Golf Players


WOMENS JIUJITSU COMPETION AT ADCC… this match was so hard! This is from the Women’s ADCC Open Intermediate Division 60KG.

Action begins at :30, takedown attempt at :45, snapdown at 1:35, guillotine sweep 1:45, jumping backtake at 2:28, submission at 2:32

[Music] triangle your arm attack your arm attack SN her head down grab head there you go don’t let her just [Music] nice nice thror throw throw nice take it take it take it nice position you’re tie up with your left arm get your foot to the mat nice can I sit [Music] on your bra stay on the top of the head [Music] jaylor on the inside of the elbow you that yes grip scroll scroll scroll take it hey keep FL Don’t Force [Music] left hand inside there you go you’re tie TI pull down with the underhook tri use your hips Taylor got a arm from that in the Ki kick way on top on top take your back take your back hooks hooks take the back hooks nice take it [Music] nice good job [Applause]


  1. Took her back at 2:27

    I wonder why some people spend that much energy trying to control the neck and the tricep/elbow when you can pull guard or just sit down and go for the legs, but maybe it is a matter of having different styles I guess.

    Great video and congrats on the W.

  2. 🔦Find🔥God🔥before its too late. We are living in the last days.⌛The clock is ticking.
    👑Jesus👑is coming🗡🔥

    💪🦁🙏💯keep putting in that work🤼🏋

  3. Good job, Taylor! You’re great scrambler and fluid. That inside leg trip and ankle is wide open.. when you take a step backwards when you’re tied up snap down and reach out for the ankle at the same time. Did you wrestle in high school? How long have you been grappling?

  4. Believe in Jesus Christ to have eternal life obey the Ten Commandments and keep the faith repent from fighting

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