Golf Babe

Medieval Weapons vs The Modern Warrior (How Lethal Are Medieval Weapons ???)

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In today’s video we try out some medieval weapons! I hope you enjoy the video and thanks for watching!

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Kentucky Ballistics videos are filmed on a private shooting range in a controlled setting under the supervision of trained professionals. Kentucky Ballistics videos are for entertainment & educational purposes only. Do not attempt to recreate or mimic anything seen in Kentucky Ballistics videos. Kentucky Ballistics will not be held liable for any injury to yourself, others, or property resulting from attempting anything shown in Kentucky Ballistics videos.

[Music] [Music] who’s this [Music] guy hey what are you doing h i will defeat both of [Music] [Applause] you what’s up everybody my name is Scott and you’re watching Kentucky ballistics and not too long ago I bought this little guy and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it and it got me thinking how useful would medieval weapons be in the modern era so today I have a plethora of medieval weapons I have a ballistic dummy lab zombie torso and I have modern armor we are going to put these to the test against medieval weaponry and see how effective they would be or are they outdated let’s get set up and get started okay first things first we’re going to see how lethal these things are against an unarmored subject so I have a ballistic dummy Labs zombie bust right here here and our first weapon I don’t really know the name of it I really don’t know the name of any of the weapons we have today so I’m just going to give them my own this is the spiky meatball on a stick and I’m just going to give it a good whack and see what happens all right here we go um I bent my stick that’s uh not very high quality is it but I will say that that definitely looks pretty lethal it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but that’s still pretty bad so I was not very impressed with the spiky meatball on a stick so up next I’ve got this thing uh it looks pretty mean it is very spiky and this is solid like this is one solid piece of metal I’m going to call this the spiky scepter I got higher hopes for this one oh yeah that was that was pretty gnarly um I’m going to yeah I’m definitely going to say that’s lethal that’s that’s real bad oh dear so I think we’ve established that medieval weapons are indeed lethal but now what we’re going to find out is how effective would medieval Weaponry be against modern armor so this is a ballistic helmet this is rated for most pistol rounds I think all the way up to 44 magnum so we’re going to put this on a new Fresh zombie bust and we’re going to take another wack at it with the spiky scepter okie dokie here we [Music] go well that definitely look oh it bent it it bent my spiky scepter darn it and he looks good he looks solid our helmet we didn’t even penetrate it doesn’t look like we have much damage at all so the modern helmet modern armor at least against this particular medieval weapon did a pretty good job you know this guy is pretty ugly but you know what else is ugly debt it seems like most people have experienced debt or are currently in debt and it’s really easy to accumulate a lot of it and once you do it can be very difficult to dig your self out I too have experienced debt but at the time there were not many options out there but thankfully now there’s companies like today’s sponsor PDS debt H PDS debt has customized solutions for anyone struggling with debt whether it be personal loans collections credit cards or uh medical bills oh that is quite a mess and I don’t really feel like cleaning that up but but PDS debt can 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two three oh we did some damage to that helmet that time we’ve got a pretty good little Notch right there but I don’t believe we did any real damage to oh dear well he’s got a little bit of a hemorrhage uh it’s just sticking out right oh just push it back in no big deal not a big deal at all just popped right back in there also his skull is kind of cracked uh so we still managed to do quite a bit of damage with this medieval weapon even with this modern armor uh man that is that was a really hard hit it’s time to get a little more serious and step it up another notch this here is my meat tenderizer and it has a very pointy Spike on the end and I’ve got high hopes for this one we almost penetrated the helmet with the spiky ball on a chain so I think that this one has a pretty good shot all okay here we go well I think I could have hit a little bit harder but we hit right there and there is a good little pin hole right there but I think we can do better I was kind of afraid I was going to break this thing but I’m going to be a little braver this time also I can’t see anything and where’s my helmet are go let’s have a look shall we I hit that really hard and I’m not really sure where I even hit to be quite honest I think right there is where that velcro patch is oh oh I think we made it through actually me take out this pad yeah we’ve got a little hole right there and then if you look right here we’ve got a little new Notch right there with a little hole so we didn’t make it very far through the helmet but we did make it through the helmet and honestly I think that’s pretty impressive before we move on let’s go ahead and take a whack with the hammer portion of this and an unarmored subject oh gosh [Music] I’m going to say this is pretty effective I would definitely want to be wearing some sort of a helmet if somebody had one of these cuz that that was just pretty awful that’s that’s pretty awful I got it on my pants darn it luckily though I did not get well I did I got some on my shirt just a little bit but it’s still okay if you would like to pick up one of my limited edition three-year anniversary shirts that does not have blue stains on it you should swing over to Kentucky there’s a link in the description down below and while you’re at it go ahead and hit that subscribe button and hit that Bell for notifications I feel like this is what the cleanup crew was like back in the Gladiator days you know just clearing all this off here poor Jim okay it is time to move on to a full-blown zombie torso I’m placing the armored helmet on it and we have some Premier body armor soft armor this is level 3A and it’s rated up to 44 magnum now I don’t really expect this next weapon to penetrate said soft armor but we’re going to take a whack at it anyways [Music] so obviously we did not penetrate the body armor his head is oh oh that’s not good um think there’s a good chance his head might fall off so I can feel a pop nothing a little duct tape can’t fix just put that right there just kind of pull his head back so when it comes to this soft armor I’m a lot more interested in pointy and sharp Weaponry then I am blunt force Weaponry so we have a a sword and I’m going to take a whack at this thing this way and I’m going to try to stab it and see if the modern soft armor will hold up to this medieval Masterpiece oh oh dear okay we need to check that out we cut this whole part of the carrier and we cut into that armor just a tad we definitely didn’t make it all the way through it but my goodness that is actually pretty darn sharp okay I got some gloves on now I am going to try to stab and then I’m GNA take one more whack at The Swinging but we’ll try to slice a little more all right here we [Music] [Music] [Music] go you got well wow actually you know what we may have done more damage than I thought let’s take this off here o okay it’s all good and cut up we can just rip that off there actually cut through quite a few layers but we did not make it through the back so it seems like our path to Victory today when it comes to medieval weapons against modern armor is having something pointy so up next we have a spear okay now the next question is am I actually going to be able to hit him so ain’t nothing to it but to do it right yeah oh we actually hit [Music] it yeah I don’t think that we made it through that bounced right off of there I’m going to take another whack at this I’m not really sure what the proper technique is for spear throwing but I’m just going to try to throw it [Music] harder well I can feel a little bit of a bulge but it did not make it through it that is not going in like that is really tough yeah [Music] oh I tell you what I’m feeling pretty good about my spear throwing technique that’s pretty effective right there and you definitely oh oh yep that would do it I would definitely want to be wearing my body armor not so much luck with the spear but I feel pretty good about the old meat tenderizer I think I may be able to drive that through there we’re going to take a shot at it so see here one [Music] two three oh yep that did it [Music] that went right through that soft armor and it looks like we hit that’s where we hit right in that spot right there oh so for my final weapon today I have the four more of Swords this is a 9 ft long Claymore oh this thing’s a little hard to wield okay here we go oh [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I don’t know who constructed this sword but it wasn’t made for a man of my stature apparently I guess I put a lot of force behind that and it’s uh well it’s bent and the handle broke off wow I’m so happy that I didn’t pay like $1,500 for that sword CU I totally totally didn’t um let’s take a look at uh Mr zombie here um I hit the strap and we did absolutely nothing not a darn thing he’s perfectly fine [Music] [Music] did I hit him yep oh oh okay well that was pretty effective uh not bad for a dle sword that sword does not have an edge on it okay now let’s see what I can do with a smaller sword that I can maneuver better and has quite an edge on it okay yeah that was definitely more effective um right there is a pretty good shot that’s um way more effective than the bigger sword [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay well I have come to the conclusion that medieval weapons are no longer relevant at least in my humble opinion we had a very hard time defeating modern armor with medieval weapons and honestly I had a hard time in general defeating a zombie torso with the medieval weapons I mean I did more damage with my minibike than I did with all of my weapons combined so I’m going to go ahead and say that that’s a no-go for me and I’m going to stick with modern technology let me know what you thought about them in the comment section down below and while you’re at it be sure and give today’s video a like and be sure and hit that subscribe button also be sure and check me out on all social media platforms links to all those can be found in the description down below along with a link to Kentucky just in case you want to pick up one of my limited shirts and as always my name is Scott thank you so much for watching Kentucky ballistics and I’ll see you next time n [Music] he


