a lot of kids get caught up wanting to shoot so hard you don’t really need to shoot that hard when your doorstep all it takes is pinning it around the goalie not so much speed on that shot and a possession and win at the face off for the Bears number 49 great double working near the GLE and that ball is racing across the field finally able to Corral the pass and that’s Gabe War SL down SL down excuse me that’s number six Mark bugner haly’s gone to Connor Beasley the faceoff X for the last couple and they’ve been able to make it a little bit more of a contest by putting that long pole on the face off X oh another one side boy that is a pretty pass and Coy Hancock with the score ball watching at its finest here right you sometimes get stuck watching the guy up top is he going to draw is he going to drive is he going to rip it he got caught watching the ball up top sneaks inside and finishes it that’s a great offensive play and a great possession overall what do you think about the patience here for the Bears knowing that they’re down not trying to get it all at once but really just continuing to work their offense yeah I think it’s really important because when you do get down a couple go goals your sense of urgency tends to spike but like I said earlier taking care of the ball having that great possession and the easy goals you want the easy pretty goals and that’s what you just saw right there not the forced ones that could have could have not gone in we had a very easy settle possession there for Baylor and Patrick you talked about them changing out the faceof Connor Beasley there he’s gotten the win at the the face off the last couple possessions they get him for a procedure penalty and now uh Texas takes over yet the defensively for Texas I would like to see them be a little bit more aggressive sliding a little bit sooner so he can’t make that feed in the inside getting up in his hands if you get up on him way sooner he will not be able to feed that ball through the middle a little bit more sense of urgency on the slides and getting a little more aggressive which kind of shocks me because the start of the game it was pretty physical well said bringing the ball in bounds trying to get it back top side finding the guy a little btb action Mor Stein come on now highlight real stuff yeah number eight in white it’s really important to talk about the shot of a behind the back okay A lot of times people think oh it’s a little showb but it’s not if you have no angle and you’re cutting across the cage and it is a worse shot to shoot overhand because the goalie is hugging that pipe you shoot behind the back you increase your angle so much more that’s exactly what he did right there to make that shot that’s a fantastic shot showboating just a little bit though right I don’t know just I play ATT so I feel like I have a soft spot for okay boy that was one that had some steam on it Jacob Jackson not taking anything off of that shot yeah Jackson has a he’s a tall and stature very physical player and I can only imagine that he’s shooting well over 90 miles per hour what do you guys think I think so you got a vulcanized rubber rubber object coming right at you yeah did a great job by the goal standing in the line of fire just continuing to press here in the first quarter slowing the ball down kind of dictating the pace of this game is what Texas needs to do to not allow Baylor to have those possessions like they’ve had because they pretty much scored at will Tucker George trying to the spin move back inside met by Connor Beasley and side that thing had some steam on it as my guy again number 41 Jack Eagan with the score yeah Jack Eagan just straight down the middle catching the ball ripping it it’s one of those unsettled plays that kind of makes you shake your head as a coach over at Baylor right you know you go hard for that ground ball you don’t come up with it now you’re out of position uh you don’t have numbers and they made you pay and pay they did down at the X for the Bears is number 10 Daniel lemus they are changing the face face off out trying to find someone trying to get some Rhythm here Texas using multiple faceof guys as well that one there Griffin schaer vag Griff high school so Houston as or sorry Austin as well actually was at Bucknell one of the handful of NCAA D1 transfers here at University of Texas Sterling Hub working from behind the X getting it back to number 25 Jackson [Music] Texas again allowing their face off guys to stay in play defino pass to the middle and he finds 25 in the alley standing right at the crease add the alert I think they did a great job there in the offensive set of Shifting the rest of the Texas players over on the leftand side of the field uh he Dr he drug his Defender over to create more angle for him to dodge with his right hand took a hit but also was able to feed the ball through the middle he definitely suffered on that play but it end up good for Texas on that end that a small sacrifice to make is what you’re saying he did exactly that but getting it inside to number 25 for the scorer Jacob Jackson again on fire here in the first quarter we are back down at the face off and a win by number 16 Russell ovsky down down Brown ball taken numbers for the Longhorns and that’s a shot by Jacob Jackson and a puzle to the end line it’s a great puzzle play to the end line you really would have thought the goalie would have came away with that one but didn’t even see him coming out of anywhere boy caught him again this guy and I’m sure that is the hatrick for number 25 Jacob Jackson that’s actually Four excuse me numbers in the back side there ever not of position out of that endline run out Texas comes away with the ball that’s why those hustle plays are so important when you endline run out and come away with that win on that end line and then you kick it through the opposite way the defense is trying to shift trying to figure out who they’re marked up on and it leaves him wide open for the Easy Shot 10-2 here in the first quarter and things are just rolling right now and I think as a coach Morgan do you take a time out here if you’re the Bears I mean you want to talk about what’s going on here I would have taken one already just to stop the momentum um regroup and sometimes when you regroup on both sides it can be beneficial dangerous play right here number 10 Griffith schaer coming away with the ground ground ball is number one Ethan Warfield another possession here by the Bears and boy nothing easy for these guys on the clear as Parker als’s pressuring on the far side [Music] Jacob Jackson now working it back behind x with number seven Sterling hu up directing [Music] traffic substitutions being made Jack back in the game working to the crease he finds Jacob Jackson Point Blank Reign and he misses the degree of difficulty just wasn’t there the number 25 in that score minutes minutes interesting move Jackson’s a left-handed player had it on one hand and his right try to have to jump up and get that almost you know H Odell Beckham Jr Monty hasimi trying to call his own number in a shot that goes wide left that’s definitely a tough cut as a lefty coming across with your right hand but I think what you can see is they’re really trying to isolate the Dodge from up top and be able to force feed the middle that’s what Texas is having a lot of success doing so far a bit of a scrum right there in front of the crease and God Baylor Baylor’s goalie has got to be saying to his guys hurry up and get the possession and not in time as that is another score for the Longhorns just a simple fake fake high shoot low it’s great placement there but again if you can’t come up with the ground ball eventually A team’s going to make you pay and that’s what’s happening here it’s garbage goals I would say is what we call that but nonetheless a goal is a goal and if you don’t come up with those easy ground balls they will make you pay Texas has a lot of skill stick skill I mean looking at uh Jacob Jackson especially his ability to fake and traffic is pretty amazing um and you can just tell his confidence that he has in his stick work and that was uh Mor Stein with the last score but you’re absolutely right number 25 is cooking with gas you know it when you see it a guy’s just on another level the way that he scores and number 25 is that talked about his size and the velocity on a lot of those shots that’s coming off of the head of his sticks makes him different as a player God I think he want to try and get a guy in front of him though also right the issue right now is they’re dodging hard from up top creating that slide and he stepping in he’s doing his job right now you know when they always say as a coach do your job his job is to step in when he’s open and he’s really taking advantage of it now if I’m Bor defensively I’m putting more pressure on him I’m maybe not sending that slide so early if you notice when he’s dodging he’s dodging down the alley but doesn’t have a lot of angle to shoot so I would ask him to take that shot I’d rather