Golf Players

Hank Figures Out His Stock Yardages With His New Taylor Made Clubs

Hank Figures Out His Stock Yardages With His New Taylor Made Clubs

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e e how far can you hit a five all right uh different camera I can hit a five iron we’re about to find out I would say that I could hit a five iron which camera am I looking at this one I would say I can hit a five iron 185 good we we’ll get to that in a little bit that’s Donnie asking the question we got Chaps in here we’re in the simulator I did just get fitted for P 770s A lot of people are chirping me I think that’s fair uh I had p790s before they’re a lot more forgiving and I got fitted uh at the Kingdom in San Diego and the guy fitting me was was like oh like you have a really good swing like you must be like a four handicap and I was like no I’m like a a 20 handicap and then he spent the next hour convincing me like you want p77 you’ll grow into them like your swing’s good you’re going to get better you’re going to want these eventually just get them now and and and grow into them I was sold uh and then two weeks ago Frankie burelli was here who is a way better golfer actually a good golfer he uses p790s and he was like I was thinking about switching to p770 but it’s I’m I’m on the fence because they’re a lot harder clubs to swing and get used to and I was sitting there like well I have p770 so I’m probably screwed so we’re going to get we’re going to go 10 swings a club try and get my stock yardages for each each club uh and then I’m G to get my handicap from a 17 to a seven people know what7 ver9 I think s70s are they’re more blady like 790s are are thicker in the back and they’re a little more forgiving if you don’t hit it in the center of the face so P 770s you just have to be more accurate with your ball striking which I would not say is a strong suit to my golf game but I’m going to grow into it that’s that’s that’s the goal and if you are accurate with 770s as opposed to 790s you’re better you’re much better off they go further they go further and you can control them if you are able to do that all right so we’re going to start gap wedge attack wedge as some call it I think this should go 100 to 120 yards maybe maybe we’ll do maybe we’ll do we’ll do five we’ll do five swings each and then I didn’t even know a gap wedge exist it’s like in between a pitching wedge and like a 54 a little high a little left that’s about that’s about right I mean I didn’t hit it great Donnie’s been grinding on the simulator in here yeah yeah I’m playing outside for the first time tomorrow oh nice where at um just like a a crappy municipal course um was it called that’s what you want 110 yeah that’s that’s that’s about what I was expecting 110 for gap wedge it is humbling when you see like pros do this or even like Dan rafport I saw I did a video like this and they just hit nukes they’re like pitching wedge 170 it’s like yeah oh yeah um I’m playing at Columbus Park have you ever played there that’s on the south side I think right no that is a real that’s by my house that’s a real shady yeah well you know you have to start somewhere no you’ll be able to grip it and rip it there for sure faway hell open I want I try to juice I got 112 I’m playing with some of the the viva viva boys F I don’t think has ever played golf in real life in his life all right this is fourth swing average right now is 112 that that feels right that was a little bit sculled but still still within the number still same same area 110 yeah very straight what do we thinking I think this is a fair I guess we’ll do one more and then we’ll see I’m going to be a sub 10 handicap by the end of the summer I’ll say it right now clip it ship it rip it 110 yeah I mean that’s five fairly similar shots so that’s this is my 110 Club are you going to ride it down take it with you on the course uh you can there’s there’s this thing like when you switch Club uh see right there like it says it has your average so I’ll probably just take a picture oh it’s probably in that app too after yeah right yeah all right so now we got a pitching wedge this is where I get confused cuz like sometimes I hit this 130 the different ones we have here I’ll hit 140 chat you want to see a Dunk Dunk coming in like give me like four more months uh I’m not worried about the Celtics I’m defin not better than Frankie here we go pitching wedge if you want I can read off the chat yeah sure I we pulled swung fast 125 127 that yeah what is that range it’s like 30 yard right yeah what club is that this is a pitching wedge we’re going I’m I’m trying to get 130 is what I think this should be or what I would if I had a 130 shot in the golf course tomorrow I would I would take a pitching