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We’ve got Benny Abeyta in the studio! Fresh off their recent video part LOVE LETTER, (Linked below) Benny talks about their love for riding BMX, modeling, Skating, Scootering, snowboarding, and everything In between. Benny can do it all and doesn’t let labels, criticism or hate get in the way of accomplishing their goals. Hit play and get familiar with Benny on the latest episode of The Unclicked Podcast

Benny Abeyta – Love Letter:

Thanks to Oskar Blues, and Source BMX supporting the Unclicked Podcast! /

Ryan Fudger:
Dennis Enarson:

Benny Abeyta:

0:00 – DamnBenny
3:33 – They/them
22:45 – Ride Everything
38:00 – Moving
50:00 – LB
1:04:00 – Bodegaverse
1:13:00 – Being yourself
1:33:00 – Injuries
#bmx #ourbmx

un unlick unclick unclick unclick podcast with Benny Gonzalez uh Benny AA Benny AA so I I use that for like my modeling name and I was talking to my agents and stuff and figured I would just like kind of merge the two with it since like the modeling stuff is kind of about to take off a little bit more cool um and that last name is my grandmother’s main last name oh wow so it’s like still in the family cool and then and then most people I feel like for a long time it was danam Binny yeah and that that’s kind of where I was like it’s not a huge deal to switch it because a lot of people didn’t even know my last name to begin with and I figured now would be the time to switch it before before things really kind of started taking I know you danam bny I thought your first name was damn I’m joked about people yeah damn Benny brought us gifts oh you did yeah whoa so Dennis I uh I know you skate a little bit and so I brought you a welcome a welcome board so cool it’s fun shape the name of the board’s it’s crazy Tony I’m not I don’t remember the name of the you can show show it to that guy real quick yeah yeah thanks that’s so awesome yeah that’s awesome super super sick put this together and you’re sponsored by this company welcome that’s cool yeah we we’ll get into that we’ll get into a bunch of stuff but yeah you are a skateboarder as well and I get very much yes this is like the new offthe wall collab like thean thing out there kind and it is a crop top so I’m in I was joking I was joking with Dennis I was like bring Dunn’s skateboard and then bring you like crop top but it make you just like oh yeah thank yeah thank you thank you I apologize to everybody for when I wear this if it is it isn’t it isn’t it’s like it’s pretty dad that’s cool yeah I I was like that’s official for me I appreciate that I don’t I don’t get free Vans stuff I don’t that high quality too it’s nice cuz you’re saying is like quity on everything too yeah yeah they um I went to like the uh drop for offthe wall it was like the SR Studios thing and they did like a i you probably saw it it was like the big yellow ramp they had like oh yeah that thing look crazy yeah it was it was pretty sick I I didn’t get a skate it or anything I went to like the the party for it and cool it was a good time saw one photo of it I’m like oh that looks sick and then I realized that it was actually huge it’s massive it’s huge it was like four times new van stuff or like just some new stuff yeah dude who shot the photos was itba I don’t know yeah I he he was there and he shot he shot some I’m not oh I’m trying to figure this out but Cheers Cheers the cheers yeah and then and we’ve been talking about doing a podcast for a long time correct like a year yeah but the first time I really talked to I think we talked for like 10 minutes oneon-one and after I was like we need to do a podcast yeah like you are interesting there’s a lot to talk about within 10 minutes I was like this could go on for a long time it was at the waffle cuup and there were so many people around I was like let’s just catch up and do a podcast yeah that was two years ago or something yeah something like that I I think two years ago I kind of wanted to wait until I had this video part out so we’d have something more BMX to talk about as well um I need to stop saying um um and like are like my big you’re not the you’re not the first one so you’re good yeah everybody everybody says they’re I say you know a lot you know what you know it works so it’s like an idiot the whole time and I’m sitting super sideways because I’m healing up this knee if anyone’s wondering why I’m sitting so crazy I want to start off with the political [ __ ] first because I don’t know to call you her or him or whatever so I I use like they them pronouns but I don’t really get too mad about pronouns if I was going to be like he got you a yeah I’m not yeah I’m not going to I’m not going to CHP out about it would you prefer me to say she or they they they mostly they trips me up I know I know and I know that’s like hard to kind of for a lot of people to wrap their heads around and it’s like my my identity is kind of more than just like the pronoun stuff like I don’t don’t really get too mad about it I really kind of look at it however you perceive me is how you perceive me and that’s kind of like what I what I run with I know internally with things I don’t really like labels or stuff like that at the end of the day like I’m just Benny I think using the name is easiest for me yeah it makes it so I don’t [ __ ] up but if I slip up it’s not the end of the world but like yeah yeah definitely not cool and then uh and then I’ve seen you know just in when I was clicking around it was like you know you had like uh [ __ ] gender was like one of your things and I think it was the first time that I feel like I saw you in more like a feminine outfit and it and and then just looking into it it was like yeah you’re not even you don’t necessarily consider yourself trans no I what does Benny identify is that’s the next good question before I identify as Benny yeah like I I like the clothes that I like and do what I do I really don’t think there needs to be a label or a box like it’s not everything a part of my identity like same thing how some people have long hair some people have sh heads you like semi skinny pants I like baggy pants like we all have our own individuality and I really just kind of look at it that’s it’s funny because looking at the comments not everything on yesterday on Instagram there like 400 500 comments or something and I keep checking I’m like damn dude fired up about it and it’s like they’re just like they’re they’re like commenting on effectively like your what you’re wearing yeah it’s like they it’s not about the bike riding whatsoever and it’s so they’re commenting on everything you know there’s a bit of everything on every extreme and right in the middle it’s pretty interesting I did not know that that was going to go that crazy you know I I kind of expected it and I wanted to wait until the right time where it fit in my life to kind of be ready for that where I was like at the mental health stand point to like be able to take the aggression from it yeah it’s like it I I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t a lot cuz you forget that the internet is worldwide and so many different views of people because we’re so submerged in these similar friends groups that you’re like these where why don’t I ever hear from these people but you’re like you know they’re just not around in our crew and that was the whole world all of a sudden like I have this opinion I have this opinion on Benny because you is that the first time I know but is that the first time you’ve ever been posted on rbmx uh no the the fence slam oh yeah the fence slam cuz I thought you’d probably been posted a million times that’s another thing that was so surprising to me that was kind of like boom your video part you all of a sudden and the F the fence slam was the only other one I think so yeah yeah I think so I I mean maybe something over I mean you would know better than me but maybe down to the streets yeah maybe something like that something but yeah I think I think like once it you know the way that the algorithm works these days you saw it with like Tyler’s head slam and it’s like you get these people that are just that they have no they lurking like it’s like not even really in BMX and that’s kind of the other part where I don’t really give a [ __ ] about the hate cuz you click on most of the people commenting hate [ __ ] they don’t even ride or if they do ride like they’re not filming video parts or yeah anything and like most of the pros that I know are super supportive like once I get to know them and stuff so it’s like the people in BMX are actually like really supportive of me it’s kind of more the outside of it that is The Fringe of BMX and then people that just aren’t BMX maybe we should watch this video part and then read some of the comments yeah I mean I I would assume so that it’s funny that because like when we dropped the video part and I texted you I was like how do you want me to handle moderation you know because I I generally handle it like if it gets like really personal really nasty and stuff like like and stuff like that or threats or something also how I look at it is it it kind of exposes people in their own way yeah cuz it’s their words not mine like if you’re hating on me for me being myself that’s really just a bad reflection on you yeah like that’s not going to tear me down I’d have my friends in my life and I’d love the [ __ ] out of them cuz they are supportive and even if we don’t see eye to eye on everything it’s like those are the people I’ve matter in my life yeah exactly yeah your response was like no [ __ ] him help there’s definitely there’s definitely a lot of things that people say that I would love to talk about yeah as far as like stereotyp think it’s going to be cool to just read them here and do it and not have to be on the keyboard like you know get them know the truth here and what’s really going on because there’s so much opinion ISM that is just completely far off from what’s going on you know what I mean like they’re they’re crazy comments regardless but they’re also like so far ignorant to what is even happening in this video part in you and everything it’s like people just see this like ah transgender person competing with women [ __ ] you it’s like that one I think what competition what in the [ __ ] transgender like yeah I like clearly you’re not educating yourself on like what I competed or like seen what contest I [ __ ] do because if you educated yourself on that or like went and saw contest footage you know we we’ll get in that it’s like these people are so angry that was like I can finally write my comment about women competing transgendered I’ve been angry for a long time and it’s like that had nothing to do with this maybe even you know if you’re going to write the terrible things just wait for the right post at least so this a lot of Grant filmed a lot of this correct correct okay song goes so hard yeah I I was skeptical about I was talking to Cory and he was like you know what [ __ ] it run it not many people I thought it was great who filmed this uh St did Stephan August yeah booty groceries yeah it’s good me and Josh were just watching this and I was like I don’t feel like I see too many filmers that I don’t see constantly with a different style like this yeah I yeah no I see what you’re saying because it’s like we watch some we watch some of booty grocery stuff but I feel like sometimes we miss a lot of the stuff like it doesn’t Troy Troy filmed these and he filmed the [ __ ] out of them like the whole thing is filmed and edit so properly from from you’re welcome right Troy I’m blanking on his last name right now I’m sorry Troy Troy cooper cooper okay yeah I I definitely wanted to edit my own video yeah like you edited this yeah what yeah I I just I know like the image that I want to put out there sick not that I don’t trust like filmers to do it but I I don’t know I wanted to do it that’s I did not know that no CL clue all California footage too right yeah yeah and this is a couple years cuz I feel like you talked about this I remember grant that suck yeah I remember Grant talking about filming with you I knew you’re good but I know you’re really good like damn this that’s a compliment you haven’t had a full video part really I I did I had like non-bike Nary that I filmed in Portland I never seen that yeah we should we’ll watch that too I hate that video well I mean we don’t have think so this is your breakout part then the first one that you really like yeah you have another one that you really like I think the non-bike like obviously the the the name is genius yeah and then it I feel like that was the first time I I like banked the name you know like I probably saw some Instagram stuff but then it takes like four or five times to see somebody and really get it right you know and that one I was like oh [ __ ] this is crazy thank you cuz I mean that one was like there was a lot of maybe not like the same amount of thought that goes in this stuff it was just a lot of like sins you know kind of mashed up from different filmers different places all that stuff even even kind of this I feel that way cuz a lot of it I was just like getting in the van with Grant yeah and like going to spots that I didn’t necessarily want to ride and was like okay like I’ll I’ll do something on it MH um so I I really want to do another project where it’s I go out in like spot selection and yeah kind of more focused on on that sort of thing I’d say like favorite project would probably be like New York with Sosa like Boda ver that that dude’s hilarious I know he was trying to kick his out and he was just some random dude what’s El Sereno skate park that’s so funny I was watching this with Josh earlier and I was like I want a part edited like this really I swear to God I was like I don’t even know who made this and you made it that’s badass I’d be honored you’re a bmxer skater snowboarder and editor model Ander damn jack of all trades and doesn’t identify boy girl [ __ ] it you’re everything all sides of the Spectra yeah another little thing congrats I was sick thank you so to watch this and and just write [ __ ] transgender people yeah no it’s like just they don’t even know if you’re transgender they I mean basically yeah that’s just sum it up and it’s like I’m not trans I am I would say more like gender fluid like non-binary or I don’t really give a [ __ ] really I like what I like I that’s hard for people to understand though yeah well more than anything because they’re like oh well he’s dressing like a girl and then so that fits into this category even though it’s not a normal category that I don’t like but I don’t like that category either honestly I think it’s more so people get mad that they like might have a little confusion in their brain where they’ll see a clip of me like oh I want to be attracted to them because said that we’re like the the homophobes are the ones that are secretly a little gay and they realized it or like something and it made them freak out and right I don’t know I don’t know I se I know if I make you uncomfortable that’s a you problem not a me problem that’s so crazy you think sorry not sorry are you gay by like I’d say like pansexual bisexual I’m just like more attracted to personality with like yeah like if I if I like some like somebody doesn’t doesn’t really matter like the physical attributes of something interesting yeah I mean and that I guess let’s I mean let’s start at the beginning was there a specific like did you know that from a young age like oh I’m different I’m different for sure I I think I knew the gender stuff more at a young age than I did the the gender stuff yeah wow cuz gender and like sexuality are two different things yeah like what you’re attracted to and how you feel and identify with yourself they’re just separate things um like so we he well sorry there was there was number one was strike one uh Benny feels like Benny’s everything I don’t think yeah like Benny Ben feels like they’re like that they’re not a guy or they just feel different no it’s like it’s a spectrum cuz there are some days too we all dressed like fully masculine and like I I swear I felt like I’m partying with a chick one night with you and then I’ve I’ve been riding with you and you felt like a dude like bro like I’m it’s like it’s I felt different ways yeah no it’s and like my my friends will even say that sometimes like personality will say like even more like feminine or masculine like it really is a spectrum where it kind of bounces around for me and just like some days I feel like riding a skateboard some days I feel like riding a bike like it’s just fluid for me that’s such a funny way to put it yeah but but it works maybe it’s cuz I’m a Libra and I can’t make a decision to save my life where I’m like [ __ ] do I want to be a sker do I want to be a biker do I want to be like boy girl like whatever so then so you knew that a young age like we talking like 12 or something oh no like five or six oh wow crazy yeah and then and then sexuality comes in later obviously but like when I was like 18 was when I first like experimented with that cuz I I question it all the time but I never really kind of seek it out you and you grew up in Wyoming yeah I uh I was born in Wyoming in like a a pretty small town and then what point do you like how does it work with your parents and stuff like that like when you when you go to tell them or do you not tell them and then you tell the internet first and then tell your parents I told the internet first I made a I posted a video on Instagram on like coming out day I came out in like 2020 I think but I I started dressing a certain way before I like came out just kind of like subtly cropping my shirts and it just kind of casually like grew from there I never really feel like I needed to announce it I really don’t feel like you need to announce in explan to anybody and that’s still how I kind of roll with it like it’s not all a part of my personality you you see you see it do you really need an explanation yeah yeah um but I I kind of did that more for myself to really just kind of have that confidence to be myself and not have people like Cory kind of said the same thing when it was his was it it was like he just it just felt like he was like pulling the Band-Aid off you know instead of making it happen nice and slow and having to tell the same story over and over again and like it was like H let’s just let’s just do it you know so it’s just a convenience type thing so obviously uh when one second when you were young did you think that maybe you were wanted to be a girl at one point was there ever those thoughts and you were like let’s just be patient and like yeah and that that’s why like I don’t take hormones or anything like that I’m pretty comfortable enough was there ever a thought though where you’re like maybe I should take hormones TR transition for sure so that’s kind of interesting because I was listening to another trans person who was saying something like that that’s why I want to ask the question who said when they were younger they thought they wanted to be a boy I think switched over and then got to a certain age like [ __ ] I don’t want to be that and they’re non-binary too and they had to do everything back and their advice was like their advice was like if you’re going through this like maybe wait to a certain age so you don’t have to yeah yes and no cuz like I I do know trans people where it’s like you know from a very young age like what you are I know what I I am that it’s like I’m not trans but I also know that I’m I don’t feel like I fit into the category of like a masculine male where I want to identify as like a boy and I just kind of play off with androgyny and I I’ve I’ve always always just like felt that way more like androgynous and feel like and aside from even the physical aspect of it too like there is the emotional side for it where when I’m with a group of girls I feel like I resonate with them in a certain way and when I’m with a group but guys like I resonate with them in a certain way like it really is like the masculinity and the femininity like kind of merged into one I could see that cuz