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UFC Vegas 91 | Matheus Nicolau vs Alex Perez | Full Card Breakdown, Picks, and Betting Tips

Breaking down and Predicting every fight for UFC Fight Night in Vegas back in the Apex.

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0:00 Intro
0:15 Maheshate Hayisaer vs Gabriel Benitez
2:32 Ivana Petrovic vs Na Liang
4:32 James Llontop vs Gabe Green
7:38 Ketlen Souza vs Marnic Mann
9:21 Don’Tale Mayes vs Caio Machado
11:58 Austin Hubbard vs Michal Figlak
14:27 Rani Yahya vs Victor Henry
16:40 Tim Means vs Uros Medic
19:05 Jonathan Pearce vs David Onama
22:49 Jhonata Diniz vs Austen Lane
24:48 Karine Silva vs Ariane Lipski
27:40 Ryan Spann vs Bogdan Guskov
30:24 Matheus Nicolau vs Alex Perez
34:00 UFC 300 Recap

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it’s not over stop the fighta everybody I come here for everybody kill everybody I’m the CH I’m the K get [Applause] every all right guys welcome back to broke bets Lane here with you and I got my co-host as always Carson what is up oh what’s going on coming off the the high of USC 300 and now we’re coming to Nicol vers Perez here back in the Apex baby where we want to be um yeah uh we’ll talk about 300 a little bit more at the end of the video but guys let’s just get into it so we got first fight mashat versus Gabriel bonitz uh we’re going know with mashat I mean 24 years old um he’s been pretty good I mean you know you face borchev you’re not a Grappler and getting knocked out there’s no shame in that I mean you’re facing one of the best boxers in the sport I would say and uh you know you go toe-to-toe with him on the feet you’re probably not GNA get the result you want but uh I think just the difference in age is to me big here and Gabriel bonitz for a 35-year-old this dude looks like older than Jim Miller I mean in that last fight Jim Miller just outworked him all the way through um and I just feel like uh Mash’s hands will just be better and I’m I’m going to take a third round knockout I think that the damage adds up and shate hits his a big punch and finish is the fight yeah uh he’s only 24 years old right now um he’s got decent hands he likes to throw throw straights and he’s got a pretty good right straight um me that’s that punch he knocked out uh Steve Garcia with his UFC debut so um yeah he uses his jab really well and in the right um after that so Gabriel Bonita is 35 years old um hasn’t looked the best of late just um got whopped by by Jim Miller and yeah um I think he’s going to he’s on the decline now so um I like machat rising up here yeah mashat uh you know I got out grappled that’s been one of those other weaknesses with Rafa Garcia but um bonitz hasn’t known as much as a Grappler as he is just uh he’s just a kicker and that’s kind of his game um you know he’s got mish’s got to be careful for that but once again faster younger and uh hungrier so yeah shat KO round three okay for the next fight we have Ivana petravic versus Nang going with petravic it’s just the obvious pick here um leang is killer be killed and mostly it’s mostly just get killed it’s not even you know there’s not even like the good side of things she’ll just go ape [ __ ] in round one uh and lose all of her energy use no Tech te neque and then just get killed in round two or late round one um Petrovic I’m not impressed either I mean she’s your average chick fighter she’s like Joanne wood she’s like the girl who even beat her Lana Carolina like just very middle of the road uh fighter you’re going to find and uh she’ll clinch her if she has to slow her down soon take it to the ground and win it there and we know lot Nang will probably want to get this fight to the ground um but I don’t think she’ll even have success there so yeah give me petrovich yeah petravic is uh pretty long 5’8 and uh Nang 55 so I think Petrovic will use her length and Nang will will slow down gas out and and get finished like she normally does um when’s the last time we’ve seen a chick fighter only go to one decision in her career like that’s um that’s pretty much unheard of now she’s yeah like you said she’s been getting killed in every single one of her fights 0 and3 in the UFC and I see that going to 0 and4 here shortly yeah and Petrovic uh extremely active guard off her back too she was fishing for arm bars versus kolina trying to throw triangle submission attempts I mean could you know work on getting up a little bit more but these are chick Fighters and this is what they do uh I’m going submission round two I’m just going to say leang gets extremely tired and uh stupid as always so yeah Petrovic submission round two okay for the next fight we have James lantop versus uh Gabe green uh