wedge but maybe not saw a video with Phil where he said if you pull it goes long left and if you hit it right it goes short short right fun fact aase if you get it’s go a lot I’ve been to Montreal tce love that place in college so I got back 127 I’m just happy I’m getting this consistent swings oh juice it a little bit go 130 no still it’s 129 pry 13 youit really I 123 125 seeing the short films today 3M Central so tune back in then lot of hype for yours yeah there is a lot of hype I don’t want are you the star are you are you uh Co supporting with Titus Titus uh Hank what’s your favorite Chicago so far um I mean look I just joined Beverly it’s a amazing course uh I played Madina a couple times last year that was really nice Sunset Valley is a public one uh that Ron’s Aunt works at that was been really nice cogill we played in like December but I want to go back in the summer oh no that’s that’s that’s where we’re at that’s a that’ll [ __ ] you up that’ll [ __ ] up the average honestly one of the nicest courses I’ve played at it’s in Indiana actually but it’s not far away Y is uh oh [ __ ] what is the name of it Lost Marsh Lost Marsh something Marsh it’s on the water good good views Good Vibes Harbor side’s another one that’s on the water but that one’s super hard all right right now we got 132 average with a with a Scully let’s just try and hit a 130 real shot no pulled it no what’s the opposite of a p a slice all right I always slice with my IRS how can ient that uh keeping the club face down when you’re in your back swing like maybe you’re like opening it up yeah and then when it so you just want to like hold it so it’s flat I’m also probably not the person to be giving tips be honest little Scotty sheffler slipped there all right I mean consistent we’re consistent we’re consistent time is it is 1123 all right little Niner where do you think you’re at here 142 142 is these are so that we have the QI clubs here and sometimes I just I hit them I hit those farther but it’s like I can’t practice with those CU these are the clubs I play with yeah but those those I’ve stepped up with a idea of what I hit in my head and I hit them like 10 yards farther like those are the ones I just got to put consistent swings just pulling everything that’s fine that actually came back all right that’s that’s a that’s good that’s good right on the number distance control people triing my swing Donnie um no not really good swing no that’s not a good swe get going don’t [ __ ] up the distance all right that’s gonna Notte you’re forgot about that let’s just not uh let’s just not have people remember that ever happened those are bad photos holy [ __ ] wait was there multiple no all I did I was just taking photos of him from behind like I was spying on him and then I would DM them to him and be like I’m watching you I have your back he was getting like super paranoid and pissed off wait when was that Oh I thought you were talking about the one you took me at the beach when I was fat as hell no no no I’m talking about uh Nate they they asked me if Nate still hat Oh Oh I thought you said Hank no yes I did take one photo of Hank that where he looked very fat yeah I just was very fat but it was a it was a humbling photo that felt pure that was that’s rude need me on the course buddy wish I could do that every time that was felt great the rare pure just [ __ ] that’s bad that’s bad it’s got to go trying little you’ve gotten a lot more control than your swing in the last couple months for sure yeah this the simulator has helped a lot just being able to bang balls o that was good that was good that’s that’s the best one of the N9 yeah and that one sounded pure like you got underneath it like right at the right spot boom yep the sound on that one was the best one so far felt great all right we’ll do one more we got a 135 average with a worm burner no oh first real bad shot of the day [ __ ] can you Mulligan that I don’t think so I’ve tried yeah you were on the heel big time on that one all right let’s make up with that let’s just all right it was 135 before that 147 is the max I think that was a scold one though there you go that was good too I wish I could just hit him I mean at least nice knowing like the the every ball fight is the same so about 140 right yeah I think 140 all the one the two ones I hit P were like 140 in the air says 135 average but two of them were Shanks I don’t know I don’t know if that Back Spin is good do you know 7600 Back Spin I think that’s a lot I don’t know like what you’re looking for there I’ve noticed with this thing if you get it to like8 8,000 to 9,000 it will actually like spin spin 7,000 though it’s not going to like yeah so you probably want that high on your short like from eight to the