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Seahawks 2024 Draft Recap | The BNB Show

The 2024 NFL Draft has finished and all the undrafted rookie free agents signed. On today’s BNB Show we’re going to look at the Seahawks total haul and what to expect from this rookie class for the upcoming season.

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hello and welcome to the B&B show my name is Brandon still recovering Kane over here so bear with me folks and my cohort here to the left Brendan Nelson of Seahawks Brendon Nelson back in the house here to do this final chop up of the final draft day Brendan it’s great to have you in the house how are you doing here after your draft coverage here ah good good to be here Good to Be Alive another day good to be through yet another draft another very very crucial part of this off season and I’m happy to try to figure it out with you there we go well let’s uh we we give it a couple days on this for me and Brendon to kind of recover after our three-day straight streams to kind of get our voices somewhat bounced back I’m still just about there but not quite um you sound pretty good though so you you bounced back well off it um so we did Cover folks the first two days directly after day one and day two of the draft and uh there hasn’t been any major news uh to talk about cover a little bit at the end of the show but I want to really kind of keep the draft at the Forefront here is the main thing that we discussed tonight and so me and Brendon are going to get into uh day three today and then just kind of the draft as a whole in the recap of it um so we we finished off with day one two which only two picks brenon wasn’t lot done on it and then we got into uh day three where our Seattle Seahawks um moved back in the draft a little bit and uh I think that a little bit of that from my point in take on that was that they did so because the fact that there had been so many kind of Sliders that I don’t think that they anticipated was going to be there in if dropping back to kind of gets I think out of the seventh round back in the sixth round where they saw maybe there still being some value in the draft and kind of in a more like I’m not going to say the money portion of the draft but where they still saw there was some Talent there vers I feel like they kind of indicated as we were thinking coming into this that no seventh round picks we’ll trust our udfas and there is anybody that we’re gonna have to have to grab in the seventh round there was that your take as well yeah and you know we kind of ended up using our last sixth round pick in the way that most teams would use a uh a seventh round pick where you take a guy who clearly is not of a draftable quality but you take him because you want to make sure you get him you don’t want to leave it to udfa Randomness so we did end up kind of using our last sixth rounder in that way anyway and at the end of the day I I don’t think there’s a big difference there I thought the trade down was pretty good we uh were B basically able to add in additional fifth rounder I think in exchange for giving up the uh um uh giving up a high fourth round pick for a mid fourth round pick uh and I will say this uh they were the Seahawks didn’t seem that interested in taking advantage of the surprising value that was still available in the fourth round I’ll just go ahead and put it that way so it seemed like they had a couple guys that they really liked that they were confident would be there later in the fourth so they they didn’t seem to be interested in taking the surprising fallers the way that I may have done personally yeah me either um that that definitely struck me a little off guard in that the opening of day three was kind of that they weren’t going o we got to continue to take advantage of this as we had kind of in the first two days of the draft frankly in the other rounds uh but that does get us to about the midpoint of the fourth round where we picked for the first time and uh the Seahawks gave us the first curve ball I think and uh in a little bit of time um you know we’ve had picks that haven’t made but all the picks you kind of understand with the guys they draft last couple years but this was a pretty kind of big curve ball for a lot of the fan base I’m just not expecting this one at all what was your outlook and take on Tyrese Knight well Tyrese well let me let me start off by saying this there is a there is a canyon sized difference between taking second round and third round caliber players in the first round and then taking a fifth round caliber player in the fourth round so what I’m about to say keep in mind I’m not saying that it’s on the level of many recent Seahawks picks like LJ Coler jera Fetti etc etc right but I definitely did view it as a reach I think that it was I uh personally had like a fifth round grade on Tyrese Knight I know a lot of places had about a sixth round grade on him I think the aggregate had him in the early sixth if I recall so there was some element here of Mike McDonald just see something he likes with this guy and he wants to make sure he gets him and if he’s willing to reach a little bit to make that happen that that’s what happened here I don’t think there’s any issue with acknowledging that that being said I do like the player I I don’t have a huge problem with it in fact the fact that it is objectively speaking a value reach is the only real problem I have obviously filling a need because we needed at least one linebacker in this class and there is definitely some stuff to like about him I’m a little bit surprised that this is the kind of linebacker that McDonald is coveting if that is indeed what happened here I’m a little bit uh curious to know what about Knight really jumped off the page to him but on the surface level I can definitely see this guy being a good player he had remarkable College production lot of backfield penetration um over the last two years he’s had I think 22 tackles for loss um he’s a good tackler good in zone coverage uh he just uh the the things that I’m wondering with him right now it he doesn’t seem like he sheds blocks all that well which I thought McDonald might be coveting in the same way that I thought we were going to covet Coulson for that reason um change of Direction skills aren’t totally there and he struggles a little bit in man coverage so there is definitely some stuff to work on I think he’s a little out of control right now but um I I didn’t hate it I just um am surprised that this is the approach they took yeah I think uh I would Echo that much of my issue really more comes down to the value of what you’re doing there what was available there and what you chose to do instead um on a guy that look somebody made it point to me in my live stream that the Eagles traded two picks um after you know the right after Seattle took Tyrese and that they may have looked at him because they end up taking a middle linebacker later on as well that may have been a guy that they had been looking to Target there so maybe the league very M had Tyrese there I went back and and watched the Oklahoma tap today of 20 22 with Tyrese Knight um I keep trying to kind of grind through and find what tape I can find that’s that tape that okay here’s the one that shows you thing I come back to too and looking at sort of his where he’s had his greatest production where he’s done his best work is against this lesser competition when you get him in games like this game against Oklahoma where they hung 35 up on them in a half you you go okay he looks a little outmatched and there’s some problems with the I I keep you know it was great to hear Mike McDonald’s always got instincts I I see I like this instincts it’s really to me more he’s aggressive he’s just going trying to go to a spot and that’s good and that he’s willing to really you know ba ball out to try to get to an area but he also is then hyper overaggressive and gets you know taken into misdirection and guessing wrong and picking the wrong spot because he’s he’s not really on it with the pre- snap indicators to me but I as I said from the start with this haven’t had a lot of tape on the UTEP overall versus some of the the prospects we’ve looked at Brendan and um I hope I’m wrong on that one with him and that he is the guy where we come to find with Mike McDonald much like with coach Carroll he is able to take a player and and that like a cornerback position and and really turn them into something if he has these certain base skills he’s looking for that he kind of can’t teach then he should just kind of come in the door um but that this one was one still that does strike me in the draft one of the ones that was the head scratcher like you said it’s not on the same level you’re doing this in the day three you’re not going to stand up and stomp and get mad this is day three it’s very hard to find even League average starters in day three so taking RIS Taking Chances having something you may just kind of seen a guy it’s okay it’s not a it’s not some huge uh you know misstep by the organization go that route you’re much better do it there than do it on day one or day two yeah exactly and that’s what I’m saying because there are some draft graders out there because I’ve had to look at some of the experts and their draft grades for every team uh there were a couple that said something akin to oh we love the first two days from the Seahawks we love those first two picks but day three was weird so C+ like that doesn’t C what you do in the first two days is orders of magnitude more relevant than what you do on day three so if you if a organization wants to take kind of a vanity pick or a reach pick or a I just like him pick in the um in the fourth fifth sixth seventh round I’m not going to begrudge them doing that every now and then like every now and then that’s okay the problem was we started doing it much earlier than that nevertheless um there were definitely some linebackers that I thought more of when our pick came up that were still available I I will say this I suspect that um Jeremiah Trotter was too small for what McDonald has in mind for his defense he does seem to like the bigger guys not that Knight’s huge or anything like that I think he’s like 233 probably plain weight is a little bit heavier than that but um the thing that kind of threw me off he feels shorter than six foot though doesn’t he on the field when you watch him I mean they listed him that they measured at that it just maybe it’s you know high cut whatever it is he just does feel a little shorter than that yeah he plays with a slouch he’s like he’s like a little down on himself he’s a little depressed kindon of like GRE Greg Odin did that Greg Odin did that in college he was seven feet tall and everyone thought he was like 69ine because he was just slouched all the time yeah that that’s kind of that is kind of his you know manner on that that might be it um he’s got good speed but it does kind of feel like it’s more straight line speed than uh great athleticism in reality I feel like that when it comes to the things like change of Direction and explosiveness it’s just kind of eh you know um there is some stuff to like for sure but overall I I am wondering about this one a little bit because again he’s kind of a super aggro Gap shooter who doesn’t get off blocks well and I thought that if McDonald would have a type it would be the opposite like a junior Coulson someone who doesn’t shoot gaps like ever like Junior Coulson doesn’t know how to do anything in the back field but he’s great at shedding blockers and great at making plays around the line of scrimmage so time will tell but that one was a little bit of a surprise to me I can fully acknowledge that yeah me as well me as well and like I say time will tell we’ll see where he goes on that um definitely on the board too like I said go back to it the value of the board seemed like some guys that dipped that the foreseeable theim would have it even late late third round grade or somewhere in that neighborhood um versus this guy but they liked him a lot can’t deny that so we continue moving on um through this fourth round Brendan onto uh another pick that I think surprised some people but you know with me um because you and I were talking about this guy very early on at some point I feel like we were um because I liked him a lot because he looked so much like will disley to me so you know I felt like this happened in the draft on a couple of players that were taken you remember the kid that I had I said was MarShon Latimore and then the Saints and NT takum uh Kool-Aid yeah Kool-Aid mckinstry and I it’s like I think stuff happens at times where these teams do the same thing where they look at a player they go man that guy looks so much like this guy we had in house in so many ways and with this guy it’s not just the blocking thing that it is with dizzly it’s it’s also you know the little bit of yak he gives you after the catch the actual soft hands the ability to catch in contact situations um in short spaces I really liked this pick for it seemed like some of the fan base was not as high on this one I’d be interested to hear where you came from though on it um I kind of feel about it about the same way that I felt about the night pick I do think it’s a little bit interesting that you chose AJ Barner over Cade Stover because in my mind Cade Stover was a clearly better player and I can’t quite justify it in the same way that I think I can justify passing up on someone like Trotter like I can look at Trotter and say he’s too small uh I look at I think Barner and Stover are both exactly the same way Barner is a little taller he’s got a frame that could add some more weight and by the way I think he’s going to need to he’s like 251 I think dley played at like 260 something so I do think he should put on a little bit of weight but I did view it as a fifth round player going in the fourth round so I have a little bit of that same thing with Barner that I did with Knight but um I think maybe what happened here is that they wanted a finished product as a blocker which is Barner he’s a really good blocker out the box like he should immediately be able to give you plus level blocking whereas Stover not so much Stover is a work in progress in that regard I think he can get there but maybe they just don’t want to take the time to develop him in that way um I do like some stuff about him mostly when it comes to the blocking stuff I think he’s a hard worker which means that if he can maximize himself in some way he probably will so that stuff is obviously great uh he’s good working Off Script as well which I know isn’t a huge part of football most of the time but it can be and um while he doesn’t offer a ton of pass Catcher And I don’t think his hands are very good I don’t think he’s going to be a downfield playmaker there is some stuff going on here with his um uh there is some stuff going on here with his ability to make yards after the catch I think that someone posted a stat he is second in the country in the last three years for broken tackles behind only Brock Bowers which is kind of surprising to me you would not have predicted that this guy only has like 70 something catches over the last three years but he he piles up those broken tackles so I think it’s okay I think it’s fine I don’t have a problem with it um just still a little bit I I feel like it was suboptimal you know that’s the word I would use I do um I think I was much lesser on Cade Stover than you were overall at the end of the day um I I felt even at the last evaluation point of what I gave it to him I just was like all right well everyone’s kind of telling this it almost felt push from there versus the tape I thought it was pretty un unexciting the stove over tape and what you saw from Ohio State there wasn’t really something he was giving you as a good skill you know he wasn’t giving you Yak he gets tackled on the first guy to gets him um he wasn’t giving you great blocking he was giving you okay blocking uh when it comes to being a dynamic pass catcher or some athletic pass catcher down the field I just didn’t really ever see that of Kate Stover and I think when you go to to AJ Barner I don’t think it’s an excuse to say you’re playing in the Michigan offense there’s going to be a guy next year that probably goes in the first round out of Michigan that’s going to be tight end in in an NFL first round so like where where is he to you know if he’s not as dynamic as that guy as a as a pass catcher he’s not getting touches first thing it’s the tight end one on that you have receivers on the outside that can catch they got multiple running backs they’re going through they barely throw the ball as it is you do go back and track back to what he did with Ohio when Michael penx was there and a lot of people including like Brock Hur was talking about that’s second he was their second most important Target when he was on that team and you can only do with what the team requires you to do what I love about this kid Brendan is that he fit himself into what the team wanted him to do despite having that productivity of Ohio and he went won a national title in the back of understanding what that means to give in for the team and not be about the self or whatever else and I that’s where the comp comes back to disley it wasn’t just the blocking it was the aspect of when dizle walked in the door it’s before he was robbed of those two injuries on the lower leg he was able to give you Yak that was his thing when he was out the gate he was almost impossible to tackle after the first catch a little bit and how hard he was to bring down I think it was that was a little bit robbed of him a tiny bit but even when we’ give him chances to catch over the last couple years it would still show up so I I I always thought that the upside here was a little bit more in that than even a guy where you had with st where you know it’s I think he’s kind of topped to where he is as a as the player and that’s probably why he didn’t him going behind but B bare minimum if he doesn’t give you anything as a pass catcher you’re gonna get an outstanding run Blocker in the Run game and that pairing with frell brown now Brendan 12 Personnel the ability to come out there maybe George Fant is the third end the ability to come down on teams now and really uh attack in the ground game and make that a problem for them what are you going to do you know you can bring that extra Defender down we got DK as the single wide receiver does DK now get kind of some one-on-one some sub oneon-one kind of you know looks out there and and pharoh’s only on a one-year deal so before long here you’re looking at AJ as being your tight end two so I um I I don’t think barner’s hands are as good as dley dley had really nice hands coming out uh I think Barner his hands are not quite on that level but uh the comp is otherwise pretty good he’s um a rare tight end that can actually play in line and I know that sounds weird to say how do you get to that how do you get to that on the hands thing walk me through that one um just uh I was looking at some of the numbers that I saw on what he was targeted 25 times and he made 19 catches yeah I’m gonna have to look at I’m gonna have to try to find the site I used but it said that he dropped quite a a pretty at a pretty decent drop rate all right that’s fair enough I just that’s the thing I was like and watching last he’s not getting thrown to and when he’s thrown he he’s catching it so it’s like you know if he drops it twice and they’re like well now he’s got an 18 per 10 C he’s only targeted 25 times in the season so it that that becomes a sample size right at that point you know draw distinctions on that if it’s to that point okay uh I’ll definitely have more to say about him in a couple weeks when I’ve really had a chance to you know go through some of these uh go through some of this tape in full but um yeah he’s an excellent inline blocker and I think he could get even better and it’s kind of rare that you see and at the end of the day it’s just rare a tight end who’s ready to play in line so many of these guys come out and you’re like oh that guy’s never going to be able to line up in line that’s going to be a disaster so that that there’s definitely value there um I don’t know how much um Ryan grub is going to be leaning on two tight end sets I feel like he would prefer to go three receivers as much as possible but um we know that last year he did opt towards more two tight end heavy offense I think that was because McMillan was hurt most of the year but there is certainly some possibility here of Barner being an immediate contributor um if an injury happens then of course he’s going to be the next guy up and by the end of the year he might even be ahead of pharaoh Brown on the death chart who knows like it’s not like Pharaoh Brown’s had some s such an amazing career to where he should just get handed the the uh tight end two job absolutely do you buy in that maybe this gives you an opportunity um next year too for the the flexibility on Fant if you’re looking to do this the super salary shave cut thing I’m kind of anticipating they may try to do next year where this guy slides into number one into your point on staying in three wide receiver sets especially if jsn still here and they