not send the slide keep somebody on him him and make him shoot that no angle shot Morgan Alexander with a little Bill bellich do your job it’s so essential though right I tell my kids that I coach this all the time if you do your job and you do it well we will have success don’t worry about everybody else’s job just worry about yours I tell you what that’s an easy job if you’re number 25 the way that he’s cutting and the way that he is getting scores they got to find some somebody to get some get on this guy how about that Woodland the Bears number 19 you know him well Ethan T yeah Ethan T out of the Woodland Texas uh was it’s not a matter of if but when uh little bit you know confident in the clearing game if you can say so hey he called his own number he was not looking left or right he was going to take he the fake he even gave the fake I might give it to you but I’m going to keep it myself but hey if you have that skill as an LSM go for it go for it back down at the X another Victory and another [Music] possession don’t want to call it too [Music] soon there it is for UT time of possession starting to add up for the guys in orange and white Jacob Jackson no number seven Sterling Hub hustling for the loose ball number 25 has it finding him on the backside working in close as the clock runs down another score for morstein again numbers everyone on defense or B trying to find somebody on the scramble they skip the ball low find the wide open person in those numbers he makes a great Dodge and finishes it it’s just the unorganization of the Baylor defense when the ball is moving in the air that’s costing them you want to find those numbers backside and Texas right now is doing a great job of that and I can tell you why though it’s their skill level they can catch and throw on the move and that’ll make teams pay if you can’t shift defensively and that is exactly what they have done here in the first quarter making the Bears pay slow feet don’t eat Patrick and you’ve seen the Bor Bears take taken advantage of here in the first quarter down by 10 yeah they’ve definitely raised their physicality as this game has gone on uh with was definitely necessary with what was going on to start but I mean Texas is just doing I think every youth coach in America would be pleased to see how Texas is moving the ball out of a ground ball off the ground I mean obviously when you have scores like Jackson and hub on side of the offense you can really get away with a lot I mean they’re zinging the ball across and every other time they’re catching and probably getting to the middle and finishing so it’s a pretty good equation for Success game on would like to thank one of our sponsors for this weekend’s games next gen in audio video they’ve been serving North Texas since 2010 with service services that include home theater design and installation you’ll have peace of mind knowing that all of your AV needs are in the hands of people who care check them out at NextGen aiov shouts out to our sponsors for the LSA tournament Harrison alongside Patrick Franklin and the one and only Morgan Alexander it’s going to be a long weekend we will say gold a lot yes we will okay you just SL go just all of your sports analogies is if you run out that’s okay refurbish rehash them just come on all right just bring them out you can only say slideing defense so many times right that’s absolutely right I think the shot clock error has definitely made this game a more high-scoring one but I think it’s that’s also sorry for saying this goalies it’s one that’s a lot more palatable for the fans you know getting to see the game up and down and having more possessions more opportunities to score I don’t know how palatable this game is if you are a Baylor bear though because man Texas has taking it to you everybody’s wondering if if there’s any team that is here this weekend that can Dethrone these guys it’s going to take a Herculean effort to do it is there anyone that you can think of Morgan who comes to top of mind that could get the job done you know after watching a lot of these teams play I think one of the things that Texas has is discipline and I know that sounds very cliche but especially at this level it’s hard to find a group of guys that are all on the same page and are all bought into to the same purpose and I think with the coaching set that they have and the culture they put in that’s what’s really going to allow them to have success here and to be honest with you there is a lot of great coaches and I know Texas A&M is coached by a former uh Cornell player uh and maybe they can have that little Edge coming off a win over SMU but um right now I mean watching the skill level in Texas they they really put on a show here if coach Hartzel is your coach I mean it’s probably the same thing for your girls also they listen to you because they know you’ve been there and you’ve done that how much does that experience weigh with players yeah I mean when I heard that Kyle Hartzel was the head coach here I was like Wow because he’s one of the best to ever have played and I remember growing up as a kid I watched Tim play a lot I was a big fan of the men’s game I watched Tim play a lot and he could be coaching at any division one school in the country and he’s doing it here and growing a program and you can see the immediate success that he’s had and I think it just comes down to the kids buying in hey if he says it he must know because he’s you know re Defensive Player of the Year Team USA defensive MVP two-time National Champion I mean the list goes on and on and I think when you have someone of that caliber it’s easy to buy in you’ve been following Texas lacrosse All Season the only team that even played them close was Clemson at a neutral sight they played ATU and that game was 15 to 12 those other games if you look on their schedule they’re blowing teams out 252 20 I mean running clock games basically because of the way that these guys are playing and that’s why I I pose the question to you guys can they get it seriously [Applause] got it done the best way you know how and maybe that’s a little bit of what you were talking about taking taking that risk there and you’re your goalie is out of the cage yeah I mean so Texas is doing a good job I mean they’re running a 10-man ride and what that means is the goalie the 10th man is coming out and he’s guarding one of the lower attackmen on the offensive side of the ball and that allows them to push one of their defensemen up into the middle and create this kind of like Ed readed backer Zone in the middle of the field but usually a key ingredient of that is something that Morgan mentioned earlier ball pressure right I mean the he right in the middle of the field and has his hands free you think he’s probably going to be able to make that clearing pass to a shot cuz there wasn’t enough ball pressure in that case nonetheless it pays off for the Bears as they get another score here in the second quarter but I was just talking about the domination of Texas so far this season they have been rolling through squads look at the triple team here the physicality the realizing hey this guy has no one to pass to adjacent are shut let’s double team him that’s a turnover will create it inside and this guy is just holding his stick with one hand okay come on now what are we doing Jacob jaon is he want he’s been wanting that all game yeah number 25 in white Jacob Jackson cuts through the middle natural Lefty finishes onehanded with his right hand again skill that’s not something that just happens skill is developed in your back yard and it’s very clear he’s putting the work on his own athleticism is something you can’t really like you can’t teach them as a coach but you can teach skill and it’s very evident he puts in the work on his own on top of his overall athleticism I mean look at his stature yeah that’s so if the btb wasn’t showing out I I think that was right there that’s that’s certified popping the Willie out here on the field Jacob Jackson on fire another clear Parker L’s boy being hassled and we see our first flag come out a pretty cleanly played game it’s a push in the back uh tough one there right you’re being physical but there’s no sense in adding that extra push at the end he’s already behind the net just let him go you know and that’s what’s so tough when you get involved in this game at a high physical level when you feel like you might have a play there is when you might extend an extra two much and it’s going to cause him to be man down here and Morgan Jeffrey Graham is probably saying easy for you to say you’re not out here getting onehanded yeah yeah right to death now first ManUp opportunity for UT if they ever needed anything else to go good for them to go in their favor now they have a ManUp opportunity here a lot of great shooters from outsides look for them to spread out keep somebody in the middle to keep the defense honest another behind the back pass you can just tell the skill I love to see that that’s my favorite type of Lacrosse