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The Roast Of Tom Brady Was FANTASTIC, “Old School” Comedy Is All The Way Back?! | Pat McAfee Reacts

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the internet was a buzz last night um not only because game seven Vegas Nights St stars but because the greatest roast of all time happened yep and whenever you’re saying Gro you know you could be thinking greatest raffle of all time which we had a few years back to a DVD I do believe that we created a baseball one where we raffled off a bunch of things always thought adding things in there with OD at the end good marketing sure so when I saw greatest roast of all time be in marketed I’m like thank God here we go cuz the grow is a beautiful thing to kind of pitch especially if you’re going to get actual goats to kind of get roasted Tom Brady signing up for last night incred hey way you go tomm go Tom decision sport divorce I mean crypto crash the flight gate Alex Guerrero I I mean tb12 [ __ ] just a lot of Jiu-Jitsu yeah jiujitsu yeah AB got mentioned yeah I mean there’s there’s so many so many things that he could get picked apart and he definitely did so him signing up for it is incredible I think Jeff Ross was a a massive piece of uh putting it together seemingly everybody thanked Jeff Ross whenever they were doing their thing but what a night and what a performance by numerous people I really sat there for 3 hours listening to people do comedy that hasn’t happened in forever no shout out to the entire event I think uh con man yeah very cool and obviously as a Patriots fan it was even like even heightened to the extent because you’re seeing Rob craft you’re seeing you know Bill belich Edelman all those guys do their little jokes I honestly you mentioned Ben Affleck watching back some of the grank stuff I thought grank was pretty pretty funny I I really did I thought he was awesome in the roast and like we mentioned there was a chance that a lot of these guys get up there and they just completely blow it but it was cool to see like grank go up and yeah we have this third gr was called dumb no less than a thousand times in very creative fashion speaking of creative grank said I’m creative even though everybody thinks I’m a big dumb dip [ __ ] up here he talked about it here’s one of his jokes uh about Tom Brady I didn’t even know you were in Ted 2 I was watching that scene when a tiny furry bear started jerking you off at least I think it was Ted 2 it might have just been security cam footage of Julian at your house lot of that yeah lot of that oh I like that one I’m creative you guys all think I’m a dumb piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] if you go back to that photo hey everybody needs to know though like uh I thought when grank was walking up there I was like man I don’t know how this is going to go NE I didn’t I I didn’t know how it was going to go just as a fan of grank and I understand there’s people that are not fans of grank and I understand there’s people that are massive fans of grunk I am a fan of grunk like I I I enjoy him being him in every single setting now some settings I think he would even say grank not supposed to be here you know like that this is not where grank is supposed to be so him walking up there I’m like I have no idea how this is going to go if it doesn’t go good people are going to kill for sure people are going to kill grank on the internet i s i watch I’m like had a baby grank and then grank even complimented himself a couple times I wrote that joke it’s like well grank K fa here yeah you’re supposed these are all your jokes grunk there’s a lot of people writing for a lot of people one person I don’t think had any right Bill bich showed up here’s a little Bill bellich chitchatting from last night’s greatest roast of all time Dr I’ve been watching on Fox NFL Sunday and I’m begging you please please stop doing your job do another job do somebody else’s job he was obviously playing off of the do your job phrase that has got the Patriots the dynasty here’s another moment though of Bill bellich being baby face con man and I saw a lot of people on the internet obviously saying it’s the first time I seen this guy smile he sat down on the deis had a drink got cooked he had a big time night Bill bich baby face run continues yeah last night was if anything just a confirmation like oh this is a bummer we’re never going to see Bill belich coach again because he could do eight different you know Avenues after you know these last couple weeks like he he he had a little promo before with blo and belich and Brady where you know he he was talking about you know time to get out there or whatever and he was fantastic start to finish belich almost stle the show again and then Robert Craft was there and Kevin actually called for Bill bich and Robert Craft to have a uh toast a cheers have a drink Kevin Hart phenomenal job setting that up I mean it happened it happened well good it happened look right there clearly see it clearly see it cheers wa It Go hated I don’t think that was the case what’s that what what’ you say the internet said like you know good to see them and bury the hatchet I don’t know if that’s what it looked like to me what are you talking about that was Bill’s choice of shot okay he was forced into doing that he wanted no part of he going to take a little bit more than some fake ass cheers of a shot to bury the hatchet between I did appreciate when craf said he’s the greatest coach of all time because Bill’s probably like and and Y keep going g g who built the teams hey Robert who made you a billionaire hey who made you the most successful owner in the history of the NF hey who built the teams who coached the teams just now Tom Brady had an incredible about who was to blame or who was supp to get the credit for winning the Super Bowls and obviously Bill bich ended his set by saying it was both of us because of me because he’s the one that drafted Tom Brady had pick 199 so like you know that’s a hilarious angle and I don’t know who chatted with Bill about what he was going to say but at the end uh of Robert Craft and Bill bich speeches you know they have to address whose fault it was who wasn’t it and then Tom Brady takes a swing at the end and uh says when I watch the any five does anybody ask the uh winning driver you know hey who who put the gas in your car you know nobody thinks about the people that aren’t on the field who actually win races so Tom Brady had a little heel at the end but I thought he crushed it at the very end of the evening as well here’s Tom Brady talking about you