probably not saying Lop isn’t it like the L the Double L is different in Spanish I can’t [ __ ] remember um we’re going with uh lawn toop though I mean Gabe green uh I I don’t think he’s horrible I don’t think he’s great um but he did just get knocked out cold I mean that I mean it was nearly a year but he’s coming down a weight class as well he’s coming down to 155 um already a I’d say a decent sized welterweight um this cut should be pretty diminishing on him and Lop while I’m not super impressed I just do think that his chin will hold up uh better than gve Green and I mean look at gve Green’s fight IQ versus Brian battle just literally throwing God I I really shouldn’t use the word on YouTube but rward punches I’ll just say um and then just getting clipped so easily Pena impression yes I mean Christ but like Lop not super impressed either I kind of see this fight as a pick them um Malik Lewis was completely gassed on Contender series after in the middle of round one and he couldn’t finish him um I don’t see crazy striking ability I do see a good ability to maybe mix in kicks um and the use the right hand but for the most part I think we’re going to have a pretty even battle here to a decision what do you think yeah I think it’ll be yeah I think it’ll be pretty close um gab green kind of is a tough guy um obviously not in his last one against battle where he got startch but um previously Ian Gary couldn’t finish him and then uh Johan Lanes knocked him down two or three times in that first and second round and um less gassed out and Gabe green was able to to take over and finish him there um that’s that or Phil Rose probably his best win um he hasn’t been been too impressive but Lop yeah he looked okay in his uh Contender here’s fight um he’s on like a 10 fight win streak or so um mixes in the kicks really well works the body as well um yeah he’s just all right everywhere I guess but yeah I think it’ll be a close fight that goes to decision here I kind of want to take a stab at the over but when you see what Dave Green did in his last fight I’m like I don’t know if I I don’t know if I can bet over when you just walk out and get knocked out so um and cutting down that extra 15 lbs is is CH going to hold up like it has previously before the last one right I don’t know yeah this interesting fight though um I think and again in my eyes a pick them or if you’re a betting man I think dogger pass on this type of fight so yeah yeah that’s fair all right La Top by decision okay for the next fight uh we got Caitlyn sza versus marck Man the two girls I believe shouldn’t be in the UFC uh maret man especially so you got to go with Caitlyn sza this is just a snoozer of a matchup everyone’s going to be on their couch for this one um I just feel like Caitlyn SS has to be better in the standup you watch marmahon standup it’s awful she wants to get the fight to the ground funny part is so’s ground game is awful I remember when this Karina Silva fight popped up um K Silva by finish was like plus one plus like plus money something and every one of Karina Silva’s wins by finish and soza just had a horrible ground game if you go back and watch her Invicta fights just bad ground game um I just got to STI with the damage side of SOA again I would not bet anything on this type of fight so yeah give me soza by decision yeah um Marik man’s super tiny too she’s only 5 feet tall um so maybe uh um s is able to to use her size Advantage here in this one um land the more damaging shots and and land more damage here but yeah um won’t be all that entertaining yeah I mean maret man’s like a Adam weight and like like you even said she’s five foot but she’s not like a super buff 5 foot she’s like like you know she’s just definitely not even meant for the UFC weight classes so that’s all there needs to be said for this one folks all right SOA by decision okay for the next fight we have Carson and I’s second favorite heavyweight behind uh Chris Barnett tail ma versus Kyo Machado uh again man these lowl heavyweight fights are just absolutely horrible matchups but this one will make you laugh every one of these bad heavyweight matchups makes me laugh so going to Dil maze um I don’t have any confidence in it I think that mazee is extremely low level and Machado is equally there um may just maybe more striking experience and and I don’t know maybe a takedown ability to get on top that’s an option otherwise they maze especially will slow down what I really like in this fight is the over one and a half because um both these guys I think they’ll struggle to finish each other when they still have some gas but when one gets tired there may be a finish so give me maze by decision uh see how this one goes