Golf Players

The First Round With My New Clubs! (Can I Break Par?)

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Matt Fryer

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Hi I’m Matt Fryer, welcome to my channel MattFryerGolf. This YouTube channel is to help you play better golf and love the game even more!

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recently I have chosen my new set of golf clubs for the 2024 season I’ve had a full custom fit for them I know how far they’re going and now is time to put them to the test we’re going to head out on the beautiful Bearwood lakes and play nine holes and see if I can break par with my brand new golf clubs let’s get it so here we are down on the first a par 4 348 you get a nice look at the two little lakes that you see from the clubhouse here here and a pretty straight away PA for a couple of bunkers that aren’t really any worry from this tea but let’s see if we can get a good driver away and hopefully we’ll only have a little pitch on see if we can break par with the new bag setup that will do just left of the green hopefully Fairway yeah Fairway found new bag here we go well a fairway found and only 77 yards for our first little look in winds a little bit into I think if we could sneak one here we’d be quite happy I’m going to go 50° try and take a bit of spin off it is a little soft and with it being a little bit wind into if I hit it and caught it nicely it’s got the potential to rip a little bit more so we will try and just take a bit of spinoff with this shot be a good number well I think it’s close seems like there’s a little swail by the flag but look like it pitched in about 6 foot we could be could be on to something here we could be on to something change them clubs well a little bit more than 6t but not too far away pretty happy good look at a birdie and the greens look fantastic here at Bearwood so if we can get it rolling who knows what may happen break break break cardinal rule puted with the flag in cost me puted with the flag in I mean would it have gone 3 4 foot by we don’t know but it was dead center never put with the flag in part to open it’s a good start let’s move on to the second so it’s an interesting hole the second it’s uh par five it’s only 480 bunker up on the left that’s 222 to get by but there’s a big dip at about 230 240 that you’re going down and then you’re in the bottom and then you would be hitting up so you almost want to just hit it to the the top of the dip and then play up across so you can see what you’re going so I think we’re going to call upon that little 245 mauno Pro that we had fit perfect for this it should get me past the bunker With the Wind off the left leaves me on top of the dip and then we can maybe maybe go at the Green in two but just about finding the Fairway here straight away that looks just a little bit more inviting than the other one in the long iron oh I’ve tugged it carry the Trap yeah short of it which is okay it’s probably playing longer into the wind today but little bit of a stiff swing part five though got away with it well Fairway found 290 here hanging Li ball below my feet winds into off the left I think it’s time for a little five wood get this up as far as we can and then I should have a pitch in hopefully there is a bunker about 260 but I think into the wind I don’t think I’ll get this there today and it is on the left so with this ball being below my feet it should ideally move off there just on the right get down seeing it drop just a little bit more curved and I expected probably the wind being off my left didn’t help but it’s safe I’ll be pitching up so uh okay could see the end of one of my brand new clubs here gone snap shaft 84 yards which would normally be a 54 but I feel like I’m going to be only able to half swing this cuz of the have to get a little bit upright and a mind you if I play a little bit of a cut with a wedge was too scared about damaging my beautiful new clubs right up and down to save our PA right simple little bump and run nothing f see oh Matt those are mistakes that you can’t make so the putter we’ve got the new grip on it designed to keep the hands a little bit stable this one never really struggled with my putter but I do like the sort of size of it and I’m always a two Thum gripper or a a version of that and this helps me a lot let’s see if I can get it with this would have done if I hit it little bit of fear from the first hole well a sloppy bogey very sloppy but we move on we’re still going to shoot under par it’s okay so our third hole here lovely little par three across almost a little dip well guarded green a lot of bunkering it’s 165 which is an 8 Inon carry now my 79 is 180 and it looks like there’s a bit of room Beyond and the wind is into so I’m going to go seven and go a little Cy with it instead of just playing the number I’m actually going to try and use my brain dangerous I know we’ll go inside the bunker and in between the flag with a little fade hole in one we’re on the ALS that was such a bad golf swing that was nothing to do with the golf club not good not good well we were fortuitous to miss the bunker probably maybe want it in I enjoy a bunker shot but we’ve got 60° now over onto the green try and save our bacon here oh Matthew that is so bad changed my mind through that one why didn’t you do that the first time why did you not do that the first time probably because it was a harder shot well back to back bogey just just poor errors though sloppy errors but we’re going to get in we’re going to get H four five and six go on the birdie spree and then we’ll be we’ll be right where we need to be fourth hole here at Bearwood Lakes 356 yards bunkers up near the green are the issue the ones in the Fairway aren’t um got the driver out here I am quite happy with this the only club that could potentially ter a bag which we mentioned in the Watts in the bag which could turn my mind is that ping one at the moment that just always seems to be trusting with that little uh aelia shaft in it looks good but I’m think I’m going to stick with this I’m quite happy at the moment I need to I think I’ve got my irons nailed down now I need to stick with everything throughout the bag instead of so much chopping and changing and just work more on my game I could get a towy straight one up near the green just in the semi