when we were partying witha I felt like I was hanging out with girls you know and then when I was at a jam or something with you was all guys and then it was more like you were a guy fluid fluid is the word yeah what gender fluid is and it I keep saying it but it’s like it it really is like it it’s a spectrum and I feel like a lot of people don’t put it into perspective of like okay it’s not black and white this is like yes like what sex is what you’re born as there’s male and there’s female but when it comes to like how you dress and you present yourself there’s like all this like gray area yeah I mean Pants are pants are invented like pants and dresses women used to not be allowed to wear pants like that was considered like only for men mhm like women just didn’t wear pants in like the 60s or something like they only wore dresses and skirts yeah so it was like and then it’s like yeah it’s just a huge spectrum because then there’s European guys who like you know tiny little M Speedos if you were doing that in OB as a guy people be like but it’s normal in other places it’s all just well I’ll even tell you something from like the fashion aspect of things skirts are very much about to be inserted in men’s fashion like not a regular thing like it it already is like you go to New York City and there are so many straight men that identify as like a he that wear skirts they’re like this is nice yeah it’s just you can only go so far with fashion BS are dry you can only go so far with like that sounds nice God my nuts would just be hanging all over oh my God but you can only go so far with like jeans in a t-shirt like it’s fun yeah fashion I mean fashion is definitely like the the direction and the you know the how far forward it is and stuff like that I mean you see for sure what 2024 there’s so many people there’s so much yeah internet everything like different um like people you get inspired by it’s just a different time that we’ve never seen before too where it’s like there’s enough people here and inspiration from others that it’s not going to be as jeans and a t-shirt like you say it’s going to keep changing I feel like I I can already see the internet comments where it’s like yeah damn it’s like it’s like Benny explaining the same thing for 30 minutes to Denis Ryan it’s going to be two hours I think great yeah know I no I I’m pretty caught up to it so your parents are supportive though we don’t even have to like the for the most part I would assume like I’m sure it’s a little difficult but yeah it took them a little bit at first my mom’s thing like she she was support from the start her thing was like the pronon thing she’s like I just don’t [ __ ] get it like like they like multiple people but then she had a friend that kind of worded to her of oh you went to the doctor what did they say the doctor’s one person but you just said they yeah true yeah works that way yeah yeah like when you don’t know the gender of something you use they oh they left their hat at my house like oh somebody left their hat that’s a good way of putting it yeah like if you don’t know if it’s a boyy hat or a girls hat and you say oh you left their hat yeah it it just gets a little hard when it’s like they brought you this you know so what you’re saying makes total sense but that’s like where it’s hard to learn how the name make sense to me I’m trying to interject the name that’s like I think trying is the most important thing because I think part of it is like like oh for me I’m like oh I don’t want to say the wrong thing but you know just like everything is a spectrum there’s obviously the far right and there’s the far left and it’s those two PE those two like parties that are constantly battling each other I wouldn’t say I I pick a side for either thing of like what people are saying with it yeah but I’m I’m not I’m not the person it goes both ways like if you’re like I’m not going to ever call you they and the other person’s like if you [ __ ] up my pronoun I’m going to kill you if those and I feel like people maybe like think that about me it’s like no I you’re trying to work both ways yes like I I try to work with people on it like if pronouns aren’t my biggest worry in life like I I got more [ __ ] to um cool circling back to Wyoming uh so 18 17 18 parents and then you know kind of just was it the idea like I need to get the [ __ ] out of here yeah yeah pretty quick like day 18 in a day you’re out or what yeah pretty much um I I grew up kind of going to Fort Collins and Denver lot I was like an hour away from there and there was no BMX or skate scene in my hometown it was like 45 minutes Fort Collins so I always just kind of like drove there mhm and I moved to Fort Collins when I was 18 and then I lived in Copper Mountain when I was like 19 or so it’s like snowb I worked for like a Snowboard Resort or like ski and snowb Resort and then you were skating you did your your Instagram is nuts by the way like the Instagram is insane because you’re literally a cool snowboard video to watch cuz that one tripped me out when I saw snowboard for the first time is there good the yeah something that you’re stoked on to show your snowboarding off so what was first skating or scooters yo so I was talking to my mom about this either cuz I kind of always did all of them but apparently it was a ripstick a rck which I remember I remember yeah I remember rolling into a mini ramp on a ripstick before I learned how to drop in on a skateb that was your thing ripsticking rolling into a mini ramp on a ripstick or like my like on a tri schle I guess I would like take take my hands off something when I was like 3 years old so you there was one I mean maybe it’s later but the I mean we can go to the oh yeah that that was that copper I mean this is 2020 so um but ripping on everything there’s some like scooter Clips I mean your new footage is you’ve gotten better and better yeah the new snow stuff is like yeah how old are you wait so this is 2020 202 so how old old are you now I’m 23 23 you’ve grown a lot yeah oh yeah you’re tinier yeah I mean my you’re a good snowboarder thank you my thing growing up the most was definitely BMX and the first time I tore my AC on and like started coming back to it I really just kind of wanted to have fun with it and not really focus on one thing cuz I grew up doing all of it but BMX is kind of what started taking off more here’s a session with every in it yeah I missed the 15 on that yeah that that video is kind of mid but it’s fine but it’s I mean everything everything in one is like that’s there if you if you go up a little bit Yeah you progressed with on every sport like crazy if you go up to that one where I’m wearing the all white outfit right here yeah that that was like my coming out post oh wow I missed this I did so it was just kind of like the triple edit the subtle Flex of like if you’re going to hate on like my Identity or whatever hate on this yeah hate on hate on this too so it it touches on something like being a voice for others I feel like it’s got to your DMs that have to be heavy at you have hate but you probably you probably have so much love in there too like there’s there’s hate and probably probably like one of those things where like look into the profile picture and like do I click this one is this hate or this love but there’s probably there’s got to be stuff in there where it’s like like I I feel this way I feel like I feel like were the same but I don’t know how to handle it like that’s what makes it worth it really of I’ll I’ll take the bullets if somebody else kind of has that figure to look up to because I I didn’t really have that in BMX I I had that in skateboarding there was like Sher strawberry and um like Chandler Burton he’s like a skater that uh they like I their Queen like identify with like all all different pronouns so I had that in skating but BMX there really wasn’t anybody else besides Chelsea yeah but not really in like the street side of things yeah yeah uh so yeah I don’t even think there’s any any Street riders that are gay or out of the closet even to that professional yeah I remember doing the I remember when we did the Cory podcast and he was like he he said something like he’s like there’s more Pro there’s more Pros that are gay than you think and I was like that I know and he’s like yeah definitely I would never I would never out somebody for it but yeah there there definitely are more there’s of clet it sucks dude ites ites come out of the closet it’s like people don’t realize how hard that is running through your mind like thinking like [ __ ] I’m going to lose like all my sponsors I’m going to lose my family I’m going to lose my friends it’s going to make you feel so much better though I remember I was withy like when he came out he seemed like a different I wasn’t with him but he told me and I remember theat he’s a different person when you let it go eats it eats at you it’s like Cory talked about it where he’s just drinking away the pain and that’s like he came out and got sober that’s when people need to come blooming and that’s really what happened with me like I was so depressed in Wyoming growing up like I was I can’t be myself I I I I’ll lose everything like yeah what a burden yeah it it is and it’s far I don’t yeah cuz different places are different I’m like come out I live in San Diego no one cares everyone loves it it’s great thing like having having a kid and it’s like he grows up and it’s like not knowing that your parents are going to love you it’s like dude yeah that sus I’m thankful that my parents were like always they my parents are super loving yeah more power good shout out to shout out to the dams the Gonzalez’s you were saying you were saying like years something you’re about to tell us something about like how crazy it was back home two years oh yeah I mean two years ago a bar in my my hometown made a shirt that said we have a cure to AIDS we shoot [ __ ] F and it like where was it Wyoming yeah in my hometown in Cheyenne dude yeah that’s really crazy that is yeah me saying just come out of the closet people are like I might get shot no I mean you hear about it you hear about it and that that definitely is a fear and when people say like oh you’re just doing this for attention now you don’t realize like I could be going to the grocery store in the middle of the night and somebody could just be like [ __ ] this person [ __ ] this Ur and just come up and stab me it’s like why would I do that for attention for some sort of point I mean it’s the same same argument for any you know the the he just a dude that wants to win women’s class and it’s like nobody wants to go through the hell of like changing who they are and and the and the disgrace and the the pain and the suffering and the you know and to do that just to win well first off I really don’t like contest to begin with I like filming I like the challenge with myself and I’ve I’ve always liked the challenge for things I don’t want the easy way out yeah not saying anything with women’s BMX versus men’s BMX cuz they’re incredible women’s BMX riders but there is that difference of skill level for sure at the Waffle cup you chose to ride with the men yeah and it but you PR prac with the women and then that was like the and that was the first time I saw the internet [ __ ] storm yeah so I I uh is stew that one’s epic you Foo Foo yeah so we we just had like a 4our conversation the other day at the shop just kind of like talking about things and we don’t see eye to eye on everything but we we talked about Waffle cup like me riding the practice with the girls there were a lot of people on the deck like a [ __ ] like here we go and that it kind of changed like a lot of people’s perception when they’re like oh word like road with the men and that that wasn’t even a question for me more so why I wanted to drive the packs with the girls is there are a lot of men in BMX and that was kind of like one of a few times where there’s a bunch of the girls together and I’m friends with all of them and I kind of wanted out of the toxic masculinity sometimes in BMX mhm and where I could just like ride with my friends and so I rode the practice with my friends and then did the contest with the guys i’ trained as a male athlete so I’m going to compete with the men yeah makes perfect sense and it’s and it’s hard from uh you know the the comments you had a few Clips in the women’s practice video or something like that I don’t know where it was but it like it was like oh my God like I just I remember commenting so many times like Benny is not competing with the women Benny did not compete with women not competing with women like so many times and they’re like but what if he what if he does and it’s like he’s Ben he didn’t you know like it’s not an issue like there’s no issue right now there is no problem for a while like after down the streets was kind of when like I got like a lot of the oh you’re you’re going to dominate like women sports blah blah blah and I Podium d of the streets like took thir and people shut up so fast yeah exactly I feel like a lot of people didn’t really know that I was like all right I’ll turn it on for a contest like I’ll I’ll ride hard if I want to and I want the challenge like I I know where my writing is at I’m not saying I’m pushing boundaries with BMX for a lot of stuff but I’ll hit big girls and yeah you kill it you kill it your video part’s [ __ ] dope it’s a proper awesome video part if you rode with the women there is amazing women Riders but it would be like Oh by got 150 out of 100 crazy there’s a difference and I think part of I I support women’s BMX and that’s why I wanted to ride with them but I’m not going to take their shine away like I I want Paris and I want Angie and I want them to have their battle with each other yeah and all the other battle it with all of us yeah exactly yeah like I I don’t want the easy way out nobody really likes the sand back yeah exactly right that’s the whole I remember I did Recon to her when I was like 13 14 or something and I uh I rode in like the advanced Division I remember it I this is how it always goes with those little contests The kid that’s that wins beginner like you should have just done yeah you don’t feel good cuz everyone’s just like you sandbagged cool I didn’t know I was Pro apparently or something like that yeah for sure but too funny that’s that’s just kind of always been what’s the the the feel in the women’s class like like they obviously accept you and I don’t know you know like I guess there’s probably just wide acceptance through all of BMX right well is there I I think like a lot of the girls in BMX too just kind of look at it like oh it’s like almost like having like a gay bestie like in BMX where I’m not I’m not like on either side of it like I I could hang out with them and I I stayed in bar for like a couple months with my friend Paula and her boyfriend Juan and I stay witha X yeah okay it was like super fun like riding with her it’s just not riding with like a bunch of guys all the time and like she’s it’s a different kind of like level of like acceptance for me yeah and has the same thing with waffle cup like getting red with like Emma and people that I never met before it’s probably hard for us to understand but it probably is a completely different vibe on the deck because like dud are trying to figure out their run like they’re not they’re friendly but they’re also like trying to do their [ __ ] women I feel like they’re a little slower paac and they’re like you got this like you can do this it’s all brand new and it’s like I just made a whole like year-long project with the female you know like I really got to I loved it with Paris yeah it was amazing So Sick by the way I love hanging out with girls that ride be I already think I knew that but with Paris I was like you know it’s just like you’re saying it’s just so different it’s there’s not the crazy ma masculinity and everything’s just a little different it’s fun yeah I think there needs to be females on every team just to I agree make it more dude the Kink video anahi oh yeah dude she’s gnarly I mean it’s out so we can talk about it but oh my God like I literally yelled at my TV I was like it was incredible she slams it was incredible first real crook down a rail from a massive from a chick that I’ve ever seen ice too yeah yeah not going to lie I haven’t watched it yet oh you haven’t oh my God you got to watch it I need I need so the whole thing is go it’s 25 minutes you got that yeah so but oh my God yeah I was like literally yelling at the TV I uh I met her in Barcelona and stuff super R Chic and loved riding with her and just ping around vibing I was trying to find this scooter clip like it’s like a I don’t know any scooter names like a over [ __ ] scooter grind or something it was in Denver down the image 20 that was from like a keep going down it’s crazy how much your look changed cuz if I was just scrolling through here like that’s why those internet Warriors cuz like oh that’s a you know that’s a hot chick you zoom in you’re like oh my God that’s a God I can’t believe I you know I thought that oh I’m G to write something I think it’s that real oh yeah this these are like that was crazy so for a while I was like go yeah look you’re insane and then look at these skate Clips after like the the hill bomb is sick too but I think the get mad speed wobbles yeah you’ve gotten so much better at everything it’s insane oh this is the truck clip like there’s [ __ ] on a welcome deck welcome was like always my favorite skate company growing up like always always so I’m pretty pretty sucked to be a part of that now like sister company of [ __ ] awesome no no no what’s welcome welcome’s it’s something something Jason company oh [ __ ] Awesome’s thing is with hockey so like fa and hockey yep that’s what I was messing up right there so you’re good at everything I no Motocross no Motocross I’m scared of those things reasonable even like this kind of like section of my life I even modeling those pictures are sick thank you um this you’re you’re a pretty Benny yeah [Laughter] this section of my life I was still like kind of figuring out like my gender stuff like my own style cuz it’s like do you do full makeup and everything no no like I’m I have like a little bit on my lip and like mascara that’s that’s really about it nice skin take care of yourself thank you you don’t look like a gnarly me yeah that’s great destroyed by the sun um wear your sunscreen Den sunscreen um me too as as far as like how you dress is there days where you’re like you’re like I don’t want the looks I’m going to wear oh for sure yeah for sure like there there are definitely times where it’s like I might be like anxious at home and I need to get something from the grocery store and I’ll just like you know kind of put put the H on and some [ __ ] pants yeah yeah cuz it’s like in and out but yeah there are definitely those days but most of the time I say [ __ ] the world and be treated myself yeah yeah you have to like um not the huge do you pay someone to do your hair all nice mm that’s just you know how to do it not going to lie I haven’t cut my hair I I had my hair cut for the sheet that I did a couple weeks ago like they they cut my hair a little bit but that was the first time in like two years take care of that too huh kind of not really no it looks nice like a I I have like gel and stuff in it like a wet Li gel it’s supposed to look like you just like just got the shower like all night um you know what you’re doing cuz if I don’t wash my hair anything a’t going ever that just don’t do anything it looks all nice like this you know another thing about like having a bunch of friends that are girls too is like I learn a bunch of this like I learn how to like really kind of take care of myself grew myself with things and it’s just that’s naturally learning it yeah yeah another another kind of thing that I like doing and uh I’m going I’m the guy that wrangles it all back in So Wyoming you get the [ __ ] out of there to W here we go here go and then you go to Denver and how [ __ ] is your skin so I mean we can we’ll run through it quick you go you