kids that just play in their backyard you can tell great little high to high you’re going to shoot that i’ probably shoot that low uh find a better angle you are man up move the ball a little bit faster check middle a little bit what for Nick leeski he’s standing right in the line of fire and I tell you he appreciate that Another Empty goal and score there Patrick Yeah Conor got his second there uh you know they’re sticking to their guns and maybe maybe coachings is a great time to practice something that’s a little bit part of their identity when you know you’re not necessarily as tight within the game um with it being 16 to 4 now you know that ride works either really well or it’s easily exposed it’s one of those plays where you’re like yes or oh we got towi we got to switch it up you know it’s a tough thing to watch but I I like the aggressive ride I’d probably still stay in it I think they’ve had a lot of success so far um but again getting pressure you have to get pressure or else they’re easily going to make you pay on that a procedure penalty there is is that the third yeah yeah so that was uh that was a third penalty on the Baylor Bears which would give UT a 30C man up for an procedure call see if they go back to this 33 they were doing good on the ball movement there um like they were but you know po finishing staying spread out even more and to keep that defense honest like I said keeping someone in the middle so they have to check middle and check outside oh aent pass all for not possession going the other way now an opportunity for the Bears to burn the penalty the skip pass again one of those plays can either be great or make you pay I’m a firm believer in make the Easy Pass maybe that’s just me being super um I don’t know what the word is safe but uh I would make the easy pass before I would throw it through two people I was going to say coachi yeah I guess you call Co it’s great when you make it but if you don’t like that then you’re really shaking your head you’re like oh man that went straight out of bounds you know but again he is the backside is open man up right it is open but how you get it there is the next question got a yard sale Noah Bray loses his stick fixs it up quickly Nick leeski has been peppered with shots here in this first [Applause] half oh wow what a passing St by Mor Stein to Jacob Jackson six goals for number 25 that’s what you call pouring in the pudding right there boy number 25 is putting in the work yeah again number 25 in white Jacob Jackson just a great off ball player he he’s a smart player he understands when the ball’s moving where to be and when to start his cut and time it right so that he has a great angle and even when he doesn’t he finds a way to extend his stick we talk about that a lot in Lacrosse as if you don’t have a good angle how do you make a good angle well shooting back hand like he just did and I guess the other thing is when you have numbers Morgan and you understand that you have a team completely off guard and you have position and you could get the score how hard is that for a guy like Jacob Jackson not to be in a rush basically to get to get in scoring position and kind of tip the hat for the defense a lot of that’s just practic in Lacrosse IQ and Lacrosse IQ is something that kind of goes unnoticed sometimes you can’t teach it it’s watching the game being a student of the game and you can obviously tell he’s done that a lot of players I feel like especially uh newer players they want to catch run shoot I always say that you know it’s what you’re doing off ball and the timing of it not just what you’re doing when you’re starting that cut that’s super important and you can just tell he is a student of the game and also has putting a lot of work in his backyard those shots that he’s making are college you know like a Syracuse level shot a Duke level shot those are tough shots to make and he’s making it look pretty easy here today working at right in close and they catch Nick leeski out of the goal number 45 Brad whittenberg with the score it’s a great low to high if you watch on that step he dips his shoulder just a little bit low and his follow through is high which makes it the goalie think he’s going low but then pins over side it’s a great shot a tough one to make but again going back to skill level and practicing your shot and and nailing down where you want to shoot when you shoot you can definitely tell he’s putting the work there you see substitutions being made here for the Longhorns lot of depth on their end man guys could probably put a whole two teams together see the One V one behind the pack back pass that wasn’t the Easy Pass there Morgan as you’re pointed out well it’s a right pass um you know numbers were backside it’s great that he felt the pressure on his top side um and knew that it had to go back to where it came from typically as a coach you don’t want to keep the putting the ball back where it came from but if you feel the pressure in your top side yeah put it there that’s a shot attempt by number seven Sterling Huff another save by Nick leeski it’s another thing that you know number 45 or excuse me 25 Jacob Jackson does a great job as his feeling where the pressure is coming from I think he does a great job of realizing when the Defenders are on his top side and okay now I can shoot behind the back because they’re positioned here he has a great awareness as a Dodger and as a cutter of where the defense is coming from you see Teddy Lisa number 36 on the far side setting up the offense now the rotation coming looking for an iso they’re they’re wanting them to leave early to step inside that’s a great adjustment right they they trusted that one-on-one matchup with number 13 out there they let him go with it trying to find the cutter as you mentioned before number 25 working his way to the crease right another btb that goes over the top of the cage as Sterling Hut brings the ball in from the inline kind of working get his hands free doesn’t get it quick enough to take the take the shot attempt gets it back to number 36 Teddy Lisa great save hi to high you know it’s not a bad look there still 40 seconds left in the shot clock maybe burn another 20 it’s easy when it’s not easy it’s hard when you start to get up by a lot because you you feel that confidence you want to go go go but the last thing you want to do is let him come back in this game that’s it as the penal penalty flag is thrown on number 16 Russell ovsky Russell just throws his stick up can’t do that can’t do that there was uh I don’t know if it was last year the year before they were playing the mcla championship in a goalie from Georgia Tech was similar situation got caught out and tried to throw it up and that was actually the first time I’d ever seen something like that but um there you go Russell wsky says never say never you see the game the ride for uh the the longhorn starting to take roote a little bit I think that’s about four or five in a row where they’ve been able to stop Baylor and kind of tilt this field to a one side Affair now for both of you you guys as coaches when you’re in a situation where you’re completely blowing the doors off of another team I guess the one thing that you don’t want to see is your team get raggedy and undisciplined how do you how do you prevent that it’s constant communication with your kids it’s doing the right things we’re not going to start pulling things out that we’ve never done all season you’re going to play a lot of good teams let’s Master you’re not you’ll never Master anything in the sport of Lacrosse you could always get better so every rep you have out here is a chance to get better at the things at the plays that you are given so that’s the biggest advice I always have to my kids is we’re going to master even if we’re up by 15 it doesn’t matter let’s continue to play be disciplined and you see Texas trying different things here against a team that obviously they feel like they are much better than and this is coach hartel also giving some opportunity to some guys deep on his bench as starting to make some substitutions yeah I think that’s something you need to see oh that was a nice take right there was that uh 19 maxen yeah Egan working his way back inside farsight near side post got tired of watching his brother do all the work one of his own that’s what you got to do which is a common Affair that’s a great cut down the middle realizing that everyone’s ball watching and just putting your stick up the middle being a taller guy in a bigger frame it’s easier to see as an attacker feeding that ball that’s a great finish I think one of the biggest things we talked about before the game too is the ability of Texas to be disciplined I think as a viewer in this game if you’re watching this game the time possession is extremely lopsided Texas has had the ball a lot more and I think if Baylor when they had the ball would have taken a longer time and gotten through the shot clock a little bit it wouldn’t feel so lopsided right now you know realistically