attack wedge even before I knew how to play golf or like actually focused on it or knew anything eight iron was always the only Club I knew 150 I just I’ve always been an eight iron fan fanatic guy so this one should be50 to 155 I mean they definitely don’t seem like the wrong clubs for you you’re not spraying it all over the place even though it is a more skilled Club you you’re hitting it great I mean all those are basically you basically hit almost everyone in that 30 yard range except for the outlier yeah and everything’s just drunk on a little bit yeah I don’t really know how to make something go flat but that’s what I’m saying at least I know like I can expect yeah what to expect So then whenever you play shitty on the course you’ll be real upset well it it does like once you get on the course everything changes like yeah your thought process I played a couple weeks ago and it was the soggiest I’ve ever hit and I figured out like everything was going right and I think it was because the club was digging down and forcing yeah I was forcing the ball to the right big time I got under that that was a bad shot that was a bad shot it’s short but still not I mean terrible 150 like the first one [ __ ] that one sounded good juice it I I hit it off like the heel kind of that’s fine though that that would you take that come on you take that every day yeah it was off the hill you’re right first one was perfect I think that helps in the simulator too is like you don’t even have to look at the you can feel it because you’ve seen it so many times you can feel what happened that’s where I started just take a little half step back but then I [ __ ] come two over the top yeah right distance though yeah we’re at 145 I want to get this to 150 why I don’t know why not just be where you’re at Naturally like it cuz you’re not going to go out there and swing as hard as you can like you’re going to take it easy like that have a nice little easy eight iron chaps with the sameon pants except a power play what’s that someone said the the salmon pants is a power play is that what you were thinking when you put him on I was thinking that I didn’t want to change pants for the movie premiere if you think this is good wait till you see my real power play at the movie premiere I’m very excited for people’s people were wearing like real suits thought thought it was going to be like I thought it was going to be like funny like wear something nice but like funny nobody just wearing like wedding suits yeah nobody wanted to get Duncan award oh that was good that was pure but left but pure but left still in that little Zone good it’s the right distance is that still the eight yeah all right last eight oh a average is 150.0 now let’s hit another 150.0 be perfect kind of want to stop right now but I can’t that one sounded great draw a little bit 150 exactly yeah so right right there 149. 7 that is my Mo most consistent clo absolutely right I’m not getting The Yips dude these are P 770s 8600 is the right RPM for 9 iron so that’s good nice to answer our question from earlier is that Back Spin yeah I think oh yeah RPM’s underneath it yeah time is it got 37 for the chat how what are we looking at Sid spin like is he good on side spin isga -200 good or where should he be what does sid spin even mean I don’t I wish I knew how to analyze this data is that what creates like a draw or a fade is a sid spin probably that was thin but it sounded nice I would take that shot on the course all day so you should be like 8ish 162 with this one right yeah oh I’m [ __ ] thinning them that work out too though do you have any clubs besides of four iron that you typically struggle with um I you I mean I’ll I’ll pull it out I never hit a three-wood before the one that I got fitted for I’ve played two rounds with it I’ve hit two of the best shots I’ve ever hit with the three-wood like off the Fairway regular s that nice it feels go 220 23 straight like real low launch angle and that and like I was like all right you know first first time swinging this thing probably going to be a disaster and it was like wait what the [ __ ] before that I couldn’t hit a three three wood mine is a six iron six iron’s probably up there too I like the five yeah I love the five there it is but left pure though you want I have you tried closing your front toe cuz it looks like you’re like a little bit out like if you close it in a little bit go I hit that last one pure though all right we got a 158 average though yeah that’s a beauty you know yeah that’s where that’s where you’re trying to be trying to hit one more good one get over 160 no that was I slipped [ __ ] all we’re hitting one more think you’re were swinging too hard I just like my hand slipped as I was pulling it back