not my best strike but it’s a wedging opportunity Unity right 100 yards in the roof it’s a little bit flyy life I’m going 54 try and play it a little bit forward in the stance to not let it shoot too much just little bit left cuz it is below my feet let’s see if we can get one close come on be a good number be a good number well it looks close I think the flag might be a little further back than it seems on the ridge but we’ve got we’ve got chances right we’re in close we are in close we need to Chanel all our inner putting boots not much in it the greens absolutely spectacular as well considering we’ve not had much golf in England of late these are looking good there we go we’ve got the one back we’ve got the one back it was a confident stroke it was a good drive sort of a great wedge and now we have stole the birdie onwards we go folks the fifth hole here we get a lovely view just backing onto the lake we’re heading back towards the club housee now it’s 490 yards a par five that dog legs right to left there is a bunker at 275 to get over so I’m going to go big dog let him eat let’s hopefully get a good one down there and and set up another birdie back to backers and we’re just we’re crushing it oh I’ve got it right out the shaft please carry please carry oh just caught it that was a terrible swing I’ve not swung it great this afternoon but we’ll get there we will get there need to start hit my new irons I’ve only managed to hit one so far need some more of those going see how we get on right didn’t quite get that one not ideal but we’ve only got two 10 I’m going to go 6 iron just to the right and leave myself a pitch across there is water down in front of the green so if we can get this one in play and hopefully set up a fairly simple pitch Struck it a bit though it’s down there that’ll do let’s see if we can get the pitch close I think that shot demonstrates how important layups are I uh I’ve pulled that one here but also knowing where the flag was I would have gone really right there there is a bunker over in that corner but now I’m left with about 45 yards to the flag downwind out of the roof becomes a very hard shot as where something that’s gone right even if it was shorter I’ve got a better angle in so you know whenever you are laying up do have a look at where that flag is on the green and figure out your angles because even though it was a you know well struck shot and it’s got an okay distance I’m actually you know almost dead here I’ve got to try and slam dunk this to hit a good shot pretty happy with that it’s pitched about 10 ft by but coming out of the rough down wind was never really going to stop it bit of a lengthy birdy look here not what we wanted but you never know I’ve been known to hold a few in my time turning turning great for Pace just needed that little I saw it swing a little bit more but we’ll take it we’ll take it right on to the next we need a couple of birdies we need two and we’re good from there guys as well if you haven’t already make sure you are subscribed to the channel and go and check out the iron fitting video we did recently because there is a huge giveaway now running that I will tell you about in this little clip so to be in with a chance to win these fantastic prizes that Dave has offered up for us there’s a few things that you need to do firstly you need to be a subscriber to to this channel because when we hit 250,000 subscribers that is when we are going to pick the winner so make sure you subscribe to the channel secondly I need you to go and subscribe to mizuno’s YouTube Golf Channel and I also need you to go and follow mauno golf Europe over on Instagram now if you want to win the full set of golf clubs there’s also an extra little challenge for those because you’re going to be coming down here to the fitting Center to get the full fitting for them and that’s not before we head out onto Bearwood Lakes to play nine holes and take on a few little challenges that we have in store to see which clubs you will win hopefully and I’ve got a good feeling you will actually win the full bag and to do that you need to comment down in the comments Matt I’m ready to play you need to be available to come down to Bearwood lakes and take part in that nine holes and get your fitting down here that’s Matt I’m ready to play in the comments for the full bag if you are an international viewer and you can’t get down here don’t worry we’ve got you covered what I want you to do in the comments is comment your favorite mauno golf club from Years Gone by winners will be picked at random from those two comments and when we hit 250k the giveaways will happen so get sharing get people subscribing to the channel we’ve got 25,000 to go and as soon as we hit that 250k Mark we’re going to be doing those giveaways so get subscrib and get commenting and then you’re going to get this beautiful set whole six here 335 yards now it could be possible with a driver but there is a Big Pine that sticks out on the fa on the edge of the Fairway and then everything sweeps from left to right so I would like to cut it and it’s sort of encroaching so I’m just going to try and hit my for iron up the right hand side and leave myself a wedge opportunity here and see if we can get in play that one oh that sounded so good well we’ll take that farway found this is my new Fairway finding stick I think little 245 number okay 115 yards should be a 50 for me up the hill this just a comfortable one of these 125 this club normally so we’ve got a little legal room in it I thought I’d caught that heavy now I can see I have was right down the line but it’s about 15 yard short took too much off it what’s annoying about that shot there I am 15 yard sh but when you look back down to where we hit from as well we’re probably about 5 yard shy below the level where we are now so didn’t take that into account and I think that this year moving forwards it’s those decisions where I need to be a little bit more laser focused we’ve got the right equipment now I need to be a little bit more switched on to conditions mindset shots I’m hitting because I don’t think I’ve got much of an issue striking it sometimes or controlling it it’s just a lot of sloppiness in my golf but that being said let’s see if we can scramble ourselves a little par here just landed about 3 foot shy of where I wanted there it wasn’t far