depending on what happens to locket after this year of course uh that maybe that this is also a little bit a weird way you know drive towards that in the future potentially yeah I I thought there was a decent chance Fant would get um released after this season regardless it depends on how he does it it he’s do a lot of money next year so if he doesn’t have a big season then I think it’s very very possible he’s gone just because of that but um I mean the pick’s fine I don’t have a big problem with it for sure I think he’s a good player I don’t think it’s a big reach or anything like that we took a guy who I had in the fifth round in the kind of sort of lsh fourth round I think at 121 so closer to the middle than the bottom but at that point in the draft again it’s not that big of a deal like we’re we’re we’re on day three now this is where you do reach if you really really like a player yeah and it is nice to get at least the one thing let’s just say again he gives you nothing as a receiver you’re maybe getting a guy that should come in and give you top nine run blocking as a tight end kind of walking in the door to try to be like conservative with it is that fair oh yeah yeah I mean it’s hard for me to believe he won’t be at least a good blocker and you know as Pharaoh Brown is proven you can have a little bit of an NL career by just being a blocker Pharaoh Brown’s almost I mean he did burn us I think it was s Gardner in a game for a touchdown last year so he’s got that but for the most part he’s not any kind of a threat in that regard what would you say the uh if you saw 15 tight ends in this draft how many of them would you say were just about bad to almost atrocious as blockers well let me think here uh Sanders was pretty bad um C was okay I’m not going to throw him in there uh Wy I think was pretty bad if I’m recalling correctly I’m just trying to think about this for a second uh Hulker was bad the uh Colorado State guy span Ford span Ford yeah uh yeah the FSU guy I think that’s Bell right yeah that’s Bell yeah pretty bad Eric H uh Eric H oh yeah the Iowa guy well he’s from Iowa you know if you don’t you don’t he didn’t like the B he was not a fan he wanted to catch the ball and go be a yak guy you know he was like the rare the rare guy that I mean he tried but you know because you’re right you gota at least try but they’re not gonna let you just get away with like no effort but it’s hard to find it’s a tougher skill set than the average fan might think in his stage to actually locate as well um well all right let’s keep it moving um so we get through the fourth round and we start turning our way now into the next round with our next pick and that is I just got my notes up here on this sorry got to pritchet was we got the right on the fifth Nehemiah pritet yes Nehemiah pritet the seaka Auburn quarterback here Brendan um reiting the Tigers defense we are reuniting the Tigers defense um I I know we did talk about pritchet in our quarterback show um remind me where you kind of where where you were on that on him yeah he was one one of my top sleepers in this draft I really I really really liked him uh I put a third round grade on him oh yeah uh I think it ended up being somewhere in the mid third but I really thought there was a little bit of sleeping being done on pritchet um tested really well at least in terms of speed his straight line speed is one of the fastest in this draft um he’s capable of playing man and he’s also capable plan Zone uh he’s also good he can he can play press as well he’s got a firm jab in press that has generally impressed me he’s aggressive at the catch point he’s got great change of Direction skills very rarely gives up separation he uses his speed really well when he’s trying to stay in Phase with these receivers there are some quarterbacks out there who are fast but they still give up separation because they’re just not comfortable sticking with the receiver and man but this guy can do it uh I think he’s a smart play reader as well which is going to help Zone if you let him face the offense and look at the play developing I think he’s good in that role the only big problem I had with him and this is not nothing let me be very clear about that this is not nothing I think he needs to get a lot better as a tackler he needs to get better in run defense and in this defense you know he’s not going to be able to get away with that especially not this defense so I think he’s got some work to do to make that up uh his click and close is a little tentative I think but that’s something that can probably be coached up if I had to guess I would expect that that’s something that can be worked on and improved um probably needs to add a little bit of weight but he’s got a six foot frame 190 pounds he can probably add a little bit of weight and it’ll be okay but lot of potential here few rough edges to smooth out he was a guy that I liked way more than the average I’ll put it to you that way yeah and I I mean in in regards to the corners we end up taking to me the this is right where I basically had them put on the horizontal board for me so it was um not a you know it was a fine good fine uh value pick you know for they were taking them and and Brendon this was something we talked about with both receiver and the cornerback position that I think can’t be undersold I believe you agree with this that you know when you come in this draft you’re talking about picking from a value based standpoint if your two biggest deepest positions in a draft are G be a receiver and quarterback and your team is operating from that value based mindset good chance you’re going to end up walking away with cornerback or two right because that’s just the conundrum of that kind of philosophy yeah yeah you I wasn’t thinking about things like need at all at this point in the draft arguably you shouldn’t be thinking about need very much at any point during yeah the draft but I’m certainly not going to do it in the fourth round when I see a guy who I view as being tremendous value there which I in this case I definitely did um I I we are maybe a year away from Jackson being gone he’s on the last year of his deal if he’s not gone already because we can’t afford him you’ve got Trey Brown in the last year of his deal this is a big year for riek woen if he doesn’t do well he might be basically persona non grata in 2025 um yeah there there’s there’s a lot of potential for turnover in this quarterback room depending on what happens in 2024 so bringing in another one is not going to be something I’m going to have any complaints about nor I as we’re seeing to with this draft the matter receivers to go on the other side of it you need the guys that can cover these guys right you got to get the the dudes that can run with these dudes and 149 Brendan is a very rare testing score you see pop up on the 10 yard split the 4-3 is great uh but that that 10 yard split too um I think everything you said your evaluation I tend to agree with as far as that’s you know my Outlook with him as well do you buy into maybe my my pet theory on the whole Auburn hyper cover three dropping and Seattle recognize that a little bit and and when they’re watching the tape going man they’re setting these guys up so much or did you see that same thing maybe I just saw it I’m kind of I was noticing it or did you see the same thing where they’re both those two corners when they’re asked to drop deep they’re they’re going deep deep deep yeah yeah I did I did see a fair amount of that and like I said I think that this guy showed the ability to play press when when he was asked to do it which wasn’t a ton but I like his jab and press it seemed like it was nice and effective uh I think he’ll be able to play man and zone so whatever defense you’re running it’ll probably be able to fit in and obviously right now we’re running this Mike McDonald defense but down the line maybe maybe we won’t be maybe at some point he brings in a DC who wants to do things a little bit differently maybe if McDonald doesn’t work out we’re ending up with a different head coach in a couple years and he’ll he’s going to want to do things his way or maybe he hires a DC that wants to do things his way I think this guy’s going to fit in no matter what yeah well and I think too that with with McDonald he has come from a background of that defense houses itself in man coverage Concepts years ago he’s built in more Zone coverage Concepts think the thing he’s showing us when he’s talking about this defense a little bit as he wants it to be kind of everything all across the board or capable of being everything across the board and uh that means work in zone Working Man and having a guy like this with that flexibility they can do both is hard to find Brennan you know you either find the guys that run zone or they can just run man it’s or if they do have been running both they don’t run both comfortably and man for him to only give up 126 yards receiving I think I heard that was the lowest amount of any quarterback starting quarterback in the SEC last season that is uh no small no small little kind of uh ribbon on on his Mark right Brandon because the competition you’re going up against in that conference uh yeah you’re at Auburn you don’t you’re you’re often out matched too you don’t have the talent you don’t have the horses that a lot of the teams you play against you right now there was a time when Auburn did but right now it’s uh they get a handful of good guys every year and these other teams are getting like three handfuls so it’s an uphill battle and I I think he did really well like you said the metrics were really good in coverage um he doesn’t have uh tremendous ball production over the last couple years like last year he had three passes defensed but um yeah I I’m really high on this guy personally and this was actually the pick I gave an A+ to which lot of people were surprised by but I was like this is uh one of my guys hey that’s a good part about when you do the pre-draft shows Brandon as you get like hey I’m no Johnny come lately here I had this guy uh you know as my sleeper guy so I that’s why I love it man you know because it’s like I’m on the books of sand this is one of my guys so I did like him a lot as well I thought with him and both the team in he’ll talk about in your second Branden that just they were they were held back a little bit by the the way the scheme had them though it did allow them run some man coverage Concepts it seemed like predominantly they were in off coverage and then dropping Bale cover three almost every single time and uh DJ really struggled with it where he just he was so wanted to stay on top and there’d be some just easy completions underneath and it it wasn’t really his fault was going man he’s just being asked coach to really get back there but you know I guess Malik neighbors Brian Thomas Xavier Legette you know they’re that hard to cover down down the field I guess that’s the way it goes not to ask lot to ask well uh we’re going to go to the next uh pick here for me and one that I had my own a grade on here as we go to the next one uh I’ll try to give the run here you always do pronunciations on the Polynesians better me but let me go here let me do this here let me do this close enough everyone’s gonna know who you’re talking about Loria um I this was a guy I missed this guy must have rocketed up the uh aggregate big board at the last second because I was not aware of his existence until the moment we drafted him so I swung and missed because I went back and looked at the aggregate board and he was rated in about the fifth round so he must have moved up there at the last minute I have looked at him a little bit since the draft of course and I like most of what I see it seems like he’s a pretty well-rounded guard Prospect seems like he’s a pretty somebody with strength and Mobility somebody with a pretty good degree of athleticism um so so on the surface level I think the pick is good I think the pick is totally fine uh I am interested to see who moves to left because now we’ve got three right guards on this roster not including anram by the way just with Bradford Haynes and now uh satoa but um one of those guys probably has to bump over to the left and I I have no idea who it could be do you have any insight on that yeah I think we come back to Christian Haynes or Bradford being the guy the Bradford the thing is is that he has a Right Guard skill set with left guard Mobility and so the there’s going to be a place where you know if he can get the skill set refined he can work at left guard and you’re not stretching him over to do that that’s not Damen Lewis right he’s he can really remember what was a 90 was he he was a 99th he was like a 97th right percentile on the Raz was Bradford something like that he W oh yeah he was way up there he he was one of the most athletic guards ever so he’s big you know he’s big athletic and long he can if he can get the TCH right he he could work over there and then Haynes I think is just as capable um I’m not you know what me BR and doing this show for years I’m not a guy that jumps up and says guards can tend to go and Float back and forth but that is kind of what you’ve established with Bradford and Haynes is that these are guys that yes they played predominantly on the Right Guard side in Bradford’s case he’s played it started a total I think of you know like you know 25 games in his career between you know 20 games in his career between pros and college here so he’s still definitely a work in progress but they’ve got the skill set to do it the the thing that you run into trouble wise when you go with these right guards to left guards is the Damen Lewis situation where you’re just taking a guy that’s already been put at Right Guard to kind of reduce down some of the issues you have with them in pass protection and Mobility concerns um and and now you’re you know really like putting a big Spotlight on it at that point so I I think those guys will eventually one of those two you know let let them battle it out and uh I’m sure one of those two will find a way to to get their spot over there and you got Laken as your you know your kind of insurance policy if it just all Goes to Hell and the guys can’t make that transition so I it’s not the worst of places to be you know and um it’s uh it just goes to show you how hard it is to find the left guard I suppose but I agree with you on your outlook on S TOA he’s he is right Right Guard yeah all the way he’s not gonna be left guard at all yeah the uh insurance company that sold us that insurance policy has just filed for bankruptcy by the way so I’m really hoping it’s not that it’s okay yeah that’s that’s not a good sign so something might be going wrong here um yeah I I’m not I’m not loving Len in the spread offense at his age yes I’m I’m with you on that one that’s going to look maybe have some that’s G to have some tough moments no screen plays I guess if we’re doing that maybe right but I I like this guy Brendan I I the thing I like about him at the Right Guard is he can handle I think any nose tackle in the sport and though he’s not a real explosive mover front to back which that’s questions for me about him as a in a a pull or whatnot he’s going to be able to mash he’s going to be able to drive guys off the line and I think he’ll be able to reach blocks which will be another characterized Block in this attack um as a necessity with that lateral movement ability he’s got a little bit to his game that’s what helped him stay at right tackle to me was that sort of kick slide thing that he could do where’s he’s not really exploding but he’s able to just get himself so wide he’s naturally really wide and then long arms and really just kind of leaned on that the right tackle do you see upside with this guy as a a Right Guard in there or do you find yourself coming back taking another look at him and saying well it’s it’s is fine in the sixth round um I I do view him as as a Right Guard I am choosing to look at him through that lens it might be a situation where at some point he has to get an opportunity to play on the right tackle side but I would certainly want to keep him at guard if possible at least to start and maybe if he washes out there you can try something else although usually it doesn’t work that way right usually you don’t go from guard to tackle you go from tackle to guard and then maybe guard to Center that that’s the uh Justin Brit pipeline that’s right exactly that’s the pipeline to success baby $25 million contract um and I do think he’s a I don’t think he has tackle ability at the pro level I think he’d he’d get in some trouble out there if you asked him to do that do you trust in his upside there at at that guard spot that there is some upside there or do you think it’s just a guy that this a backup uh guy for the foreseeable future um ver me I I do think that there’s some starting ability here that’s why I had a fourth round great on him especially at Right Guard absolutely he could start at Right Guard I think when you think about um that position being kind of deprioritized in the modern NFL where most teams I think are focused on getting the other four positions right and then they just plug in some guy at Right Guard and in our case we do want a Right Guard with athleticism and movement skills of course yeah but he has that I mean maybe it’s not on the level of a guy like Christian Haynes but SATA can move he I think he’s got that based on my initial read of him which again is not at all comprehensive because this was a guy I missed in my my evaluations but um I think that he could absolutely be a starter in this league as long as he’s surrounded by good players which um hopefully going forward he will be yeah I I I look at the same way especially for me the kind of one of the old barometers on if a guy could kick inside is if you played right you played tackle at a college level but your true positions guard that in itself tells you that you got the athleticism and movement ability if you’re needed to do that once you go into guard to get that done because you go from being a guy’s like kind of getting along in the athleticism point out on the edge to oh now you’re kind of a plus mover inside I mean that’s that tends to be the the way that that goes logically speaking when you go from the outside in like that yeah so I like the pick but I need to look more into this guy in particular because again I just I just missed there are always going to be guys that you miss in the pre-draft process he’s got his fun of uh block you’ll find on tip with some prospects already going back and watch him brand know if you’ve seen a few of them he’s got some some fun cut-ups of him just dirting guys and he’s got one where he gets two blocks on one play and it’s it’s a it’s cool highlight film for a line would see seems like those guys never work out right who was it was Alex Leatherwood who had the most fun tape in the draft for an offensive lineman that year and Tom Cable fell in love with him based on that rather than him being you know a good player yeah uh there was the iky Awan Wu he was the most fun tape in the draft that year and so far he’s been pretty bad I’m going to say yeah well that’s where it’s to me the the Brilliance of this pick those guys first rounders the sixth rounder that’s if you got the flashes and the thing is I think his tape’s actually I don’t know if it’s eano had pretty consistent tape overall but it was L there was rough edges but definitely Lether was case there was rough edges all over the place um he’s got a little more consistent tape with what he showed especially when you see him as a run Blocker in the Utah system he gets out matches to tackle and pass Pro but that’s the reason to kick him inside to guard you know that’s why he’s got to go in there so makes sense uh give me catch up a couple of these uh Dons and whatnot Phil Philippino nor thank you for becoming a member of the channel I appreciate you I’m not sure it’s your side or my side I can never tell which one I think it’s my side but I’m not sure thank you for joining Seahawks Brandon Nelson uh Hawks Maniac 09 thank you Hawks Maniac says your pre-draft analysis was excellent go Hawks well thank you Hawks Maniac me and brenon really want to work hard them this year I know we both started last year I think start September we started looking at these guys officially with you guys in on the show and really getting into this and we’ll be doing it again this year so you know the process resets Brandon you just take your notebook and throw it put on well put on the bookshelf for posterity I guess and uh open up a new one page one you know good news is You’ SE we’ve already seen a good about 25 of these guys because the nil going back so we’ve already got a little bit of a stock on some of these guys moving into uh the future draft which is kind of cool oh yeah we’re ahead of the game the game man at least a little bit it helps a little bit man a little bit thank you the Hawks Maniac appreciate you and go Hawks Daniel Bailey thank you for the $2 donation as well says could be like K9 he could catch just a few chances uh this is in regards to AJ Barner sorry a little late on that acknowledgement on the Dono there but uh yeah it’s that’s my thinking with this I I could be wrong with it it’s just