let’s just do a nice Freddy couple smooth swing have you seen that Japanese dude on Tik Tok it’s unbelievable and and Kawa swing it looks like he swings like two miles an hour and the ball launches off his face it’s insane there you go yeah I mean that’s it is like why don’t I just do that every time I guess distance but like felt it felt pure I just didn’t swing at all oh hey hey what’s up uh yeah I was talking to him in uh ebat yesterday I don’t know what I don’t know what time they’re coming in I I wasn’t talking to him specifically but he’s with yeah he’s coming in like 45 minutes I think oh he is yeah I told him yeah I told him I didn’t I didn’t check my dam today I told him last night I’m around from like 11: to 2: so yeah I told him like 2 p.m. is like the cut off we got [ __ ] to do after yeah yeah shot out to skull face gamer gamer boy the stream is just me figuring out my distances distance control so when I start shooting in the 70s people you me to read the chat to you sure I think it’s the most active chat in the world oh I did switch Club Kevin said that you should not be hitting blades are these blades though no he doesn’t have blades it’s like in between I do struggle once once the lower the irons get the less consistent I’m going to be so the 770s that he has are like in between the real beginner you’re hitting a lot of toe or heel stuff they uh in between between the blades and the beginner that I use guess not really a beginner but plus 15 handicaps about and worse yeah Connor wants to know if you’re tracking your handicap I am uh right now it is a 17.7 I use the yeah I use the official I think it’s like Chicago cdga one that’s the one I used to yeah it’s like linked through Jin so you could join the virtual but yeah like the the place I joined they they I just typed in like they had it it pulled up it’s official uh I’ve only tracked like there’s a couple rounds in there from last year but I the every round I’ve played this year I’ve tried to actually ball and hole no drops no Mulligans no nothing so I have like four I think official scores from this year and then a couple because they didn’t start until April 15th right yeah the first one or when we played Cog Hill in December it didn’t it didn’t count or whatever it didn’t it was like yes this is an in season but I played in Arizona but there’s like no stop talking stop talking my bad no it’s me it’s me it’s me talking to myself oh this is a good tip Ryan and said your ideal Back Spin should match what club you’re using meaning if you have six iron Your Back Spin should be around 6,000 oh no it’s falling apart dude it’s the six iron six iron’s tough to hit we might just not not pretend that six iron never happened let’s just hit one six iron we’ll switch to five nope oh man what is this should we do an unboxing oh some guy sent I’ve worked on nearly 500 films during my 40 Years of the movie business where only great product endures I thought I knew all the keys to winning and losing success and failure this entertaining insightful inspiring book Tom me I still have so much to learn I better get to work learning it it’s time for another unboxing it’s a book oh Paul rael’s new book oh nice the way of the champion pain persistence in the path forward thanks Paul and you’re wearing shirt um David asked if we hit the qi1 irons or the p790s too yeah we basically all have tried them all I love the QI the new driver the furthest I’ve ever hit a driver and it’s the most forgiving and I use the qi1 irons and I really like those as well so I think I have the very beginner clubs is what I have you have the QI ones yeah the chat saying you should get off your six iron now cuz it’s going to destroy the mentals yep we’re switching to five I do like my five 5 180 but like I’ve randomly hit it on this thing 200 five good swings let’s get five good swings chat yep oh that was ped at least I mean that’s at least the correct distance yeah you said at the beginning you hit it about 185 there you go just got to flatten that out sucks how much harder it is to hit the long IR back up some you’re been hitting off the heel a lot that’s when I do that I’m just not flexible and I just like I like reach but you’re right I mean that I that is 100% my handicap right now it says on the app I don’t think it’s totally accurate is a 145 just I it’s it’s correct what I’m doing wrong it just doesn’t feel good 180 though that’s you’re getting close to the Back Spin if what they’re saying is correct too cuz that’s a five iron at 4500 Back Spin so good golfers in the chat what is he looking for for launch angle here with a five iron we trying to be around 1819 or we trying to go lower how do I flatten these out them straighter swing less fast there it is perfect