away test stay up ah it’s annoying that’s annoying well as soon as we make a birdie we give one back sloppy sloppy there left myself too much to do again Rusty I would say we need we need some warm weather training to get us in not been out on the course much because of the Noah’s Ark like conditions and there’s just a bit of rust I’m great on a simulator just not in real life right now but but we’re getting there we got to stay positive and just keep keep working at it keep working at it 389 yards up the hill right to left dog leg here I’ve got driver out but there’s water straight at 270 I think I’m going to hit my five would you know because I can get a little easier shape on that it goes about 240 leaves me about a 9 IR in at the bottom of the slope and if I pull it I’ve got enough to get over the trees as where driver if I don’t quite do the right thing we are scuppered that is that’s the first smart decision I’ve made today be in the middle of the Fairway slap bang right where we want it right 130 yards but we are going uphill so that’s playing 137 it’s 140 to the back it is downwinds that sort of cancels out the the uphill it’s warm as well now the ball’s going actually all right it can’t be nine it’s got to be a full blooded wedge new wedges this is going 135 stock yardage so this should be perfect good thing with these new irons as well when you are out on the the turf it’s a little bit tiny little bit dense in the um the months coming out of the winter Bounce has changed on these ever so slightly so there’s a little bit more forgiveness for me I’m really shallow when I impact it so I think that’s one good improvement with the uh the 245s they’re not too sharp so for me I’m able to brush it away a little bit more and get a bit more less of a diot which for me personally I really like it on this shot I don’t really want to get a huge diot cuz it’s going to sacrifice loads of distance but we can get a bit more of a sweep here yeah hopefully just moving a bit right at the flag but it looks pin high and that’s exactly what I’m talking about there just that little little bruise of the turf not a big slab coming out which if you’re leading edges too sharp that’s what you’re going to see and I’m definitely enjoying that from the irons thus far right downhill right to left of this one good in my calculation there that’s the sort of thing we need is where taking just a moment to get it up I’ve got it just past pin High hit it really nicely was hoping for a little zip but now I’ve got a an outside chance of Birdie but just cozy this up and it’s this non sort of nonew worky golf we need a bit more for my scores that’s rolling end over end into the hole baby baby there we go all comes good when you do a few calculations my friends little bird dog we just need two now we’re back to where we were folks we’re back to where we were good golf good golf see calculation always where it is and just just for a minute just soak this in Bearwood Lakes absolutely stunning at the minute thanks for having us down let’s get on to that eighth hole so our eighth hole is 284 real risk and reward one this you could either hit 7 iron down to about 100 yards in or we can get driver fivewood up over the corner and try and make that birdie or Eagle I think we get the fivewood out after the last shot and just just cut one onto the flag 280 down the wind this goes 260 this club so we’ll be near near about where we want if we absolutely cream cracker one we might get on the front so let’s see let’s see what we can do little cut off the flag oh be good just moving to where there is a bunker front right of the green but I think we’ll be about 10 15 short little chip Little P Birdy told me there’s a birdie on the way love it five Woods future three Woods dead well we’ve just pulled up Shy of the greens side bunker here just carried up to there I’m liking that five wood I think and we’ve had that video three Woods are they dead I think they could be I think no one needs one anymore but back to the matter at hand I’m going to get my 54 medium flight shot just a couple of Paces onto the green here soft landing and then it runs out close potentially in tapping at worst back to level par it just a little bit further than that tapping I thought it was spot on when it went out but it just seemed to gather a little bit of pace but we’re okay we can hold it right here we go folks this takes us back I think to level par not much in it it’s going to go ever so slightly left if anything he’s coming alive folks he’s coming alive just starting that little thought process who would have known there was a golfer up in this old crazy Noggin right level P last all to go quite fitting that we finish on an iron hole here as we’ve just had a lovely new iron fitting and as well as I mentioned earlier if you haven’t already get yourself entered into the giveaway you could be down here playing this beautiful nine holes with me and winning yourself a full custom fit set check out the little videos we’ve got going on that because it is one heck of a giveaway but now we Face 148 yards the wind’s coming into my 9 goes 147 so if I was pumping it it gets there if I don’t strike it it doesn’t and the winds into so I think just a little Aon I’m going to go down the grip and play a little saof cut back at the flag we level par a little birdie here would be a majestic way to finish been slightly off the right as well so it’s going to hold it come on here we go here we here we go leave it wind it’s the right yardage the wind just taking it though started on the flag and just turned ever so slightly but the Blade’s hot the blade is hot we got a 30 foot off a birdie let’s go sink it let’s go sink it we’ve got a downhiller it’s slightly right to left as well it’s a put that just requires the perfect Pace a lovely little roll which don’t know if you know F Breezy is known for he rolls it like dough like pastry come on this Rascal goes in could jump in the pond four I got the pace I just thought that would that was rolling like a triangle wheel on my part there not my normal standard but it’s a tapping par level par with the brand new bats guys I hope you’ve enjoyed that video make sure you do check out the giveaway one and get yourself entered wherever you are in the world thanks to Bearwood and thanks to Mauna we will see you in another video very soon