go Colorado like Utah I lived in Salt Lake for for like a year or so which is sick it was like half like the so like Salt Lake is what La is for the snowboard Community like how LA and San Diego is like BMX skateboarding and Salt Lake is one of those cities for for like the street snowboard scene so I moved out there for for like a lot of the snowboarding and I had a blast out there it’s was definitely tricky cuz I feel like it’s half the skater snowboarder community and the other half like Mormons which is gnarly uh but where I lived in Sugar House was like Super Rad and I lived right next to Fairmont skate park they had lights and I I worked for uh kids at rip so I would just what is that it’s like an indoor skate park they they’re based out of Arizona and then they made one in Utah and so I I just like went to work coach kids how to like skate and ride bikes and get off work go to Fairmont every night on my days off go snowboarding you know I was just like in that cycle so has there there’s been times where you’ve like maxed out scootering you change yeah yeah I clip you’re doing like a lip side on like a 25 stair rail it’s a huge Rail and then this like are you going to do that with BMX is that your part you’re going to do this part and you’re going to do some other stuff for a bit and then come back yeah yeah my my plan now that I have this part like I’m filming like a skate video part right yeah you do that damn and honestly like the last month or so really just kind of been going out with like all the welcome guys and going to spots and hanging out with them cuz they’re they’re in La yeah and they’re the [ __ ] homies talk about not getting burnt out yeah well there there’s that thing too not going to lie like I love BMX but it is nice to get out of it when there’s all the all the [ __ ] at me you can completely just disappear and focus on some other cool project well I I wouldn’t say like completely disappear cuz I love I love writing bikes and I love no I mean just for the time being though is one Community better than the other for sure yeah for sure I always feel I always feel like I in no offense to the to BMX out there but like when you have like skating it seems like BMX is a little more like redneck you know like I would put I I would say it’s like maybe just 5 to 10 years ahead of like where BMX is at as far as how culturally mature yeah yeah culturally mature cuz even where skating’s at now BMX is not with like nbds and abds like BMX is still super strict of like oh somebody did this on this spot skating is kind of more like it’s a handrail in La who [ __ ] cares if somebody did it like 10 years ago if you want to do the trick do the [ __ ] trick that’s funny yeah and yeah I just think like the the fashion like how people dress and skating is a little farther than where BMX is at the heads space it’s it’s just a bigger industry so it’s naturally going to be kind of like more accepting and stuff and there there’s a whole skate company called their that is just for queer skaters like it is a queer Skateboarding company th like their or there t h e r e I always get those there there there um yeah so and then there’s Unity skateboarding and there there’s just that whole Community like establish established in it already like Cory and I we we started like identity BMX Like a while ago and we’re just both to oh really yeah we’re just both like really busy to kind of keep that running I I do want to get back on it because I get DMS all the time from kids like saying like how they feel within themselves in BMX never heard of it can I I’m sure we do I’m not the only one that’s on the account and I’m probably if if you guys said something I clicked it and then I forgot about it so um and then I got to ask the top one okay I got to ask um being in Salt Lake you had baringer within a distance yeah I love V just hanging out with the dude H and Shane and the dogs and definitely learned like a lot about BMX just sitting in his garage with him watching like old PR videos oh yeah yeah B is the man we were on a trip in St Thomas when he came out to everyone yeah that’s D I just met her in uh swamp Fest she [ __ ] kills it yeah yeah she was one that tried the three over the thing too [ __ ] insane that’s cool I mean that’s sick sick this exists in even if it’s in a small sense the fact that it just exists like you said though we’re 10 five years behind so all of our stuff is you know look at what this would be in 10 years if you keep it going exactly and I I think it 10 years is a long time to make some cool [ __ ] happen it is is Max yeah as long as you stay somewhat consistent it’ll grow and I know help people out I feel kind of bad that we haven’t been on it really you and Cory are very busy though you are no I like I I need to find somebody else that I do remember this this was uh the dean yeah the Declan drawing I can recognize that from that’s cool Brandon yeah Brandon I clicked there I clicked a little early I didn’t mean to do Brandon like that there there’s not just me and BMX which is is rad in that aspect I think as far as like platform wise maybe which s sometimes that’s what I was going to say I take all the bullets yeah which is like a blessing and a curse in a lot of ways like it being the the the most well-known anything just makes it puts a Target on you it sucks like yeah well it’s like I I’m not I didn’t even really kind of asked to be that Target yeah is when they say like hater is going to make you famous like they really kind of kind of mean that [ __ ] like that’s you you had a statement I think it was either is one on the podcast you said something an effect of like there’s comments that were like you’re only sponsored because you’re trans or something you know like obviously you’re not trans but like but that’s the com the idea yeah and and your response to that I found like super interesting was that you you said basically oh yeah I’m different but like so is it you know like well it’s like it’s my own individuality I wouldn’t say it’s every part of my personal my writing is my writing but your favorite writer isn’t your favorite writer all just because of how good they are at biking it’s how they dress the music they listen to like the individuality that they have MH it’s how they look it’s how it’s how they car feel of themselves and I feel like kids nowadays think it’s all about getting sponsored is how good you are MH but it’s also if you can if you can talk to people put yourself out there have your own individuality and like stand outside of the crowd yeah like you know you’re being super real all every Bike company is a business that each one of their Riders is paying them or giving them free parts to sell stuff for the company it’s like obvious is that like if you’re not people don’t [ __ ] with you then you’re not going to get sponsored by this brand it’s not all who gets it’s like not X Games every [ __ ] kind sell [ __ ] product that’s kind of why I don’t where I I see like some kids that may be like coming up in BMX and they’ll comment some dumb [ __ ] it’s like that’s not smart on your part cuz that’s not a good look for any company that is whether your opinion or not a lot of times just better to keep your mouth shut and if you’re not sponsored have in the mirror and be like I am better than this person maybe or like like you can do all the tricks they can do or whatever but look what’s what’s the problem there’s a problem like there has to be some reason that this person’s getting paid or free stuff and you’re not it’s pretty simple that one always trips me out and it’s like yeah everyone’s there’s a lot of really good riters but D Mara wouldn’t be getting a a milk commercial with his [ __ ] shirt off if he if he looked like a crazy person you know if he had a crazy beard missing teeth and stuff like that he got he got that because he looked like Dave there there’s more to it than just ringing and then people don’t want to help you if you’re not cool so it’s like those things come together and then you have bike riding how you look how you act and and how much people associate themselves with you or want to be like you or whatever it’s like it’s hard to hear though sometimes you’re like dude I’m really good at bike riding like can I just get a sponsor you know like it’s also at that point like work hard and film a video part yeah yeah and if you’re different and you stand out in a crowd there’s a thousand people there and one person stands out for whatever reason it’s like you you averted your eyes towards them and that in itself is part of marketing and it’s it it really it really is and that’s that’s exactly what I’m saying when it’s like it’s not all about the but you also [ __ ] kill it and so that’s like it’s given it’s a package some people kill it harder and they’re cooler some people really kill they’re not that cool but like you know what I mean like has to be some sort of package that you can be like this is my person and they’re going to help us sell sabrosa frame yeah it’s so funny when you think back of like you know like the I I’m definitely not going to name anybody but the there’s people in the history of BMX that were really really good at bike riding and they never really got that that shine that support and that shine and it’s like yeah because they kind of had an abrasive personality and people didn’t want to deal with him and it’s like that’s why I’m sorry it’s like I’m sorry but he just wasn’t that cool or he wasn’t that fun to hang out with or he was pretty intense you know like you didn’t know what he was going to do next after he did that trick like you never know what you’re going to get if you go on a trip for like a week and everybody hates you you must [ __ ] suck because you just had to fake it for a week and then go home and be a dick you know like you couldn’t even pretend to not be a dick for seven days like why would you want to too real be with that person yeah so we got just deep on industry [ __ ] that’s that’s the way it goes that part of thing okay so back to Wyoming but it comes it comes from you though because it stems off of that argument of like just cuz you dress a certain way it’s like no package you know good riding and you’re cool and me and Josh were just watching that Josh doesn’t ride bikes he goes I want to ride bikes right now yeah yeah boom doesn’t ride bikes that’s what I want like I like I want my video part where someone like watches it and like oh that gu feel like hype I went I want my part edited like this and he went I want to ride bikes you [ __ ] boom I have to be careful about fist bumps cuz these rings are good oh yeah um definitely like so why so whatever you bounced around Utah Oregon Denver or not Denver Colorado and then you you moved to California yeah so I I went to Portland on a snowboard trip damn at the same time that’s we we did a source commercial earlier and we did exactly the same words the whole way through right yeah just kid twins our source commercial yeah I I went to Portland on a snowboard trip and I loved Portland like I want to move here and I I was pretty like over living in Salt Lake so I packed up my car drove drove to Portland and then tore my ACL for like third time when I was in Portland and it started raining a bunch and I was just sitting there like depressing [ __ ] it I’ve always wanted to go to California so I packed my car again and just drove down the coast mhm had no plan whatsoever and I or I I think I just released non-bike Nary where I was like starting to get like people from the BMX uh scene like following me and seeing my [ __ ] and I stayed with stepan like booty groceries for like two nights in LA and rode a spot and met jice mhm and just kind of worked out where jice was like yeah you could live with me if you want so it was Long Beach like kind of like I just I just ended up there cuz that’s where SLI so you haven’t really been here that long uh 3 years or something years that’s not too long yeah so when I met you at my ramps that was probably like right when you that was right that that was actually right after CU I wasn’t even really riding yet because I just tore my ACL again so I did I had no strength in my knee like I probably should not have even been on a bike at that point like it was just yeah I thought you’d lived here I was like oh who’s this like I that’s crazy you just did that whole looping around the country and made it down here mhm is are what what made besides dorice like what made Long Beach feel like it was the correct place I I honestly like it was like the stars kind of align to like the area that I’m in I live off of Broadway and and Long Beach and it’s just very queer Community like right there like there’s a whole bunch of gay bars have uh like or crossbox that are like rainbows and there’s Cherry Park right there two BLX from the beach it’s just it felt perfect and definitely more out of the mix than LA but close enough where if I need to go to La then I can be in the mix of things um yeah just it it felt right and it’s the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place like after moving yeah what do you what do your uh parents say along the way they’re like all right you’re in Colorado oh you’re in Utah all right like are they like come home or are they just let you go I go home pretty often for like a couple days I can’t really stay in my in longer than like a few days I get pretty like anxious like I need to get out of here yeah but I definitely go back home like every every couple months and like see my mom and you see people walking around with that [ __ ] t-shirt no I okay I did buy one ni I did buy one and I made it into a crop top did you go to that bar and buy it from the people no I ordered it online you’re like yeah that’s a little too RIS like a little too because even it doesn’t it doesn’t even matter if crazy honestly I get called she more if I dressed fully masculine no makeup nothing people will just still call me she mhm like it’s like they’ll think that I look like a mask lesbian or something yeah a what like a mask lesbian huh like just kind of more you’re just like oh you’re a Butch a Butch term is no offense yeah no offense I mean no no offense to anything I said before this or I say in the future either so that’s the claimer Benny’s like 6’2 you got some you’re not you’re not dainty yeah mean you are tall too I didn’t realiz I didn’t really like put that together until I was shooting the photo and then I more when I clicked back to Tyler and looked at it and then you were like yeah towering over him I mean that’s kind of the thing like you want to say some [ __ ] to me in person has there any been has there ever been any weird interactions within the BMX Community yeah for sure yeah just like people the Vibe or yeah there there’s definitely been like some like kind of like side iser I’ll even get where there’ll be like Riders like not want to ride because they think like I’m going to like hit on them or whatever yeah but just like anything it’s like I have a type with men too just because like you’re a guy doesn’t mean I’m just going to like hit on you and most of the time like if you’re straight I really want no part of it at all like it’s like that’s almost an ick for me yeah is it and then and I separate BMX and like my I I don’t want to date a bike rider or a skater or I it’s funny to be so full of yourself to think like it’s like not I can’t be around a girl cuz I’ll get flirted with you know like I you can’t be around anybody that’s going to you think everyone wants to flirt with you like godamn I can’t remember who I was talking to about it but they were like you know I I love it when like a gay guy compliments me because it’s like if a gay guy is attracted to me that means like I’m actually kind of hot yeah yeah yeah like if you’re if you’re not getting hit on by like both genders Jeff maybe what I was I was just trying to confirm it I don’t think it was you thought about it you thought about it though you’re like was it Jeff no that was Jeff Z the one that said that that was a Jeff Z okay I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure I’ve heard him say something similar he’s like I’m also great today like oh cuz I G person hit on him yeah okay maybe I mean it’s not like an it’s not a secluded mindset that people like thought about yeah being pretty getting hit on means you look literally heard people say that about gay people or trans people and I’ve said that same thing like yeah you think people want you that bad that you’re going to be at the skate park and be like Oh but no it’s always taet really it’s always like the guys that just have like no style or don’t know how to dress that like say that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I mean you’re going you know my standards are high my I hold myself the highest standard um have you ever hooked up with anyone in the BMX n you com no comment that you didn’t think you were ever going to because no comment I the fifth oh damn all right we got to get the if you Subs uh subscribe to the YouTube channel he’s going to tell all be a tell all podcast kid I don’t nice anything do you uh do you ever give the the online people any any play like do you do you ever respond or no oh yeah I made that comment on the post I was like did you comment on it yeah I just said I just said keep hating but I’m too busy taking flights and Cas if we get to the comments wait for me okay well are we am I looking at comments on YouTube or on Instagram I thought the Instagram post yeah the Instagram is crazy pretty [ __ ] wild yeah um yeah we can we’ll just pause officially insert insert sponsor commercial sorry to interrupt this podcast but the unclick podcast is sponsored by Source BM X we got to shout them out cuz they’re rad they’re doing a bunch of stuff and they are killing it biggest mail order in the world got those warehouses in Kentucky they got the one in the UK of course pretty much get you something faster than anybody else in the world yep if your bike shop don’t have it the source does and it’ll be at your house on your door and maybe the next day true true and honestly the the best team in BMX right now they just picked up uh Killian Roth this week yeah the ad was great because they really do like cover all the boards and then you know AEM like no you don’t yeah I mean obviously Killian like is I mean pun intended kill killing it the the manual 180 during The Rail Jam at Battle of Hastings this year part and then uh che check watch that yeah and then uh I heard that uh he put down some crazy Clips inside the park [Music] [Music] congrats to source for getting Killian and congrats Killian for linking up with Source y good combo you’re on the that is the most stacked team in BMX thank you for sponsoring the podcast source and uh we’ll get back to it let’s do it let’s find the see what the internet has to say the internet yeah let’s [ __ ] read them out loud reading the story nobody gets to do that they just type it out they don’t even hear it out loud how do how do I I’m nervous I haven’t even really read I mean you’re so levelheaded you’ll be able to see these and I did read a couple that I just like [ __ ] laughed at like if anything I kind of laugh at like the ignorance 520 500 20 damn it may it may be sometimes desktop gets weird it’s also kind of like one of those clips where I I was presenting super feminine for sure I mean I feel like the whole video is like that though it’s like what do you mean presenting super F feminine that one clip just the well I mean it’s just like the G I feel like you kind of yeah I guess you dress different but I don’t know comments can’t be loaded right now shout out to Instagram um let’s try one more time and then I’ll just and then on that one that one’s sick this one’s sick too there was supposed to be a second angle of it but uh Felix forgot to press record comments can’t be loaded um how can I do this on can read them on your phone yeah but then I struggle with the just refresh the what’s it called the screen then I have to like put in the [ __ ] screenshot and all that stuff we’re still on PA technically yeah sorry it gets it does get