maybe not the enough distance but we’re taking that all day we’re taking that all day got a 182 average that’s that’s what I was expecting nice well sounded good felt good just e Shorty all right we got 180.7 four shots got to get this over 180 I don’t know I do I though no I just got to swing regular and whatever it is it is it is right that’s what we’re doing here yep ego is not as bad in golf oh you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah we um Jimmy asked if we have a hybrid in your set you have that five wood I have a three wood and a three hybrid you know what let’s let’s pull out the hybrid you’re not going for iron no I hate the four iron I got I got to I got to feel something different than these irons all right so we got 1675 iron with a shank 1537 iron 149 8 iron 135 9 iron 132 pitching wedge 111 this is I mean that tracks though like that’s I know but jump what was that last what was the five iron 180 is that you said 167 but I shanked the last one I think it was about 178 is this should be around yeah he’s skipping the four iron and going straight to the three-wood I might go back to forn I just need to switch it up great contact go go all right there you go would wouldn’t hate Hing some of these straight so if you’re just catching up he’s gone through the from Attack wedge all the way to five iron and now he’s hitting that’s a three-wood is that what you said this is a three hybrid three hybrid if you’re watching I was hitting them straight consistently until the six iron and then I’m just falling apart a guy who’s giv out a lot of advice Ryan is saying replace your four iron with the hybrid that matches your four iron loft like a five hybrid I like that idea that one was perfect perfect yeah yeah yeah 205 is the goal right that’s what you said yeah a little off the heel too still yeah just got to step back it it’s you see it but when when you’re feeling over it it’s like I feel like I’m so far away and it sucks cuz you’re you have like that was one inch just feel like I’m reaching on these shots still good distance though getting a fair average 193 average the chat saying that you’re getting it back together skipping the for iron with the right move now you’re back on track I need this Hy I haven’t even use the hybrid on the simulator but or the 3-wood but one of the best shots of my life with it needed to translate there it is that sounds real nice nice you crushed that one Jesus just a little pulley but there you go all right that’ll help the ab one 198.50 are you swinging out of your shoes now or you no I’m just I think I just swing a little faster when I pull it I swing I’m swing too fast but like I just actually hit that one in the middle oh there it is that was a good one yeah not too fast good height good distance yeah so if they’re saying it’s the same launch angle as a four iron that backspin is about where you need to be to 4500 but I don’t know if that’s different from the woods or not all right forine was switching for was the move now let’s pull out the three-wood see if I can match so for those keeping score at home the ones that he’s hit now the woods are all the QI 10s yes so those ones are I mean they’re legitimately amazing I had some budes um my neighbors come in here and hit a couple they brought their clubs all new clubs that were the big Brands and each one added at least 10 yards using the qi1 and just the forgiveness is insane yep people that typically will slice it if you hit it just off it’s the face is kind of curved and so whenever you hit it that way it brings it back around a little bit it’s unbel I hit a driver for the we got tailor May clubs cuz everything would just pull hook pull hook pull hook and even when you even if you pull it it it will help you out and stay a little straighter not just aggressively hook into the trees all right I’ve talked a lot of game about this nice and easy nope that’s that’s the trajectory that was off the heel though it’s a bad strike sorry the distance since if I can flatten it out let’s see where it hit yeah just directly off the hill yeah so can you guys in the chat see the screen where it’ll show top right yeah we might need to adjust that cuz on the I think they can see on there on the right side no that’s on the other side the right oh there it is yeah you’re right yeah yep but then I’m just reaching I’m I just you hit the ground before that one I know it just doesn’t feel I mean that’s actually I would take that shot a million a million if with how I hit it yeah but I just I know that I need to stay farther away it just doesn’t feel good I also did a dunk training workout this morning my hammies are very tight that might be something to do with it yeah that that’s your best one that’s your best shot