Golf Players

Good Good Camera Man Had A Huge Meltdown | Moments Of The Week

A Good Good camera man lost his mind this week or did he? We saw one of the best collabs this week with Jon Rahm and the Bryan Bros, BustaJack, Micah and Grant.

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what a that Jesus [Music] Christ we like up on this T box weird grass here you got to be really precise you can chunk it in two seconds if you just dig that Leading Edge here goes nothing left the thing was moving I should have grabbed I’ve been banged did you see that thing moving I saw it moving it was it really was something wasn’t right there such a build it really was it justed man what is this place this is unmaned this is heaven oh my what you got everything you need here look at the fridge yeah you are you k you got eggs you got egg like uh chicken chicken chicken salad fruit you know cheese eggs ice creams yogurt ice cream you want a you want an ice cream oh my God right thanks for watching everyone that’s the end of the video sweet the rest the rest the the next 13 holes we play them here that’s crazy feel like I I’m trying to be on a strict diet at the moment but this is this is this is hard this is very impressive well done Spanish show I mean there’s literally nothing you can do [Music] these bunkers I have to say there it’s it’s the time of the year you know everything’s dried out I don’t know if that makes any sense cuz Sand’s already [Music] dry in that corner big [Music] F that’s the problem with this pin location oh see that is an issue that’s a problem that’s a [Music] problem what the father good luck so 18t tapping it would help if you would start hitting the correct Club no hit it higher oh my God wait no no way no way come on let’s go wow hit it higher that was UN real we made butts we make butts we make butts come on Bo we make butts I mean I’ll get the flag on my yeah let’s go we just going to leave it out it feels good stayed up I’m telling you we are unstoppable what are you doing zoning out oh shoot I thought you were I was I was going full Grant Horvat wesle what the just the stair yeah oh oh my God Magic Man almost half kidding me are you kidding me right now what a dve Jesus Christ who’s driving that thing dude what the dude I got whoop lash you fizzed you fizzed up my beer are they hitting cuz we’re in the middle of the Fairway simmer simmer down was pretty good nice oh what AJ come on baby or birdie let’s go what a guy let’s go holy cow what the heck double break he said simmer down I had no idea what that PT was doing I was reading it and I said hit it towards the hole see where it goes and boom wow I’m good what’s up just talk to me now [Music] I’m just tired I’m [Music] done I know as soon as he threw the camera I knew he was kidding I thought was completely dead ass serious from the beginning until he threw the camera then I knew it was it was a joke what the dude this thing obliterated bro you know what’s you know what’s funny is like right before when I looked at it the SD card was in it so I gave it to col before I it so this is the one that what was in Florida he dropped it and I guess it like hit the little M it was jacked up from St Andrews that it got water soaked oh my God and then I sent it and then now it’s g at least we think it’s that one Chad is dial Bro our Energy’s down we got a good photographer and our energy down walk around here looking like three bombs no there’s definitely one bum in the group for sure that’s for sure who’s the bum you don’t look this way I’m looking this way can’t whoop you can’t whoop me I can’t how you know for sure I just know you just know 100% okay I mean just cuz you’re straight your face you still all push-ups what you talking about I’m give let me get him right now no it was on call but I mean you didn’t give them to us so you had to give it to us now I’m going give you it’s not do on the green make me better ask please tearing up the green I know we are get for it get F I know do Jiu-Jitsu he’s a Jiu-Jitsu guy I don’t know Jiu-Jitsu I don’t know Jiu-Jitsu you got me you got I don’t do jiujitsu I yes Mo let’s go oh come on the dream’s alive baby what a pot oh my God so that ball that went sideways that was after birdie after birdie we’re going to do that that’s a golf right there that is golf right there boys come on feel free little pitching say if they’re a drama you put him would it he has as well come on I see it what the actual seen a ball go in the hole and a ball disappear what the I don’t know dude that’s unbelievable oh I see it oh my god wow right there there you see that I don’t know how it got there all right I’m going to try to Splash it out I guess would that be embedded you know what I’m saying I don’t know what that rule is I I don’t know let me try to Splash it out of there I think it’s my only move the thing is I don’t know I’m going to try to not break my yeah don’t break your wrist I don’t know how I can get I guess I just take an unplayable and come like right here think that’s what I would do CU you can do a driver length so I’m going to do that CH it was embedded it was embedded there it is I got it be green be green roll what a video what the it hit the Rocks like 20 M right somehow just appeared on the green come on imagine that went in I I wore Nike stuff at the time and I got invited along it was a very intimate group so there was about six of us kind of Nike represent atives tiger trying to film this commercial promotional video where he was putting in 35° heat in London outside Wembley Stadium on this kind of artificial and actually rubbish pting pting back cuz they dis installed it so it was like Humpty Dumpty you know what I mean anyway so he’s out there he’s grinding and he’s dripping with sweat and we’re all standing around like monkeys like I just couldn’t believe it like Tiger Woods is like this I’m just standing there like my God I can’t believe this anyway he’s dri me I’m standing just behind him CAU they cut it cuz again the pot’s missed cuz it’s gone like this and he’s getting really frustrated and he comes and he leans down and he looks at me and he goes um you got any vodka like this and I was like obviously I’ve just the bed I’m the bed and I’ve gone really your trasers melt down your night shut up how old is you a I’ve thought of all the things so I’m dead I am I am now dying I am I am radiating heat it’s already 35° C and he’s just looked at me and G it gets way better way better so the day Carries On We’re All standing up like lemons I’m just like somebody just bury me alive and he’s turning around I’m going he hasn’t forgot that no wait for it so he finishes he finally holds this pot and he’s got his pter like this right he’s been grinding at the time he was playing with a tailor made spider so he’s been putting putting putting Humpty wpty finally the putt goes through he had to putt it through all these people’s legs like this it was a promotional thing he just turns around he goes you can have that like this and he walks off okay so I’m then going oh my God I’m like I’m like like no one touch it like I can’t believe I’ve got Tiger’s Potter so I’m getting my weed bag and they give us a we goodie bag I’m like this has been their best day wait till my family here I’m going this I feel this stab on my shoulder like this I turn around and it’s this rep from Nike and she’s got Tiger’s trousers over her arms and she goes tiger ask me to give you these I was going to s that you one of these TR did you go tiger asked me to give me these and I just looked at her and I went that’s the weird thing so now I’ve got his Potter and a set of his of his slacks that is unbelievable yeah you didn’t see that coming did you that so weird I’ve never said that story on camera I have never said that thank you for saving it for golf life cuz that is absolutely to [Music]


  1. those clowns wrestling on and around the green was something else…prolly would have been funny of you were there, but i was cringing the whole

  2. Grew up playing in el paso lol concrete hard fairways,greens are patchy, bunker shots are going to kill your clubs lol.

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