warm in here I opened the window but imagine going through life believing that everyone should think dress and act the same bunch of robot who gives a flying [ __ ] right steu who 1201 yeah yeah that’s Stu Johnson nice bunch of robots who gives a flying [ __ ] what someone else is wearing if you don’t like it then don’t wear it let people live their lives that’s cool yeah I was hyp I was hyped for that that was one I pinned that one because I was like that sums it up you know like like I love this Cole from SDS was so about the bike riding we must touch our knees on tbgs young grass smoker that one’s funny just complete bike riding up with it yeah you that’s what it should be though exactly that one’s funny are you are you supposed to touch your new on TS I don’t even know what that means I was like I was like thinking about it it’s like that’s what he thinks is a proper tabog yeah like tuck his knees together so he’s just giving you [ __ ] on how he likes debug yeah I mean I kind of like find like dip it more though you kind of have to be a little bit more bowlegged so you can get like the seat through your legs I don’t think there’s I mean I think that that second one is fine what Aug should be so but Cole keeping your knees together is cool too but I would hope I how to semi do the tri you got a good yeah you did get a cover let’s talk about that like because that was that was a Jeff Z photo move to Long Beach I feel like that uh that’s like every Rider’s dream 15 years ago I’m going to move to Long Beach Jeff Z is going to shoot a magazine cover of me so that that’s like that was fresh after tearing my AC out yeah and should not have even been riding at wait how many times have you torn so three acl’s on my right knee and one meniscus on my right left and I still don’t have my ACL on my right like I never got it fixed it’s on my agenda before I turned 26 and like off my parents and but that’s like a yearlong thing yeah but it’s like I’m 23 I want to enjoy some of my life not in a wheelchair cuz I was in a wheelchair for my last meniscus surgery because I I don’t have my AC on my right knee so all the weight couldn’t go to that one if I’m just sitting there not like working out so I was like I was in a wheelchair for like 3 months and it sucked so Jeff Z yeah so you you couldn’t you couldn’t and then you just meet up with Jeff Z you hadn’t you hadn’t ridden or yeah I hadn’t I hadn’t ridden at all and we went to the school in Long Beach with Stefan and everybody I think stepan wanted to shoot something with Jeff and I kind of looked at it like [ __ ] this is like a legend like legendary BMX photographer I’m not going to miss my opportunity here I at that time I was like I didn’t know if that opportunity would ever present itself again even even though it did yeah obviously I wasn’t putting in my head like oh like I’m getting a [ __ ] cover out of this I was just hyped to shoot a photo of Jey even if he didn’t put it in like the mag like that was just like a cool expence opportunity to do but that’s cool that’s a trip especially in like the staying age to get get a magazine cover of any kind you know like obviously Jeff Z shooting magazine cover is like what was that part before the one that you were not hyped on there was a part before or is there one that you were hyped on before what’s a good one to kind of reference like I mean your last part and like Bodega verse are things that I’m pretty hyped on but that’s it’s a mix with jice and Sharky sounds good cuz I’m really like not familiar with your riding besides seeing you ride in person you know oh yeah cuz you unfollowed me on Instagram no I follow you now do you yeah as of when today as of your your video part I was like this shit’s motivating I got to get I didn’t even see that why did he why did he unfollow look at everyone I follow they’re all people that are like I don’t want to say there’s people that I there’s people that are falling like zero for a while yeah there’s people that I uh that are oh you you thin the list no no I got it I I followed group of I didn’t even see that people that motivate me with bike riding and then some family but I should just follow everyone but then my [ __ ] I’m not going to get to see the good bike riding I get that too I mean there’s like the my personal account I try and keep it like people I hang out with and like know on a level you know and after we hang out for a bit then I need to do the same honestly I feel I follow like too many people I’m just such a BMX nerd I use my Instagram to see BMX you know which is so one thing of me but I don’t have that’s all I do so and a little bit of skateboarding and some other influential things but so this is apparently your tons doesn’t mean I’m not your friend no I know I know where homies this is your first like BMX trip yeah yeah it was and this actually spiked like a lot for my career with like modeling mhm um that’s cool congrats on that being like Time Square I think yeah you’re nervous talking about it it’s funny cuz it’s big yeah know I’m like [ __ ] it’s like the the you’re actually getting like nervous talking about that that’s funny well also like I kind of don’t even really want to talk about it too much till it’s like even like almost like yeah the middle of the podcast or not too many feel probably still listening yeah be surprised but well we did the we did the quiz at the end where we just say something random and then everybody comments it but um what uh is that yeah is that uh I mean the modeling stuff has to be like a bit of a crazy it I don’t know did you were you trying like no it that that just kind of happened naturally it wasn’t really something that I saw after MH the fashion industry and like skateboarding BMX are kind of merging like Nigel even like went to uto he’s like skater like Louis Vuitton’s like sending him to the fashion shows and so there’s like all these like Pro skaters BMX riters that are kind of going into the fashion industry somebody told me that like 5 years ago that it was going to happen like this and I was like oh that sounds cool because you know they take these nice looking people that also do something you know what is it yeah that was sick it was scary so it’s not just a pretty person it’s a pretty person that can yeah well do a hot bar real quick you know or something yeah I mean it’s just it adds to the package of things like there there’s a lot of pretty faces in the world but I think the fashion is kind of moving towards models that do other things cuz you are like a representation of like the brand like if your face is like with a company then well I remember Austin Augie saying something like like that they liked that he was like kind of [ __ ] up cuz he had he had scar he has scars on his face and riding and stuff and they’re like they like that his face is like not pretty and different and he is definitely has a unique look but then he also has these scars that like tells the story in a sense you know it’s funny how it like I don’t know it’s like yeah it’s interesting it’s like that cool friend that does something you know like oh this is my friend he’s like really he’s really [ __ ] sick on a bike it’s like the fashion industry is like saying that or something well it’s like yeah all the things I do kind of piggy back off of each other dude for I mean yeah that was that was crazy so we saw that spot right when we got to the New York like we rode past it it’s like oh that thing’s gnarly and it was like the last day of the trip and we ended up like riding past it again and I I told him I was like yeah like I’ll I’ll feeble it and I did like one Fe I was kind of sketchy but I could like feel out that I could probably like bar out of it and then I didn’t I didn’t tell him I was going to do do the F Bar just to the fil bar like you have enough time yeah that that was that that’s probably one of my favorite tricks I’ve done in BMX that’s SI that the pigs hard and then the tires one teok at San Pedro and then so you did you guys did this trip and then you went and met with the agency and they put a contract on the table you didn’t sign it and then you do Dawn on the streets which you get third yeah that’s a good trip yeah was it was a lifechanging trip it really was like I I feel like there are like those Pinnacles of life where you kind of like you’re on the come up and it’s like that little level up like to the next step and that trip definitely was one of those moments for me that just changed my life that’s sick have you ever traveled for any of your sports or have you always just like kind of moved and then things surrounded you I mean lately is that your first trip for BMX like out of where you live yeah lately I’ve been traveling constantly for modeling though both just riding and went to Paris Barcelona have you been stacking Clips on those trips M uh the last trip when I went to Barcelona I was like pretty fresh out of recovering for my knee cuz I I went to a simple session I already had my flight book to go to Estonia before I had knee surgery I was like [ __ ] it I’ll go and I ended up bring my bike and like just I didn’t even really try with simple session I was just pedaling around the course for the most part um this is done the streets right so so now you’re healthy you 180 that what do you do you tobogan I I did one tbog over it yeah and then what what else was in so you technically haven’t really been healthy since you’ve been traveling with modeling yeah nice oh yeah start stacking Clips on the road that that’s my I have a trip plan here pretty soon to go to Austin nice I was like talking talking to Aaron about yeah that was sick we’ll do do something with like burn slow nice cuz yeah the last trip you went on for riding you got a podium in this huge contest film bangers and became a model so I think you should go on another trip yeah well even even like Barcelona and Paris it was kind of that like it it was a riding trip in a way like I went to ride cuz I’ve never been to Barcelona I didn’t really film anything besides just kind of like Instagram stuff but I wanted to see it and got like spots mapped out where when I go back um and then I’m going to London in like May or so beari who I went on a trip with uh to New York he he’s going to school in London and they have like a filmer out there so probably do do a London video or something sweet battle Hastings team mm that be sick that’s cool that I mean dude that is a that is a wild little little ride there for sure yeah what uh yeah you’re doing a lot it’s a lot to take in with everything like learning about you and then learning about the the it hasn’t been that long of like a since you left and started this cross country road trip to Landing in Long Beach to now well like now being here yeah I feel like I feel like a lot of the podcasts we do are like I feel like this is the beginning you know what I mean like I do Todd lion ones and he’s telling his story and it’s like the Alan cook is telling his story after the fact and then yours is like dot dot dot to be continued type thing where it’s like3 the question I just asked sick first BMX trip and it just blew up like I can’t imagine what’s the future is bright for you I mean that that’s kind of like what why I did like the the kind of name change now yeah yeah whereas like fit going to go I’m going to go somewhere yeah yeah well like modeling a lot of models do that they change their last name with like an alias to kind of protect themselves when they get out of the fashion industry for multiple different reasons I don’t really want to speak too much on yeah for extra weirdos yeah yeah uh not that was just kind of yeah and it sounds sick how do you say it again Benny aa aa that isck that white one right there you want there’s more in the fridge too but um we getting loose out here yeah yeah we haven’t got wasted on a podcast in a while but just in case my girl has a baby I have to be able to drive wait actually yeah cuz our due date was like days ago you’re having another baby yeah know that yeah you got we got your right front of you I learned how to keep my phone on me this last week it’s been good um congrats on that thank you yeah do you have like an a name or Raven Raven yeah we’re going to I like the name cuz it was cool for a girl or a boy mhm and then when found out it was a girl I was like sweet we already got the name yeah I don’t know is there much is there much in the comments like over I was looking through and it is like I mean now it’s just showing me good comments All a sudden like when I look through before it was like all crazy shag probably filtering out something I I was try to look for him I was like I don’t they’re not yeah apparently there was some dude I mean we could come back in right here but like there was a there was a dude in the comments that was like I guess he had like a warm yeah that is very warm uh that was like had like an iron cross thing or something and it was like but by the time I saw the comments he was already like I don’t know he blocked us I asked the group I was like did anybody block this guy or did or did Instagram just delete him like whatever he said whatever he said he was gone automatically the the one thing that’s kind of rad with like the hate comments though is somebody will comment something stupid and there’ll be like 10 other people jump on him and be like oh yeah that’s what that’s what I mean like like like the one the one argument that I I think is pretty Savage is like oh you guys are oh this we’re celebrating a mental health problem my my answer to that too is like okay you don’t have ADHD your mom doesn’t have bipolar so what if it’s a mental health issue does that mean that you’re not going to support your mom for being like bipolar yeah like it’s like I don’t a good way to it I don’t really think of it like it is a mental health thing it’s really just like you being yourself or like me being myself I don’t think sexuality I think sexuality is like baked in I think it’s definitely like oh I think it’s you asked Cory about it too yes like they’re they’re animals they’re like penguins that are like gay yeah and they’re like there’s all different species that like have that certain feel to them yeah and it’s who you are you cannot change it you cannot change your sexuality or your G you can suppress it how you feel yeah but if you’re gay you’re gay mhm and if you’re trans you’re trans yeah like there there was like a an interview with somebody kind of they were they were talking about it like okay a 100 years in the future brain transplants are a thing they take your brain you’re a male you identify as a male and they put your brain aside and then they end up putting your brain in a woman’s body and you feel uncomfortable because you’re in a woman’s body what do you want to do about it you want to change your gender to align with what your brain is yeah yeah that that that’s what the dude said he was like put put my I I’m going to change my body because it doesn’t align with my brain it’s like well you just explain the entire trans ideology that it’s like trans people their brain doesn’t align with and there’s so much where it’s like the the human body is crazy with the you get you get a woman that tests higher with hormones or and you get kids that are misgendered because they have like uh asexual traits when they’re thing and then they’re designate as being a girl or designate being a boy always been androgynous like I like I I have like a pretty face yeah I don’t have this like masculine male looking like yeah look to me like I get called she [ __ ] I’m justess masculine yeah I think that’s what you’re saying okay I get what you’re saying earlier yeah like you you have feminine traits to your face yeah so that’s why sometimes people look at stuff of you and they’re like oh it’s definitely a female yeah yeah yeah that’s crazy and it’s like they’ll they’ll be mad cuz it’s confusing to them and no matter what if it’s confusing to you you can just be nice mhm matter what even if you don’t understand it if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all yeah and that’s that’s the thing too is like everybody’s a human everybody everybody deserves kindness everybody deserves love like who [ __ ] cares like Benny doing a [ __ ] nose bon tobogan in a tube top doesn’t affect your life like you could just [ __ ] chill on the internet like you’re good it’s it’s uh could we change the clip from this yeah sorry sorry 6,000 times it’s played sorry um but yeah fear and worry create hatred you know for like anying not if you’re really happy with yourself you you’ll try and like cuz I know when I’m in a good mood it’s way easier to like think things through and understand and be nice but when you’re in a bad mood you’re like the [ __ ] out of my way like to every person that’s driving a car you know what I mean it’s just like it’s just obvious like if you’re a happy person you could figure things out and think it’s so funny yeah like when you’re driving down the road and somebody’s going slow and you’re in good good mood you’re like damnn they don’t have nothing to do that’s must be so nice they’re not in a hurry but I’m in a hurry but then day get the [ __ ] out of the way you know so it’s crazy yeah my horn doesn’t work so I got to put it in neutral and [ __ ] rev the engine I look like a maniac get the [ __ ] out of that’s bad mood Dennis revving my engine down the road don’t want to meet that guy yeah never happens never happens just rev that engine once in a while um anything we’re missing I don’t know I feel like talk more about sking so that was something I think we should do you have any skate edits we watch snowboarding I mean like on Instagram I do I’m still like kind of working on doing like an actual video you’re more of a transition skater that was a topic like a bad word it it is to like trans people like bad it is it is it is a slur it was just short for well it it is to us cuz like we’re BMX riders like skaters like that’s slang for it so there’s hatred behind it though there or something not like in every like not from you yeah like you say it but I’m saying some people it with like a hateful way for people not like it yes like if I’m walking on I’ve been walking down the street in like weho or something somebody will drive by [ __ ] like that’s yeah like people so that’s where it turned into like yeah and so then that’s like the trans Community saying like hey like maybe like just say transition I don’t really get pressed about it cuz it’s like short for transition you know what it is in I know what it is but I also get the mentality from like other queer people where it’s like that maybe so so my take it’s the same thing with like makes sense it’s it’s hateful in way but you speak skateboarding and BMX so it’s like a different word it’s the same thing like with I say Peg Ching I don’t say like Peg yeah with a K yeah yeah yeah but is that that’s not an Asian person that’s the noise yeah but it it’s still still but the word okay drives from hat it’s like it’s like saying it can it can so it’s like I would much rather just just keep it off why not change one letter like Pig ching and it it’s two extra syllable to say transition Indian giver [ __ ] up yeah I don’t say that that one that one is like okay yeah that one’s like no matter who you are that makes sense not to try and say I just say like reever for the people nobody thought about it when they said it but it’s like okay that well it’s because there there are so many weird trick Nam not abubaca is not bad but it’s like that’s a weird ass name for a trick like who the [ __ ] saw a trick and was like I’m going to call that aaca wierson okay yeah so it’s like in our heads we’re just thinking about like oh that’s the trick that’s like what we call it but in other people’s minds that don’t skate or ride bikes yeah all sudden [ __ ] was like talking [ __ ] on a group of people you we got to change that it’s not that it just sometimes those names likeing have gay twist too yeah yeah they had crazy they had crazy names like sex changing G thing too is it still they still call it a gay twist I think so yeah oh wow happy yeah I