yet that sounded smoo yeah I mean that goes as far as your driver does some you know that was crushed but you hit it right in The Sweet Spot when I did that in the course I was like literally first I I was like all right first Club first swing ever with this club this isn’t going to go well and it was it I did that yep par five rolled up on the green i t typically hit that one about 230 but on the course if I really get a hold of it it’ll be like 260 way over the green which is that’s great for me I even SW I had a three-wood before this or fivewood I wouldn’t even swing cuz I think maybe because it wasn’t fitted it’s just like these are these shafts just is that one do you have stiff or yeah yeah damn they must think you’re good as [ __ ] to have the almost blades and a stiff shaft you do that you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it’s tough so those that are saying T up the three-wood that’s one thing about this simulator is that you can only hit off of tea with the driver and I think you can tea up the 3-wood it’s just it’s just not irons oh is it yeah they I guess then you could adjust it down where it’s not they just said only irons or no irons on the that was a heel ball too so one of the things for those keeping score at home like these simulators do a really great job of showing you where you’re at I lost my train of thought there oh here we go but damn that was great too this club is my favorite Club I have going so the simulator has I think two real big advantages one you could see that it has this straight horizontal and vertical line so you can set your feet perfectly based on what you’re looking at and two the club if it is if you hit it behind the ball it’s still going to go through a decent power and that doesn’t happen on on grass I figured it out Jazz I found my train of thought all right last Club the big boy so do you keep that one do you usually hit the three-wood on the course or not that much I am I to I like I said that I only hit it I didn’t before this set I would not hit my 3-wood just cuz I didn’t feel good about it and then I got this set I was on the course a couple weeks ago and it was like a par five like 250 or something so and I can’t do driver off deck so I was like all right here we go like I’ll swing this thing first I literally was like I haven’t I’ve never like they send it to me I’ve never swung it um and it was it was straight and long and I was like oh [ __ ] and then I’ve hit it a couple more times I’m like both every time it’s like oh this club is yeah like Perfect all right let’s show the people something here let’s get some as some guesses in the chat all right so what do you guys think that Hank’s going to hit this keep it in mind that he just averaged 220 is two 225 with the three-wood I’m going to say 255 is where I think he lands at thank you for saying I look handsome appreciate that guys the film festival will be live on the Viv stool on this YouTube if you’re watching this YouTube channel so we’re getting 234 270 with the driver 265 235 245 carry I think that’s a good guess I think Stevens 245 with like a 10 yard run out I think that’s about where it’ll be I would be thrilled with that stay a little farther back there you go hell yes go go go that feels good on the chat first one 240 carry 250 all right straight though we’ll take that I feel like I didn’t hit it purely either H pretty good a dud they’re asking if there’s going to be another Rider Cup this year uh there will be a el presidentes cup so the president cup next summer in conjunction with the President’s Cup nice I wanted to do it every year they’ve shut it down I wish we were doing it you should just stop driver right there dude I when I I stepped up here the other day and that that’s like that’s a good shot I’d be happy with that 230 is usually like probably more average I stepped up here and hit the first first one line drive straight down the middle 275 and just knowing that it’s possible is so much worse oh yeah like because I like I don’t know what I did I don’t get close other than that especially when you go out there with the boys cuz you’re like I’m going to lace this thing and the next thing you know you’re like can I get a breakfast ball yeah it’s like I don’t I have no idea what I did differently first swing just there it is though that might be it holy [ __ ] Hank damn 260 carry all right [ __ ] that’s the farest one I’ve seen you hit ever yeah no I I I’ve never I’ve never even like touched 250 and dude that was unbelievable it’s standing farther away as as made a huge difference oh that launch angle 135 is UN like that’s great I don’t know what that means but I trust you so see all right chat I bet I bet you chat wasn’t expecting that see like how this