speaking Texas has won a lot of the faceoffs but at the end of the day you know you know the running gun just does not work against High powerered offenses it will never work and I think that’s something Kyle Harel brings to the table is his ability from playing in Baltimore playing on the East Coast a lot of East Coast teams play a slower style of Lacrosse of you know great offensive possessions a lot of Southern teams from my experience love to run and Gun they love it more than anything and and for me I’m one of the only my my programs are one of the only ones that slow the ball down quite a bit and I think you will find success when you have a high-powered offense in slowing the ball down because if you can make that defense have to work and not have unforced turnovers you’re going to have a lot more success and that’s exactly what Texas does they’re just so disciplined yeah it’s really well said and I think it’s uh indicative of the game you know when you’re on the east coast and you’re playing really good opponents the margin for error is Razor thin so each possession in its own right is critical uh whereas I think especially at the Tex at you know Texas High School level where both coach you know you you know you’re going to get the ball back pretty frequently because of the decision- making being a little bit lower the skill level being a little bit lower with you know some teams practicing you know 10 hours a week if I mean that’s probably pretty uh good if you’re probably a public program in the state of Texas so MH but there are a lot of great things that Baylor is bringing to the table here their aggressiveness um their ability to make them pay on that ride those are tough shots they’re shooting you know 60 yards and making those shots so there is a lot there and a lot to be said for that I would just love to see them in a slow down offensive possession I was thinking that that was a hell Mar Morgan a lot of skill level associated with that is we are in the final minutes but watch what they’re doing they have people hanging out in the inside because they know Baylor’s been sending an early slide and Baylor’s doing a lot better job in this second quarter of not sending that slide because they want to make them honest make them shoot that shot with no angle and we talked about that earlier that’s where their defensively going to have success don’t send the early slide look like the Bears were going to get the clear and continuously putting that pressure on these guys for the turnover the Dei says I want to come out of the cage too and stops a pretty critical he does exactly that doesn’t he Tre with the ball coming downfield again I thought he was going to call his own number once and again he thought thinks better of it maybe listening to more about slowing it down and getting a good possession but again that’s a great lacrosse IQ play he had that alley if he wanted it but he realized it’s probably not the shot we’re looking for if it goes in we’re all happy if it doesn’t we’re back on D again Ethan T out of the Woodlands Texas coach up by probably one of the greatest you know Legends certainly of Houston Texas but probably the state uh Keith tinel 2018 state champion he’s uh he’s been well coached by one of the best yeah Woodlands has had quite a few Stellar players come through to coach that program Anthony Deo being there now and uh they’re definitely developing as a program because of that trying to work behind the X and that’s Gabe wary another turnover possession going back to the Longhorns and the before mentioned number 19 Ethan trim with the ground ball earning another possession for the Bears [Music] LGH Horn’s really speeding him up again in that first it’s almost like the first 15 seconds of every possession they’re really trying to you know Blitz them and make them make those Rush decisions kind of get them into that mode where they need to score early or get forced into one of those kind of ah half chance moments smart of them to slow it down here and get some controlled offense but they’re not looking to slide super early defensively if you watch randazza with the shot attempt on goal minut minutes two minutes left in play here super important going into halftime is who’s going to have the possession here to maybe catch up a couple goals here all right worked it in close Coy Hancock standing on the porch and cannot manufacture points hey way to work that clear by Texas the Bears trying to apply some pressure but just easy one to three clear you can see now that Texas has worked in their substitutions as the entire first line attack group is now out which is critical for a tournament like this one I think it’s pretty unique LSA opting to play all three rounds of their playoff structure three days back to back it’s definitely a gauntlet you need to have numbers in this kind of a tournament and and Texas does and you have your guys Jacob guys like Jacob Jackson now with their with his helmet off you can tell maybe his day is over with that’s just a half of a cross for him he’ll be fresh and ready to play tomorrow this division one matchup gets things started here not only on this field we have another field adjacent to us as a game is going on on that field as well TCU taking on Oklahoma oh you and that’s a tell you what that’s a big matchup Mark Purcell was the former coach at TCU so they say familiarity breeds contentment I can’t see what’s going on over there but I’m sure it’s chippy already well you know that the winner of that game is going to go on to play the winner of this game so you going to be exciting for that one do you really want to play that game do you really do you really ask asked it earlier and I think for me TCU although they have to get through a good OU Squad TCU seems like a squad that could really have an opportunity against Texas I know it was early in the season but a two- goal game first game of the year and they do have the athletes yeah and I I watched TCU play earlier this year against SMU and it’s important to note that they’re also coached by a former division one player at Ohio State and also Hobart Jason Knox playing professionally that expertise this Canadian box style play that he has brought to that program is definitely noticed they’re a very disciplined team also and take care of the ball and have great possessions and I think they’re going to slow down the game if they do match up and that’s going to be really cool to watch yeah we’re going to make Wagers after this I love what you guys are saying I think you guys are all on board that is the looks like the end of the first half 19-4 Texas has been rolling before we go to half I want to give a a special shout out and thanks to big bad cards Game on Sports would like to thank one of our sponsors for the weekend big bad carts they do custom golf carts with the with the best parts in the in the industry has to offer from Mild to Wild they can do it all their offices is in Salena Texas check them out at Big badc just guys take a break for the half and and it is 11-3 on the other on the other field right now streaming live on Game on Sports boy ton of action going on this weekend we’re going to take a break for halftime and return as play resumes here on Game on Sports [Music] I’m only guy houon punch Dallas L lacrosse Louisiana exactly exactly [Music] early early at least pre that interview is it be aw [Laughter] s yeah get go down 12 got a little swir really trying to see 30 you’re not tring to go seven 6 5 Tom we’re good ready I can tell SC up 26 left in the back in Action here at the clex EC Mah Harrison alongside Morgan Alexander Patrick Franklin guys this is a a game in which the Longhorns have just continued to dominate and roll seen substitutions be made on both sides now we see one made in between the cages for the Longhorns that is another save and a clear l meler working in close and another shot attempt leeski still staying in between the pipes for the Bears that shot attempt was by number 39 Hank champen I think something you see Texas do a lot is push the ball in transition something that their head coach did a great job of as a player um he had the record for most two pointers in a season by defenseman in the PLL um and that’s something to take note of he likes to push it in transition himself so why not let these guys there a nice little action there little pick on the wing there push it through X then went back the way the ball came from which is kind of uncommon but successful bar one finding the back of the neck is net is Siver Sasso with the score and Morgan I can tell you a Kyle hortle fan you know PLL stats and everything here I’m I’m impressed I do my I do my research uh you know it it’s when you have a player of that caliber coaching a team it’s always great to see the resemblance of what he did and what they do you know I think that’s so cool and something that doesn’t get talked about enough I think I played for one of the best coaches one of the best players excuse me of all time Gary gate one of the