going back and seeing what he was doing with Ohio and having a guy like penck a little bit more of a higher volume pass attack a little bit more of an opportunity to go out there and get your chances ver a Michigan team that you wouldn’t be the first guy that’s you know really talented guy that just gets on a really good team that just doesn’t get the kind of productivity because there are so many good guys the program is well sted yeah I don’t think he’ll ever be like a downfield passing threat throw I don’t think he’s ever going to be like a big play guy somebody who goes over the Middle with a you know he he doesn’t have the attributes for that clearly but he is uh he is probably capable of being a chain move at least something like that yeah I I think he’s he’s the tier point I don’t think this is a guy with a huge monster subside can he become a will disly type can he rounded in that kind of player yeah I can um I I think he can so um that that would be to me again that’s tremendous value back in the fourth round you’re getting that kind of player and uh gives them that insurance for next year flexibility for next year when they got to come to make some decisions because I think that’s gonna be when John Schneider brenon wants to be really aggressive and that’s where the money on the books is where you can peel away to then go get aggressive if you want to another areas and I think that’s going to prove to be a very potentially a really intriguing option for John we’ll see on that we’ll see on that I also think next year is the year Brandon we might start to really I’ve said not once I’m I doing this since we started that we’re gonna trade up for a quarterback I think next year’s the year uh you’re really looking at that likelihood to come up yeah I I mean how do you think the quarterbacks are going to be ranked by the time we get to that process because you’ve got Sanders you’ve got Ward you’ve got ewers and then you’ve got uh Carson Beck those would probably be your top four have you looked have you looked at Beck yet I haven’t a little bit I I’m not I’m not super into it I gotta be honest that’s what I was hearing that’s what I’m hearing my my my feel on this with just a complete gut instinct is Sanders and ERS are your first rounders don’t know if it’s a one-two situation and then you got uh Ward as a maybe French first rounder if he can if he can really like but that man Chris Ball’s offense yeah it’s not ideal hold on let me see here did I forget any of the big names in next year’s QB class uh milroe the Alabama guy really not impressed with him no oh oh here’s one of my guys Riley Leonard he’s gonna come out next year I like Riley he’s in tree he’s in tree yeah they they might hold him back as just maybe a lack of Big Arm puts him more into like second round place I think but he’s got the mobility He’s Got The Moxy he’s got the decision making I like it yeah I think that would work pretty well um so I don’t know if we’re going to need to trade up for the quarterback but um it depends on who he falls in love with I don’t know if Schneider would be a shadur guy I think he is a ewers guy we can say that pretty confidently you John doesn’t strike you as prime time he doesn’t want prime time in that you don’t want the prime time energy in here yeah I’m not feeling that one Jackson Dart I guess could be another guy who gets coveted but I’m not cra from what I’ve seen of him either about Tyler van djk I gave up on him two years ago I don’t know what’s going to change now no KJ Jefferson he’s gonna be in college when he’s 38 still getting that nil money and then there’s the other guy he’s on his third program DJ ug oh yeah he’s on his third one too now so fig out one day one day he’s a he’s big he’s big with a big arm Bren he’s big with a big arm um well let’s uh let’s keep it motoring through this uh this draft here so we get into the um final pick for the Seahawks a pick that you had mentioned about earlier and the the guy the one guy that I I had done so good in this draft I was like I know all these guys uh and then we get to this pick and I go I don’t know this guy um so we go for the young man out of Findley Finley College oh are we just saying that we uh DJ James we already talked about because of he was part see this I’m I’m still half sick folks bear with me here um so yeah I did forget about DJ we had went back one other quarterback sorry about that let’s go in there um DJ James who we get in the uh late fifth right on that one no he was actually a uh sixth rounder we had three sixth rounders yeah one late early sixth rounder we can go back and get DJ James of Auburn another cornerback another really hyper athletic fast guy Brandon uh what do you think of this pick were you as high DJ as you were on Naya um I liked Naya more but I definitely view James as being good uh value um he is very small he’s very small probably going to be slot only in the NFL six feet tall but only 175 with 31inch arms so if you ask him to play on the outside I I mean you know we are seeing some shorter armed Corners out there these days it feels like and obviously the longarm love affair was more of a Carol thing than it was necessarily NFL wide thing but I would still expect him to probably be a slot guy he’s got pretty good speed good acceleration uh had really good ball production the last two years 18 passes defensed over the last two years um good ball skills should be flexible across man in zone just like pritet was High football IQ I like him in zone being able to diagnose plays as he’s looking at it good tackler too unlike pritchet I think he’s a pretty good tackler for his size now obviously he’s not taking on Derrick Henry one-on-one at 175 pounds but I think he does all right for himself I think he gets tricked a lot he bites down hard on Eye Candy Bites down hard on fakes and misdirection um his play speed doesn’t quite match his straight line speed um he’s not going to be shedding any blockers because he’s so small as well so when he gets stuck on a blocker he’s probably just stuck uh and again he’s just he’s just small so probably going to be a little bit limited like in college he played on the outside and played fine I don’t think you’re getting away with that in the NFL so I like him I put him in like the fourth or fifth round you got him in the sixth I think that’s pretty Dam good um the ball skills alone I think make him a intriguing player I just don’t know what role he’s going to be able to occupy yeah I uh I likewise here again just another ride of fifth round grade get him early six good value I think your evaluation is about right I’m I did like the speed and quickness that was there with him I do agree with you wordss you go to this the thing I like I’m okay with the short arms if we think about the guy as being because it wasn’t in the back of the day you just didn’t like to think of a guy being a full-time slot it was like a a mark of you know you being a crappy corner or something you know now it’s it’s grown to be a thing that’s a normal thing look at these receivers Brandon recent years that we’ve looked at as being slot only guys I mean even I think jsn we could put into this role don’t they all tend to be about 31 and a quarter arms or something like that like PUK wasn’t puking like they’re just they’re all kind of like they’re not necessarily coming in the slot with the 33 longer longers um nor are they coming in there usually at 63 64 so you’re not really having to be as worried I think about the size stuff inside on that um as long as they’re kind of willing and you know and the problems you mentioned with the Run game though are there and he’s got some atrocious moments on tape when it comes to dealing with a run and a lot of times comes from his lack of size but gives you some flexibility in the slot you didn’t have anybody in there really Bren and if you think about it if Kobe Bryant’s truly going to safety you got Ry Burns you got wither spoon there who else was going to be the guy in this roster to go in the slot as it currently stood coming into this yeah I mean I I suspect it would have been spoon but after that it it depends like a lot of people think Trey Brown should play slot but I don’t think he’s ever really done it it’s all just kind of based on how small he is right like people look at him and think he looks like a slot I don’t know if he is a slot Kobe was not very good in the slot and I don’t think his skill set is good for the slot anyway I think we put him there because we didn’t have any other solution yeah uh so yeah when you when you boil it down Julian love probably plays some snaps in the slot most safeties do he’s pretty decent in that role I guess um it it it’s not bad to stack up at that spot a little bit uh beyond what we had I don’t I think so I’m good with it yeah I am as well because that I think it’s giving spoon some flexibility to be able to move around the defense and do some variety things rather than well he’s got to be our slot like that’s is that to get in the most out a spoon when he can kind of go to so many areas and I know with McDonald he’s going to have that slight pull a little bit to go hey what about uh we get him out here maybe put let’s give him some strong safety snaps you know let’s get him let’s get him make sure we keep him completely freed up of blocks on this with the alignment and right kind of like that give giving him a little bit more free range on Witherspoon to kind of let him roll uh what was your so you liked what was your round grade you had on him I’m sorry uh I put him in the fourth or fifth somewhere right around there all right so nice so the Hawks are having outside of the the Barner and the the tri re s pick and he hadn’t had a chance to see SAA good value though so far on the other side of the picks outside those from your perspective fair to say yeah I I do think Barner was a bit of a reach but again I think reaching in the fourth round is a pretty small it it’s small potatoes compared to reaching in the early rounds it’s it’s a world of difference and to a certain extent I think every organization earns at least a couple of I just like him picks a year like you’re gonna you know you attack with value in the first three rounds and then you get to day three and you’re like okay I’m gonna go get the guys that I like I don’t care if anyone else likes them I don’t care if the consensus says I should like him this much I’m just gonna make sure I get him so yeah I I can live with that and if it is that kind of guy brenon I do like it when it’s like okay I get one thing I know comes in the door right I don’t get the maybe the complete player but but he’s bringing this like one skill thing into the door with him you know and I do like that could be a receiver like okay he’s not really going to have a lot of ability to run the full route Tre but he can get deep and he’s goingon to catch it deep and he’s a problem if you get him deep you know or be maybe it’s a free safety to Ball Hawk that that guy for the Ravens last year that can take the ball away but he can’t he ain’t gonna tackle for nobody nothing stone stone he’s gonna be like Gino Stone like I don’t want to tackle at all you know well at least you get something on those you feel pretty a little bit more decent about well um let’s dive into the last guy here as I prematurely almost jumped the gun on that and we’ve got this tackle out of Finley um where I I know you hadn’t had a chance to see any tape I I don’t know much um actually I’m gonna push back on that oh you did there’s a video on YouTube that has been uploaded it’s got like 75 snaps from him or something so I’ve seen a little bit okay so in retros are seeing it uh what did you what do you think on this guy you you kind of bro you broke it down this at the top of this it’s kind of I mean this point that’s where you should make these kind of picks but as the player what do you think of him and what you’ve seen obviously it’s gonna be good because he’s out there I mean and lawyers yeah it’s hard it’s hard right I mean it looks fine I mean the thing with Gerald more so than the tape because the tape is kind of meaningless right like I’m I’m not gonna I’m not going to learn anything from that tape not really he it’s it’s it’s not even it’s like a level below it’s not even Appalachian State that he’s playing for it’s not even utap it’s not even like what what is Finlay it’s not even ivy league right yeah it’s even below the ivy yeah it’s like uh would they even be able to beat a JV Squad from a regular College depends Southern College I don’t I don’t know Georgia I don’t know probably GE you know give him a run um yeah um what I can tell you is that he is one of the most athletic um offensive linemen I’ve ever seen uh his testing numbers are completely insane ran a 49440 at 309 pounds which is 998th percentile and 1691 yard split which is 95th percentile also 32 and a half inch broad which is 93rd percentile so it’s legit like like he is a great athlete a special athlete but then you ask yourself okay if he’s such a great athlete why didn’t any of the bigger colleges recruit him and it’s because like even even the Finlay tape doesn’t look that great it he doesn’t look you you turn on the tape and you’d expect to see like Babe Ruth playing against a little league team it’s not not really you know it’s uh there’s some good stuff but there’s also some bad stuff too and you know talk about culture shock going from playing the teams that he’s playing at Finley to playing against NFL players so hopefully we can stick him on the practice squad hopefully he can make it through obviously someone in this organization really likes him somebody was willing to die on this hill because there’s no Universe where Gerald deserved to get drafted in a vacuum well it definitely is hard to figure out And he supposedly said that he had offers last year coming out whether he did I don’t know or not but that he did the Loyalty thing like quinan Mitchell did where he stayed with Toledo but he had other offers I don’t know if that’s the case I think you’d it’s a little different in quinon where you’re like you know you’ll be drafted at Toledo I mean fin that’s taking a gamble there with Finley going you know Finley hasn’t turned any NFL players out you might be kind of wrecking your ability to even get picked here I love the belief in yourself but you know I mean if that’s get go to a program we you at least get a let a little bit of a you know spot Shine for for yourself to you know show out um he had some spots he did dominate Brendan when I look at the if you look at the guys he’s going against though you know look at their bodies and look at how they’re moving and you’re just going this is not this is nowhere near the top of the competition so I I I do think he’s got some athleticism that shows on fa film I think his feet the way his feet moved he’s got kind of those typewriter feet where a lot of those linemen just it gets very heavy and you know though what everything with him is it’s kind of got a little pitter patter to it which I like is is maybe a little bit of That Bouncy athleticism that can come back into play as he kind of comes to to Seattle and he looks like looks the par he’s got the nice long arms um he had to have over 33 right it was 33 and 78 it’s almost so it’s just shy just barely shy of 34 so he looks 100% 95th 96 peren AIS something like that probably yeah in that range so he he definitely is and I’m with BR like BR said earlier on this you’re going to take a risk in a draft and you’re going to go for a guy and uh it’s either one where you get a guy like Kenny Macintosh last year that just fsed you at the end end of the seventh you’re like what is everybody doing here all right let’s grab or a guy like this as a project that hits for you Brandon we’ve had stories through the years have we not of guys that were were you know Lake converts you know he was a basketball player that became this or he small school this and that have come out to find careers in the pros um with some guy like Joe Staley with the Niners kind of like that a bit um but there’s it feels like there’s been some of these guys that have along through the years that have found their way to to I’m not predicting it with this kid but when you are a great athlete like that and if he is a hard worker which it sounds like he is then um that’s you got you got the goods there to kind of put together to make it happen if it is gonna happen yeah hopefully you can get him on the practice squad without him getting sniped I’ll say that because I don’t think there’s room for him on this roster no and I don’t think you want to put a guy like this on the roster who has a lot of work to do like I think that his fundamentals of playing the position even on the level that you would expect for a sixth round pick is lacking so it’s probably going to take some time maybe you could call him like the reek Woolen of offensive lineman prospects right he’s got all these measurables all this potential but there’s a stuff that needs to be fixed may he comes in and lights it up and the team moves Stone foresight for a sixth or something I think foresight might uh be gone either way but I don’t think he’ll be making room for Geral oh and we might about the guy I think maybe will be taking that job in the udfa position that’s a bold statement Cott bold statement um Owen Carter has been celebrating one month as a member of the uh SC Bron Nelson I’m gonna guess on one says how much do you see the defense improving this year well it’s gon be it’s a great question I want complicated question to answer a little bit from my perspective what you got on that one Brendon from your perspective um I think it’s probably going to get a little better than League average not by a ton or anything I’m not expecting anything over the top still don’t love our linebacker room completely still not in love with our safeties so I think that middle area is a little bit rough but the defensive line should be much improved we’ve made a significant investment there and it doesn’t look like they’re going to move off of draymont so we should be very deep there as well uh there’s still time for them to in theory but I’m I’m starting to get the sense they won’t and I actually like that I’d rather just see what I can get out of this they’re just become a diminishing Point return we talking about eating dead money just for the sake of eating dead money at that point like what we really gain here versus waiting a year to do it um so I’m I’m gonna say somewhere around League average um it’s going to take a while to pick everything up I think it’s kind of like that first year we hired Waldren and it was looking like it was going to be way different than previous offenses I said this is going to take some time to get right and it it kind of did now it kind of never got right because the quarterback OC combo didn’t make very much sense and it only got right when we had a different quarterback the next year but I’m kind of expecting something similar to what I expected then which is this is going to take a little bit of time the ideal would be it gets going by the end of the season and we can get into the playoffs and actually do something which I think is re uh reasonable to expect that by the end of the year things are going yeah I I think you touch on where I think this hopefully finishes up at and that’s really where the we talk about this first season being successful it’s can the defense finish stronger and show it’s on the road by the end as much as can it go out there and be elite this year looking through the Seahawks history at coaches taking over for other coaches Knox taking over or uh you know hom gr taking you over or Carol taking you over you know even on these guys like with Carol that didn’t have necessarily the most complicated scheme to Institute you still got to get your guys you still got to get the guys that are buying in you got to get everybody on the same page um all these places sort of took that first year to kind of just take a look at what’s going on omre didn’t just come in and flip everything over he kind of took what he had inherited it read it and then changed off of it a year into it um so I think that’s going to happen here a bit where you just have Mike doing some experimenting seeing what he’s got seeing where guys stand see who’s really going to ride with him on this team and that’s gonna take some time to get that all kind of fleshed out but can they finish stronger Owen I think bren’s right middle of the road is is a good place to look at this is a team that’s been back in for a couple years now so to get to the middle middle of the road state by the end of the year I think is the is a great barometer for success with this defense that’d be a good job on his part they got the talent to do it no no doubt about that now where maybe in previous years they haven’t as much talent to quite get to that spot on top of the scheme problems but um that’s where I would see it as well I think certain things that we we want to look to see improve as well as tackling getting better can they get off the field more you know effectively efficiently rather than letting these slow bleed uh you know drives that constantly kind of take away momentum and just keep our offense in a place and not really finding