Golf Players

How to hit a driver with Lucas Herbert #golf #driver #lucas #herbert #hit #shots #swing #green

hey guys I’m going to be here today to teach you how to hit a driver off the [Music] deck now this shot’s not really a percentage play you definitely don’t want to have anything in front of you here that you need to carry like a water hazard or a bunker and you want to be out of range for the three-wood so what I’m going to do is I’m going to just choke up a little bit on the grip you’re obviously used to hitting a driver a te so you just want to make sure you give yourself a little extra room the bottom with the driver you’re not going to catch it really fat going to play ball position forward in my stance want to get as much hard as possible you want to feel like I play a slight draw just try and shallow the club face out a little bit as well it’s a drive off the deck

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