best in the game and pushed creativity and that’s who he was as a player and we all started to play like that because of him so ever since I had that influence as a college player I think it’s really cool to see what these other coaches that played at that high of level do with their own uh personnel and Morgan really I want to go back to something you were saying really in the first half talking about the difference in geographically of the way that lacrosse has played knowing that he’s a guy from up North that obviously the style of play is different from the way that they play in the south that is something that probably is going to lead this team to be Champions not at the LSA level but also above that yes I mean because the the level of competition doesn’t do anything but increase as you go higher in this playoff bracket yeah and I think it takes time to build a culture you can’t expect results in just one year but I think one or two years but I think what he’s done in general has been almost insane you know last year they won and look at them this year they’re pretty much winning at ease this season and and I think it’ll continue to go that way because once you start having success people want to come play for a program with success and that’s how you build a championship pedigree team and you see that pedigree there and with a coach like Kyle Harel really starting to put his imprint on this team as a flag comes out on the far side the Bears have got to be asking what do we have to do these guys are all over us we’re just the answer here yeah don’t want to speculate too much but I think probably a push with possession got to the middle there a lot of contact and as a coach you see them here’s a ManUp situation for the University of Texas and what is Hearts will do he puts his starting lineup back in to keep that execution sharp yes these are reps these are full speed you can’t something you can’t also teach is games game play you can’t teach that it’s something you just you got to get out there and you have to do it you can play against each other so much in practice but it’s a different look when you play different teams so no matter how bad you’re beating a team every rep is super important it’s a chance to dial it in and execute and if you can start executing now consistently that consistency will transfer over against no matter what team you play man up opportunity here for the University of Texas I think the penalty is going to go against number one Ethan Warfield and keep an eye out here defensively for Baylor they’re going to keep somebody in the middle Texas’s they want to make sure that defense stays honest because a lot of times in man up people shoot from outside but they want to put somebody in the middle so that they have to guard him I think they’ve been B burned so many times in the middle of that defense so maybe they’ve learned from that last man down situation it’s the soft Cutters through the middle Nick leeski just waiting in front trying to keep eyes on number 25 Jacob Jackson just no angle there it was great ball movement but you have to realize if you catch the ball low on the corner like that you don’t have a good look on cage working it back inside Nick leeski still with another save as they burn that penalty great job by the Bears and I also think it’s smart that he is putting in a starting lineup for these ManUp because I think that they have pretty much been what 0 for three in their ManUp possessions so far and that’s something that maybe he sees as a weak point for them that they need to dial it in they need these reps you can’t get so many reps in a game from manhub you’re hoping that that doesn’t happen if you’re the other team so when you do have those you want to make sure you’re executing and running the plays that you design and practice and you know like I said you can play against your own team and practice it but something there’s something to be said when you play against another team and you feel that success against somebody that’s not you know your typical day-to-day teammate z e number 41 in and that is a shot that Nick meski can’t do anything with high to low five hold it and another score it’s a great alley Dodge there he did a good job of dragging his Defender over almost to the middle of the cage so that his first step with his left foot back to his right created more angle on that shot when you’re an alley Dodger like that you have to almost what I call drag them and leave them you want to drag them over to one side so you can create more angle for your shot and I think they do a great job of that offensively here um something that you can tell they definitely work on for their alley Dodges and again shooting high to low there that’s a great shot to finish drag them and leave them that’s a college dating advice Alexander not lacrosse drag him and leave him drag him and leave him I think that’s a jack kenel uh training quot right there let Gilbert with the win at The X another one of these possessions just adding up as you see these guys are not allowing an easy ride here for the Bears come on when do you take your foot off of their throat it’s simple you don’t it’s hard to tell the guys that time to say you know hey you haven’t been playing significant amount you come out here and not have energy I mean if you’re a backup goalie or a backup you got a coach like Kyle Harts let you know is a guy that will love you flying around and making plays as long as you’re doing it 100% it’s a good way to be and as a coach coach you’re always looking at the best 12 players well for boys it’s a little different sorry for girls um but I’m always looking I know for I want the best players out there and that’s the best players that week so if you come out here and show something that maybe he hasn’t seen now he might say oh wait maybe you could step into that starting lineup it’s a chance for you to show I can compete at this level which is super important to keep that encouragement quick Catch and Release another score on the far side for number 33 Wes Gilbert wins at the faceof and now the bouncer the roller by Nick leeski nothing he can do about that not do believe that’s 20 points scored now for the University of Texas 20 to5 they’re just so dominant offensively and I keep saying this but it’s super important is the skill level and I think that that’s what makes great teams great you can be as athletic as you want but if you can’t throw and catch and finish through traffic and spin the ball quickly athleticism is only going to take you between the 30s man what an impact this guy Kyle harzel has had on this team and you talk about the skill level you could see these guys just upping the Annie each and every year been there now I believe it’s third year as a coach at the University of Texas you started to see it obviously his first year second year these guys winning the LSA but this year man it is apparent his imprint is on this team the skill level stick level for these guys are incredible but the execution is next level you don’t really see that consistency of a coaching staff at the mcla level all four coaches from the University of Texas program are have been there all three years uh whether it’s Travis mayor or there are two other assistant coaches and John King and Riley Derby who are both alumni of the 2019 University of Texas team so a lot of continuity there that’s great for a program to have the same person come back consistently you’re developing that culture that I talked about earlier and just the ability to have teams Buy in buy into a system because every coach has a different system and I’m only assuming based off the way he used to play that it’s a very disciplined organized system that he’s running here number 19 Ethan trim working through the trees right there you see him still keeping that ball on the head of that long pole and a score by Mitchell Canard working into the incase a great transition goal pushing the ball out getting that extra step on them and finishing that ball just being a little bit more aggressive sometimes when you’re playing so much offense and it finally goes the other way you kind of find yourself a little bit maybe two three steps behind just knowing you turn the ball over you got to get back in and make a play but again recognizing that for Baylor you know when you’re down by so much it’s easy to just sit there and kind of be like well this game’s over but I don’t feel that in this game there’s a lot of times where A team’s crushing a team and you kind of just feel that Vibe when you’re out here I don’t feel that I feel the same level of intensity since the start um in in now another win at the X4 UT they have dominated time of possession offensively Trail check attempt by trim and number 44 with a pass inside how did Nick leeski not get scored on there what number 25 he has obviously pulled out an extra stick in order to get that save I didn’t have pole going behind the back on my bingo that wasn’t [Music] it two minutes left here in the third quarter dodg