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#1 Day 1 Highlights Review – 2024 World Jet Boat Championship

#1 Day 1 Highlights Review – 2024 World Jet Boat Championship
Today was about seeding race boats to establish a start order for racing tomorrow. Four classes, four countries and some good competition to be had. This is when the guessing stops, and the real truth about just who has the pace and who doesn’t, is laid bare for everyone to see.

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[Music] day one of the 2024 Milwaukee World jetboat Championship was all about seating times would count for nothing more than the start order for the true start of the marathon tomorrow there had been early indications of 40 competitors but with the realization of just two Canadian entries that was never going to eventuate in the end 26 boats from four countries lined up for a start which were drawn out of the hat in the interest of fairness one of the two Heavy Hitters and unlimited was gour Humphrey happy to be getting out on the water early first way today first to the Finish Line that’s what we’re hoping that’s the trend we want to want to keep what’s the water level like G uh it went to 5,000 to 6,000 so I don’t think water level today is going to be any concern I don’t know if it’s a pretty big plan down here so I don’t know if we really know the difference between the water level between that uh it should be fine tomorrow will be the one that we’re that we’ll have to focus on the Canadian had Jagged P1 setting a time at 10:00 a.m. that everyone else would chase at 5 minutes 22 seconds it was a respectable Target the circuit took race teams from Gold Beach Bay to Fair fa hole Upper Island and back 12 Mi total on the Rogue River American Racer Cameron Kirkland was second away in his FX powered boat a local from Grant’s Pass Kirkland was cautious about the rising water there’s going to be some things to watch out for I mean I’m sure there’s going to be a couple logs we’re going to see running up and down this River tomorrow for sure how important is today for you uh not really I mean it’s for starting positions you know I mean times aren’t going to really matter in the end game but still you know we always go out there to race hard and win the times for each boat varied between 5 and 10 minutes depending on the class and with just one boat on the course at a time for safety there was plenty of time for many to contemplate for former River Racing NZ president and triple time World Champ John Derry it was a much more laid-back Affair than he’s used to yeah it’s quite good sort of standing back and that’s and yeah just go out there and took off some times you’ve got a pretty good bite though haven’t you tell us about this yeah this is Tim Harding’s spear boat so he’s been kind enough to lend it to us and Ryan ringers lent his stuff and everyone’s all throwing stuff at us so it was a good encouragement to come over here and give it a go so it is a very fast C Expo but uh I’ve opted to go into a class uh once I’d have to race against Tim but uh secondly yeah I just thought it was a good class rest but fellow kiwi Tom Kelly is in that a class 2 and his recently purchased Chris Patton powered 468 cubic in race boat will provide some stiff competition today though times wouldn’t count it’s not going to count now but uh I guess settle in get a bit of a feel for you know the corner and things the last couple of days have been R’s been pretty busy so it’s been hard to actually get really you know familiar with anything so we mainly just there today Kelly and nav man Ethan Smith looked fast from the start and showed they would be a threat as the week wears on Eduardo Sarabia is unlikely to threaten the leaders in a class but if enthusiasm and confidence counts this Mexican will be a winner Mexico won yeah day one uh times don’t officially count so it’s uh it’s just starting order so we’ll get out get the oil warm and uh just get up and down the river uh hopefully knock some dust off some cobwebs and be good be good for the fans be great for the town Gold Beach it was great for locals watching their Hometown favorite Ryan ringer rock it away under the Isaac Lee Patterson bridge that straddles the Rogue joining Gold Beach with wurn we starting night so pretty happy about that right behind Justin um yeah flags are a little bit different here so we yeah looking good we’re just about to start now just about B in going War up New Zealand’s best bet in CX class might just be Justin Hill opting to drop down a class to compete in the fancy North American category he’s a strong Contender and sets the second quickest time in class but Wilton is right on his his heels just 9 seconds behind they’re both beaten later in the day though by local Tim Harding Harding’s confidence in his Machinery Is An Open Secret and he’s proud of the boat that carries him to the top of his class for the start tomorrow I’ll see if I have to make any adjustments uh pretty happy with the way the boat ran I I ran pretty pretty hard but there’s more left in it if I if I need some go just see what we’re at after today the nature of competition saw both Barry pelky and Doug Stowers well within the CX class mix two fast kiwis were amongst the tail Enders of competition and both finished within 3 seconds of each other Kevin Hyde and nz2 tied for second with G [Music] Humphrey with nz1 Roger Preston rounding out the gas turbines doing pretty good we’re quite happy um yep we didn’t get out of control or anything it was good what about the new Navigator how’s he going yeah no he did good he he wasn’t yelling at me he didn’t throw the present at me or anything so that’s got to be a good start Tim you’ve been in the hot seat over here before you with these guys with this team but uh not in a turbine though no no definitely not um definitely uh up the game with more speed and uh yeah just hugely exciting so looking forward to the whole week while no one would find any shallows within the racetrack the same could not be said in the marina with someone from every single nationality getting wet feet after the finish and here the my my turine is um with the swallow uh the the plants SW and my turbine um don’t run don’t run Smiles all around in the Mexican camps finishing today was important to set up the week ahead our longest serving River racer Juan Antonio Koga the quickest of the Mexicans ah perfect uh today uh the one 7 minutes is very good time for the F day in go in B is very good good indeed second quickest in a class behind Tyler coats in the Twin Turbo small block shf while Canadian Trapper woy got stuck in the weed too it was his start that cost him time in valuable places for his start in the morning still he was happy to have a time we used our gimme yeah yeah suck up something think we couldn’t get on but what minute or so we lost but yeah hey have the rest of it go good yeah went good all things being equal the day had been good and hopefully tomorrow will be good too as the first official times will be laid down on the Rogue River here in Oregon [Music]


  1. Four countries? I heard USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand. That's five countries!
    You do realise New Zealand and Australia are two different countries? I mean, OK the flags look similar, but really.

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