momentum on the other side of it and those little things as well in addition to it but overall it’ll be improved it’s going to take a little bit more time than some SE fans I think are seeing there o and some people like we’re gonna be top five next year we’re gonna be this it’s gonna take a little bit more time on this to get this in you’re muted sorry about that uh you know I always tell people don’t set yourself up for disappointment because it’s going to make you resent people that you don’t need to resent it’s same thing with Byron Murphy to me it’s like I I see all these people I still see them all over the place in my comments in the Discord on Facebook saying he’s Aaron Donald he’s Jaylen Carter he’s Cortez Kennedy and I keep saying like if that’s your expectation for him you’re gonna end up resenting him because I’m telling you right now I don’t think he’s any of those guys I get it I I don’t get and I I think that that’s there’s something to that too Brandon because this is where you also get people that get real angry when they don’t see the results come out next year that fit to the expectation they’re kind of supplying on that um and that’s where that can I think your point turn on that a little bit and and uh not in the most healthy of Fashions first just letting this thing kind of develop and let let let’s see where this thing all just kind of fully goes but um we should see the Improvement team was one of the backend defenses in all footballs past couple years I don’t expect them to be that this year Owen so the Improvement will be there just not maybe yet to the elite stage of things on the road getting there it could happen with the right twist to turn but remember when Mike D McDonald came to the Ravens he was taking over a defense that was already running in pretty much for the for the majority of parts of it this defense he was running he was basically instituting just different you know adjustments from that defense but wink was his mentor so you know this is this is a defense that now he’s coming into and flipping that’s so simple from before to so complicated now you can’t figure that that’s going to happen like a light switch really easily yeah um my expectation would be that it’s going to take a little bit of time but it will be worth it it will eventually be worth it yeah absolutely good anything worthwhile usually is it’s got to take a little bit of time so it was easy and quick every team would be doing it fast so that’s why I like everything they’ve shown this approach so far bren’s been one they’ve not been rushed or or flushed here they’re taking their time and their approach throughout this season from the coaching to how they’re building this roster and uh they’re they’re not pushing the cap on next year too heavily let’s just let’s let this thing kind of play out as it needs to organically M holy hand grenade holiest hand grenade thank you for the $2 donation people who want Adams back also want to trade DK supposedly I heard a rumor today that Kansas City came knocking once again on their yearly can we have DK request yeah yeah I haven’t heard that one but um I uh again I’m gonna say it again the what you would have to give up to make it worth our time with all that dead money nobody’s giving that up yeah uh you know we said throughout we me and me and brenon do not like love the DK trade talk we certainly aren’t trying to push it but you know we Tred to tell every person that would post in either of our chats in any of our live streams or anyone were asked that you know oh DK trade this isn’t gonna happen and people going you don’t know they could it’s not going to happen and these kind of Trades can come up these trender Cades can happen but it’s not with the circumstances said as they are right now and I I I just don’t see as much an understanding of that there’s anything the organization has indicated that they want to move on from DK or that they don’t trust in him being a vital part of what they’re looking to do here long term there’s not been one point John or joh Carol before that indicated that was anything but what their approach would be and this is also why they rewarded the guy with the contract they did last time so I think seak fans would be better served rather than turning on and I know you’re not doing this ho hand grenade but it’s the general you know like like you said those people that are out there that are doing it yeah um it better serve to to look at celebrating DK and hoping for him to be here for the foreseeable fure future rather than trying to look at every turn for how you can move off of him like better appreciate what this guy is he’s having the best start to a Seahawks receiver of anybody in history even above Tyler Lockett who’s gonna be second all time even even I think right above Largent through his five years so like what are we doing here what are we doing here when we’re when we’re when we’re banging that drum for this guy over and over again from certain certain parts of the contingent of the fan base yeah you you start to seem like a hater for a guy that’s this good this this long on it um but we’ll see what happens happens with it it ain’t happening this year folks I me BR been telling you about it for months that’s not happening it certainly ain’t happening now so TK is gonna be here next year enjoy it enjoy him yeah and if it does happen you will see me you will probably see me on the fire John Schneider train very quickly after I I certainly won yeah at this point it won’t make any sense after the draft like come on yeah it would it would be absolutely asinine to try to do that right now and I would you not be happy to see it Adams we should probably approach this I know you dropped a video on your Channel today talking about you know okay rumors are this Seattle’s interested in bringing back Jamal Adams potentially and maybe he’s interested in coming back you kind of but for what um I don’t I think that’s pretty fair yeah um um if Jeremy trod is too small to play linebacker for McDonald then uh Jamal Adams definitely is so I don’t understand the linebacker thing like maybe he could be a linebacker on a defense that was okay with having a really undersized um undersized linebacker but that’s not this I don’t think and you’re you’re just putting him in the firing line if you put him at linebacker at this point he can his body can’t hold up its safety and I say all this as somebody who does think that Adams played okay last year he had one really bad game which was the Niners game the last game he played other than that I think he played okay but is that like the upside here best case scenario I get a player who’s okay and the downside is he might be really bad because his body’s completely broken and he gets hurt again and he acts stupid off the field and makes us and makes the team look bad it’s like what what am I excited about here I’m not seeing anything to be really excited about are you buying anything about the part I’m not saying I think this just you buying into the part though that goes the injury that he had the surgery he had he may never well come back from that may be the truth in addition to that truth he might be able to come back more this year from it getting a second year to be able to train and rehabilitate back from the injury no not really I don’t know I just I get it I’m I get it I there’s got to be something out there there’s got to be something out there better right like I made a video the other day about how um the um you know the compensatory pick stuff’s off the table now as of like 1M yesterday compon story picks would no longer affect anything with the uh with free agents so you can sign anybody now with no consequences if you’re gonna sign somebody there’s got to be somebody out there better than Adams I would I would think so I also go I don’t know what the fit is here in the scheme let’s address that part your your points about the linebacker let’s not try to go too far in the linebacker stuff on items folks uh there’s the small stuff Brenan just mentioned there’s the shoulder injuries he’s had um which is a problem where that you got to take on more contact down run line of scrimmage those shoulders are going to be more tested down around there um it just doesn’t make sense as a safety he’s not he showed the last couple years trying to do split safety stuff when you ask him do cover two shell or he’s got to go single high he’s totally lost in the woods at that point so you’re you’re still back to okay he’s he’s back a little bit better from the injury but he still doesn’t fit to the defense and what the defense really wants him to do unless they’re just going to run stack fronts and keep him up around the line of scrimmage and try to Blitz him you know not 247 but have him just down there as a attacking player down there that way Brandon um but that’s the only way I could see them trying to make that happen because I just don’t see it as a positional fit either linebacker or safety yeah I can’t make it make any sense like if you want to if you want to reunite with a safety I’d much rather bring back Diggs I think Diggs can still at least do some stuff well and isn’t some over-the-top awful injury risk and would also probably be cheaper get the sense that one of the things with Adams is that he’s sitting there waiting for somebody to give him a big deal and he doesn’t understand why it’s not coming because in his mind he’s still great yeah it’s hard to go from that guy making you know record setting safety contract to oh I’m a little ply vet minimum no guaranteed guy I think he hasn’t mentally gotten to that point yet where he accepts that could very well be um I I just uh yeah I I think you can maybe still find a home here in the NFL he could still maybe kind of bi back a little bit but he’s got to go to the right place that’s really going to use him the right way and that’s down as a box safety there’s still some defenses that can do some of that stuff so go you know go and be that is I think his best his best place I don’t even like him as a a nickel guy slot guy I don’t think that’s good either on I just it’s not the not the way to go really I would say um I’d rather be flying in X-Wing I love the that name uh thank you for the $5 donation says thank you to both for the huge time and effort you put into this looks to me like the front office feels pretty good about Sam how thoughts I mean if they didn’t they certainly shouldn’t have traded for him so there’s at least some degree of admiration um you know as somebody who doesn’t think that Sam how will ever be a starting caliber like a good starting quarterback in this league I don’t like I don’t see Sam Howell ever being a top 15 or 12 quarterback I I think having him around is still worthwhile I think that there is a place in the world for a quarterback who can deliver better than average backup caliber play and he could he could be better than I think absolutely like why not like I could I could miss on him the same way I missed on Desmond Ritter right I thought Ritter was going to be a really good um uh player in this league and he’s not so it’s not a bad shot to take quarterback’s a tough position to evaluate I’d rather be fly next Wing that’s why we see the the the best of the best the the first round quarterbacks find themselves with two-thirds of a failure rate so it is far from an exact science in determining what’s a good quarterback or who’ll be good or who’ll be bad or where the Fate is of anybody um is going to go I have some disagreements with Brendon a little bit on this with samal where I I do see a guy that could eventually round into being a top 15 top 12 guy um I’m not saying I know he’s going to get there but I’m saying that if I put The Supporting Cast like we’re starting to put together coming out of the shadows and materializing and you start to give him that kind of crew I trust in The Supporting Cast Theory it’s going to be my new theory that I’m going to start to really push forward here being that if I give a good quarterback with a skill set with some mobility and an arm who can make all the NFL throws the kind of um Supporting Cast that we’re about to potentially give a guy like this if he gets put in the lineup I think that guy’s got a good chance for success in this league and I think that the quarterback success is much more driven by The Supporting Cast than the average fan than the average National punet that talks about quarterbacks over and over again really speak upon I think it gets overlooked to a major degree I’d rather be flying xwing I really do I think it’s kind of the one blind spot right now that I see amongst my interactions with fans it always just comes down to this quarterback and I think with Sam how this is going to be a good case study in this the kid was 23 years old last year and a lot of quarterbacks coming out in this class right now 24 they were playing college football last year while this guy was in the pros playing on a team where he didn’t have a whole hell of a lot set up for him to have success and I know he went the fifth round a couple years ago I know the League’s view of him is where it is going to be at I know some people didn’t think he had a good year last year but he made some big time throws he never shrunk no matter how many times he got hit or smacked around that pocket last year and he did everything he could to help his team go out there and win on a weekly basis I like the kid skill set I still like his upside I think you put this the sporting cast around him that we might be doing here and I think this is why they have the confidence to not go for a rattler or or feel impelled to have to trade up in this draft I think that was proof to what I’m talking about because the question is about what JN thinks here Brennon that’s what I think JN thinks is that what I’m saying right now is exactly what I think is what is in John’s brain in regards to Sam how could be wrong could be right but I think that his actions here through this draft and his process of what dealing with any other quarterbacks have shown that this is where he stands with the kid and I understand it it makes I the math adds up to me it doesn’t for most I guess on this or a lot of folks on this but my perspective it’s like yeah makes a complete Sense on this yeah yeah and you know it’s always possible I don’t think he’s a terrible quarterback he’s not um you know there are quarterbacks out there that I would absolutely be completely shut down to the idea of them ever being good um he’s not that but um it’s it’s a shot worth taking and it’s probably a better shot than most of the things you could have done at quarterback this draft all the quarterbacks were gone by the time we picked there was no opportunity to get any of them and you could have gotten Rattler but you know I think it’s pretty close between him and Howell honestly uh you could have gotten Travis that may have been better but he’s also coming off the big injury who knows what he’s going to be now and that’s what what else was there there was uh Pratt there was yeah there really wasn’t anything there that stands out as being clearly a better shot to take than Sam Howell I agree that that would be my thinking I thought how would be isn’t a prospect I like him better part of what I like him better is even Beyond just the evaluation out him coming out of college brenon but was last year in my Outlook of what he did last year I come back to it again and again man and if you take we can we’ve unpacked it a bunch I won’t re unpack it here again with you because I know we’ve talked about this a bunch but from you know the offensive line skill position players offensive coordinator lame duck head coach new ownership coming in organization that hadn’t won in many many many years there the mid the mid-season trading of two of their more important defensive players um not a lot was set up for success for him or anybody else would have been that situation there was a lot there that was set up for a guy to fall flat on his face on his face and I’m talking eight touchdowns 24 interceptions kind of fall in his face and he didn’t do that and um I that’s where I came out of it going that grew my evaluation of Sam how it didn’t it didn’t tear it down further from where it had been with his draft pedigree and yeah I just I think that uh he’s got something that there that in doing what he did at 23 in that year Brandon I I I go back and look through quarterbacks like what quarterbacks do we ever look at at 23 years old going yeah I know what that I’m not saying I know what Sam H’s going to be but I’m pushing back against Brenan and you’re not saying this but just what others are saying at times out there which is I know what he is he’s trash he’s garbage he’s when do we say this about a 23y old quarterback who off of first starting year throws for 4,000 yards a one for one touchdown to interception ratio it’s a very rare thing I’ve seen in my history with us when we’re looking at quarterbacks to come to these kind of start conclusions this quickly on players and that’s all I’m just pushing back against like let’s give the let’s give the plan a little more time to get the root to grow down and you know let’s see what the buds look like once they come up you know yeah there’s uh some interesting stuff there and again it’s whatever it is it’s not noticeably worse than what any second tier or lower quarterback in this draft would have given you yeah even even on the age level he’s like the same age as most of those guys is isn’t he younger than Rattler Rattler’s going to be I think 24 here in like days or something so or right there I mean very close older younger than Milton that’s for sure yeah thank you though uh X-Wing appreciate you on that one roxan R thank you for the fiver I appreciate you for that says what is the word on the udfas I’ve only heard about Caesar thus far um well yeah we’re and we’re definitely getting into some of this udfas here in the show too we’ve got Nelson Caesar do you have the full list up in front of you yes I think I do I think this is the full list I got here I’ve got I’ve got some guys too so if if you miss off yours I might have some on mine here so all right uh Jack West over was actually the first one so I think we were on the phone with him the moment the draft ended and it was I think do do you buy by we got out of the seventh round to get ahead of all the the general managers with the udfas so we could call them they’re all seventh rounds still with dealing with their picks you know Brandon and we’re like we’re already drn’s like I’ll get ahead of them on this one something like that because I remember it was instant I was recording my video right after the draft ended and people in my chat started going west over West over I was like oh man that that must have been a really short phone call oh yeah oh yeah I I think they were I think JN literally is a thought like I know what I’m going to do this year he’s like I don’t like any of the guys that really in the s d way and I think some of these guys will fall through as it is so let’s just start targeting those guys smart approach uh so that’s a good one obviously I think he’ll at least make the practice squad If he if if he can like like if if he doesn’t get scooped which I don’t think he well he didn’t get drafted so people don’t like him that much but uh yeah West over uh uh shoban Cordo the San Jose State quarterback don’t know anything about him uh Boise State running back George helani that’s a good one met with him uh the only reason why he didn’t go drafted seems to be because he gets hurt a lot injury problems combination of Chris Carson and shanet a little bit with his skill set including that injury thing Brandon right uh to Merck Williams running back from North Dakota State don’t know him got nothing oh by the way I think helani makes the 53 man we need a fourth running back I think he’s going to be the he’s going to be the dude I agree I agree uh wide receiver Hayden Hatton of Idaho he he’s actually pretty interesting he he’s got uphill I think practice squad potentially I think huge up hill batt get on the the the squad though on the oh yeah I agree with that uh Garrett Greenfield which I really like the South Dakota State tackle I had a fifth round grade on him and he just kept falling and falling he’s the guy who I think might take um foresight’s job oh bold statement all right let’s go I like it yeah um and again I I want to say it’s not like I think foresight was B that bad last year I just wonder if grub might not want a relatively immobile offensive lineman like that he might look at foresight and go he doesn’t fit what I’m doing and we can save a million bucks yeah that’s the B yeah you get that third year they start making a little bit more money so uh you’re right that could be could be a part of what pushes this certainly George fan staying so it’s really you’re not he’s not in the cut cut targets uh Mike nitzki of and I don’t know if that’s how you pronounce it but that’s how I’m gonna pronounce it because I think that’s cool nitzki a center name yeah center from uh Kansas and uh don’t know much about him he’s got uh I saw I watched a little on today tons of a starting experience little more little more as a he’s better rated as a run block last year than a pass blocker