though yeah I don’t know if it’ll be set at 2 and 1 half or 1 and A2 probably 2 and a half I imagine They Don’t Really finish much of their better competition yeah um but yeah I mean down till ma it’s probably just uh little more active yeah he got stuck against the fence against sikai but um I don’t think Machado here will be will be clenching here him all that much here um yeah Machado he did not look good at all in his dender series fight looked a little better against Parkin but uh yeah still did not look very good at all got taken down easily he just was faster than Parkin that was one of the big things um Parkin just looked incredibly slow mazee it’s just unbelievable like he’s like such a big dude no athleticism um he seems like one of those black anime guys just with with the way he moves in the octagon and he wants to be like Israel out Ofna when he fights it’s like dude you can’t move like that you can’t move hardly at all to begin with and uh I I cannot not bring it up but when he fought hamy that trip that he went for and he fell if you need to watch film watch that fight there’s one of the funniest moments where Dante ma attempts a trip and he just falls down it’s perfect um but yeah uh now to did with Mae any more thoughts here no all right maze by decision okay for the next fight we have Austin hubard versus mikal figc going with fig laac this is a tough one another type of pick them fight in my eyes you got hubard a veteran has been a lot in a lot of uh higher level fights you could say but also in my opinion this lacks a lot of aggression this dude just kind of lets fights go by I mean you can see it in the halow fight he just kind of touches touches looks for a Tak down and it’s just not super impr impressive I feel like at least vlac trying to move forward trying to do damage you know getting outworked by fores no [ __ ] shocker there I mean zam’s fast kickboxing style um he did get taken down a lot in that fight but just with the way the tough Fighters have been losing lately give me fig laac yeah um I think he’ll be going for it like his uh name he’s a Mad Dog um he tends to push the pace or whatever he likes to do he just likes to to keep throwing with volume um Hub like you said he just doesn’t go for it he’s on tough so they’re on a big losing streak the only tough guy worth mentioning is probably Brian battle he’s the only one worth something true um yeah fig laac he’s a long layoff too I think this will be like a year and a halfish so how much has he improved since then I don’t know he’s only 20 27 years old now so I think he will improve uh and and I don’t think he was all horrible in his uh fasam fight I think when you’re just kind of outgunned versus someone who’s a better Striker and they’re so long that you can’t get them to the ground it makes it a tough fight for anybody so coming in against somebody with a similar frame you might have a better chance here yeah I think figle struggled with uh the size of zeom and Z’s strength I hean just outmuscled him for for a lot of those grappling uh situations right and uh I got to mention fig laak’s legs they’re massive but they’re almost massive in a bad way like his torso looks tiny compared to his thighs and I feel like carrying all that weight in your thighs is probably not the best thing but anyway yeah give us fig laac by decision I like the over here okay for the next fight we have Ronnie Yaya versus Victor Henry give us Victor Henry um Victor Henry’s been kind of strange he’s been the ups and downs here in the UFC the nutshot that stopped that fight close Split Decision lost to a sunell I mean he’s facing good opponents that’s the one thing you can kind of give him um Yaya on the other hand there’s just been the era of being just the jiujitsu guy has just gone away um you just can’t do the one thing anymore and especially when your wrestling isn’t phenomenal either I mean yeah wrestling’s decent but it’s not the level level where like Gilbert Burns can be and these other guys so I think it’s time’s up 39 years old I mean Henry’s not a a young buck himself but um it feels like he’s just going to outpoint Yaya to a decision and Yaya has been somewhat durable here in the UFC I mean getting knocked out by Montel Jackson’s not shocking so yeah yeah um 39 years old um for for Yaya he doesn’t have a single KO in MMA so um that’s kind of uh strange um yeah he’s submission specialist BJJ guy I think Victor Henry will um just avoid those takedowns and avoid going to the ground with him and and just throw volume on the feet I think he wins the decision Victor Henry’s also never been subbed before or koed so I don’t really see y uh changing that yeah I mean it’s just uh not an interesting