mean that’s the thing too is like for me I feel I’ve had conversations with people where it’s like if you say oh that’s gay and it’s and it’s it’s the same thing with the trany thing it’s the word is so not important to me that I can if somebody’s like hey that offends me I’ll be like I don’t care I don’t care about the word I’ll I’ll try and stop saying that’s a good that’s like like it’s just it’s a great Point yeah like who cares I don’t I don’t give a [ __ ] yeah no like I mean there I have I have friends that say gay jokes to me and I think it’s [ __ ] hilarious because I know it’s not coming out of like a hateful way there is like the boundary to push like don’t just like run up to me and call me like an esler yeah yeah but like if we’re being like lighthearted and [ __ ] about it like hell yeah yeah [ __ ] talk in common sense where it’s coming from to yeah it’s like it’s the it’s the middle ground with it like you can you can like have fun with things and not being a [ __ ] hateful piece of [ __ ] but if you offend somebody then maybe be like in like that sort of light maybe like okay I’m sorry like and change like perspective with it do you think we do you think we’ll ever be like a time where we you just like it doesn’t matter anymore 1,000% 1,00% cuz like with G with Corey’s podcast it was like there was a lot of comments are like who [ __ ] cares and it’s like dude I feel you on that like we shouldn’t care but it’s also important right now it it it is important and I think that’s kind of where I even feel like I am in the spotlight that I am cuz obviously like it gains traction and I am helping people figure themselves out whether you agree with it or not of people being this way or not I know for a fact it’s just people being themselves because I live it and maybe one day you people hating will like maybe know somebody yes maybe you’ll know somebody maybe it’ll be like you’ll have a nephew or a little brother or a parent or somebody that will come out to you and you realize like oh this is a person that I actually like love and care about and I’m not going to stop loving them because something changed fu yeah like that that’s just like a real thing like there are a lot of people that hate and they don’t know anybody who’s career chains and there are a lot of people in BMX before that never had those interactions until they interacted with me and then like getting to hang out with them they realize like oh Benny is like a person mhm like it’s like I’m I’m just a person then we’ hang out and then they learn things and we talk and like their mindset changes yeah with stuff that it’s like and we don’t even have to see eye to eye cuz even with like Fu it we don’t see eye to eye with everything but he has respect for me but having having direct contact with somebody that does have an opposing opinion is important and it’s like if it% I I at least try to like cure people out for like where they’re coming from like have like a respectful conversation like I I try to be open-minded to everything and if somebody’s talking like listen to them and kind of curate like my thoughts and very rarely does somebody change your mind over a COR a course of a conversation yeah it’s a it’s a long path to like on such like a crazy topic it’s like it’s a long path from going from like I hate this okay well they’re just over there and then to to like okay that’s cool Okay I accept like it’s a long path to get there for a lot of people the other thing I kind of put myself with too is like am I bothering you like is me riding my bike really [ __ ] bothering you in your everyday life does it keep you up at night did you like my video part yeah did you did you like my video part yeah a lot of the comments I saw that that were hateful were like from like a a point of like they were worried that you were like taking women’s money yeah that was one that I kept seeing over and over again I couldn’t pull any up cuz I don’t see him anymore it’s all nice stuff but uh yeah and that’s what’s crazy and just like maybe that that that’s what like a lot of people have through their minds of like take girl money that’s kind of one thing that I hated with like waffle cup or even dawn in the streets like you always seen the media of trans women competing in women’s sports yeah in mass media but here I’m competing in Pro contests yeah in the men’s division you don’t see that in [ __ ] Fox News like they’re they’re only putting in the the other [ __ ] into the Limelight they’re not putting like there there are trans non-binary athletes that are you know like still in the men’s category still yeah I look at it Iain as a man my entire life and that’s challenging for me to ride with that division so I’m going to ride there we talked about earlier like I’m not I’m not going to sandbag something yeah yeah no just I feel like I’m I might get some some clapback from this within the career Community for even saying because it was kind of a controversial thing but yeah I’ll speak my mind on that that’s like kind of my one conservative thought process with things is that yeah and it’s hard and it’s dude it’s like a gray area I think and I think until there’s I think until there’s like [ __ ] is figured out and we’re [ __ ] 10 years down the road honestly I don’t give a [ __ ] about a contest yeah like I really don’t like well you actually you want you want to push yourself so you put yourself in the category that you like I don’t even think it’s like a I don’t even really think it’s a gender thing I probably should have said this earlier but like Alyssa Steamer she’s a pro skateboarder MH she used to just compete with the guys in skateboarding cuz she was at that level of skateboarding where she would go and compete with the guys and where I think skateboarding BMX is pushing itself now is if you’re a good bike rider a good skater really does not matter what [ __ ] gender you are you [ __ ] rip like Paris yeah she’s insane yeah like she does some [ __ ] that like that’s yeah she wrote and there was woman should be in the event impressive or like Emma ping like she’s got Fe hard 180 bars there are so many male BMX riders don’t have feeble 180 I ain’t got feeble 180 hard 180 bars yeah it’s yeah then how would you categorize that because then the the females would never get to be on a pro level necessarily besides the very very very rare group of them so it’ be like there would be in beginner if you’re saying everyone was just no that that’s that’s not my that’s not my point of like saying that I’m saying like aside from like the con contest thing if you look at a female BMX rider that’s ripping you’re just like she’s good at riding bikes yeah that’s at least me I don’t look at I think it’s kind of sexist to be like oh she’s good for a girl like no she’s just good yeah and and that’s what that’s what that’s what pushes female riding and skaing and everything too because it’s like now there’s I mean like you said about skateboarding it’s 10 years 5 years in advance and yeah what females are doing now like the female BMXers are catching that you know they’re doing insane [ __ ] but female skateboarders are doing like tricks down Hollywood High [ __ ] you know exactly like skateboarding and BMX is growing there too people behind whatever I mean even 5 years ago like before like the bloom existed there there wasn’t much of a women’s BMX scene and now we see like all these women around the planet because they have like their platform yeah that like shout out shout out to them for doing that cuz that’s [ __ ] like all respect for that and even like including me into that too yeah I think where it’s cuz it it is it is a minority in BMX and I was talking about that earlier it’s such a male dominated sport so like to find your voice and find your ground is pretty hard and to have like those platforms helps I think it’s so I mean that’s like why I lik writing practice with the girls cuz it’s like I feel more heard from like the I wish more females would get into it cuz it’s it’s awesome like like I said like doing that whole project with Paris was just and uh you know Teresa went on a trip with us it was just so cool to change it up a little bit yeah I mean I think from the outside looking in like I think that that project with Paris was like revolutionary in a lot of way you know because like you know pretend he’s not here but like quintessential video part Rider who has the most epic video parts of recent time and then and then it’s like he’s doing a video part with a girl from a guy you know from a dude’s persec came at me like what the [ __ ] are you doing like you know sex though that’s [ __ ] no for real and then when it when it came out I’m 90 95% of them were like that was actually [ __ ] gooded like for paris’s part I was like I told you it was I’ve been coming home and not you know it’s like I but people people were thinking that it was going to bring you down because you were associated like that’s like I I hate that like sexist mindset of things where it’s like oh women can’t do this cuz they may not have the male anatomy to do like super [ __ ] crazy it’s just like to see them work with what they can do and exct I think it’s more [ __ ] impressive yeah like honestly I have I have so many friends like girl skaters BM Max Riders and they all say they’ll go to a skate park and there’ll be some guy coming up to them being like trying to teach them how to do a trick thinking that they don’t know how to like do it yeah you know and it’s like they got brains too women are [ __ ] people too like is the the thing well I mean the thing that went viral recently with like the the chick that is like a pro golfer and then it was like your swing ma’am like that was pretty good [ __ ] pro golfer is like a pro golfer with like a million followers and she was like oh okay and then thanks and then he just like kept going I hope he saw that video oh I’m sure he had to yeah it’s like but I heard on the radio the other day dude you pompus you know like just I mean dude we got so much work to do reality and I’m not perfect by any means I don’t know that reference but definitely people that’s a gen Z thing yeah I was like that’s related to age more than anything nobody’s perfect is a good quote too because nobody’s perfect and you learning is the funnest thing trying to learn to make people happier people to be around and make the world a happier place the way it is it’s like it makes it it makes your life happier it would be sick to the BMX Train’s picking you up do a podcast where we don’t even talk about or sexuality me 2.0 like let’s I’m down yeah like originally what like when when we first talked I was like I don’t even really want to like it’d be cool to do a podcast and not even bring up any fact about like the oh that’ be that’d be crazy like just like not even acknowledge it cuz that that that’s like where I this is a good one though because just naturally like I want to know all that stuff you know and I guess that’s I mean we we talked about bit like when uh like we went out that like one night and stuff just I think it’s a point it’s obviously important topic because of you know the comments yesterday the timing was good really like but the next one just talk about yeah just pretend do that’s eventually what will happen though when you become friends with someone you learn that stuff okay I got that boom programed now eventually I think the world will get to the point where it’s like it is just normalized yeah and this kind of it’s just it and that’s because this conversation with three people all a sudden is going to be a lot more to listen exactly and that’s what and there’s and there’s a bunch of unhappy people in the comments and it is what it is there’s going to be the haters on this [ __ ] but well let’s see if those people actually want to listen to a little bit you know I hope those people actually listen to all the way through so if you’re here yeah say and you’re a hater and you hated it right uh [ __ ] fudger [ __ ] fuder [ __ ] fudger that was Gooding fck F all right [ __ ] or fu I saw one of the comments and it was like I thought it was kind of clever it’s like what the hell is happening in BMX I know I know yeah but that’s like the idea is yeah what the hell is happening in masculine like [ __ ] every you know if everything was the same it’d be boring as [ __ ] yeah exactly [ __ ] enjoy it [ __ ] if you don’t and if you don’t like me being in BMX don’t watch my [ __ ] video part I don’t want you to watch my [ __ ] then like that’s exactly like I I don’t care I’m going to thrive whether you like me or your internet comment is not going to make a difference your internet hate or your perception of me is not going to change the trajectory of my life yeah yeah I’m going to go to bed and get my eight hours and wake up and go good morning worlds Benny thank you for coming man or woman or [ __ ] I just blew it at the very end God damn it it on fuder learned nothing any last words any last anything for the podcast we’re going to do 2.0 we W have to talk about gender it’s all it’s all love from my end hon it’s all my love it’s all love from my end like even if we don’t see I I and you want to have a conversation about stuff I’m more than willing to talk about like anything I don’t I try not to keep hate my heart for something there’s bigger [ __ ] to worry about in the world communication and love that ends the [ __ ] hat we didn’t even talk about injuries yeah kind of kind of what’s up with injuries you want to talk about that like last read in my spleen like a month ago kind of narly yeah damn no second day in New York and like fell on like a stair set and I it was the day before my photo before my campaign for milk makeup and I did it and I thought I just had like food poisoning or something and uh yeah last ra my Spen was in the hospital for a week got of of it now I’m just getting back no surgery though they chill no I had surgery you did the shoot with the lacerated spleen and then went afterwards yeah yeah that’s cool that’s amazing that’s and got my trick after I fell I was like see that’s why they’re changing this whole model thing up they’re like you’re way cooler this that’s insane Benny’s bleeding on the inside but still going to come to B shoot I I’m kind of glad I brought that was like one of the gnarliest experiences I’ve had in my life yeah what was up with that I think Rob wise did that and it was really like it’s gnarly right yeah it it was it was super gnarly I I was like on the subway going back home in New York and I like got this like red light like emergency Flash in my body like yo you’re [ __ ] dying right now yeah and I was like passing out from the pain so I got off the subway ran into City bike cuz I was like keep myself conscious like I would have passed out if iike shout out to City bike that’s my No that that’s that’s that that’s who got me in like the modeling world yeah full circle full circle [ __ ] thing yeah so I City biked myself the ER and got to the ER and I was like passing out and get to the waiting room tell him I was like Googling [ __ ] I was like oh [ __ ] I think I like last Tred my spleen they’re like n you didn’t do [ __ ] like most people pass out from that I’m like you don’t understand like our pain tolerance with PMX yeah how long has this been since the fall uh two months I know but like since the crash like to where you’re in the hospital telling These doctor like I did this three days three days three days three days yeah so I was like a slow bleed yeah that’s insane yeah I just thought I had food poisoning I felt the stomach pain but I was like I thought I had like food poisoning or something I didn’t and then it just like got worse worse and worse and worse but so I I get to the ER they tell me like pretty much like oh [ __ ] they put me on a gurnie in the in the hallway of the ER and I’m just like laying in the hallway like [ __ ] like dying from pain is it making you sick or just painful yeah I’m pale white sweating like I could see why they wouldn’t think that you had a last or explain because it’s three days they thought I was like probably on drugs just trying to get pills or something because I was like I’m in so much pain like help me like it whatever so 7 hours goes by 7 hours in the 7 hours 7 hours in the hallway and they’re like okay we’ll take you to we’ll go get a CT scan I get the CT Scan they take me back down to the ER and then 10 minutes later the entire trauma team comes down was like yeah you you lacerated your spleen you’re bleeding out into your abdomen you have surgery now take me to surgery they shove like a a wire up through like my the artery like in my groin like all the way up here two my spleen like fixed it stay in the hospital for a week Dam out that’s crazy yeah I’ve never heard of such a slow bleed like that it was it was scary they they were kind of saying like if I waited like one more day I would have died it was something like Rob to where he was like maybe a little faster bleed but right when he got to the hospital they’re like this is something you die from and he was going to jump on the flight to go somewhere and before Barcelona one made pull the plane over cuz he’s like I’m dying and they let him off the plane and if he would have got on the flight he would have died so yeah I’ve heard how gnarly that injury is so [ __ ] yeah you went to the hospital and you didn’t just die you just know you’re dying you just know you’re dying cuz Rob was never I’ve never Rob would never speak up to get off the plane I know I’ve never felt like that that’s why I said like it’s like this like red light like flash you got on a city bike and took you to the hospital like yeah like it was it was like fight or flight like that’s crazy save your save your life like almost that’s insane when you know you’re dying you know cuz Rob was the same thing he made the [ __ ] complain go back don’t do a podcast one day it it’s I’ve never experienced that in my in my life and that kind of changed a lot with my mindset too about life of it can just be taken just like that yeah so why not like live it the best that you can be your true authentic self [ __ ] [ __ ] everybody I’m sure there would be a couple people being like stoked I die but there would be a lot of people would help Miss nobody you care about yeah exactly yeah exactly so uh yeah Benny The Savage know that’s crazy that’s so funny though because they they’re like no you would you would know like you like it’s so the the pain tolerance of bike riders over that’s what I’ve learned is like with B tough BMXers you got to like yell and scream and pretend you’re dying well like pretend you’re a baby you know cuz we’re too tough and you sat there for seven hours because you weren’t like the normal person like like I’m dying you know even though they were like we’re going to let Benny sit there until they either die or and then they and then they felt like idiots after like once the trauma team came down they’re like they pushed it to the the they didn’t have on heart monitor or anything like my blood pressure was like ridiculously low and I was I was in bad bad shape that was with my knee I was like this thing is broken or dislocated okay we’re going to try and straighten I’m like no this thing is like I’m not [ __ ] screaming and [ __ ] but this iset it was so swollen they were just like it’s not probably broken I had my my I I’m cool stor before we in this there probably is I’m probably going to think of some on their drive home yeah that’s why it’s fun to end them though and do another one it’s always podcast is not the last one so there’s always a 2.0 you’re only 2 you’re only 2.3 years old so you’re good like let’s do another anytime next video part that drops or next skate part whatever so it it was uh it was cool to have you on yeah thank you thank you for having me on and it it actually fairy comfortable like sitting here talking I thought I was going to be like freaking out I was nervous the whole time really you didn’t in the beginning though I was like this one’s going to be like not just like uh BMX the whole time which was our plan 3 years ago but this time was like we’re