but a little bit better as a pass blocker than a run blocker as a center um Nelson Caesar Houston and this is H who roxan mentioned in the uh chat uh I had a fifth round grade on him so it was great to get him in the uh udfa portion if Daryl Taylor doesn’t make the team for one reason or another Caesar might be the guy who takes that fourth Edge role like I think he might be good enough to get away with that yeah bro folks me and Brenan both had a fifth round grade on Nelson Caesar so um I also did with West over too by the way I know you were more kind of remember I was like I lik West over a little bit too so these are two guys that in this udfas that you got in the fifth round that I had fifth round grades on Caesar’s got the ability to be a power Edge too did you you have a CH and that that’s the part that I think where you talk about dislodging Taylor and where Taylor’s really gonna have upfield battle here is uh setting the hard Edge Brent they didn’t draft a hard Edge in this draft you know that was the one thing that was missing a little bit right we thought that maybe they get Brenan Jackson or maybe Darius Robinson at some point he didn’t get it here’s a guy that might be able to come in and Supply a little bit of that I know Draymond Jones may be a possibility or too but Daryl Taylor might have himself a little bit of a a tough tough way to get through on this if that’s gonna be the case this kid shows up and brings those skills yeah and then uh everybody else was uh someone I didn’t know very much about pre-draft but um yeah Dev levelston the defensive tackle from SMU don’t know him don’t know too much on him either uh rayon Williams the second defensive lineman from Louisiana Tech don’t know him we did have a couple you watched Ro torren didn’t you Arizona um he was like the last guy I cross off my list because I didn’t have time big big 6 foot three press Corner can still Turn and Burn in his size which makes him unusual at 63 Brennan um but a little unusual too because most of these Corners I’ve been looking in this draft are and cooling even Carlton Johnson who I had a chance to look at as well there was another udfa of ours most of the corners I’ve been looking at have spent the predominant amount of their tape this is what made me lean into thinking that Mike if we’re looking for an indicator from this not necessarily looking to drive to like we’re gonna run press and then we’re gonna run man coverage off press like most of these guys are off coverage Zone guys so there’s still a little bit of that setup in what they’re looking to do here this was the one guy in R Torrance though was the big guy that was up there pressing a little bit different in his skill set um have a chance to look at him Carl Johnson gave up like five 30 yards at fresn State last year so he was he was a completion machine in off coverage another like Auburn guys cover drop bail leave everything open in front of me you know and I’ll keep I’ll keep clean over the top but Lord knows I can’t cover underne anything underneath yeah um there was Grambling State defensive end sundata Anderson nothing on that one and the Wyoming linebacker Easton Gibbs and Wyoming’s been a little bit of a linebacker Factory these last few years they had uh Chad Muma remember him I did yeah this is what drove me to go take a look at him too did you did you have a chance to look at Gibbs I know very little very little and we’ll try to folks we’ll be looking at the film on these udfas but it’s 20 guys and it’s right after the draft so you know we gotta take some time he’s okay he looks he feels small to me Brendan he’s six foot two 230 barely looks like he’s almost 220 on the field just not real long um straight line fast doesn’t look like very laterally athletic I don’t think Gibbs like rigan beats out Gibb Gibs to me yeah I think rigan the thing is rigan’s 3 million oh as of right now um I think we might do the thing where we cut him and then bring him back on a veteran minimum deal there’s no way we can give rigan three million you can’t give him that no no that’s that’s a vet minimum guy right there so bring up come on East Gibbs here come on E I didn’t realize 3 million was a play yeah I uh what else that’s it for the udfa signings there were some rookie Camp invites but those guys are the long shots of the long shot so I’m not going to spend a lot of time there what about the confidence on these Corners Brandon Carlin Johnson RH torren Jason mrie also signed right um you know you got a team that’s got wither spoon and and um Woolen they just draft two cornerbacks they got Mike Jackson they’re been three four years there you got to go try to beat that guy out Arty Burns a former first round pick in the house in there as well like you got to trust in your skill because the whole thing choosing the edfa thing is you’re supposed to try to choose teams that can you know give you the opportunity to actually be able to stick on it’s like who gonna be rough making this roster at the quarterback position if you’re udfa yeah a couple of them should sneak on the PS though like Carlton Johnson could make the practice squad he could so I mean go so good road tance so it’s that’s the thing with all these Corners in this draft is that these guys are it’s not like there’s going to be teams that like oh you should let that guy get away because every team had their opportunity to get their guy in this draft there was 55 6 Corners right um OG thank you for the $2 donation I appreciate you he says is Jerell athletic enough for future left guard well he’s athletic enough I don’t know if that means he’ll be able to do it he feels like he feels like a a 300 pound guy on game day kind of like I don’t know if like guard you want 320 is he felt to me and again me and BR got to see this kind of like cut up of fast clips that are hard to make the guy the competition he’s going up against hiso is so bad that you’re just it’s tough at times on certain reps um my I was looking for that though my takeaway was that this guy’s more tackle and that that that he just needs to remain out at tackle but whatever it’s worth at the combine or or I can’t remember if it was combine or prot he was 309 okay so it’s within the realm of possibility he could play guard but that’s hard to really judge um I I almost kind of feel like you have to start from square one with him and like really try to figure out what can he do if anything yeah well and if he’s if he’s already kind of like he’s partially there with left tackle and we got to take him all this way to get him up there versus we got to take him back to square one to left guard just keep him at tackle at that point to me because I there may be some upset there tackle with him um refining out that stuff so um I just didn’t see enough natural Bend and you know the guys got to get down a little lower and you have a little bit of that to them a bit um toak oji like um the Cody Bart not Cody Bart the Barton kid at a Duke you saw him play left tackle but you know he would really Flex those hips and roll those hips low and when he’s getting down you go oh that guy could slide into left guard you know with this guy he’s more up and laning down on his length and the highlights you see with him where it’s not trying to just win with leverage but just kind of push guys out with the length and the size he’s got on them which he can get away with because he’s dealing with guys that aren’t very good athletes out there at finle going going up against uh d youngo College Brennan the nor going up against Future Insurance salesmen right doctors and lawyers the old joke was Milkman but I don’t think there are enough Milkmen these days no I think milkman’s uh probably zero Milkman left in the US I would I would estimate I know there are some because I see the milk truck sometimes but it’s not what it used to be no I hear I hear references to Milkman now and it seems to mean something completely different too so even the even the term it seem itself seems to be referencing something completely completely different than what it used to um thank you though seak OG I appreciate you for that uh John m429 thank you for the $10 donation I appreciate you for that John very kind of you he says I loved the Byron Murphy pick but I’m not over the top calling him Donald just want to see him and jiren Reed or henkins and Leo in the field together I think our new D line can be formidable let’s go yeah yeah and that’s totally the right uh philosophy to have here I think I just you know I’ve had to tell people like if you guys expect this guy to be a pro bowler as a rookie and get 10 sacks like Donald did and then win Defensive Player of the Year three uh three out of four years and have some first ballot Hall of Fame career all these things by the way all these things I’m describing Aaron Donald literally I’m not pulling this stuff out of nowhere no like you’re you’re gonna be disappointed and I don’t think that’s good I think that you’re better off uh having the right expectations here and being happy that those expectations are met because I do think he’s going to be somewhere between Grady Jared and Gino Atkins yeah I well and again to come back to Brandon you’re bringing this up for a very proper reasons because you do this and you have interactions down the line that you’re anticipating and those interactions will come out with me and Brendon talking to people that you know the first game Byron Murphy doesn’t go out and have a sack and a half and five tackles and oh we should have freaking traded up and gotten a quarterback we should just and that’s where you get the the premature wanting to to to then you know label these guys as being failures or bust when you gotta let them have their chance develop let him be the player they’re gonna be in man comparing them against a guy like Donald that alltime best three Tech that Sports ever seen maybe is is just that’s too much you know that’s too much I will say I’m gonna be doing a I I did get a comp that came to me that I’m not gonna say right quite yet but I have a comp that’s come to me Brandon that’s not going to make your job any easier on tapping the brakes on this because I do have one that came to me that’s a an old school one that I’m going to put together from a video for the future on on Murphy that came to me I finally had one light bulbing on me that I think you might like but I’m not going crazy town with with donville Hiller okay it’s not donville but it’s maybe a little maybe a little crazy town nonetheless but I’m gonna have some fun with it because he started to remind me as I was going back and watch your Murphy again I was like you know this guy kind of was a little bit like that too with that um so I love where you’re coming from John the point of this last couple of years is to rebuild this defensive line why has the defense been bad why have we stopped against the Run there’s been some issues tackling discipline not a great scheme but also because you don’t have the trenches put together to be able to do it if you guys can’t hold up and keep themselves from being pushed off the ball on a continuous basis or the depth to call upon when your front line guys are tired as has been the case many times over this is what you’re run into instead they’ve bit by bit rebuilt this back up from Draymond Jones signing to what he can give you both inside outside the big cat trade and what he brought um their draft here Byron Murphy now getting jiren Reed back into the nose tackle position and he showed last year he can roll within there back to his origin story back to his Traditions some development from cam young some development from Mike Morris what we got working with the other Edge uh prospects there’s something here that’s working now it’s got to come together the youth’s got to grow but you put the talent there that’s been missing so hardly in the past BR and how many times do we go back to 2018 you and I look at the front four we’re just like is this maybe this maybe there’s so much more feeling certainty to this group unless like well if this happens and you know if this if this explodes and that goes this way and it’s like that old remember that old um board game they have it was like the mouse game where you hit the you have to set up and hit the thing go go this is old school brand go you know I remember that one I never had it but I do remember it you have to go through 18 things to like perfectly that was your old defensive line back in the day and now you got actually a group that can just keep rolling out of rotation theoretically so uh it’ll be cool to see them together you can see how the plan works here John while all these parts work together to make this line work as a whole which is cool too it was always hard sometimes it’s hard to see what the plan was wasn’t it Brandon yeah yeah I mean and that works on multiple different levels as well you also had like um you know it felt like I I think there was this guy on X who put it this way during a Seahawks game last year where he was like feels like these defensive linemen have never played with each other before today like they’re all going out there and doing their own thing there’s no like plan there’s no oh I’m going to stunt this way you’re going to twist this way this guy’s going to go through for a unblocked Sack or anything like that it’s just four guys trying to get to the quarterback and that’s about it yeah I agreed I think that’s an accurate assessment that’s what I saw as well over and over at time so it’s a good group John I thank you for the donation and uh I’m really stoked for where they’re taking this defense it’s we’re going to slowly put this together but they’re putting together in the right fashion and you’re you’re buying by the way what i’ be selling if I was to say if we don’t make the trade of Leonard Williams the second round pick to the Giants Leonard Williams probably is not resigning in Seattle I I mean I don’t probably you’re probably um he I guess he could have but that would require a lot of things to go the right way whereas in this case you needed a lot less things to go your way because he’s already there and he’s like ah I’m already here I already bought a house here I already live here okay let’s go let’s do it like I don’t think he would have resigned with the Giants because the Giants are Dum fire but maybe he decides I want to stay on the East Coast yeah exactly line with the Ravens or something I don’t know or or team trades for him at the deadline and he ends up going there and likes them you know team like the you know Rams come in they we we’ll do trade for you I like La I’m I’m I went to USC I’ll stay here I’ll chill uh so I um yeah I think that just kind of a side thing there Brandon but uh thank you again John appreciate you for that Herman gomos says uh thank you for the donation he says I’m just here to show my support gohawks well thank you Herman appreciate you for that support very kind of you man very kind of you a power hitter 427 has been celebrating a year as a hawk nest or Seahawks Brandon melson member thank you for that power hitter he says uh the fanbase obsession with trading DK is annoying yes it is I mean whether or not we agree with it whether or not we think uh philosoph ically it makes sense which we don’t we both don’t like it we also can’t make it work work mathematically either you would think that people would be kind of over it once they realize it doesn’t save you any money like the dead money hit is identical whether he’s here or not but no that doesn’t seem to do much of anything to distill the like I I almost makes him say yes more doesn’t it for some reason yeah for some reason it’s like that it’s like uh I don’t know and I think this goes for a lot of different things there is it’s like this Grass Is Always Greener thing the stuff that we have can’t possibly be that good and the stuff that we don’t have has to be really good yeah it’s the same thing we see with somebody like Gino Smith like I think a surprisingly high percentage of Seahawks fans would say they would rather have Baker Mayfield than Gino Smith which I think is complete lunacy which I think is ridiculous to even suggest I think a lot of them would say they’d rather have uh Ryan tanah than Gino Smith like current Ryan tanah Hill which I think is complete lunacy yes but I think and I think a big part of it is just we have Gino so we know he’s no good and this thing that we don’t know about has to be better because we don’t have it that that’s all I see when I hear that stuff yeah me as well I think you make a good point about there some comparisons there with the the Gen lack of genome appreciation at times and the want of the DK trade thing that comes up at the same time um it’s something that’s wore me out through the year I got to a point on my channel near the end of the season power’s like I don’t you can bring up DK trade I’m just going to ignore you in the chat if you mention it because I don’t I’ve covered what I’ve got to cover there it’s not happening why cover something that has no chance of happening and then they push no it’s gon they’re gonna they’re gonna try to get a quarterback that’s way they no it makes no sense to do it um yeah you know it’s it’s just it’s not coming yeah and Brady Henderson and several others have already shot down the penx trade theory in fact Brady Henderson said he’s pretty confident they would not have drafted penck at 16 if he was there so he doesn’t think we liked him that much which is um I’m not surprised by I don’t think penck is a JN quarterback well and it comes down to Grub too a little bit with that where if if Grub’s to JN going you know he’s fine but I don’t wouldn’t want to put my career on this or I’m I’m not banging the tail for him like that necessarily he should be a quarterback in this league but we can maybe think about this down the line it’s the thing you also had in the room that nobody else had here in this situation you know and uh you hear about Atlanta like supposedly went to the was like a to outdoor at the facility or something it was windy and he was like throwing you know uh Frozen Ropes in the wind and they were like oh we you know so it was like he just he kind of sold them on a private workout there um a little bit I do like Benn though still yeah I mean I I like him marginally right I I don’t dislike him I don’t think he’s a bad Prospect I think that Atlanta situation is pretty good for him I do too I think that’s a situation he could have success in if not for the fact that he’s probably not going to have an opportunity to play for a couple years there’s a very good chance that he just sits on the bench for two full seasons maybe more and that’s uh I mean he’ll be making plenty of money right he’s making way more money here than he would have if he had gone to some team in the 20s I to me I think it’s a really good thing that he actually I I know it’s some this is not a popular and I’m glad you’re you’re kind of where I’m at with it a little bit because you hear endlessly just being paraded online with all the opinions out there even locally a little bit of that this is the worst this is the horrible this is awful for Michael this is awful for Kirk this is awful for everybody and I go like I can understand that why Atlanta did it I don’t think it’s the worst thing for Kirk like for Michael okay so he’s a little older prospect it’s not going to benefit him to sit a year or two behind a really good quarterback like cousins and learn and has not we been shown over and over in recent years when quarterbacks have the opportunity to sit and learn that that does them favors and that they they actually can look really good at benefiting from that chance of having his hand sit and learn you know so he’s not going to throw for 75,000 yard in his career can he still go out there and have a crazy good career can he still go there be a Hall of Famer if he starts two years from now yeah because we’ve seen other quarterbacks do it Roger sat for three years before he got a chance to play so I don’t think it’s the worst thing and I don’t trust Kurt Cousins is necess gonna stay upright over the next two years either Brenan I think there’s a good chance you’re gonna be calling upon this kid I trust him to stay upright more than I trust pennx to stay upright um oh that’s a bull statement I don’t I don’t think so I mean I I certainly think P’s got some questions about the stuff but man with cousins coming off that injury he was getting beat up quite a quite a good amount out there in Minnesota and he’s not getting any more mobile he’s not getting away from those hits any more quicker as we go into the future yeah but I mean penck still has the four massive injuries in his college career and the only reason why he didn’t get hurt again in Washington is because we built an offense where he almost never got hit that that’s what I saw out there like the national title game when Michigan was hitting him he did get hurt and he stayed out there because you know he was trying to win a National Title you don’t want to come out of a game but he was hurt he clearly was broken and he was just forcing himself to stay out there so I I really really wonder how his body holds up to an NFL beating because you’re not going to be able to build an offense where your quarterback never