fight to say the least and that’s with a lot of these fights think people are pass not sure why why Victor Henry’s getting a favorable match up here after he fakes a um a nutshot I still don’t know how to feel feel about that I feel like the basharat brothers just took out all their anger on Victor Henry but I I have no idea yeah the man could have tennis balls for testicles I don’t know anyway Henry by decision okay for the next fight we have Tim Means versus uros medic uh going with medic here uh stylistically I think this is just a much better matchup you know you look at medic facing uh orabi on short notice um a Grappler that’s just a nightmare matchup for anybody especially when your game is just not grappling uh coming here against Tim Means you know Tim Means isn’t really known for his wrestling he’s a he can do it but it’s not really his game for the most part um Tim Means you know likes to use straight weapons his uh jab in his uh left hand a lot and and uh medic he’s just a little bit more explosive faster um and he’s a finisher in his career so I’m take medic by a second round knockout I think the damage adds up a little bit here on Tim 40 years old reaction timing maybe isn’t all there but uh got to watch out for medic slowing down that’s the one thing yeah he he doesn’t have the best cardio all of his wins are by finisher I should say all of his uh fights are have all been finishes never been the decision before um he’s a killer um I think he’s really entertaining uh he’s got um a ton of power on that left hand yeah he does slow down after the first but uh you see he was able to to to fight through that and finish semelsberger in that third round um which was super impressive I think he got knocked down twice in that fight um so um really like that to to see him battle back throughout that fight and and finish simburger um yeah Tim Mains he’s getting subbed a ton of late but that’s just not medic’s uh game at all so um yeah Holland was able to uh Club him sub club and sub him I’m knocking bound first but yeah I think meder will eventually find that KO in in the second round yeah I think it’s just it’s just a matter of speed um and like the way that medic has been slowing down is when people put a like just March forward on him and I feel like means doesn’t really have that style and and his he can do it you know he’s he’s been in those types of fights but over over the course of time I just haven’t seen him be that person so yeah medic KO round two okay for the next fight we have Jonathan Pierce versus David onama this is a tough one to call in my opinion I mean I think we’re we’re g I’m GNA give this one to Carson we’re going to go with Jonathan Pierce but I’m very on the fence I’m kind of leaning onama um it feels like both these guys have had you know they’re both dominant in their areas of one game and and in Pierce it’s the grappling and in onama it’s the power and his striking but um I I feel like either one of these guys could gas out and the other one could easily just put a whooping on the other so what what are your thoughts I’m I mean I think it’s pierced by decision am I correct yeah no that’s what I would lean towards um but yeah I mean onama um he’s a killer all wins are by finish here as well um he’s very entertaining as well uh never gives up um he’s never been finished um but Pierce I I just think uh his grappling game will will tire onama out and um onama will just uh um gas out a little bit and and Pierce will will be able to uh just lay on them i’ would say for for the majority of this fight yeah onama is probably doing a lot more damage I would say if it is on the feet um and if it stays on the feet I think onama could could finish him but I just think Pierce will be able to find those takedowns and and uh grapple with him this is this one those fights to really watch the live betting line cuz if Pierce is holding a crazy high pace and he stands up in round two and you can just see he’s a little tired and maybe onama has lit more in the tank possibly you got a chance there um onama has been one of these guys similar to like dup and whatever like he’s real tired his body language looks bad but he fights through it and he like that Gabriel Santos fight he got exhausted and then he got a second wind in round two or three or whatever when he got that knockout and uh you know the land wear fight survived all of that I mean cardio Is Not Great the power is there but the body language always look strange Pierce when he sorry I will say for for onama he was able to to get out of some really bad um position he was on the ground I know Santos and and the last one had um the body triangle on them all sealed up pretty tight and onama