to the middle of the field and number 19 comes away with it finally a possession here for the Bears they’ve been under so much pressure the entire game trying to work for these clears one thing that has not stopped is this relenting did just these guys are all over them defensively razo’s pass is intercepted by number 27 Nico tryant make sure you don’t go anywhere after this game we have more Division One lacrosse coming your way at the 8:00 slot Morgan you’re going to be here for the whole thing so don’t you even try yeah I’ll be here working inside nicad deski just a great save but a great cut across crease realizing no one’s zombie behind and and cutting full speed the deski just uses every bit of himself to get that save no matter what he has to do I mean he’s had a great game like we can’t knock that I mean when you’re getting point blank shots on you to at least save six or seven of them that’s pretty good in my eyes working their way back across the alley another shot [Music] attempt that is the end of the third quarter one more quarter of action left here in Melissa they take a break for the end of the third we’ll do the same and be right back as play resumes here on Game on Sports yeah this is side [Music] I have one I got two [Music] [Music] both teams making their way back onto the field for the fourth quarter M Harrison alongside Patrick Franklin kidding it’s great you love to hear as we’re getting feedback on we’re getting great feedback on this br we love to hear love to hear it’s all you Morgan it’s all you carrying [Music] us still working this offense doing a great job Texas went a little bit early got a little bit too eager out of the subbox Tom Fitz Simmons the trail official on that last play administering that a Texas lacrosse officiating Legend uh fit Simmons in his contract he just goes 40 to 40 okay that’s it 40 to 40 talk about Legend icon this the first man up of the day for the Baylor Bears it is again they’re doing the same type of thing spreading out keeping someone in the middle to keep that defense honest and make them have to press out um you’re looking for them to leave the middle maybe force a pass into the middle if you can here if not let’s look for a good shooter outside to finish that ball rendazo one1 that’s a shot attempt that goes over the top of the cage thank God for that net because it was headed straight for the parking lot you’re parked somewhere over there Morgan and I’m telling you think want to move your car also one thing I want to note that’s super important about endline run outs is a lot of people get confused they’ll say oh that should have been Texas he was closest to the end line it’s not closest to the end line it’s closest to where the ball went out that’s super important to reiterate because people get very angry at that call and um it’s where the ball went out and Bor was closer there that’s a great hustle play by the Texas goalie to get at least get in a position where he’s almost there so basically the angle that you take to the in line maybe will will get you award at The Possession is that what you’re saying yeah correct if you’re closer to where the ball went out not just the end line I’m one of those people I get frustrated at that all the time so thank you for explaining you’d be shocked how many people try to ask me that question I’m like you weren’t closest to where the ball went out it’s Unique to the game of Lacrosse you don’t have that anywhere really else in sports so that’s why I like to reiterate some things for people that are watching that don’t typically watch and maybe have questions it’s great to just kind of throw some nuggets out there but for those of you that do watch you’re like come on we know that Wes Gilbert working on the far side what a entry pass to number six oh see how does he not get the score right there he’s Point Blank and he had an opportunity I think he’s just a little tight Got That Elbow a little bit too far through oh nice little the head check there a little you know they call that one a dingdong check it’s like a clock going up and right back down in the same direction great ride here [Music] 44 calling his own number he was not going to pass that’s I’m going to take three guys with me Caleb eie that’s look Abby says I’m getting this score I don’t care what you say yeah number 44 in white just not taking no for an answer there uh powering his way through tall in stature uh ability to carry the ball with him while taking pressure that’s something that’s actually a lot harder to do than you would think um it’s a great take I think they’re starting to have side bets over here on the long hard sideline that’s another Lefty you know is Allah Jacob Jackson with that one-handed righty dunk I like it I got the ding-dong checking what was the dragon was it drag leave drag them and leave him when you’re a Dodger okay T all coming together lacrosse doesn’t have a shortage of uh great save novelty phrases working for the loose ball is the Bears and no such luck Texas with another [Applause] possession coach Harel just emptying the bench guys getting opportunity here and maybe indicative of this this play that you’re seeing out here on the field coach mayor lay into some of his you know guys getting a little bit too eager in the Box here that’s the one thing that you love about being on this sideline man you can hear everything maybe it’s a maybe have to cut the mics off a little bit for a little bit of of the talk but just getting it getting in close and here some of the back [Music] conversations it’s another GRE save High to high far out ball was moving pretty fast but I think he read that the whole way the ball again though I love Texas’s ability to spin the ball through X while dodging at a full speed Pace leeski what was he thinking there trying to get the clear and the pass doesn’t work another possession for the Longhorns I think a lot of success for Texas um from start to finish has been that ISO from up top hoping the defender leaves to double team and then flashing middle um they’ve had a lot of success and they have some taller guys in the middle that are fantastic at finishing inside and I think that that adds a little bit different of a look than most teams down here have to have a finisher in the middle that is a taller guy uh athletic looking with also great skill is uh something that not every team has and they have quite a few guys that have that ability in the middle that’s exactly what I was going to say how many tall guys physically imposing looking guys do they have over here on this roster sizewise between these two teams is very evident Texas uh might have beat on that side of the game looking like a Space Jam monstar lineup out there with Egan brothers and Jackson and you know Hub and all those guys someone has kids talking Space Jam unsettled here numbers it’s a great that’s a great skip pass and a great Dodge oh did they yell for it was a mom goal thought they had it Point Blank Range but it goes behind the net tough angle there on the uh righty trying to finish it near side against a righty goalie but that’s an example of where a skip pass can be beautiful if he would have scored that goal there we would have watched that rewind it and been like that’s an amazing play it’s a tough pass tough look you carry the ball one way and you’re looking one way and you throw the complete opposite way the defense has no idea it’s coming and that’s where you get the numbers in the back side it’s just getting the ball to that backside where the defense is not at it’s tough to do but that’s how you pick teens apart again going back to being able to spin the ball quickly not every team can do but Texas definitely can number six working his way through the defense of the Baylor Bears again I think the Bears have pretty much accepted their fate here in this fourth quarter and I love that you gave leeski some credit there Morgan he has been peppered with shots this entire game and he has stood in the line of fire no shame in that again the ability to use your body Shield off find out where the pressure is the pressure was on his front side he rolled away from pressure kept it in his strong hand and finished that shot size wins in that match up nine times out of 10 and he does a great job shielding the defender off of his body away from his stick and to be able to finish that shot and he’s done that quite a few times this game and I think it’s really cool to see some of these guys that may not see a lot of minutes playing the same system doing the same thing they’re not trying to be the hero um they’re doing a great job of just running the system running the offense and having success while doing it 22-6 here as man leveling [Music] players what a shot yikes hey St hey two more two more now we have another man up possession for Baylor second of the day think they got Wes Gilbert on that last penalty full one minute here for Baylor let’s see if they can generate some points here with 639 left in this there’s no like take care of the you’re down