gets hit in the NFL no but you can certainly do things to set up a great sporting cast and and you know mitigate the times he gets hit and how much he’s getting hit you know it’s it’s something you can’t protect him 100% but you can definitely pull him back from having to get demolished on a weekly basis and that Atlanta line he goes in they’ve got the ability to pass protect they’re going to run the ball they’re going to be balanced so he’s not going to have to go back there and throw 45 times if he does drop back you know again why I kind of like that as a a potential Landing space there for him but it’s gonna be an interesting situation there with that that Atlanta with cousins in there and how that all works I’m interested to see what happens yeah uh Herman thank you for another $10 donation I appreciate you for that Herman on top of the early one um says question for both of you how can the Hawks improve the team any players on the radar that’s a great question since we did have the uh compensatory period is C over here now Bren where you can sign a player that’s a free agent who would have factored back in the compensatory system who will not Factor now course is going to make and it’s going to be hard for the Hawks as it stands because the fact that they have pretty much used up all their functional cap space but let’s just say cap isn’t really a part of this Brendan is there a guy that you know stands out to you on this one that might be somewhere they look um if they don’t feel like any of the guys they have can move over to the left guard like if they don’t think that Haynes and uh satoa and Bradford are going to be able to do it I would honestly just cut Tomlinson and go get Dalton Risner at least Risner can kind of move Tomlinson couldn’t move 10 years ago he really can’t move now at least risner’s relatively young and he’s honestly even though he wasn’t really that good last year he was probably better than Tom Linson so that would be kind of my play he was somebody who became a free agent naturally so he would have cost a compensatory pick but now he doesn’t so I understand why people were holding out on him but that would be kind of where I’m looking um let me see what else there were some linebackers out there but I didn’t see anything that I thought would be better than what we had by that much I mean maybe you want to upgrade from a guy like rigan to uh what’s oh Kanan Alexander the guy who always just kind of lingers around in free agency every year he’s so old and the vet minimum is so pricey and we’re hoping to R to get back on a vet minimum I think he’s gotta be up over the two million mark on a vet minimum deal to Quan at this point that’s true that’s true but I know that if we sign him late enough they will actually give you a break on the veteran minimum they’ll actually like basically part of it gets subsidized where you pay him but it doesn’t count against the cap that’s what we did with Mario Edwards last year like something like 20% of his cap hit didn’t actually come off our cap okay well that’d be good um yeah I think it’s hard here too Brent we we’re really Herman pretty stock to this to the to the nines brenon men’s linebacker there’s some maybe holes there I mean obviously defensive line you got nothing there there’s nobody off the edges I would look to at this point um Corners we have 15 corners on the roster so we’re not really gonna find anything else out there that’s going to help us out pass where we’re out there um so it’s pretty well across the board Herman Set uh if they wanted to really maybe like go man we didn’t think this guy would be available at this time and we can go get him he doesn’t count as an offshoot um you know if you wanted to maybe bring in a guy like Justin Simmons who has a history of playing in the coveru shell look and doing a variety of things his plays really fallen off in recent years but he’s not going to cost very much at this point so depends on where the team’s evaluation would be on him but that’d be only kind of guy that I think it would really make any kind of potential sense most of the moves Herman on this one just you’ve already kind of the haze in the barn a little bit on how you put this team together so far and even with the available guys that are out there it’s like with the cap little cap space you have to spend and how how well the positions are all put in place just don’t know there’s a real fit yeah we are going to be fighting for our lives just to keep the players that we have mhm uh I I’ve talked about this before but you’re going to probably have to dump Taylor and save the 3.1 you might have to dump Jackson you’re probably gonna have to do something with rigan and even still you might need to do something like restructure metcafe or restructure genino or something so I don’t know how we’re going to add on when we are gonna struggle just to keep what we got yeah we’re already looking at some acrobatics from the cap standpoint here Herman so uh that’s also the other part of it is just there’s not the money anymore they they blew they they shot the wad a little bit they you know L and Tomlinson deal was like 4 million I think and um they they did the the guaranteed deal to lishka Chenal now these were big deals just a lot of these kind of started to add up after a while as you got close to the draft and just it it pecked away that cap space down to almost nothing yeah um uh the Tomlinson deal ended up being a lot less than that most of its incentives so we got a little bit of a break there but even still you’re you’re still you’ve got work to do like esgd is probably gone foresight is probably gone and Taylor and now the good news is they have to do it so we we know they must have a plan like they know that they need to do some work to get under the cap and maybe maybe this will be one of the years where you don’t really have any buffer for the season because some teams do that I think the Rams a few years ago when they won the Super Bowl went into the season with like $2 in cap space we’ll find a way yeah it’s it’s certainly and and you do have a way of like even if you’re in that $2 buffer you can always do the conversion to the base of a DK or something like that if like you really had to you could you could find a way to you know create the room some somehow or another if it did get tight like that but I think you’re right about the team taking this kind of approach of we sort of spent spent our money we’ve done what we came to do you know with this year and this being kind of a wait and see Year too this isn’t the year where we’re like we’re going forward we’re on the edge of being Elite like well we’re we’re going to want to you know see and assess um I think that’s more of the the call of order right now and that does mean probably more of just okay done we got everything done stag is set every mini camps are set let’s get let’s start this process of evaluating what we got thank you though uh Herman appreciate you that’s great question too as well I don’t know if there’s any other way to improve the team at this point it’s uh it’s probably Wai and see with with all those factors bottom line on that one AB snail stale thank you for the uh $5 donation says if they bring Adams back after passing on Jaden Hicks for night everyone involved with the roster should be fired yeah um I do remember a few weeks ago uh Matty F uh Matty F Brown on X was talking about safeties and he said he was watching Jaden hick tape and he said he turned it off after like the third play because he was so disgusted I don’t know what he saw I don’t know what he didn’t like but there was something there that he thought was absolutely un unplayable and I I wonder if maybe these NFL teams saw some of the same stuff because he fell a lot further than I expected I think he certainly did to me too um I had I had a much higher grade he slowly I guess that’s where you go man trust your initial instincts on a player Brennon because you know he started out like I think in kind of a fifth round place and I started raising him and raising him a little bit as I went through um but yeah I was a surprised to see him drop because he did seem to fit to what these defenses want I didn’t see as just a strong but a guy that could play that cover two shell stuff and you know he had some things on his game to clean up but he you know played hard comes downhill runs the alleyway he’ll try to hit you he’s pretty good tackler he can cover in space a little bit I I do say that there was one game I watched maybe the one Matty saw where that Wisconsin game I think from last year you’re just like what are you doing man like he just looked at times a little bit lost on the field in that game but that wasn’t his whole tape it was he had other good tape too as well just that was a one where you’re like yeah yeah I think there was like some concern about his reactive athleticism maybe I’m trying to remember now but no that’s the thing that’s the thing he comes down the alleyway he’s out of control right so he’s like you know he’s going a mlion m and here the back comes the back goes oh I see you bounce and the back bounces and then he’s like and trying to turn the hips to get the hips fli with the back and the back’s already then past his outside shoulder going up the going up the um out of balance line marker you know pass so there’s lot of that on tape too from him where he just can’t he’s got to be right on his approach down when he’s when he’s coming down in space or it can be exploited Miss tackles and whatnot yeah um but yeah I don’t get the Adams thing either I can’t see that working on any level of all the positions he could play I don’t see how it makes sense like um I was about to say like outside corner but that’s not going to work either it’s like I got nothing Edge rusher no the only I can think come down is that they go we’ll just commit to playing stack box fronts stack boox fronts 247 and we’ll have we’ll flip everything of our coverages out of that in and out and we’ll have him down there as kind of the guy you know where I’m sure Mike would love it to where you know my you got Adams down there he causes the coverage protections to slide to him he goes running back to single high safety post Snap or something like that I’m sure that that’s the type of thing that Mike McDonald will be very like oh that that could be interesting but I still come down to I don’t know what position he fits to at this point in his career with where the game has gone the game just is always moving it’s never stagnant what it was seven eight years ago is not what it is today and it’s you know positions are becoming ubiquitous everybody’s having to do a little bit of everything having holes in your game that you can’t do is becoming you know a quarterback that can’t tackle can’t do that safety that’s a box safety that’s not really comfortable in cover two or single high situations or cover can’t really do that we need that now um that’s where the game’s going at and maybe that’s to some of what hit Hicks here in the evaluation St to where somebody looked at him and they went well this is you you just have things you can’t do it’s not about much as what you can do it’s that what you can’t do scares us yeah and you know and you know for me I’m not some Adams hater I think he played okay for the most part last year I’m not you know I wasn’t one of these people trying to say he’s the worst safety I’ve ever seen he’s worse than tedric Thompson he’s you know some awful atrocious uh unredeemable no he he was playing okay until the ners game really but okay is not that that’s the that’s the best case scenario you get him and he’s okay in some very limited role yeah agreed I I just the upside is not there for it to do it but if they do bring back two Adams snail it is no guarantee he makes the roster too they may bring him back and have him just okay we’ll give you a chance to training camp see what you got but no guarantees and comes out there and shows you he still doesn’t have anything close and they’re like eh all right you know there’s no reason to to hold on at that point so um interesting rumor though that this one just keeps coming up the Adams thing it’s bounced around a couple times this offseason where it’s like maybe maybe maybe like okay this is this is still the thing huh okay uh Herman with the triple Dono today thank you Herman man I salute you for the three donos he says thank you for answering my question gohawks it’s our our pleasure on that Herman anytime man and thank you for all your support today on the channel very very very very kind of you on that one um I really do appreciate it and thank you everybody on that we got caught up on those uh on the donos there so thanks Herman thank you so uh we we did go through a little bit of the udfas there um as far as the kind of the total number here Brendan and I know you haven’t had a chance to look at all of them and me and Brandon will talk a little bit more about these guys uh in the foreseeable weeks as we get a chance to do the bit of the deeper Dives on these individual udfas we just didn’t really get to give me if you could your uh your three guys that you think um have both the the best shot to make the roster and then who’s your high upside guy of these udfas so far I’m giving you the I’m giving the Asis TB TBD right you got you got time to still the one of these guys might still come back over but initial uh viewpoint on your uh on your guy that you like the most at that uh I think helani is goingon to make the roster I’m pretty confident in that um Greenfield could take foresight spot as the backup left tackle if we feel like he fits better okay I’m with it and I’m gonna say Nelson Caesar Okay I uh I like it um I will go pretty pretty similar to Brendan’s on this one where I I see um definitely Nelson seed are SC I think the best George helani the Nelson seed are to me have the one two best chances for the opening to getting the roster spot usually udfas are stacked behind a a heavy group and it’s going to be hard to get in there like the cornerbacks for instance but with these guys I think there’s a true opening there um especially if Derrik Hall can’t come forward here in year two as a run Defender as an edge Setter as he did struggle a little bit that surprisingly last year I think that will come forward but it’s a little bit worrisome with him um because last year it was not there the guy that I think is the outlier of the guy that could make this roster Brennon because the team has traditionally run three tight end sets here um or run three guys on the roster at the tight end position over Schneider’s period And I know George Fant on the roster and this may neutralize this but if it does not and the team does intend to carry a third tight end I think Jack West over has a great chance of being that third tight end man so Pharaoh Brown just gets cut well do you oh yeah that’s right no I I completely I just spased on farell Brown that’s right no negate that so he wouldn’t make it that’s right because you got uh vant Barner in this i complet a space D Bar my bad on that but he’s on the practice squad for sure that guy yeah if he can if he gets to the practice squad that’s pretty great yeah well maybe the benefit of him being a HomeTown kid where he’s like I’ll just wait here I know in a year from now that there’ll be two free agents leaving out the door my my Pathway to getting in and make the starting roster and he’ll just go in the weight room right and just you know pump out the weights for a year and see if he can get an extra five 10 20 pounds on there but he’s a I liked him as a blocker actually I thought with his skill set I was walking and expecting more of the back just making catches out there you know what he can do as a pass catcher Brennon but what I really liked with West over was the effort and technique and getting in there with the leverage getting his hands in the right spot you know he’s not going to overwhelm anybody with his power and his strength but he will get after it in the in as a blocker um which is saying something versus why these other tight end at times that just don’t want to do any of that yeah yeah I mean I I have an appreciation for him of course I get where he can have value he can at least be Jacob Hollister Jacob Hollister at the NFL for a couple years carved out a little bit of a career for himself yeah why not who’s your highest upside guy of the UDF yeah maybe I guess I would say Nelson Caesar like I think he could actually be a rotational Edge in this league I’m thinking between him and Greenfield because I think Greenfield was a guy who really should have gotten drafted yeah did you have you watching the mar uh Maryland offense because we got tagaloa too didn’t we um I know he’s not very good I don’t know a ton about him I I actually liked watch him a little bit on tape but I don’t think he’s none I don’t think quarterbacks for me anything so I like your pick on that one I like him better than Cordo or yeah me too I do like him better Cordo he’s got a little bit of that ability like his brother to throw with some really nice anticipation you know the ball’s out of his hands at the right time it’s never him sitting and holding usually too much it’s like bam it’s out it’s going and he’s he’s usually trying to get there so there’s especially spread offense like ours having some of that anticipation your throwing ability is nice you know missing obviously a little bit of arm strength but little more size I think than his brother Tua has so he could be interesting um I like your Nelson pick though I’ll go with George just to be counter I I really liked his running style out there first guy never brings him down seems like he’s got a little bit of that it’s that sort of Carson contact balance with the shanet bounce side bounce move that he’ll do where he can just kind of always bounce around guys not even jump cut just kind of I’m going to bounce a little you know where the jump Cuts were really dramatic and you know it’s more just like dink dink dink you’ll kind of bounce around in there but uh I like the skill set I agath with you man he’ll be your fourth running back on this roster right now um he runs hard he runs strong he can fit here um I like that I like that move on our part Radu uh sorry what you gonna say nothing no oh Radu thank you for the $2 donation says what do you all think of Adam’s return vet minimum definitely nothing more than that right that’s uh yeah we we we discussed the atams thing a little bit a little earlier I’m guessing Ru just um missed it but uh the short version is not even vet minimum like what what uh if you’re gonna spend vet minimum there’s somebody else out there who would probably be better yeah it comes down too R do when you’re talking about the team where the cap is the difference between Adams of the vet minimum and $2 million versus you know bringing a rookie in here or having somebody else in there you you can get it 975 a million bucks that’s a million dollar saved and maybe a big deal with the team with where they’re at in the C situation as far as it being so tight right now but um we’re not big on Adams return I do at the bottom line with it we don’t see a position that’s going to be where he’s going to be filling to he’s not a linebacker he he doesn’t run the split safety stuff well he’s more of a box safety that’s who he is he needs to go to a team that’s going to treat him like a box safety McDonald’s defense is all about making its players do a variety of different things that’s the opposite of what you want to do here you know with Adams they want to take a flyer on him and see maybe he can bounce back this year and become like vintage at himself at two years removed from the surgery they can do that and take the Fire doesn’t cost them anything to do so in training camp if no other team’s offering it I don’t there’s no like there’s no hardship for them to do that I just think with Bren and me we our outlook on Rand is that we just can’t see the pathway of how he actually makes the team or what position he fits into or how they would use him within this defense it all just doesn’t seem to quite fit in our minds right uh um Nicholas Newton thank you for the $2 donation and he got us on just talking about the the twoos brothers his thoughts on twoos Brothers coming to rookie mini camp yeah I mean he’s maybe he makes the practice squad he’s I like him more than uh the San Jose State guy but um I I still kind of feel like they’re going to end up signing some capable veteran to be the practice squad quarterback because the NFL has that rule now where you can have a third quarterback kind of just waiting in the in case of injury and we’re going to want somebody like who was that guy that we would get for the practice squad pretty much every year uh he ended up on the Vikings God I can’t remember his name oh I know you’re talking about but I can’t think of his name either yeah they all run together all those journeyman quarterbacks they’re names all start to sound alike yeah you get somebody who can actually play and has proven that they can play at least a little bit who has been in the NFL a little while yeah I think if you’re going to come in and do it because remember last year Nicholas too didn’t we have those two QBs we had last year like every