Gyms After Lockdown – A Peek into the Future of Gym Operations!

The video gives the audience a peek into the functioning of gyms after the lockdown is lifted in near future. COVID-19 has changed the way of life worldwide and this change is important to survive and progress together. Body and Strength in association with Classic Fitness Academy takes you to the future.

Gyms are bound to change in a drastic way, especially, the way they function. Before lockdown, they used to be packed with members and even non-members working out the way they wanted and attending sessions with their Personal Trainers. COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we workout now and will further change the way we will attend gym sessions in future. The video gives you an idea, that if we actually take a few steps to ensure our as well as other’s safety at the gym, gyms can be functional post workout earlier than we think.

The life in gyms after lockdown might have a staff in PPE using thermal scanning method to ensure each person entering the gym is free of any corona virus symptoms. For members, there will be new additions to their stylish gym attires – gloves and masks will be mandatory. They will be sanitizing hands with the sanitizers made available at the entrance by the gym facilities and then will be proceeding to the floor. Greetings will involve social distancing with words only and there will be no ‘on the spot’ gym session allowed, all members will be pre-booking their gym slots and then coming to workout. This is because not more than 15 members will be allowed in one slot of about an hour inside the gym.

Treadmills users will be running their machines leaving a distance of two empty treadmills in between, no one will be working out in close proximity with each other, hence, avoiding the very next workout machine. Even personal trainers will be training their clients from a distance, making them understand with hand gestures and words only.

It is needless to say that after every member is finished using a machine, the machine will be sanitized thoroughly. Not to mention the good old dumbbells which pass through many hands will not be touched by any other person without being sanitized! Watch the video, to register what it will look like and to accept this new normal so that we will be mentally prepared to start gymming again but with our guard on against COVID-19. The video gives a message that discipline is the key to fight-off corona virus, if all the safety measures are followed, gyms will be harbingers of good health and immunity and not a suspected place for spread of the virus.


Audio Credits –

Dawn by MusicbyAden
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
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