know the absence of Roger Goodell in one of the uh asterisks on the biggest Patriots dynasty we got so many great football greats here tonight great football greats but where’s Roger Goodell oh mve louder than Kim Kardashian there I know remember deflate gate the NFL spent $20 million and found that it was more probable than not that I was generally aware that someone may have deflated my footballs you could have just given me the 20 million and I would just told you I [ __ ] did it rer C that just jokes just jokes ah it was a fantastic night Julian edman also Crush Drew bledo did well Nikki Glazer made a lot of new fans I think and M like my wife is a fan of Nicki Glazer I got introduced to Nicki Glazer last night what what a performance Andrew Schultz crush the two bears provided an incredible break I do believe in the middle of the action it was uh Ron bergundy showed up pton showed up Bill bich showed up it was a uh Randy Moss was out I mean it was very very very very well done they should be taking a Victory lap today it was very very well done and grank did a great job but you could tell in this photo everyone else is smiling having a good time he’s thinking everyone does think I’m a big yeah well there was a time uh after a shot was had by uh grank Tom and Bill together because grank said he’s known him for 11 years doesn’t know anything about him I’ve never actually even had a drink with him now they’re on the boats in Tampa I believe pretty intoxicated obviousy it was just a joke talking about it then they do a shot they do a shot and grank in grunk fashion um first he opened a box to do the shot that had the ring in it that Kevin Hart was going to give to Tom britty at the end of the night and Kevin Hart had to say nope not that box talk or grank and then he also told him to you know sound it out whenever he was reading through the teleprompter I mean there was quite of those moments but he gets the the Vodka whatever tequila and then grank spikes it and uh yep bang and if you’re a listening it was like oh that was glass yeah you thought it was maybe plastic that was a glass shot obviously without nice was and it was a throwback to the old school roast with how nice and how up seemingly everything was it was like a big to-do to be on the de and to get roasted and I appreciate them bringing back like the Dean Martin days The Rat Pack days that’s what it felt like as you’re watching there but that was glass and uh allegedly somebody you know just like just like whenever uh G Gallagher’s hit watermelon that’s right you know and they give uh they give those tarps to cover the first like three rows should have done that for the glass with Rob GR Kowski uh but other than that perfect night great Vibes great Vibes Drew bledo too Came Out Swinging awesome awesome I like that everybody plugged their [ __ ] Drew blo plugged his uh his wine and his Cabernet in the middle of doing his jokes Julian Edmond plugged the podcast you know I think uh Dana White was in there Dana White got 60 seconds he was pumped about that yeah good joke what was the joke what’s that what I was just I didn’t see it so I didn’t know what the joke was why he told 60 seconds worth of jokes the first one though people certainly heard yeah you know people certainly heard why he self-deprecating having fun with his own name you know uh okay goody that’s how I took it in LA yeah I mean He Came Out Swinging pretty St but every there was a lot there was a lot said last night in the name of Comedy there was a lot said last night in the name of comedy and I know that there is times where people kind of uh can’t see the line between humor and hate okay I think if it is described in a lane of humor I think people should try to give it their best if the joke sucks joke sucks but all they’re trying to do is make people laugh so I understand if you get mad at it but I think there had become a time where there was not enough like oh this is humor this is just hate hate hate last night felt like a big time fight back on like nah the intentions here are to make people laugh not the complete opposite it’s an interesting time we’re in the middle of right now yeah I mean I understand everyone’s way more sensitive now than they were you know 10 15 years ago but like you mentioned like this is going back to like the previous roast like in the v like if you go back now and watch like the Roast of Bob Saget or like Bieber you know it’s like that stuff was on Comedy Central it was on TV you know what I mean like yeah and it’s it’s wildly inappropriate obviously but that’s why it’s for a specific audience like it’s not for kids it’s for people who can understand like hey like while some of this is like very very very mean-spirited offensive potentially to offensive yeah I guess mean-spirited isn’t the right way to say it although some things are definitely mean-spirited but like Brady Brady he agreed to do it like he knew that this was you know it’s not like people are just going to go up there and kind of Pat him on the back and tell him how great he is the whole time like that’s not what these events are like it’s to make people laugh and it was a big deal we need it as a society we need everything always goes full B deal we need it that was a big deal last night I think and I think we all kind of saw it that way right yeah for sure we needed I think as a society and that’s what comedies do that’s what comedians do uh you know some of the best truth tellers and obviously you got to push the envelope you’re going to offense some people that’s kind of the point of it too like hey whatever get over it but I think it was good all around I enjoyed it good pieace hey it was good piece of content it was Jordan’s up now yeah Michael Jordan’s got to go next that kind of sucks Hey listen because you’re great you had to commit your entire life to something okay while doing it you’re ridiculed and mocked and picked apart and you got paid very well so you’re lucky to do it you’ll be remembered forever obviously but congratulations now you also have to sit here and let some of the most talented prick brains piece together the worst things that you have ever done in our congratulate you’re goat yeah fun C doing business Tom Brady did it it’s gonna be really funny Tom Brady you’re you’re oh you’re more famous than okay you’re more okay than Tom Brady okay that right why don’t you have a seat here let Jeff Ross do his thing what a wizard with words oh my God unbelievable I mean just think our our former president has been roasted before on TV you know it’s like so JJ Watt needs one okay you said it brother