year I feel like we always have these two flyer udfa quarterbacks they bring in for mini camps to give them like Camp arms is sort of and more even more than like looking him as honest true prospects like bring them in so we we can function the mini camp like we need to get it functioned for all the guys it feels a bit more like that he he was kind of fun on the tape I initially watched him but I haven’t had a chance Nicholas to get back into him and see where he’s uh like do the Deep dive on to his brother I did like the quick release I like throw him with some anticipation he’s got some m ability a little more size I think than his than his brother did um arm strength stuff is the thing you you reach to a little bit there um but I I you know it’s a flyer kind of situation like Brennan said I think you’re more likely when coming out third quarterback or just grabbing some you know junman guy out there that started some games or play against this league and hope you don’t have to call upon him you know one of those situations yeah there there’s probably someone out there who would be a little bit higher floor than to his brother yeah yeah exactly that would be the expectation but we’ll to Nicholas have a little bit of a look at him when we do it we’ll come back around a couple weeks probably within this and looking at some of the udfas and have a chance to do a little bit more of looking at some of these guys a little bit more than we have because we’ve been kneed deep in just the prospects at the top so just haven’t had a chance to kind of get into as much of the stuff so far there thank you though Nicholas appreciate you for that yeah and rookie by the way rookie mini camp invites almost never make it to the roster it’s like astronomical yeah it’s it’s you want the fun you want the mini camp to function so you need enough quarterbacks that can throw you have just one guy trying to do all the throws so you got to kind of float those guys through a little bit to to just have so you can have the rest of the practice function the way you needed to function to be able to evaluate the guys the way you’re trying to evaluate them and obviously get them into approve and understand the Playbook and all that at the same time uh oo thank you for the $ five donation I appreciate you oo for that says who’s the Dark Horse shocker to not make the 53 man roster that was here last year DQ young Kobe Bryant Trey Browns someone else draymont uh I don’t even know if DQ would be a Darkhorse shocker he missed he kept getting hurt last year at a certain point like he’s got to be available yeah um if I had to guess I’d say he makes it but I don’t I think it’s like a 55 45 situation um Trey Browns in the last year of his deal and he’s not a good tackler he may not fit the uh McDonald formula maybe they decide to move off of him because of that yeah I it’s hard to think of a shocker one for me oo that comes to mind on this um I mean there’s ones that you can say that could make some sense but like BR Trey Brown does he not have Trey value if you want to move him for a sixth or seventh round pick somewhere probably would I would think um Dr wouldn’t necessarily but it it just you go through the list bit you mentioned draymont I think that’s right draymond’s a possibility because you could always post June 1st him at any point Point here I think once he gets past June 1st you’re you’re probably not likely to do it because you can’t then you take on the full hit and I don’t know if that that makes as much sense to them so um oh my thing’s coming on so I’m not sure if that would be the way that that would work with that myself um I don’t have a shocker one stone foresight I think is by Brennon is a good suggestion I mean that’s one that could just come down where there’s no trade you just release him people think oh well he played pretty good for us last year he be here next year but then there’s like Brennon brought up there’s more things that factor into it than just his play it’s also what he’s making is he’s going into now his contract year to becom a free agan so I think that’s that’s one to me that you know maybe you know I I can’t think of any other one though really as a as a shocker renan yeah I I I I think that the guys who would have been Shockers would have been traded this last weekend and it didn’t happen so I got nothing yeah I I don’t got anything in there maybe you know I can’t even go to a guy like uh the guy from the Giants last year Julian love he’s too pure a fit for the scheme I just think he’s gonna be a great fit for McDonald and all love him in this defense it’s like I just can’t see that yeah you gotta keep him at this point especially like he’s a starter yeah cut him cut him and throw Jerick Reed out there with one ACL no coob Kobe Bryant um and Kobe wouldn’t be a shocker either because you’ve already moved in two different positions which has shown itself the team doesn’t have exact a lot of love for him in the first place to be bouncing him around that much as it is so it doesn’t become a shocker if he does get cut at this point it’s actually kind of like you know he’s probably got a uphill battle to get into the roster as it stands right uh John m429 thank you for the five donation I appreciate you for that double dip Dawn today I know that’s your second Dono started watching both of you my first two channels I liked right after the foresight ESD draft you guys are awesome much love keep it up thanks John very cat of you man yeah we were that was our first draft on we had to boy that was a tough draft oh you know yeah that was the uh three picks right we had the three picks what do we you know you gotta wait three years to give a draft to tr a proper grade Brandon um what was your grade at the time uh I don’t think I was doing like firm grades back then I just was like H whatever I like forsight the foresight pick was good I thought that was good value I did too yeah um didn’t hate esbd but I was just kind of confused because I thought that we would draft a bigger receiver because I thought that was Waldren style I was surprised we drafted someone so small but I didn’t hate him I was just kind of like yeah whatever yeah uh Trey Brown I didn’t know anything about so I was just like okay sure yeah I was and Trey I knew a little bit about I of course didn’t like the ESR pick at all I was out on that one completely but um I did like the Trey Brown pick in the moment prob he fits the scheme real well for what he was his an outside corner and staying on top uh and I like four side in the sixth I that was a good move for them um I think I end up giving it a like a b-grade but it was much just because I didn’t like the it was the es only had three picks it was the es thing that just drove me crazy a little bit Yeah on that side of things I was like G come on it probably was giving it like a B minus area something like that where’s it stand now uh now um I guess you kind of roll keran into it as well because he was the one udfa that was able to do something it’s it’s like if you’re being real it’s like isn’t it like a D+ or something maybe I probably I’d go maybe a C+ Trey Brown started some games three and he’s been good in some games he’s been injured a lot that’s hurt ESD is giv you nothing um but it’s injury based as much as you miss the evaluation there you know like did you miss the evaluation as a player it’s hard to predict a guy’s just going to be injured and you know for side has certainly outperformed what you’d get from a six round pick as far as his his performance on the field and how much he’s played um as a starter so probably I’d be like C+ maybe even get to yeah C+ maybe you know about for me it’s hard with the injuries because that’s just tough to predict and I mean well it isn’t because that of course was beat to Hell coming out of college so yeah actually could have anticipated that unfortunately thank you though John appreciate you for that man very kind of you uh the real cheese with a $5 donation do we see any midseason trads I’d imagine so good good question well we’re not going to have a lot of cap space so I don’t think it’s going to be very easy for us to make a trade to bring something in and you generally only trade out if you’re having a really bad year and you’re just trying to get value for something you’re going to lose anyway so I’m going to say no yeah I would say that this is not a year that’s likely to see us to a a trade deadline deal uh real cheese the only way I could see it maybe being a possibility is if the team somehow just took to McDonald like the wind to a sail on a yacht in uh in you know out there in the harbor in Washington so it’s I if you’re walking through and you’re five and one or something maybe John gets a little bit gets a little bit kinky with it you know he’s like o let’s go you know but absent that I think the team just sits and stands brenon mentioned guys you you’d be maybe losing a year from now we really don’t have a lot of pure agents moving into next year that you’re really worried about you know in the in the way of like could a guy like Kenan OSU being moved around the trade deadline um you know with where the edge group is at as it stands like yeah something like that could be kind of you know brought up or safety could be moved if you’re in sell mode but much more likely it’s real cheese you’re in sell mode more than you’re in buy mode because both me and brenon aren’t seeing the team necessarily that ready to take off instantaneous with McDonald it’s going to take a little bit of time and because they did push the trade deadline back though this year br we do get the two weeks back so that will I’m glad they did that by the way aren’t you like makes a lot of sense yeah it’s much more smarter the NFL to do this this way so um it is possible they’re more in sell mode than buy mode I think real cheese but if they do go crazy town John shown that in the past that if you the team’s really rolling he’s not gonna be shy about doing that but I think he wants to keep as he showed by not trading up in this draft he really wants to keep the the draft Capital held on to for the future next year’s draft I think he’s in particular not what can offload any of that compensatory picks included yeah I uh I I think this year is going to be a chill year even if we end up having a really good start to the season I still would be like we don’t have the money for it like look what the Rams had to do to make that Von Miller trade work it was painful but they felt like you know they were so close and they just needed one more push to get there so they went for it but they had to give up so much stuff for a 10 game rental like I don’t really know if I need to be doing that right now if I’m going to be doing it I want to be in the Rams position where I’m at where it’s like I know we’re ready to go and to think you’re going to get to that certain of a spot halfway into the season under new coaching like that it just seems like a little bit much to believe that get to that sort of conclusion you know yeah I want to remind everybody in the chat that Josh McDaniel’s Denver Broncos started their first season 6-0 and then ended up going I think 8 and8 so so they might have believed they had something special at one point and very quickly they found out they did not yeah much better to lean on the historical perspective of new coaches coming in of first Year’s evaluation first Year’s kind of just figuring things out which doesn’t mean you go for it doesn’t mean you make huge ‘s trades of urgency you you let it play out you you let yourself truly see what you got and then turn around a year from now as John set the stage here real cheese really and if you stay patient through this year you don’t give up any your future draft Capital we look at next year you got all seven of your picks BR and right you get two more compensatory picks minimum back right that’s what we’re anticipating at least two compensatory picks coming on top of that you can clear almost $100 million in cap space with some easy contracts on the books to get out from under that’s the time to go out there and start striking and moving forward not not quite into this year at this moment I wouldn’t think agreed thank you real cheese appreciate you though snail thank you for the $2 donation another donation I snail appreciate you says did did we ever find out if Sam Lockett is related to Tyler Lockett my research said no on this yeah I’m not aware of a relation there either I don’t know much about Sam I know a little bit but there was a neamiah locket um from the Appalachian Mountains in um 1875 where they did technically share some lineage at that point but that’s where it branched out you know um yeah even back then they were known for being very Fleet of foot as Hunters so you know little know fact about the lockets it’s it’s been known for hundreds of years about that yeah Sam was one of the rookie invites right he was one of safety believe safety rookie invites brought in so hey safety’s kind of open up right now so you never know out there snail maybe you get a coug out here s snail wed to safety coug Brendan and it’s it’s that old thing of you know you’re not gonna get the one you want but you’ll get what you need he wanted it to be Jaden Hicks but he’s just going to have to settle for it being Sam locket yeah um I WSU he was WSU yeah he was WSU I think we got a linebacker from wfu as well but they’re both like again you’re you’re you got a better odds of winning the Power Ball than having one of those guys make the 53 man yeah we’ll see what we’ll see what Tyler can help out as cuz helping with some Insider info on that snail but yeah not technically not related based on what we’re reading from that uh briski thank you for the $5 donation appreciate you brusi says do you think Bobo gets more targets Mo bobo please um probably not I would say I think that I’m just GNA I think the defense will be better which means we’re gonna run the ball more because we’re going to be playing with the lead more often we’re not going to be scrambling trying to catch up with all these teams dropping 40 on us and therefore less targets for a receiver like Bobo who is um going to be fighting for reps anyway yeah I I think that the the receiving core is just as staled as it was last year brooksie if not more so lishka chanal now is on a guaranteed one-year deal and I’m not saying the team’s looking to invest in lishka but I think the guaranteed money you gave that guy to you’re on the roster basically means if yes he’ll be used as a special teams guy but he’ll probably find his way to getting some touches on the field as well does that mean Cuts more a little bit into a guy like Bobo’s reps at that point I think he ends up coming around getting about what he got last year absent there being an injury brusi and that’s not anything against Bobo not developing or getting better it’s just more about how stocked up and well put together the receiving cores for the Seahawks as is right now not many could crack into this lineup so the thing that helps him is his blocking ability and his willingness as a blocker that’s going to get him snaps on the field at times but unless there’s an injury it’s just hard these are you know dynamic guys on the outside still and what they do and they’re very efficient in what they do and you expect jsn to take a step forward and you know Brandon Brandon said about the running I think that’s valid too where you know they’re going to maybe in more situations less of having to throw throw throw all the time a little bit more of hey we can kind of grind on this this running game a little bit more with our two real talented running backs that’s an addition here to B we got two talented running backs we’re going to want to get them their touches as well there’s only so many balls to go around but I love boobo brooksie I’m really happy to see what he did he was my favorite UDF egg out last year year he really was and and so to see him to really build to build on that he had a hell of a season he had some great catches on those few times they did Target him had even a a freaking touchdown on a um Fly sweep you know he was guy was G like every week he was giving you something but uh just gonna be hard for him here maybe after Lockett retires if he can really sell the team on being that guy that maybe can be the silent cold blooded air parent to Tyler locket nobody’s really considering yeah yeah I I could maybe see that there have been receivers who carve out higher than expected roles based off their talent level and if you’ve got a lot of other good things going on it’s a little bit easier for them to get by but this year no I think this year is going to be about kind of the jsn ascendants yeah I agreed jsn is gonna be kind of rolling here this year I think and uh you’ll get you got DK got Tyler in there you got Fant you’re going to try to figuring get your two running backs there’s so many guys get the ball Kenny Macintosh say he start getting some touches in this offense a little bit so many targets to get to hawo thank you for the Fiverr appreciate you for that with the talent and new coaching are the days of fearing col MCO and other backups over you would certainly hope so I’m I’m thinking about the Ravens defense last year who were the quarterbacks that were able to beat them up a little bit it was like uh Stafford had a really good game right right um and Stafford was really good last year in fact um he was shockingly good coming off that injury that he had he had like season last year in my opinion very close to it it was like stealth MVP you look at the numbers and they’re not impressed like his numbers were not that good but you you look at what doing out there it’s like wow something’s going on here he put throws on that just he he had as many absord absurd throws on tape as any quarterback last year that I saw I mean that first game alone against us there had to be about eight or nine throws in that game where he’s putting it in just a little cubby hole of a space and the only spot he could completed the ball and he completes it uh let me see here what else they got a little bit H not I’m not really going to throw that in there I guess they got a little bit beat up by the Browns in that one game so there’s a not so great quarterback because that was one of the games where the Browns were playing I want to say PJ walker uh let me make sure on that one no that was a deshun Watson game okay Des Watson game uh they kind of got beat up by yeah yeah the Rams and the Niners had a decent amount of success against them but overall I think they were happy with how that game went so I’m not seeing a lot of like lackluster quarterbacks beat him up unless you think that Watson’s a bad a lackluster quarterback at this point which he is trending that way any any QB in this league has got a potential of taking down a defense I’ll say that off the rip their Hawks so what caused our defense to get taken down over and over again prior by backup quarterbacks was the Simplicity of the scheme and the lack of willingness to adapt to the opponent on a weekly basis we’re going to do what we do we do what we do and it doesn’t matter who’s across from us so if we’ve got a weak armed guy across from us backup quarterback we’re still going to go to our cover three depth we’re still going to play the Deep ball the guy doesn’t do that it’s gold McCoy he can’t throw it fast 45 yards down the field ah we don’t care we’re gonna drop to 50 and that’s the stuff that we would do maddeningly so over and over again and and a backup quarterback is not going to over plays why they had so much success is because a backup quarterback knows what they are there their limitations and their strengths they will stay within their strengths and if you give them an easy slant route opened up that they can look at as a first read and dip it off to that slant they will take that all day if that’s what you’re going to give them and Coach Carol’s defense was all built on that whole you know philosophy that the that the quarterback gets impatient over the course of the game and he’s going to take his shot at some point down the field and we’ll strike when that happens and as we saw over the years quarterbacks started to learn if we just stay patient against this defense it might take us all day to kind of break them might take us all day to kind of wear them down in this process but you will wear them down you will get your points and you will be productive on the offensive side of the ball so yes that part for what caused your defense to have problems is out the door now a backup may come in and get us but it’s not going to be on the back of making it easy on them that’s the key is we just we made it too easy on those backups to do and that’s why a guy like Co McCoy could be on the Giants this year and slay you and then go to the Cardinals the next year and then slay you on a whole different team didn’t matter a whole different person even though neither of those two teams were particularly good on either end at that point because your Colton knew what your defense was he knew exactly what he was gonna get on play in and play out every single time and that’s the complete opposite of Mike McDonald’s defense yeah so I’m definitely hoping that that that era has uh changed