was just able to to power through that and just um flip out of that and and get in top position there so um he is entertaining he he does fight out of those bad positions that he’s in so I’ve actually uh this will be a really good fight I think I’ve actually seen that back thing too in that Mason Jones fight onama got taken down like eight times in that fight but um he did have like I mean you get taken down eight times that still means you got up eight times or whatever amount of times you know so he is getting up and a lot of these instances um but yeah that that swivel off the back he he’s done that a couple times um skinny waist maybe I don’t know what the how the hell that he makes it happen but um yeah I’m not a big fan of Pierce’s Style be honest but yeah matchup wise the high Pace the small cage that’s the thing that’ll really help Jonathan Pierce in this type of a fight but yeah um yeah maybe maybe onama is able to throw up a mission on the bottom but um yeah I I don’t know interesting fight all right Pierce by decision okay for the next fight we have janata janta Denis versus Austin Lane he shares my his last name is my first name well taking Den is uh Austin Lane is not good at all um denz just I don’t see him as a great fighter to be honest either um he’s kind of slow for a heavyweight but he does keep his hands up he has actually pretty decent technique he throws a lot of hooks but if he has a pop at the end of his punch and people get hurt um so jimm me denz KO round one Austin Lane just not enough protection to the chin uh bad feeling for Range Eye gouger I mean you might win by a DQ here for denz so yeah yeah um yeah Austin Lane uh pretty much all he is going for him as his his size um 66 he’s a massive uh heavyweight um height wise um for da former kickboxer he’s got pretty good striking he likes to throw left hook hook and then a um a right straight right after it um he did that against uh in his last fight in the contender series fight um he cracked them right down the middle um you like to see that those straight punches those will beat the the wild hooks that that lane throws so um I feel like he’s going to throw that combo and and knock Lane out in that first round um Denise all of his um wins are by KO and they all are in that first round as well Lane he’s been been finished four times all of them um first round Kos so um it’s in the writing yeah that’s that’s uh the path to Victory I see here I think you just laid out plain and simple right there Denise KO round one okay for the next fight we have Karina Silva versus ariani lipsky I’m doing with lipy um I believe she’s the underdog right now I think the lines f from what it says here on tapology I like Kar Silva’s game um however Ariana lip’s been defending the takedowns in her most recent fights and on this uh comeback win streak she’s on she’s been looking really good she stopped the takedowns getting her hips back um and she’s been violent on the feet pushing forward putting a pace on these girls and uh you know Silva a finisher always kind of had the fight her way she’s never really had to fight too many dirty fights and lip’s kind of been there done that so I think that experience will pay off maybe in that more uh competitive competitive type of uh style fight lipsky’s been in so give me lipsky by decision I think that she can uh pull this one off go for four in a row yeah um Silva um she’s looked really good of late um I think three three UFC fights all first round submissions um she’s hasn’t really been uh tested um getting past past that first second round so um lipsky she’s never been subbed before um I feel like uh if this does go outside of that first round goes into that second late late second into that third round too um yeah I think lipsky will take over with the damage um yeah Silva’s just never never been uh been tested outside of the the first round sure um so she’s only been to one decision don’t love that typically Grapplers like this too they run a pace where she’s going to try to Grapple the entire first round and she might get herself exhausted and then lip’s got energy for rounds two and three exactly EXA um uh yeah I feel like that’s that’s what’s going to happen here I I don’t like lipy she doesn’t have much head movement that’s something I don’t like in her game I do like that she throws combos um you know Silva’s style is more like she’ll stand like way out of range and then she’ll kind of Dart in and make a move or use a teep kick she stands pretty tall uh I don’t think she’s a bad Striker I just think lipsky brings a little bit more to the table so interesting fight this is like a great chick fight if you ask me um yeah it’s probably one of the uh only