going to talk about this [ __ ] yeah I get nervous whenever it’s like political stuff I’m glad to talk about it though cuz it’s like it is humanizing me in a way where people don’t just see like a clip on Instagram I was nervous but nervous is good cuz I was excited you know like if this is going to be cool and different I kind of live by like saying if it scares you and excites you at the same time you probably should do it and I always live by trying and scare yourself at least one time a day and I can’t do that with riding so this is like [ __ ] you do like a real like a real [ __ ] podcast and dive into it you know do I try it’s harder now well it’s like if if you’re even make a phone call someone that I’m like I wouldn’t have done that like stand up and poop and see if get in the bowl pooping with this thing was I’ll tell you that was scary at first that was that was a dark thought pooping standing up with my full leg brace on think about that no I mean I scary I know you’ve had your fair share of Nisha that’s kind of where my go no this is my first knee thing it gives me I’ve had like little things tiny tin you did like your patella before to I’ve done everything never had a surgery it was always enough to where I could just rest it and recover this is the first thing that I went my knee curled up in the it was bad I was like and and waking up after a surgery like anyone with a knee surgery it’s gnarly it’s different it’s different a different monster somebody I know their kid just had like knee surgery and stuff and like they’re they’re like one of my TMs and just just my heart goes out to their kid for having to go through that surgery cuz it’s like it is gnarly it is so gnarly to go through that and like for you too it’s like just working through that I’m so grateful cuz this is only um the AC what I’ve learned about other knee surgeries and like I’m like wow everyone who tore their ACL you’re like oh tore his ACL and I never really realized what it was now I’m like cuz this is like half of that you know like oh my God like a could be a 12 month thing like hear that but I blocked that out of my mind cuz I’m like I don’t want to know about that scary as hell it and I I’ve done that three times on my right knee and then I had another one on my left yeah so G Gary did his first time was 16 and then he did it again when he was like 18 or 19 and he flew to Sweden or something to get the the Rope put in and then and then was able to ride in six weeks and then and then six weeks from an ACO yeah because they put the synthetic the Dave do you ever watch the Dave Mir ACL story thing no the Hoffman one there yeah the Hoffman yeah that would the and that one so the same surgery but it was when Gary did it it was illegal in Canada so you had to go to Sweden or something and then how Matt hoffen did it like no anesthetic anesthetic yeah yeah cuz it wasn’t legal there so it was like it was like a iffy time period for that and then um and then so he paid for that completely out of pocket and then he had um at some point maybe when he was like 26 or something a double ACL surgery same time I tried getting my doctor to do that and they won’t do it and in only in very unique circumstance deal with that though well I was in a wheelchair to begin with because I couldn’t I don’t have my AC on my right knee and that [ __ ] swells up how would you get to the bathroom though people would have to pick you up for weeks I figured it out there there are people that are in wheelchairs that don’t that first few days with even this one I couldn’t even I had to have a piss jug with one leg yo I I get a shower chair I’m good now you’re good now you’re now you’re good now just get one because it’s really nice how’s it feel the piss sitting down it’s the little things it’s all little things I don’t even think you learn through it like you really do like learn how to get through it and yes so just to round It Out Gary did convince his doctor to give him double ACL surgery Ronnie did that too I so the only only I guess now three I don’t have my ACL right now because I I if you can’t get both yeah I wanted to have both I wanted to have very true it is better just to figure those three weeks out to get it done yeah yeah well that so I’m I’m 23 I’m getting I’m getting this done before I turned 26 when I’m off my parents Insurance yeah and stuff Gary’s Gary’s I walked in to go check on him after he had it and he had both the the ice chests and the room was dark and he uh just smelled disgusting and he had one of those like the the birthday party Rice Krispie treats uhhuh on next to him on the couch and it was like 34 gone and I was like what the [ __ ] is happening in here he was just in a dark dark place that’s actually like insanely dark yeah and it was like it’s gnarly like you go through some gnarly double ACL surgery now I’m like hearing my voice now I’m like was I even talking yeah it’s fine yeah the first like four days that’s what I keep cuz I I was telling him I’m like sometimes it feels like I’m not progressing then I’m like think about what a week ago was and think about those first few days after surgery where you’re just like it’s so much pain you’re trying to eat these pills that I don’t like those pills but [ __ ] I got to get over this pain and I can’t ah I did one of my knee surgeries with no pain meds like zero [ __ ] that just cuz I was like super I was super scared of like opioid yeah Mak like dude I did for like five days the oxy codin maybe L [ __ ] you up I was trying to get off of them and I was like wean weaned it off and then I was like I’m done and at Night My not the injury hurt a little bit but my body hurt hurt so bad everything else and everything in my brain said just take another one just take another one I was like I’ve been doing this [ __ ] for 5 days yeah that stuff is so dangerous it is it I don’t have that addictive of a personality at all and it was saying just take one your headache my skin everything it was like little tiny withdrawals yeah no it is it is and I had to be like don’t [ __ ] take one don’t [ __ ] take one but they’re right there and yeah I mean it’s that’s why they’re like a little bit more that was the beginning of like how you would get addicted like that night was like I could see how people would be like it goes I I mean it’s happened I’m not going to name even we all have friends that have gone through it’s scary that’s why I didn’t want to take him either but I was like the pain got so bad yeah that those oxies are so bad that’s like a super dark like they’re there’s partying having fun and then there’s like that dark that’s not we talk about because it was when weal there was other podcasts they’re like you like to party and it was and I I I like to party I I do a bunch of Night Life stuff in new I love I love partying but like Guardian too yeah but but like in moderation and it’s like I’ve also noticed it’s pretty easy to get lost in the sauce especially like when you’re first like coming up and like kind of like growing stuff and then you have more people that like want to do stuff and like getting getting I remember we had a talk we were so drunk but I remember being like this [ __ ] cuz I knew you were getting into the modeling and we’re talking I was like it’s really like cool rock Starry but then like if you get caught up in it you know 10 months you’re in a house with people that you’re like this shit’s dark yeah no I definitely I’ve definitely ended up in those situations that’s kind of where I like pull the rins back like good you could see it though yeah well I I mean don’t really want to talk too much about it at this point with it but I I’ve definitely been in some dark [ __ ] in life like growing up and just around dark people and happened at a very young age where I learned okay this is not a path that I want to go down and I’m 23 I want to go out and party with my friends and have a good time but there is like that moderation and I’m thankful that happened at a young age where it’s like now I can like recognize it where I’m not 30 and doing like the the same [ __ ] where exactly it’s just like that injury thing it’s almost better to get it done early and learn from it yeah for sure and it’s more enjoyable when you have it in moderation where you haven’t like gone out in a while and you’re with like good people it’s actually partying yeah yeah the word partying is because we’re partying having fun not like I kind of need to do this all the time cuz it’s becoming my identity I just it’s better it’s better with it is hard it’s [ __ ] gnarly I think it it’s a reoccurring thing on the podcast a lot of BMXers get into that for sure yeah yeah I think it I mean it’s they I mean they do go everybody what what other sport really are they like yeah let’s get some beer and smoke a split before we get to the spot like oh you want you want to smoke a split for we go play tennis yeah right yeah like it it is embedded in our culture but also like you can get you can get lost in it yeah I think resp I think responsibility even like like making up stuff to do the next day is important and that’s what I that’s oh I was like I was like oh [ __ ] you going to have a baby no yeah take my context out what was like really hard for me after like losing like my my stepdad like last year and being injured at like same like I I blew my knee out like a a week after my stepdad passed away and that’s when you didn’t want to take the pills yeah cuz I was like smart because I was like I I in such a bad head space here and this is like already [ __ ] me up and it can easily take me down a dark path yeah but even then like I feel like I I party a bunch like I can’t ride I’m sad I’m depressed I I miss my subad coping in C yeah coping in a not so healthy way but also I had to go through it to go through it and that’s why it’s called going through it yeah and now it’s like after like I mean the spleen stuff kind of [ __ ] up that trajectory but it’s like getting back like on my bike and like skating again and having like that that structure that that’s another thing that I didn’t really take in consideration of not working like a 9 to-5 job every day is structure structure like being 23 years old and really not having like I have obligation but not having like okay I have to wake up I have to go to work yeah where it’s like easy to just go out every night and party yeah finding that structure of okay I got to wake up at this time for myself to like go out and ride go do physical therapy go do this is a necessity because if you don’t have that structure it’s pretty easy that’s a hard thing for a 23y old to find when there is when there is those of hey you get a text message like let’s go you know and you have to make that decision learning to say no yeah and that’s that’s well it’s like the fastest thing in BMX you go from like high school with this like structure usually most people and then all of a sudden you’re like a teenager and you can go pro really fast and it goes from like the least structure ever high school to that era that like crazy whatever then you know your earlys pro and you start getting hurt and all Stacks so it’s like you have to structure it or there’s probably burnout there’s a lot of writers that I think over the years that I interacted with that I saw them at a younger age and they were partying and I thought it was fun and cool and then later in life they had a problem and I wish I was not encouraging in that moment because I know who I am and I know that I have a job to do and I will do the job and I am balanced in certain ways not other ways but when I see somebody else I’m like they’re fun and let’s [ __ ] drink and it’s sick that they’re drinking and then I don’t realize that I’m enabling them in a in a certain degree but like not that I’m like going to cure it in any sense but like I could have you have the wisdom at the time spre knowledge I also live in the two places that are like the most gnarly party scene like LA and New York are [ __ ] long long is a party always but Long Beach is good that it’s a little bit of a step I don’t even really party in Long Beach yeah that’s what I mean like La is a little bit of a trek so it’s like you’re you’re within Arms Reach all the time which is good that you’re not like in the epicenter but New York is trouble for sure yeah like well that’s kind of where I don’t or never like going to Afters and stuff like that in New York yeah we were in Huntington and the bar was closing or what whatever that coast of MCE area is and you’re like we should go to uh LA and you were convincing people and I was like a [ __ ] getting me there like I know what that’s going to go like I know what that train goes I mean I yeah I was probably I know you were we all were and I was like that’s if you’re down go for it like there was like The Bu and then me I was like nope nope nope nope [ __ ] no get it no I mean I get it I get it too but it was like I it was like in the environment I was with people that I enjoyed I was like [ __ ] it let’s and I tell you I was like we don’t have to ride tomorrow but I was like if I could I would but I’ll die you know had to get home at some point that’s kind of where I’m getting at now like learning like to call it when it’s time to call it 23 though it’s a good time to learn but you have to experience that stuff to bounce bounce bounce One Way bounce the other way and then land right in the middle this like last Fashion Week I I went to New York for fashion week and last year I did the one shoot but then my agents like took me off like booking for like all the different things that I was like supposed to do which is kind of a bummer when I’m sitting in the hospital I’m watching everybody on my phone I will say when no when but it was a reset too cuz it was like sorry but I like [ __ ] up my inside so I was like I I’m not going to chill yeah yeah I have to chill like I can’t go out and be like [ __ ] I still went to the club pois I poisoned my screen and then ripped it open yeah like I I still went out to the clubs but I was just drinking water I’ve definitely po a couple water in the cerb like yeah yeah what I was going to say is that I feel like when that campaign does come out and with the people that are in the industry that know and there’s people like oh who’s this and you’re like oh that’s Benny yeah who had a lacerated spleen in this photo yeah could be could be Advantage you know like there’s a story along side of it like like that’s that’s I was like talking to like the people at like milk make about it or my agents did cuz one of my agents came and visited me in the hospital was like check on me which just super sweetheart like shout out Hannah yeah I have really cool agent like Austin Hannah they’re they’re just like super sweet they’re is like obviously like protect me and they do they do a really good job with that cuz I know I know a bunch of models that don’t really have oversight oversight best representation it is an garly industry and I I got lucky to have good people like looking over me but yeah like when she found out that I did the shoot with the last stre she’s like what the [ __ ] like you know you could cancel right yeah like if you’re not feeling well like cancel but it’s like that that’s not really my mentality like if I if I have an obligation to do something like I like at it like it’s it’s work it’s business if I feel like able-bodied to do something even if I’m hurt a little bit like Show Must Go On like I I did da on the streets without an ACL yeah i’ I’m honestly never like 100% And that’s stuff like Legend in that world I assume that’s like legendary in my opinion I don’t know just in general that’s that’s the people who do cool [ __ ] but at the same time I’m kind of leaning more towards like longevity of like if if it’s when it’s time rest it’s time to rest and I learned that from my my spleen like okay this one I have to take seriously I can’t just go [ __ ] off and party a [ __ ] ton you’re already ahe of the game at 23 thinking these things too like just to let you know cuz some people be like oh they’re just young and I’m like they’re [ __ ] 29 they might have missed the like signs on the wall like it’s getting pretty late youngest podcast guest what’s that youngest podcast guest potentially Nord was 26 wow didn’t really think about that I I don’t even really feel like 20 in BMX like when I see like kids like soku as I youngest podcast and maybe the best yeah yeah like doing flares and yeah but I mean like kids yeah you forget about age real quick kids 23 24 like like I said is this is the beginning this is the beginning you literally are an emerging probike Rider putting out video parts and and yeah and a and a and a professional model with our first campaign coming out right now like this is the beginning like that’s important to to remember like you’re starting which is like it’s [ __ ] cool it is cool yeah stress about it but that’s like also where it’s like I I was saying earlier like taking it slow cuz I I have friends who have like gotten really famous just like overnight M and then it’s like they like lose themselves a little bit and I I Don’t Want to Lose Myself to like that or like what you’re talking about like yeah it’s fun to party it’s fun to feel like a [ __ ] rockar and like get into those clubs that not everybody could get into got to make sure mind up in a bed yeah but it’s like the mindset like you can really lose yourself when they talk about like selling your soul it’s not like the devil [ __ ] walks up to you it’s like signing your name away to a contract and losing yourself in the process of it yeah and like I don’t want to lose myself I I want to continue like I I will I will talk to a celebrity the same way I’ll talk to a homeless person like if you’re a person you’re a person that’s really how I look at it and people just be losing themselves and it’s really sad to see yeah so I I like like this slow gradual incline even though like it a lot of things do kind of happen fast and the scheme of things it it feels slow enough for me where I’m comfortable the setback of last already your spleen it’s like that put things in perspective and so you come back wiser and more appreciative and and like so it’s it’s cool it’s cool or even just keeping my like Circle smaller and yeah not associating with a lot of [ __ ] that don’t really care yeah always important no matter what whatever Circle whatever whatever world there’s always there’s always the external Force that’s out to get you yeah coming for you to stab you in your back let’s talk we should talk again like within a year because I want to see where Benny’s at in a year I think yeah I think it’s going to be huge at least a big step because it seems like these last few years have been like these huge steps yeah so one we can do a yearly podcast at least [ __ ] I I like down uh do I say something dumb now I have to piss so bad go piss girl do you know what the go piss girl meme is the girl piss code go piss girl it’s like a a Gossip Girl reference like like it’s just stupid internet stupid gen Z cated brain but I I enjoyed that the last half you know 45 minutes we didn’t talk about any of the [ __ ] that we talked about at the beginning and I think it’s sick uh that you are at the beginning and that you are going to [ __ ] [ __ ] come back and do another one so uh thank you for coming thank you for having me shout out to Benny shout out to Dale shout out to Dennis shout out to for a long time’s new daughter but I’m gonna try this one thank you Chris Gregson I’m gonna try the welcome board for shout out to Dennis’s New Daughter shout out to Dessa hard job shout out welcome shout out shout out conspiracy sa brosa fans rannan burn slow Aaron Ross R Ronnie Bonner Jason everyone listening anyone that was hating that actually listened through got for thank you for listening it’s a person I hope the I’m proud of you if you listen all the way through just like you do they love bike riding just like you [ __ ] tough as [ __ ] just [ __ ] Benny so sick all right let’s cut it I’m saying so much dumb [ __ ] so bad I know I was dying that was like a world record