  1. I'll guess before I see the video. Taking Scott's strength into account, modern armor against blunt weapons (even crappy replicas) will do absolutely nothing. Btw helmet will not save you against broken neck or brain damage if something with enough energy hit you in the head .

  2. I'd like to see what would happen if a person who actually knows how to use medieval weapons tried using well made weapons on that armor.

  3. nice video. i just wish you could get authentic medieval weaponry. not this reenactment crap. proper morgenstern (morningstar) or schlagkolben/muskatblüte (mace) forged from a solid piece of metal would have done much worse. not to mention, you are a modern beefy lad with the muscle mass of an ox, a medieval diet, even on a muscular knight, wouldn´t have hit that hard especially with physics in mind from all the weight of the arm armor and immobility from it…. you get the idea. kinda tough to replicate. nontheless, amazing entertainment this "test" provides. wanna see more for sure. there is a reason these weapons were called Panzerknacker. (armor cracking) / armor denting. i wanna see polearms next. spears are the universal fear of any warrior of any age.

  4. Mr host of video and honorable viewers we have world best knives and swords on cheapest prices with life time grantee of blade sharpness

  5. Oh god seeing him wielding that fail gave me a heart attack knowing how those things can be sometimes…

  6. Impact weapons may notvdefeat armor but with your strength, yoy broke the neck each time, so I would have to say these weapons are quite effective and deadly, if you have the strength to force the neck in impaction.

  7. What about bows and crossbows? That would be interesting to see, especially when it comes to specially sharpened arrow tips and kevlar vest.

  8. This was a fun video! Would have been great to see what kind of damage you could do with Mordhau teqnique (turning the sword upside down and using the crossguard as a hammer!) Medieval weapons like these are no match for modern armor in terms of penetration, however if you pay attention to how f*ed up the dummies are underneath…blunt force trauma is the name of the game. Arguably even more effective today since modern armor is thin, flexible, pressed to the body and not much coverage. Armor back then was solid steel and designed to glance blows and mitigate impact.

  9. You need to look up buhurt amd the imcf . There is a team in Kentucky and Cincinnati that do full contact armored medevil combat .
    I can get you some contact info if you like . Maybe you can convince them to let you shoot up one or 2 of their shields

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