ones looking forward to yeah I mean I think it’s better probably might even be one of the best matchups on the card cuz uh I mean you compare this to marck man and Caitlyn sza Jesus Anyway lipy by decision okay for the next fight we have Ryan span versus Anthony Smith excuse me bong goov um taking Ryan span um Bon not neither of these guys impressed me but I think this is a these guys are both uh Hammers and not Nails you know they can deliver the hit but not take them I just think Ryan span’s the bigger hammer and I think that he can uh knock out uh bogdon bogdon’s been rocked uh pretty easily by Vulcan o deir he’s been beating up on a really small guys in his uh you know accumulated wins and uh the under one and a half should play it should play I think I’m let take a span KO round one here uh yeah uh I love that under one and a half both these guys are are round one Fighters pretty much um G of his last however many 1 2 3 four five six seven eight eight fights are all in that first round um same first ban besides that last Anthony Smith fight so um this should be fun for as long as it lasts I think gusov is oh my god I didn’t even realize that bogdon’s or Ryan span’s facing Anthony Smith twice in a row in different forms that’s bizarre I think gusa is is a um pretty entertaining he has unique striking he has his hands low and likes to bring him up uh from weird angles um could catch span but uh yeah span’s just uh a super powerful himself and I think he’ll he’ll get the better of him with Gus’s Hands by his hips it it feels like Ryan span is like almost the same as Johnny Walker they’re both just huge dudes the difference is like span has P like uses his hands to like boxing at times to uh knock people out versus like Walker would Spin and do crazy [ __ ] um but yeah they both don’t really have a chin that’s another part like every time span gets hit his his legs kind of give out but then for the same time Goose kind of has the same thing going on so again I like the under if the under [ __ ] maybe just win in round one or either Fighter by knockout I mean [ __ ] you got options here so anyway any more thoughts yeah it could be parlay piece I wouldn’t mind it yeah all right span KO round one okay for the last fight guys please pleas drop a like subscribe check out the patreon as always guys to get those BS and uh we got Matas Nicola versus Alex Perez taking Matas Nicola um Alex Perez pretty decent overall but he’s really reliant on a leg kicking game and a high volume striking game and I don’t see too much power in his hands and I feel like Nicola is just much more powerful with his hands the problem is Nicola is a lot lower in volume and how he throws punches so if you’re looking at judges scorecard that can be kind of complex to to score but I do think actually Nicola will get the knockout here he’s got he’s got nice power he’s rocked some opponents and I mean obviously knocked out Matt Schnell rocked Dvorak in their fight and he just like plants his feet and he has this really low wide stance and he’ll just [ __ ] Chuck something and you know that low stance is also how he got caught by a knee by Roy Val but um I don’t think that threat is here because Perez also has a low stance so yeah give me Nicola I’m gonna go with knockout yeah Nicola likes to play it safe um he circles the cage really well got good footwork um stay safe like I said um doesn’t throw um the most volume but uh when he does throw I think uh it is uh with good intention um he’s pretty good point fighter and yeah I I I feel like uh he’ll be winning this fight and then eventually koing Perez here boom I mean the the judges scor card does make me a little nervous cuz Nicola he just does circle around the outside but I do think judges do see his method of or just fight style they don’t judge him for being on the back foot the whole fight because he does make his opponents you know Miss or you know not be able to just kind of corner him very well but right this is also in the small cage which could uh you know make it a little bit harder for his style to play out um just because he loves to do that circling I just again I just don’t see it all on Perez you know he did stop a lot of the takedowns from makave which was impressive and showed good wrestling but also did no damage in that fight and uh yeah overall I just see Nicola better in every way so yeah I mean Nicola’s only three losses are all by uh KO um Perez doesn’t really uh I wouldn’t say impresses with the the KO power right all right I think as simple as that I mean this main event is not too crazy for me both these guys don’t really feel like they’re exactly in the title picture I mean they are up there but they’re not a fight