  1. This was cool! I think you did a good job of being respectful but inquisitive enough for people watching that ~don’t get it~ or might not know much about non-binary or gender fluid identifying people while also actually talking about riding etc! But also is Benny the first guest who is not a cisgender man on the podcast? Would be cool to get some women on!

  2. its easy to juge just from instagram, this is probably one of my fav podcasts for sure, great job to all of you, love from Portugal

  3. I felt like the episode took a lot of time to get to the reason I watch the show. I hardly know any of the pros before they are on unless they are the supper stars that are front and center at the X Games. Didn’t know Benny before this pod cast but if they are on the show I back them. Crazy how much influence you guys have over the sport. I want to put this out there too get Daniel Sandoval AKA the SandMan to sit down on the program? Seems like he is always training but right now he is pushing merch on his new website maybe now is the time to reach out and get him on. It would help spread his brand awareness so he can keep pushing along for that Olympic podium he looks like he is after. I think right now is the time. If he doesn’t sit down this moment when is he ever? I always enjoy his riding and style. Kevin Parraza and Daniel have a little something different that I would love to see some behind the scenes or more long form interviews with them. Kinda miss the coffee days that would pay to get the next guest on the show. I love how the show has evolved but sometimes I miss the big household names. I guess you guys are making the names more well known than before the names already had the star power.