  1. Nikki Glaser was masterful. Gronk was crazy, unhinged, hilarious and really good. Kevin Hart kept it all going and his reactions were priceless. Belichick was also funny and seemed to be enjoying himself. Brady was a great sport through all of it. It was a memorable night.

  2. If i was the patriots owner i would be pissed to bill ran his team in the ground then left and had that coach thats probably going to suck hired

  3. If a joke comes off as offensive, then it was a GREAT joke! That's the entire point of comedy, especially when the intent is roasting another person. I had no idea this thing was happening, so I'll be watching it asap.

  4. To be fair his kids and his parents were off limits. As great as it was, it could have been a lot worse. With that said, I believe I have watched every roast in the last 25 years and this was near or at the top. Good stuff.

  5. So bottom line is Pat hasn't watched a single Roast in the last 25 years. Not knowing Nikki Glaser, thinking that this was the first roast since Dean Martin days with people up on stage, come on Pat!

  6. Gronk’s set was the only one where I kept skipping ahead. But maybe I should check it out again, that Ted 2 joke was better than what was in the start of his set.

  7. Context matters. In a roast setting you know what’s coming and all the jokes are punching up. It doesn’t mean that in another setting directed at another subject it would work the same. A great comedian knows how to navigate that. A lazy comedian just complains “people are too sensitive”

  8. Ya'll snowflakes tripping. Golden Age of comedy never ended? People just think it is "back" because politics and people being stupid. Real fans of stand up/comedy knew it never ended.

    You all just think they are back because you are so far down the political rabbit hole you only see stuff directly linked to your crazy.

  9. Well, this roast cant be showed at 17h in the afternoon. Roasters in the 60s and 70s had way more class, and were pretty funny as well.

  10. Well I wonder why they didn't want to touch what Dana White said. Only says one thing about this show!!!

  11. If it would of been like the dean martin roast there would have been no swearing they never used profanities in the dmr get your comparisons right not even close to as good as dean martin

  12. Belichick did not extend his glass to Kraft, the hatchet isn't buried. I think Bill is alright with Tom. The way Belichick ran up there to shake Peyton's hand before Manning left felt a little phony. I know he likes and respects Peyton a ton, but I feel like he was taking a little shot at Tom.

  13. Brilliant show Netflix put on. Brilliant from Kevin hart and every other roaster and ofcourse Tom Brady. I’m also happy raw comedy is back.

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