away but I guess Steve EG got a shot after beating matchell so who [ __ ] knows yeah I feel like that was just all all timing with um cop out or whatever he had going on yeah they just needed a fight all of a sudden yeah and they didn’t want to give Muhammad Makai a yeah because he would have got [ __ ] dusted if Makai was he would got choked out all right Nicola KO round four okay to recap UFC 300 bets negative card uh makes two in a row I mean losing two units in the last two weeks but it’s not the biggest of deals I mean there’s L pill got [ __ ] absolutely [ __ ] on this card so starting it off Bobby green I would say it was easy money and my reed was pretty great on this fight but he did get clipped you know he did get rocked like two or three times which still made me extremely nervous but he fought exactly how I expected him to he did the a lot of [ __ ] talking which was pretty funny and uh he did his uh spit up in the air which was also awesome I know you love that yeah I gotta gotta love that uh um him spitting after uh his name’s announced as the winner um I love uh there’s one I can’t remember exactly what fight it was but Keith Peterson was the ref and he’s like gave him the nasty look cuz he got water all over him yeah um but yeah Bobby Green’s super entertaining yeah it was nervous when he did get caught a few times but yeah he eventually took over as the fight went on and and it was a great read by you we need a like hit denial counter on Bobby green because in that fight he he got hit like probably 50 times I think he probably denied 40 times that he got hit yeah no you didn’t hit me no that off the shoulder off the shoulder anyway next one Rockit I still stand by this one pretty well I mean you know he chewed up the lead leg which is something that we really looked at um he just failed to Grapple in this fight which is like one of the biggest strengths I thought he had but he still you know he hit Jerry pretty [ __ ] clean a couple of times and Jerry’s chin just held up and uh rockage just doesn’t have that uh that same uh I don’t know in the pocket awareness or hasn’t been in enough Wars to really deal with Jerry being on his case so Rockit was kind of it was all him in round one and then it was a little bit of him in round two and then all Jerry so not shocked um jer’s Chin’s got to be be uh tested cuz rage hit him with the clean elbow in that second round it felt like he was going to K home there but uh yeah he didn’t um I just thought racket would would destroy that lead leg like we said and then uh when Brasa will go in there like a madman I thought he’d be able to take him down because he’d get over he’d overextend on those punches and be easy if he would drop down to a single leg and and take him down and win a round easily with that but um he obviously didn’t do that and it cost him the fight yeah I mean rackit is uh I think he also was like throwing too much like he was throwing lead and he missed about like eight in a row and I was just like this is burning energy he just needs to stick behind a jab in a fight like that but anyway uh prop bets yev and Lopez under one and a half rounds easiest hit I mean I don’t know how Lopez didn’t get a 300K bonus I know he they said they took care of them probably got $20,000 or some [ __ ] but um just I mean just ran right through you youf just no [ __ ] problem if Diego Lopez under is ever given out again I’m [ __ ] taking at one and a half plus money too yeah oh my gosh that was that was no I don’t I don’t see too many people playing that under one and a half that was an easy hit yeah um Diego Lopez he’s uh he’s a star in the making is that three fights in a row in under a minute I think it is they’re all like a minute minute 30 minute 18 they’re all super short just over a minute for all three of them killer y unreal power too from the collar tie uppercuts yeah super entertaining and a uh he’s got star power uhhuh and then the man who doesn’t have star power Jaylen Turner folks um I mean everyone got burned by this one didn’t they I mean moano is a wet blanket and that’s just the style he’s going to carry on people but can you knock him down man finish the [ __ ] fight Jesus and cuz it was it was a good knockdown but it also wasn’t like a flatline knockdown it was just like if you follow that up with one big punch it’s over and he walked away and he paid for it and then also [ __ ] gave up I mean the punches that were coming through weren’t even hitting him when he was covered up he could have worked a little bit harder to survive but he just let himself die so yeah he’s a weight bully [ __ ] and um all those grounded P shots didn’t didn’t land they’re all hit in his arms and he gave up