    I had written this comment before you commented on the fact that you are getting the up and comers. Time for a big name just saying. Also you guys can see when you filmed this video from the kid on the way comment Dennis says. Oh you also reminded me I would love a video explaining names of tricks and how they got the names or where they came from. Also explain the trick. I know the names from the video games and X games and thats about it.

    If you do have Benny back for a 2.0 it might help me because I don’t know anything about the ridding because it didn’t come up in this episode. Do not get me wrongI love the channel and everything you do for BMX but this episode was more confusing than a normal episode with a guest I didn’t know. It had More scooter and snowboarding clips than the normal guest BMX. If you had not pointed out Benny was controversial to some people I would have never known all the drama. Good job helping people understand that you should just not be a dick to someone because they dress different. As always loved the show but it was not my favorite, not because of the guest but because it was not a normal rider/ ridding focused episode it had more of a let me try and understand episode. Can’t wait for the next guest.

    Wrote all that before the show keeps going so I guess it’s gets back to normal at the end.

  4. tysm for having Benny on and showing how you can be cool even if you're not super familiar with the queer community <3 like they said, the haters commenting online aren't riding. i'm nonbinary too and the bmx community irl has always been super chill about it 🙂

  5. People that are crazy homophobes are really just bi-curious😭don’t worry Benny, the haters just have a crush on you

  6. Long hair,short hair… different then there are only 2 genders. Not hating. Just stating facts. Dude kills it for sure.

  7. I listened to the whole podcast before I made a comment. I’m a more conservative thinking as a whole and I really feel Benny is the person who could help bring the 2 sides together imo. Solid person, not overly caught up in all the names and pronouns, and most importantly doesn’t want to take over women’s bmx. What is there to hate 🤷‍♂️

  8. This one is sooo good! And Benny is the coolest person, rider, snowboarder, skater, kickbikerider what ever… fu__ bad ass…

  9. Surprisingly smart person for their age, i wish i had that kind of insight in my early 20's but i was just a loud moron, still kinda am at nearly 40. Benny rips, f*ck off if you don't like it. Proud long Beach local myself, same neighborhood even!

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