and I think that it has yeah I think that’s gone out the door now at this point so uh you know it’s it’s we’re not going to make it easy on you and that’s part of the flexibility and versatility of this defense as well as they can cater it can cater on a weekly basis to what you do at your worst offensively we’re going to force you to play that way and we’ll do it less about our system and our scheme and how we got to run it we’re going to be more about going after your weaknesses and attacking that and I love that about this new defense Nicholas Newton’s got a couple of donos back toback here first one up and thank you for that Nicholas he says glas gridge was such a waste of a second round pick yeah i’ said it was a brutal one for me because I didn’t think that this should have been as tough an evaluation for John I understand that the Tyreek Hill thing was a fitted in every General manager’s mind throughout the league and this happens it happened with Debo Samuel Brendan where guys just get stuck in their brain of we gotta go find this Arc Type of this player now that’s the new hotness and uh the reek thing was the new hotness and so you looked at glass GD and you squinted your eyes and you know you you looked at him from a distance and maybe maybe could be but there were so many warning signs on this with with him and it was the three main warning signs for me when I was evaluating him coming out of college one he had he literally got to a point of having so many injury problems that he changed his jersey number to change his injury luck in college guy does that that’s not a good sign about the injury front and he’s not a big guy so it wasn’t like you’re like well he’s such a big guy eventually he’ll get them you know he’ll get his old man muscle on there he’ll be fine uh the other thing was not a great route Runner kind of problematic if you’re not a very good route Runner as a wide receiver and and I gota just manufactur my touches to get you the ball and then not very good hands you know so you as a receiver you can’t catch and you don’t run particularly good routes and you’re really injury-prone had a hard time getting to the point of finding a second round grade within that and uh I I think that in retrospect it’s been proven true out of that that’s it’s more of a lesson than it is to shake a fist at JN this is a lesson yeah you know you’re missing these attributes on a player and receiver like that in this stay age with so many receivers coming out are so good you can’t do that you got to take that at the right valued spot yeah and I remember looking at receivers that year cuz I thought we might take one and I remember really being impressed with what I saw from uh Aman raw so that one hurts too because he uh he ended up getting all the way to the fourth round somehow which I didn’t expect and he he’s he’s awesome he was wasn’t he n day difference with what you saw from Eskridge because he’s out there making really tough catches at UFC like he’s extending he’s he’s yeah he’s not a big guy but on these throws to him and he’s not got the greatest of quarterback play at that time and he’s out there just making acrobatic catch after acrobatic catch and then you see asri and a run a slant and he body catches and it bounces up off his body and then it goes and gets intercepted and you go dude the quarterback put it on your body you got you didn’t even alligator armor you just anticipated you about to get hit and so you let it bounce up off your arms and you watch to your point the two difference between those two guys in that draft coming out you’re like how do you get to Eskridge on this one John come on yeah and I uh I I don’t really know I I didn’t even look at ESRD in the pre-draft process I knew who he was but I remember not looking at him specifically because I thought we would be looking at a bigger receiver I didn’t think we’d want a little small guy because of walren I the Rams mostly had bigger receivers so I thought that he’d be trying to emulate that because the Rams at that time had Robert Woods who was a bigger Guy Cooper Cup who was big for a slot he was like what 61 yeah yeah and they had one other guy who was kind of big too so Anderson something like was that that Pi maybe that that he was in that draft I forget no was the uh that’s right was that well that draft okay so yeah Van van was already there he’s tak’ to to your point yeah so yeah so yeah I uh still feel definitely feel that way too there and Nicholas Brandon I think you should start calling him glass GD all the time just saying um well I I it definitely does apply I do feel a little bad if I call him glass G to a degree Nicholas because I don’t you know some of the stuff is his fault like the you know disturbance thing that he had where he gets arrested for that and then gets you know um suspended like I’ll give you a hard time for that it’s harder for me on the injury front because I I don’t think that it’s a matter of with these guys they’re they’re necessarily doing something and I just don’t know I guess as much anything you know it’s it’s like bad luck it’s like you know it’s like calling Jamal Adams soft or something like I hear people sometimes do and it’s like you know I always have a hard time doing that on that Nicholas just because I’m like well it’s you know I’ll give a guy a hard time if it’s something that he’s responsible for and it’s in his control and he did something that you know you go all right this guy’s got but if it’s something that’s kind of out of his control it’s like you know you feel even feel bad for him having to go through it like well I can’t really hit him on that I can get on Jamal about lack of skill set stuff that goes on but I would never give him for instance anything about the toughness or or anything with that it’s just body start breaking down at the worst time and it’s happened to many football players before where it’s it’s there’s no sometimes Rhyme or Reason to it some guys just get hit at the weird time you know yeah yeah I mean we’re we’re having a different conversation right now if he doesn’t get cheap shotted in his first ever NFL game which I I still think that was a dirty hit yeah with forarm forarm Shivers to the forarm Shivers to the helmet are supposed to be not in the game anymore that was supposed to go out about 1957 I think they started legislating the cloes line kind of uh plays to your point but uh I’ll give my I’ll give my call out to that every once a while Nicholas I’ll give you a subtle nud to the uh to the glass gridge but um I want to see the kid succeed too I want to see him come back this year as much as I don’t think it’s gon to happen I’d love to see him come back an absolute demon who’s been training you know 247 for the last year going man this is it last chance I got to make this go you know what a great uh what a great story it would be if he could um reimatec as a who’s fighting his hands you know that’s your position that’s your job you know that’s like a plumber that can’t block unblock a toilet or a fireman that can’t put out a fire like this is your base function of your job You’ got to do that I I’ll give him a hard time with that but it’s hard on the injury front for me because I’m I feel bad for those guys on that little bit nucas I got a little sympathy for him on that because I know that how hard that must be having that be the factor that holds you back uh appreciate you though Nicholas for the Triple donation tonight man salute you you’re very kind for that holiest hand grenade thank you for the $2 donation he saids we had we had Ricardo locket I remember that KO yeah he had the E of course but yeah I remember Ricardo Ricardo was good man maybe one of the best Gunners that we’ve ever had in Seahawks history um certainly had the the flashiest Gunning plays as far as lighting up uh um pun returners back there and his willingness to you know go right on the line did you give him a yard or did you give him like six inches right on the catch was he was definitely one that would go right to that line on it but the officials let him get away with it I don’t think they would now when some of those hits lock it got away with back in the day because he he just about on a couple of those maybe separated head from shoulders on a couple of those ones you know that Niner Conference Championship game and whatnot haven’t been able to replace him yet haven’t been able haven’t had a gunner quite as quite as good uh since since Lockett left we’s had some decent ones but nobody that’s been quite as good as he was but thank you holy Stan grenade and everybody in the chat a lot of uh donations tonight you guys are very kind uh for all of that support here on the channels really really really really do appreciate thank you everybody yes so uh I’m going to hold off on my grade Brandon because I’m doing a show tomorrow around the final draft grades and some just draft thoughts I’ve got kind of outside of anything in regards to Seattle but I would like to know your give me if you can your draft G draft grade and then do it in tandem with the last two draft grades that have been very of course successful drafts to give people a little bit of comparison on this if you could for me please uh I I think that uh I think it’s a B+ I don’t think we made any bad picks we didn’t do anything that I strongly objected to we didn’t do anything that I would consider to be just out andout like bad there were some things that were suboptimal but that’s totally fine that’s part of the process I don’t i’ I’ve really learned over the years to not get tunnel vision in the draft I don’t lock onto one player and um turn my brain off as to every other path so it’s a good draft uh last year was an A minus and the year before was an A so I don’t think it’s as good as those two but that’s really hard to be as good as those two it is why are we celebr those last two drafts and Brennon it wasn’t just because we had so many picks either you and I are celebrating those last two drafts not to put words in your mouth but because of how good the value was throughout and the players you were getting right and um it’s also easier when you have a pick in the top 10 which we did each of the last two years yes it is you still gotta get those picks right though and that’s the good part about is like in you know cross you looked on draft in and said we might have gotten the best left tackle in in this draft I think it’s been proven out that that’s been probably pretty close to the case and you know with Witherspoon you got okay we we we think we got the best corner and could be a lock down guy and he he proved almost be the defensive Brookie of the year last year so um who did win it was it was Byron Turner right Byron Murphy was it that who not Murphy but the uh it was the Tennessee kid from Rams that won it wasn’t it oh co no not Kobe Turner uh I’m gonna throw you off on this one now shoot by young byon young yes thank you there we go there we go they all send the names run together um so just missing last year so the value was so strong throughout those drafts too this this draft was still very solid and if you put this draft Brandon up against 2017 18 19 20 certainly surpasses those ones as far as your in my opinion use of value throughout the draft and and your approach the draft so Still Remains one of the stronger drafts in the last 10 years even though it can’t reach those Mark the last two I I also think it was a very solid one from my perspective I’ll be doing my final kind of grade tomorrow on that with it but good udfa Hall as well let’s add this in addition I’m you and I are believers in this that you gotta have the udfa hall in and look at it and right might have gotten your starting your your fourth running back who’s a good player as the roster might have gotten two guys that we have fifth round grade or I have a fifth round grade on two guys you got at least on one of them and and Caesar The Edge and then West over so that certainly adds to the value of this draft as well I had a fifth round grade on Greenfield fifth round grade on greenfeld so there’s at least two from your perspective on that I just have a chance to look too much close at Greenfield so that also helps putting those all together is kind of a button- up little cherry on top of the draft is a nice spot so good Draft Seahawks did the heavy lifting in my opinion the previous two years they just need to do strongly in this one to keep carrying this thing forward to where we’re hoping this thing can get Brennan which is back to an elite stage of things which is to a Super Bowl window and certainly wherever you stay on this draft this team has taking itself forward now back a little bit more further to that direction of things we don’t know how close we are to arrive in there but we’re definitely getting closer and closer and that’s we had to look at this three years ago we turned this over Russell we said this is all rebuild old report we got to turn this thing over we got to get all these positions reput back together and okay now we’re getting down stream here we’re a little bit down downwind on this one and so we’re getting closer and closer and closer a little more patience from Mew fans but we’re right there on the edge here of uh this thing to really ready to explode and they’re doing it in the right way which is the important part uh I agree sorry go ahead I agree I just said I agree uh Eric Cotter thank you for finishing this up very strongly on this stream with a $10 donation to go with so much support today you guys have been amazing as you guys always are he says I disagree with you often but I am still here thank you at Xander well thank you man um I think it’s a really important thing that both me and Brendan at and again Bren I hate always trying to I’m not trying to talk for you so you know correct me on this if I start speaking to very too much me and him both I think do value um and are trying to always be hyperware we have our opinions and we’re strongly about it and I’ll go with Bren and stuff that he says and you know go stuff I say and we really believe what we do say um but neither of us I think are looking for in either of our community an echo chamber um the what we do not want or what we’re not seeking out is that you’ve got to just agree with everything we say and that that we’re wanting people Enlightenment of what everything would say in fact the opposite is what I would say um again Grant brenon please correct me on this if I’m speaking out of pocket on this for you on this but want people with all different manner of ideas and and understandings you know we we bristle at stuff that gets talked about like the DK trade stuff but hey we’ll still discuss it and talk about it it’s more about talking about all the possibilities and iterations and what could go on or how this could go and what’s the smart approach and you can’t do that if you’re just looking for everybody to be agreeing with you all the time certainly you’re not going to get to those kind of creative out of the-box kind of ideas especially in that case yeah yeah absolutely especially there there are a lot of things where there’s a lot of room to have disagreements when it comes to something like football absolutely I mean there’s and and nobody’s got the you know nobody’s circled around having the the their own little grab on the truth and they only they know the truth and uh it’s why I always say Eric it’s the I feel like from the community Spirit of things you kind of get the truth from from so many voices it’s that whole thing we talk about with these draft boards on the consensus boards Brendan mentions it a lot consensus boards why does he mention it a lot because brenan’s fully aware of the fact that rather than they being an individual expert who has this more understood than anybody else even with all those guys that are connected in and piped in throughout the league and this guy told me they’re taking that that guy told me they’re taking this those guys still get out out pushed every year by the pure consensus board the pure brain power of the collective and what it brings to getting the ultimate truth of how these drafts will run and the way that they’ll kind of play out when it comes to draft day and I think there’s something to that and that’s part of what I really love about my community where I stand and I’m sure you are very much the same place where you’re at Brandon yes well thank you guys we had a lot of people today in the chat Brandon I appreciate you hanging on for me for almost two and a half hours here as we had a lot to discuss with this draft and the Seahawks business going on I had a great time as well man with you just as we put the final button up here on our draft coverage we’ll certainly come back and look at some of these UDF but uh it was a great year again doing this another year looking at these guys deep um I think we’ll go back into it deep again this year folks so get ready for September 2025 we’re GNA start putting our list together here in about two months three months brandan so refreshing up man can’t clear clear all these prospects out you know it’s it’s a recycle time at this point but thank you man for doing this with me and doing all these shows and uh getting as deep into this as uh we got into this I really appreciate you for that yeah thank you we’ll we’ll do it again next year if they let us if they let us if uh if the The Creeks are still running and the world’s still going here at that point but uh thank you guys got an exciting time coming up here we’ll go a little bit in the Dead period we’ll be covering some variety of topics here still at the B&B show so we will still be here coming at you guys into the future time period appreciate you watching do me this favor if you could for me do uh subscribe on up to both of our two channels here I’m the Hawks Nest here and then you’ve got Seahawks Brendan Nelson please subscribe up both those two channels both trying to move our way to 20,000 subscribers uh definitely the next goal in mind as well as hit the like button on either side that you may be watching this video his Channel or my channel we will be back soon uh probably about a week from now to give ourselves that full chance and let me rest up and get over this freaking cold that I can’t kick but uh until that time my fellows yting I shouldn’t have to remind you after a very successful draft in a team that seems to be on the precipice but you know what we’re going to do so anyway please do not you ever forget gohawks gohawks


  1. 32 UDFA and camp invites. 20 UDFA AND 12 invites.

    QB – Taulia Tagovailoa, Maryland (Invited to Minicamp)
    QB – Chevan Cordeiro, San Jose State
    RB – George Holani, Boise State
    RB – TaMerik Williams, North Dakota State
    WR – Dakereon Joyner, South Carolina (Invited to camp)
    WR – Hayden Hatten, Idaho
    TE – Alex Larson, St. John’s (Invited to Minicamp)
    TE – Jack Westover, Washington
    OL – Garrett Greenfield, South Dakota State
    OL – Nick Correia, Rhode Island (Invited to Minicamp)
    IOL – Mike Novitsky, Kansas
    iOL – Xavier Delgado, Missouri
    C – Mike Novitsky, Kansas
    EDGE – Nelson Ceaser, Houston
    EDGE – Richard Jibunor, Troy
    EDGE – Sundiata Anderson, Grambling State
    DT – Devere Levelston, SMU
    DT – Rason Williams II, Louisiana Tech
    DL – Buddha Jones, Troy (Invited to Minicamp)
    LB – Aaron Beasley, Tennessee
    LB – AJ Forbes, Montana (Invited to Minicamp)
    LB – Daniel Abraham, Villanova (Invited to Minicamp)
    LB – Easton Gibbs, Wyoming
    LB – Devin Richardson, Washington State (Invited to Minicamp)
    LB – Travion Brown, Arizona State (Invited to Minicamp)
    CB – Carlton Johnson, Fresno State
    CB – Irshaad Davis, Troy (Invited to Minicamp)
    DB – Dee Williams, Tennessee
    DB – Ro Torrance, Arizona State
    S- Kendarin Roy, Tulsa (Invited to Minicamp)
    S – Sam Lockett, Washington State (Invited to Minicamp)

  2. It's still pronounced Findlee, not Findlay. Jerrell said he stayed at Findlay because he had made a commitment to his coaches and teammates.

  3. Imo i think they drafted not BPA but Best Role Player available. Like they drafted for now an not the future. For example they needed a blocking TE, they got the best one. They need dominent IDL the get Murphy. I have the feeling Mike MacDonald is someone who wants and needs players in the exact role and that will get his system going. So they drafted well and round up a team rather then the most talented guys.

  4. I love to see Brandon finally calling Brendon out on his bs takes. I swear to god most of this offseason draft talks it seems to me that he doesn’t watch anything but YouTube highlight reels and pff premium stats. After you called him out on why he thought the hands were bad and his response was “idk I guess I’ll know more once I get a chance to watch all the tape” …like bro, you had all year to watch how this guys hands looked on a guy who had less than 30 targets this year??? Bullllllllshit. His takes are nothing more than drunk sports bar talk. I can see it really frustrating Brandon more and more….Brandon needs to find a new analyst partner cause this dude ain’t it

  5. Brendon sounds miserable. And his lazy takes and analysis are becoming more and more comical.

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