by a lot but you want a good shot not a turnover here what a great save honest I mean that’s shooting high to low it’s just a great stop the third goal in for University of Texas here they’re definitely uh coming out of them waves yeah that’s number three Jack Monahan in for the Longhorns 8 7 6 5 4 Tex at the point where they have burned that penalty all kned up [Music] [Applause] here that’s going to be it game call here okay game call that’s the end of the game University of Texas 22 Baylor 6 and a game that really like from the beginning uh Texas was rolling they never took their foot off the gas and continue to pile it on nothing that the Baylor Bears could do to get back in this game yeah great offensive show here today as well as defensively I think they had a a lot of great moments of pressuring the ball really hard and making Baylor feel unsettled um that’s all you can ask for in a defense and I think the offense did a great job of taking care of the ball and still going through the plays in being accountable on the end even when they’re up by you know 20 some almost high 20s here so um nothing as a coach you can ask for more than that I think it was a great offensive show here today and I can’t wait to see what they do moving forward well we are going to have some action tomorrow as University of Texas but the other game hasn’t finished but do believe that TCU was up big uh in that game on our second field man this is if obviously if this first game was indicative of the way that this entire weekend is going to go the the number one seeds are going to run through these initial playoff games as you saw right there man Texas hard to deal with as you see action coming from the other fields but what say you Patrick when you when you think about this game and just just how impenetrable right now uh UT looks yeah Texas really has it all I mean uh you know they’ve got multiple scorers they’re super athletic and you know like we’ve been saying they’re super disciplined in both their offense and their defense I think the most impressive thing for me today was just seeing you usually when you sub in multiple guys outside your starting six or eight your core group play kind of deteriorates and you kind of take on another identity but that didn’t happen today for the Longhorns they were methodical from start to finish I think that’s something that’s going to serve them well is they really don’t have any question marks uh you know as a team in any fast it’ll be interesting to see you know how they stack up against TCU if that score did end up holding up in the other side because that was two goal game I believe you called that yourself I was certainly out there watching but uh that was a uh you know really good matchup obviously very early in the season as we see a couple highlights here from the game uh today yeah just earlier just seeing them pile it on keep your eyes number 25 man he was a big part of the success that they were having there’s there he is Jacob Jackson working his way in and those were just easy just front door scores man it doesn’t get any easier uh than that the Bears tried to make make it make it interesting getting some initial uh early scores but nothing they could do about UT yeah really a steady dose of Jackson Hub uh you know Stein and then the Eagan brothers that was you know their real five Killers out there and they definitely got after them in terms of moving the ball through offense and then looking inside quite often as we see the behind the back finish there they were pretty free and loose at that point a lot of draw and dumps here today on both sides of the field for both of these teams I think a lot of times in men’s lacrosse you see a lot of outside Shooters and don’t get me wrong there was quite a few goals but then again there was around 22 goals here today so there’s going to be a mix of both but I think that like I said earlier the ability to when you see a defense playing you outside to be able to finish inside and maybe it won’t be um Jacob Jackson that is going to light up the scoreboard every single game but he saw today that the early slide was coming and he had the ability to step inside and finish those shots so today that defensive set that he went against was working for him and you can see that here today guys did you see any chins in the armor of your team what do you mean I mean did you see any weak points I mean it’s it’s just there oh yeah I think always as a coach you can go back to the drawing board I think there were quite a few turnovers on both sides I think if you want to win at the highest level turnovers are key so maybe minimizing turnovers on both ends um but ultimately you have to be happy with the way they played today but just know if you’re playing against a team and A Championship any sort of Championship they’re both not going to have a lot of turnovers and and I know it sounds cliche the less turnovers more time you have a possession and um that’s the one thing I’d be getting on my kids is like every possession means a lot let’s be let’s try to be as perfect as possible and I think they did a great job today I got two coaches next to me I’m learning so much but you guys make sure you stay with us we have more games on the Slate as things as more teams work their way onto field number one we have more action coming to you at 8:00 so for Morgan Alexander for Patrick Franklin I’m Heckman Harrison saying so long we’ll be right back here in Melissa Texas as 60 on the shot clock as we start to see some more familiar faces return now for TCU in Robbie hoit and Matthew lochman lochman and hoit will play the two man game up top as Hoy looking for a shot down to 45 on the shot clock instead he’ll dish to the near side a nice open shot just wide by number 29 Ethan shaver he had a great look on goal from the near side the ball coming back into play out of X brought in by number 13 Reed oconnell as oconnell a onetime shot and a goal right there with the tally that’s number 11 Luke p OK conell was there for the dish unselfish dished it off saw that his buddy was open and took a fine shot yeah you see sign for the ball right there goes five hole on walchuk and Tom it’s now 16 to5 in favor of the horn frogs you know you look back at coach prel uh initial comments that he thought it’d be a plus or minus three margin of Victory boy did things go A right for the for these Sooners and the Sooners with only five goals on the evening scored by two goal scorers as Red O Connell will keep the ball in play on The Far Side he’ll be marked by Jackson Hicks but another Faceoff win for TCU Walch makes the save on the loose ball in the crease but the pass errant and picked up by the long stick midi for TCU number 19 Darren to toon and toon completely shed Cooper Harris Harris comes rolling into the TCU bench here on the near sideline just good hustle these guys are these horn frogs are just as stoked as they can be right now despite the score I think everybody wants to get in a last goal or two before the clock runs out and that clock with just over 8 minutes remaining here in quarter number four of this division one quarterfinal and folks as we mentioned earlier stay with us as we still have another exciting division one quarterfinal coming up next between the University of Missouri and Texas A&M and the winner of that game will face the winner of this game in one of the two Division 1 semi-finals that will take place tomorrow afternoon right here on Game on Sports Network at 400 p.m. central so Oklahoma now with possession as Greg drawn takes the ball into X comes out on the far side goes back up top with number 32 Shep Meers and once again Tom I we I see no no intensity no alacrity it it’s almost as if the Sooners have resigned themselves to their fate and we’re only Midway through the fourth quarter yeah sadly enough I think that is the case Brian and it it it just shows uh that I think they’ve just kind of they’ve kind of given up but you know they can learn from this this is going to sting this this defeat from a team that’s got a better uh less uh lesser record is going to sting for a while and drawn loses the ball out of bounds the turnover two TCU as the ball brought back into play by number 15 brace Martin Martin a 6’4 200 lb sophomore as it’s all now all freshman and sophomores in the game for the horn frogs as they look to take out the last s minutes of clock time here they have 60 on the shot clock before they find themselves in a date in tomorrow afternoon’s division one semi-final OU retained a turnover walchuk with the save he dishes out to number 19 Ben cayen cayen looking to make a move and he is roughed up just outside the crease by his counterpart number 19 Darren toon no penalty flag on that play Jim or I mean Tom I’m sorry excuse me but that was a lot of contact there right in front of the TCU crease you know it could have been it could have gone either way looked like it could have been a high stick to me yeah but the official say play on officials are pretty much know what’s