like a little girl and um he walked away from 300K and his wi bonus oh [ __ ] yeah I didn’t even think about that 300K yeah you just left that on the table yeah he’s an absolute idiot and I will never be betting on that guy again unless it’s against a trash can and and the weird thing is moano in my opinion didn’t even look that good like he’s been getting hurt in his fights over and over Turner Turner hurt him in the body 10 seconds into the fight and then got taken down yeah he ran right into him oh God ran into him like a spaz and got taken down but yeah and Moo’s getting hurt versus Dober I mean like he has his moments obviously with wrestling but he’s not looking good enough to like rely on him either so that’s that’s another tough part of a fight like that yeah and then another one that burned everyone Bo nickolls Cody brage under one and a half I can’t say I’m shocked because the standup it’s it like of course B nickl I thought would take him to the ground but Cody Brun just played the game of what people have for every time they face a great Grappler like Umar and magam medov they just don’t give up their back and they play all defense um as they can on the ground until the next round will start and you know it wasn’t extremely Prof I mean it’s still a finish for b nickel but yeah he didn’t look that impressive and his standup as Joe Rogan loves to say standups this guy’s got crazy standup no he doesn’t I mean Christ beaten a [ __ ] lawnmower so um Cody Brun like pretty much I I it’s hard to say he rocked him because b nickel never fell down or anything but he still hit him um yeah yeah yeah I mean I guess that was the first time Nicholls really been hit before yeah um but yeah brage just just wanted to survive out there and and nickel was all right with going to second round for the first time and just live too long for the under one and a half Bo nickols talking [ __ ] about like hamz hamza’s wrestling what would Hamot do to Cody brage that’s what I want to see we need to make that the next fight I agree I would love to see that anyway and then wa it was a little sloppy but still got it done one four the five rounds and yeah um Alex paella Jesus Christ simple as that uh Max Holloway we are one of the people that picked him that was pretty cool yeah and uh I was thinking about B than him I thought everybody would be on gatei so I was waiting for the line to to get up and it went the other way I didn’t think everybody will be picking hallway like they were right alamain Sterling Aline Sterling showed while he’ll never get a performance bonus in the UFC um but he said today he had the most dominant performance with no damage I think I think Alex per performance is a little bit better yeah um a little more dominant all the three guys coming off of injuries all lost yeah cater and Jamal Hill yep weird but yeah anyway K ker I don’t know if I’d never pick him again that was bad that was real bad yeah he looks slow I don’t know slow and looks like he didn’t even prepare wrestling and at times looks like he didn’t even attempt to defend the takedowns kind of strange yeah but alj a [ __ ] still Kayla Harrison for the title shot uh she’ll probably get it yeah and she’ll probably win when you’re that heavy man yeah dude she’s got definitely got Bigg arms than I do I think she got to I think she said she was like 160 the night of the fight it’s five pounds heavier than me right now so yeah anyway that’s these are the best guys uh I’m not I could if I lose a little bit of units for a great card I don’t give a [ __ ] that’s that’s the truth and uh again I think we did better than a lot of Capers did and we still got screwed by Turner and the Bon lunder anyway the still there [ __ ] yeah the reads were still there um all right guys peace peace I know I know it doesn’t matter for The Trenches I’m built like this the all doubt to me I couldn’t do it the all said I couldn’t do it look at me now 11 pound ex shot dead that’s it


  1. Were just unlucky at 300. Rakic was winning doing everything he needed to win, Turner choked his chance to finish, and Bo barley missed the under

  2. I think Guskov wins this one! I gotta say this is probably one of the worst cards I’ve ever seen 😂

  3. Don't worry about who wins, just look for value and if you think something is overpriced then back it. all outcomes are possible! Risk must meet the Price that's how pro's do it! Its a Marathon. Don't get thrown away by the bookies odds.

  4. Taking Lipski as well…Silva is always showing up with the muffin top,last two opponents aren't very good, has terrible cardio,and is being over hyped imo…I think Lipski will finish her rd2-3..

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