  1. Hey Matt, I just watched your video and I must say that it was really informative and well-made.

    I was wondering if I could help you edit your videos and repurpose your long videos into highly engaging shorts? I can also make high CTR thumbnails for your channel

  2. Mat I’m ready to play……. Love Mizuno clubs. Never been fortunate to have them in my bag…. ⛳️👋🏻👍🏻⛳️

  3. Favourite Mizuno clubs of the past, TP9 Blades, played my best golf with them, so much controllable spin and even the 1 iron with its tiny head was great!

  4. MP 33 is my favorite Mizuno club from years gone by. I still think it is the best set of irons ever made.

  5. Oh no, no chance getting that Mizuno fitting!

    Luckily, I am pleased with my current setup after three sets of Mizuno irons.

  6. International sub here!

    My faws were the MP-69s. So, so sleek and beautifull.

    Next blade was looking clumbsy and large compared to it.

  7. Great video! You truly showed just how great you are at "scrambling". I've never bagged any Mizunos, but someday…I'm already a great scrambler, like yourself lol (FORE!)

  8. Hi Matt, my favorite Mizuno clubs are MP 30…I'm still playing those more than 20 years old clubs, although I've been trying a new set of clubs every once in a while but no club feels as good as my MP30

  9. International subscriber here….My favourite Mizuno clubs MP-32’s …..would be great Matt if you could make it to Australia to film some content……my club is the Brookwater Golf Club……Brookwater Queensland

  10. Matt, I’m ready to play.

    If I’m honest I’ve never hit any mizuno irons but I have had a 3 wood in the bag. If I’m not lucky enough to win then please come down to Hawkstone park and I’ll host you 👍🏻

  11. Matt I'm ready to play. Favourite wedges of all Mizuno S5 great wedges in its day still is today. Currently using Mizuno JPX 919 HM irons. Nothing feels like a Mizuno 🔵⚪⛳🏌️🇮🇪

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