happening out here tonight so we have less than six minutes remaining here in the fourth quarter as TCU still in command now 16 to five the advantage two goals here in the fourth period one by Red O Connell and one by Luke p as it’s all subs here in these final 10 minutes for the horn frogs Oklahoma now with possession a loose ground ball there dropped by Jackson Hicks and Hicks will lose the ball out of bounds on the far side and that that play right there pretty much is the entire story of the evening Tom for Oklahoma as a simple pass from the goalkeeper to you know the midi to move it up field has difficulty well they got fortunate there Brian that the uh one of the horn frogs tapped it last before it went out for them to retain possession but now look what’s happened another turnover and here come the horn frogs once again right the goalkeeper that’s snowy in goal now for TCU moves the ball forward as toon will get the ball across the timeline but he’ll lose the ball and now another penalty flag as the officials will stop play with just under five minutes remaining and whatever the call is we’ll get it here from the official and it will be a slashing penalty against Oklahoma so not only is Oklahoma down 11 goals here with less than 5 minutes to play they’re now down a man for the next 60 Seconds [Applause] [Music] interesting now you had a better look at that Tom tell me what you saw from your Vantage Point well I didn’t get to see the whole ordeal but it looked like a penalty it turned into a turnover back over to the horn frogs so now the horn frogs man up for the next 60 seconds and another penalty flag coming in this will be another penalty against Oklahoma as TCU is playing the advantage Ethan Griffin will move the ball and Bacher unable to keep the ball in bounds and now we’ll get the penalty call with just over four minutes to play another slashing penalty and now two players in the Penalty Box the first penalty against Josh HOV and now this time it’s number 11 Jackson Hicks who will join HOV in The Penalty Box a two-man up Advantage for the horn frogs how a good look and see if that was a goal and it appears that may have been a goal we’ll check the replay and it is Ethan Griffin with his second goal of the match as he had a wide open look there Griffin scores to make it 17 to5 in favor of TCU you know if you if you watch Griffin there he took his time went with his instincts and was able to to capitalize on yet another goal for the horn frogs so 501 remaining here in Period number four as TCU now less than 5 minutes away their ticket and winning another Faceoff yeah another Faceoff win so not only did Joseph Kavanagh have dominance in the faceoff Circle it appears that JT meedo doesn’t miss a beat either as uh he is also equal to the task for TCU I mean maso now that six Faceoff wins in a row for him so four and a half minutes remaining in the game 55 on the shot clock for TCU as Brandon Lee comes on and now the fourth line will attack for the horn frogs number 47 Carlo miggins one of the twins out there quarterbacking this offensive effort with a bunch of youngsters as TCU will move the ball into X they come all the way back up top with number 29 Ethan shaver shaver double teamed he’ll get rid of the ball picked up by number 41 Brady Hughes Hughes go back goes back up top 20 on the shot clock as he’ll dish back to miggins miggins marked by number 2 23 J Cox and the shot by miggins goes wide and it will be 16 remaining on the shot clock as TCU brings the ball back into play a move there by miggins what a shot and a goal miggins goes over the top of his Defender right under the bar a great shot here as you’ll see on the replay Tom and it’s now 18 to5 Advantage for TCU watch this on the replay just another good reflex action there you you know you can’t teach that that’s a natural ability at hand right here and what a play further extending the horn Frog’s lead so Carlo miggins with the goal his first of the game and it’s now 185 TCU as we have just over three and a half minutes remain or just over three minutes remaining and a penalty flag on the play here or just a foul this is a foul call with 324 to play We resume play now TCU in possession a full 80 on the shot clock and they’re just two two shot clocks away here from an opportunity to advance to the semi-finals tomorrow afternoon semi-finals are going to be something to really keep an eye on and we hope you all stay tuned for that action as it’s going to be fantastic uh lacrosse indeed those division one semi-finals will come your way tomorrow afternoon right here on Game on Sports network will be on air at 400 p.m. central Time That’s 5 Eastern a shot on goal what a crazy goal right there on the run I believe that was Brady Hughes let’s check the replay as it’s now 19 to five in favor of the horn [Applause] [Music] frogs and Brady Hughes goes back across his body a fantastic goal for TCU coming across his body coming across the cage level shot mid cage just beautiful so Hughes now with a tally for the horn frogs let’s go 19 to5 is the score as we have just under three minutes remaining in the game a whistle and a hold call will give the ball to Oklahoma it’s now Oklahoma with the ball but trailing by 14 it would appear at this point now that Oklahoma just wants to put a couple of goals in the net to make the score just look a little bit better Tom yeah I think they’re just going to work on some fundamentals get ready for what uh happens to them next they know there’s nothing they can do at this point and the ball in X with number 17 trip wood he’ll go back up top to number two Cole Caldwell Caldwell comes all the way around trying to move inside tries a backhanded shot on Snowy the ball goes behind the net and as Hove tried to scoop it up he just knocked the ball right to the goalkeeper number 35 Jordan snowy and snowy now in control as the clock moves under two minutes to play in the match yeah that was a good idea on that shot but just not as accurate as it needed to be and now charging forward for TCU number 25 will Ralph as Ralph puts a shot on goal the save by holuk wallchuck rather and a Scramble for the ground ball pulled away by number 11 Luke P still on the ground nobody winning the ground ball yet and now a whistle with a minute 33 [Music] [Applause] remaining and we’ll see who will have possession it looks like TCU will keep possession there’s already some minor celebrations over here on this horn frog bench they’ve earned it they really came to play today Brian and a penalty coming in on the SL flash picking up the penalty for Oklahoma number 28 Colin singer so now 60 of the remaining 93 seconds in this match will be a ManUp Advantage for TCU they get a fresh shot clock of 80 so they will be able to take most of the remaining time off this clock here and press that button and move forward to the semi-finals tomorrow afternoon yeah you’ve really got to hand it to these home frogs they stayed composed being down those two or three goals they came back and rallied and they haven’t looked back no they were down early in this game two goals to none and after that they came back and scored five or 10 over the course of two periods scored 10 unanswered goals to take a 10-2 lead before Oklahoma could score again to make it 10 to three and since then they’ve never looked back the only thing left now is if TCU can make it 20 with 40 seconds to play still 15 seconds remaining on the penalty to singer and yet we see another turnover on the sooner behalf that’s been there Achilles all game will Gambrell will hold up for TCU as they take the ball back into x with number 21 M Rodell the starters back on now for the horn frogs as we’ve got 20 seconds remaining in the match match they come back to the near side with Ethan Griffin and Griffin will just walk around not even being challenged by the Sooners he’ll leave the ball right on the pitch as both teams are content to allow time to expire and the horn sounds ending this evening’s game ladies and gentlemen the final horn is sounded here at Ford Sports Village at the zlex in Melissa Texas as Game on Sports network is brought you live exclusive coverage of tonight’s Lone Star Alliance Division 1 quarterfinal and folks your final score here from the zlex TCU horn frogs 19 Oklahoma Sooners 5 and Tom this was just complete and total domination this evening by TCU yeah let’s let them uh go enjoy the victory indeed and folks we’re going to step aside and take you over to the other field and no I’m pardon me we’re going to keep it right here oh well while they make up their minds we’re going to talk here for a little bit Tim as they have 12 different goal scores on the evening for TCU as we’ll wrap up tonight’s broadcast here and sign off so folks on behalf of everyone here from Game on Sports Network and my broadcast partner Tim McGee this is Brian Shackleford thanking you for joining us and for your support of Lone Star Alliance championship lacrosse and now we’ll send it back e e e

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