gray one goes way up higher the launch angle so you had the same power but it went more yeah I think that’s just standing farther away that filming my round and seeing every ball like when I was like coming in closer that I was just like all right just stand farther oh the chat’s losing it they didn’t think you had that in you all right I don’t know that i’ have it again but [ __ ] s that’s not that doesn’t that should that’s not fair you were trying to match it trying to match that energy SPID spider singing [ __ ] uh I mean I started laughing in the middle of all right let’s just get one more good one end on one more good one I’m not going to scratch my ear cuz Hank doesn’t stink that was great too just that one’s going to be 265 no was off the toe super super high launch angle that’s that is an average that’s I don’t know yeah that’s what saying how to get I would love love to be over 250 every time I’m going to try and hit one more and we’re going to let chapi take some [ __ ] show show the people some bombs what do you think it is PFT you stepan sneaky far Walker I think oh yeah Walker Walker’s long was like 325 now I’m trying to kill it my my long is like 3:15 3:15 I should have stopped after that that one that outlier look at it I know that’s what happened yeah I hit 10 and it was like there was one that was 275 there it is yep that 10 that one’s going to get good roll out too smashed 281 all right we’ll end on that so to recap to recap driver 254 that is accurate if not better than I would have expected 3-wood 217 at what I would expect it says seven wood but they don’t have a hybrid option 200 that’s exactly what I would expect five iron 167 I shank the last one that’s probably more like 178 six iron I shank them all ignore 7 irons 153 lower than it should be eight irons 149 exactly where it should be nine irons 135 exactly where it should be pitching wedge 132 or I guess 9 iron should be like 140 pitching wedge and nine iron being three apart is not good G pledge 110 I think that’s probably what people would have expected I don’t know if they would expected worse that your driving was great and I think will you mute my mic for a second so I could take my hoodie off yeah oh actually you got you got you got a couple swings yeah go in Cole this would be great at me thinking about listen pitch no we’re finishing all right oh wait this is yours let me use the other one I’ll use yours so then I’ll don’t have an excuse yeah all right so I want everybody to know I’m also in dresses because you should watch the movie premiere oh no that was pure too that was ped yeah it was that was [ __ ] smashed ped tried to make up for the one I hit good all right and this and this on a good one oh yeah go forever 11.4 launch 270 carry making it look easy get to 300 hit it a little thin see hit the ground first still the launch angle so good oh yeah drawn back over the last one more for the people yeah one more for the people just crazy I I have to grind for 250 and chass makes it look easy if I had Chaps at distance I’d be on [Laughter] tour K kage just K just yelled in J actually on the last shot all right block it out next shot you can’t or was it uh can’t comp h no what is it no pressure no diamond no it’s like you can’t let him steak compact or something ah one more one more one more one more can on that can on that can can on that can on that yeah B man Canon on that try to be man [ __ ] the heat though Bang right down Broad Street thank you to chaps thank you to Taylor Made wow wow 280 get to 300 oh you know I’ve never done this stuff before trying to make a movie and it should be very funny I know I know our group was very funny behind the scenes far in a way better cinematography than I expected but like was the was there like funny [ __ ] going on while you were filming or I feel like your team was all business I mean it was we were all locked in little teaser for the people chaps is film pavs pavs unbelievable the the Oscar buzz and and the awards Buzz is palpable everyone else both Donnie and seems like there was you know things that they they would do differently if they got a second chance Pav’s group sounds like it was just all all gold Donnie and Titus should be best actor all right tune in find out only one way to find out 3:00 for


  1. Hank is in no way shape, form, or fashion a 17 handicap.

    I’m beginning to think him and Riggs have zero clue how handicap works. You don’t suddenly shot 17 over par one time and say “that’s my handicap.”

    I cannot see Hank shooting a 89 on any course.

  2. I thought this was gonna be an actual fitting with a pro. Nobody wants to watch you hit shots at a screen. Doesn’t translate to the course.

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